rangers rising

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 16:41:07 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
the discussion grows tense super quick.
now standing beside her chair, calls 's respect into question. annalise tilts her head to look up at him, brows knitted in confusion. is la puttana in reference to ? she knows nothing about alto marean, but she can guess the meaning of the word by the way lance addresses it. [break][break]annalise feels a pang of sympathy for those with personal ties to fortree city. they're afraid and thinking the worst — as many people would do in the same position. [break][break]
but she agrees with . it's out of their hands. [break][break]the conversation, too. annalise moves her food around her plate as the comradery from earlier disappears like smoke. several rangers ask everyone to settle down, so she feels like it would be redundant to raise her voice and say it again.
it's a relief when 's voice cuts above the rest. she dips her head at his response, even though it isn't really an answer. mercifully, she doesn't think she needs to pester her stressed-out head ranger for clarification — speaks enough of primal points and primal crystals for her to foster some understanding about what countermeasures and installations really mean.
points slateport in the direction of the desert instead of petalburg and commits his support, however much he can.

"whatever help you can give us in the desert is very much appreciated," she flashes a smile at the slateport captain. whether he sends one ranger or a dozen, it takes some of the pressure off her own.
it turns out that no amount of uplifting words or redirection can settle the restlessness of the group. annalise narrows her eyes at as he speaks, calling her own character judgment into question with the way he talks down to .
and then matt bites back, leaving the room with insults so scathing that they effectively kill any argument she wanted to raise against the silph ranger. the long-suffered, freshly-minted captain bends her head to cradle her forehead in her palm, sighing.
annalise raises her eyes again when the first pie is thrown, aluminum clattering against floor. shock colors her face as she realizes has instigated a full-on food war, throwing desserts with every ounce of audacity. she shoots a grateful look as he appears, arms shielding her and her cute outfit from the artillery. "thanks — "[break][break]a little gasp catches in her throat as one hits dead on. as the councilwoman scolds the room, annalise whispers to no one in particular, "this is fucking crazy." [break][break]as elinor's speech ends, annalise raises her voice in support, "yeah, guys, be for real! your head ranger is trying to discuss plans for the meteor and you're throwing food? during, like, the most important meeting of our careers?"
[attr="class","annalooc"] + observing the fighting [break]
+ thanks for whatever help he can give her[break]
+ observing the fighting (reprise)[break]
+ supporting  :peepopaladin:[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



[newclass=".annalluck"]margin:0px auto -10px; width:450px; background-image: url(https://image.ibb.co/cpf8Wc/flower_patt.png); background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: bottom right; background-color:#2b2b2b; color:#ddd; text-align:justify; border-radius:5px; border:1px solid #232323; text-transform:lowercase; letter-spacing:0.2px; font:12px 'Roboto'; position:relative; overflow:hidden; z-index:1;[/newclass]

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Tali, Celes
January 21
Ecruteak City, Johto
Know stars guide you through the darkest night.
126 posts
Talia Celes DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @talia
Talia Celes
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 16:56:06 GMT
Talia Celes Avatar
i'll chase the light of that distant star
Were all Ranger meetings this noisy, unproductive, and chaotic?

Attempts at restoring order had fallen upon deaf ears. Idle words had turned into the hurling of pies. Reason had lost the war to madness, and the coalition for sanity was weak.

Talia bit her tongue, but her disapproving glare hid none of her thoughts from view. She didn't have the gift of subtlety, and it showed in the way she crossed her arms, face flushed as she turned to with a helpless shrug of her shoulders. 'Can you believe this?' her topaz eyes asked silently.

What made matters worse was that some of her own squadron had gotten involved in this silliness. It offended her almost as much as Matt Vice's uncalled for, unprofessional outburst had, though not enough for her to believe he deserved to be slapped with a pie for it.

As had said, this was a matter for those in command to rein in, as and had. Whether or not they were doing so successfully was debatable, but her own voice wouldn't change anyone's behavior.

Thankfully, and likewise stepped up to do their duty in the wake of the food fiasco, and Talia privately hoped others would listen. She didn't want to leave, as others had, simply because of some poor behavior. This was an important matter for the region, as had said, and Talia didn't want to rely on someone else's retelling of events to prepare herself.

Admittedly, Talia didn't want stains on her white uniform either.

As she scanned those around her, Talia briefly caught a wink from and replied with a quizzical frown. Was there something in the man's eye? He looked twitchy.

  • Talia is silently offended by the food wars.
  • She is hoping people listen to the grown ups.
  • Is ok? His eye is awful twitchy.

+ others ● rangers rising ●
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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 17:13:28 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
Though in the past they've had their differences, Orion finds himself sympathizing with as another ranger takes a heated strike below the belt. Should the Silph ranger catch his eye, Orion would offer a grimace of sympathy. He would, perhaps, have done more than that, but it's at this point that a pie goes sailing toward the offending party's backside.

threw it. Of course.

That would have been funny, something to laugh about later, but he finds it considerably less entertaining when she throws one at him. Though he tries to reflexively get out of the way, he still gets clipped by the dessert.

It smells like pumpkin, topped with whipped cream that smears down the arm of his uniform.

"Calli, what the fuck?"

Worried about a possible escalation, he takes shelter below the table. 's voice thunders out across the room and he jumps, stars bursting in his vision when he smacks his head against the underside of his refuge.

At least I'm not the problem, for once.

Trusting (read: praying) that it's safe, he abandons shelter to resume his seat next to . He feels sympathy for the captain, lighting nudging his arm in a silent expression of such and a tight-lipped, apologetic smile. Though he wants nothing more than to get out of here, he's not about to abandon Tam to the wolves.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 18:05:14 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Unsurprisingly, Matt was taking Razz's roasting quite hard. He knew from his previous three encounters with the trainee that he was not comfortable meeting new people. It took him a while just to warm up to Josh, who was a welcoming and empathetic soul. Josh's heart rate finally started to slow as he listened to 's account. The Lilycove Gym Leader clearly had a closer relationship with the Council, at least in the racer's eyes. Everything he said made sense.

Then, delivered his report from the bigwigs' meeting. His opening statement felt like he was calling Josh out for his outburst. And the Head Ranger had every right to; while Razz's scathing of Matt was uncalled for, the green-dressed Ranger's reaction was even more uncalled for. He shook his head and kept listening.

Of course, Josh would respect the Head Ranger's wishes. He was a bit scared to disseminate any information from the meeting period, given how much of a panic it could spark if it reached the wrong ears. Then, Lars indirectly called Josh out about the Mirage Island events in July. He felt he just had to spill his guts about what happened on that day...and maybe even about his dream. The longer the speech went on, the more he thought about it. Then his gaze turned to .

That was it. He couldn't keep it bottled up anymore. Especially not in a group like the Hoenn Rangers who obviously could be trusted.

The Head Ranger's closing remarks were like the flip of a circuit breaker; a mental reset that Josh's heated emotions sorely needed. He finished the last of his Pecha Cobbler as he heard Matt's outburst at Razz before his mentee stomped out of the meeting. "I'll text you updates, and when I get a minute, I'll definitely come outside to check on you. I still think what he told you was uncalled for, but some of the blame is with me. I shouldn't have yelled." With that, he let Matt leave to vent his frustration. " , I'll be right back." With that, he stood up to walk toward the Head Ranger.

"I'll email you a report as soon as possible," Josh calmly addressed Lars semi-privately, "but with all due respect, there are some things that I'd like to report about in person, just due to the gravity of the situation we are trying to avoid. Of course you will still receive the full details privately. Odds are someone else present was there. I would guess there were about fifty of us total. Not now, but I do want to request the floor for a few minutes shortly. If you don't think it's relevant enough, I understand. But please at least consider." With that, he took his leave and approached .

"...You're on the council?! Now I feel like I haven't treated you with enough respect, Elinor," Josh addressed his Ranger mentor in a solemn tone. "I...I don't know what to say. That you would take the time to listen to what at the time was a nobody like me..." He trailed off, lost for words. "D-d-do they know of my intent to pursue Raikou?" he stammered, unsure he would even be able to get a straight answer. The Councilperson's booming speech scared Josh as all became quiet in the moments afterward. He turned around to see the aftermath of the food fight and wanted to cry, feeling his outburst toward Razz is what escalated the whole thing. "I can't help but feel my remarks toward him were too harsh," he pointed at Razz, "and I think I owe him an apology. At least for yelling at him. I still think he was wrong for calling Matt a coward. But I was wrong to yell at him."

With that, he stepped away from Elinor to approach . "I want to apologize for yelling at you like that. That was very unprofessional of me. Don't get me wrong, I still think you should make up to Matt for what you did to him. But I went way out of line in the heat of the moment. Now, let's do our part in making the rest of this meeting as productive as it can be."

With that, he tracked down again. "I still have my duties as a Minor League Gym Leader, but outside my challenge days, I'm yours. You tell me what I can do out there, and I'll do it."

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good

{WC: 749}
{PC: 5}


- Josh listens to the speeches of , , and .
- Josh privately approaches , requesting time to publicly give his account of the events of Terminal 6 of Cyberchase Conundrum.
- OMG IS ON COUNCIL. Josh has a semi-nervous breakdown.
- Josh apologizes to .
- Josh interacts with .
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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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ollie morales
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2022 20:33:14 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

used to tell him it all the time. words were all nice and fine, but they didn't always translate into action. despite ollie's attempt at staying positive and cheering the other rangers up, people couldn't help but voice their upset when the news was delivered as to where the primal points would be installed.

[break][break] with the cadets, ollie empathizes. it's a lot to take in, especially with the coming meteor. even with the new ranger captains, like , ollie understands there's a lot of responsibility here. "couldn't have worded it better myself," he pipes up next to with a nod. "fear is a natural thing — but we have each other's back's here. captain marceliño and razz are right, " he nods towards . "the league believed in us, and i do too. we've got this."

[break][break] when speaks to him, ollie nods. "okay, sure thing coach! no problem here. me, wren, and the other evergrande rangers will make sure everything goes smoothly at the final frontier," he says with a grin and a thumbs-up, tucking with a half-hug before releasing him. hopefully it's enough to give the young cadet some comfort in all the chaos that's going on.

[break][break] he gives a nod to and . "and of course — if you need help in a pinch, just shoot me a message. both of you. we never know how things might turn out."

[break][break] "thanks elinor! i'm sure the league's help will definitely be appreciated." to the rest of the room, he adds, "and just like lars said — we just have to take care of the pokemon populations, which is not really any different from what we do ordinarily. we got this, guys."

[break][break] and then enters the room. while ollie is appreciative of his presence, he can't help but be a little surprised. maybe even a little grateful that the ex-head ranger decided to meet an appearance after all. maybe it would boost morale, if people knew that he was here.

[break][break] or maybe not.

[break][break] ollie's eyes widen as chaos breaks out in the form of a pie.

[break][break] he ducks, as one pie goes flying past his face and towards . oops.

[break][break] "hey guys —"

[break][break] he starts, but there's not any need to speak up further. there are plenty of voices in the room, including those of and . maybe this is the wake up call everyone needed to finally work together?

[break][break] the evergrande watches apologize to , which he's sure is not an easy feat, considering all the heightened tensions in the room. still, it is a good show character — that much, he's sure, no one can deny. "i think everyone can relate to reacting too quickly to things at one point or another. the important thing to remember is that we're all in this together. like anna says, this could be the biggest meeting of our lives." the last part is said with a bit of a teasing jilt to , a soft laugh following in an attempt to break up the tension.

[break][break] turning back towards and , his expression is contemplative. "i agree that i don't think that evacuation is a necessary option just yet. we might just be stirring up paranoia and panic among civilians if we move too soon. but i think it would be good to draft a plan and execute it if we need to."


[attr="class","ooc"] + ollie is just like O: [break]
+ he also says he doesn't think evacuation is necessary yet

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]

# rangersrising

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 3:57:10 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
"I'll defer to experience, in that case." Callan replies towards regarding the plan, rescinding back to his seat by Elinor. In any case he was happy that the conversation was seemingly back to how best to handle the job so that they'd protect Hoenn from the oncoming meteor. 's irritable snap and outburst becomes the least of the Callan's mounting concerns on the behaviours of the League, as begins to throw pies at everyone.

Callan ducks, raising an arm to his head but the pie strikes, hitting the side of his torso and forearm, splattering cream all over his jacket. He instinctively moves to shield Elinor, but it's far too late by this point, one had struck square in the face for the young councilwoman, as for the first time he observes Elinor exploding with justifiable anger. Her words are all that he wanted to express, and so he doesn't comment any further.

He takes off his jacket and hangs it over his chair, before turning to . "Here hun." Callan said, taking out a pocket cloth and removing to some of the cream from her face and hair. The flash of rage subsided quickly from Callan, replaced with a morbid worry. "Countless lives are depending on us." Callan spoke, his voice quiet. But he spoke no more, the responsibility of disciplinary action wasn't on his end. "Please stop."

Needless to say whatever disagreements, including the fact that his girlfriend had been assaulted during the meeting, would be addressed afterwards. For now however, Callan would focus on the job. He turned towards and (and whoever else also addressed the issue at hand), "I think the timing of the evacuation can be discussed, for certain. But we have bunkers available for usage across Hoenn, a brief estimate of how many we can hold and providing options for our people can be provided first. If there's enough room for all of Hoenn's people, I'd imagine there's no need to implement any registrations to minimize any panic."


[googlefont=Open Sans]
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October 13
Mistralton City, Unova
15 height
15 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
33 posts
Liam Cassius DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @liam
Liam Cassius
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 6:01:11 GMT
Liam Cassius Avatar


A wide smile curled up his face as the blonde whispered back her thanks, words so sultry, so alluring, it was enough to make a young man swallow down a cough.

"Yeah, ha, no problem."

As he returned to his seat, his eyes kept at her side, stealing a curious glimpse between the crossfire of words and shouts and commands. It wasn't until the woman herself stood to say her piece that his attention wavered, and the search for another cute girl to stare at continued elsewhere. Maybe one less loud.
[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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october 8th
lilycove captain
334 height
334 height
lower than i thought we'd go, why'd the guilt spread so slow?
1,438 posts
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TAG WITH @lance
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 8:40:29 GMT

the pie fiasco is ignored because it feels like something out of a fever dream. instead, he gives a nod, appreciating the way she stepped in, and then another nod at . the mauville captain may be young but maturity not often correlates to age, he finds.[break][break]

he looks at and .[break][break]

"callan has a point. it would be beneficial to have a plan in place for when these bunkers are needed."[break][break]

it never hurts to have contingencies in place. to be prepared even for the worst outcome.[break][break]

"we can leverage secret bases as well. there is an abundance of them between the routes between fortree and lilycove."

[attr="class","ooc"]- discusses bunkers with ollie and callan[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-combee"]

[newclass=".revivedpog"]--accent:#d49736; [/newclass]

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 19:19:05 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

It's funny how the room broke out into yelling and impassioned speeches, and Paxton quietly ignored it. He had no intent to clarify how far people misunderstood his words, not even bothering to look back at , , or anyone else that'd had a problem with it. He's too busy stacking up on more little pinwheel sammies. What had and put in them?? [break][break]

Though he does sit back down where he'd been originally, tilting his head when asked the ranger corps to essentially keep quiet on his slip up about the commissioner. As the room devolved, he pulled out a notebook to take quick notes of what he saw. When people leave, and when ' pie starts flying he narrowed his eyes a bit before looking back at Lars and his staff waiting for someone to reign in the situation. [break][break]

's outburst tried. But the damage was already done in his opinion. The rangers were undisciplined. He glanced at and then back at Lars. He had nothing to add other than, " , if Captain Morales' ranger expertise is needed elsewhere officers will compensate to help combat the pokemon going wild. Evergrande has a good police department up there, as well as any other forces that already normally secure it."


+ lmao im not listing these tags [break][break]
- yall hear sum? [break]
- honking my clown nose [break]
- making a note of the meeting info [break]
- smol reminder rangers can focus on ranger ish for the time being




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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2022 22:10:01 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

was transferring? Julia really wanted to ask why, but she didn't get the time to before the meeting proper started.

[break][break]Julia loved Captain already. He was handling 's jab a lot calmer while still telling him he was wrong. He was right: There wasn't much that could be done about the fact that Fortree was where they were setting up one of these "Primal Points." Instead, the Rangers needed to focus on what they could do to mitigate the damages to people and Pokémon alike. "Thank you, Captain," she said, sitting back down.

[break][break]The fact that she was starting to relax again didn't stop her from cowing under 's speech. If anybody here did secretly not care for people and Pokémon, she wanted them gone. But she knew that it was because people were concerned that tensions were running high. She felt bad for snapping. Though she was pretty sure that saying to "keep -shit- civil" wasn't civil in itself, and that made a little smile pull at the corners of her mouth.

[break][break]And then had to open her mouth and shake up Julia's anger like it was a soda can. Julia narrowed her eyes and was prepared to say something in retaliation, but then came in and loudly announced that he had brought pie, and Julia's anger flattened into disbelief. Normally, she'd be bursting into giggles at the comedic timing, but all she could do was blink a few times as her head tried to sort itself out. She was feeling way too many emotions in rapid succession, and they were taking a moment to process.

[break][break]She didn't like being indirectly accused of not caring by or of being a coward by , but spoke up against the latter before Julia could say anything. The fact that he was yelling was surprising enough, but... what the heck was he talking about with having seen a future that ended in extinction levels of death?

[break][break]"Sorry you had to see me like that, too," she mumbled. "But what do you mean, you saw a future?"

[break][break]When Captain spoke up again to say that even Rangers were allowed to be scared of this, Julia's heart swelled. She'd thought she was being stupid for letting herself tunnel-vision in on the safety of her home. But she'd been scared, and that was okay. What wasn't okay was letting herself stew in it until all she wanted to do was curl into a ball and hope that everything bad went away. She'd spent so long trying not to worry about the meteoroid because there wasn't anything she could do about it. Now there was something she could do, and she couldn't waste this chance. She nodded at her captain, determination returning to her face.

[break][break]At least she'd calmed down without having to be threatened by to not be allowed to play with the shiny new toys. She was eager to see just what those were.

[break][break]She caught 's eye when he returned and offered an understanding smile, though it probably looked more tired than she intended for it to. He seemed like the shy, quiet type, so Julia wasn't surprised everything had overwhelmed him... but maybe that assessment wasn't quite right with the way he spoke to Razz before glaring from the wall.

[break][break]Then, it was 's turn to call everyone to attention. Unlike a lot of the other Rangers present, he was calm as he explained the Primal Points and reiterated that they should be putting their energy toward mitigating any problems, not bickering or getting angry at each other. Julia nodded, thankful that someone else was thinking clearly about this. He was in TERAVOLT, wasn't he? Maybe Julia should listen to more of their music...

[break][break]When said he didn't think the evacuations were necessary, Julia felt herself go back on the defensive. But he did have a point that the disruptions should only last for a short period. Julia hoped he was right; it'd make things a lot easier for the residents of Fortree if they didn't have to uproot the entire town. "Wouldn't it help to at least have a safe zone or something?" she asked. "Just in case something happens?" She turned back to , hoping he could weigh in.

[break][break]Holy heck, when did get here? He'd even brought his baby with him. He also had a point that people would be counting on the Rangers and other League officials to protect them. They had to keep their cool; otherwise, things would get even more hectic.

[break][break]Finally, took the floor again. Julia felt hot shame wash over her when he mentioned that the rest of the League would see the Rangers as a laughingstock if this kept up. She hadn't exactly kept her cool, after all. She glanced at when the Head Ranger addressed him. Apparently, something big had happened that Julia wasn't aware of, and Josh had been involved.

[break][break]She was surprised when the Head Ranger addressed her and the other Fortree Rangers to say he trusted them to keep the city safe. Her smile returned, lit up by the pride returning to her. "I'll do everything in my power to help, sir." She could get angry at people later. Protecting Hoenn was more important than getting sucked into more arguments.

[break][break]Apparently, not everyone felt the same way. 's parting words weren't directed at Julia, but they still stung in a way that reflected in her eyes. at least stepped forward with reassurance, as both a Ranger and Councilwoman, that every branch of the League would be helping out. Maybe that would help quell people's issues with lack of personnel.

[break][break]Julia's jaw dropped so hard that she worried she'd dislocated it when threw a pie at the departing Matt's derriere. No way. There was no way that had just happened. Julia had to be having a weird dream, right? She absentmindedly pinched her cheek. Ow, nope, that hurt; this definitely wasn't a dream. Not even the part where it turned into an all-out pie fight that had Julia reflexively ducking when one flew in her direction.

[break][break]For the past several minutes, Julia had been worried that she had acted immature. She knew her more happy-go-lucky personality didn't lend itself well to professionalism, something she tried to make up for when she was on the job. But after seeing this? Julia felt like she should have worn a suit and tie to this meeting. Her one outburst felt like nothing compared to this madness.




writer was sick for two days, so have 1100+ words of catchup. it's mostly a lot of reacting to what's being said and done while julia calms tf down and finds her determination again. she's pretty embarrassed about her outburst, but she's starting to feel better, especially since other people are being way worse. :D


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
part of
TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 20:30:23 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

What was it when he said to everyone to not be a dick when it came to addressing the situation at hand?

‘What the…’

‘Some people are just so stubborn.’

‘I can tell.’

‘I guess it’s time to put down the law now.’


Things were quiet initially—and then, chaos.

He was about to say something when his cousin had actually lost her temper and brought down the law herself before he could do so.

Note to self: don’t make Eli angry, he thought with the briefest hint of a smirk flashing across his face before even more chaos—


‘That was out of line, the pie throwing.’

‘I know.’

‘So what’re you going to do?’

‘Oh, just you wait.’

What was it with him, and the scraping of chair legs being used as a means to catch attention?

Not too long after had expressed her obvious dismay, and some had also tried to call order back to the meeting (thanks & ) things went from zero to eleven quickly.


That singular word, said so quietly the moment he pulled himself up to his full 6’2” height as he stood up once more with one hand raised, would hopefully get everyone’s attention.

“As it is, I don’t want to make this a Captains-only meeting because we are already running short on time, and we have to mobilize as soon as possible when the other half of the League gives word. Additionally, we don’t have the luxury of arguing and throwing shade amongst ourselves.”

He let out a minute sigh, near imperceptible to everyone in the room.

“Thank you for those who’ve behaved in a professional manner throughout the course of this gathering so far.”

And now it was time to lay down the law.

Quite literally, because if word got out about what happened here to the public, they’d be even more humiliated and vilified. This was their one fucking chance to show everyone that they’re just as capable as the Officers and the military branch of the League.

Turning his attention to , he began.

“Thank you for your call to order, Captain Fawley. I trust you can keep your unit under control. Any further unwarranted incidents coming from any of your cadets, I’m going to have to ask for your unit to leave the meeting room.”

Normally he didn’t want to address everyone by their surnames, but now that things had come to a head, it was time to take the gloves off and show that he also meant business too.

Doing a quick headcount, he realized that there were a few more arrivals—and some departures, although one of them () returned afterward and apologized. At least someone’s punishment wasn’t going to be as harsh as the others.

Turning his attention to the younger Josh, he began. “Cadet Devlin, I’m going to schedule a private meeting for you after this is over to discuss your probationary period. The same would go for Cadet Vice, since I’m aware that you’ve been supervising their training so far.”

If anyone hadn’t known that there was a rift between himself and , well, what a time to find out now.

“I expected you to conduct yourself with as much professionalism as the others, Cadet Kingsman, especially since you also represent the Silph company, but I am disappointed with you.”

Letting the acid curl on his tongue for a few moments, he turned his attention back to the Slateport Captain.

“I’ll be sending a copy of the reports to you after the meeting is over. The same goes for you—Kingsman, Devlin, and Vice.”

With the last two those would be handled separately, and he took another deep breath.

“Listen. We may operate a little more loosely than the rigidity of the military and the Officers-side of things, but there is one thing I am not going to stand for, and that is disrupting a very important meeting such as this. Everything we discuss here is going to either make or break what happens down the road when shit finally hits the fan. I explicitly stressed that if anyone has opinions about this meeting, to bring it up in a civil manner and not be a dick about it.”

Looking over at his cousin, the Councilwoman, he sighed.

“Do you also know. That any behavior you project, is also going to leave an impression on our esteemed Councilwoman here? As it is, she reports to the other Council members; but at the same time she also has duties with us Rangers, so I expect everyone to be on their best behavior for the rest of this meeting!”

The gloves were off.

Remembering that there were several more things to address, he turned back and then recounted them, before chiming in.

“As for contingency plans, we’ll discuss further should things escalate to that point. Otherwise, as Captain Vollans over here mentioned, we can make use of the many places between Lilycove and Fortree for additional emergency shelters as needed.”

Another measured breath.

“Again, for now, we keep an eye on the installations. Keep the wild Pokémon that try to investigate away from them until the time comes. Panicking is the very last thing I would want for anyone in this room to do, especially when it comes to assisting those who may potentially get displaced due to the chaos.”

His nostrils flared again.

“Either way. Since the League higher-ups have a plan, we follow what their plan is. Any further instructions or changes to these plans from them would be relayed by me in the future to everyone as needed.”

I turn away and return to chaos
• Lars suddenly switching gears and dishing out the suspensions, he means business. A total of four suspensions are being doled out! (which have been sent via DMs to the concerned players via Discord)
We bring order back to the court!
• also addresses the need for evacuation plans as necessary


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
part of
TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 21:10:15 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]RANGERS RISING




reins in the chaos with a firmness that makes the other rangers still present in the meeting room think twice about stepping out of line. thankfully for everyone, the next conversation topic has arrived and should hopefully prove to be far less contentious than the last.
lars gives the floor to his rangers, welcoming them to bring up any intel or innovation they might have. now is the time to share information with one another, to bring everyone up to speed on what they've seen and know.



  • all rangers are invited to participate in this event
  • you can post with more than one character
  • you can post multiple times per round, but you can only claim each round's rewards once per character
  • you can only redeem rewards for the rounds you participate in
  • this is a relaxed event! you can join at any point during the meeting, as well as participate in as many rounds as you want
  • please add a tl;dr at the bottom of your posts

  • cyberchase conundrum
  • an aqua assembly pt. 3
  • rangers rising
  • slateport splashfest


  • bring up some piece of information you want to be widespread knowledge among rangers (talk about an event in your character's career, showcase something, etc)
  • react to new information brought up

fulfilling one or more of the prompts listed above will net you this round's rewards:


FURTHERMORE, characters who participate throughout the entirety of the event will also receive an additional reward(s).[break][break]


[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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December 23
Oreburgh City, Sinnoh
Widowed, Not Looking
5 height
5 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
37 posts
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TAG WITH @sacha
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 21:33:17 GMT
Header Icon

Sacha quieted pretty quickly after his last statement, feeling very much like he'd crossed a line and let his temper get the best of him. It didn't feel good, and that usually wasn't the type of person he was. He was just... he had three daughters to worry about, and finding out their home was now in more danger than it already was was not something that settled well in the pit of his stomach. Linda could take care of herself, and she wouldn't take his fussing even if he tried...

Instead of speaking again, mostly because the room was starting to feel more charged and overwhelming by the second, Sacha glanced at and frowned deeply. "I'm sorry about my outburst," Sacha said quietly to the younger man and then put his hands in his lap. He wasn't interested in eating right then, and he jolted just a little because Cherie chose that moment to force herself out of her Pokeball and into his lap. Wrapping his arms around the Pokemon, he simply sat and observed silently, pulling the plate a little closer to feed her bits of what he'd grabbed.

It was only when someone started throwing food that Sacha felt true alarm trailing his spine and he glanced at Oliver a second time, starting to look a little confused. "Is it always like this?" the man asked quietly, shooting a look at Josh and Izumi and feeling silently grateful. There was so much activity that it was hard to keep up with it, and when Lars spoke, and then spoke to him, Sacha felt himself really wanting to sink further down in his seat. "I'm sorry for my outburst," Sacha repeated to Lars this time, his brows furrowing. He shook his head.

Between some yelling from Elinor, and an additional speech from Lars, Sacha was simply feeling overwhelmed and unsure of whether to open his mouth or not. He put his hand on Cherie's head, glancing down at his phone so that he could text .

'I feel like I need 30 drinks.'

###, TAG(S), MUSIC

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-tyrantrum"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-aggron"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-rockruff"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-cyndaquil"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-rufflet"]

keen eye
battle log
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
rangers rising
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 22:10:39 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Lars, thank you for letting me have the floor," Josh replied when the Head Ranger yielded. "And I'm happy to discuss the probationary period with you after the meeting. I'll make sure to let know, too. I was planning on stepping out to check on him soon. I accept full responsibility for my actions that lead to this...mess." He took a deep breath; what he was about to describe was the most traumatic moment he had ever suffered during his return trip to Hoenn. It was hard for him to even think about again. But it needed to be said, and it needed to be refreshed in his mind. To him, it was the whole reason for him to keep going. As a Ranger, as a Gym Leader...and most importantly, in pursuit of his dream: to hold the metaphorical reins of the Beast of Thunder, the fastest creature on four legs.

Josh cleared his throat. "If I can have everyone's attention, please." He took a deep breath, visibly sweating already. "This is something that will be very hard for me to recount, as it might be the most trying thing I have ever seen, whether at home in Johto, here in Hoenn, or anywhere else. So if I start to break down and I get a little loud, please excuse me." He began to recount his tale of his trip through the Cloud.

"So a few weeks ago, there was an expedition to Mirage Island. I expect some of you may know this, as there were a lot of people there. I would guess between fifty and sixty. I don't immediately recognize any of you, but with how chaotic it was, I could have missed you. We got whisked off to this place that was full of wild Porygon. Later found out it was called the Cloud. Now I don't remember a lot of details about what specifically happened, but there was this guy called...Maldacena, I think? I don't remember for sure." He paused for a bit to brainstorm and collect his thoughts. "Nope, can't remember for sure. Said he was with some kind of Triad, but I don't remember the name, either."

"Anyway, I don't remember everything, but there are two things I remember vividly. The first was seeing what this Maldacena claimed was the future of Hoenn. When we arrived, I recognized a ruined building and a landscape that was none other than the Racing Grounds of Trainer Hill, my Minor League Gym. There was not one blade of grass; just bare, grey earth. That wasn't even the worst part. There were corpses of many, many legendary Pokémon I recognized. Dozens of them. Even the Great One, Ho-oh. The patron deity of Johto, struck down by spears of silvery light, piercing through the hearts of them all with nothing short of surgical precision. The longer I rode forward, the worse it got."

Once Saber had slid down the hill, the terminal was almost there. What he saw next caused the Manectric to make an uncommanded stop, followed by a traumatizing-sounding howl. He slowly turned his head to his right, and saw nine more spears. The first suspended the corpse of Beast of the North Wind, Suicune, to a cliff face near the entrance to the Great Desert...though all of Hoenn in its current state might as well be a Great Desert. Entei's corpse was nearby as well, similarly suspended. Josh's jaw hung wide open as Saber started to turn back toward the terminal, letting out cries of protest. The Manectric clearly wanted Josh to stop looking at the fallen Pokémon. But it was too late. His eyes continued to shift right, and there it was.

Raikou, the legendary Pokémon Josh idolized.

Struck through the rib cage and slain in a single blow. Six smaller spears of light surrounded the body of the fastest land Pokémon in the world. Each one of them was centered around a mutilated corpse that would have been difficult to recognize if Josh wasn't intimately familiar with the species. In a semicircle surrounding the electric Legendary's body were a barely recognizable Dragonair, Absol, Gogoat, Skarmory, male Pyroar, and lastly, a Manectric.

Those were Josh's Pokémon.

In this future, Josh had given up the lives of all six of his closest Pokémon in an effort to protect the Pokémon he worshiped above all else.

And he had failed.


"I saw a future where the Beast I vowed to protect had died a horrible death, alongside six of my closest Pokémon that had clearly...defended him and failed," Josh recounted, beginning to sniff. "And then..."

, in the thralls of emotions, rushes alongside them. However, his MANECTRIC saves him just in time as a SPEAR OF LIGHT impales it. Its limp form disintegrates into DELETING PIXELS.

"When that happened, I felt for a moment that my life wasn't worth living anymore. I felt like I would rather spend an eternity in the derezzed file sector, looking for Saber--sorry, my Manectric--he was my very first Pokémon, and I've had him since I was ten--and spend the rest of my days with him." He sniffed again, tears dripping down his face. "It's so hard for me to not yell just thinking about it."

"Anyway, I owe my life to my Absol, Twilight. She single-handedly stopped me from being derezzed, and in one of the most dramatic ways possible. I can still feel her PSYCHO CUT to this very day. After I woke up on Mirage Island, the rest of my injuries were undone, my body reconstituted. Even my Manectric was back, licking me. It was the best thing I had ever felt in my life. But I have one permanent reminder of this whole mess. If you're even the slightest bit squeamish, I recommend you turn away, now."

After giving everyone the opportunity to turn away or cover their eyes, Josh slowly lifted up the bottom of the top piece of his uniform, revealing a huge, cauterized PSYCHO CUT wound across the lower part of his forearm and his entire belly. It was slowly starting to turn into a scar, but that was going to take months to fully heal. "Everything else faded away like it was an illusion. But this wound stayed with me. It's very real. And it hurts. Every day."

He took another deep breath, wincing in pain as he agitated a few nerves around the wound in the process of tucking his uniform back in. "Which leads me to say something I've been scared to talk about until now. If this information winds up in the wrong hands, I could die. , , you might be aware of what this is already. But all of you are Rangers, and I know I can trust every single one of you." He was now sobbing, somewhat difficult to understand.

"I...I know that what Maldacena showed me that day was Hoenn's future. But it is only one future. It is not the future. I can't change the past. I can't even change the present. But I know that I...no...we...we, working together, we can change the future." His face was drenched in tears and sweat by now. "There is a very special Pokémon I have admired since I was a child. One I have envied for years, and for all the wrong reasons. But now I have a right reason to pursue the Pokémon that I can feel I have a deep connection to. With this Pokémon's help, I know I can do my part to change Hoenn's future. My part in changing the future that refuses to be changed." Josh's next words seemed to echo loudly in the meeting room.

"I...I'm going to pursue Raikou. My best shot to change the future is to pursue...befriend...and learn to ride Raikou."

After uttering those words, he collapsed into his seat in a flood of tears.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Crash         Boltund        Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good

{WC: 1,053}
{PC: 6}


- Josh recounts his tale of the events of Cyberchase Conundrum, terminal 6.
- Josh announces to the Hoenn Rangers his intent to pursue Raikou.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing