Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
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peggie vela DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @plank
peggie vela
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 24, 2021 22:19:00 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]It should probably be a no brainer that when you run into a herd of people randomly running and shifting at a full sprint that you will eventually hit someone, but it still surprises Plank when it happens.

With her head turned to keep an eye on the Tauros she doesn't see the large, hard body in front of her until she's rammed into it at a bruising speed. Her right cheek hits first; and then the rest of her body catches up before she's bounced off it to the ground. Fuck! That hurt!

The copper tang of blood spreads over the right side of her tongue as she clutches at her cheek. She definitely bit it during the collision.

"Why don't you watch where you're standin' ya fuckin' brainless pole!" she shoots back, glaring up at the (in her mind) offending party here. Seriously, everyone else is running? What business does this dude have just standing there.

"Yeah, well when the problem is rampagin' Tauros 'n' . . . " her eyes roam to the angered legendary, "Whatever the fuck that is, seriously, what the fuck is that? When the problem is that I'm gonna run!"

ooc: post 9/15

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 0:13:39 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

 Captain Dross looks up at the looming tree like she wants to end its existence. For a moment it feels as if the rest of the festival ceases to exist, muddled colors and indistinct chatter bowing down before the eager pounding of her heart in her ears and the edge of a slowly widening grin. Bloodthirsty.

"That's unfair, Celly." Blond curls whisper over exposed shoulders as her head tilts to face , looking entirely too self-satisfied. "My blood hasn't been completely replaced by alcohol." Calloused digits tap over the crystalline glass of the bottle briefly, echoing in the halfway empty bottle. A sharp grin blooms on her face. "That's what this baby is for." 

A scoff follows in the wake of 's comment. "I don't know who you're talking to, spiky. No lady here. But since you're scared - here, I'll go first. I'll even hold your hand if you ask nicely." The captain is, clearly, talking out of her ass. The veneer of confidence, however, seems genuine. There isn't a drop of hesitation as the roughness of tree bark bites into Skyler's palms, muscles tensing with effort as she starts inching her way up the tree.

Bold. Fearless. Foolish.

The sound of a familiar voice calling out to her (challenging her?) has the captain uttering a single, but deeply heartfelt curse. Something wild and untethered peeks out from under the surface, ever so curious, and Skyler's helpless to resist it. Doesn't really want to. 

Her head cranes back carelessly, teeth glinting with moonlight as she bares them at  . Of course.

An ominous crack stops whatever words the captain might've said. Calloused fingertips desperately dig into the bark, searching for some sort of purchase. Yet the sudden loss of a foothold is enough for gravity to greedily take the captain into its jaws. Vertigo briefly settles into her stomach, turning it, and there's an odd ripping sound as she's pulled down, and she is gracelessly-



The impact doesn't actually hurt Skyler as much as it does her dignity. Breath knocked out of her, the captain doesn't move for a few seconds, silver eyes focused on the canopy above. Slowly, as if in slow motion, she raises one of her arms to give the tree the middle-finger.

"Hey Celly." If Skyler is aware of her disheveled state, yukata only loosely wrapped around her form with a large, newly-acquired slit running almost the entirety of it, she doesn't appear to care. Given what happened in the last event she participated in, she figures disrobbing herself is becoming somewhat of a theme. "I think I'll need that bottle now."

Captain Dross doesn't give enough time to actually do anything; greedy fingers already wrapped around the bottle and pouring the contents down her throat. The back of her hand reaches out to catch a rebellious drop of tequila sliding down her chin, just as she spots a familiar figure through the crowd ( ). 

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 2:18:16 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Kev plummeted towards Tapu Bulu like a rod from heaven. 30ft of aerial steel tore through the air and fell straight on the bull. 
    It barely left a scratch. 
Vern fired his Tri-Attack late, and it struck a moment after Kev in a burst of fused, rippling elements. Thunder tore the air, ice crept across the ground, and flames licked up the creature's body.
    The legendary was unfazed. It was god mode to the nth degree, second only to the creator himself. Steelix rose from his crater behind Tapu Bulu. The crystal pillars protruding from Kev's body broke as he pulled himself up, crumbling to so much glittering dust. The Steelix was scraped, dented, and breathing hard in great puffs of steam.
    Tapu Bulu turned and grabbed the snake, tossing him away. Kev's magnetism was fading, as was his mega energy, and he landed hard, tumbling along the dirt ground of the now-ruined festival.
    Lucretia and Davenport orbited the battle, capturing wonderful footage of Zac's failed attempts. Think. Think! What else can you do?
    He still had 2 unused Pokeballs on him (perks of having registered Lucretia ahead of time as a camera assistant). Kev had been helpless against the beast. Mega Kev had hardly done anything. It was time to bring out the biggest gun Zac had: Zagrea. She's untrained, but I need power more than compliance. Zac thought, as he sent out Heatran.
    The baked air of the burning festival was like a summer breeze compared to the iron heat that belched from Heatran's gaping mouth. Zagrea stomped forward, her forge breath igniting the ground as she approached the unfamiliar foe.
    "Come on Zag!" shouted Zac. "He sure looks flammable, ay?Time to throw this bull on the barbie!"
    Zagrea bellowed, and a wash of super-heated air blasted Tapu Bulu. 

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 5:03:09 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Observing Lilith and Rowan interacting, Dakota picked up that it must have been a few years since they last saw each other. He found it slightly crazy that they’d met at the festival out of all places, it seemed to be the least likely place a person would reunite with an old friend. Dakota forced an awkward cough fiddling around with his jacket unsure of what to say. In a way he felt confident that if he left without word that the two of them wouldn’t notice - but he wasn’t going to do that. Looking towards Minstral the piplup did seem to be stubborn just like Rowan had pointed out. Dakota found it amusing in a sense and chuckled lightly to himself.
The older man’s eyes would widen upon hearing Rowan’s comment, and a blush arose onto his cheeks. Dakota thought it was unbelievable that someone would come to such a ridiculous assumption. “You're under the wrong impression, this is the first time I’ve met Lilith” He corrected without much expression, but his tone still held a warmness to it. Lumi would gaze up at the three trainers with a dumbfounded expression watching as her soft blue eyes glistened with curiosity, head tilting at the piplup who was tucked away inside a man’s hood. Looks like Dakota wasn’t the only one who misunderstood Rowan, as Lilith also misinterpreted him believing that he was the one in a relationship. “He thought we were in a -” Not being able to finish his statement due to the sudden commotion, Dakota looked up to see what had been going on. His eyes did not believe what they saw - a lively festival to a chaotic madness unfolding right in front of him. Dakota did find it strange to hear such early fireworks, but he thought nothing of it at the time.. Looks like it ended up causing a large mess as a herd of tauros began to stampede. Sweat began to glisten onto the man’s forehead but the situation didn’t allow much time for Dakota to think about the easiest way to resolve it.
Many festival participants were already doing the best they could to calm down the stampede, Rowan included. Realizing that he had been a little slow to pull out his own pokemon, he scoffed at his indecisiveness releasing a pokeball which summoned a large mamoswine bellowing a mighty roar. While Rowan’s roserades, sweet scent did slow down some of the rampage - it wasn’t enough as the chaos ensued. A tauros charged straight towards Rowan and Dakota with no signs of slowing down. “Mamoswine, Endure! With the command the large pokemon acted swiftly dashing forwards to stop the charge, easily overpowering the other pokemon. They were safe for the time being, thankfully, giving a quick glimpse back “Are you two okay..?” It was then that he did not see the presence of Lilith. Dakota felt a sense of panic envelop his mind “Lilith?” “Lilith?!” He looked around, the younger girl nowhere to be seen. It was out of the corner of his eye that spotted out a familiar woolo, and Lilith chasing after her. The two of them heading straight towards..Tapu Bulu..? It was strange to see a legendary was here, it was bad enough with the rampaging tauros but now a rampaging legendary? How else could this situation worsen. If they wanted to calm down the legendary they were going to need to work as a team. “Rowan? let's back up Lilith! He shouted once at the other man before racing after Lilith miraculously catching up. He could see that she was very shaken from everything that had been going on. “Don’t worry, we can work together. ” He reassured clicking open another pokeball, which released a glorious Aurorus. He gave a look around, there were plenty of people to help calm down Tapu Bulu it was relieving to see. “We'll do this together” Dakota spoke loudly enough so that anybody around was able to hear him.
Tl;dr Dakota's Mamoswine takes a random taruos charge, he then follows lilith to try and calm down the legendary. Joins others in calming tapu bulu.

+ @festival



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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 5:10:52 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Cotton followed after Chunhua, giving a wave to Chu-e over his shoulder as he went. He was positive that his trainer would be okay, after all! He had a bunch of other pokemon out right now, after all, and none of them would let him get hurt. So, when the other, NEW human called out another pokemon, he decided to pitch in and help, too! He wanted to help keep his new friend safe and also just... wanted in on the action. For a grass type, he was kind of a spitfire on the inside. Fluffing himself up, he unleashed a Grassy Terrain around @zhao and his pokemon, which would boost his same-types moves and make them all much stronger. It would also help to tangle up any Tauros who came their way!

Meanwhile, Chu-e couldn't hide the surprised snort and clapped a hand over his mouth at what said. He was pissed! Hell yeah! Seeing Razz even a little properly cross was pretty funny. But, he seemed to have things sorted out in his own way. Chu-e, true to his nature, was a bit more forceful in his own attempts. "Well, I guess this is almost as good as you winning me a Miltank!" He called out to the other, not letting him get away for now. Chu-e had found a life's purpose in riling up the other.

Muse, the Machamp, was busy with another Tauros. She grappled it tightly, her four arms wrapped around it's middle, then bent backwards harshly to slam the bull pokemon face first into the ground. The result was the pokemon mostly got hung by it's large horns, wiggling and unhappy but of no danger to itself or anyone else.

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 5:20:14 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
8/15 posts TAGGING

"jorgen slow down that herd! they're still running around like crazy!" kazimir called out to his ultra beast as he tended to his incineroar who looked like he had seen better days. that z-move on tapu bulu really did a number on him and didn't even seem to slow down the legendary mon in the slightest. still at least they managed to chip away at it some, that was all they could ask for. "don't worry tiggs, i'll treat ya to some fresh malsadas when this is all over, your fave with oran berry filling too!"

as the trainer tried to cheer up his large cat the buzzwole charged ahead to catch up with the runaway herd. his legs carried him much faster than one might imagined and he managed to plant himself inbetween a few stragglers of the heard and grab two of them by the horns and with his massive strength pull them into a dark lariet and released them to send them flying into a couple more bulls to stop them in their tracks. not the most softest ways to deal with a problem but the bug wasted no time thinking it over and chased after a few more.

TLDR: buzzwole used darkest lariat on tauros herd!


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 5:38:46 GMT
Deleted Avatar
His head felt a little fuzzy from the impact, Simone felt fine everywhere else even though he slightly wavered as he took a few steps forward. The chaos had still been ensuing, and perhaps it was the old ex-officer in him that made him want to help the chaos from damaging anything else. The cyndaquil he managed to save gave the man a concerned nudge on the chin, and Simone gave it a reassuring pat. Giving a quick look at the pokemon, trying to confirm that it was uninjured if only Eva had been around.. He had no clue, it seemed to be unharmed but he still wasn’t sure. “Try find somewhere safe” Simone told the small cyndaquil releasing it from his arms and waving it along. The pokemon gave him a nod, and dashed away from the chaos.
Hearing a strange sound, bells.. He turned to look at the direction where it was coming from - not wishing to believe his eyes as an angry Tapu Bulu wielded tree trunks as a weapon. There was already a group of trainers waiting to confront the legendary to try and calm it down, Simone figured that he’d offer some assistance in whatever way.
Making his way over, he spotted a familiar face. The one person he had been yearning to see, it was Eva. His once slow pace picked up, racing towards her to make sure that she was okay. “Eva!! Are you alright..?” He would question once he was close enough. From a quick head to toe examination, she seemed to be uninjured. “I’ll help in any way I can..” Simone muttered, pulling out Atlas’s pokeball. The torterra’s weight shook the ground as it emerged, eyes fixated on the threat.
“Curse” Simone commanded, which Atlas followed flawlessly.
(@festival )

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 6:17:26 GMT



Ding! [break][break]

He did it. Thank the fucking lord. Of course, Fernando was always confident that it would succeed but there's always the miniscule inch of doubt that creeps in. Faux bravado fills in the blanks until it come to fruition and when he turns around to silently gloat with his pride, everyone's gone. Again. As usual. [break][break]

It's pretty much just . [break][break]

But Fernando still takes his payout. It's nothing more than chump change, barely worth putting into his pocket, but a victory earned deserves a prize. It's the least he can do. [break][break]

"Ah. Mine is free. At the very least, I can make an exception for you." [break][break]

A thin smile coats his lips right before the rest of the festival diverges into chaos. The rumbling stampede of the Tauros interrupt his exposition by running right past them, skewering several stalls between their bullish heads and equally sharp horns. His ferris wheel date is forgotten amidst the stampede. [break][break]

"Tch." [break][break]

Duty calls. [break][break]

Each hand dives for a Pokeball on his hips and his fingers flirt with the capture mechanism with a perverse expertise. He hits the button in just the right way to make them explode, releasing his two Pokemon of choice: Urshifu and Glalie. [break][break]

"Battle routine set!" [break][break]

The Glaile spins as it comes to life, ejecting a preemptive PROTECT. [break][break]

"Execute!" [break][break]

It goes without saying, the Urshifu can read the room. As the Tauros rip everything to shreds, the fighting type Pokemon looks to hook one by the horns. The power struggle comes to a stall as neither side budges, a mental tussle on their next move as the Urshifu tries to calculate the best way to transition into SURGING STRIKES. [break][break]





made by gimmick

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,797 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 6:22:24 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

After ushering the civilians to safety, the Machamp turned towards the ringing bells. Her lumbering form sprinted to Eva’s side, skidding to a halt as she and the Gallade watched in awe as the trainers attempted to calm the Tapu Bulu. The fighting-type shuddered in anticipation, a part of her craving a piece of the action. Eva gently rested a hand on the Machamp’s arm. Their duty was not in the battle, unless absolutely necessary. These trainers seemed to have enough fire power to wrangle the rampaging beast without their help.

A familiar voice cut through the chaos, one she wouldn't be able to miss even in all the chaos, “Simone!” she called back, rushing to close the distance quicker by jogging a few steps towards him. There was a mixture of emotions. He brought Eva a sense of comfort but she was more worried for his well-being, “Are you alright?!” he looked a bit roughed up, like he took a good tumble, “Simone, you should really get out of here,” her voice was heavy with concern as her emerald eyes traced the more visible damage on his skin from his effort to save the Cyndaquil.

A loud crash behind the group caused Eva to flinch, spinning around to see another Tauros crash into a wooden stall. The boards exploded on impact, splinters raining down and a sharp board wedged itself into a Tauros’ side. The pokemon screamed in agony, falling onto the ground.


Eva hesitated to leave @simone 's side, but he chose for her by releasing Atlas to join the fight. It was a side of him she was unfamiliar with. Syah was quick to react, using her four strong arms the cover the beast and hold him down while Eva and Blade rushed over to kneel beside the wound. A quick look revealed it was mostly superficial, Eva didn’t suspect abdominal trauma.

“Get ready to pull it, Blade,” she instructed, unraveling gauze from her med pack to put pressure on the wound, “Hold ‘im steady, Syah,” Eva nodded, Syah braced herself, Blade pulled, and Eva came with the gauze, practically sitting on top of the struggling bovine to apply enough pressure to the wound.


Notes: 8/15

Eva and her team and ready to treat any wounded people or pokemon. Feel free to interact with her or her pokemon as needed

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,615 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 7:53:14 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






It seems the tactics work and already Razz is ready to enter automatic mode as he finds often enough that things like this were repetitive. He does shoot a questionable look on how this was almost as good. "Guess you're just enjoying the chaos then," he comments, honestly he shouldn't be too surprised considering what he used to be. Or may still be, but that could just be his paranoia. [break][break]

After another use of SWEET SCENT the ranger whistled for the plant pokemon, "Do what you can to heal them up," he asked having seen the damage caused by the Machamp and the cursed Nidoking. Twirling her leaf Laurel used HEALING PULSE on the injured bull. "If you can just have your pokemon immobilize I can help calm them down," he tried to make a request of the other. He doesn't want to hurt them if it can be helped.




Notes: Post #12/15 [break]



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 14:21:18 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Heatran advanced, mouth open as she roared her challenge.
    Magma dripped from her mouth in spits and globs, and waves of heat roasted Tapu Bulu. Her skin, like the skin of a magma-pool, flowed and split. Thin, brittle flames stabbed at the air, and heat poured off her body in shimmering waves. 
    Tapu Bulu wasn't about to wait for the magma toad to approach, and he brought his tree-trunk bat down right on Zagrea's head. The wood cracked as it ignited, half of the tree instantly consumed by Zagrea's molten body.
    Zac cheered and took a step back from the blistering heat. "I knew you could stand up to a hit! Now counter-attack!" he shouted.  
    Zagrea shot a wide spray of magma at Tapu Bulu. Some of the magma hit Tapu Bulu, blistering his skin and blackening his horns. Whatever his head was made of, it wasn't wood.
    Greenery sprung up around Tapu Bulu. Vines and flowers that wilted in an instant as his siphoned their energy away, healing the minor damage that Zagrea had inflicted.
    Zagrea made a grinding, primal noise. She wasn't frustrated, she was furious. She wasn't just 'untrained', as Zac had so generously put it, she was one step from being wild. And she wasn't done. Not by a long shot.
She was here because she allowed Zac to move her around. She fought because she wanted to, and she knew what the problem was.
    It wasn't that her fire wasn't enough, it's that there wasn't enough fire.

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 16:09:39 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Well, I do like being called an exception. Sure, I’ll swing by for that free game... If your stall is still standing by the end of the night.” [break][break]

Angelo departs from then with a faint grin and a flimsy promise, splintering off as the sound of the festival cheer becomes tainted with the wails of panic; fear puncturing through even the merry banter and ringing bells of the strongman game. Stepping into the rush of the crowd with a quick press of his bottle to his mouth, he aims to burn away the ache of empty pockets and return himself to a lighter feeling of festive abandon. Intent on distracting himself from caving to the memory of tequila on his lips. [break][break]

Rum and something to occupy his mind will have to keep him restrained from chasing after that feeling of weightlessness, for now. Thankfully, there’s enough commotion in spades and liquid in his bottle to keep Angelo’s attention. [break][break]

He does however, permit himself a glance in the direction that had ran off with her friends as he moves through the crowd, curiosity dragging his ocean gaze over just in time to watch her hitting the ground in a mess of limbs and dishevelled dress. Had she just fallen out of a tree…? [break][break]

Angelo would be lying if he said he hadn’t felt a jolt in his chest, especially when the blonde lies still for a beat longer than he considers comfortable. It’s not because of their ongoing flirtatious game that the courier doesn’t rush over to her side, however. And as she sticks her middle finger up at the tree, an amused, endeared breath escapes from his lips; softened by the alcohol in his veins. He knows she can take care of herself. It’s one of the reasons why he finds her so… [break][break]

Silver eyes catch him, puncturing through the crowd in a way that threatens to latch onto his trailing thought. He doesn’t let Skyler hook him nor the warm, weak feeling in his ribcage. Instead, he offers the captain a sly grin, silently communicating that he’d seen her fall before slipping away. Leaving her and that thought behind. [break][break]


After pushing himself through the crowd, Angelo finds his distraction in the form of a familiar man; red hair blazing about as fiercely as the flames he and his Heatran exuded. [break][break]

Zac, hey!” He calls out, releasing a pokeball into the air before he even has a chance to really focus on the slightly blurry edges of the legendary he was fighting. “You look like you've got everything under control... But you want some company?” His lips curl hungrily, then; something about this situation brimming with a challenge far more exciting than just wrangling a couple of Tauros. Electricity flickers in ocean blue eyes as he claps a hand against the Gym Leader’s shoulder, a gesture of a casual greeting and an encouragement to go wild. Thriving off the adrenaline. [break][break]

Sagitta, Spirit Shackle!” From above a nearby tree, having just been released into the chaotic festivities, his Decidueye emerges with an arrow of swirling dark energy. It’s released, followed by numerous more as the bird swoops overhead, attempting to sink its binding SPIRIT SHACKLE arrows into Tapu Bulu’s shadow – to render it immobile for Zac’s attack. [break][break]



post #10[break][break]
+ & & [break][break]
+ leaving fernando and skyler. going to go help zac kick some tapu ass.[break][break]



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January 12th
Castelia City, Unova
Travel Nurse
0 height
0 height
"Talk to me, I Love that Sound, Out of Words When Your Around"
9 posts
Hadley Bowen DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hadley
Hadley Bowen
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 16:20:08 GMT
Hadley Bowen Avatar
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Talk to me, I love that sound,
out of words when you're around

It was funny, for such a social girl Hadley never really needed conversation to be flowing for her to feel comfortable around another. It was just as nice for her to talk about something as it was to just enjoy being near another human in a warm silence. She has done so often in the past with those who were not much for talking and it has never dampened any sort of experience with another person, the thought forces a name to appear on the back of her mind for a fleeting second but she pushes it away because that is not what tonight is about. Tonight is about celebration of a new journey to be started, to get just a glimpse into all that Hoenn has to offer her because she is so ready to explore and learn all that there is about this region. Hadley is curious and eager to learn it all because she knows one day she will leave and never return and nothing would hold her back not even the individuals that may one day touch her heart in so many different ways as they would always be apart of her but she would always be forgotten. For Hadley leaving anywhere would always be as easy as breathing, there were so many things to explore and discover out in this wide, wide world and it is always calling her name without stop.

Though at this moment in time she is stationary, held firmly in place by red eyes and a desire to know all she could in what would no doubt be a brief meeting between two strangers. It was a beautiful thing to her, here she was talking to someone who had no idea about her or cared about who she might have been and vice versa it was easier that way. And though eventually in the night they would go their own way she would always remember him and this time they spent together. Hadley is taken so easily by others, her large heart wanting to open itself to everyone around her and finds that she cherishes everything that feels real in the moment, be it this festival or a simple conversation.

Hadley listens to him and she knows she is good at doing that, to watch the subtle changes of emotion and hear a shifting of tone because she does it very often. Hadley can talk forever but she could also listen when needed, to reach out and be a pillar of support but she dares not to do so right now, to get too close. Her warm chocolate colored eyes glance away when his does, it seems he needs a moment but she cannot stop herself from expressing her appreciation-

"You have a good friend, it's nice to have someone that cares about you."

Perhaps in another life Hadley would be willing to allow something like that for her, but she is content to care and love from afar. She nibbles on her food, enjoying the brief silence and the taste of something good but he blinks when he asks her about herself, surprised because she was not very interesting in general but she smiles despite herself, pleased by the mutual curiosity. It really was the little things.

"Well, it felt a bit like fate to me, like something telling me I did the right thing by coming here. A celebration of a new year for the world and also for a new journey for me. Though that sounds a bit cheesy I know."

Hadley had gotten too comfortable in her last travel, it had started feeling too much like home and the itch to move on had started to become less and less. Hadley had panicked then, and she ran as fast and far as possible. She chuckles, leaning back in the seat and glancing over at the man with a playful, almost mischievous look to her eyes now.

"But what gave you the idea I'm looking for something? Maybe I'm on the run, a dangerous criminal."

The very idea is laughable.

NOTES: boop
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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 16:22:28 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“You were saying?” he quipped as he scaled the other side of the dinky-ass tree they’d chosen to conquer.

Hilariously, despite him having so much experience out in the wild and all—most of it was on solid ground, thank you very much. That, plus the place of his birth had next to no damned fucking trees in sight, only a bunch of stairs and paths cut into the very face of the crater that Sootopolis called home.

While he did hear something snap and crack, he was quick enough to grab one of the lower branches and hang onto it just in time to see Skyler unceremoniously face plant on the dirt.


“Again—as I mentioned earlier—you were saying? he said, fighting the urge to chuckle as he let go of the tree branch (it wasn’t that far of a drop anyway) and somehow managed to score a two-point frog-posed landing.

Even if that meant the weird-ass wooden sandals he was wearing on his feet sinking a few inches into the ground to absorb the impact of his landing.

“Okay, shit aside—are you alright?” he said, walking over to where she’d fallen before offering a hand to help her up while averting his gaze to the state of her clothing.

However, averting his gaze made him catch sight of something—well, well, what the fuck was going on over there?

Looks like that weird creature that chose Selena, only slightly different— he thought to himself. Since there were a lot of people converging on that point, he decided to help thin out the rampaging Tauros herd instead.

“Got some work to do,” he said, reaching into his sleeve again with his other hand and pulling out a familiar-looking Heavy Ball at this point.

Out came Ro, shining silver beast of a Metagross, before he tilted his head in the general direction of the rampaging herd. Sounds of splintering and shattered wood reached his ears.

“Keep the people safe,” was all he said—Ro was smart enough to know that he was being allowed to work unsupervised. Legs folded in, the Metagross then floated off the ground before heading in the direction of an incoming pair of Tauros, attempting to use Telekinesis to hoist them in the air and bring them elsewhere.

helping thin out the rampaging Tauros herd

his thematically-appropriate festival get up


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 25, 2021 17:31:23 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Not only had he been called in despite taking the day off. Not only was the hospital visit interrupted.

But Hideo was being hurt as well

A scarred, calloused hand fell atop the Hatterene's noggin' as it yanked about the poor Hideo, the veins running along the back of the hand and forearm visibly pulsing before it yanked the extremely light pokemon off the floor.

"Are you out of your fucking mind?" He said with uncharacteristic, perfect diction.

And temper. Besides him, Kama blinked at the youth in complete bafflement.

If the Hatterene needed to focus on anything, the massive amount of anger flowing out of the youth was probably a good start.

"One in the hospital is already too much. Get your head out of your ass and stop hurting him!" He said, throwing it on the floor.

Two different winged bugs took residence atop the Hatterene, scales of sleeping powder fluttering down upon it and covering it like a thick layer of dust.

"Hideo! Ya hurt anywhere?!" He said, letting go of both Andy and the pokemon before throwing his arms around the smallest kid, hugging him firmly, yet gently. He had much practice with it by now. "Bae, love get over'ere!"

Oh, the hick was back.

A Ribombee fluttered around Hideo with curious eyes, glancing between the youth and Doug before nodding with a smile, understanding rather easily. It couldn't quite see where Hideo's injuries, if there were any, where, but pollen could get just about everywhere. It would be fine.

"Hideo. Fun's over. Things are going crazy out'ere." Doug said firmly, before turning his gaze towards Andy. Was this the first time they had stood this close together since the desert...? He thought so. Didn't matter.

"Andy. Get Hideo outta here. Please?" He said, turning towards the stampede and chaos going around, brow furrowing hard.

"Can't do it m'self. It's m'job to deal with this nonsense." He said as two Orbeetles moved to flank him, their eyes shining in unison as they began to lift several Stampeding Tauros in the air together.

Turning his gaze around the area, the youth's brow curled further, remembering the report that had been sent his Pokenav's way.

"Now where's the legendary bozo behin' all this nonsense?" Best go looking for him. "Kama. Let's go."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing