Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 18:45:30 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"there you are!" priam exclaims, watching the rocket beast fall down from a tree with a smile. "i almost thought you're dead if you're missing this!"

there were questions to be asked concerning 's entrance, most of them unable to be contained by priam. "where's your... this!" he grabs his kimono by the sleeves and waves them before oscar. "where did you even come from? you're all formal!"

he walks forward to try and see what was in the tree oscar fell from. there was nothing discernable, though he would have stayed and looked longer had he not noticed coming for the lighter.

"oh, yeah!" he takes plank's hand and stuffs the lighter in her palm before placing a hand on her shoulder, turning to oscar as he explain things to him. "plank's getting the honors of lighting the first one since she's not late. also, this is the same one as we lit up before."

illegal fireworks that are considered contraband due to their excessive firepower. someone once told priam that it isn't even a firework at that point, though he's quick to forget things that don't matter.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 19:13:24 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar nodded vigorously, more than willing to answer all of Priam's burning questions. However, before he had the chance Priam noted that this firework was the same as the one they let loose on slateport's beach. This gave Oscar pause, scratching his head as he observed their surroundings.

"The same as last time hm? I think--I think we're missing something important." Oscar looked to the trees, covered in thick flammable leaf coats. He observed the supple wood of their very vulnerable wooden trunks. He peered at the grass around them, dried from the colder weather. It all began to slowly click in his head--and then...

He lost it. His train of thought up and left the station, he was just so excited for this firework. Oscar waved his hand, "I'm sure if it were important I would remember it. Anyway let's see this explosion!" Oscar stood back as he waited for Plank to light the firework, having no objection to her performing the deed. A glimmer lit up his eyes, his excitement boiling over. This was gonna be swell.

Post: 2/15
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 19:39:11 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo almost chokes on his drink as the sound of a familiar voice cuts through the orchestra of competitive banter and festival chatter – the Cheese Dreamy Queen herself calling him out personally. [break][break]

Laughter tainted by a cough, Angelo brushes his wet mouth with the back of his wrist – throat thankfully too pleasantly numbed by cheap alcohol to feel that same burn going upwards instead of down – as barges into the strongman circle, flexing her muscles as much as her confidence. [break][break]

Hope your swing hits harder than your puns, Storms!” [break][break]

It’s after Stormy has taken her turn, competitors buzzing amongst each other in charged enthusiasm over their scores, that Angelo feels the prickling of something warm against the side of his neck. Gold and silver materialising in the corner of his vision, snaring his attention away from the game.[break][break]

Angelo’s expression subtly shifts as awareness coils through him at the sight of the source; blue gaze taking on a narrowed, more focused edge while his lips curl lazily. ... There you are, he thinks and for a moment he feels tempted to approach, to submerge himself in her company.[break][break]

Yet as festival lights and rambunctious cheer melts away – becoming irrelevant – until only she remained, he locks onto her wandering silver eyes and takes note of the unspoken challenge swimming within molten depths. Something twists within him, exhilarating with warm tension, at the sight; set of her jaw daring him to give her the satisfaction of abandoning his current company for her. [break][break]

Angelo is feeling especially competitive tonight. That mocking salute of her bottle earning the captain a sharp flash of grinned teeth, intent within no doubt familiar to her. Holding steadfast despite the pull of the tide that threatened to drag him in. [break][break]

And although he brings his own bottle to his lips at the same time in a moment of shared, silent greeting; it’s not the rum that trickles a warm path down his throat that Angelo’s drinking in. [break][break]

Blue gaze intentionally trailing across tequila wettened lips, down the curve of an exposed shoulder from her dishevelled attire and beyond; so that she knows he’s noticed. Her and her little game. [break][break]

Then mouth still curled, he purposefully drags his gaze away from her, holding her languid stare until the last: I’ve got all evening to play this game, Sunshine. [break][break]

Okay, you got a deal. Think someone got around eighty-something, right? Hope you're feeling lucky.” Angelo directs towards – pleasantly aware of the burn the captain had left, still simmering on his skin


post #7[break][break]
+ , , [break][break]
+ is currently your noodle champion. for the deal, fern has to beat @simone 's 89 [break][break]


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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,545 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 19, 2021 19:47:04 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar








@chloe 4th post


Melody was told to lead the way so she did! She began to walk with Chloe over to the Darumaka stand and began to pick out some stuff, cute little charms and stickers! She picked out the sticker realizing these would be super cute for her recording equipment so she bought a couple. She had really poor impulse control when it came to buying stuff "Is there anything you see that you want? I think im gonna just buy these stickers for now before I go a bit nuts." she laughed. She wondered what else they could possibly do together or even talk about, it was her first fan...what was she supposed to do? Melody panicked a bit as her stomach growled and she had an idea suddenly. "Oh! Do you wanna get some food?" she asked curiously wondering if Chloe had an idea on what to eat.


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[googlefont=Holtwood One SC][googlefont=Roboto][googlefont=Playfair Display]

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,671 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 0:17:23 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Even if Hideo couldn’t see the Drifblim waving to him, his two Pokemon did. His Ribombee reciprocated, waving a tiny arm as he once again reclaimed his hairy seat. His Hatterene simply nodded, her arm staying close to her charge.

Hideo didn’t know exactly what “abfab” meant, but he could guess that Andy was doing just fine - or didn’t think he needed any help. “At least you were able to stay safe,” Hideo added, “If they hurt you too, wouldn’t really be that good of a ‘rescue’, huh?” Wouldn’t hurt to make light of what happened; there were no lasting injuries out of it.

But he was somewhat confused when Andy tapped his elbow.  He had absolutely no idea what Andy had meant, assuming he’d just be guided out by hand, raising his own up to make that easier. It was only thanks to his Hatterene guiding his arm that he realized Andy wanted a more secure way of guiding him out.

Arms properly interlocked, Hideo would follow Andy out of the crowd, followed closely by his Hatterene. It wouldn’t take long for them to reach the booth. It was a modest setup - “Shoot the Psyducks” as the banner read, with a few rows of wooden psyducks scrolling along the back, red targets on their centers. It was manned by a festival worker and her Golduck.

I’ve never shot a gun before...” Hideo mused aloud. Though calling that orange-tipped BB Rifle a gun would be generous. “You wanna go first, Andy? Maybe we can see who can get more targets!

Post 8

Hideo makes his way to a shooting gallery with
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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 2:13:29 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar
“I can't believe you're extorting money out of bad publicity, Mr. .”

There is a chuckle, a display of affectionate humor but she really isn't buying it. It has all been a fun show but Vanessa won't match his price because it is simply not worth it. How narcissistic can a person get if he thinks he can ask people to pay for his way out of shame.

But of course, some people will buy it.

And she's starting to think it's not just because the titles he put at stake matters that much. What, with all the people here already having established positions on their own. At least for Vanessa, these titles don't matter that much.

“A'ight. I'll be watching. I'm not saying I'm betting on it. I just like to see you try and fail again, Mister.”

Vanessa goads with a playful wink, her arms folding in-front of her. She is about to approach and ask if he is really buying any of this, but when his eyes trail to a pair of blue orbs on whose face looks familiar (), the redhead is beginning to realize how Hoenn is really a small community after all.

He retrieves his rotom phone and messages an untouched number. Maybe it's really time to get away.

To :

wazzup yo!

What a fun idea to mess 'em up a little bit.

TL;DR: Valerio arrives as the "new Vanessa."
Challenges to another round, not "betting" on it. (LOL)
Seeing how looks at , there is something Vanessa wants to confirm. Contemplating on getting away. Messages .
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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 4:44:31 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex sharply exhaled while narrowing her eyes. What if she wanted to deflect? But he was right, it was awfully vague. Lex didn’t even know what she meant except ‘somewhere other than a large public outing’. Still, they chose to come. There was some comfort in being here together rather than alone. Lex always considered herself stronger with than without; It was a lesson she learned the very hard way. After a sigh, Lex looked up apologetically, “It’s nothing, I just had a weird feeling for a second there,” It wasn’t a weird feeling though, it was one she was deeply familiar with.

”Ehem,” a deep voice interrupted. Lex turned towards a gruff stall merchant with Nova at his side, “Is this yours?” he looked upset while motioning to the rather smug looking redheaded child, “I caught her trying to steal some fireworks,” Lex cracked a smile, motioning Nova back to her. Like mother like daughter . . . except her real daughter would never get caught, “Sorry about that, she’s been very naughty tonight,” she grinned, glancing down at the child hugging her legs.

notes: Post #6

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 5:22:14 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




While obviously a big fan of ghost pokemon, the pysduck was a pokemon that he had always found endearing. Perhaps he wouldn't even mind owning one. None the less, it was just a game, and obviously they weren't shooting real psyducks. It was just a play one some manner of real life hunting. Psyduck probably tasted amazing as well. He couldn't remember if he had had any.
What was more concerning as they came to stand before the booth, was exactly how this was going to work. Andy had been so preoccupied with just getting the other boy to this point that he had overlooked the obvious issue with a blind person using a gun. It was just a BB gun, but still... While nothing ergonomically prevented this from happening, how was he going to see the target?
''Is there a reason for that I wonder?'' A smart response to his friend's musing perhaps, but he was starting to become a little anxious. Even his eyes were closed. Would the attendant say anything, he wondered. ''Alright. I'll uh, give it a shot.'' Would Hideo get the pun? It was fairly cringeworthy. He could feel his gengar squirm a little around him.
''Two attempts please,'' he said, unhitching himself from the younger boy and stepping up to the counter proper. With the exchange of some pocket change, the carnie handed over the BB gun and explained the rules. ''Alright kid. At the bell you can start shooting. Give it a pump before each shot to charge the rifle with a little air. There's twenty targets. When you hear the buzzer, time's up. Got it?''
''Got it.'' Taking the faux weapon in hand, he readied up, leaning on the counter and giving it a preemptive pump. Having experienced an actual firearm with before, he handled this toy with plenty of confidence. The attendant rang the bell, and a little psyduck appeared somewhere on the back of the stall, slowly moving from its spawning point to one side or the other.
The first was moving slowly enough but Andy would find out they got faster and faster. Much to the worker's surprise, Andy's gengar and duskull both materialized to observe their trainer's attempt with the other two. After thirteen more dings, the buzzer sounded and hesitantly the Galarian lowered the BB rifle. It wasn't bad for a first try, but of course he would have preferred twenty ducks.
''Pretty decent, kid.'' The last thing he wanted to be known as was 'the pretty decent kid.' Fishing a stuffed psyduck off the shelf, he handed it across the counter to him. It was immediately handed off to Epitaph, who eyed it with some suspicion for some reason. ''Maybe you'll do even better on your second crack at it, eh?''
''Second shot ain't for me.''








[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 8:21:29 GMT
Deleted Avatar
244 for , anyone else!
Quietly, Rose looked towards a Riolu who had been watching her feeding Persephone and Delphi, though upon looking at the woman who owned it, with the words that came out of her mouth, while not directly pointed at her, still stung. It wasn't that the food was bad for them. In moderation.

Though, that was perhaps wishful thinking. She turned her nose up, as Delphi finished his dumplings, with the Houndour grabbing the stick and chomping away.

Getting up from the bench, she placed a hand on her hip, and decided a little sass was in order. "Persephone, Delphi. While you will stay disciplined, I will at least reward it." Her words were oozing in venom, as she began walking, the Houndour and Arbok both looking to the Riolu.


Persephone felt bad. It was a Pokemon. Placing the stick on the bench, there was one, very small dumpling left untouched by saliva or her mouth. As the two began to follow Rose, the Houndour gave a look towards the Riolu. A small friendly growl, and she whipped around, following after Delphi. The last dumpling on the stick left.

It was a means to be nice.

~ ~ ~

Continuing her walk around the Festival grounds, she seemed like she was in search of something. While Persephone kept behind, Delphi the Arbok continued paving a way through the crowd itself. Rose was looking for her sister. But there was little chance of that. Maybe a friendly face?

~ ~ ~

TL;DR: As the Riolu nearby seemed to be happy, Rose does not take the trainer's words kindly. Getting up and leaving while giving one line of sass, Persephone (Houndour) leaves one small dumpling on the bench as they leave. Rose heads off into the festival grounds, searching for her sister, or a friendly face.


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 10:32:59 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    "Yeah it's bloody packed! Everyone turned out for a piece of the fun," Zac said, looking around. The stone shrine was mercifully a tad more mellow than the streets he had been patrolling. 
    "Just started a few weeks ago, but I was booked up on day one! Everyone's still sending in applications, and I feel bad turning them down, but I can only be in so many places at once."
    Maybe there was a way to thin the applicants, or to test several at the same time. "I really enjoyed the contest," Zac said, nodding at his (now suspended) colleague. "It really pushed me, and brought out the best in Boshi. I was thinking of incorporating that style of competition into my gym, actually." 
    Zac clenched his fists, hidden in the pockets of his Golden Explorer's Coat. He didn't have to like Selena as a person, but he had to respect her ability as a gym leader and contest runner. 
    "Would you be interested in a spot as guest judge?"

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 14:24:04 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

"A baseline?" Glinting eyes are narrowed in suspicious disbelief as comes back from his attempt at the strongarm game. As far as Skyler's aware, it's the closest anyone has ever gotten to hitting the bell. It calls out to her competitive nature, her hissed exclamation followed by a sharpened grin. "You've gotta be kidding me, boss."

The lackadaisical manner in which he speaks only makes it worse.

Her shoulders are abruptly set back in a picture of determination, pride biting at her heels and demanding to be heard and acted upon. Unfortunately for the ship captain, common sense has never been one of her closest companions.

Before she can stomp to where the strongman game is, a familiar buzzing catches her attention. Hand digging into her pocket, Skyler brings out a phone that looks as if it has seen better days, its screen so cracked it's barely legible. The captain seems to have no problem reading the messages, however, a wide smile brightening up her features as she looks down at the phone.

To :
im at the games
come join me!
To :
up for a challenge?
got tequla ;)

Even as her attention drifts away from a certain blue-eyed courier, she can feel the lingering weight of his gaze brushing over her exposed skin like a physical, tangible force. Warmth that has nothing to do with the pleasant burn of alcohol curls within her, a low simmering tension that she's all too familiar with.

Mischievous ocean eyes tempt her to close the distance between the two of them, but the captain stands her ground - refusing to give even an inch, too caught up in the challenge brought forth by the edge of a smirk. 

Basking in it.

Awareness clings to her as she approaches the strongarm game to give it a go. If her loosened yukata slips a little further from strong, scarred shoulders, she doesn't appear to notice - at least at first. The image of unselfconscious temptation is soon ruined by a knowing smirk, molten silver glinting at briefly.

The captain can't help but catch the tail end of a deal spilling from 's lips. Quirking an eyebrow, she gives a curious glance, trying to place his face but ultimately failing to. The captain's always had a disregard for politics, nearly bordering on disrespect. 

Hopefully she wouldn't be too distracted by a certain presence at her back.



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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 16:28:36 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The way that the councilman was carelessly throwing around titles was like nothing—but for someone like Lars, who cared very deeply about the Rangers as a whole, he couldn’t help but rise up to the ‘bait’.

“Oh, sod off,” he grumbled, resisting the urge to snark back. Well, well, someone already did a better snark than whatever he could muster () and he chuckled softly.

“Well, dinky, let’s see how this shit goes.”

Just as he was about to wind up and pick up the hammer again, a familiar voice interrupts his train of concentration and he turned around in time to see joining the now-growing group of people who were going to try their luck with said hammer.

The hand that came down on his shoulder made him cringe for a millisecond before he shrugged it off.

“What, curious about the goods?” he teased her with a smirk and a wink. Oh, anyone present would’ve seen his action and may have misinterpreted it too, but he was a taken man, thank you very much.

And at the mention of money, well, thank fuck he had the foresight to bring more than one wallet, but of course nobody else needed to know that.

“Fine,” he shrugged, waiting for his turn.

Once the hammer was clear, he bit down on the pipe out of one side of his mouth before hiking the sleeves up once again. Oh, what do you know—a lot more people turned up.

Taking a deep breath to stay calm, he grabbed the hammer with both hands and gave it his best shot—


his thematically-appropriate festival get up


over at the Hammer Arm King game with , , , and basically everyone else lol

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,671 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 19:43:14 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo grinned, catching onto that pun immediately. “Go get’em, Decidueye!

He stood nearby, listening to Andy’s attempt and occasionally cheering him on. Honestly, he expected a gun to be louder than that. But maybe this was a special quieter gun that they use at these kinds of festivals. He probably would’ve been asking for a quieter gun if he heard a real one fired this close, but for the moment, he was slightly disappointed.

Not to mention all he heard were little *dings* when he assumed Andy hit a target. Probably wasn’t even that strong of a gun either. Oh well; if this was gonna be the first gun he got to shoot, he’d take it.

In a little while, he heard the music playing for the game stop. He couldn’t tell how many shots Andy managed land, but Hideo clapped for him regardless. And judging by what the festival worker said, he’d done pretty alright.

But now it was Hideo’s turn to use it. And boy was he excited; he was almost vibrating from anticipation.

Though approaching with shut eyes wasn’t the best choice. “May want to open your eyes for this, kid.

Oh, right.” Not as if that would actually help him, but it would at least throw off the festival worker for now. He was pretty certain if she did find out he was blind, she wouldn’t let him use it.

He opened his eyes, staring straight forward. His green eyes were unmoving, unwavering; couldn’t really do much with them if he couldn’t focus on anything.

The worker looked him over for a moment, before shrugging it off. “Alright, same deal for you; at the bell you can start shooting. Give it a pump before each shot to charge the rifle with a little air. There's twenty targets. When you hear the buzzer, time's up. Got it?

Hideo nodded. “Yeah, yeah,” he said, failing to notice the weapon was presented for him to take. It took his Hatterene pushing his arm forward for him to finally go for it, earning another concerned glance from the worker.

He picked it up, noting that it was a little heavier than he expected. But he didn’t have the time to get a good feel for it; the music started up once again. He hastily raised it up to be perpendicular to his body, squarely against his chest. “You’ll do better if you hold it to your shoulder,” the worker mentioned.

Hideo nodded, raising the butt up to his shoulder. He didn’t know where the target was - so he just pumped the rifle and took a shot ahead. No ding - a clean miss on that slow-as-a-crawl wooden psyduck.

But even then, he actually kind of liked it. He’d never felt recoil like that before, little as it was. It brought a wide smile to his face, combined with a giggle. He aimed the gun forward once again, pumping it and taking another shot.


His smile was now showing some teeth. “I got it!” he proclaimed, his giggling exploding into pure laughter. He hadn’t had this much fun in a while.

And he had more shots to get through - 18 shots left, if he recalled. He lifted the rifle back up, aiming it towards the side this time. He pumped it again, pulled the trigger, and-


He struck another target that had slowly been making its way across the back by sheer coincidence. “Two for two!” he exclaimed, his jubilation only growing in intensity. He pumped again, took aim at a random direction forward, and pulled the trigger again.


Another hit! Hideo was riding this high, aiming and pumping and firing as his leisure - and every shot followed by the *ding* of another Psyduck he hit. He aimed at nothing in particular, yet it was as if the wooden stands moved at just the right time for his shots to hit.

To the naked eye, he’d just seem like a crack shot. Even his Pokemon were surprised: his Hatterene was looking down at him, staring right at his eyes as she was trying to assess if he really was blind or had just been faking it the whole time. His Ribombee, meanwhile, just cheered on from the top of his head, intensifying with each shot.

And at no point did he accidentally aim it too far to the sides, never putting the worker and her Golduck at risk. All out of sheer luck.

But it couldn’t last forever; he reached his 20th shot before he knew it, and it hit squarely on target.


With that, the music stopped. “You got some real good beginner’s luck there, kid,” the worker said, “19 out of 20 on your first is pretty impressive. Just hand it over real quick and I can give you your prize.

Hideo was still too into his giggling fit to hand it over. It was up to his Hatterene to pull it out of his hands and give it back to her. She also had to be the one to take the prize the Golduck had taken out for them; a small stuffed Golduck.

Reward successfully obtained, the Hatterene handed the stuff toy to the boy. She patted Hideo on the back, prompting him to turn back towards Andy, his green eyes still wide open and unfocused. “Didn’t think I’d be that good of a shot!” he exclaimed, he cheeks reddened from all that laughter.

Post 9

It's Hideo's turn at the shooting gallery.
He pretends he isn't actually blind.
Manages to hit 19 out of 20 targets out of sheer luck (he rolled high on a random number generator)

Stuffed Golduck obtained!
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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kyle lopez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 20:27:07 GMT
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it takes him a moment to register the reason for 's outburst. "d-don't worry about it," he attempts to lighten his position from the score he received. "maybe it's just that i trained enough from carrying people on raids, hehe."

in online games of course.

as he watches her take an attempt on the game, he notices her gaze on a certain . kyle follows it, and when he manages to read between the lines, he immediately shifts his attention elsewhere.

it was only then that he realizes the presence of a few people surrounding them. he takes a moment to greet the people he knows personally, brightening up, if only to distract himself from the fact that he feels bad from looking condescending towards skyler with his performance and the way he acted.

"storms!" he greets when he sees her in the same game. "did you bring fern out of his office?" he jests as he sees beside her.

with it, he transitions to teasing the councilman. "oh yeah, you mentioned giving out something when we beat your score or something, right?" a certain smirk comes up from his usual expression, knowing that he must have seen the score he got since he just got it moments earlier.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 20, 2021 23:11:35 GMT
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Chloe looked at all the darumaka merchandise that was being sold. Everything looked really adorable and she always struggled making decisions on the spot. Picking up a bracelet to get a closer look at it she was slightly startled by Melody's sudden question. Taking a few moments to consider the question, she glanced at the bracelet again. Seeing that there was an identical one nearby she figured it'd be nice if they got matching ones to share the memory. Giving a look towards the sticker that Melody had showed her, Chloe smiled nodding in agreement. "Those are very cute stickers! As for what I'm gonna get.. It's probably these bracelets! " She dangled the bracelets in front of Melody the bracelets were silver and gold with small darumaka pendants hanging onto it with different expressions. "We can match!" Chloe said sweetly with a happy smile handing the other bracelet to Melody.
Mentioning food also made Chloe's stomach rumble. For her small size she carried a big stomach. Taking a quick scan around the festival to see if there were any food stalls nearby, she spotted out a takoyaki stand that didn't look so busy. It reminded her of the time where she kept mispronouncing the word to Jonathan. "How about some takoyaki! It's really tasty" She was already excited about eating them again.



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