i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON May 26, 2021 0:23:59 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @lighthouse


"looks like that stopped it glasty," blue eyes scanned where their shower of ice seemed to not only slow it down but also keep the beast stuck in place by the tip of its tail. watching the other attacks rain pain on it kazimir kicked the sides of his horse to get it running up along the path towards the lighthouse as the blonde kept glancing up and down along the dragon's form. "ok let's put this guy on some real ice glasty, ICE BEAM!"

as the two of them ran their way up towards the lighthouse the glastrier let out a haunting neigh as it gathered blue energy in its mouth and unleashed another stream of ice beams that were aimed high, almost as if he was aiming to try and slow down the dragon's arms from reaching inside the lighthouse and prevent whatever it was doing in there. why it wanted the light source inside was unknown to kazimir, but he would be damned if he let another pokemon ruin their hard work, even if drawing the wrath of one was their intention.

their blood and tears was in this structure! they couldn't just let it go to waste! as well as this chance to try and add this bad boy to his team!

"ya may be a big fucker, but i got even bigger dreams than you!" reaching down into his pockets he withdrew a pokeball and as his horse came right up alongside the lighthouse he threw the ball with the intent to capture the large beast inside this itty bitty tiny space. that would teach it to mess with them.

kazimir and glastrier move closer to rayqyuaza and the lighthouse!
glastrier used ice beam, attempts to freeze raqyaza's arms!
kazimir throws a pokeball at the legendary dragon!

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 27, 2021 18:12:43 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar
Doug wasn't able to see Garo's success, but he was able to hear it, along with everybody else's.

Doug palmed a handful of 's milk (get your mind outta the gutter) and shoved it into his face, swallowing it down his gullet while his second orbeetle did the same.

Energizing was not even HALF of it.

"HooOOOEY!" He said as he stood back to his full height, reeling as he felt the energy course through him, feeling as if he was bulking up.

He should bring Zac along on his workouts, jeez.

Still reeling from the energy influx, the youth's gaze snapped sharply towards in the distance as she called him out, telling him to go to the gym- away from the city.

Doug shook his head, before throwing out his Flygon- and shoving some milk down the surprised dragon's throat.

"I'll lead it further away!" He called out at Melody as he swung a leg atop his super-energized Flygon, the dragon reeling back much as his trainer had and unleashing a vivid, spirited roar.


"Go, Guirus!" Doug ordered as he returned his Crustle and Orbeetle, the dragon launching itself into the sky at high speeds with a powerful flap of his wings, flying away from the lighthouse with the primal prism in the boy's jacket's inner pocket.

Where was he going? He wasn't sure. Pulling out his Pokenav, he fiddled with the thing as his Flygon flapped its wings faster and faster, looking over the map and checking out the many nearby islands for suitable for battle.

Meanwhile, back in the lighthouse, the Mega orbeetle's turned away its attention from the Rayquaza, seeing as the rest were focusing on it, and turned it towards the Miniors falling, attempting to create a Zero Gravity field to stop the falling rocks in their tracks.


-Doug lands safely.
-Doug drinks some of Zac's Super milk.
-Doug's Flygon drinks some of Zac's Super milk.
-Doug flies away with the Primal Prism to one of the islands around Sootopolis; the largest one, to the point furthest from the city.
-Mega Orbeetle utilizes G-max gravity to create a sort of 0 gravity field, intent being to stop their fall in its tracks.
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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON May 28, 2021 7:39:49 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar

Melody braced for impact against the hurricane winds but it was useless, she was sent flying backwards towards the ocean with her primarina. She remembered her routine with primarina she practiced with @giselle and reached for primarina's flipper. The two managed to hang onto one another during the wild attack they were pretty high up in the air. However she was somehow oddly prepared for this as she practied a situation like this with prim "Primarina follow our routine we did. I trust you." she said latching onto her pokemon as primarina nodded and the two put a spin on their nose dive as primarina used their talent for creating massive bubbles. The bubble managed to break their fall on the ocean but didn't stop them from landing in the water. The bubble popped and they plopped into the water as she instinctively held her breath.

They lingered in the water, trying to get a hold of their surroundings and grabbed onto one another, now was time for the second half of their performance. After all they hadn't gotten to finish it with Giselle there, she nodded to Primarina and her Pokémon returned the same determined expression as she closed her eyes and trusted in her abilities to perform. Primarina's torrent ability activates and energy begun to swirl around the pair as they were going to make their dazzling debut once more! The spot in the water where the pair fell began to light up as a tornado of water lifted the two into the air and Melody called out their move "Z move! Hydro vortex!" As a column of water shot out of the area and lifted the two up in it's center. "Fire! Rain on his parade!" she shouts as Primarina slides the column forward and slams it into Rayquaza.

Before they actually crashed into rayquaza and get in melee range though, melody and primarina shoot out of the torando and they land safely with a bow towards their opponent.  "That'll teach him not to launch me into my own turf. Ya HEAR ME U FUCKIN GIANT SNAKE LIZARD THING?! YA BASTARD" she shouts at him with a fist in the air.

Tldr: Hurricane sends melody and primarina flying into the water, primarina saves melody by creating a large bubble of water before they hit the ocean.

Primarina's torrent ability activates and the pair use the z-move hydro vortex and slam it into rayquaza to try and wet the creature as Kazimir uses ice beam and make it easier for it to be frozen.

Lands with a flourish and then immediately ruins any form of grace by cussing at the green danger noodle.
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November 1
Petalburg City, Hoenn
happily wed
Gym Receptionist
have a great, positive, and beautiful day!
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TAG WITH @michiko
michiko maeda
POSTED ON May 29, 2021 12:59:36 GMT
michiko maeda Avatar

Winds began to blow at gale force, the lighthouse at its eye. Michi had to quickly button her coat to keep it from blowing away. Drops of calcium-rich milk joined the storm as Zac's Milky Monsoon combined with Rayquaza's hurricane, forming a pale, swirling vortex around the sky guardian. Droplets continued to splash on the ground as well, damping Sootopolis in a fine, runny layer of milk. 

However, Michiko was probably one of the few gathered at Melody's Gym who had actually seen Tapu Bulu's power in action before-- and understood its effects.

"Sunny Day, Fuki!" she cried, illuminated by her sudden insight-- literally. The sun parted the strange storm clouds and shone down upon Petilil, becoming harsh. The milky humidity crept up another notch as the pavement began to steam. The milk which had coalesced on the ground and rooftops fermented, turning into rich, delicious white yogurt.

I still have some yogurt saved in my refrigerator, Michi thought privately. She had been eating it with Rawst berries for a healthy breakfast. 

With thick, curdled yogurt now coating every surface of Sootopolis City, if any more meteors came falling down... well, at least there would be a cushion between them and any more damages! And it was easy to clean-- a good rain would wash it away in no time, and since it was white it wouldn't even stain clothes. 

Poor Sakura... if only Michi had thought to do this sooner. Perhaps a little yogurt coating could have been the difference between life and death for one miniature Furfrou. 

Petilil used SUNNY DAY!
The sunlight turned harsh!
Milky Monsoon turned to Yogurt!
Furfrou was killed by meteors

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON May 31, 2021 12:53:10 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Zac caught the falling crab with both hands. "Gotcha!" he said, brushing chunks of shattered Minior crust off the little crustacean. "I knew you could do it buddy. Are you ready to go again?" he asked, but something caught his eye.
leapt from the top of the lighthouse, helped to the ground by his Orbeetle. He landed and mounted his Flygon. Where is he running off to? Zac wondered, looking back to the lighthouse.
    Rayquaza scratched and tore at the top of the construction, ripping a hole in the volcanic bricks as it searched for- The Quartz! It's after the Primal Quartz! Zac realized. "Nana! Fly up there and snatch the Primal Quartz!" he shouted at his Corviknight. The bird had been floating nearby, bobbing on the waves made by the falling Minior. "Squark?" 
    "It should be a big chunk of shiny rock right in the, uh, light...tip? The top room? Whatever, it'll be in the light-tower-bit. Should be on a pedestal or something. Can't miss it!"
    Nana took to the skies like an overweight Chevy. She circled the bay, dripping seawater and gaining altitude before she flew at the top part of the lighthouse. The Corviknight burst in through the same section Doug had exited, swooping through the room and snatched at the pedestal, her talons closing on the shimmering shard of 
    Under her metal mask Nana's eyes went wide. The Primal Quartz was gone. She wheeled, and made a hasty egress. How could the rock be gone! Zac was never wrong. Had the great, green serpent already snatched it? Where was the Quartz?
    She splashed down in the ocean, slapping the water angrily to show her displeasure. "Squark squark!" 
"You're back empty winged? Where's the Quartz?" Zac called at his bird. Nana had already turned away, her feathers huffed up in annoyance.
    "The bloody Quartz is gone?!"

Nana the Corviknight used Thief to steal the Primal Quartz!
It failed!

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 16:46:11 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Maybe having him fly all the way out there to divert the last of the Minior was a good idea, after all.

Now, all Alexei needed to do was not look down because he suddenly remembered what was in the middle of the Crater City—a lake.

No, no, no, don’t you dare! He thought as he looked towards the sky for strength. Arceus, he could still remember that… time, when he thought he would find something in the skies above—

The mirror didn’t work earlier, what makes you think it’ll work now?! He continued to himself as he reached for one of the several thin chains that were dangling around his neck, and blowing a singular blast.

All his other avians that had scattered into the skies; particularly the Noivern and Aerodactyl, circled down to join him.

“Got rid of them?” he asked, before getting nods from the two. “Alright, good, let’s head back there and help them!”

With that, the Noivern and Aerodactyl flew ahead, leaving him lingering at the current spot for a few moments. There was something bothering him, would it… work once more?

Quickly pulling out a Dive Ball, he popped it open and summoned its occupant, quickly reaching up to grab for the squishy once her full form materialized.

“Shh, Zelle! Get on your perch, and hang on tight!” he hissed as the Phione was just about ready to wail again. “Just—hang on, okay?”

Once the blue squishy had settled on her favorite perch, he quickly zipped up the hood of his jacket and hoisted it up, before following the Noivern and the Aerodactyl.

For now, they would keep their eyes on the—serpentine figure. Did—did someone just seriously try to capture it?!

He could’ve sworn he saw someone chucking a Pokéball at it…

Seeing a column of wind that looked all too familiar, he knew that to counter it, one had to meet it with the exact amount of force—or even greater.

“Fenrir!” he shouted from his current position. “Counter that Hurricane with your own Hurricane!”

The Aerodactyl hung back, allowing the Noivern to move forward, conjuring up its own column of Hurricane-force winds and throwing it at the other Hurricane that was shattering the structure, an attempt to cancel it out.

Noivern used Hurricane to counter the other Hurricane force! Also, Phione has been summoned and is currently riding atop Alexei’s head!

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,641 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2021 5:52:04 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e was confused, a lot of stuff was happening, he had been covered in milk, the milk was turning into yogurt for some reason, and just a it was a lot, okay?. Ignoring his earlier plan of just being a healbot, Chu-e called out his Altaria, Chirps, and then tapped the daith piercing on his ear.

The Altaria puffed up and his tail got longer, among other things, with his sudden increase in power.

"Blast the shit out of it!" Chu-e pointed at the green dragon, which Chirps huffed at before taking a deep breath to do as told. A powerful blast of pink light, the attack changed to Fairy thanks to his ability, gathered in his mouth before being shot at the Rayquaza. The Hyper Beam would take a lot out of him but Chu-e figured it would be more than worth it.

- Altaria Mega Evolved
- Altaria's ability changed to Pixelate
- Altaria fired Hyper Beam (fairy) at Rayquaza
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 17:12:40 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Thankfully, none of his Dreepy find themselves blasted away by the Dragon Pulse that chases their impish chittering. [break][break]

The HURRICANE, however, is a little more difficult to ignore… [break][break]

Clutching tightly to Alfa, Angelo steers the Dragapult with the pull of the wind, riding along its violent stream with an accelerated beat to his heart and a confident lean into the storm. It tousles brunette hair and his damp clothes, urging him to squint to see through the darkening squall as it threatens to throw them in any which direction. But the seasoned flier is not deterred.[break][break]

If anything, it brings a welcoming, admiring glint to his eyes as he peers at the Rayquaza. The wind dragon capturing his attention… [break][break]

Momentarily, anyway. His focus slips towards , who’d been up in the air with him on his own Dragapult when the hurricane struck. Angelo guides Alfa through the roaring gale towards the teenager, discreetly checking up on his former Adventour partner with a shout as the wind slowly begins to disperse. [break][break]

Haven't been blown away yet, Andy?” Blue eyes give the kid a once over as he masks his concern with a prod. Andy was a prickly little fugger, after all.[break][break]

Spotting that the Rayquaza had been doused by ’s Hydro Vortex, Angelo issues a command to his Dragapult; Alfa releasing a crackling rumble of THUNDERBOLT towards the drenched emerald serpent. [break][break]

Thunderbolt, Alfa. Fry ‘em.



- dragapult A uses THUNDERBOLT on the soggy rayquaza for an extra punch


+ litebrite crew[break][break]



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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
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Andy Blackadder
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2021 2:50:33 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''Well, she's a pirate or sailor something right? Seemed perfect,'' he yelled back. The dhelmise of course had no idea who Skylar was, so it didn't matter at all to the pokemon. After the anchor did its job of providing rayquaza a mean headache, Andy flashed the pokeball again to pull it from the sky before it impacted the ground.
Could anchor's go splat? It wasn't a wager he wished to witness at any rate. Glued to the tortured lighthouse, the desperate cosmic snake began spitting dragan pulses with reckless abandon. Not to mention it began to whip up a wind around the lot of them. By the way it seemed to simply be flinging assaults in every direction, Andy surmised it was descending into a desperate panic.
Curving up and out of its dive, Spectress struggled against the hurricane, spiraling through the currants and Andy held on for dear life. A thought was tossed to the back of his mind for his claydol, but it was likely levitating above the maelstrom. The turbulence doesn't last long, before it's dealt with by other present trainers.
Mopping the milk from his face, he takes in the destruction. How does he keep getting caught up in these earth-rending events? Perhaps he should just stop answering his phone... None the less, he spots seemingly fleeing the scene in the distance, the colorful flygon recalled from the time he levied harsh justice to megaloplans in the desert.
It's not like him to piss off from a fight... Arching an eyebrow, he was wondering if older boy knew something he didn't. An impossibility to be sure. Of course momentarily distracts him with his query. ''Yeah. Fucking blown away at how much of a mess this is turning out to be. I bet insurance companies make a bloody mint off of this region.''
Casting his gaze up, he finally spots Ersatz up in the clouds.
''Going to go see why Doug's fucking off by himself. Be Are Be.'' Waving at the claydol, he thrust a finger in the bug catcher's direction, and with a teleport he vanishes from sight to reappear near the good Captain. ''Oi. Where you running to!? The fight's back that way.'' Of course Sullivan was in far too good of standing for Andy to think him a coward.
Certainly he had his reasons.



-andy vacuums up dhelmise
-andy rides the hurricane
-andy teleports to doug





[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2021 17:01:49 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle gets out and sees that everyone is still wailing on the rayquaza. he shouts at his manectric.

"hidden power!"

a flash of light comes forth from the electric-type as the burst of energy from it hits the rayquaza.

  • minus is active on minun/manectric
  • power spot is active
  • battery is active
  • manectric uses hidden power (ice)

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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 13, 2021 19:59:46 GMT
shiv Avatar



[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]

[attr="class","userHP RED"]









[attr="class","status NONE"]
[attr="class","th th-skull"]



?? ?? ??

A HARSH SUN crowns Sootopolis. As the citizens of this ancient city peer from their crater-white window frame, League personnel evacuate those closest to the fight. Through the narrow streets, families move, occasionally dashing through residual milk and yogurt scattered by the winds.[break][break]

A child watches from afar. Wide-eyed and clutching a doll, he looks on enamoured by the glimpses of A.Q.U.A. Initiative members. He is quickly scooped by a ranger before merging in with the crowds.[break][break]

Empowering energy pulses through the elements. A Stonjourner's antiquated stone acts as further conduit for a Charjabug's (Kyle Krush sponsored?) BATTERY, allowing 's Primarina to teem with an appropriate and substantial amount of power.[break][break]

A Z-MOVE HYDRO VORTEX floods the verdant dragon as HIDDEN POWER ICE snaps its sharp head back and away from the tower. High-pitched whistles accompany the firing of crystalizing ICE BEAM and like diamond scales, ice begins to form over the dragon's length.[break][break]


Fantastic light bathes the arena as 's Altaria mega evolves. 's Dragapult's THUNDERBOLT flies alongside a FAIRY-TYPED HYPERBEAM, slamming into the Rayquaza with an explosive clang. As the Rayquaza, claws at the lighthouse, the dragon stills. A brief stillness expands. Within it, a pokeball is thrown.[break][break]

But the capture device does not succeed. For the dragon shatters out of its frozen shackles. Screaming angrily, its AIR LOCK returns, defusing the extra solar power. It leaves the lighthouse and as it continues to cry, the Rayquaza lunges into Sootopolis' bay with its mouth wide.[break][break]

It devours the Minior left floating in the bay like a Pelipper before snaking toward Sootopolis ground. It fires a DRAGON PULSE toward everyone still near the lighthouse as it devours more Minior caught in the yogurt.[break][break]

Shrieking, flies above, green tail curling around itself as it summons a DRACO METEOR on the lighthouse itself— and anyone caught within its radius. would find himself and the Corviknight doused in shadow: chunks of draconic meteor descending upon the building itself. [break][break]

Should one desire to keep close to this dragon, they must scale Sootopolis' higher neighbourhoods to remain level with it.[break][break]


From this vantage point, the Rayquaza sees , and a reappearing thanks to his Claydol. Furious, the dragon HYPER BEAMS toward the two; the pillar of energy cracks through the northeast crater wall and continues, forging straight toward them with impossible speed.



THIS THREAD WILL BE A MINI-RAID. Please heed the instructions below.

  • You can make use of your entire Pokemon PC here; however, for the purposes of this thread, please only use ONE MOVE PER POST, which includes THIS ROUND OF POSTING.
  • Make sure you BOLD OR ITALICIZE your Pokemon moves/abilities (when they activate) and who they target!
  • Make sure you also BOLD OR ITALICIZE any character actions.
  • After everyone has posted (if you need to skip anyone, please do), please let Shiv know in #tagging or Moderation Requests.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,641 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Jun 17, 2021 4:51:16 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
After that powerful move, his Altaria had to flip on the ground to recharge. The blue pokemon panted but Chu-e left him out for now.

He had other pokemon to help with this, after all.

Seeing that the Rayquaza was trying to escape, Chu-e had an idea: he had wanted to test this out on a proper Legend anyway to see if it might work.

His Galarian Weezing was tossed out.

"Pixie Dust!"

The Weezing let out a low groan before taking a deep breath. It was then let out with a rush of power out of the smokestack top, a heavy fog and pink and glittery Misty Terrain filling the area.

Only, this wasn't a normal Misty Terrain.

It was thicker and had the contrasting scent of sugary bubblegum and thick herbs mixed in. Anyone who was familiar with Miss Mary Jane would recognize the scent. The pokemon trapped in the fog, friend or foe, would be addicted to the scent, wanting to draw closer. Given the wide spread, that would also (hopefully) include Rayquaza.

Chu-e coughed a bit, already starting to feel a bit relaxed from his proximity to his pokemon.

- Altaria must recharge
- Called out Galarian Weezing
- Used the Z-Move: Pixie Dust
- Field is covered in Misty Terrain
- Pokemon can not run/be returned to pokeballs/escape/ect as long as terrain remains on field
- Terrain 1/5 turns
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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2021 3:04:26 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Sootopolis shuddered as a jagged meteorite breached the sky above the city. It plummeted towards the simple, friendly lighthouse with murderous intent. "The lighthouse!" Zac shouted, pointing with his crab-free hand. "We need to stop that meteor!" 

Rayquaza lunged into the bay, gulping the floating Minior before turning on the lighthouse defenders. Zac lunged out of the way of an oncoming Dragon Pulse. He landed in a crater filled with thick, almost yogurty milk. "Nice soft landing, ay Banjo?" Zac asked his Krabby. The Pokemon had been fully submerged in the Minior crater, and he stared ahead with wide eyes, shuddering and shaking. Is he still in shock from his fight with those Minior? Is he gonna be okay to keep fighting?

Banjo's shaking worsened, and Zac felt a sudden weight develop within the shell of his new companion. A brilliant white light surrounded the little crab, and Zac noticed that Banjo had a sphere of sea glass clutched in one of his claws. Where did he find that? The aura swirled and swam, like sunlight through shallow waves. "Banjo!" Zac shouted, his mouth pulling into a wild smile. The crab's shell swelled, the plates popping into place as the Krabby bulged and grew into his new form. Zac quickly put him down, as Krabby evolved into a mighty Kingler. But the growing didn't stop. 

Banjos legs stretched, growing ten, twenty, a hundred times in length as they propped up his massive form! His claws grew from the size of oven mitts to the size of tractor parts, and then into tremendous, hinged fists that could close around the lighthouse itself with room to spare. 

Banjos vacant stare looked out to the ocean, his bubble beard frothing menacingly. "Banjo! Look at ya mate! You're huge! And look at that crown! You're a real Kingler now!" Zac laughed. "But there's no time for jokes! We've got to knock that meteor out of the sky!" He pointed up at the Draco Meteor, which was fast approaching the tower.

Kingler raised one ponderous, monstrous claw, aiming his Crabhammer at the incoming meteor. With ancient timing he swung a titanic left hook at the attack, colliding with it side on!

With enough force the attack would redirect the meteor away from the the tower and into Rayquaza

Banjo evolved into Kingler!
Kingler Gigantamaxed!
Kingler used CRABHAMMER to punch the Draco Meteor towards Rayquaza!

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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2021 3:20:51 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
TAGGING @lighthouse


as dragon pulses and meteors slam into the lighthouse glastrier doesn't take too kindly to the barrage of dragonic assaults and bucks kazimir off as it nearly jumps in fear and tries to turn to run away only to stop once it sees the dragon move closer towards the city. "ow...ok that doesn't look good. glasty you stay here, looks like we're gonna need to get airborne." taking out a ball he sends out his corviknight who flaps his wings aggressively as kazimir climbs onto its back, "ok noctis see that giant green worm? how about we go gobble it up for dinner huh?"

with that the bird took off towards the large dragon weaving its way around the falling meteors as they approached. "ok let's go in for a...a...what is it...?" he could see the beast charge up energy in his mouth like it was preparing to fire at something. following its gaze he could see the forms of and in its light of sight, "noctis protect! right in front!" kicking the side of his bird the large metal beast flew forward as a green energy started to gather around it to form a protective barrier around it and kazimir as the two of them did their best to try and get in the way of the hyper beam as it fired, hoping that they were faster than the legendary dragon.

kazimir sends out corviknight!
kazimir and corviknight chase after raqyuaza!
corviknight uses protect to block the hyper beam and save and

[newclass=.pokkenger b]font-weight:bold;color:#44d4e4;[/newclass]

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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2021 21:31:43 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar
Oh no! It was heading toward's the city! Melody's body began to fill with worry and anxiety as Rayquaza inched ever so closer to sootopolis. "No!" She shouted at it trying to get it's attention "Get back here you jerk! Leave them alone they're innocent!" She pleaded with it as she didn't want ANY harm to come to the people, the city could be destroyed for what was a city if there was no people in it?

She had to act quickly, chu-e unleashed a misty terrain that had a faint smell of some strange herbal medicine and cotton can- Gods it was gross but it seemed to be slowing down the snakey boy for some reason and not letting it leave. Kazimir was on defense at the moment and Zac was stopping the draco meteor with his kingler. She had an option, she was just worried if it was the right one or not. Melody didn't have time to think though, she was running out of time. She felt mysteriously calm though on account of the misty terrain relaxing her mind slightly

Melody let out a loud whistle with her two fingers in her mouth as a noivern cried out and flew to her side "Take me to the upper level of sootpolis, the high leveled neighborhood." she tells noivern as she tries to recall primarina but it fails due to the misty terrain. Wait Primarina cant return? maybe rayquaza couldn't leave either.. Melody had an idea, noivern was still flying and above the terrain and therefore unaffected by it.

"It's show time ya'll. Primarina stay nearby until you're needed, help where you can." she told her as Noivern launched off towards the city's higher level neighborhood and found an empty spot to help prevent some collateral on her part.

The child previously watching rayquaza and saw melody's bright pink hair and noivern dart across the sky as she gripped her pokeball tightly. "Let's do it blastoise. I believe in you, we're gonna make him pay for attacking the city" as she was now directly in front of the beast before she lobbed a pokeball towards the floor and one of he rings on her finger flashed "Blastoise! Mega evolve! G-MAX CANNONADE HIM AWAY OUTTA HERE"  she orders as blastoise comes out of the pokeball as it's body immediately transforms. He begun to take on the appearance of a fortress with several cannons all pointed at the creature. 

A torrent of water cannons pelted the legendary snake, hopefully with enough force to send him away from the city before a final massive shot was fired from the main cannon that sent water everywhere. Once the attack went off Noivern thought it would be best to fly away from rayquaza cause melody was dangerously close to the creature and maybe he'd aggro onto melody and lead him away that way? The droplet's that fell to the floor afterwards behaved strangely though, as they landed they seemed to launch themselves again at rayquaza as this move would deal residual damage every so often to rayquaza.

TLDR!: Melody tried to recall primarina but couldn't from the misty terrain

Realized what chu-e did and formulated her own plan.

Called her noivern to scoop her out of the field and reposition her over towards the neighborhood rayquaza approached

Slams blastoise down in front of rayquaza, mega evolves and uses g-max cannonade to try and push rayquaza away from the city and into the misty terrain to trap it.


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP