i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 15:46:39 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Beau was wearing down.
The work was fine enough, if he kept his head down and focused on the job. being in constant proximity was at least a balm for his misery, or as much a balm as he could hope for in a place like this. His new routine, day in and day out, managed to tamp down even the smallest attempt at humor or levity, because even when Okidogi and the guards weren't administering punishment or drawing others - or himself - to the center of the ward as horrid robotic laughingstocks, he couldn't dream of a way out of the circumstances no matter how hard he tried.
The dreams, speaking of, were another thing entirely, and he found himself in the same place every night, every time he shut his eyes. His pokemon, floating in cases, unmoving and unresponsive but unerringly still *there*. His explorations, when he dared to move further into the city, revealed glimpses of familiar faces, and he once thought he'd noticed 's distinctive hair darting around a corner, but dismissed it as an optimistic hallucination. The tower at the center, though, with its little blue pokemon suspended prominently within - that was interesting, and Beau found himself curious if the little guy was somehow at the center of all of this.
What stuck with him the most, though, was the first time the Weakling Ward was taken to the Chamber of Desires. When Eddie stepped away from the mask and offered Beau his turn, the younger man looked into it with some trepidation.
Gosh, he'd forgotten what the sun on his back felt like after so long in the prison. The beach along the shoreline of Dewford was golden and sparkling, and although it had taken months of hard work with and , the threat in Granite Cave was closed - for good, as best as they could tell, the ghosts dispelled, and the island town had never been more pristinely, comfortably home.
Orson, his Kubfu, tottered about in the shallows eagerly, chased by a grinning . Torben, his Pangoro, regarded the scene lazily from his reclined position in the sand, a small smile quirking the corner of his mouth. chatted with , the latter looking grim for the impressive tan he sported, and even was grudgingly enjoying himself, batting a beach ball back and forth with his meowth.
Beau sighed in contentment as he sipped his drink and stared out at the waves, the afternoon sun shimmering on their surface. For the first time in forever, he had nothing to worry about - no extraterrestrial threats, no Rocket, no environments on the verge of extinction, no fear that one day he wouldn't have a home to come back to. Still, something was missing, and he couldn't put his finger on it...
A brawny pair of arms encircled his waist and lifted him bodily from the ground as a booming laugh sounded from just behind him, hurling him forward where he landed in the water with a splash. Sputtering and guffawing, Beau flailed to upright himself, turning backward to stick his tongue out at , who regarded Beau with boisterous amusement. "Too much thinking, not enough enjoyin' life!" the older man proclaimed, and Beau lunged for him playfully. Surrounded by his friends, his heart had never been so full.
He pulled away from the mask, blinking tears away as the vision ended, wiping them away on his sleeve, and cold fear clutched at his spine as he was ripped from the happiest day of his life to the penitentiary once more. It was somehow more painful to see what he'd never have and be coldly reminded that this was his life now.
He'd rather be dreaming.



Main Action: Chamber of Desires[break]
Wipes tears on sleeve, will continue using this fabric to hold future tears as he detects something's strange.[break]
Spends dreamtime trying to wake his pokemon and investigating Azelf.




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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 15:53:31 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
It felt incredibly uncomfortable, to have his face smooshed and pressed around by the toxic chain. Grigori was still not entirely awake, and his stomach grumbled from hunger. His mind was clouded from the experiences of yesterday too. His back ached from his terrible sleeping spot, his neck sore from an awkward.

All of this, to say, that he wasn't sure what the point of this was. THe people laughed at him, laughed their pretty little faces off. It stung, surely, yet he couldn't trust their reactions as genuine. Especially when the figure he recognized as laughed alongside the rest of the crowd. Why would they laugh at him for such a silly face? Isn't that the point of them anyway?

But it did hurt. It rocked his already precarious position of self-doubt and loathing, and he barely managed to cling to the ledge. "Alright, alright... you can all stop it now..."

Except they didn't. Couldn't? Didn't want to? All his bosses laughed, and laughed, and the chant started in earnest. Their eyes all focused on him and the other two enchanted to perform. Did they all need to focus on him? Their eyes, the ones that could see right through him, all intently squared on his body. His face.

Fear built up in the mind and replaced and shame or self-degredations. "Stop it... please, look away..."

THey must not know. Could not know. If any of them found out what he'd seen in the mask...

He closed his eyes, and hoped they all laughed for his looks rather than what lie beneath the surface.

 - Not much here, Greg will NOT join the suffering builds character arc of and .
 - Doesn't like the act, but doesn't think much of it
 - Until he realizes all his bosses are staring at him, and he remembers his vision from the chamber of desires
 - Is then afraid and scared and needs mom to come pick him up
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April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Cutesy & Strength
Walk Hand in Hand
5'6" / 170cm height
5'6" / 170cm height
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
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Thea Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 17:11:24 GMT
Thea Naito Avatar

Thea had hopes this horror wouldn't last for too long, but it felt like days and days passed without break to that suffering.[break][break]

When was suffering the ridiculous show case, Thea gritted her teeth, feeling helpless seeing her cousin being directly targetted by the monkey Pokemon. Thea wished to give that monkey a lesson, but the chain tightly wrapped around her neck seemed to have other plans, forcing a laughter out of her lips. Her eyes teared up, feeling humiliated while she was forced to laugh at her cousin. With 's hand taking hers being the only comfort she had at the moment.[break][break]

As if that wasn't enough, the constant work with shards and going through the Feeding Pit never ended. Thea's hands were already used to the pain, and she not even once she regretted 'trusting' the other ward. For most of part, what still hurted was seeingnher friend, her cousin, and her brother and other faces that were becoming more and more familiar like and .[break][break]

The constant beating coming from the masked Pokemon was another test of resilience. And while Thea grew angry at it at first, she reminded herself of Cass' reactions to it. And not only that... she realized the obvious: It was a victim just like them. [break][break]

She wondered if she could try to calm it down at some point, or perhaps even become friendly with it. And through the feeding pit moments, she continued to try to protect her friend and her cousin from it, but this time not trying to hit it back, but catching its attention and hoping she could change its behavior at some point... especially as tired as it was at this point.




  • Mostly confused and absent minded. Is trying to endure everything and find the right moment to act.

  • Is held back by Cass when Knight is being targetted by the humiliation.

  • MAIN ACTION: Tries to calm down or be vaguely amicable to the tired Ogerpon.





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July 19th
Fortree City
student (private school)
Single (not looking)
163cm height
163cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
190 posts
Knight Naito DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @knight
Knight Naito
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 18:14:31 GMT
Knight Naito Avatar

Knight thought the worst thing he had to look forward to was a night (ha) sleeping on the floor. Oh, how sweet and naive he was.[break][break]

He'd been trying to savour his mochi as much as one person could when he was jerked from his cell, the last bite flinging from his hands and onto the dirty floor, "Noo--!" Damn it. Now what?[break][break]

"May the laughing hour now commence!"[break][break]

The who what now? Kay noticed that two other prisoners had been dragged forward with him but he had no idea who they were. He gave them both a friendly smile since, despite their situation, it was still nice to meet new people! "Hi, I'm Kni--" He shut himself up as the monkey begins to do something.[break][break]

Oh the old 'hide the thing under the cup and then move the cup' game! Knight knew this one though he wasn't very good at it. The monkey seemed very eager for them to play and Knight's efforts were sincere if, naturally, wrong and stupid. His toxic chain didn't need to guide him to the wrong box as he somehow managed to pick it every time.[break][break]

"How are you so good at this!" He exclaimed in wonder as he picked the wrong box again and the monkey laughed, and the others were encouraged to laugh.[break][break]

Kay laughed too because it was stupid and he was stupid. It wasn't something to get upset about -- was it? Wrong. He winced as one of the other guys had an outburst, and Knight felt bad for laughing then. [break][break]

He could hear some kind of chanting too but Knight didn't really focus on it and instead tried to pick the right box again (but he would have failed but it seemed it was the monkey's turn this time). When the Pokémon picked the right box and showed it to them, Knight's eyes grew wide, "Oooh!" But they had been shuffled so fast! Incredible![break][break]

After the laughing hour, they're free to go back to their miserable existences and Knight hurried back to his cousin and Cass, smiling at their concern, "Maybe if I had done better I could have won a prize for us... Like a decent meal or something." Knight scratched his head. [break][break]

Clearly, the point of the laughing hour had gone over his itty, bitty braincell.[break][break]





endured the laughing hour as his main action[break]
is honestly that stupid + maybe a lil scared of howard now[break]
thinks there was a prize to be won and feels bummed he lost :sob:[break]
idk hopefully this makes sense, i'm fatigued af[break]



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[newclass=".knight .credit"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]
[newclass=".knight .credit a"]font:10px Poppins!important;[/newclass]··
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 18:42:50 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
The cots space was limited, so though Johanna did her best to try and accommodate for more often than not as she woke from the collective dream some mishap was bound to have happened, whether it was a knee in her side or an elbow in her face. All of it felt like tickles compared to what she was otherwise offered.

The Laughing Hour was horrible, scarring, and though no matter how many times she experienced it, she felt sick to her stomach, and worst of all vile for laughing along. Though she felt the Toxic Chain force the response, deep down she felt that if she had just tried hard enough she would have been able to resist. But she didn’t, and so she felt just as evil as the wardens were sure to be.

But The Laughing Hour paled in comparison to seeing how ’s fixation on the Feeding Pit creature was turning to obsession. It tore at her heart to see a friend suffer like that and worse, it tore to see such effort unrewarded.

And so deep in the pits she found herself helping her friend as best she could, wrestling the beast or at least trying to. She hoped to tire it of its near boundless beating-energy. And she was rewarded in kind with beatings of her own.

Each blow that was hammered onto her left a mark, and yet she joined in Andrea’s chorus.

“Listen to her! We can be free, just let us help you!”

- Johanna lives her prison life.
- She spends a lot of time cleaning the FEEDING PITS (Main action)
- She tries to help in wrestling with the Feeding-Pit-Beast and try to appeal to the goodness in its heart.

wkx_L|uK (Salaccing this)
(Salaccing this 2)
(Salaccing this 3)
(Salaccing this 4)
(Salaccing this 5)
(Salaccing this 6)

Punished Pokemon:


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December 25
Cascarrafa, Paldea
0 height
0 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @lucia
Lucia Aldrete
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 19:16:37 GMT
Lucia Aldrete Avatar
The rest she had gotten that night was one of the deepest sleeps she ever had. Lucia had woken up in a stupor, as her brain had been lagging behind some of the other people that were being fed. The mask on her face felt almost as if it wasn't there until her hands rubbed at her eyes and became blocked by the feeling of cold metal.

”Wuh…” She mumbled under her breath, still half asleep from what had been happening. Her mochi tasted the same as yesterday though the comfort was diluted as a result of what she had been through.

Today’s docket wasn't that much better, judging by how she was suddenly pulled hard from her cell by the toxic chains. The force had caused her to stumble and trip, then dragged the rest of the way. She came across some other people in this same precarious little situation with her. One of whom was who she had talked to beforehand! If only their reunion wasn’t here of all places.

”Likewise.” She whispered to Ever.

There came one other person who had been unfortunate enough to be grouped in with everyone. @shredzepplin. Lucia's eyes followed the monkey while it dragged a rather strange looking man towards the platform by them. She couldn’t recognize him or say they had met, but the telltale signs of pain were there. Yet she didn't push her luck, knowing full well about what kind of punishments the group had in store for everybody present.

Their goal was pretty simple, just as the previous days. Pick up huge rocks and put them in crates. The task was simple enough in theory.

In practice, not so much.

These things were impossible to lift. Lucia had tried her absolute best to lift even one of the smaller pieces but was left without much of anything to show for it. She grunted and pulled at the chunks of ore and rock that refused to budge until her hands had become raw and red. The worst part wasn't the exhaustion or the pain that came of this, no. It was the laughter that followed from all around them. She paused to look all around her while they laughed at their misfortune, trying to cover her pairs in a vain attempt to shield from the noise.

”I'm sorry…” Lucia cried, tears streaming down her face inside of the mask. Their bellowing guffaws and cheery laughter continued uninterrupted. It only made her all the more pained to try and lift the damn rock. Still, nothing. She looked at her comrades, audibly sobbing in her helmet. ”I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault. I shouldn't be here. I'm not strong enough.” Apologies repeated endlessly while the others didn't fare too well either.

It was only 's voice that had broken through with a plan that made Lucia pause her whining. It was a good plan, one that had made her nod her head in agreement. So far it was the best one they had so far.


Lucia went on the other side of Ever and did her best to try and lift the rock with him and and maybe @shredzepplin


- Lucia wakes up from her dream and eats her mochi half awake.
- She's pulled out of her cell and dragged towards the middle of the platform with others
- Made to do a pointless and impossible task without much effort, another crying fit and apologizing
- Goes along with 's plan to lift the rock at the same time

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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
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TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 19:27:24 GMT
Ettie Avatar
The morning, perhaps, takes Ettie by surprise. She yelps a bit as she's awaken by 's shout and scrambling - and it takes a second for her to regain her bearings.

But, as things click and she glances to Andrew, she cocks her head in clear confusion. "What wrong..? Floor is cold, cold makes hungry faster," Ettie spoke, in an attempt to explain herself. "Didn't want friend to be cold." There was no reason to force him to bear with that, and there was no saying whether the mochi would keep being provided forever...

But, at least this time, it is. Food is eaten - Ettie wrinking her nose at the sickly-sweetness - and then, comes the Laughter.

At first, Ettie is a bit taken aback in seeing Andrew's laughter at their wardmates' struggle. Was it really that funny? It didn't seem like it to her - and yet... Before she knew it, she'd find herself being made to laugh as well. Against her will, little chuckles hiccupped up from her chest - and this loss of control sent a chilling feeling through her. She didn't want to do this. Why was she doing this?

She digs her nails into her arms, as if in an attempt to stop herself - but to no avail. It hurts. But all she can do is laugh. It's all Munkidori!


... For the most part, the days would pass in an almost auto-pilot blur. Ettie was still the supportive pup, always backing up and seeking the company of friends such as , , and even . But, wardmates she didn't know quite as well - but still considered friend - like , , , , and more, had her support. Noone would be alone in this, and she'd make sure of it best she could.

Though, the smiles and encouraging words she passed them always hid her own growing pains - a growing depression, from being separated from her family. From having not had so much as a glimpse of the sun, or a chance to run and play as she pleased.

(The dreams ended up being a place where she could find some place to hide away, and let out the despairing feelings she had pent up.)

But, with the passing days, came some respite. Because soon, the Ward's turn to visit the Chamber of Desires. To have the mask off, to breathe freely, to be able to see her wardmates... There was comfort in this.

Ettie also couldn't help but find something dazzling, about the strange mask they had lined up for. It shined in beauteous colors, not unlike when her pokemon would terastalize (though the thought of them made her heart twist a little.) Was this related, she wondered?

All the same, as she was beckoned forth...-

-... She would find herself in the wilds, moving through the woods at a breakneck pace, faster than she'd ever been able to move on her own. The wind rushed past her, the sun shone upon her through the gaps in the canopy above - breaths puffing fast and heavy through her fangs out of exertion and excitement alike. She did not need to look to know that a handful of her packmates were moving with her - working hard to keep pace.

This was a chase. This was a hunt, something at the back of her mind whispered. The signs of it were there - hoofprints, broken foliage, the smell of blood intoxicatingly filling the air past the familiar smells of moss and earth. Their prey was injured - it was likely to tire long before the pack would, and the pattern of the tracks implied a limp.

Even if it hadn't been injured, though... The thrill of the chase would've been enough to keep Ettie going for as long as she wanted. She knew these woods like the back of her claws - nothing could elude her, and she was every bit a persistence hunter as her kin were.

And there - not far ahead! She could hear it before she saw it, but a Stantler was in full run; or at least, as close to one as it could manage with the deep claw-gash in one of its legs. Catching glimpses of it through the trees, Ettie grinned - eyes wild with excitement - before barking wordlessly to her packmates. She saw out of the corners of her eyes as the fastest of the hunting party would split off to either side and run ahead - the black and gold of Duchess, and the pale blue of Maria.

Their prey was as good as caught, Ettie knew. Because before long, the Stantler cried out with alarm as Duchess and Maria suddenly burst out from the foliage ahead of it, bringing it to a sudden stop. Not about to go out without a fight, it would initially attempt to Bulldoze through them...

... This distraction and pause was enough for Ettie to act. With a rush of speed, she charged at her prey from behind - striking it with an Accelerock that sent it stumbling, and allowed her to leap upon it! Sharp claws dug into its hide, as the Stantler thrashed and bucked beneath her. Its antlers began to glow with psychic power, clearly another attempt to fight back--

-- But the rest of the hunting party was upon it, teeth sinking into limbs to pull it down to the ground. The Stantler cried out once more, keening and desperate - but its struggles were to no avail. Ettie's jaws closed around the Stantler's throat... And it soon fell still.

Ettie was filled with satisfaction, over yet another successful hunt. Her pack would be eating well. The taste of the blood on her tongue had her salivating at the idea of a meal - but that would wait. First, they wanted to get this meal home. And so, Anne and Zeit both took a hold of the Stantler, carrying it with them as they began returning home...

... Though, it's partway into the trek back to the den, that something catches Ettie's attention. Passing along a pond, she sees something strange in the reflection - and pausing to gaze at the reflection, it's almost startling, what she sees staring back.

A Lycanroc, some form of bipedal variant - though not quite the same as a Midnight Lycanroc. Its fur was white as snow - save for the black fur around its prominent claws - with bright red eyes, and a pale pink nose. The white is soft, almost cloudlike - whereas the black is sleek and shiny, almost as if it were onyx metal. Its tail - not curled, but straight like a Midday or Dusk Lycanroc - gives a slight twitch, before it begins to wag as the beast's ears perk.

Ettie truly was kin now. She was closer to her pack than ever before. She cannot help an almost raspy laugh, smiling bright. "Am... Different." She murmurs to herself, happy, filled with an almost strange sense of euphoria in seeing what she had become. "Am... Me."

And... Was it to do with the chain? She sees the purple Toxic Chain now, hidden in the mane of fur around her neck, curled around like a collar. It has long, prominent spikes that jut out from her mane - darker colored and hardened, like that of a Lycanroc's spikes.

Hearing a bark from of of her packmates though, Ettie glances over - and she moves to catch up with them...--

-- But almost as quicky as she had been drawn into this experience, she is shunted out of it. Ettie stumbles a bit, dazed by the sudden shift back to reality. She already missed the sun and breeze, the smell of the woods, everything that had embodied freedom.

Alongside her wardmates though, Ettie takes solace at least in the warmth of the shower. A comfort that she didn't realize she needed, really.

But still, the dreamlike experience that that shining mask had given her lingers in her mind - even as she is soon brought back to the ward to laugh, eat, and sleep. Perhaps, if she endures, she'll be able to be like that..? Deep down, she wishes to be able to be with her pack - to run and play freely again...
- Ettie is Dummy Ward
- Ettie is alarmed by being upset, tries to explain herself.
- Laughing Hour is not fun. She finds herself disturbed by the sudden lack of control she had over herself.
- The week passes in an unpleasant semi-blur for Ettie. Always trying to support her friends and wardmates, but also hiding how she's growing equal parts restless and despondent. Uses the dreams as a place to hide away and let out her true feelings.
- Eventually gets a visit to the Chamber of Desires; her mask-vision being her hunting alongside her pack as some variant of a Lycanroc.
- (Bulldoze mention for endeavors-)
- Clings to the vision even after she returns to the ward, as a source of potential hope. Wishes to be able to run alongside her pack again.
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 20:40:38 GMT

it's a delusion. [break][break]

a delusion created by the desperate attempts to retain a semblance of normalcy - she'll assume so, at least, based on how the prison guards of the waking world were so happy to prance through their daily activities in this fever dream. she hears the whispers and hopeful ramblings of the megalopeans, and she can't help but to crack a pessimistic, disappointed smile. [break][break]

they hope to find salvation in their misery. [break][break]

she'd have thought that the events that led to their ruins would have taught them that despair only fosters a deeper sense of resentment; were they so blinded? in the dream, she stops in her tracks, glaring down one of her pokemon through the looking glass. does she have the right to judge? [break][break]

every dream ends, at some point. it disappears and she, who wandered her way to the tower, finds the image of the.. odd creature. it looks familiar enough, however, like she's read about it before. marisol doesn't have the time to think about it, as she's woken up. for her, she's startled awake by the sharp pain in her ribs. yup, it's still likely broken, but she can still move around - it wasn't as severe as something like a broken arm or leg. she can still work, and she can still move. she'll just be careful not to aggravate it more during her time here. [break][break]

the poison in the chains isn't anything she's experienced before; marisol is no stranger to toxins, but this brings forth a stinging throbbing into her head. still, she remembers the dream - and remembers the emptiness she felt walking those deluded streets. the delusion ends when mochi is thrown to their cell, and marisol carefully removes herself from for both their comfort. then, she lowers herself to pick up some of the food - carefully sharing with her cellmate. [break][break]

they'll need all the energy they can get. if they're being fed poison for the energy, she'll consume it until she's rotten to the core. [break][break]

another event is made to be a spectacle, and there's nothing humorous about it. yet when the toxins seep into her flesh, she can't help but to laugh and repeat like a mindless slave (the same way she was, the way she had been). to others, it was jarring, perhaps embarrassing. perhaps the victims in the center already knew that this was all involuntary, but the vulnerability and humiliation transcends the manufactured laughter. [break][break]

marisol herself isn't fazed by this - she's so close to slipping back into being a passenger of her own mind. in fact, perhaps this was better; she can actually remember what she was doing this time around. the laughing hour inevitably ends, and she endures the best she can. it was going to be.. a long time until anything changed, it would seem. [break][break]

and she was right. [break][break]

throughout waking hours, she's a void - a husk. it's to be expected when when it's a place of routine, and a place where things needed to get done. it didn't matter how she might be humiliated throughout the week or otherwise; she does her own and bides her time until she's given freedom in the dream, then she wakes up and repeats the cycle. yet with each day that passes, the dream is the only place she can finally express herself and break - and tears fall until she makes attempts to collect them for herself. she never liked the salty droplets, but it can't be helped. [break][break]

the daytime is blur, but in the dream, she moves to collect information. whether it be visiting her pokemon and the familiar creature in the tower, she passes by them in favour of the most pressing matter; collecting information from the guards. they'll never talk to her otherwise, so she pulls them over each night to ask questions in their fervor. one night, she finally works up the courage to pull someone aside, a serene smile on her lips. a practiced smile on her lips. [break][break]

"hey," she pulls them over, lightly. it's only in a dream she can smile. when she's collected enough information about the black knight necrozma, she'll take a gamble. "have you ever seen a large, skeletal beast?" [break][break]

fragments of another dream haunt her to this day, but she'll never forget the clash between a prismatic knight clad in darkness, and the desperation of a corrupted beast. her lips curl into a smile, a snake ready to sink in her fangs. [break][break]

"one that could defeat the accursed necrozma."



- rolling for disadvantage[break]
- marisol is this close to dissociating again[break]
- she doesn't break to despair by sheer willpower; the one time being messed in the head helps her[break]
- visits her pokemon and azelf whenever she enters the dream; eventually lets herself cry and breaks the desensitized mask while she's asleep[break]
- collects information on megalopolis; asking about events that led to the destruction, motives for imprisoning them, necrozma, and a large, skeletal dragon beast




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January 25th
6'1 height
6'1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
74 posts
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TAG WITH @nimbus
Laurence Whateley
POSTED ON May 3, 2024 22:26:56 GMT
Laurence Whateley Avatar

It had been hellish from the repetitiveness of dreams to the hellish beatings from the chained creature below them to the torture of simply being ridiculed by others. It became a cycle, waking up in almost the same degree of cold sweats, and enduring the rest, the only prayer from the doctor being that he’d be the only one he knew having to go about it.

It had started simple, Laurence having to scarf down the mochi with as much regret as possible, hoping it would at least subdue that growing and demanding feeling of sludge going through his body. It’d been a week now, and it had seemed like clockwork the toxic chain would do as much damage to his system as it could before the first meal would be given. Sometimes if he hadn’t eaten what he could without having it come back up, it’d linger, like a hangover that refused to be cured, having him silently wish for death to come and sweep him up like the mochi they’d pick up from the basement floors.

Today, however, would be different. That repetitiveness would be broken right after he’d eaten his “fill” of mochi. A tightness would surround his throat, playfully teetering on the edge of crushing his windpipe and leaving him gasping for air, before he’d find himself going towards the center of the ward, his destination. Right towards that damned Baboon of a Warden. Munkidori hadn’t been gentle with its incoming person, dropping him quite haphazardly onto the ground with a thud as Laurence gripped his chest for a moment, almost hoping that the lighter pressure would trick himself into pulling in some sort of air. But the monkey had little care of how long it’d take him, the game would begin…It raised a hand in the air.

“How many fingers am I holding up?”

A megalopolan would ask, the translator looking at the writhing doctor and the Warden with such a stoic expression. Laurence continued to clutch his chest, trying to bring life into his already stressed lungs. A second passed…Then two. Then three. And once Laurence could get an actual breath in, he gave the paw a look, spotting only 3, but when it came to his lips…


“The answer is three.”

The megalopolan responded almost immediately, the monkey snickered in glee before its eyes glowed a proud purple, the aura tensing around Laurence as well before he was sent flying toward the group of prisoners watching. Hurdling into a few, who were unlucky to catch the hurtling man.

“Come back up and take another guess. We shall do it until you answer correctly.”

The interpreter said once again, waiting for Laurence to stand up. The doctor took a moment but found that there was little reward in provoking it, rather he walked back to the center. This time, the monkey raised 2 fingers. Laurence sighed, fixing his lips to say the answer, but once again it came out wrong.


And in almost the same manner, he found himself being flung again, this time, towards another direction. 

"Come up once again", the megalopolan said again, his blank tone only bringing a wary wave of fatigue through the doctor. This would be a long hour. 


* Laurence goes through the motions 
* Laurence is then chosen for the Laughing Hour 
* Laurence gets fucked over multiple times in the number game

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 0:27:09 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Isaac stepped forth.[break][break]

Into the Petalburg Woods, more lush and vibrant than they'd ever been. Cherry blossoms fluttered through the air, carried along the lingering wisps of a cool breeze. He didn't chase it anymore. He no longer needed to. Hoenn was free - he was free - and now they could properly heal. Nevertheless, he held a hand up, savoring the feeling of it running through his fingers. He reached for the trees, wrapping his fingers around a thick handful of[break][break]

mochi and viscera, a feeling he would never grow accustomed to no matter how many days passed. It felt like no matter how hard he and the others tried to clean the place, it only grew filthier and filthier. Were the Megalopians making more of a mess just to spite them? Or was it because of their enslaved beast, who Isaac could only pity even as her vicious kicks cracked his already-weary[break][break]

eyes wide open as the lights of the city seared his eyes. Every day, the same dream. From the hushed whispers he heard in the penitentiary, he knew he wasn't alone. By day, they toiled and suffered. By night, their hearts and minds connected in a world beyond their own. He watched the others from afar, beholding them without masks for the first time in ages. He yearned to reach out to him, the urge swelling in his chest to-[break][break]

laugh. Laugh and laugh and laugh some more, until tears squeezed out of his eyes from the strain. No matter how much he resented it, the toxic chain forced his hand. Fuck that. didn't deserve this. Yet whether it slithered up from his gullet as he tried to keep it down, or he forced it from his lungs in harsh, sarcastic barks, there was nothing Isaac could do to stop[break][break]

the lunch rush. The same team that had once mended the Petalburg Woods now ensured he always had the freshest ingredients to go with the local tastings. The arrangements inspired by were as much a feast for the eyes as the recipes he learned from were for the belly. It was always the Isaac way; learn from the best, put his own spin on things, and pay tribute to the two he could never reconcile with. Yet he couldn't stick around and watch. Down in the basement, he was needed for a heart to heart with[break][break]

his dear patron, trapped in stasis with all the other legends. Isaac could swear he saw Suicune's entire body shudder. Such a free spirit didn't do well in captivity. Were they frightened? Were they enraged? Or were they trying, even now, to escape? "Like hell am I gonna leave you here," Isaac snarled, taking a few steps back on shaky legs. Then, throwing all caution to the winds, he lunged at Suicune's containment. In one step, two step, then three, the winds took him for the first time in ages. Yet try as he might to probe for an opening in Suicune's prison, it was airtight. Defeated, he fell to the ground. At least if his powers worked, he could mend his leg with[break][break]

scraps of tattered cloth, torn from the hem of his robes with a sharpened tera shard. He couldn't keep pulling that trick forever. Already, his robes were starting to show a bit of midriff. But with the condition his leg was in, he couldn't just let old, soiled cloth plug the wound forever. It didn't help that the accursed monkey always found a way to "accidentally" nudge his broken[break][break]

promise. He'd told he wouldn't try anything reckless. He knew if things got worse for him, she wouldn't be able to handle it. But that was in the waking world, where he was as powerless as the day he was born. In this dream, he felt no hunger or thirst. The pain in his leg faded to the back of his mind. His power was back. He had to see what he could do with it. He took a deep breath, gazed off to the horizon, and ran[break][break]

for the Hoenn council. The war ending was just the first in a journey of a thousand steps. Fractures and hatred still ran deep, and for understandable reason. The wounds Rocket left, to those they hated and those they claimed to represent alike, were not the type time alone could heal. Yet if he could just find the right words to mend the gap, to give a region deemed forsaken by the gods themselves a second chance, maybe they could help each other heal. certain thought he could, but to Isaac it wasn't about winning. It was about sending[break][break]

a message. This is what they would live for, torturous labor in the bowels of a house of horrors.[break][break]

a message. This is what they would die for, a luxurious city beyond the stars whose roads would be paved in their blood.[break][break]

a message. This is what they lost for crossing the Megalopians, fleeting hopes they could snatch away with but the snap of a finger.[break][break]

What else could Isaac do but lay his head down and[break][break]

sleep in the arms of his beloved , barely finding the energy to crawl into bed after putting the finishing touches on his lates kids' book. After everything he'd accomplished, everything he'd tried, everything he'd endured, it was these little windows into the outside world he sought to prioritize. He was never the type to be in charge, but touching peoples' hearts? That he could do.[break][break]

sleep scrunched up against the back of his cot, humming quietly for Eris as he eased her to sleep. She'd stopped fighting their arrangement once she realized it at least kept the nightmares away. It was the only thing Isaac was good for anymore, so it was a duty he rose to with pride. Broken, imprisoned, and depowered, at least he could always make his little sister smile.[break][break]

fall to one knee, having exhausted himself exploring every nook and cranny of the dream world. He woke up exhausted each morning, as if he was running himself ragged in his waking hours, but he couldn't bring himself to stop. It felt like there had to be something, anything he could do. Yet as he failed night after night, he found himself losing the strength to even try. His eyelids grew heavy. His body started to waver. At any moment, Isaac knew sleep would take him, as it had in every facet of this nightmare triad. All he had to do was let[break][break]

a familiar weight settle into his arms. Her hair was different, but everything else about her was exactly as he'd remembered. Was this a dream? Was this a fantasy? No. No matter which of the three worlds he wandered, he knew this was real. "Fuck, I missed you so much . . ."[break][break]

For a while, they just sat there, being each other's rock. Even as Nomi spoke, she clung onto him for dear life, a favor Isaac returned without a second thought. It was as if he feared she'd disappear the second he let go. It was just like old times; talking the night away on harebrained schemes and farfetched theories, being the sounding board on which she wrote the fabric of the universe.[break][break]

These were the moments that made the old days worth living.[break][break]

He had so much to say about the natures of dreams and reality, picked up from her eager ramblings and his lived-in experience. In any other time, he would have excitedly rambled alongside her, letting her laugh warmly as she corrected his misconceptions and perk up as his inexperience let her consider angles she'd missed. Yet this time, he knew it was her moment. He quieted himself and listened, only holding her that slight bit closer as she finished her plea.[break][break]

"I trust you."[break][break]


TEAL DEER;[break]
I get experimental![break]
Isaac puts his faith in Nomi's experiment.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,436 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 1:28:16 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
Each passing day stretches and stretches until, more than once, he considers giving up all-together.

Physically he gets by — barely. The Mochi keeps him just strong enough to not collapse in on himself. But mentally? The already fractured walls only crumble further.

Greyson contemplates the future quite often over the course of a week; any stretch of silence an excuse to dive into the prison that was his mind. He finds quickly that the metaphorical bars are no different than the real thing.

It's there he remembers bits and pieces of a life forgotten. They dwell longer, and more substantial than ever before; parallels guided by fear and hopelessness, alongside an uncertainty that swells just a little more each day.

Was he always this mentally weak? Or, was it just compounded from the hectic last few months? He has considerable time to ponder that question.

Even , despite all he had done to her, encourages him forward. That guilt is a spear through the gut. Waking up the next day is near impossible.

The pain, and fear, comes to a head in the recesses of the prison's bottom chamber. Like the rest of them, this wooden-legged Pokémon was flagging; was it too fighting against its bonds? Or something more?

"Fight." He says, voice weak. Even as the club smashes against his arm and sends shockwaves of agony throughout his body, his voice climbs. "Fight it. Don't give up. You can't die here."

He can't help but reflect that he might've been speaking more to himself, than this strange Pokémon.


Weak Ward.
Slowly giving up hope of escaping.
Remembers bits and pieces more of GOODBYE GALAR.
Reflects upon his own mental weakness. Was he always this way, or a culmination of recent events?
Tells Ogerpon: 'Fight it. Don't give up. You can't die here.' It feels as if he's talking to himself more than it.


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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 1:59:15 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]The dream dies and begins to rot. [break][break]

Walls, pavement, buildings all seem to sigh, exhausted. Their forms fall in on themselves as death takes them, pungent scent assailing her senses. She watches the scene warp before her eyes, some seeming-parody of exaggerated cyclical decay, watching the city disappear into the dark created by Galar's Black Knight.[break][break]

Then, a momentary silence, broken only by a crude bout of laughter. [break][break]

It feels like a joke, that laughter-- pointed not at any particular thing but rather the subject of the joke itself, humor that begets itself as a serpent devouring its tail. Whatever the cause, whatever the end, it shall remain a mystery lost to the dark.[break][break]

She immerses herself in that echoing laughter for what feels like an eternity. She loses herself. Everything is lost to it, til she forgets how to... breathe? She needs to breathe to live, doesn't she?[break][break]

Hand reaches to her neck. Eyes open, chest heaving. [break][break]

She hits the floor of her cell, and the impact forces air into her lungs. The laughter, she realizes, was her own wheezing as she struggles to breathe against the toxic chain round her neck. She feels the stone floor of her cell against her cheek, cold and soothing, something to abate her fever... then, she turns to the panopticon. The room swirls. Dazzling sight of a gorgeous bird burns her eyes, and a distorted vision of laughing through his tears.[break][break]

A clattering of metal on metal, and the twisted form of a megalopolan looks down at her.[break][break]

She stares at it for a moment.[break][break]

"The angel..."[break][break]

She doesn't speak of her own Nihilego. Instead, she speaks of the angel taught her about in the midst of a scarlet simulation. Not that the megalopolan would know the difference, even if it wasn't enthralled by the same chain that binds her now.[break][break]

"What're you doin' with... that... thing..."[break][break]

She spends the rest of her energy on that, and trails off. The megalopolan dumps mochi into the cell and moves on, leaving her to languish in the post-dream exhaustion, still giggling to herself. She stares at the mochi on the ground. It looks appetizing, but... she can't quite reach it. [break][break]

She tries to focus. [break][break]

What was her last thought before the dream...? [break][break]

It takes her a moment, but she reaches up and clutches her throat in hand, feeling the pulse of the chain beneath her fingers. Where it connects feels like a poorly-attached limb, an extension of herself. Like a lycanroc caught in a trap, she snarls at whatever the chain is caught on, keeping her on this cold floor, mochi just out of reach... [break][break]

It reminds her of the captivity of her youth, bound in chains of a much more metaphorical nature but nonetheless just as stifling. No matter what, she longed to leave that place. To escape. And then...[break][break]

"... I'm... not your slave... won't end up like the angel... "[break][break]

What she saw as she gazed into the mask - a peaceful life, the life she always wanted, a place she could enjoy her life while not embroiled in war for a single week - suddenly comes into stark relief. She gasps, forcibly drawing in breath to keep on laughing. It hurts now, laughing like this. It's torture, breathing in til she feels a stitch in her side, feeling the chain tighten round her neck with each sharp intake of breath. [break][break]

A sudden rush of endorphins. She feels the toxins bubbling up, filling her head as she mutters under her breath...[break][break]

"Fezandipiti is... the prettiest! Fezandipiti is the prettiest! Fezandipiti is..."[break][break]

The taste of those words in her mouth make her sick. Words she doesn't mean. Words she'd never say. She swore she'd never compromise herself again, to say things she didn't mean to appease others. and know well, these past few months working for the council just how prone she is to saying exactly what she has on her mind. [break][break]

"Fezand... ipiti is the... prettiest...!"[break][break]

She silently curses, still giggling under her breath, and bites down on that false limb, trying to tear through it with her teeth. [break][break]

"F-Fez... and... ip... it.. i... i-is... the... p-pretti..."[break][break]

The pain is excruciating, as would be tearing through her own flesh. But she doesn't stop. Not until the laughing hour comes to an end. [break][break]


+ idk who to ping here but ur all lovely <3[break]
+ Ugly Ward[break]
+ Roll DESPAIRING Disadvantage[break]
+ tl;dr - 2baki awakens disoriented from the dream, starts laughing, but she remembers what she saw in the mask -- FREEDOM -- and starts chewing through the toxic chain attached to her like a wolf chewing through its own limb caught in a trap. She laughs thru the pain.


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,327 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 2:05:37 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

who's afraid of little old me? [break]
well, you should be




their life becomes nothing more than a meaningless routine - endless, boring, continuously going through the motions. she's tired of how easy it is to lose oneself in this type of schedule, as if it's all they've ever known.


she despises it, really, but what else can they do?


for the most part, she stays close to throughout the day. they do their tasks in distracted silence and when they return to the cell, she quickly slips into a restless sleep...


the dream world is the only place she really feels like life comes back in small pink sparks.


here, she speaks with , , and ... as well as hunts down and . she's wild, free, able to be everything or nothing as she damn chooses. there's no chains, no restraints keeping her as one single entity or as a prisoner of whoever their wardens work for. she falls asleep each night and awakens into this dream more alive than ever.


every night - like clockwork, really - she visits the cryostasis chambers where her pokemon rest. her hand rests against the glass and despite splitting open the skin on the back of her knuckles, she still has yet to break her way into getting her team out. even with a pleading look toward the sleeping azelf, she has been unsuccessful for now. she suspects, soon, that perhaps things will shift and her luck will change.


and as days blend together, it's the only thing keeping her fully sane now... well, aside from 's familiar and comforting presence throughout each day. they work, they dream, and she plots nothing but escape after escape.

[attr="class","oocnotes"]t8FsW|BT [break]
routine is boring, dream world isn't[break]
keeps trying to wake up palkia...


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 2:34:19 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]

Like sheep, the single-file line of prisoners are herded into an entirely new room. In the direct center is a curious mask stood atop on a pedestal, the back of its face almost inviting them to take a look through. Noel and the others are instructed to gaze into the splendor of the mask, where all of their desires can be made reality. Some easily follow their instructions, some are reluctant, while others resist but are forced to by the wardens.[break][break]

There seemed to be no getting out of this situation, not with every warden along with several Megalopolan bodyguards watching their every move. With no way out, Noel decides it best to play along for now, after all, there was no chance peering into a mask would give him the power to make his dreams come true.[break][break]

Yet his heart beat loudly in his eardrums. He had every reason to be nervous, in this madhouse, the unthinkable was becoming more and more normal with each passing day. Others had already gotten accustomed to this prison life, but Noel still held onto a sliver of hope that the opportunity for some sort of rebellion could rise.[break][break]

As he affixes the mask onto his face, his vision blacks out before suddenly returning. He sees himself, standing over multiple bodies, the likes of , , , and , some of their identities being completely unknown to him, all laying lifeless on the floor beneath him, blood on his clothes washed from the heavy rain pouring down on the area. An almost endless ocean of Rockets slain seemingly by his hands.[break][break]

Noel jumps backward, his body breaking out in a cold sweat as his breathing grows ragged and heavy, the mask still standing neatly in place. He has no time to think. Already he's shoved aside so that the next person has their turn, being led to the communal shower room to be cleaned of any filth.[break][break]

Naked and confused, he finds himself in a corner away from everyone else to spend some time to himself. With no clothes on and the searing hot shower water streaming down onto his slim but toned body, he is left alone with his thoughts.[break][break]

That couldn't have been his desire. No... it was true... He wants Rocket dealt with more than anything in the world. But the measures taken in that vision was much too extreme for him.[break][break]

"That... couldn't be true... I couldn't do that..."[break][break]

While deep in thought, he doesn't even notice the water being turned off, his senses only coming back when a guard yells at him to return with the other prisoners. A new set of clothes is given to him, which he doesn't even remember putting on. The next few moments were all a blur to him.[break][break]

The next thing he can remember is being put back in his cell for a good night's rest. However, sleep would not come easily to him. The darkened room let his mind wander on everything he had seen today, and whether or not he would believe it all.

Sees a vision of him killing every single Rocket member[break][break]
Takes a shower NAKED[break][break]
Goes to sleep (after a while) after ruminating

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
439 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 2:40:12 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
The soul was a resilient thing.

It took abuse, pain, agony, toils, and very single relevent adjective without so much as a flinch. It had to; they’d been molded by evolution. To have a weak soul was to have someone unwilling to reproduce. They’d be eliminated from the population within a single generation. It wasn’t an infectious condition either.

But they all had a limit. They did not break, but they tore. Scratches, scrapes, tears into the otherwise tough material was all too common. Suffering was the secret third guarantee of life, and it usually proved to strengthen the soul after the incident occured.

Grigori wondered if this was such a moment, after several grueling days of monotony. Of abuse, of terror, of pain and agony and exhaustion. Maybe that’s why, when subjected to the trial of the feeding pit, he threw down his meager handfuls of mochi mush and growled.

Oi, what’s–

Grigori extended his arm, only able to pinpoint their location based on their voice, and slammed them into the ground. They cursed and struggled, but it soon didn’t matter. A green mass came forward and barreled straight into the broken grunt.

They fell together into a mass of yelps and grunts, with Grigori on the bottom. Weak, desperate hands clawed at the face, the back, the toxic chain. “Let me tear it off! Give me a chance, I’ll end your suffering!

Pon, pon!” Even in its weakened state, it was more than capable of tossing Grigori to the side. He rolled across the slop like a sack of potatoes, hitting fellow prisoner limbs on the way. And when he came to a stop, his bones protesting and his muscles on fire, he let himself lay with closed eyes for a few seconds.

Only a few. Then, he went on the hunt. After the creature that assaulted them in a blind rage. He would help the creature by trying to remove its toxic chain. If that didn’t work, then he’d be the punching bag while the rest of them hurried to clean the grounds of purple waste.

Either way, they would be done with their cleaning, he would die, or the green demon would stop its assault. No matter the cost, no matter the pain. Such was the burden of a grunt, of a soul. How much more could his take?

 - To be, or not to be. That is the question
 - After some inner turmoil, Grigori slams a fellow prisoner NPC into the mochi mush to save them from an Ogerpon attack
 - He gets into a small tussle with the weakened Ogerpon (this happens further into the week), and he gets thrown away
 - He comes to a stop in lots of pain, gives himself a moment, and then starts to chase after the Ogerpon
 - No matter what, this will come to an end for someone. Hopefully, him or the Ogerpon

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP