i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,455 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 16:43:15 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
his braviary could handle a lot of weight. priam has experienced it first hand when he tried out being in the taxi business. in the heat of the moment, however, he forgets the specifics when a grovyle tries to push him and the shiinotic wrapped around his arm away from his bird.

"you're kicking me out of this ride for no reason?! are you stupid? oh my god, what is wrong with you? you're gonna kill us both! is your brain fucking dama--"

priam stops when the weight is seemingly lifted off of him. the panic doesn't stop, however, as he rushes straight to the entrance and encourages his braviary to exit faster. "argh! just go, go, go!" he chants as he taps its back lightly.

the avian and the trainer bolt outside the basement floor and out to the safety. priam recalls his braviary as soon as they're out to prevent it from acting out as the boy rolls on the ground, arms around the shiinotic that had just fainted as he braced from impact.

eventually, he stabilizes. his phone rings as he finally gets signal for being above ground. he zips his jacket up, carries the fainted shiinotic by its arm, and takes the phone from his pocket to answer the call from .

"aaaah! mister lucas fuckin' lane!" he shouts from the other end, still high on adrenaline. he tries to calm himself down, but he finds it impossible with the fast beating of his heart. "i swear a fuckin' psycho just tried to kill me down there! where are ya? get me out of here quick!

he turns and tries to find either or @zacharias , and when he spots them, signals that he's going to be splitting up from them for a moment.

  • priam gets out.
  • attempts to meet up with
  • shiinotic fainted or smth along the way

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 21:55:53 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar

they materialize just beyond the crowded doors, knocking into panicked contest goers as every tries to escape the building. the rumble from the explosion sends them wobbling, kirlia and arctozolt barely able to keep a firm hold on illeana. the vial containing the sap sample is clutched tightly in one hand for a moment before her body goes limp. both pokemon shift to catch her dead weight, arctozolt struggling to support that thicc ass brain with his lil babey arms while kirlia snags the vial before it shatters against the ground. we didn't just sacrifice golett for u to drop that shit, rude ass.

anyway, someone point them to the nearest medic because illie's heavy and they're done.

tl;dr -
edited to the correct abomination bc apparently my single brain cell no longer works?
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 14, 2020 23:20:02 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

kazimir never got to see if his dragon buddy was ok or not as the green dog prepared to jump into the branches above to save their hides. resigning to the thought of losing one of his own he braced himself for the escape, what he didn't brace for was the sudden extra weight that was suddenly on them as they were jumping. it didn't take long for kaz to see that a handsome clown man had jumped onto him and was holding onto him tightly. to make things worse it was the guy who's mime jr was the one that set fire to everything! talk about luck!
keeping his mouth shut until they were within safe distance of the crumbling building. once outside kaz did his best to shove the guy off of him as he rolled off his new doggo friend. "hey ya jerk get the hell off of me and wake up! your stupid little clown nearly kil-" he wasn't fully aware of the haunter that appeared before him and cast a powerful sleep spell on him that knocked him out like a light. falling backwards onto the ground as he dreamed of more hot men the zygarde let out a loud bark at the haunter and man as it stood over kazimir's body, not ready to let anymore harm come between it and its vessel.


    * kaz is fast asleep![break]
    * zygarde is protecting kaz from !


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 4:10:16 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

The feather disintegrated the moment it was held up, and immediately propelled not just Al—Irina, but the other two ladies skywards in the terrific blast of air that shot through the entire area like it was nothing. She was hoping that it would dissipate most of, if not all, of whatever obstacles they would be flying through.

She was too busy hanging onto her Pelipper for dear life she hadn’t noticed that there was someone who had managed to throw an attack at them—however, the unusually tremendously suffocating heat made her look down. Had they jumped to safety too late?!

Instead, she saw terrible, scalding flames that were in the shape of burning fangs that were heading right toward her—although instead of her, she watched in horror as aforementioned blazing fangs sunk themselves into the woman she was holding onto.

The Pelipper underneath her let out a cry and it began to Drizzle very hard, however the flames were scorching hot—too hot for even a Pokémon’s ability to put out. She wasn’t sure if she heard screaming or something, but she willed herself not to let go for the other woman’s sake and to hang on as tightly as she could. The way out was so very, very close…

Eventually Irina found herself somewhere outside the theater, wild-eyed and silent in shock as the place began to buckle and go under due to what had happened. The white trunk of the tree had turned black—it was like some kind of slow-motion effect; and she looked to one side to hope that Selena was alright and still kicking.

She then remembered that the Pelipper was still out and about, flapping around exhaustedly near their area. A quick beam of red light recalled the dual-type back to rest, as the avian had done its job well. Maybe too well, but who was even checking at that point?

However, the entire scene would change as she took a second look at where the other woman was. Her mind had blacked out at the sight of the badly-burned… was she still alive?! Frantic, she quickly re-summoned the Florges and had the Pokémon use Wish on the woman, but to no avail.

Again and again the Fairy-type tried, but the healing energy was only healing up an empty shell… a husk, of someone who used to be alive. Turning back to face her trainer, the Florges shook her head quietly.

“N—no…” she muttered, her voice cracking. “Can’t—can’t you do anything to revive her? Is she… is she really…?” she trailed off, before the Florges hovered off to one side, unable to directly answer the question.

Turning to Selena, all she could do was make distressed, strangled noises before gesturing to the body of the female beside her—the same one she thought she had managed to save with the green-and-purple feather. It was at that point she reached up and pulled off the long-haired wig, finally revealing her ‘true’ form: that of the Fortree Gym Leader, Alexei.

“I—I—I thought sh-sh-she would be…would be fine, but… I didn’t know that…” he stammered, hiding his face in his hands, unwilling to believe what he was seeing. Never mind if he was still wearing the pink overcoat, was there anyone looking anyway in the chaotic mess once everyone had managed to get out safely from the collapsing theater.

“There—there was… a big… b-b-b-big flame. I didn’t know wh-wh-where it…came from, all I knew was that… it-it-it-it was… so hot. I d-d-d-didn’t hear… her scream… I was t-t-too focused on… getting us all out of th-th-th-the place…” he continued as he unbuttoned the coat in order to let the cool air around the area calm him down (and give him relief from the terrible heat he’d endured wearing the long coat in tropical weather).

“I-I-I-I’m…scared, Selena. I… I s-s-s-still am… he went on, hiding his face in his hands.

He had never been this close to death… until this very moment. It was one thing to fear dying itself. It was another experience altogether to be so close to it, and unknowingly be saved by… whatever deity had come to get them out of the place.

“I-I-I-I f-f-feel… terrible. I-I-I-I… wasn’t able to… to save her, he cried, curling up into the smallest ball he could manage.

Wasn’t I fast enough? Why didn’t I notice that? How could I—how could I fail—! He thought as he proceeded to blot out everything going on around him, sinking into an unresponsive mess.

• Alexei is here, cross-dressed as ‘Irina’ once again!
• From this point, Alex/Irina and Selena are together in a party, so any healing effects from Florges would extend to Selena’s Pokémon
• They make their daring escape
• She notices the big-ass flame headed their way, almost panics to all fuck but held on tightly to Kaida
• Doesn’t completely register what’s going on
• Pelipper’s Drizzle ability activates in an attempt to douse the fire
• Out they go away from the explosion radius
• Eventually they do make it outside the theater (suspension of disbelief there for a few moments)
• It’s only at this point she notices that the other woman isn’t breathing. Oh, shit
• Recalls Pelipper, sends out Florges
• Florges used Wish in an attempt to heal the woman!
Unfortunately she’s not alive…
• Irina reveals herself to be Alexei and proceeds to have a giant-ass fucking meltdown
• (What can you do he’s scared of death, and actually dying)
• Hopes that Selena is alright

Objective cleared:

• mentioned everyone from the League a few posts back so that's done!

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 5:32:54 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar



The attempt to escape fails and, in that moment, Kaida's heart leapt to her throat as she and her team started to fall. If they weren't snatched up by a hand, she had no ideas for what next to do. Two hands, one belonging to a voice she recognized ( ) and the other so unknown she wondered what they even had to gain from helping ( ). Nonetheless, when those hands held her up, and she sensed a mighty wind starting to blow, she was relieved. [break][break]

Perhaps one if the last things she felt in this life. [break][break]

She barely noticed, eyes fixed on the weirdly pink and colorful saviors of hers, that there was an attack materializing straight for her. Really. What did one have to gain from killing her? Pure sadism or evil? It wasn't like she was somebody important or valuable to kill, nor was her body anything special. Everybody was trying to escape, killing would be something somebody wanted to do...and yet somebody wanted it. [break][break]

She had a moment's warning as Hema hissed, terrified of the jaws, and they closed on her. A scorching ripped the breath out of her lungs, piercing deep into her back and chest. Lungs, spine, heart! She didn't scream, eyes wide and rolling as some subconscious part of her mind concluded the injury was mortal. Yet all she could think was that, if the pain got any worse, she was going to throw up. [break][break]

The pain stopped, along with the woman, hanging limp. [break][break]

In the chaos of the flight, the landing, and an overwhelming blood stench already filling the air, Hema thought the attack had missed. It was only when she started to uncoil, that was when she smelled the burning, felt a red soaking not coming from her own wounds. It was in this chaos that the Seviper looked down, fixing her eyes on a wound that she only had a single conclusion to give. Fatal. Plain and simple. The flesh was just meat, Wish having no effect on something reduced so far. The girl she had become family with so long ago, died. The Seviper reared back, not even certain what to accomplish, wanting to keen just like the man, and merciful unconsciousness took her as Perish Song took its final effect. [break][break]

Hel was a simple being, when she saw the curled up, stammering man, she thought Kaida had been greviously injured, and ran up as fast as her legs could carry. Humans freaked out alot, so she would have to see how bad Kaida was. She concluded nothing on the wounds, nor the limp body, leaning her head down to feel how weak the breath was, and waited, and waited. It was only until she touched a claw to Kaida's skin, and noticed the burned flesh bled sluggishly, as if there was nothing to make it move, that the young raptor finally figured it out. She fell to her haunches, high-pitched chirps escaping her chest. Impossible. Kaida was too strong. She didn't die from one attack. She was the leader! Her crying directed to the man and woman nearby, rising in both volume and pitch. Crying for the impossible, for them to help the dead, to at least try. [break][break]

Another life was lost in the disastrous event, another tragedy among others. [break][break]


"Kaida Adachi, Ranger discovered during that Beauty Contest." The coroner didn't want to be morbid, but it was relieving the body was intact enough to easily identify. In fact, it was probably why this was even required. A burnt wound that resembles a bite, in a structural collapse? That didn't exactly scream that the death was an accident. [break][break]

Either way, pictures were taken, identification was a success, and any kin she had would soon receive the news. For foul play to be discovered, they first needed to know what killed the woman. [break][break]

It was only once he arrived that he noticed something was amok. A young man, perhaps the one who had brought in the body, was pacing and white as a ghost outside the room and, upon seeing the coroner, ran to him like a kicked Poochyena. "S-sir? There's...there's u-um...a l-l-little bit of...a-a problem..." The lad's voice could barely come out right and, more than a little concerned, the coroner listened, "The b-body appeared to...b-be b-b-breathing." [break][break]

Ah. A trivial mistake! [break][break]

The man laughed good-naturedly, smiling to ease the young man's concern. He must have seen some movement, common enough among bodies, and ran out to find somebody! "A simple spasm, you'll see more than a little in this work." He assured, wrenching his demeanor into a more professional state as he approached the door, "Will you assist me? I am beginning the autopsy, and it could be helpful to make sure I am not missing something." A little lie, to ease the white-faced lad's concerns. The body wouldn't move, and he would feel better. [break][break]

He only wished he knew what to do when he walked in, and the corpse's likeness was sitting up on the metallic table, wrapping the blanket that covered the corpse originally around herself. A look of affront pulled her lips into a frown, her hand pressed against her left side in a sort of afterthought. "What is this?" She hissed, collapsing into a coughing fit as the scratchy words left her mouth, managing to cough out, "It's cold!" [break][break]

The young man had long left the room, perhaps screaming, he wasn't paying attention...yet a sort of calmness came upon the coroner. The woman had no wounds, and was clearly living. There were all manner of Pokemon capable of pulling a prank like this. Only a fool would believe there wasn't a logical explanation to this. "The morgue, you are in a hospital, ma'am." His mind held on to the semblance of reality he knew must be correct. "What's your name, perhaps we can clear this up." Surely, surely, a body was not up and talking. [break][break]

She answered, seriously and with no way to see his papers, and reality as he knew it fell apart, "Oh, I'm Kaida Adachi."


[attr="class","notes"]notes: tldr: Bitey Bite hits Kaida, killing her near instantly as she is dragged out by and . Seviper faints under the effects of Perish Song, mercifully so, and Grovyle sticks around Kaida in grief. The next day, as she is identified and prepared to have an autopsy performed, the most interesting thing happens: Kaida lives again in a manner unknown to even her.


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 9:20:08 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"] Fernando is one of the few participants to value his own life over investigating the mystery of the tree. It shows in his actions and he's rewarded by escaping the tree unharmed. However, his efforts don't end there. The moment he makes contact with the Contest Hall he makes for a mad dash away from the epicenter in an effort to avoid being swallowed up in the ensuing implosion. As panels and walls cave in, Fernando assist with directing others out while never putting his neck out on the line for any stragglers.

is an exception. Despite the fleeing crowds, Fernando can spot her alongside her Pokemon. The fact that she's unmoving helps her stick out as the crowd thins out. "Go! Go!" The Councilman looks after his own and ushers the Pokemon to keep moving while his Greninja serves as the back line for their group. He can barely bring his Tapu Fini back out in time to use BLIZZARD to help freeze some of the rubble in place, a temporary measure to shield them from the inevitable.

Safety comes first and Fernando is fine with letting the panic settle and granting the weary a brief respite. Questions can wait for later but so long as several League members remain a part of the organization, questions will be asked. Without a doubt, this was a shit show and there's only so much the League will accept.

It's about time they started winning again.

- evacuates and assists directing people
- picks out an unconscious illeana from the fleeing crowd and helps usher her pokemon
- tapu fini uses BLIZZARD to stop parts of the building from collapsing on them
- this is like the 3rd league loss in a row :antipog:

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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 20:53:49 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar

The thing with death was that Selena got so used to it by now she did not know she would buckle the moment it happened to her. Zorya was dead. too.

“Nooo!” Selena cried watching as the gap between her and the aegislash widened with every second, the images in her head fading into the sea of white then black.

Then red. The explosion from what looked like the head of the Slateport’s ultra beast ushered the sea of flames that soon flooded the entire building. Then blue. The ivory oak began to shimmer with blueish light as its branches wilted and crumbled that heralded its death. Then black again.

They were fortunate ’s tricks managed to pull them off. Fear and panic consumed her fellow gym leader. It was understandable. She would try to find the right words to lull him from his anxiety. Selena, however, was indifferent—what consumed her was anger and resentment.

“Hush now, Alex. It’s not your fault. Look at her marks: someone did this to her intentionally and we need to find out who and why.” Selena pointed out the wounds on Kaida’s body. Tue, who was peaking from her back, reinforced the florges’s WISH but noticed their efforts were still useless.

Selena checked her phone camera to see what useful information she had to uncover the tragedy that befell them in Littleroot. She had doubts the blacephalon’s head would be enough to make news. She had more doubts if this event could reason the deaths that transpired.

The journalist is only sure of thing. Kaida is dead. There is no bringing her back.

  • tries to mourn the death of her aegislash
  • observes as the building crumbles before her
  • successfully escapes the building with ’s help
  • comforts from the ‘death’ of by convincing him they need to find her justice
  • audino uses WISH with ’s florges but noticed it has no effect too
  • checks her photos to see if she has captured anything useful to write news
  • OBJECTIVE CLEARED: all league members are tagged from the previous posts
  • OBJECTIVE CLEARED: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 22:12:22 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Katherine finds herself extremely disoriented during the trip she takes inside the Ultra Beast's Wormhole. It's a feeling she is new to, an experience she hadn't had the misfortune of going through until today. And frankly, if it wasn't for the dire need for escape she felt in those moments...
She probably would have opted out of joining Eva.

Once they do emerge and exit the portal from its other end, the masked trainer can't help but fall to the ground.


"That went great, didn't it?"

Despite the crippling feeling of vertigo that took over her head, the Rocket member was more than ready to celebrate. The tree must have been destroyed after that explosion. And she was alive. It was an accomplishment.

She spares another glance, writing her features into her memory. "I am not sure if I thanked you, but... I owe you one." And as soon as those words part from the woman's lips, the Hatterene who joined her along the ride faints - the effects of PERISH SONG finally coming into effect. The dual-type falls to the ground gracefully, as if having already prepared herself for it to happen.


She is returned to her Pokeball before Gallade is sent out to replace her - who also happened to be the one to take care of taking the woman home.

"Well, it was a pleasure."

"See you."

A bright pink light flashed before a TELEPORT was executed by Arthur, carrying himself and Katherine somewhere else. They'd have to travel for quite a while before finding a good place to rest at.

★ katherine exits the portal along with eva somewhere near littleroot.
★ she almost immediately falls to the ground, finding the experience to be... very weird. it was her first time traveling through an ultra wormhole.
★ hatterne FAINTS shortly afterwards, the effects of PERISH SONG bringing them down. she is returned to her Pokeball and replaced with gallade, who is sent out once more.
★ kat thanks eva again before gallade teleports them away.

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
3,978 posts
Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2020 23:58:59 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


Honestly, she should have expected this. She should have expected a beautiful, elegant event like this to go awry - so far she had never experienced an event that ended on a good note. Either she was cursed, or the entire region of Hoenn was. Regardless, it comes as little surprise to her despite her horror that the tree withers and dies and an explosion tears it in two. [break][break]

She braces herself, throwing her arms up in case of splintered wood shrapnel. The flash of blue light is momentarily blinding, or at the very least startling. Apollo stands in front of her, covered in his decorative armor and deflecting any debris that might come their way.[break][break]

The fact remains, however, that the contest hall is destroyed and on fire. Stormy can hear people screaming, she sees people evacuating the area on the backs of winged Pokemon. She can smell blood and fire. People are in danger and her instincts kick in.[break][break]

"What in God's name--" she speaks breathlessly as she charges forward, taking her own steps through the debris to get into the action. She's unafraid of the flames, desperate to lend a hand where she might be able. Her dress tears, likely of her own accord in her haste, abandoning the overbearing fabric in favor of speed and urgency.[break][break]

"Apollo, lend your strength to whoever needs it, do not waste any time!"[break][break]

The stallion obeys, remaining near the stage and around to lend aid to whoever might be crawling out from under the floorboards, so to speak.[break][break]

Stormy, on the other hand, would stumble across the limp form of Mr. Atlan Beckett, someone she had come to see as a friend. Horror turns her blood to ice the moment she lays eyes on him, and she does whatever she can to remove debris (should there be any covering him). [break][break]

"I need help! I need a medic, a heal pulse, something!"[break][break]

Atlan's blood stains her already crimson dress and the palms of her hands as she works to pull debris from his body or restrictions of any kind. She isn't sure what to do, her mind is numb with panic. While other people manage to get out, she's reluctant to leave until help arrives.[break][break]

Her one hand reaches for another Pokeball of hers, suddenly remembering the Blissey she often takes with her. Her hands tremble as she opens the capsule, begging Blissey for her assistance.[break][break]

Of course, it is far too late. The damage to the back of the man's skull was fatal on impact - he was gone before she'd even gotten there.


  • stormy reacts to the contest stage + tree and everything going up in flames and exploding
  • she orders apollo to lend aid and speed to help evacuate anyone who can't carry themselves the rest of the way out
  • rushes into the fray to rescue people herself bc she isn't worried about the fire, she's been on fire before and didn't have a problem
  • discovers atlan's body and calls out for help while attempting to rescue him even though he's already dead
  • remembers she has blissey with her and releases her, but she ultimately will do nothing because she already knows he's gone :pepehands:


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,456 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 1:13:37 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar


In a matter of moments, the world is narrowed to heat-and-smoke-and-adrenaline, Gavin's heart slamming in his chest as his prehistoric mount barely manages to get clear of the blast. He can feel the rumble in his bones and his vision blurs with tears of smoke and dust. A violent cough shakes him, and he's vaguely aware of Emma clutching his waist for support as she pulls her Zoroark to safety.[break][break]

And then they are clear of the smoke, and high in the air, and the ringing in Gavin's ears begins to subside.[break][break]

Aerodactyl carries them to the earth in her final moments of consciousness, the great prehistoric beast crumpling against the dirt. With his hand on her stony flank to steady himself, Gavin's gratitude is wordless — the rise and fall of her breath reassures him, and he returns the haggard Pokemon to the stasis of confinement.[break][break]

He realises belatedly that he's shaking; his movements are unsteady without the Aerodactyl's support.[break][break]


The cold steel of his amber gaze melts beneath the realization — there had been a choice, and he had made it without question. His attention shifts from the collapsing building to the woman at his side. There's something he refuses to confront... not here, not now, but she'd made a choice for him, too. Perhaps the fall itself would not have killed him, but to be badly injured when the explosion went off?[break][break]

He feels as if he should say something.[break][break]

Instead, with no aerial transportation available, he inclines his head toward the direction of the town in a wordless expression of intent, then begins to walk.

we out / aerodactyl faints from perish song / lucario's fine but gavin doesn't know that[break][break]


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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 2:39:57 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar


Emma holds on tight even despite the tightness in her chest and the painful cough that wracks her body. She can't breathe through the smoke, she can't see, she can't hear. The explosion has deafened her and her senses and yet her fingers fasten to Gavin's waist, pinching fabric and skin alike in her attempt to hold on.[break][break]

And when they land it's with a jolt, a gasp for clean air. The smoke burns her throat all the way to the depth of her lungs, crushing, painful.[break][break]

This is why she doesn't smoke, kids.[break][break]

She slides off the back of the fallen Aerodactyl when she realizes they've stopped moving. Urgency encourages her that she should keep running, that they might still be in danger. Ashen tears streak down her face and ruin her makeup and mar her appearance. She attempts to swipe it away with her thumb, leaving more residue against her cheek. [break][break]

Like Gavin, the woman is shaking, rattled by the severity of the situation. They had almost died for the sake of a tree - a task that should have been simple and without so much conflict. This had been a reckless display and she was angry.[break][break]

Emma catches her breath, her throat raspy. Words won't find their way to the surface, not even as she watches Gavin look over his shoulder for the Pokemon he had left behind. For her, it had been an action without question. She had taken the Zoroark because he was valuable and expensive - a weapon she had fine-tuned and created herself.[break][break]

The Crobat was expendable, a Pokemon that she did not deem more important than her life. Than Gavin's life.[break][break]

Even still, the bat Pokemon has survived the explosion despite her intent to sacrifice it. It would retreat to somewhere safe - knowing it had a duty to keep Emma a secret despite her choice to leave him behind. When it was safe, it would find her. Perhaps it may even find and rescue the Lucario that had been left behind as it had.[break][break]

Emma hasn't shifted her gaze off of Gavin despite the silence between them. There's a mutual understanding between them, an unspoken realization. She meets his softened gaze with her own - but her gaze retains its steel. When he inclines to move on, she follows.


[attr="class","notes"]tldr: we out and crobat stayed behind to remain hidden/find and retrieve lucario


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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 4:25:57 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar

Having heard of the explosion from the basement floors, Valerio—still dressed up as Vanessa—was certainly sure that it came from the Slateport murdering clown.

“Oops, it’s time to leave!” As the image of the tree glowing in blue and wrecking in half permeated through his peripheral vision, the rocket-in-drag scurried with her kingdra towards the open clearing where spectators and other contestants gather. She called her drampa, Genesis, and wait for fellow rocket members to appear in case they needed emergency lift.
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twenty six
84 height
84 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
142 posts
Goro Shimizu DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @sadsoda
Goro Shimizu
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 5:15:33 GMT
Goro Shimizu Avatar
Goro: get clocked.. again.
{Show Pesterlog}

goro loved his best friend so much. he clung tight to kaz, despite the chaos ensuing around them - maybe it was the drugs it was the drugs but he felt like he shouldn't, no couldn't let go of kaz, it was as if... his life depended on it!

which it didn't. betty white floated on by, waving a HYPNOTIZING hand in front of the green doggo while lil nas x did a summersault backflip 420 degree turn - tapping goro and kaz, haunter too, and MIMIC one of the many TELEPORTs. they were gone in a flash of shadowy energy, leaving a smoldering mark on the ground... where did the clown go?


+ goro is high!
+ goro clings to kaz!
+ haunter hypnotizes the dog!
+ mime jr MICMICS teleport
+ escape?? kidnap kaz??????
+ sorry for short post :^(


> tl;dr==>he is being loud and dumb
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kosuke sato
february 20
nimbasa city, unova
head of intel
i burn, i shiver / out of this sun and into this shadow
1,191 posts
marcel maeda DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @marcel
marcel maeda
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2020 17:14:12 GMT
marcel maeda Avatar

[attr="class","mthread"]as the protect flickers away, a gust of wind breaks through. flecks of debris hit marcel's cheek as he swiftly returns his sylveon. "good job." he doesn't trust himself to be able to stand, but a floating metagross doesn't make for a subtle getaway. another AGILITY gets him out of sight while the ruckus is still going on.
once he's back on the ground, marcel takes a moment to lean against his metagross. he lets out a shaky exhale. taking out his phone, he sends out a few texts. , , , and--he'll probably regret this later but-- all receive the same ok?. he doesn't have the energy to write much more.
raising a hand to run through his hair, he instead finds his fingers running along his scar. this was no mossdeep, but it was still a reminder long overdue. for the first time in a while, he wonders what price he'd pay for returning to hoenn.
"should've just stayed away," he mutters to himself. his metagross lets out quiet whirr.
[attr="class","notes"]notes: marcel returns his sylveon and lands somewhere out of sight. sends a few texts before making his way.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
233 posts
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2020 5:01:14 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]ROOT OF THE MATTER[break]





's Tapu Fini is able to conjure a powerful BLIZZARD. Stiff segments of ice form against the compromised sections of infrastructure. The ice affords the public enough time to evacuate the building. Eventually, 's pokemon's FUTURE SIGHT comes true. The building collapses. No vestige of the tree can be found in the rubble— although the body of a security guard will eventually be found stuffed in a wardrobe.[break][break][break]

The League's Ranger Headquarters compensates those that they've sent with a handsome amount of pokedollars. Any medical costs—for both human and Pokemon alike—are paid for. News in later days remark of 's and 's miraculous resurrection. The subsequent publicizing of their return to life causes a stir in the scientific community of Hoenn while and investigate the poisoned sap's properties.[break][break][break]


Likewise, Rocket rewards those who were sent to kill the tree. They too, have procured samples of the sap— and the soil surrounding it. Testing the biosamples in the rocket laboratory (when it is constructed) may provide further answers to their mysteries.[break][break][break]

Next, has the choice to be captured by Rocket or not. will not be able to TELEPORT out with his Mime Jr.'s MIMIC, due to being in an entirely different location.[break][break][break]

The Hoenn News Network will eventually publish alarming footage sent by . The article will also discuss the reappearance of the clown-like Ultra Beast that had terrorized Slateport City months ago. In response, tensions will rise in Hoenn once again. Unease settles across the region once more, while the League fights to keep its reputation clean...[break][break][break]



  • ic objective: extract a biosample of sap from the tree's roots; protect the tree. ☑
  • sub: have three league-affiliated pokemon die by rocket hands (3/3). ☑
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a rocket character. ☑
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a rocket's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


  • ic objective: poison or destroy the tree from its roots, at all costs. ☑
  • sub: have three rocket-affiliated pokemon faint/die by league hands (3/3). ☑
  • sub: be captured, seriously injured, or killed by a league character. ☑
  • sub: heal/defend a teammate against a league's attack (pkmn or human). ☑
  • sub: every character must reference every teammate at least once throughout the thread. ☑


CONGRATULATIONS! Both factions were able to complete every single objective by the end of the event.[break][break][break]

ROCKET REWARDS:[break][break]


LEAGUE REWARDS:[break][break]




SPECIAL REWARDS DUE TO IC ACTIONS (hover over):[break][break]



THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING! Look out for a Hoenn News Network article to summarize "Unearthly Understudies" events as well as additions to the timeline![break][break][break]


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing