i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 5:48:55 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Michiko was in the middle of painting a sweet potato on the side of the lighthouse (she was busy mixing the perfect shade of yellow on the palette tray) when the roar came.

She dropped her brush and palette with a clatter. The paint fell to the ground, splattering her shoes with butter-colored liquid. "Oh!" Michi cried, hurrying to pick it back up before anyone else noticed. Her heart was still pounding. "What was that? I was so surprised..."

For the first time, Michi looked up.

What do I do? She thought, rooted to the spot with shock and disbelief. She felt paralyzed. People sprang into action all around her, shouting, sending out their Pokemon to set up a defensive perimeter. Michi couldn't even fumble out her handkerchief to wipe off her shoes. 

Defend... protecting myself... Protect! 

Hands shaking so hard she could barely unzip her handbag, Michiko found Sammie the Snom's Pokeball. Earlier that winter, she'd taught her male Snom Protect because she'd thought it would be cute for him to protect his Snom girlfriend. She hadn't thought she'd be needing to use it for herself!

Releasing Sammie, Michi thrust the chilly ice-type high above her head like a shield. "Use Protect, Sammie!"

Snom used ATTRACT.

"What?" Michi blinked owlishly as little pink hearts began to fly from the Snom above her head.  They billowed towards the sky like a handful of pink balloons ready to do combat with the descending menace. "But I thought it is... Snommie!? NO!" She broke off with a little scream as she realized that instead of releasing her brave and stalwart boy Snom, she'd mistakenly sent out her adorable and feminine girl Snom instead.

She'd taught the boy Snom Protect, and the girl Snom Attract, so--

"No no no no no!" 

Hearts continued to fly towards the sky.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 6:44:07 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    "Come on mate! There's nothing to be afraid of!" Zac said, nudging his Krabby towards . Banjo refused to move, and his shell scraped along the ground as Zac pushed him closer and closer. 
    High above them, something roared. "Huh? What's getting up to now?" he asked, but the blonde gym leader was still nearby handing out Poke chow. Zac frowned. "Then what...?"
    He looked up. The clear sky was now speckled with dark dots as hundreds of somethings fell towards them. Shouts rang out from the other trainers as everyone prepared for the worst. The beach front exploded with red light as everyone called to bear their strongest Pokemon. 
    Zac looked down at his Krabby. "Don't worry mate. We've got this," he said, gently picking up the crab. "Probably just a false alarm. Some angry Salamence come to nest on the gym or something." But something told Zac it was more than that. He concentrated, pulling at something far away. 
    Krabby frothed at the mouth as thick white clouds began to gather above them. "No harm in being prepared though."

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 16, 2021 9:09:00 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar

kyle runs out of time to do everything else he had wanted to do, like pet all the dogs, before the threat comes looming over them. he takes out the pokemon he had taken to prepare for a siege situation since they're playing defense for this one.

he swipes his hand across pokeballs on his holster, releasing three of them, while taking two pokeballs to recall the other manectric. "you guys chill over there, by the lighthouse," he tells the three released pokemon. "sorry. you guys are spare, he tells the manectrics. there's no telling if some aoe attack would wipe everything after all.

"minun, entrainment!"

while two of his summoned pokemon chill in the background, the minun has instead used kyle's one-per-post move to give manectric it's ability.

kyle clutches a fourth pokeball in case he needs another setup move that doesn't require his pokemon to act.

  • minun uses entrainment on manectric
  • power spot is active
  • battery is active

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October 13
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808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 5:23:11 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]

[attr="class","userHP GREEN"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-skull"]



?? ?? ??


UNABLE TO HELP THEMSELVES, countless Minior fall from the sky at incredible speeds. They smash into Sootopolis rock, scattering white debris and brown shell with violent trajectories. While some prepare themselves by arming themselves or strengthening themselves briefly; others summon their Pokemon to erect defenses. An ICE BEAM collides with several Minior, slowing their descent as they land as chunks of ice: their shells intact.[break][break][break]

SCREENS glimmer across Sootopolis too; they assist somewhat, able to slow or deflect Minior who find themselves intersecting with their planes. A mistaken ATTRACT stops one Minior before it smashes into the Snom; the Pokemon hovers curiously before deciding to smash into the earth immediately nearby to deshell itself.[break][break][break]

Prepared League rangers and officers mobilize, for another wave of Minior appear to be falling too.[break][break][break]

The Minior crash into STEALTH ROCKS surrounding the lighthouse. After the initial layer of floating stone is crushed— more Minior slam into the structure. They carve ugly craters into its sides and smash glass. Winds and white clouds begin to whip and shade Sootopolis' white ground as 's Dragapult LOCKS ON to something else fast approaching:[break][break][break]

The creature plays its own fanfare with a roar.


A serpentine dragon of emerald dives toward Sootopolis. As the Rayquaza roars, its maw opens with glowing light. It fires a prolonged HYPER BEAM AT EVERYONE before wrapping around the lighthouse, claws piercing stone. It seems to be "looking" for something. Its gargantuan body, anacondan in strength and girth, seems to strangle the structure as a series of MINIOR fall toward everyone and everything.



THIS THREAD WILL BE A MINI-RAID. Please heed the instructions below.

  • You can make use of your entire Pokemon PC here; however, for the purposes of this thread, please only use ONE MOVE PER POST, which includes THIS ROUND OF POSTING.
  • Make sure you BOLD OR ITALICIZE your Pokemon moves/abilities (when they activate).
  • Make sure you also BOLD OR ITALICIZE any character actions.
  • After everyone has posted (if you need to skip anyone, please do), please let Shiv know in #tagging or Moderation Requests.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 7:34:22 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
the background pokemon stays under the protection of the gym while his manectric drags his trainer away from the trajectory of the hyper beam. the appearance of a familiar legendary gets kyle alert. there's only one reason it was here.

finally, he releases the fourth background pokemon for his manectric. the pincurchin releases its electric surge, covering the vicinity around it with electric terrain. kyle, then, motions for it to join the power spot fodder, battery fodder, and minus fodder to the protection of the gym.

with the rest of the set-up done for now, kyle orders his manectric a single move as he releases another pokemon that he promptly picks up with a single arm.


the manectric charges up its electricity through the aid of kyle's pokemon's power spot, battery and minus. the electric terrain feeds it more, while the rain dance gives the manectric the confidence to fire it off at max strength without too much worry about aiming.

overdosed with steroids, the thunder from the manectric rains from above. multiple bolts drop down from the rainy sky, as if a thunderstorm had hit the city, and fries the miniors on before they can fully reach the ground.

meanwhile, kyle brings his smeargle with him as emergency exit as he enters the lighthouse from its entrance below, scaling it up all the way to the top where their bait of the quartz lay. he figures entering it from outside was a much dangerous endeavor.

  • kyle releases pincurchin and smeargle
  • electric surge is activated.
  • manectric uses thunder to kill miniors
  • kyle tries to enter the lighthouse with his smeargle
  • power spot is active
  • battery is active
  • minus is active
  • electric terrain is active

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 9:18:13 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Rayquaza descended. Its sinuous emerald body sliced through the gathering cloud. It reached the ground, coiling around their lighthouse bait. "Bloody hell!" Zac said, running his crab-free hand through his hair. "Good thing I prepared!" 
    The first drops of gentle rain dripped down from the pale clouds, splattering the battlefield. The fluffy, swirling nimbus were whiter than regular rainclouds. Too white. Almost as white as- "Milk." Zac said, his voice cutting through the constant WHUMP of falling Minor. "Let there be milk!"

    Gallons of sweet, warm milk poured from the sky, slicking the streets. It filled the Minior craters, making the little space rocks bob like Oreos. Zac opened his mouth to the sky, catching a mouthful of the milk. It was invigorating, healing, and filled with all sorts of trace nutrients.
    Zac felt the Calcium flow through his body, increasing his Special Attack. "Drink up everyone!" he called to the team. 
    In his arms, Banjo shuddered. "Ready for some battle mate?" Zac asked the quaking crab. In response it drew back into its hardened shell, its carapace gleaming with Protective light. "Don't worry buddy, I'll do all the aiming," Zac said feeling the power of the milk flowing through his body. He drew back like a baseball pitcher and hurled Krabby at an incoming Minior.
    The shielded crab rocketed into the sky, colliding with the incoming threats like a pinball bouncing off the top bumpers. "What a hit! Fantastic!" Zac called, positioning himself underneath Krabby as it fell back to earth. 
"Don't worry mate, you're the catch of the day."

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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 11:02:54 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Michi lowered Snommie, breathing hard. Despite her foolish mistake, the Snom's feminine energy had come through. "Oh, silly, silly Snom!" she cried, hugging it to her chest in relief, "I was so worried!" 

She staggered back from the black tower as the sky darkened and a huge, serpentine shadow crossed the ground. Electricity seemed to crackle in the air and along the pavement. Michi gasped, hair falling back from her face. "Ah, it is... it is...!"

...She'd forgotten the sky-spirit's name. 

Reality rushed to catch up with the dazed Michiko and she suddenly remembered where she was. She looked around for the dogs which had been playing near the gym. "Oh, I hope Sakura is all right..."

There was a smoking crater where Michi's miniature Furfrou had been.  She suppressed a small scream. "Ahh! She is extinguished!!"

Why couldn't Thor get taken out by meteorites?!

"Attack!" Michi cried, releasing one of her Pokemon and gesturing with an open palm towards Rayquaza, the next wave of Minior, and the gathering milk storm clouds. "Fuki, please battle for your friends!"

Fuki, a potted Petilil, didn't have friends and was just a houseplant which usually lived on the windowsill in Michi's kitchen, sacrificing the occasional leaf  whenever Michi ran out of basil. It was literally still in its pot as Michi pointed it like a firearm towards the oncoming apocalypse.

Before the first droplet of milk could splatter from the skies, Fuki rustled its leaves and released a cloud of chlorophyll-green pollen, expelling it high into the air. The ongoing TAILWIND Alexei had started snatched it up, whirling the ENTRAINMENT attack in a river of tumbling emerald dust motes towards Rayquaza.

"Ah, it is raining!" Michi cried as drops of Zac's Moo-Moo Monsoon began to sizzle on the electrified pavement. "It is sweet, like milk!" 

She'd seen this weather before in Lavaridge Town and knew how energizing it was-- she gathered a handful in her cupped palms to feed to Snommie. She would need to be strong to survive a meteor strike!

Petilil used ENTRAINMENT!
Snom drank the Moo-Moo Milk!
Furfrou was killed by meteors

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 20:03:22 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @lighthouse


a giant green serpent flew down from the sky and unleashed hell onto the earth in the form of a hyper beam. kazimir was quick to jump off the ledge he stood over before landing on the back of his horse glastrier stomach first. "well it looks like we got another one! but this one looks pretty pissed!" as more and more minior fell to the ground leaving small craters around them and the surrounding town. that could be a problem.

as everyone was setting up defenses and zac was being...himself with his milk, kazimir figured he might try something himself. attacking seemed to slow down the minior from earlier couldn't hurt to try again right? "glastrier! bury him with a SNOW WARNING!" the horse lifted its legs once again with a whinny as blocks of ice formed around its body and flew up to try and bury the large green serpent with an avalanche that out to freeze it in its tracks. or so kaz hoped.

glastrier used avalanche!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 21:05:00 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
He was no Hoennian, but even he could recognize the thing descending upon them, given some time and a little head scratching.

The realization did nothing for his nerves.

"We're gonna fucking die." Doug said dryly as he watched Rayquaza descend in its all mighty glory, releasing a massive Hyper Beam upon those below as... literal milk began raining down from the heavens, 's suggestions (orders?) ringing through the whole lighthouse.

Doug stared in stupefied awe, somewhat out of harms way by virtue of being at the top of the lighthouse. That worked out pretty well for him.

His heart beat in his chest as loudly as percussion, almost drowning out the sound of the miniors crash landing all around him and triggering the stealth rock traps, the sentient space debris getting repelled off the lighthouse and sent packing down below.

A yelp left the youth's mouth as the entire structure suddenly quaked, the boy nearly falling to his knees with wide, terrified eyes. His chest hit the railing at the top of the lighthouse instead, his eyes catching the sight of Rayquaza's long, serpentine form wrapping around the building like a Sandaconda.

He was gonna fucking die.

"... Snap... Snap out of it!" He managed to growl under his breath as he grabbed the railing, forcing himself to his feet.

Stumbling back into the room that housed the quartz as the building continue to quake and tremble, he tripped and landed atop his still stable Crustle, wheezing as he felt the boulder on her back against his ribs.

"Gotta... get it!" He grunted out, pushing off the rock bug and towards the quartz, stumbling towards it before firmly grasping it in his palm, shoving it into the inner pocket of his jacket.

The bloody serpent, supposedly the bloody God of the skies, had come down from the heavens just for this tiny little thing.

Only the high ranking leaguers present and Commissioner herself knew of the quartz involvement in all of this- and he planned to keep it that way.

The knowledge was much too dangerous.

The building quaked once again, throwing him onto his knees, the serpent's roar reverberating through him, drowning out the feeling of his heartbeat.

He had to get outta there!

He's just about to make a sprint towards the railing when his body freezes, eyes wide.

No. He can't just leave everyone else to deal with the fallout. That thing out there- whether it was for real or not, had enough power to be revered as a god.

All hands on deck.

"Garo!" He suddenly shouted, grasping his cap as it surged with energy, a ray of light wrapping around the Orbeetle as it moved to stand in front of the boy.

A multicolored Egg enwrapped the pokemon for but a second before a larger, Mega version of itself suddenly burst out, its psychic energy surging all around Sootopolis, identifying every single living thing present.

"Hold that thing down!" Ordered Doug while on his knees. The Mega Orbeetle nodded, its eyes shining brightly as it pulled towards itself a large quantity of Milky rain, consuming it into its maw... before overflowing psychic power burst outwards!


Extreme psychic energy smashed down upon Rayquaza from above, multiplying the G's applied to the dragon in a breakneck snap, intent on flooring the dragon down towards the bottom of the tower and pinning it in place.

Meanwhile, the youth returned his rock bug to its netball before he leapt off the top of the lighthouse on the side opposite of Rayquaza's head, holding onto his Second Orbeetle as they descended down to the soil.

-Mega Evolved 1st Orbeetle.
-Drank some milk.
-G-Max Gravitas on Rayquaza, seeking to pin it to the floor.
-Jumped off the top of the light house on his 2nd Orbeetle.
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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON May 17, 2021 22:36:52 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''What the fuck is that?'' Sometimes it felt like he had to make that query a little too often around this region. More concerning was Doug's apparent loss of hope. Part of why he asked was that the older trainer seemed to know something that he didn't. There wasn't time for an explanation. Besides the rain of minior, the green snake was charging the tale-tale signs of a hyper beam.
''Shit! Scatter!'' Turning, he leapt onto his dragapult as the two fell over the side of the lighthouse. The claydol spiraled up and away with his levitation. Coming out of their hasty dive, Spectress and Andy curved back up into the air, all the while weaving to avoid the minior. ''Draaa! Drraaagaah!'' She was very unhappy.
''I know, bitch! I know! Just keep your eyes peeled.'' Looking over his shoulder he could see Ersatz spinning like a wild top up through the air, as if he had been caught in tornado. His vision was momentarily obscured however when rain began to pelt his face. It soaked his hair and his clothes. It felt warmer, thicker than rain.
''Pfffpt!'' Sputtering, he mopped it from his face and shook his head side to side. Cupping a hand over his eyes as Spectress juked, and noted that it was a white substance. ''Oh fuck... this isn't...?'' Did he dare? Tipping his head up, he stuck out his tongue to catch a few drops before the dragapult dove again to continue her evasive maneuvers.
''Draagghl! Dphg!'' She was also tasting it, like it or not. This is... milk? What was going on? Still he was grateful. Thank fuck it's just milk. The last thing I need is to get impregnated by some cunt space worm or whatever... Tapping on his mount's headfin, he shouted, ''Get some altitude. We're going fishing.''
The dragapult snaked through the air as she tried to get to cloud height, even if the miniors were coming from far beyond. A flash a lighting below caught his attention. It had been too bright to be a natural occurrence, at least he hoped. The last thing he needed was to come to grips with flying through a milk lightning storm.
''Get over top of it, and dive.'' Spectress bucked slightly. ''Draa?'' She didn't want to dive at that thing. ''Do it! I have a cunning plan.'' Sweeping up in an outside loop, the pokemon did as she was told, and came out of the maneuver to dive at the monster. Andy pulled a pokeball from his milk soaked clothes.
''Can't fish without a worm on the hook.'' With a flash, a dhelmise appeared in the air. Confused, it immediately began to free fall. Displeasure was noted with the swishy sea noises it emitted. ''Follow it down until I say.'' The dragapult dove again. Frantically looking until he spotted his claydol in the distance, he flailed his arm hoping to catch its attention.
After pointing at the plummeting dhelmise, he hastily form a 'T' at the clay pot.
''Just a little further.'' Over the top of the anchor, he wanted to be sure it could reach. It was the peak of 'eye-balling' it. ''Skylar! Anchor Shot now!'' With a heavy clank, the anchor loosed from the rest of the amalgamation of aquatic wreckage and blasted down towards the green dragon's cranium, empowered by steelworker, and hopefully landing with a satisfying 'PANK!'



-andy gtfos from the lighthouse
-andy and co perform evasive maneuvers
-andy is unpleasantly showered with moo moo milk
-dhelmise is summoned overhead of reyquaza
-dhelmise used anchor shot enhanced with steelworker





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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 1:02:02 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar









Melody's theme

What the FUCK is that thing? That's not the creature that was here last time?! Melody was instantly regretting her decisions in the conversation with dahlia. She watched as the rayquaza sent out a hyper beam that was destroying the flat stretch of land in front of melody's gym. [break][break]

"Shit shit shit!" she shouted as she ran. She recalled her herdier back to her with her whistling. She also recalled gastrodon maractus and herdier. She needed a pokemon with serious fire power so she sent out her primarina instead "Primarina! Icy wind those minior's! We need to slow them down before they cause even more damage to the city! " she orders [break][break]

This was definitely not part of the plan, why was it a bunch of strange pokemon she's never been before decide to show up?! Are they fans of her fucking fan club now too?! Fuckin hell!  Primarina let out a harmonious tone and fired off an icy wind towards the air aimed at the descending Minior's  to push back. [break][break]

She saw john douglas jump down from the lighthouse, he has the quartz right? She couldnt exactly see it but why else would he be up there? Is that what it wants? Of course it is, she cupped both her hands around her mouth and "John! Go to the gym! Lead it away from the city!" she says as today was a day off for the employees of the gym, no one there would get hurt and it was in the complete opposite direction of the city as well."I'll cover you!" she shouts as she tried make sure john wasn't attacked by the monster.



Primarina used icy wind on the miniors!

[attr="class","clearcredit"]CLEAR CODES

[googlefont=Abril Fatface][googlefont=Playfair Display:600][googlefont=Open Sans][googlefont=Raleway][googlefont=Hind Siliguri]

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[newclass=.clearcredit a]font: 8px Hind Siliguri;[/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON May 18, 2021 8:13:48 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Down on the ground, the Lucario had darted ahead to herd away curious bystanders when the Minior started falling, accompanied by the Salamence, who began to roar while attempting to evade the Minior that was throwing themselves down in droves on the ground.

Higher up in the sky, the Noivern and Aerodactyl had also begun defensive and evasive maneuvers, because holy fucking shit why were there so many Minior crashing down from the skies?

Was this the same time that Alexei had encountered Pyxis back then—no, wait, that swarm was much later in the summer—it was barely summer, so what had happened?

The first few drops of the weird… weather then began drenching him as he rode on the Braviary, before he stuck his tongue out in earnest.

“Milk?” he wondered, cupping his hand to catch some, while the Braviary kept steady—at least until the source of the roaring had manifested itself.

Now, it wasn’t like the blue creature he’d encountered during the Three-Day War, however…

“What the hell?!” he exclaimed, snapping his goggles down before blinking and watching the green serpentine—was it a Pokémon, he wasn’t too sure—creature made a beeline for the lighthouse.

And there were still more Minior crashing down!

He knew he was far enough from the rest who were scrambling down on the ground, and therefore made his Braviary fly out, before unleashing a Rock Slide in an attempt to block and the rest of the Minior that were threatening to destroy the City of Water into the crater pool as a diversion.

Braviary used Rock Slide to defend against the Minior storm!

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 5:01:17 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
It's too bad that Chu-e's writer was sick yesterday and couldn't reply sooner.

Watching all the scenes unfold, and wrinkling his nose at the milk, Chu-e had the startling and sudden realization: He was a fairy type trainer. And wasn't this big stupid fucking green dragon a.... dragon? God or not, it would probably be easier for him to help take it out than most of the other people here. Not that they weren't, like, good Trainers or anything. It was all type advantage, baby.

But first, those stupid Minior. One of them almost landed on Chu-e, splashing a wave of dirty milk off the ground and half soaking him. Most of the others seemed to be helping take them out so he could do what he could too! Then the dragon could get the hell beaten out of it.

Another pokeball was tossed out, his Primarina's seal body slapping the ground with a meaty sound. "Marsh, Hyper Voice!" Because if there was anything that his pokemon was good at, it was screaming.

She gave a coy smile before opening her mouth and shrieking. had heard the attack while she was underwater during his Gym Challenge and it had been a real ear splitter. Above the water? Well, Chu-e grit his teeth and had to cover his ears. The oddest part was that thanks to her Liquid Voice, the sound was somehow moist. Fucked up.

- Called out Primarina. Comfey is still on his head.
- Primarina used HYPER VOICE on the Minior
- LIQUID VOICE activated, turning the Hyper Voice into a WATER attack
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON May 19, 2021 18:27:33 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Despite Minior raining from the sky and an emerald serpentine coiling down from the heavens to the beat of a devastating hymn, Angelo’s gaze still snags upon her as she runs past in an explosive chorus of profanities. Blue eyes linger for a moment on , still not quite used to seeing her drifting carefree through the streets – or moving at all, really – when she was so often a corpse in his memory. [break][break]

His attention is pulled back to the Rayquaza at the behest of warning shouts and the glow of a hyper beam burning in his peripherals, Angelo taking that as a sign to jump into action – not keen to turn into a ghost, himself. [break][break]

I swear, you guys are magnets for disaster…” He doesn’t seem particularly bothered about it, almost like he welcomes it, in fact. Angelo releases a sharp whistle. “C'mon Alfa. Let's get a closer look.” [break][break]

As Delta slithers off to Phantom Force civilians off the streets, Angelo is quick to leap onto his first Dragapult and take to the air. Up here, despite the sky falling with a rain of Minior and clouds forming forebodingly plump, is where he feels the most at ease. [break][break]

Together, they sway and wind their way around the falling chunks of sentient rock as if in an effortless dance. It’s only when it starts to rain that Angelo’s attention is pulled away from the focus of directing his Dragapult, letting Alfa take the lead as he quenches his curiosity by slurping up a mouthful in a cupped palm. [break][break]

It’s just milk... Thank fuck for that. [break][break]

Alright boy, fire.” At his command, a dozen Dreepy are launched from his Dragapult's head, their bodies blurred with bright energy as their wind through the air, leaving jet streams in their wake. Thanks to their parent’s LOCK-ON guiding their path, the DRAGON DARTS explode against their target's serpentine body.[break][break]

The little terrors don’t stop there though, slithering up the dragon lord’s body without care or respect towards their elder. They swarm over Rayquaza’s snout, releasing excited crooning noises as they plaster themselves in front of its eyes, badgering the god to play by getting into its face – literally. [break][break]

Only could attest to how tenacious (and often times unwelcome) their limitless pool of energy could be.[break][break]

Speaking of… [break][break]

Did I just hear you call it, what I think you did?” He approaches on his own Dragapult with a laugh, vigorous and entirely all too satisfied, given their situation. “Skyler Fucking Dross, the Dhelmise. Amazing.” [break][break]

As Skyler Dross descends, the Dreepy scuttle off the Rayquaza’s face at the call of a warning whistle, soaring back up towards their Dragapult parent with excited warbling as they settle back into their launcher ports to watch.



- dragapult A uses DRAGON DARTS on rayquaza[break]
- dreepy cling to rayquaza's face to distract it, the disrespect


+ litebrite crew[break][break]



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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 23:43:31 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

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[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-skull"]



?? ?? ??

SPLASHES OF MILK mark the places where Minior land. Like snow, Sootopolis' bright stone is made brighter, garlanded with occasional golden crackles from an ELECTRIC TERRAIN. The second wave of Minior is deterred with spectacular retaliation.[break][break][break]

Barring one possible Furfrou death—the fate of which is yet to be confirmed—empowered THUNDER and ICY WIND strike through the falling stones. The cold slows the descent of many, allowing bolts of lightning to accurately whip through their shells. A powerful throw from allows his Krabby to PROTECT the Miniors away from the trainers as it smashes through them like a bowling ball.[break][break][break]


A Primarina's voice cuts through the meteor shower. The Minior are drowned out by HYPER VOICE that allows them to fall like soggy socks against an swiftly erected ROCK SLIDE. Like cocoa puffs, they slip and slide into Sootopolis' bowl of water. When 's Petilil uses ENTRAINMENT, it takes effect. CHLOROPHYLL overrides the AIR LOCK; however, this doesn't seem to be a permanent change and may swiftly fade away...[break][break][break]

THE GRAVITY OF THE FIELD INTENSIFIES. The mega evolved Orbeetle's attack causes the Rayquaza to struggle against the lighthouse; however, it's immense scale allows it to hang on to the peak, while the rest of its serpentine body loses its coiled shape. Instead, the gravity drags its segments down in a straight line. A harsh AVALANCHE from a Glastrier chills the bones of everyone nearby. It freezes the Rayquaza's TAIL to the floor and with the cold, sears it agonizingly. Those who have not seen 's Pokemon may be intimidated by it, for its powerful stature and icy presences seems to usher in an air of glacial arrogance.[break][break][break]

DRAGON DARTS erupt against the Rayquaza's green scales, erupting in powerful, isolated explosions. Next, a heavy ANCHOR SHOT strike the Rayquaza too. The ancient creature shrieks, and as Dreepy cling onto its face, DRAGON PULSES fire out from its maw to attempt to disperse the little dragons. A CHUNK OF LIGHTHOUSE is destroyed as a DRAGON PULSE strikes its brick. Winds begin to billow around its body as a HURRICANE is summoned on itself to disperse trainers and Pokemon around it.[break][break][break]


When enters the lighthouse with his Smeargle, he would be able to see one green claw reaching for the lamp. Glass shards are scattered around the structure by the HURRICANE WINDS. Some have already fallen down the stairs that lead to the lamp where the primal crystal once was. A claw clumsily scrapes for the missing shard, groping for the item while blind. However, the Rayquaza will soon notice that the energy it emits is starting to move...



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