i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 2:33:02 GMT



ESTIMATIONS RAMBLE ACROSS HIS HUD. vectors of neon that mean nothing to him now that he must rely on auto pilot. what little control he has is relinquished to human ingenuity. for this vessel stands as the apex of what silph co. and devon’s engineering department could construct without ever venturing into space.

air pressure.


distance from impact.

look alive,” is his way to reminding them to keep clear comms. “three of their avatars are here. we don’t know if they’re the shapeshifter, super strength, or projectile launcher.

his voice wavers little despite how his shuttle throttles about. those debriefed personally, or at the AQUA ASSEMBLY, may recognize the reference.

as he grows ever closer to METENO’S surface, his escape pod veers upward to a more horizontal approach. a parachute deploys, retching away the momentum that demands rocket’s elimination. a pair of seatbelt straps keep him in place, grounded despite the unbridled rage that threatens to erupt.

his PROBOPASS has a different experience altogether. it hitches a ride on 's ship, MAGNET PULL latching it into place like the vertices of an EELEKTRIK's maw. in contrast to those around them, many who draw barriers or shields to PROTECT themselves, it DISCHARGES a burst of electricity. this parasite intends to impair its host, 's ship, in the same manner as 's earlier CHARGE BEAM.

tit for tat.

- fernando relies on auto pilot to land.
- mentions there are THREE AVATARS over LEAGUE COMMS. lists possible powers.
- parachute deploys from escape pod (easy to spot).

- PROBOPASS latched onto 's ship from last post.
- uses DISCHARGE to sabotage / damage the vehicle.

desired map placement is either:

  • highest vantage point
  • somewhat close to the crystal(assuming it is not widespread)

with a preference to whichever is a better fit narrative and is not too far from other characters

999432 METENO

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dog boy
october 24
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kyle lopez
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 4:16:07 GMT
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rocket being toxic by destroying their ships was a given. it wasn't the most unexpected thing to happen, however.

hearing 's chanting for a magic spell or whatever it was he was doing legit gave kyle the chills. uncertain on how to comment, he pretends to not hear the entire thing.

"hey, don't get too distracted," he tells the mauville gym leader. it's immediately followed up with a note for the verdanturf gym leader. "cover for me!"

trusting to play around him, he goes all in on his next move. the ho-oh that was being revered to before forces its way to one of kyle's pokeball as he takes out his smeargle.

a hand takes a cap from his back pocket, holding it against his head as they fall. the other secures the smeargle close to him as it points its tail to their impact point. with all things considered, this shouldn't be a risk to the grand scheme of things.

a command is whispered to the pokemon, too soft to be picked up by the comms, but clear enough to be heard through the turbulence.

there's no primal energy with the sygna suit to potentially trigger an unnecessary warp. there's only pure brute force that fuels the attack from the trainer's brave call.

a roar of time devastates the meteor with the help of the height they have before descent. the alien move was finessed as much as it can by the technician, but this time, it wasn't the only aid it gets.

  • ho-oh goes back to kyle
  • kyle wears his cap for sygna suit
  • smeargle uses roar of time at their landing spot
  • sygna suit increases strength

F2S5IMi0 (-10)

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peppermint, micha
january 19
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POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 7:32:05 GMT
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"Holy shit!!" Mint screamed, half laughing from the stress as he looked over at as their pilot struggled to pilot after getting smashed and messed around with. He can only brace for impact, making sure he's well secured on his seat. Before he does, he returned his Aggron hoping maybe the loss of weight would help maneuverability. [break][break]

He can hear some of their comrades already trying to land and shouts at the pilot, "Follow our ship near that cave!" Better outside of the dog fight before they could assess their own damages. [break][break]

The dizzying spin is finally halted with a rough stop but it doesn't feel terrible. Hopefully, they can get the hell off this rock safely with what they came on with. [break][break]

"Let me OFF this!" He said as he gathered himself, dizzy and ears ringing. He scrambled for the exit looking over at fellow passengers before he pushed out the exit. The meteor is breathtaking. He can barely orient himself before notici g there two locations of interest. The dig site originally intended, and some cave?? A rocket ship had landed in. They're far away and possibly alone due to the focus out here. He looks at Cain and nods in and 's direction. A hand rose to his comms as he announced. "Hey, Frost heading over to the cave to back up another ship. Dropping this. Hope you have ice types." He announced as he let our his Abomasnow, Straciatella. Her presence unleashed a HAIL storm, covering the battlefield perimeter around him before the air shimmered and glowed as AURORA VEIL dropped for whoever was in range. [break][break]

He gave Cain a nid before darting towards the ship farthest out, scrambling to help shield Ruby and her friend from whatever Leaguers may come near them. Into comms he relayed, ", you think holding a position at that cave is of any worth? Maybe we find more crystal there, just without distraction. He added with a snort, more or less trying to direct the beast's attention to the little assist mission.


tagged ▸ ooc mostly | MINUS 20, FINAL ROLL 68 [break][break]
- pick a god abd pray this ship goes to the cave due to fantastic piloting [break]
- when they land and he gwts out lets out Straciatella the Abomasnow [break]
- SNOW WARNING ability summins HAIL (1/5) [break]
- Straciatella the Abomasnow used AURORA VEIL (1/5) [break]
- booking it to pick up Ruby and Kepler from stranger danger [break]




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March 18
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oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 14:07:53 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar felt something heavy attach itself onto his ship, and he would look up as if some sort of x-ray vision would reveal what happened. No such luck of course, but it would not stop Oscar from sighing heavily as he resumed staring forward. Nothing is ever easy for him. Oscar would speak to Genesect over its private comm, "I dunno what the fuck is going on up there, but I expect it to be taken care of. Please!?" 

Genesect locked eyes with its sizable opponent, emanating rumbles of annoyance at its deflection of Techno Blast. Genesect would not immediately counter attack, instead wishing for the Probopass to make the next move. While it waited, Genesect would Analyze its foe for points of vulnerability. It was a little hard to find any since this fucker was built like a tank, but even tanks have their weak spots. Genesect was positive it found exactly what it was looking for right as the probopass Discharged electricity into the ship.

By now 99943 Menteno was finally in view, and Oscar could not help gawk at its splendor. The bounty that awaited within would surely be worth all of this trouble. Suddenly Oscar would hear the unmistakable sound of loose electricity, and the ship's equipment would start flashing. Up until now, Oscar had been relying on the ship's auto-pilot--but that would no longer be an option was the ship's electronics began to go haywire. 

"Son of a fucking cunt!" Oscar latched onto the ship's steering lever and wrangled with it as the ship approached Menteno. The realization that Oscar would have to land this himself made him sick, but he was determined to rise to the occasion or die trying. 's voice came over the Rocket Comms, giving Oscar a wonderful idea of where to land. "A cave? Cool I'll aim for that. Secure the entrance, there is likely more resources deeper inside. See you in like fifteen seconds." Oscar would continue wrestling with the controls, attempting to 'land' near Mint's position.

Meanwhile, Genesect capitalized on the opportunity provided by the probopass's attack. Wasting no time, Genesect aimed its cannon between his opponent's eyes and fired off yet another Techno Blast. This time around, the probopass could have it all to itself.


--Oscar is forced to land the ship manually as the Probopass's discharge shuts off the ship's electronics. His aim is to land near .
--Genesect attacks the probopass with Techno Blast, powered up by Steel Worker and Analytic.
--Genesect's Techno Blast is Steel type for this thread.
-- Oscar's suit

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the machampion
July 17
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5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 23:12:41 GMT
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noah grants a quick smile. but it is strained with sweat and tense muscle. his stomach churns even as the glimmer of 's HO-OH passes by.[break][break]

as plunges into prayers, noah is more focused on the imminent landing. he prescribes to no religion. no faith. the metal shell around him shakes, the sustained damage from 's Z-MOVE having ruined the integrity of his craft.[break][break]

he tries his hardest to forget the image of 's vessel exploding; however, the sound of the councilman's voice helps release the breath he had been holding. three rocket avatars.[break][break]

"thanks, sufang." noah extends a pokeball to the chesnaught for recall. in exchange, a MEDICHAM appears. "steady kyle's spacecraft as much you can!"[break][break]

as 's SMEARGLE is deployed, the verdanturf gym leader's MEDICHAM uses TELEKINESIS. the pokemon cries determined notes. its gray palms are outstretched, the gem-like extensions on its headpiece glowing with psychic energy despite the immense duress.[break][break]

the rocky surface of the meteoroid approaches while noah attempts to land slightly away from the crystalline stretch, for the airspace is too crowded. too risky. he'll support from afar until landing.


[attr="class","ooc"] krDG3GU9 -10[break][break]
TL;DR responses to fellow league; medicham uses telekinesis to help steady kyle's descent[break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

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december 21st
wyndon, calar
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6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
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POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 3:13:48 GMT
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And just like that, all of his wishes (short-term, at least… if he was gonna die there, he at least wanted to deck some fucker in the throat or something) were granted. As if on cue, he rustled violently in his seat as the Protects on either of the ship still hadn’t been enough to cover it entirely, courtesy of ’s hits against the vessel. He leaned back from the window he’d peered through as it shattered from the impact (thank Arceus he had his helmet on already, honestly), giving an odd, rowdy sound of equal parts groan and cackle as he shot a hand up to grab the nearest bar by him.

He wasted just a moment to look through the window again, doing his best to locate the source of the Outrage.
Not that he could do much, but just for possible reference, y’know?
Revenge was always a possibility, after all.

Past that, though, he glanced over his shoulders towards the others in the ship again, matching eyes with for just a moment before nodding back with a grin beneath the tint of his visor and immediately yelling back towards the opened air, prompting the Golurk outside to return briefly as he readied himself.

Then came game time.

They were to play backup, and so once the doors were opened, he tossed Andrasta’s Pokeball back out, only pausing long enough to jump atop her back before the golem jetted them across the meteor surface, Weaving to and fro amidst the falling Hail, he narrowed his eyes before catching sight upon those they’d apparently set out to help.[break][break]

He noted and before he landed alongside his Pokemon, putting an extra Protect up to give them both some extra breathing room.

After all, with the amount of shit flying around, he figured it wouldn’t hurt to beef up defenses.



  • rushed posts go brrr
  • sticking near mint, ruby, and kepler with eyes on the cave, ready to fuckin throw hands
  • andrasta (golurk) uses protect to double up on kepler's defenses
  • used x1 salac // roll total is 100-20=80

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
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she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 5:17:22 GMT
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Everything happens all at once.[break][break]

It's hard to keep track of it all but Luka can feel the ship quaking as it's struck by multiple opponents. Lights and sirens blare so intensely she can barely think, but she manages to find when the other woman calls out to her.[break][break]

"That's a great idea!" she yells back. "And listen! I have, um, my Musharna, and we—"[break][break]

Her train of thought is interrupted not only by 's much better suggestion, but by a voice over the comms radio. So far Luka hasn't been able to recognize many of the speakers, but the voice of is unmistakable, and his intel is chilling.[break][break]

Three of Rocket's avatars are here.[break][break]

Perhaps it's just intuition, or perhaps the lunar wing around her neck can sense Darkrai's nearby presence. Either way, her conviction is strong enough that she feels compelled to speak.[break][break]

"I-I think one of them is called Lulu," she answers over the League comms, still shouting to be heard over the sound of their falling ship. "She has a Darkrai! If it tries to trap us in a nightmare, come and find me. I-I can help, I think." A pause. "Oh! Th-this is Luka Chêne, by the way."[break][break]

There's a horrible sound of metal grinding against metal as the ship starts to splinter and break. Even though offers a far more efficient solution, Luka isn't sure that there'll be enough time to evacuate everyone before it truly falls apart. To that end, she's actually able to think of a solution.[break][break]

"Ume! Frenzy plant, please !L-let's keep the ship from falling apart!"[break][break]

At her command, her Clefable is swapped for a Musharna. Ume's frenzy plant conjures vines that quickly wind themselves around the falling ship. They hold it in place, wrapping around and around splintering metal in order to keep everything together, just long enough for every passenger to escape through 's hoops safely.[break][break]

"Go on ahead of me," Luka tells with an encouraging smile. "I'll meet you down there, promise!"[break][break]

It makes sense for to go last, as he and his pokemon are keeping the portal open. Still, Luka waits until it seems that everyone else has gotten off before she slips through ahead of him. "Jump in fast, Monsieur! Once we're gone, these vines won't hold for long!"[break][break]

To simply run into...whatever these rings are seems a foolhardy decision. But it's the best chance they have. Luka takes a deep breath, clinging to Ume tightly, and hurries through.[break][break]

The pair of them tumble through Hoopa's rings together. Ume's vines go down with them, the frenzy plant unfurling towards the ground to try and provide a cushion and safter landing— foliage is better than hard stone by a mile. And as they make to the meteor (hopefully in one piece!) the Musharna provides one more act of assistance. Scouting ahead, her forewarn ability activates to scope out the meteor and any enemies nearby.[break][break]

Luka may not know much with any certainty, but she's at least sure that this is only the beginning of their struggles.


- sugar we're going down swinging[break]
- musharna uses frenzy plant to hold the ship together before everyone can disembark[break]
- attempts to additionally utilize the frenzy plant vines to create a safe landing place[break]
- goin thru hoopa hoops[break]
- musharna's forewarn ability activates to try and detect any danger on the meteor[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 5:38:22 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




don’t let it take the skin

from your bones




Murder rarely brought Killian any joy. What benefits did a corpse offer you? Little. But the living? The living had secrets to share and loved ones to bribe. They were assets. Ones that death snatched away. [break][break]

But sometimes you needed to kill - scrub an asset clean. When that need arose, there was always a switch Killian could flip. One flick and empathy became apathy. A cold distance nearly as vast as space itself created in his mind. [break][break]

Watching the Spiral collapse, Killian didn't reach for that button; he let the chaos wash over him in silence. That destruction. The twisted metal, blaring alarms, and terrified screams of those running for their lives aboard the ship. All of it was caused by his hands. [break][break]

HIS POWER.[break][break]


Killian smiled and then laughed. [break][break][break][break][break][break]

He reveled in the malicious cackle only for a moment. Quickly gaining his composure as 's ship neared the meteor. Killian leaped from the back of the vessel. The thrusters on his suit propelled him downward, Deoxys following close behind him. [break][break]

Together, the pair disappear, once again CAMOUFLAGED to the naked eye.[break][break]

"Killian here, I'm attempting to land near the mineral to begin mining."[break][break]

He adds over the radio.[break][break]

"Excellent work so far, everyone."[break][break]




  • Space Suit
  • Killian laughs at The Spiral's destruction.
  • He and Deoxys Camouflage as they attempt to land.
  • Praises everyone over Rocket Comms.



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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
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you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @crimsen
Sénon Game
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 5:38:38 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

He'd heard the phrase "It's lonely at the top."

It was eerie how accurate that phrasing felt to the vigilante as he took the exalting ride to the zenith of Hoenn.

It would have been nice to take this ride as Sénon with his allies rather than Crimsen and his alienation.

To clear his mind he'd gone for an early duck-off into an escape pod. A quiet small space to close his eyes, breathe deep and focus his mind.

The old masters back in Saffron used to hit him in the head with a pokéball for having a mind as impulsive and primal as a pokémon. He was a rash child and just couldn't quiet his mind enough to effectively sit in meditation.

Yet with experience from time and the gravity of those experiences even he learned how to quiet his thoughts to hear something deeper within.

Case in point, the commotion of LvTR taking their first shots at one another (and the response shots that followed) were lost on the vigilante. He even missed the damage to his pod, let alone it even being jettisoned from the ship.

By the time he came back to the moment, he was alone, Hoenn was a backdrop, and the sky was on fire.

Whoever else he'd been on this pod with was gone, the busted open door said as much.

With quick footing he found the placement he needed to tumble out of the pods opening and into the open skies of the space above.

Free-falling, the winds whipped past his frame mildly locking him in place as his hands decided on whom to call from his belt.

With all the battle commotion and raining debris he opted for precision over power and in that, he called his pokémon and pushed his thoughts unto her.

"Use Miracle Eye and find us a clean path to the meteor."

ALAKAZAM used Miracle Eye!

● tags: @meteno

● notes:

Crimsen woke up!

Crimsen abandoned the escape pod!

Crimsen called out (♀︎)Alakazam!

Alakazam used miracle eye to find
a safe path to approach the meteor
(and maybe weaken darkrai o__o)

Roll -20

() () () () () ()

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 6:32:29 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar





"Our controls were messed with sir!"

A voice within the vessel calls, not that he needs to hear it as he could feel the way the ship shakes. This added GRAVITY has messed with all the original calculations the ship needed for both it's flight and it's landing. And while Pryde does what he can to input the needed calculations in order to counter balance, they were going much to fast for it to be enough. [break][break]

He hears over the radio about several wanting to land toward the mineral mine, and Pryde just gives an affirmative as he tries to handle things on his end. In the end he calls for his Magnezone and ordering a MAGNET RISE on the ship to see if the electro magnetics couldn't help soften their landing. [break][break]


[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Pryde ship is messed with Via Gravity
[break]+ Does what he can to adjust the math for landing while his Magnezone uses Magnet Rise to help cushion the landing of the ship.


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 21:11:58 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Decisive Battle! (Steven) | Pokémon Masters EX


TO LAND ON A SPEEDING METEOROID IS NO EASY TASK. In conjunction with the damage accrued by their aerial warfare, the clashing factions find the precision of their equipment and Pokemon as blemished as the meteoroid's face.[break][break]

When they land by or on the ROCKY FORMATION, the characters would find that it is no cave. Rather, it is jutting piece of rock, triangular in shape. Similar to a pyramid, but less smooth; it seems to be an amalgamation of stone, dust and debris gathered throughout the meteoroid's travels through space.[break][break]

The detective, and her METAGROSS attempt to land safely nearby—but the PSYCHIC is not enough. The two slam into rocky surface far away from the mineral vein. Her METAGROSS SUFFERS IMMENSE DAMAGE in the collision, AND IS ON THE BRINK OF FAINTING.[break][break]

Similarly, and his PIDGEOT would land with a brutal crash. The two manage to unite with by a rocky formation. manages to coast for a daring stretch, but closer to the ground, he stumbles off his METAL SHEET alongside his TYPHLOSION. The TYPHLOSION SUFFERS SOME DAMAGE, but it is AND HIS PARTNER who endure the THE BRUNT OF THE BRUTAL CRASH.[break][break]

's PROBOPASS SABOTAGES 'S SHIP with a powerful expulsion of electricity. It hinders the man's landing significantly, keeping him away from the rocky formation to the north. His GENESECT manages to STRIKE THE PROBOPASS away, causing it to SUSTAIN IMMENSE DAMAGE.[break][break]

Closer toward the rocky formation, and attempt landing. They detach from their vessel; however, the approach is anything but graceful. Both BEHEEYEM & GARCHOMP SUFFER SOME DAMAGE IN THE COLLISION as they attempt to protect their owners. Their fates would have been catastrophically worse if it weren't for and his GOLURK'S PROTECT. After all, 's DRAGONITE had attempted to take their ship down with a relentless OUTRAGE—and almost succeeded.[break][break]

The minutes after landing prove to be the most vulnerable too. As SHRAPNEL AND DEBRIS fall toward the meteoroid, leaps into action. His ABOMASNOW is summoned to conjure HAIL on this barren rock. An AURORA VEIL helps protect them from the ensuing storm of metal and any imminent attack.[break][break]

A few crumbs of stone fall from the formation before being caught by the winds conjured by the meteoroid's dooming descent.


MANY CHOOSE TO SCALE BACK ATTACK in favor of protection. While managing the disorienting descent, clings to and ARTICUNO. As the Head Ranger switches to his SILVALLY, the harsh momentum of their descent causes them to CRASH away from their desired destination. 's SILVALLY TAKES IMMENSE DAMAGE.[break][break]

is lucky enough to have her LAPRAS wake her husband. When comes to, he is able to land their ship deftly, a LIGHT SCREEN glimmering around it from his TOGEKISS. His piloting skills grant the couple safety. No real harm comes to them. Yet.[break][break]

attempts to land near the mineral vein too; however, despite the natural instincts of his ULTRA BEAST, a moving meteoroid makes for no easy runway. He collides with a DRAGON PULSE, but his NAGANADEL still sustains IMMENSE DAMAGE.[break][break]

Nearby, lands via parachute on a tall slope of meteoroid rock. Although not as close to the mysterious mineral compared to the others, he does have a greater view of the scene. Other League personnel land in various other locations with escape pods; not all is lost from the main vessel.[break][break]

Due to 's CLEFABLE, finds his ship landing hindered as well. His MAGNEZONE attempts to cushion the landing of his ship. He lands, albeit in rocky shape, nearby .[break][break]

's MUSHARNA's FRENZY PLANT allows her ship, run by and accompanied by , to land relatively unscathed. As VINES sprawl out to secure rattling parts, while 's VULPIX joins other League personnel in slowing the descent. However, 's temporary partner, HOOPA, creates a hoop.[break][break]

The ship slips into it- but the sudden warp causes great danger. The high speed of descent is maintained even after the teleportation, but it is only due to 's SALAMENCE'S PROTECT that the ship does not become obliterated. The ship plants itself onto a bed of FRENZY PLANT VINES. It topples sideways still, but , and are able to leave; the councilman leaves last.[break][break]


SOME ARE LUCKY ENOUGH TO LAND CLOSER TO THE MYSTERIOUS MINERAL VEIN. One of these are the vigilante ; however, he lands further away than intended due to 's DEOXY'S Z-MOVE. His ALAKAZAM's MIRACLE EYE allows them to land well, but not without some DAMAGE due to the style of approach.[break][break]

, and find themselves near the mineral vein too; however, they miss their mark by a few degrees. However, their combined efforts allow for safe landing. As 's WHIMSICOTT envelopes the ship in COTTON GUARD, DARKRAI glides close to cast PROTECT with a swift gesture of its umbral claws. Lastly, 's AEGISLASH remains in its SHIELD FORM and absorbs the remaining shock of their atmospheric touchdown.[break][break]

As descends on his spacecraft, diverts his energies to protecting his landing. His MEDICHAM steadies the Champion's vessel with full exertion. They land further away from the mineral vein; the MEDICHAM SUSTAINING IMMENSE DAMAGE in the fall.[break][break]

's efforts allow to take advantage of his SYGNA SUIT. As the INFINITY ENERGY between him and his SMEARGLE activate through the conduit of his SYNC STONE, his SMEARGLE directs its sketched ROAR OF TIME to the rapidly incoming ground. Their DESCENT IS SLOWED, and the landing brings them to the vein with grace. would find that the SYGNA SUIT'S CONTINUAL FLOW OF INFINITY ENERGY allows him to withstand the pressures of this thin atmosphere.[break][break]

The PROTECT from DARKRAI shields and his DEOXYS from stray landing debris. With his spaceborne partner, he too, lands by the mineral vein. He is CAMOUFLAGED, unable to be detected by others nearby...[break][break]

UPON CLOSER INSPECTION, the mineral vein is a gorgeous discovery. It is seemingly already refined. Gem-like, cut with many facets... there appears to be more, caught underneath the initial layer of stone the meteoroid has accrued. Parts of the vein jut out like crystal growths. Touching it would reveal how durable and tough it is...[break][break]



AS BREATHTAKING AS IT IS, some may wonder if mining this energy source is truly worth the risk. After all, they are against the clock, against fate and the lives of all Hoennians both human and Pokemon. Is the sabotage of either faction worth it? Despite all plans and reassurances, such thoughts weasel themselves into the uncertain mind easily. Like a Furret. Like a virus.[break][break]

But to trust the other faction is to betray some weakness. Some control. Neither the League or Team Rocket desire to relinquish that.[break][break]

A moment's respite allows everyone to view HOENN from above. The curvature of the world is crowned with a bright glow. Against the vast canvas of space, stars communicate in code as they blink and bat eyelash. Below, the OPENING OF THE INVISIBLE DOME can be glimpsed for a brief moment, before everyone and 99943 METENO plunge toward it.[break][break]

The Commissioner's voice suddenly graces the League's ears. "you have little time left," she says. "meteno is imminently entering the thermosphere... and will begin to increase in heat.... we will let you know when we the primal points are about to be fired."[break][break]

This high up, the reception is crackly. Muffled. 's speech is marred by the same disruptions in communication.[break][break]

"we are buying you time. get in. get out, you—" Suddenly, his channel is cut.[break][break]

is the furthest away. While she attempts to nurse her wounds and her METAGROSS'S, her DETECTIVE-TRAINED EYE allows her to spot one curious oddity flat on a nearby slope of rock by the mineral vein. An alien, perhaps? No. It is an UNOWN-K..



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NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
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Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 22:37:03 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Matt had begun to panic when he could not get the door down to get to Nico. Frantic, he slammed harder against the metal- only to see his boyfriend had managed to kick it out and went...

Did he just go space surfing?

Why was that hot?

He was glad he had on a mask, that was hiding the smirk and blush on his cheeks right now. Cause now was not the time for that, it was the time for action! Going to reach out for Nico, he pulled him and Oto close, to fly next to him in case the worst came to worst.

Which it did.

Matt would see the landing was going to cause Nico far more trouble than for him on top of Oto- so he made a choice. Shoving himself in front of Nico, he went to take the blunt end of a crash. He and his bird hit the ground hard, tumbling across as the two groaned. Matt gritted his teeth, returning the bird so it's injures couldn't get worse.

Heaving, his side hurt like hell. Was it bleeding? Did the bullet wound that was patched up reopen from the crash? Fuck he hoped not. Grunting, he limped his way over to Nico, always his first thing to check on regardless of what was happening around. Sheer power of will got him over. "You okay/" He whispered, trying to look and see who was near- he did not need Nico spotted by rockets, or in turn, league spotting him with Nico.

Reaching to his side, he withdrew Daggers Pokeball and released the Lucario. "Helping Hand." He ordered, as the pokemon grunted, going to Matt's side to give him a helping hand and going to Nico to offer him a paw up as well. "We need to get materials." Matt muttered under his breath. "Let's see... what we can do." His voice was strained, obviously, cause the dumbass was in pain.

using salac berry

TLDR: Matt taking crash damage for his boyf, looking for what to do next, trying to avoid people·
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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 0:15:40 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
They might be the only ones to make it to the meteor’s surface without flaw but their good luck dries up quickly.

In what is quite possibly the funniest fucking thing Kepler’s ever experienced, the MONSTER MASH gives a violent shudder and Pluto loses his grip on the hull. Kepler and are deposited safely, if a bit roughly, on the meteor’s surface, but both his Beheeyem and her Garchomp fall the seven or so feet straight down onto their faces.

It’s so funny-- it’s all so astronomical, that’s exactly what he thinks, and the pun makes him lose it, a little, lost in the spectrum of absurd bullshit he is currently riding like a fucking UVB manta ray, and a delirious giggle escapes him. He claps his hands over his mouth-- well, over his fucking space helmet and he really struggles not to continue laughing, hoping it just seems like a bit of punched-out feedback over the comms.

It isn’t a cave is the second thing he notices as he looks up into the shadow of the rock formation, and is just absolutely floored that he’s disappointed. He’s standing on a fucking meteor, essentially pore-to-pore with an apocalyptic hyperformed region-sized hunk of star dust and he’s disappointed that it doesn’t have a fucking cave on it.

He doesn’t have much time to ruminate on it though because his reinforcements (they’re not his really but, shut the fuck up) and their League taggers on come splashing into the toilet bowl like the big turds they are; well, that and, you know, lots and lots of shrapnel and debris. The sky lights up like a rainbow as ’s Abomasnow conjures aura in an atmosphere-less environment. Another fucking marvel of science.

Speaking of apocalyptic, there was literally a battle between three different Legendaries (four if you counted ’s deoxyribonucleic passenger) happening in the space-- literally the fucking space-- above them. “What the fuck are our lives, Rubes?” Kepler asked, making sure the key to their private comm was pressed, the absurdity of it all pulling him into some orbit of geniality. “What the fuck is even happening anymore?”

Someone ( ) lands and throws up another protect around them. By this time, Pluto is up and shaking the meteor dust from his face. Kepler turns towards the mineral deposit, tapping the readouts on his helmet to check in on the cameras he has running: one in his helmet, one in his chest, one in each palm, and one on the top of each foot, meant to record every part of their amazing, world-saving, life-changing venture for posterity (and research’s) sake.

You can take the boy out of the PhD program…

There’s a lot going on and people are landing everywhere-- but Kepler’s not here to fight, he’s here to do some fucking science. “I’m heading for the deposit,” he radios to those in proximity (namely and ) “so if you could cover me that would be dee-lightful.”

He recalled Pluto and released Andraste, giving the Dragapult .02 seconds to orient herself before he grabbed onto her head fins and ordered her to dragon rush towards the mineral.


this is probably the funniest fucking post i've ever written?
kepler lands and his beheeyem sustains some damage.
he is recording everything from, like, six cameras on his person. he's not streaming them, just recording them, like a-- a mars rover.
is mildly disappointed that there's no special cave on the space rock.
swaps beheeyem for dragapult and grabs onto her head fins and instructs her to dragon rush him to the mineral deposit.
Dragapult's ability is INFILTRATOR which allows it to pass through barriers so hoping this helps with stuff around the mineral?

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 9:56:21 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
“W-we… we’re alive!” Andrea muttered in shock, realizing that she was still hugging her buddy Chomper, whom she had landed on top of. Somehow, despite their unplanned landing, both of them looked relatively unscathed. More importantly, Andrea’s airtight suit hadn’t been damaged. That would have been really bad. Still slightly shook, the girl groggily got up, trying to get a grasp of her surroundings.


“Whoa…” The young PokéManiac was sheerly in awe. Standing on extraterrestrial soil was already a bizarre sensation. At that moment, she felt like a bona fide astronaut! What really took her aback, though, was the bird’s-eye view of the Hoenn region; so small, so vulnerable, and yet so captivatingly beautiful. Such a precious thing was worth protecting even at the cost of one’s life.

Being what amounted to a free agent in this faction war, Andrea was not privy to the League’s communications, so and the commissioner’s messages never reached her. It was Chomper that gave her a direction by noticing Darkrai’s ghoulish figure looming not too far away from them, near the heart of the sparkling mineral vein.

“You still wanna fight him, huh?” Andrea turned to her draconic partner, who responded to her query with a guttural growl. She nodded back at him. “OK, let’s draw their attention with a Draco Meteor!” She instructed the pseudo-legendary, who gladly roared into the star-strewn sky, summoning a brutal meteor shower to assault the group that - unbeknownst to them - consisted of , and .

At the same time, the duo made a beeline towards their perceived enemies, while adjusting to the weirdness of traversing a rapidly moving celestial body. Although the trainers’ identities were all obscured by their protective helmets, Chomper’s mere presence might have been a dead giveaway. That shiny Hydreigon was basically Andrea’s signature Pokémon for anyone who knew the eccentric girl even superficially.
//andrea and hydreigon have landed safely
//hydreigon fires a DRACO METEOR towards darkrai
//andrea and hydreigon advance closer to the mineral vein where , and are
//people might be able to recognize andrea because of her shiny hydreigon


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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 20:07:00 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

The glint of another Protective barrier around her caught the sun and stars' light before Delphi crash landed on the moving meteoroid. Ruby tumbled off the Garchomp's back with a grunt but quickly pulled herself up. She felt a bit lightheaded for a dizzying moment, but she forced herself to push through it. This wasn't the time to be weak. Growling, Delphi pushed herself to her feet, as well.

[break][break]"Save that anger for the League," Ruby said. Speaking of, it looked like a couple of them were landing nearby. Ruby's gloved hand clenched into a fist. She may not have wanted to be here, but she was, so she might as well give a few Leaguers a good beat-down for good measure.

mint frost Avatar
"Hey, Frost heading over to the cave to back up another ship. Dropping this. Hope you have ice types."

[break]From somewhere above, hail began to fall. The air around them shimmered and glowed in a rainbow of colors: an Aurora Veil protecting them from the falling debris.

[break][break]"I don't," Ruby grumbled. "But we'll manage." The Aurora Veil was helpful, no doubt, but it was just Ruby's nature to avoid thanking people directly.

[break][break]Far below, through that screen of colored lights, was Hoenn. No, not just Hoenn: the whole world. Somewhere down there was Ruby's old region of Orre. Somewhere down there, no matter how far away, was somebody's home. But the only homes in danger were the ones in Hoenn, where a perfectly sized hole in the barrier allowed this death rock hurtling through space to pass but nothing to escape.

[break][break]Why? Why did it have to be Hoenn? Her family had moved there for a better life, one free from the ever-looming threat of criminal syndicates running rampant, and look where that had gotten them. Was this some sort of cosmic joke, dangling that carrot in front of them only to lead them into Hell? And now the punchline was crushing everything under this goddamned meteor while Ruby stood on top and watched?

[break][break]Walsh's voice crackled in a sea of static over the comms before cutting out entirely. "Fuck," Ruby hissed. She hated him right now. Maybe she always had. But more importantly, him getting cut off like that was bad news.

[break][break] had landed next to her. It hadn't been the smoothest landing, but he didn't look injured, so. Mission accomplished so far, Ruby supposed. She wanted to spit derisively, but the helmet would make that difficult. Instead, she looked at the rock formation they had landed by. It wasn't actually a cave, but the triangular shape still caught Ruby's attention. It reminded her of a pyramid, just not as smooth or uniform with the stone, dust, and debris making it up. Was that normal? Kepler wasn't saying anything about it, at least. Instead, the scientist voiced the thoughts that had been swimming around Ruby's head for days.

[break][break]"You're asking that now? This shit's been insane from the beginning." For fuck's sake, they were standing on a moving meteor about to crash into their home. Sure, there might as well be Legendaries fighting in the skies above them! Why the hell not?

[break][break]Unsurprisingly, Kepler wanted to make a run for the deposit. Ruby couldn't get a good look from where she stood, but the way it sparkled and reflected light off its facets reminded her of gemstones. Before Ruby could even open her mouth to warn Kepler about the League goons already surrounding it, he was hopping aboard his Dragapult and launching himself forward with Dragon Rush.

[break][break]"Goddammit, Kepler!" Ruby shouted over the comms. She scrambled onto Delphi's back, making the Garchomp growl in frustration. "You wanna kick some ass, girl? Then Dragon Rush that way!" She pointed after Kepler; standing between them and the mineral were and . If they got run over in the process, so be it. Delphi's horns glowed light blue, and that light spread to engulf her in a fiery aura of Dragon-type energy when she took off again.





  • ruby and delphi crash land; the garchomp takes some damage
  • ruby grumbles to about her lack of ice types but is secretly grateful for the aurora veil
  • ruby looks down at poké-earth and wonders wtf her life is
  • notices the triangular rock but assumes it's just normal meteor stuff
  • oh hi, . yes, everything IS insane, thanks for asking
  • gets on garchomp and dragon rushes after , but and stand between them and the mineral deposit


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing