winter ball

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 3:03:28 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

? A simple man? Mars has heard good jokes before, but that’s a new one. Then again, simplicity is kind of a subjective thing, so even if Mars may disagree, it may very well be the case that Fernando thinks himself to be simpler than an Oldale farmer who goes around herding Mareep all day.
Holiday cheer, huh?” The words are repeated as if seriously considering them while he looks at his surroundings, even if his attention soon returns to Fernando when noticing a painfully familiar sight. No matter what Mars may say, no matter how much he may pretend, holiday cheer is something he himself lacks, especially as of late.
”Fair enough, I can understand that. Although… Isn’t what people see online mostly what you want them to see?” If only for a second, there’s an ever so faint smirk tugging at his lips. After all, public perception can easily be shaped by certain people, and that is something Mars himself knows well. If that weren’t the case he sure as hell wouldn’t bother with things like charity, interviews, and all those wholesome holiday commercials that play everywhere.
”Don’t think I ever introduced myself properly, did I? Martín del Mar.”
A hand is offered then, paired with a slight smile.


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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,335 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 3:43:55 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illie b"]
[attr="class","illie i”]she had, admittedly, probably chosen the wrong dress...

it's cold in slateport park. cold enough to see breath escape in little wisps of steam but seemingly not enough to snow yet. a black shawl hangs loosely off her arms, trailing as if a makeshift cape. a single crimson jewel glitters against her chest, tucked snug between skin and black ruffles.

and as she sweeps through the party, a familiar face sticks out among the rest.

she floats right by , head dipping slightly in acknowledgement. he's not the subject of her attention. no, not right now. there's only one person she wants to see right now and she's dolled up in precious red: .

"fancy seeing you here, princess," she coos softly, drawing up to the girl's side. she's mindful of distance, mindful of reiner and his protectiveness. is she still considered a stranger? to be determined.

lips painted bloody red spread to reveal kindness.

"are you having fun?"

winter ball 2021.

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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 3:56:56 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]" ," she repeats, the name curling into a purr and escaping in a soft wisp of steam. her lips spread further and yep, she's up to no good. "cute name."

her attention shifts as draws her in, a usual happening. a yogurt covered pretzel is offered, stared down with a curious gaze, and she's letting out a light giggle.

"gonna feed me, love?" she drifts closer to his side as if pulled by his center of gravity. her hands wave about slightly, a little more eggnog sloshing slightly onto the ground in the process. "my hands are a little... busy."

another joins them, then, and her head is turning to regard @elliott with another smile.

she doesn't get the chance to pester the latest blonde, however. paxton draws her ever fleeting attention back in with a question. right, how do they all know cian?

she snickers, a memory rising. it's alcohol tinged, sure, but still fond and spicy all the same.

"i," a pause, a knowing glance sent in cian's direction, and then the smile shifts into something more coy. "don't think that first meeting is party material. how do you guys know each other? a classic case of cuties sticking together?"

winter ball.

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[newclass=.giada i] text-decoration: underline dotted #A22041; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,704 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 12:36:15 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
Dancing Bears. Painted Wings. Things I almost remember. And a song, someone sings, once upon a December.

The graceful notes of a piano dance in the air amidst silver snowflakes, falling obliquely against lamplight and the flickering trimmings of surrounding pine trees. A wintry, but welcome, breeze carries the scent of vanilla bean musk and fresh sugar cookies to the pair that enter past the park's snow-capped black gates.

and his date for the evening, , follow the blanketed stone trail to a festive pavilion, his gloved white hand clasped gently with her own.

The gentleman had come dressed in a warm white cloak and suit, donning a black top hat adorned with mistletoe and holly to, essentially, 'top' it all off. A suit befitting of the occasion, the season, and his status. Though he was certain someone like  would quite enjoy seeing him in some UGLY CHRISTMAS SWEATER instead [x].

Regardless, the cloaked prince shifts his hues of cobalt to his companion with a pleasant smile, as Earl Grey the Sinistea butler leads them to the park pavilion's empty band stand. "You look exquisite tonight," He comments, taking the first step up onto the makeshift 'ballroom' waiting for them there. "... May I have this dance?"

Someone holds me safe and warm,
Horses prance through a silver storm,
Figures dancing gracefully across my memory.

He's familiar with this royal lullaby. He can hear the lyrics as clear as Earl Grey's delighted chime. The feeling it invokes is one of melancholic nostalgia. Though, tonight, he hopes Luka can change that. Clearing old memories with new ones, as it were.

⛄ wearing this + a festive top hat
🎶 once upon a december - emile pandolfi
🎁 advent calendar prompt: ugly christmas sweater [x]

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Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
91 posts
Dominic Grey DOLLARS
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Dominic Grey
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 18:45:12 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

Looking around at the gathered crowd, Dom was glad he'd opted to wear something more formal. His first instinct had been to grab one of his ugly holiday sweaters. But he was quickly realizing this wasn't that kind of party. He would have felt so bad if he'd shown up looking like a schlub while Romeo was dressed to the nines. Even if he would have been really comfy.

He blushed at the compliment and shook his head, but didn't argue. He'd always been taught to accept kind words gratefully, even if he didn't particularly agree. He fidgeted with the hem of his blazer when Romeo asked if he was nervous.

"Is it that obvious? I never know how to act at these kinds of things." He let out a nervous laugh. "Plus the outfit is... well it's not my usual." He'd never really understood why people dressed in fancy clothes. They were always restrictive and either way too hot or way too cold. Plus they were so expensive. If he spilled some hot cocoa on his outfit he'd be out half a paycheck. He eyed Romeo's all-white with just a touch of horror in his eye.

"Snacks? Arceus, yes, please." He grinned, taking Romeo's hand and allowing himself to be led to snacks. This was a challenge. A test he could overcome. Don't ruin his outfit, dummy! "Thanks for the invite. I wouldn't have even known this was happening if you hadn't told me."

@romeo [break]outfit
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october 20th
blackthorn city, johto
ex-gym leader
missing no.
5'11" height
5'11" height
old habits die hard, i guess.
1,369 posts
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TAG WITH @derek
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 19:39:43 GMT

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
it came without ribbons

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
and it came without tags


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
it came without packages, boxes or bags

[attr=class,bulk][break]Arriving just a tad late, Derek demonstrates a brisk pace as he walks in, hanging the large coat draping over him to reveal a suit resembling an ugly sweater. Though if you asked him, it wasn't ugly at all. Not while it was on him.


The conversation between and is overheard while Derek acquires himself some of the egg nog in a plastic red cup. From beneath his blazer comes a flask, which promptly pours a generous amount of spiced rum into the beverage. For some reason, he always felt the need for a little liquid courage when attending these social gatherings.


"We just can't seem to stop bumping into each other, can we?" This rhetorical is shot towards Martín, though the ranger quickly looks to the owner of Silph Co. after. "Seasons greetings, Fernando." There is another nearby who he vaguely recognizes as , though interrupting her conversation with the princess is not a move he's willing to make.

tags [break]


template by punki

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 23:17:14 GMT



THE WISTFUL REPEATANCE comes off more questioning than mars’ intended. considering the scene, the adoption of the park into something more seasonal despite hoenn’s climate, brings him in agreeance. but he would never verbalize as such. it goes against the event and therefore the city.

and to go against slateport is to go against him.

perhaps. maybe if i owned HNN or some other tabloid, i could have them curate my image.” he laughs, as if the notion is rediculous. “but perception means little in the face of achievements.

and with that, his handshake is met, firm but far from tight. “fernando silph,” he answers out of obligation.

it is a different obligation that cuts in between when crosses his field of vision. her choice in clothing, or lack thereof, reminds him of littleroot. whatever disappointment, no matter how slight, wrinkles the bridge of his nose as it wrinkles from side-to-side.

with mars back turned against what fernando can see, he plays it off, body language excusing it as the weather.

but where there is one, another is bound to follow. he says nothing as enters his field of vision as well. but, what’s more noticeable to him, is who accompanies him: .

hm,” he hums in approval, pairing remy’s choice of a date in contrast with the soiree. “well met, mr. mar.

derek’s casual cut in opens up their conversation as fernando turns more open, transitioning their one-on-one into a more open circle. “likewise, hoffman,” he greets, raising his paper cup to meet the others in a cheering gesture.


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 19, 2021 23:54:12 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



When had promised her a winter wonderland, he hadn't been exaggerating.[break][break]

Soft snowfall flutters around them in defiance of Hoenn's tropical clime, and the air smells of pine and vanilla. Fairy lights wink out from laden boughs and twisting garlands, and she feels for a moment like she'd stepped into a snowglobe.[break][break]

Ironically enough, her first suggestion had been matching ugly sweaters. There were some truly atrocious selections in her closet, no matter how cute she might find them. But her idea had been shot down in favor of something a little more classy, and she's rather glad to have accepted Remiel's idea instead.[break][break]

She wears a capelet similar to his, the collar tied with a ribbon and a bright sprig of holly. But hers is quickly discarded to reveal bare shoulders and a daring neckline, a body swathed in starlight.[break][break]

Silvery-blue satin drips down her body, clinging to soft curves and cascading at her feet in a pool of glimmering moonlight. She exudes an icicle's delicate grace— though by wearing something so thin in such weather, she might soon feel like one as well. But Remiel's presence at her side is warm enough and for the moment, any chill is held at bay.[break][break]

"You do too," she murmurs, a happy flush warming her cheeks. "And of course you may! I'd love to dance."[break][break]

Familiar faces reveal themselves on their walk up to the makeshift dancefloor. Luka gives a cheerful wave to and , calling out a quick greeting while they sweep past. She catches the eye of , and though she's surprised to see him there, she greets him and just as warmly. She'd have liked to stop and chat, but it seems that her dance with Remiel is a bit more urgent.[break][break]

They step onto the bandstand, the soft strains of a piano already in full swing. Luka giggles and takes a gliding step. She twirls. Under the twinkling fairy lights she smiles, reaching out for Remiel's hand.[break][break]

"Shall we?"

winter ball[break]outfit reference


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,237 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 0:16:05 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]amidst the laughter and the snow
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]waiting for a winter miracle
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It takes a whole lot of willpower for her not to jump at the sudden appearance of another, even more to ensure that her drink doesn't spill all over.
"I'm not a princess! I'm just Eris!" She chirps, offering Illie a bright smile. On the other hand, Reiner quietly eyes the distance between them, dipping his head towards her in greeting. "I... guess I'm having fun?"
As she takes a sip of her hot cocoa, she sways a little on her feet. Fun is subjective to intepretation but if she had to give a definitive answer, it would probably be no. She's happy enough to be in Reiner's company, even happier that he's willing to remain by her side. But recently, she's gotten a little more greedy, always wanting a little more company, always thinking of being able to talk to another. She's gotten a little too comfortable with being able to connect with others that she's almost forgotten what it feels like to be disconnected from the world.
"Aren't you cold though, Miss Illie?" Her head tilts and with it, the gears in her head start to turn. "You can have these!"
Mittens are held up before the woman, pink and fluffy with a small skitty pattern on them.
"I have pockets! So I'm okay!"
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || outfit!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 1:16:45 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
nine didn't really get involved in events like these. it wasn't that he didn't want to, it was just that he had a lot of work to do. busy even during the holidays- not that he really had anyone besides his coworkers to spend the holidays with. it wasn't a horrible scenario, just a bit lonely sometimes.

but he was free this time. and the ball had called for formal outfits, but nine didn't really have anything formal. so, after a while of looking in shops, he had ended up with the closest thing he could find that fit- and that he could enjoy himself in. because he wasn't about to just avoid the crowd or sit by himself the entire night. he was going to dance and enjoy himself. or something like that. maybe. hopefully.

at least, that's what he had been hoping for at first. but, when he sees the cop who had nearly arrested him that day- - he nearly turns around and leaves again, because fuck that. he didn't want to have to deal with being watched like he was going to commit some crime for the rest of the night-

but there's a group near him, and nine finds himself wandering over much too quickly. because, unfortunately, there's a pretty woman near the cop in question, along with some other people nine doesn't know. but he's a man on a mission; he sees a pretty person, and he's going to try to talk.

and ignore the fact that, with that thought in mind, he was reminded of his past meeting with paxton. which didn't count, because there wasn't anything to count for. paxton was pretty, maybe, but in that no-homo way. because nine didn't like men and paxton was a man.


"hope you don't mind if i join you." is offered as he slides over- joining them regardless, apparently. "i'm nine."

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 2:28:23 GMT
Deleted Avatar



[attr="class","stylish2text"] Taking Domonic's hand, Romeo chuckles and begins leading the pair to the table of well prepared festive snacks and drinks. "Really? I suppose being in the modeling world has given me a bit of an advantage." How many stuffy parties had he been invited to in his time? Far too many to name, and way too many to sit and name off now. "This one's much laxer, though. Everyone seems to be in great spirits. I think you can unclinch a little." He spoke in jest before they arrived at the array of goodies out on display. "You pull the look off quite nicely. It suits you well. Comfy, casual, cozy." With a nod, the model grabs a small plate and surveys the snacks for a moment, quickly returning his gaze to Dominic.
"Haha, in truth, I hadn't known about it too long myself. A manager of mine gave me a call at the last minute and told me about it." One, two, three cookies were placed onto his plate. "It seemed like a fun time. And I thought about bringing someone I'd like to get to know more, so I invited you to come with me." He pauses to give Dominic a boyish grin of mirth. "Just in case this was a stuffy affair, I would at least have someone worth talking to here." He nods matter of factly before reaching into the inside pocket of his suit coat. "And this, of course."
It's a small glass bottle of cream-colored liquid within. "My secret weapon in making it through stuffy events. Just tailor-made for hot cocoa." Grabbing a mug, Romeo pours a gracious amount of the liquid into the chocolate mixture and stirs it up. "It's not the strongest," he lied, "but it does its job. Want some?" He offers to dom before taking a gracious sip of the warm, chocolatey goodness. That extra zing goes down nicely before he munches into a cookie. Keeping a napkin close by to catch stray crumbs.
[ outfit ]






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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 3:52:18 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Aha! A laugh! Maybe does have a sense of humour after all, dry as it may be.
The notion is amusing enough to earn a light and short chuckle on Mars’ part, words of agreement coming only a few seconds before the introduction does: ”That’s a good point, accomplishments do often speak for themselves… Even if public perception can still be changed by so many other factors.”
Something which surely Mr. Councilman here is familiar with, but if Mars wanted to spend his afternoon talking about public perception, he’d be chatting with his PR team and not someone like . Thus, a handshake leads to a swift transition away from the topic, names being exchanged just as a familiar sight temporarily steals his attention away…
right next to , both whom Mars considers his friends.
When she waves, he returns the gesture in a simple way, nodding at Remy in acknowledgement. For as much as he may often tease the prince, at least he seems to be a man of impeccable taste when it comes to his date for the evening, and of course, Mars would expect no less. ’s presence also isn’t missed, but since the girl seems to be enjoying herself, he does no more than smile at her.
All before the now increasingly familiar sound of ’s voice interrupts his conversation with Fernando, his comment earning him a smirk:
”Ha! Sure looks like it, doesn’t it? Please don’t tell me there’s also something you need my help with here, Derek.”
Perhaps his outfit? Do rangers get paid so little that he had to get the ugliest thing at goodwill or something?
Judgemental as his thoughts may be, Mars isn’t cruel enough to speak them outloud, his expression offering no hints of anything other than confidence and cheer.
”Taking a break from your ranger duties to celebrate?”


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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 10:04:35 GMT
before he has a chance to feed @gia a pretzel, who else would cock-block him than his best friend? even without turning to meet @elliott's gaze, he sighs.

"you're late."

but chuckles after. it's always a good time when eli's around.

"i've known this one here since he was about this tall."

his hand lowers to his knee only to come up to nudge @elliott's shoulder after.

and how does he know @gia? well...

"that's a story for another time. hey, pax, you wanna go do shots with us?"

shots of eggnog! festive.

- at the snacks table
- interacting with & & @elliott
- suggesting to go do SHOTS
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,704 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 10:38:38 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

Glittering evergreen garlands, festive poinsettias, and pokéball ornaments, hanging from against the edge of the band stand's dome-shaped ceiling, surround them. Hues of cobalt sparkle at her smile, and her hand parts from his briefly afterwards, leaving a sense of longing in its wake as she twirls towards the center of their dance floor.

He'd seen her wave at and earlier, offering them little more than a polite nod and a tip of his top hat himself. But to have her as company tonight, knowing she'd chosen him above any other, kept any feelings of resentment or competitiveness at bay. This Christmas, with all of its festive lights and sweet splendor, was theirs to enjoy.

It takes him a moment, of course, to recover from the awe of seeing her glide so gracefully forward. She was a prepossessing sight, charming in demeanor and beautiful in form. Tenderly, he takes her offered hand in his, seamlessly placing the other gently upon the back of her shoulder as they drift into a Viennese waltz:

1, 2, 3 - 1, 2, 3 - 1, 2, 3

Their chemistry on the dance floor proves to be as good as the chemistry off of it. The beauty of the Viennese waltz was that the two practiced exactly the same steps, dancing in a smooth circle, never losing sight of their body connection. Fostering a real feeling of exuberance and freedom and, perhaps, a little something more.

A reverse fleckerl, into a contra check and nat pivot, back into a natural turn.

"You're a natural at this, Luka," He comments with a debonair smile, the scent of crisp mint leaves, a dual blend of cedarwood notes, and vanilla bean light on his cologne. "You'd be a hit at any Galarian royal ball."

⛄ wearing this + a festive top hat
🎶 once upon a december - emile pandolfi
🎁 advent calendar prompt: holiday ornament [x]

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Dom, Nic, Nicky
May 19
35 height
35 height
let's not forget we're flying.
91 posts
Dominic Grey DOLLARS
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Dominic Grey
winter ball
POSTED ON Dec 21, 2021 1:13:34 GMT
Dominic Grey Avatar

Dom interlaced his fingers with Romeo's, nervous but trying to hide it to the best of his ability. As they walked to the snack table, he coudln't help but look at the people they passed. Sometimes it helped to think of them ecologically, like he would Pokemon. There, two very nicely-dressed people strutted around one another like Toucannon during the breeding season. Here, he caught sight of someone slipping hors d'oeuvres into their bag very much like Skwovet preparing for the winter freeze. He smiled to himself.

They made it to the snack table and, remembering his mission (don't ruin Romeo's nice outfit), Dom slipped his hand from the model's. He mirror's Romeo and grabs a plate before following his gaze across the table. There was a myriad of foods, all more delicious-looking than the last. He started to load up his plate, smiling at Romeo.

"Never a bad idea to bring a bit of the familiar. Or... sort of familiar. I'm glad you thought of me, anyway." Dom's eyes widened as Romeo produces a small glass bottle that he immediately recognizes as booze. He stepped closer to Romeo, using his body to shield the bottle from any prying eyes. "Are you allowed to have that here?" he whispered. But it was only a moment before he reached beyond the model and grabbed his own mug of cocoa, holding it up to be blessed with the spicy elixir. He took a sip and felt the warmth and kick light up the back of his throat. "Oh, that's good." His plate of snacks now forgotten, Dom cradled the warm mug in both hands.

"You said you're new to Hoenn, too," he said between sips. "But I don't remember if you said where you lived before."

@romeo [break]outfit
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing