i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 5:50:40 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

Running seemed to be all he could do.

With all his might he sped through the hordes of the undead with his extra-large Larvesta on his back. It had been far too heavy to carry before but now he was just barely strong enough to take it with him.

Weaving through the enclosing hands of the dead ones he saw wounds from familiar deaths and faces from familiar fallen comrades.

Seeing a woman crushed under the tentacle of a Nihilego was something you never forgot and the groteque image of her bones protrucing through her dilapidated body and her innards spilling out was chilling to the bone.

There was even the unmissable viasage of a Skarmory being puppeteer'ed with tendrils snaking into his brain, its leg and hind feathers shaking violently as false nerve signals were forced down its body. It snapped at him as he ran past, angry that it was dead and that he was not.

The feeling of guilt was as thick and pungent as the smell of the rotting corpses chasing him down.

When it finally felt like his heart was going to burst inside his chest he tripped and fell, Larvesta sliding before him in the mud.

As the dead grabbed at him they raised him to his feet but didn't turn him loose and before him he saw it; the corpse of his beloved Gyarados, Ranton. Her body torn open from the inside; a Buzzwole feasting her remains.

"No." He fought back the tears as rage swelled in chest. "NO!" His frantic screams caught the attention of the Buzzwole as it turned to him for a fresh meal.
No matter how he struggled he could only get as much as one word out. "NOOO!"

In the skies above him, the eerie light of the moon was blocked out by the blaze of a gargantuan Volcarona birthed from the husk of his Larvesta.

As the Buzzwole stabbed into his throat with its proboscis he gargled on his own blood. When the rest of the dead began to make a meal of him. He thought of and hoped she would never know the terror of his fate.

Spreading its wings, the Volcarona would engulf himself, the Buzzwole and the lingering dead in an all encompassing fire, from which there would be no remains.

● tags: @hoennhistoria
● notes:

( )

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 5:53:27 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]This time, Fernando's cognizant that this is more than just a nightmare. The fact they all share the same recollection is a telltale sign that this goes beyond cold sweats and bewildered imagination. That means this is a do-over, a chance to pay attention and discern what he had previously ignored.

The battle against Hoopa unfolds like last time. Through a mixture of sheer luck and willingness to sacrifice those he doesn't recognize, he makes it through the flurry of cleaving hoops.

This time, he gets a good look at the Hoopa. He tries to commit the Pokemon's appearance to his memory. Unfortunately, it muddles between timelines.


[newclass=.spiral]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.spiral b]color: #90c1f9[/newclass]
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 6:03:43 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


The question of ‘why’ persists, and Katherine refuses to let go of it. Her mind continues to ponder about why and how they’re transported each time and what it all means.

Who benefits from this?

Her Sableye is sent out of its Pokeball yet again, prepared to fight off any of the zombies that dare to step too close to its trainer. With an ICY WIND, it blows them back and freezes parts of them, intent on slowing their advances.

Hoopa is regarded with a glance, but not an attack. Sooner or later, it will make sense, and until then? The gym leader prefers not to earn the ire of a Legendary pokemon.


[attr="class","katherinetag"] @hoennhistoria

[newclass=.katherine] width: 330px; font-family: 'Trebuchet MS'; font-size: 11px; text-align: justify; color: #a3a3a3; padding: 20px; line-height: 12pt; margin-top: -10px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherine b] color: #7a737e; font-size: 12px; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinetag a] background: #2e2e2e; padding: 10px; border: 1px solid #252525; text-transform: uppercase!important; font-family: 'roboto'; font-size: 10px; font-weight: bold; color: #aaa; letter-spacing: 1px!important; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes] text-align:right; [/newclass] [newclass=.katherinepokes img] padding: 0px 5px 5px 0px; background: #2e2e2e; border: solid 1px #252525; [/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 7:14:43 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
the sudden changes between scenarios were already too surreal for priam to comprehend that he's left dazed at the presence of zombies. there first thought upon seeing them lingered in his mind until the distraction came.

'i wonder if i can have zombie mons.'

such childish musing came to a halt when his arcanine drags his by his collar and forces him on its back. the pokemon feels the threat of the oncoming danger regardless if priam already feels like it's going to change again evem before anyone got hurt for real.

his eyes remain on the electric terrain that light the way to the mansion. pretty lights were a good distraction after all.

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,632 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2020 8:28:55 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






Razz was really tired of all of this. The jumping through weird portals to all the random events was already enough as it was. Then there was the fact that he's heard of all of these events before. Though it was another something else to be living through this shit. All these weird zombies now, how did that even work? Though he's already survived one war and he was going to be DAMNED it he died in this stupid dream/not dream or whatever this all was. With a toss of a ball and a flash of light from his belt the Ranger Mega'ed up his Metagross. [break][break]

Cobalt was ready for battle having been in one war once and having to fight. If nothing else this felt like it would be good practice on this form as it wasn't something he called on often.




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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 20:02:34 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Thankfully, the Larvesta he could call his own as the Pokéball remained in his hold. However, the reality started shifting around again…

…and this time, a look of silent terror manifested on the normally stoic Lars’s face.

“Oh, fucking shit!” he exclaimed, looking over at in alarm. The panicked look in his eyes gave away everything. He did not want to be at this particular event. “Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!” he hissed under his breath. The darkness, pressing down on them all.

It was like he was going to lose his fucking shit. The zombies, rising from the ground and chasing after them. Wait, were they much faster than that?! He blinked in alarm.

“Not this time,” he muttered darkly, clambering onto Ro’s back.

Psychic, now!” he called, pointing at the direction of the incoming zombies. “Drive them the fuck back!”

Turning to face and Evan in silent alarm, he began to ramble.

“Let—let—let’s get the fuck out of here! NOW!” he exclaimed, clearly losing his shit.

and for the most part

• Oh no
Not this particular fucking nightmare!
• It’s the fucking Halloween Manse nightmare
• This time Lars sees the zombies and attempts to drive them back
• Metagross used Psychic at the incoming zombie horde!

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2020 20:39:26 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

There's a moment in which darkness devours her and Skyler's lost in time and space, all of her senses crumbling in on themselves as she's left in a void. She opens her mouth to scream, to fight, to do anything and suddenly she's jettisoned forward, breath all but leaving her lungs as she's thrown into-

-a nightmare.

"What the fuck?"

Her sense of self preservation makes her stick as close to and as possible, a claw of dread coiling around her throat when the nightmare grows teeth and limbs, zombies rising up from the ground and running after them, a horrible wailing accompanying their advance.

Lars is panicking and Skyler feels her whole body freeze. Her mind goes to a swaying ship, broken bodies and rains of blood, the memories of the war all too fresh and dulling her silver eyes as she loses herself for a moment.

Then Lars is screaming, breaking her out of her stupor. Her hands clench around a pokéball and a Salamence is released, looking around in confusion. She doesn't speak as she gets on the Salamence with practised movements, soon taking flight. There's something terrible in her eyes as the carnage unfolds. "Burn them, Ata."

● tag:
● notes:
skyler is lost for a moment in time and space
comes back to a nightmare
promptly loses her shit to ptsd
takes flight and commands salamence to use flamethrower on the zombies

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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2020 3:47:30 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Things went from weird, but light hearted, to weird, but die.

Petalburg Forest seemed to crystalize and fall apiece like a shattered mirror around him. He tumbled into the void, screaming his lungs out the entire way down.

It was all so scary, and vivid.

He was afraid; it was all too real, and he felt far too lucid.

Was every dream like this? He couldn't remember them being so. His heart was beating so loudly in his chest it was drowning out the blowing wind in his ears.

And then he landed.

When he did, it was without injury- and still , the wind was knocked out of his chest. He would have lain upon the floor for several minutes just processing what in the world was happening...

But it was shifting and slithering under him, and slimy against the back of his neck.

He sprang up and scrambled to his feet, eyes wide as he realized with horror what surrounded him.

All around him, people were being torn to pieces by rotting flesh and bone.

When one of those monsters turned its gaze to him, he froze.

Only for a second, though. Next second he was up on his feet and sprinting.

"What, WHAT?!" He said, screaming in a panic as he saw several of the rotting monsters turn their attention to him. His hand found a pokeball on instinct, releasing his Flygon out into the field.

He had barely gathered his bearings before the youth had leapt onto his back, giving out orders.

"GET US OUT OF HERE!" He said, and the Flygon complied, its wings spreading wide before it swooped into the air and away from the zombie mob. His eyes focused on the only seeming shelter.

A mansion crowned by the full moon up on a tall hill.

With a flap of his wings, he speed up towards it, terrified trainer in tow.

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2020 1:33:50 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","raidName"]08. HOENN HISTORIA







[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-fire"]




FROM THE DARK OF NIGHTMARES, the world shifts into a labyrinth of cages. It's pitch black. Smothered in a mess of brooding eyes and rattling crates, those who have been transported here realize soon that they are in the basement of a black market. Pokemon look upon you all forlornly, as if noticing the materialization of your respective presences. The more aggressive species glare with glowing predatorial eyes. They bark at nothing.[break][break]

They do not see you. At least, not yet. From one end of the room, a shaft of light widens before a crackle precedes the lighting of old, dusty lightbulbs. In the dim light, several computers can be seen with flickering monitors around the cages. A familiar man to some, Jules Cottilard, walks in with another man with a uniform emblazoned with the insignia of Greater Mauville Holdings. Several crates filled with machinery are transferred onto a dolly the Greater Mauville Holdings employee hauls in, and after a wordless exchange, the man leaves with Faba.[break][break][break]

The Pokemon plead with whimpers and growls, as if begging for help or blood.[break][break][break]

[attr="class","reward2"]WHAT WILL YOU DO?



For this scenario, feel free to use any of the prompts below for inspiration. However, ensure that you ROLL with your posts.[break][break]

  • Briefly, materialize and free the Pokemon from their cages.
  • Look through the computers/destroy them.
  • React in general to your new situation.

Jules and the Greater Mauville Holdings employee can not be interacted with.[break][break]


HOENN HISTORIA is a writing prompt event that one of your characters can participate in! Once you choose one, you will have locked them in for this travel into the past of Hoenn. Although your character may be present with others, they will not be able to recognize each other unless it is mutually consensual.[break][break]

To participate, simply write a response using one of the prompts above. Furthermore, please review the guidelines below:[break][break][break]

  • Only one character of yours can participate in the Hoenn Historia event.
  • You can redeem the round's rewards immediately after posting (unless it is PD, which will be added at the end of the round).
  • You do not need to post in every single round.
  • You can summon any of your Pokemon should you wish.



@hoennhistoria @2ndanniversary

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2020 10:14:53 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar


tl:dr; chryssa searches the computers for information about arceus and then tries to e-mail it to herself

Everything was gone. The deadly hoops, the distant screams, the sweat on her brow. Even her Pokemon had disappeared-- Chryssa wondered whether they had ever been real at all. The omnipotent fear and pressure had been lifted as well, leaving her exhausted.

Her rage, however, still simmered.

The new vision was an auditory experience-- moans and low whines formed a tapestry of painful sounds all around her as her eyes adjusted to the low light. Some kind of warehouse, she thought, looking around, Illegal trading, actually? She recognized the man speaking to an intern-- he'd been in one of the very first HNN issues she'd read when first arriving in Hoenn. Jules Cottilard.

It seemed in this timeline he still walked free.

These visions are getting closer, Chryssa realized, closer to the present. There had been no frame of reference to follow for the others-- not for her-- but finally, she felt a tie to reality. It was jarring. Somewhere else in the world she, Chryssa, still existed. Packing for the plane ride-- maybe checking into her hotel room in Ever Grande City for the first time. 

Her eyes alighted on the flickering monitor. That gave her an idea.

The Pokemon around her begged for release, for freedom. Chryssa walked past them, ignoring them. She was done playing into the vision's hands-- it would not manipulate her emotions any longer.

She sat down at the desk chair, checking over her shoulder to make sure Cottilard and the other man hadn't noticed. They can't see me, she decided, gaining confidence. The real question was whether she could actually interact with the computer. Holding her breath, she moved the mouse and turned the desktop on.

"I'm in," she said (hacker-ly) and laughed. Her humor faded as she began to pull up files, eyes scanning their contents. “Now what were you doing here, Mr. Mad Scientist?” she whispered, leaning in. Discs, corresponding to the eighteen Pokemon types. Only a few were in development, but it looked like volunteers were involved in collecting raw materials. Unfortunately, most of the files were in heavy technical jargon in addition to what she suspected was Cottilard's personal shorthand.

Her unease grew as she scrolled. There was no way she could fully decipher any of the notes here before the next vision began. She needed to find something important. She pulled up a search bar, hesitating over the keys. What was she looking for?

She searched for ARCEUS.

The Pokemon cries rose to fever pitch behind her as she selected the result without looking, typing in her past self's e-mail address at a desperate speed. Something was happening-- she could feel the hairs on the back of her neck standing up as she waited for the attachment to upload, rigid with tension. She hovered over the grayed-out send button. Could this really work? 85%....90%.... 

99%... come on...


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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2020 17:41:34 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar


Hoenn Historia
Computer Lab | Event


    Zac rode Onix through the wide double-doors of the mansion, and crashed through into a computer lab. Wires tore, and plaster ceiling tiles burst like cheap crackers, raining powder down on the banks of blocky monitors.
    Shadowy grunts hammered away at keyboards, surely doing something evil and incomprehensible. None of them had reacted to his arrival. Just like when he was in the forest Zac was strangely incorporeal. Did they not notice me demolishing half the ceiling? he wondered, returning Zappa and Kev. 
    Through the thin walls Zac could hear shouting and the sounds of distressed Pokemon. I'll stay here. See what I can do.
    Zac pushed one of the grunts off of their computer chair, and the figure faded into shadows. The screen glowed. Inviting. Washing Zac's face in pale blue cut with piercing white letters. 

        Z A C 

    Oh good, Zac thought, squinting at the blinding white letters. Technology. My strong suit. He sat down on the empty chair, and the letters shifted.

    P R O J E C T  Z : A C C E S S E D 


    If those guys wanted to delete it, then I probably don't want it deleted, right? Zac searched around on the keyboard, found the right arrow key, and moved the selector over to the 'no' option. He found Enter, and hit it. The letters disappeared, and the screen went dark. Did I break it? Oh come on, and I was so care-
A cascade of letters dripped down the screen, running top to bottom in a waterfall of gibberish and half-formed buzzwords.
Zac looked over them, unsure what it meant. What any of it meant. He ran his eyes over the file names. They all sounded...incomprehensible. "Why do they keep using normal words to mean something weird," he mumbled. "Just make up your own words."
    An explosion rocked the computer lab, Zac's screen shook. The shaking settled down, but Zac's screen continued to shake, rocking more and more violently. "What the heck-"
    A blue and pink nose, streaming with errant code, poked out of the monitor. Zac pulled back from the screen, as the creature pushed out of the screen. It was...birdlike? But more like a plastic drinking bird than anything that would exist in nature. This wasn't evolution at work, it was a poor facsimile of reality, filtered through the mind of engineers and a few layers of abstract nightmare. Its smooth, rubbery skin seemed stretched, twisted, and from this close Zac could see the code breaking free, leaking out into the air as the creature failed to mesh properly with the real world. 
    "What are you..." he breathed, and the creature blinked shuddering, neon yellow eyes before it popped back into the screen. Zac watched in shock as the words began to morph, bulging and jostling as if the creature was rummaging around inside the text. 
    "What, uh, what are you looking for buddy?" Zac asked, just as a terrible, sound split the air. It was somewhere between a broken printer and a dial-up modem connecting to the internet, and Zac looked on in horror as the files, the text, and all the data that was right there on the screen drained out the bottom right corner. 
    The screeching came again, this time from the system unit, and a blue and pink disk pushed its way out of the PC. Not from any visible slot, but through a gap in the front plate of the casing. Zac grasped it, and the disk shuddered. It was  A L I V E


NOTES: Zac obtained the dubious disk + Porygon Z


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2020 19:06:12 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
 Angelo wasn’t going to pretend he knew shit about hacking into computers.

In the dark, hidden amongst the crates that served as cramped prisons for the plethora of glowing eyes peering out, he crouches beside a row of iron bars. All around him are the whimpers and warning snarls, mixing into a song of the captives that harmonized into one, overpowering message that rolled into every corner of the basement – desperation. They cried for freedom behind their chains and Angelo, aching from the resonation in his chest, can’t bring himself to leave them behind. Dream or not.

Hey, sweetie… Don't worry. It’ll be over soon,” he softly croons, attempting to comfort and reassure a shivering form in their pitifully small cage. He’s alone here, surrounded by only creatures of the damned and the lost. The back of his hand is raised to linger at the edge of the bars of this particular container, feeling the sensation of hot breath tickling against his skin, so tangible Angelo wonders for the briefest of moments whether he’s really there. “You’re getting out. Then you’ll be able to do whatever you want to do and go where you want…” He doesn’t know if what he’s saying will ring true, if it even really matters but his lips still pull into a practiced, kind smile.

Rage bubbles underneath the surface, contained only by the pleading looks in innocent, pitiful eyes.

Look at you, you’re doing so great. Not much longer now.” He praises the prisoner, not moving from his spot as it shrinks towards the back of its cage, remaining in place and uttering hushed assurances. Lacerta the Scizor is by his side, crouched within the maze of bars and using her claws to begin working through the iron bars. It’s a slow process, quiet as Angelo had requested of her, lest the screeching of metal being ripped off the hinges alert more than a human’s attention. Last thing he wanted was to fly the captive pokemon, as tense as they all were, into a panic.

You’ll be free soon. I promise.” There’s a scratchy quality to his voice as the metal bars cast shadows in blue, turbulent eyes.

tldr; angelo stays with the captive pokemon. attempts to break them out.

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played by


Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,653 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2020 1:20:01 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Right as Chu-e was finishing his mental breakdown, there was a shift. Instead of sitting with his back to the wall inside of the mansion, he was now sitting with his back against the side of a cage. He blinked, rubbed his eyes, was slowly helped to his feet by his pokemon, which he swiftly put back into their balls to keep out of sight. He had no idea where he was or what was happening.

There was talking a ways away. The dull glow of computer light. The whines of pokemon. Chu-e tried to take a deep breath and focus himself.

He still didn't have any idea what was happening. Freaking out about it wouldn't help. Patting his pocket, Chu-e once again fumbled for his lock picking set and started to work on some of the pokemon cages. Since at this point he wasn't aware that he couldn't be seen, a distraction might be a better way to go about things. If enough of these guys got loose he could slip out. Hopefully undetected.

tldr: chu-e still has no idea what is happening. tries to open some of the cages in case he needs a distraction.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2020 7:15:11 GMT

Now this is more like it.

The sullen faces of the incarcerated remind him of ’s workspace. The degradation of being confined to such a small space has broken their spirits. Having everything taken from them refines them to focus on only one objective: escape. Unfortunately, Fernando will not be the one to abet their endeavors. Not when something more interesting perks his interest.

For most, whatever Jules has on his computer means little to them. Project BEAST KILLER is a name without a purpose unless you have the right tools in place. And, once upon a time, Fernando would’ve been in that camp as well. Thankfully, pursuing his own propositions in the Black Market have landed one of these mutilated monsters and now he looks to pilfer what he can.

In chance there is opportunity. Outside of the malignant turmoil of recent events, this would have never been possible. And, as grateful as he is for the sudden distortion, it means little without his lab. The Porygons that make up SciLabs do all the metaphorical heavy lifting in translating text of his nature. Without them, he is nothing more than a glorified button pusher, caught without his calculated in the face of an algorithm too complex for his own understanding.

But that doesn’t stop him from trying.

Returned from whence it came, Silvally, the prodigal son, is here to unravel the tragedy of its creation.


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don’t know, don’t care
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ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 24, 2020 18:48:45 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Thankfully, the zombies don’t reach them—because reality bled out once more.

This time, though, the scene they materialize in is something straight out of another horror movie. Only this time there were cages, upon cages, upon fucking cages of Pokémon trapped, lining the walls. It doesn’t take him too long to blink and see that there’s a very familiar man in front of him.

He looked down at his hands again, shuddering like a glitch and insubstantial. As he tried to formulate a plan in order to catch the man of the hour (and this time lock him up for good) the scene momentarily glitches out.

“What the—“ he blinked, before finding himself appearing next to a computer console. This time, he’s not as glitch—and then he remembered something rather important.

Hoping that he has enough time, he frantically sits down at one of the computer terminals and attempts to break into the database, looking for information he thought he could never access once again—

Project “Beast Killer”, the one that had birthed his Silvally, Amir.


and for the most part

• We glitching out again
• Lars doesn’t know where tf they ended up this time, however the sight of one Mr Cotillard makes him do a take two
• Before he can move towards the man, he materializes briefly near the computer terminals
• Wondering if he can find some information, he looks for any shred of information he can take about Project “Beast Killer”

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