i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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777 height
777 height
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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 3:54:04 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





THOSE NEW TO THE REGION and it’s cataclysmic events will feel a PRESSURE unlike any other. it wears down on the soul. the unnerving feeling that strikes at one’s sense of self preservation.


it becomes increasingly apparent who’s lived through one of these ordeals and who has not. experienced veterans steel themselves against this sensation, numb to the constant ebb and flow of dread that surrounds the region. others merely exist.


tonight, the uninitiated will join the ranks of those before them. evolution boils in the blood of those who persevere. the survivors will become stronger for it, able to to stand on their own two feet as the region prepares for what comes after.

characters that have not participated in a DEATH ENABLED thread will feel this pressure. it is up to the player to decide how this affects their character. feel free to use it as a small hook!


THE FLASHIEST ENTRANCE is also the first to act. while others crowd and look on, orders his shedinja to attack. while SPITE may not physically harm the target, the visceral nausea that comes from being unable to act is still one many pokemon find as an act of aggression.


the figure turns around, facing the wide crowd that has gathered underneath the TREE OF LIFE. segments of the black crystal rescind to reveal the face of their UNDERBOSS, .




his voice is weak but it is his own. he looks directly at her before his gaze drifts between rockets he knew intimately.


gavin… help me…


and with that, he falls to his knees.

looks at these individual who stated they were close by: [break][break]


THOSE FAMILIAR with the TREE OF LIFE have seen it respond to trespassers without discrimination. while it has yet to act upon their intrusion, it should come as no surprise when its roots suddenly shoot out from underneath. like a well sprung trap, the suddenness and lack of warning makes reacting near impossible.

several black spikes harmlessly whizz past on their way to skewer ’s SHEDINJA. the crystalline composition of these roots pierce through the pokemon’s shell but it remains alive due to its WONDER GUARD.

until the tendrils pulse. as soon as it pumps the pokemon with something unseen, black crystals start to sprout from underneath the pokemon’s carapace. and, just like that, it disappears, seemingly sucked up by the same roots.

but the shedinja is not alone. ’s BEHEEYEM, who TELEPORTED him onto the scene is also attacked by the sudden protrusions. it vanishes in the same manner.

yet, for reasons unknown, is not targeted.


if 's AEGISLASH would have used SHADOW SNEAK in response, please have it attacked and killed in the same fashion as the above pokemon somewhere in your next post.

in the face of these attacks, any civilians who have gathered to spectate start to flee. with the help and concern of hoenn’s most altruistic, they exit the vicinity safely. only those who are willing to take a stand remain.

all NPCs have left the thread. only playable characters remain.


THE TREE OF LIFE responds in a variety of ways. depending on the location, what happens next changes. however, it all happens at the SAME TIME.

THOSE HIGH IN THE AIR, or among the tree’s canopy, will catch sight of black flowers blooming across its jungle of branches. they all open almost immediately, releasing hundreds of black needles in all directions.


their victims will find that these are impossible to block. should they use PROTECT, their shield will shatter like glass against the beratement of impossible numbers.


what’s worse is that these projectiles do not stop upon impact. they continue, leaving gaping holes within their victims. those who ride their pokemon high above will find themselves falling. should they be unable to stifle their descent, they will crash land amongst the crowd underneath.

any pokemon that is high in the air will die from their wounds. feel free to roleplay out their death in your next post. [break][break]

this is not limited to but may affect pokemon or characters played by:


THOSE CLOSE TO THE TREE will feel the downpour of HAIL from ’s ABOMASNOW. however, when the pellets of ice touch the tree, they are transformed into DARK SPORES. like pollen, they drift and spread across the field. anyone touched by these DARK SPORES will find that they latch onto the surface of whatever they touch.

those bogged down by these small nuisances will find their STAMINA SAPPED over time. they prove impossible to break, made from a substance stronger than any alloy. only precise removal will free their victims. but where will they find the time as chaos unfolds?

any character that was close enough to discern that the figure was is affected by these DARK SPORES. additionally, any character that was stated to explicitly be near the aforementioned characters are also affected.


this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:


likewise, the beautiful lights of the AURORA VEIL are corrupted by these DARK SPORES. the moment the waft into the northern lights the area becomes drenched in darkness. the DARK ZONE is the same as the one in slateport. VISION and HEARING are dampened but this time things are different.


the CRYSTABLOOMS continue to glow in defiance of the deafening darkness. ’s ILLUMINA WISHIWASHI pulses with an outline that’s brilliant enough to ILLUMINATE the nearby vicinity. despite any DARK SPORES that may have caught on the fish’s scales, it wriggles free on its own accord.


FARTHER FROM THE TREE, several roots sprout up from underneath and her boys. they extend up to the ankle but do no more than exist. they pulse with a life of their own.


coincidentally, the very same PSYCHIC TERRAIN around them starts to crackle with black undertones.


XERNEAS’ GEOMANCY GLOWS with every color of the rainbow. its natural affinity for the TREE OF LIFE tries to drive back the foreign presence. an invisible power struggle occurs.


whatever is plaguing the tree has almost full control over it. however, inch by inch, the colorful flicker of GEOMANCY starts to shimmer in the roots underground. only , who can feel this conflict, will be aware what happens out of view.


THE NECROZMA MEMORY allows ’s silvally to face doom in the face and still bark with a fury unmatched. the pokemon shows no fear but lashes out with a frantic aggression that seems displaced. it does not react to but instead to the environment itself.

it will attack THE TREE OF LIFE and/or CHU-E with a RANGED ATTACK of your choosing in your next post.


’S ABSOL MAY HAVE RACED onto the scene but now that the tree starts to unravel, a body-racking whimper rumbles from the beast. it starts to paw and do everything within its power to warn its trainer to retreat. a disaster of this magnitude is thought to be impossible. the stimulation is downright oppressive.

should it remain on the field for much longer, it may flee on its own accord.

regardless of his action, his CHARM will react. mild sparks start to fly from the CHARMS present. they remain colorless since their fated meeting but time and disaster has called upon their use once more.

those affiliated with the CHARMS will hear a distinctive voice.

it calls to them.


this is not limited to but may affect the following characters:


BACK AT THE ROCKET SUBMARINE fluorescent lights flicker on and off. emergency sirens ring throughout its halls. the sound of their metal floor clanging in unison echo as personnel evacuate under the ROCKET BOSS’ order.


a head full of grayish hair disappears around the corner, leaving behind the gaping hole from their newest MAGMA EXTRACTION. his voice cuts into the rocket communication line.


team rocket, hold steady. reinforcements are en route to sootopolis. whatever this threat is does not realize we operate best in the night... and so does our ecliptic ace.” walsh references a crucial contract; the forewarning provided by admin and underboss allows the reserve to move swiftly.


the static of someone else joining in chimes in. the voice is familiar to those who have been in team rocket for more than a couple years. they may not recognize it now but in time, a welcome face will join them soon.


i’m on my way, darlings. hold out until i get there. daddy walsh’s orders!


THOSE WHO COME PREPARED come with an earpiece that carries the voice of their allies. team rocket and league alike will have to rely on their teamwork to come out against impossible odds. however, the comfort of a familiar voice is torn to shreds by a sudden hijacking.



please adjust your volume to an acceptable level prior to playing the clip.

afterwards, the static continues to dribble with a comatose drool. all lines of communication go dead.


you are alone.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters:[break][break]





after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a NECROZMA appeared in SLATEPORT. several trainers managed to keep the pokemon at bay until it was dragged back into ULTRA SPACE by a MYSTERIOUS HAND.

while no one was able to document this pokemon, it left behind a DARK ROCK which was licked by the ROCKET UNDERBOSS . over time, CHU-E exhibited some physical and behavioral changes, eventually manifesting into something close to AVATARSHIP.

eventually, this killed CHU-E. since then, his body has gone missing.


the recently hatched LAKE GUARDIANS have visited several trainers, leaving them with CHARMS and cryptic PROPHECIES. the unknown phenomenon known as THE DARKEST DAY is mentioned repeatedly.

three individuals are given a vision that alludes to the breaking news about THE DARKEST DAY affecting GALAR.


a strange IVORY TREE shows up in a littleroot threatre. it grows out of control during a contest and is destroyed by those present. an extract of its BLUE MULCH has exhibited the capacity to resurrect some living things.

team rocket searches for XERNEAS and calls the energy it exudes INFINITY ENERGY. on an EXCURSION they find another IVORY TREE.

when team rocket attempts to take over sootopolis, several spatial distortions occur. the league uses PRIMAL QUARTZ SHARDS to teleport an ANCIENT TEMPLE. in its place spawns a massive tree dubbed the TREE OF LIFE.

eventually, team rocket investigates inside the TREE OF LIFE. among their many discoveries, they realize the TREE OF LIFE is from another world. when XERNEAS uses GEOMANCY, the tree grows exponentially.

coincidentally, CRYSTABLOOMS and breeding ILLUMINA pokemon appeared directly afterwards.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER and can post ONCE PER ROUND. please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players. reducing the amount of information other players, including myself, have to dig for the smoother this thread can proceed.

please ROLL in your next post.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for each round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

@sirocco @miette

[newclass=".omgentop"]background-color:#89828d;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#89828d,#333333);font:800 35px Poppins;font-weight:800!important;line-height:30px;text-align:left;padding:45px;letter-spacing:-2px;margin-bottom:7px;border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
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Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 4:50:05 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Hope is a very powerful thing. It drives her to continue fighting for her life, it keeps her holding onto reality and makes her claw at whatever shreds of possibility there might be.
And all it takes is him calling out her name. Those eyes that look straight to her and that weak cry for help.
"Pa!" Her voice cracks from the sheer pressure, the fact that he's right before her very eyes. Danger digs into her spine with a chill, old scars burning silently as another voice echoes through her head.
That's not him.

Her fists clench as she grits her teeth.
"Reiner, I'm sorry."
There's no time for the Luxray to even respond, his yowls silenced as he disappears in a glow of red light. In his place, she calls upon her Illumina Wooper, glowing marks curling all around its body and seeking to Illuminate the dark.
"Pa, are you okay?" She calls out, daring to step towards with Apollo in her arms. Her head feels fuzzy, her limbs trembling as she forces herself to move. Uncertain of its fate, the Wooper fidgets, ready to raise a Protective barrier should Eris or Chu-e be attacked.
As soon as she's close enough, she kneels down beside him, readily reaching out to hold his hand.
"Please... let's just go home..."
- Recalling Luxray and replacing with Wooper[break]
- Illumina Wooper ILLUMINATES area and PROTECTS Eris or Chu-e from incoming attacks[break]
- Eris goes straight over to Chu-e, kneels down beside and tries to hold his hand
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 4:59:39 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin doesn't look away from .

"Don't presume to give me orders."

This, directed at when she demands an explanation. He doesn't have one to give. How could he summarize the horrors of the BLACKOUT in the precious few seconds they may have before disaster strikes? He agrees with 's sentiment. If they do nothing, they will die.

Yet he feels frozen as the strangled voice of his best friend pleads for his help.

It's not him.

Amber eyes flick up as others, not Rocket, arrive on the scene.

He calls out over the comms:

"Rocket: do not engage with the League. We face a greater threat."

The end of the world. The Darkest Day. was right.

The air is filled with the muffled cries of pain and finality as the DARK SPORES spread. Standing too close to the epicenter, Gavin finds himself similarly struggling against them as they sap his strength. SHADOW LUGIA'S furious scream sounds as if he's hearing it underwater, far away, yet he sees the bone-white spikes on her tail as she lashes it in anger, landing heavily behind him.

It grows dark, and the new BLACKOUT begins.

Seeing the Wishiwashi owned by glowing in defiance of the gloom, Gavin releases an ILLUMINA SKITTY along with the DELCATTY who'd helped bring it into the world. They were close in age, yet the POKERUS afflicting the larger cat has stimulated its growth. Gavin would prefer his shadows, feels naked without them, but at least the kitten could shed some light.

Walsh's voice provides a certain comfort; though he feared the man, Gavin has always admired his competence.

Another familiar voice is followed by a horrifying shriek, prompting Gavin to rip the earpiece out, wincing.

"Come in, Rocket. Do you hear me?"

Silence. Dread.

A SPOTLIGHT shines upon his SKITTY, and her fur lights up with an ethereal glow.


- Gavin is reacting with horror to a familiar situation
- He orders ROCKET not to engage with (AKA fight with) the LEAGUE
- ILLUMINA SKITTY is shining under a SPOTLIGHT
- Lugia's just being generally aggro and Delcatty is on stand-by

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 6:16:34 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Breathless, Rowan finally arrived at the Tree of Life. Carnage seemed to be unleashed all around him, ominous spores floated throughout the air, while twisting roots and piercing needles assaulted the Pokémon who dared approach the monument of nature. Despite the chaos, there was one figure he caught a glimpse of through the strife, that of . “Is that Chu-e?!” Rowan asked into the communicator, an obvious surprise in his voice. “You’re supposed to be dead…” He muttered to himself.

Grabbing onto a set of Pokéballs, Rowan unleashed the Ludicolo and Walrein contained inside. “Alright, I can work with this.” The tree seemed to be cau
sing the most danger at the moment, corrupted by an unknown force beyond his understanding. “Bolero, start up a Rain Dance.” The Pokémon shuffled from side to side, moving to an unheard beat, rain beginning to fall from the sky. The hope was to wash out the spores, and set up for a stronger attack.

“Tusk, use Sheer Cold on the roots!” The Walrein lunged forward and opened their mouth, unleashing the fury of a borean tundra upon the Tree of Life, hoping to freeze the base solid in conjunction with the sheets of rain that were falling upon it.


(tagged)⏤ @dotdd

(notes)⏤ Rowan spots Chu-e, asks about him on the communicator. Brings out Ludicolo and Walrein. Ludicolo uses Rain Dance and Walrein uses Sheer Cold on the aggressive roots of the Tree of Life, hoping to boost the attack with the rain..
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 6:21:52 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Jour Le Plus Sombre

The all-consuming pressure bore down from all sides, its only equal in Elisabeth's limited experience that of the suffocating intensity of Lugia's red-eyed stare. She had faced death before, but this tension was somehow starker, like a reckoning of their collective mortality.

To underscore the realisation, crystalline roots sharply pierced through the first Pokemon to act -- slaughtering them swiftly and soundlessly. What fragile creatures they all were, when faced with something of such terrifying magnitude.

Without realising it, Elisabeth had stepped backwards with a shudder of fear, only to see the masked face of behind her. His presence, like that of , had a sobering effect on her as Elisabeth exhaled, attempting to channel her terror into action as she focused her gaze on the disaster at hand.

And what a disaster it was, as if the world was raining cruel spores of soot and ash.

As the dark spores pelted down on her, Elisabeth shielded her face with her cloak, only for the spores to gather like burrs on her clothing and exposed skin; such small motes of darkness somehow carried such immensely wearying fatigue.

A glimpse through the fabric afforded her the sight of summoning a Delcatty and Skitty that shimmered with the glow of the Illumina, and silently Elisabeth followed the Underboss's lead, unlatching a Pokeball from her own satchel.

An Illumina Sinistea hovered in mid-air at her beckoning, its smooth surfaces shining like the very crystablooms that had drawn Elisabeth here in the first place. At Elisabeth's unspoken command, a dark liquid sloshed and bubbled within its depths, wafting a deeply fragrant aroma reminiscent of an herbal tea to perform AROMATHERAPY on the florist and those in her close proximity.

It was not a standard Stun Spore they were facing, no, but there were only so many options available to them when facing such an unknown danger as this one. Perhaps Aromatherapy might slow the effect, Elisabeth reasoned, if not remove it entirely.

Following the Sinistea's arrival, a newly released Comfey settled on Elisabeth's wrist like those that had given his allies earlier, hers likewise prepared to aid her in healing her stamina further should she require it.



  • Pressure from first DE event
  • Standing by and
  • Oh noes, got spored :(
  • Covered face with cloak to try and limit skin exposure to spores
  • Illumina Sinistea used AROMATHERAPY to try and deal with the spores
  • Comfey sitting pretty on her wrist, awaiting orders

The Darkest Day ✿ Outfit | |
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 7:49:00 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

"Luka? You shouldn't have come..."

Though he'd become used to the pressure of such high-risk scenarios, a veteran through and through, 's presence heightens it to a level he'd never felt before. Innocent and well-meaning as she is, however, Remiel can't find it in himself to truly scold her for following him here.

Unfortunately, this meant he couldn't interact as freely with his fellow ROCKET members as he might have otherwise. He wore a different persona tonight.

"I don't know," He admits, in response to her question. "But it certainly does seem that way..." The irony in her statement afterwards certainly isn't lost on the ADMIN. Though he isn't given much time to reflect on that before things kick off to an awful start.

One of the first to perish is HADEY, his SHEDINJA. Where his girlfriend might expect grief or dismay, however, Remiel simply regards the scene with a stern and coldly analytic gaze. This is a glimpse of the true prince: a man born of trauma and discipline from a young age.

And, yet, he's not so infallible when it comes to her.

When HAIL falls from the sky and strikes the tree, spawning a wave of DARK SPORES, Remiel is quick to pull into his embrace and attempt to shield her from the worst of it as it comes. Holding her there with one hand, he uses the other to pluck another luxury ball from his belt and summon ADRASTEIA, an ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM, to stand before them.

Unfortunately, even with the rex serving as a shield, the royal notices spores on Luka's exposed flesh... and even his own face. He can feel them slowly leeching him of his strength, as well, cursing the being that's possessed his former friend with a sharp glare through the haze.

The one day he didn't bring his mask, hm?

"We need to get you out of here..." He remarks, guiding them a few steps back as he commands his Tyrantrum. "Adrasteia, HEAL BELL!"

The dinosaur braces herself firmly on the ground with two stomps, standing defiant against the spores as the crystallized blue scales accenting her body begin to intensely glow (ILLUMINA). Then, with a roar that comes off more like the deep and resounding gong of a church bell, Adrasteia fills the air with her PURIFICATION

ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM uses the PURIFICATION move, HEAL BELL, for everyone nearby



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Shizu, Theo
44 height
44 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
128 posts
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TAG WITH @lime5
Shizue Murasaki
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 9:44:15 GMT
Shizue Murasaki Avatar
“Not an order. More suggestion,” she noted, almost absent-mindedly towards that superior of hers. There was a hint of confusion in her voice. Given who he was, she had no authority to give him orders, so why, exactly, could she give him orders? The other one talking about this was not the same though, so she mostly just ignored him. Simply acting for the sake of acting was never the right answer. One could get lucky, certainly, but that was about it. At the end of the day, without strategy, all but the luckiest routes led to doom.

Hence, she should have felt vindicated when things swiftly took a turn for the worse. But that wasn’t her nature. Especially not when something this fascinating happened. Just like it wasn’t in her nature to be scared for long. Yes, she felt a certain pressure to her mind from the danger that could not be missed. Especially when those tendrils whirled straight past her. Their momentum threw her hair into disarray and she had to take a step back, briefly shocked. However, she then noticed those things killing Pokemon in a very novel and interesting way.
In fact, it almost seemed like a kind of poison. One that completely and utterly annihilated that which it affected. Elation surged and her mind went into overdrive. Subconsciously, she had the good sense to not go and touch those herself, steeled by years working with poisonous substances. But her attention was split all about, trying to absorb as much information as possible and trying to make sense of it.

Tendrils, snow turned into snow and at the centre a certain intelligence. All of that was of great interest. Being close to the action herself, she naturally was hit by the spores as well, but with the strength being sapped, she did manage to do two things: first, to send out her Venipede, intrigued to see if this would affect a poison type as well. And then to turn up her palm and catch one of the spores like it was a snowflake. Sure, it would hit her anyway, but she wanted to see it up close like that. “Non-lethal, at first glance. Intriguing. They could have been the same type as the tendrils but aren’t. The tree only seems to use that on those acting aggressively. Corrupted defense mechanism. Stronger than back during the expedition within.”

Her head would turn towards the one causing this in the first place. “And it knows to cut lines of communication and how they work. Subject possibly has the vessel’s intelligence, or at least access to it. None of this seems random. Illumina somewhat working against this supports theory of being connected to the tree.” Naturally, with strength being sapped and not having an illumia of herself, she couldn’t do much more than give a running commentary like this. But that was fine for now. Just being able to witness enough for a woman of science, in her eyes.

- Replies to Gavin
- watches proceedings and analyses as best as she can
- is hit by spores, calls out Venipede to see if it affects poison types as it does others
- basically talks to herself haha

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 14:31:06 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

A worrying omen.

Leaving Raki behind had been a good idea. The current situation... It was bizarre.

It was not the first time his life had been in danger. Is was not the first time complete chaos had broken out around him. Even if he had been deadly injured, it wouldn't have been the first time he had stood at death's door.

And yet, an unfamiliar weight has settled upon him, robbing him of the ability to think.

Until things started dying, at any rate.

Snapping out of it with a sharp intake of breath, Gwyar stumbled as he turned around quickly, a pokeball slipping into his hand from under his sleeve.

"Lunatone! Bewear!"

A levitating rock and a giant stuffed bear were summoned from the pokeballs, both staring at their master for orders. The man simply gestured towards those on the back.

"Evacuate the civilians!" He said sternly, prompting a nod from both pokemon.

They were among 'Hoenn's most altruistic' helping the civilians escape, the Bewear carrying an impressive amount of children and adults alike on its arms, shoulders and head, while the Lunatone levitated several men and women and helped them off the island.

With the help of other altruistic folk, the area would soon be devoid of helpless civilians... But Gwyar didn't have time to oversee every single second of the evac- one of his self-assigned charges was doing suicidal shit again.

"Scout Eris!" The man shouted, watching the girl run, not away from the giant ass tree, but towards it, and worse yet, towards the person turning it into a giant, black crystal. "Damn it!"


Worse yet- the world was filled with dark spores as the hail around them turned for the worse. He did not know what the hell these were- but he wanted no part in them.

Gripping his totally stylish brand coat, Gwyar kissed his money goodbye as he swept it off his shoulders and over his head, turning his style points coat into a mildly wealthy man's raincoat as he sprinted after Eris.

It was clear to see that she had some sort of relationship with the man/creature, but Gwyar really couldn't care less at the moment; there was a time and place for everything, and this certainly wasn't it.

The world around him was sinking into an inky blackness, with only the smallest of dots of light coming from a few nearby, gleaming pokemon.

Gwyar had no such pokemon, unfortunately- but he could still see Eris, for she had one herself.


-Bewear and Lunatone are helping evacuate citizens. Probably unnecessary, but I felt it made sense for Gwyar to help there.
-Gwyar is using his expensive coat as something of a rain coat against the dark spores. RIP money, hope it works.
-I have no Illumina and I must scream. Chose a pretty rotten event cycle to rest my writing brain, I think.
-Chasing after because someone has to be the responsible adult here.
-God pls Have mercy on this single father's soul.
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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 16:07:11 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar
Elinor stood, at first lost. Wondering how she could help. A group was gathering in the distance around an individual whom she couldn’t see. Other people were hurrying around shooing civilians away from the place or establishing medical perimeters.

And amid this confusion, she suddenly felt very lost. What was she to do? What could she do? She didn’t want to admit that she could do nothing, so she kept on searching.

But while she searched for answers, Salamence gazed upon the dark crystals on the Tree. A sense of foreboding washed over him. Close enough to see the intricate details meant much too close for comfort.

In Elinor’s search for an answer within the confines of her mind. She was caught maybe in her panic, brought out of it only by the voice of Callan. “Callan?” She turned around to the source of the voice. A small hopeful smile spread on her lips for the briefest of seconds before his words hit her like a truck, though he was right, much as she didn’t want to admit it. “Well if I have to, so do you!” Elinor replied.

And that’s the last thing she got to say before a pressure washed over here. Like a Tsunami of fear, death, and stale air. Fear painted her face as she stood still. Incapable of forming a single thought for a brief few seconds as the image of the mauled hiker she had found a month or so ago washed over her as if some warning from a future that was about to happen.

Luckily the chill of Hail helped bring her back. Though for some reason, she suddenly felt her knees weak, and her arms heavy. That was until a shadow covered her. She looked up and saw the red wing of her Salamence shielding her and Callan from whatever Dark Spores hadn’t already fallen upon them.

He had felt the pressure, but his love for Elinor made him immune. Still, he saw what happened to Pokémon around him, and figured the Spores served a similar purpose to the piercing roots and shards.

And he might very well be right, for, with each spore that hit him, he felt his strength leaving his body. He groaned and growled, and fought the urge to fall to his knees, as the load grew heavier. He would protect his trainer and the person with whom she had trusted her heart. Salamence growled at her, and then at Callan. He turned to give the man a knowing look and a growled command. Hoping only that understood that he ordered him to get Elinor out of here willingly or not. He would be their shield for as long as his body would last.


- Elinor is caught in panic
- Dark Spores start falling, and Salamence shields both Elinor and Callan under his wings, instead of attacking the tree.
- Salamence tries to command Callan to take Elinor and GTFO



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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON May 29, 2022 19:03:35 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar

It builds at his shoulders, growing tighter, more compact, and heavier than ever before. It'd been a while since he felt this-- back when the graphic nature of battle still made his stomach churn -- and it's return was as unwelcomed as it was back then.

Positioned only a few feet away from , Felix was still close enough to witness the small exchange between them and the weakened underboss , but again, he held no attachments to the matter, so his attention was redirected quickly.

Aegislash, who was ordered to protect, had unknowingly sprung the trap on himself by using SHADOW SNEAK towards the others. The pressure of the situation, combined with the growing sensation of danger, had triggered the pokemon to use the move to swiftly go to defend , , , and anyone else within the vicinity with his KING SHIELD.

Unfortunately, this act of panic had only led to the tree's attacks on them-- a pitiful display of irony. The initial tendril reflected off the KING SHIELD, making the pokemon sigh with relief, but this was only a momentary victory, as the second tendril came in as fast as the first, cracking through its shield upon impact. Within seconds, the ghostly sword was torn apart in front of the other's eyes.

Felix, from where he stood, could only watch as his pokemon died by his own commands.


The sheer sight of seeing his own being skewered so ruthlessly stabbed at his heart. Would he be able to move forward, of course, but that didn't mean he had grown numb to the losses. Especially when it's caused by his own directives. But, as the others had already figured out, that was just the burden he'd have to swallow.

Felix's hands twitched over his Bastiodon's ball. Does he send out another? Or, would that only entail their death. Hesitant, he decided to wait to pull the trigger, noting the direct attack on only the pokemon. Whatever this thing was, it was territorial, and approaching without caution was flat death sentence. But, if it were to come down to it, he'd send the unsuspecting Bastiodon in front of the others if another attack were to ramp up.

- watching from afar 
- Aegislash dies trying to "protect" , , , n anyone within that circle of people near the tree
- felix shook by the losses, but we move on
- hand is hovering over bastidon's ball, ready to send him out, but waiting to see how the situation develops


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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Callan Young
POSTED ON May 30, 2022 3:33:01 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
Had they the luxury of time for arguing, unfortunately, the black tendrils said otherwise. As he landed, Callan watched in horror as the tree shot hundreds, if not thousands, of black needles into the air, every ranger, reporter, trainer and volunteer, skewered alive and falling. Derek was one of the few still up there.

Next, the screams of the nearby civilians where they had landed, beginning a stampede as the hapless idiots realized they were in danger. Callan turned towards , "Let's talk about it if we get out of here alive, alright?" A cold sweat broke before him, like nausea. Callan had been in emergency situations before, but nothing on this scale, nothing that threatened the livelihood of everyone around him. The reality of how much danger he was in had not set in, just yet, and he'd have to use that ignorance to his advantage.

This type of situation was exactly what the rangers were given compensation for, and right now, he and Elinor had a duty to ensure the safety of everyone within the nearby vicinity. They had made oaths to protect in whatever capacity, and Callan intended to follow through with it, even as his every gut instinct told him to run.

Contacting the rangers within nearby Sootpolis, Callan quickly assigned routes to the nearby Pokemon centers, and broadcasted a city-wide message to immediately evacuate the premises of the tree of life in a 2 mile radius.

Crowd management, barricading, first aid, clear and decisive action, the citizens evacuated the disaster zone with only a few short orders from Callan; identifying the nature of the event, identifying the safe zones, and calling in emergency protocol. The orders cascaded down a clear chain of command from the top, creating pokemon and human barricades alongside main pathways, league reps assigned to nearby checkpoints, and local trainers to help and assist those that were mobility impaired.

This was the reason why Hoenn had a specialized organization for catastrophic events.

With the orders out of the way, Callan could finally focus on the situation at hand.

First, the PRESSURE, being exerted in this situation, began to strike him. He was going to die, or at least, that's how he felt. The urge to follow Elinor's advice and just run away with her in tow was a gut instinct in him, every fiber of his being told him that continuing would endanger not only himself, but his Pokemon. He had a daughter in Unova that would want to see him again.

But he had sworn an oath, an oath which every single one of his own Pokemon had sworn, and accepted under him. To do his best to defend the Region and help its citizens as best he could. And that was sacrosanct to him, despite what it would definitively take from his soul.

Next, the DARK SPORES. He had only noticed this as Elinor's Salamence shielded them away. It "looked" like a status effect, as the spores fell onto Gon, Callan reached into his pocket and released his TOGETIC, "SAFEGUARD!" He ordered. And in response, the Togetic glowed with blue energy, before expanding it out like a force field, spreading over the nearby vicinity and pushing away the dark spores. Perhaps it would not work, as Callan had only conjectured its impact as some form of paralysis, but the effect of its safeguard would typically be able to shift away any pollen related activity, such as stun spore, or powders of poison or sleep.

Nearby, a veil of light corrupted zone of pitch black. That was likely the epicenter of the danger being dealt with. "Asriel, see if you can spread Safeguard to cover that area as well." It would agree, and channel its energy to enhance its field to include the LIGHTLESS ZONE in its safeguard range as well. "We should head over to that area, if we're to make any meaningful change Elly."

He still did not like the fact she was here, but now that she was, she was under the same obligation of duty as him. If she didn't decide to come with him, that was all the better, he'd rather she flee than rush headlong into danger. As he began to run towards the lightless zone, he opened his comm to reach , "Derek, I saw the black tendrils, are you okay?" Only to be blasted by a horrendous sound, mixing between screams for help and what could only be described as a static hellscape, and the subsequent cut off. A chill ran down his spine, it definitely wasn't Derek on the call.

+ The rangers coordinate the evacuation of its civilians to safety. VIKAVOLT temporarily heads out from his party.
+ Callan's TOGETIC uses SAFEGUARD to create a force field to repel the dark spores. Which include those stuck in the corrupted AURORA VEIL. The following are under the effects of SAFEGUARD if successful:
+ Callan begins to head towards the lightless zone.

Current Impacts:
+ Whether PRESSURE worsens
+ Whether 's HEAL BELL is successful and DARK SPORES are temporarily cured
+ Whether SAFEGUARD has an impact on DARK SPOREs
+ and are outside the AURORA VEIL zone
+ Callan accessed a communications channel and heard the noise. COMMS no longer work



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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON May 30, 2022 17:32:07 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

Maybe it was a good thing he didn’t go airborne, as instinct would normally have him do so.

And maybe it was also instinct that yelled at him not to summon Alfons, because he was rather certain that bad shit was going to go down—

Oh, wait, it already is!

No sooner did he see the strange Pokémon that Hideo had summoned was glowing similarly to a flash-bang grenade (look he doesn’t know jack shit about Illumina Pokémon, okay) he made tracks over to the other as quickly as he could.

“What—the fuck—is happening?!” he breathed out, tone harsh as he caught his breath. No time for filter anymore, Arashi!

All he could do was offer additional warmth and illumination as the flame on the Charizard’s tail burned brighter, an attempt to cut through the gloom.


• good thinking not flying towards Hideo, man
• once he approaches Hideo, asks the other what the hell is going on
fuck the filter this is serious shit
• Charizard offers more warmth and illumination around the area where Arashi and Hideo are

, for now

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON May 31, 2022 14:52:59 GMT
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The mass of people were joined by a horde, and Hideo struggled to tell who was who. The only people he could discern were the ones closest to him: , who he’d approached, , who’d spoken his name, and , whose voice Hideo could’ve sworn he heard, but was drowned out by the crowd.

Then there was that dreaded sensation. He remembered it well: from those times him and the other Follies went hunting for rare Pokemon, to saving . But the memories it evoked most were from the Arceus church basement - when they were dealing with the Beast.

The sensation that one wrong move would get him killed.

Every part of him told him to run, to get out of there. There were already enough people here - they could handle it. He hadn’t left home to fight giant monsters.

But he could feel his amulet acting up, and he could hear a voice speak to him in his head. A voice he hadn’t heard since he met with the other amulet-bearers.


A chill ran through Hideo as another memory ran through his head, of that time at the museum. He recalled the prophecy he heard.

Do not lose sight of the future.
A choice will come that only you can make.
Think, feel, act.
Make the correct choice.

The same prophecy that was found with .

Was this the thing that killed her?

Was this thing going to kill more people if he didn’t stop it? Was this the choice he had to make?

In his panicked distraction, Hideo felt something latch on to his skin. He didn’t know what it was, but it hurt - and made him feel tired. He reached over to paw at it, and felt small particles on his body - and they weren’t letting up.

His Gardevoir notified him what was happening, that several attacks were changed into dark spores. And that she was also covered in them. Yet his Wishiwashi was able to shake them off with ease, his bright body almost repelling them spores. The small fish had even floated over towards the two of them, carrying the light and a trail of Crystablooms. The small fish was going to try his best to wash the spores off of Hideo and his Gardevoir, applying a light Hydro Pump to the both of them.

Hideo had to think of a plan. Just charging in wasn’t going to work; that’s how he lost Squeeze.

He wouldn’t make that mistake again.

Dancer, we gotta find out as much as we can first,” Hideo said - his voice uneasy, both from the anxiety and his sapped strength. His Gardevoir nodded, observing as everyone else rushed to take action - and with her attention right on the strange figure, she began to Trace it. At the very least, she could get a good idea of what it was capable of.

His Gardevoir didn’t tell him Gwyar and Eris ran up ahead. She knew he’d try to follow if he was aware.

had finally gotten close enough to ask Hideo a question. “I-I think I might know,” Hideo replied, trying to pull Arashi close to his Wishiwashi to try and keep him safe. “This thing is attacking everyone. And I think it might be why Ruby died.

YHijJTRP Salac x2

Hideo recognizes this feeling
Hideo holds his ground, scared as he is
Hideo's Illumina Wishiwashi tries to wash off the Dark Spores on Hideo and his Gardevoir via a (weak) Hydro Pump
Gardevoir is Trace-ing the Necrozma
Hideo keeps himself, his Gardevoir, and hopefully close to his Illumina Wishiwashi

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July 27
Sootopolis City
I can't change! Guess you can blame it on my left-side brain!
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Rex Drago
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 1:49:29 GMT
Rex Drago Avatar

Somehow, Rex doesn’t freeze. His every muscle demands that he curl up and hope that nothing hits him. His instincts, however, tell him that should he do this, it will kill him.

He doesn’t question it. Not now.

Come on!

His cry calls out as he releases a Raichu onto the field, crowding closer to her as she attempts to conjure a Light Screen around them. He doesn’t yet realize the futility of it all, and lets a smile grace his face as the duo gets closer to the tree.

That damn tree had never been something he wanted to get near. Too freaky, and he could swear that it was alive. He wasn’t getting close enough to see if that thing breath.

Except now he was making a beeline for the tree, for the ever increasing light starting to mark Gavin’s location. Of course, other people are there, but they exist in the back of Rex's mind. Nobody else matters but those he focuses on, and he has no way to know that his light is not welcome among the quickly increasing blackout.

TLDR: Rex continues towards the tree, noticing the light that is quickly becoming more obvious thanks to and . He releases Raichu as he goes, and it uses Light Screen.


Pokemon: Four - Raichu/Female/Lightning Rod - Calm Mind, Nuzzle, Agility, Light Screen, Grass Knot, Thunder.
Five - Floatzel/Female/Swift Swim - Sonic Boom, Aqua Tail, Swift, Razor Wind, Agility, Aqua Jet.
Six - Exploud/Male/Soundproof - Crunch, Echoed Voice, Boomburst, Roar, Extrasensory, Solar Beam.
Twelve - Zweilous/Female/Hustle - Dragon Breath, Slam, Hyper Voice, Body Slam, Taunt.
Eight - Haxorus/Male/Mold Breaker - Dragon Pulse, Taunt, Scary Face, Dragon Claw, Draco Meteor, Snarl.
Seventeen - Morpeko/Male/Hunger Switch - Aura Wheel, Thrash, Bullet Seed, Quick Attack, Super Fang.
Fifteen - Anorith/Female/Swift Swim - Bug Bite, Slash, Rock Blast, Smack Down, Cross Poison.
Eighteen - Houndour/Male/Early Bird - Smog, Flamethrower, Howl, Roar, Foul Play, Nasty Plot.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2022 3:33:35 GMT
Deleted Avatar



I know I'm no sweet prince of love


Oh, fuck. Things were definitely not going to be okay.
The sudden pressure, the sense of dread on Miette, is nothing like he's ever felt before. He's had similar experiences, due to anxiety and an (un)healthy dose of paranoia, but nothing like this. This makes him want to turn and run, more than he already did, and pray to whatever was listening that everything would turn out okay.
He isn't too close to the tree, with the crowd and that ever-lasting sense of dread, but it isn't hard to see how the how the civillians begin to flee. Pushing down his desire to follow them, Miette makes his way through the crowd, or tries to, almost mindlessly heading towards the tree itself.
Every step that brings him closer only makes him feel more dread, and he fumbles with a Pokeball; he isn't really paying attention to which one it is, only half thinks about it, before he's releasing Charizard.
And hesitates, because he isn't sure what would be the best course of action, here. Swallowing past the lump in his throat, he finally speaks, voice shaking a little with the nerves of it all. "Uh....use Air Slash? On the roots?"
His Pokemon lunges into action, fortunately, which gives Miette enough time to try to look for any more civillians- or, if he could possibly find someone, anyone that he could actually help. It's looking unlikely, but he wants to try and do something.
- Affected by the pressure, but makes his way closer to the tree.[break]
- Releases his Charizard, who uses Air Slash on the tree's roots.[break]
- Looking for anyone to help, open for any sort of interaction.[break]



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing