April 14th
Slateport City
Student (Private School)
Power Is More Than Just Muscles
TAG WITH @theanaito
Thea Naito
POSTED ON May 29, 2024 1:46:53 GMT
[nospaces] [attr="class","theapost"] [attr="class","text"] Thea smirked faintly to Ettie at her compliment. "You are a pretty good pack leader yourself, Ettie~" She chirped, averting her eyes to spot the fight unfolding. The powerful Sludge Bomb Combo filled Thea with pride for her and her friends teamwork... However, the sight of Munkidori being brutally killed made her wince. A pang of guilt ran across Thea's heart, but as she reminded herself of the show of brutalility and the murders the evil Pokémon had commited, she tried to push those regretful thoughts away. Still, she wished things hadn't come to that.[break][break] As she lamented, however, the mochis and the poison were aimed at her and Zeus, the Primeape. "Stand back!" She urged to Hammy and Belle, making the Pawmo and the Minccino embrace each other protectively, staying behind Thea as she shielded them from the poison, gritting her teeth as she had to endure it. Zeus the Primeape had his eyes wide open, but suddenly he was yanked back, and Gominha the Wigglytuff inflated to cover him with her body, taking the poison hits instead. Zeus oinked in concern and frustration, but Gominha kept a firm standing, squeaking like a balloon and smiling weakly to him. "Uck—" Thea felt her knees weakening for a moment, knowing her Toxic Chain could only push her so far before it became too much for her and her newfound powers to handle.[break][break] Her eyes shifted from another dire situation before them and Cassandra Kubrick's plea and worries, along with Knight Naito's exasperated words. Thea's lips pursed, and she nodded to her friend and her cousin. "We need to fight just a little longer, Kay..." She replied to Knight, then looked at Cass' eyes for a moment. "We don't need any more deaths... Enough is enough..."[break][break] "Do your thing, Cass. Kay..! I will help you to cover us..!" Thea used the last of her strengths to thrust her hand forward, calling for another order to her Pokémon: "Gominha! DISABLE any lethal moves and attacks you can! Keep Cass, Kay and the others safe!" The Wigglytuff huffed, and despite weakened, she inflated herself to grow big, trying to bounce off lethal moves or threats that endangered Thea's friends or the Megalopolans.[break][break] RQm0vWGi [attr="class","ooc"] [attr="class","tag"] [break] TL;DR- Thea is Poisoned. Gominha the Wigglytuff, pulls Zeus the Primeape out of harm's way, getting Poisoned in his place.
- MAIN ACTION: Gominha is out, the Wigglytuff will try to DISABLE lethal attacks going for her friends and those they are protecting
- VOTE: allow cyllora, the pecharunt, the megalopolans and their cloned pokémon to be free
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