Josh Devlin's Chronicle

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Josh Devlin's Chronicle
POSTED ON Jul 1, 2022 1:34:59 GMT
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The most current tracker can be found here: RaikouRider's HOENN MegaSheet

Josh Devlin

A Pokémon trainer and racer with an electric personality, he used to journey Hoenn to take on its Gym Challenge in the off-season, but now takes up Rangering part-time. Acting before thinking is both his greatest strength and greatest weakness.

Trophies: None

"Your courage is admirable, but you sorely lack the foresight to use it. Your confidence is admirable, but you sorely lack the judgment to use it. Your ambition is admirable, but you sorely lack the insight to use it."

These words, which Josh believes Raikou communicated to him in a dream the night before he became a Ranger, have resonated with him since. Before Raikou will even consider him for recognition, Josh will need to develop the missing virtues of foresight, judgment, and insight. This is being represented by a showing of those virtues in each of four threads. Only one virtue can count per thread.

Foresight will be the virtue covering "Trust your instincts, but also learn to handle when they deceive you."
Judgment will be the virtue covering "You can be confident, but make sure you're right first."
Insight will be the virtue covering "Learn to read between the lines. Not everything is to be taken at face value."

Threads of Foresight: (0/4)
Threads of Judgment: (0/4)
Threads of Insight: (0/4)


New Day, New Adventure feat. - Josh's first destination after reaching Hoenn for the first time in five years was a simple race course carved out of Petalburg Woods' terrain. He had to get there first, though!

Going Down to the Underground - New Mauville had a unique race course the last time Josh had visited the underground area containing the city's power grid. That wasn't why he was there, though!

A Captivating Tale of Canine Capers! feat. 's Rockruff, Luna - Slateport's arcade had a strict "No Pokémon over 18 inches tall" policy, and Josh was going to be there a while. He couldn't leave Saber cooped up in his Poké Ball the entire time!

Makin' Waves - On a hot summer day each of Mauville, Josh took Resheph for a swim, practicing his technique for upcoming aquatic races and keeping an eye out for a new Pokémon to add to his team.

Red Canyon Rundown feat. - On a trip to hunt Fire-type Pokémon, Josh found out about a "Drift King" poaching Pokémon from those who lost illegal Pokémon races to him. He felt compelled to bring this Drift King to justice, or convince him to join the circuit for real...

Jumping with the Shark feat.  - Josh took Snacker, his freshly-evolved Sharpedo, to the current-filled seas of South Hoenn. Josh wanted to search for Flying-type and Water-type Pokémon to add to his team, but Snacker had other ideas. Despite having eaten earlier that morning, he still wanted to hunt for game...

Cyberchase Conundrum - MEGATHREAD - Mirage Island had become visible, and with it a link to mitigating the calamities befalling Hoenn! Josh had to do what he could to help...

Temporal Trespass feat. - Hearing about the terrible things that had befell Hoenn, Josh felt he had to get stronger in order to help put these regionwide crises to a stop. He headed to Meteor Falls to catch and do battle with strong Dragon-type Pokémon. Just past Fallarbor Town, though, the formation of a Space-Time Distortion scared his Manectric mount enough to buck him off. The two were trapped and had to fight for their lives to escape the distortion!

Where There's Thunder... feat. - On the outskirts of Fortree City was a petrified tree serving as a shrine dedicated to a mythological Pokémon that was very special to Josh since childhood. He agreed to take a security shift safeguarding it - the Fortree Rangers received a tip that it would be under siege today...

Ring of Lightning - Josh felt confident enough in Saber and Resheph's battle synergy to take on the Verdanturf Gym. While the cage match format of the battles robbed his Pokémon of their mobility advantage, he had a strategy he felt was foolproof!

Catching the Change feat. - After a grueling shift guarding Fortree's shrine to Raikou in a nasty storm, the heat and humidity had dropped off markedly. It was a great day to go hunting for some Pokémon! Josh found a sleeping Jolteon and got very excited to catch it, only to find out it was probably owned by another Trainer...

[Race Day] MAUVILLE BAY Drift Waterway feat. - This was it. Josh's first Hoennian race, and he placed high in Silver Class! If he performed well in this race, he would be promoted to Gold Class, and that was where the good money was! Snacker was built rather well for this course, capable of making sweeping drifts without losing much speed! Well...except for one curve on the backstretch...

Pokémon Riding 201 feat. - Silver Class races didn't pay all of Josh's bills; he needed additional work. He contracted with Silver Swanna High School to help teach a course depicting advanced riding techniques. He might even be able to use footage from his own races to help illustrate such techniques!

Motorcade Madness feat. and - While not a Ranger himself, many of Josh's odd jobs he took to make ends meet caused him to build up quite an affiliation with the Rangers' Guild. He was on duty for a job that potentially required all of his Pokémon's speed...

Racer feat. - Josh was excited to try New Mauville's freshly-opened race course aimed at Electric-type and Steel-type Pokémon!

The First Big Step feat. - It was the day of Josh's career change, and he was restless after a vivid, terrifying nightmare about the legendary Pokémon he idolized so much. Right before his Ranger test was about the worst timing to have a sleepless night!

Bonfire Bonanza - MEGATHREAD - Josh was planning on taking a trip to Round One at Slateport Mall, but took a trip to a community bonfire instead and reflected on present and past traumatic events.

Doesn't Your Refraction Look Pretty? feat. - Josh's first dangerous Ranger excursion involved a trip to a truly magical relic of Hoenn's ancient past: the Mirage Palace. This was a place that Rangers wanted to keep novice explorers out of with a stark warning. To advance as a Ranger, Josh would need to step inside one of these highly dangerous zones to understand why they were restricted.

Campfire Chats of Destiny #1 feat.  - To help with his Ranger training, Josh decided to go on a camping trip for three days. He would be completely off-grid; it was just him and five others against the world. While he made sure to bring enough food for the trip, he was ready to hunt for game if need be.

FORTREE CITY Aero Knot feat. - Though Josh had resigned from the Gym Challenge, that didn't mean he wasn't going to take advantage of them to improve upon skills that could help him with his new career as a Ranger!

Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! feat. - Josh's first mission as a Ranger was to rescue four passengers and crew that survived a plane crash and were able to get a safe distance from the aircraft. It was just a matter of tracking them down and getting them back to Fortree!

Beach Sprint feat. - The races Josh had booked time off for at Splashfest had to be canceled due to conflicts with the venue. Josh had a day where he had absolutely nothing scheduled. He had going fast on the mind and couldn't help but go for a run on the track previously planned for the festival...

Thread Status
Open - My reply is due in this thread.
Pending - I am awaiting a reply in this thread.
Event - This is a sitewide event post awaiting mod reply.
Solved - This thread has been completed.
Dropped - This thread has been prematurely dropped.
||NUM||NAME                                   ||STATUS  ||
||  1||New Day, New Adventure                 ||Pending ||
||  2||Going Down to the Underground          ||Solved  ||
||  3||A Captivating Tale of Canine Capers!   ||Solved  ||
||  4||Makin' Waves                           ||Solved  ||
||  5||Red Canyon Rundown                     ||Pending ||
||  6||Jumping with the Shark                 ||Pending ||
||  7||Temporal Trespass                      ||Pending ||
||  8||Cyberchase Conundrum                   ||Event   ||
||  9||Where There's Thunder...               ||Solved  ||
|| 10||Ring of Lightning                      ||Pending ||
|| 11||Catching the Change                    ||Pending ||
|| 12||[Race Day] MAUVILLE BAY Drift Waterway ||Pending ||
|| 13||Pokémon Riding 201                     ||Pending ||
|| 14||Motorcade Madness                      ||Solved  ||
|| 15||Racer                                  ||Pending ||
|| 16||The First Big Step                     ||Solved  ||
|| 17||Bonfire Bonanza                        ||Solved  ||
|| 18||Doesn't Your Refraction Look Pretty?   ||Open    ||
|| 19||Campfire Chats of Destiny #1           ||Pending ||
|| 20||FORTREE CITY Aero Knot                 ||Pending ||
|| 21||Mayday! Mayday! Mayday!                ||Pending ||
|| 22||Beach Sprint                           ||Open    ||
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Josh is interested in completing the following Missions:

QUELL - Could do this as part of repelling a Rocket sting op that takes place during an important Pokémon race that Josh is participating in.
DOESN'T TAKE A ROCKET SCIENTIST - Can do this under just about any premise.

Josh is also interested in developing his racing career. He is always up to thread with people who would like to either join Pokémon races with him or observe his races from the stands.

With Hoenn falling into increasing turmoil, Josh wants to help out how he can. One of his long-term goals is to become an Avatar of Raikou or otherwise befriend Raikou.

Other Notes:

Josh's first Z-Move, intended for Saber, will be:

Hypersonic Plasma Charge
After obtaining Z-Power, the used encircles itself in lightning bolts and charges at the target faster than the speed of sound. This move always goes first, even before other Priority moves, and can deal damage to Ground-type Pokémon as though they were not immune to Electric-type moves.


it's a long life full of long nights