i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 3:09:10 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It didn't take long for the roar to be replaced with a blood curdling scream.

The attempt at reorienting herself and Ginga had ended in total failure as the two of them ended up careening towards the surface of the meteorite as they fell near a rocky formation. As Ginga slammed into the surface, Elaine flew off landing only a few feet away, and luckily with the force of the collision dampened enough to not kill her.


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" She was lucky that she had kept the communications off as she let out an ear-piercing scream. Her eyes widened and tears streamed down her face. It was everything she could do to dull the pain in her left shoulder. She was lucky that it hadn't been mangled in the process and that her spacesuit had not been torn apart.

Back when she had been in the Cloud, she had numerous parts of her body deleted. But that surreal experience was nothing compared to the stabbing, shearing, and throbbing pain rocking her left arm and chest. She wasn't sure if she had fractured something, but she was sure that the shock absorption from the suit had been working because she was alive. She wasn't mutilated by the fall.

And as her chest became more sore from screaming, she found her voice tapering off and being replaced by haggard breaths.

It was painful.

So painful.

So agonizing.

And yet, she was hardly the worst off in the situation. Among the chaos, her partner had taken even more damage, laying there with cracks in its body and barely conscious.

"Ha--I'm sorry--ah-Ginga. Just rest for now."

She couldn't let her dear partner fight any further in this state so, she recalled it after gently resting her hand upon its head for a moment.

As she looked around her and into the starry sky, attempting to focus her blurry vision back into the space around her, she rested her hand upon her head and pressed on it.

Focus. Right now, the mission isn't over. You haven't tapped out just yet, Elaine. Not here.

After letting go of her head, she grabbed a new Pokeball from its latch and began to take stock of the chaos. The numerous league members who had landed scattered over the meteorite. The Unown on the slope near the mineral vein. The numerous Rockets who had done the same.


The Unown on the slope near the mineral vein?

Elaine's eyes darted to what she was seeing.

"What's that doing there? I don't like this."

Her eyes narrowed as she focused in on the small Pokemon among the numerous clashes that seemingly did not belong.

After clicking the button on the Pokeball, out came a green dragon with red, translucent sand shields covering its eyes.

"Think you can take me over that way to the Unown without drawing attention, Tiamat?"

Despite the questionable order, the beast nodded and smiled at her.

"Attagirl. Alright, take me there and use Laser Focus to keep attention on the Unown. Don't lose it," Elaine said before climbing atop the Flygon's back. Without much more delay, the beast took off and flew low to the ground towards the aforementioned destination.

"This is Detective Highland." After resting activating the communications, she sent out a blanket communications across to the other League members connected. It didn't matter who had heard her, but she needed to make sure the aberrant finding was made known. Well, as long as Mr CEO heard her, then that would be mission accomplished. "I've caught sight of an Unown by the mineral vein. I'm assuming that none of us have brought one so I'm quickly pursuing. If I'm right, it looks like a K."

Hopefully, one of her many supposed allies had heard her.

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Elaine's crash landing injures her and severely injures Metagross who she recalls after a moment to scream
  • After spotting the Unown-K, Elaine initiates pursuit of the aberration atop Flygon's back
  • Flygon uses Laser Focus on the distant Unown and flies low to the ground
  • Elaine informs everyone in the League of her finding as she initiates pursuit, with hope that at least heard her
  • Pain Peko

Elaine and Team Status

Elaine: Left Arm and Chest injured, extent unknown
Ginga (Metagross)-Critically Injured
Titania (Mawile)-Good Condition
Tiamat (Flygon)-Good Condition
Nephthys (Milotic)-Good Condition
Astrape (Luxray)-Good Condition
Asteria (Absol)-Good Condition


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
696 posts
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2022 16:43:10 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

Phew. Somehow, they were still in one piece. Sure, outwardly she tried to only breathe steadily and act like this was just a plan coming together as intended, but Vio did need a few moments to collect herself when the craft came to a halt. They had almost been shredded to ribbons or smashed into an unimportant blot on an uncaring asteroid. Sure, they had planned not to, but this could have gone all wrong nonetheless.
Hence, she needed a brief breather. But only a brief one. They did not have much time. As the hatch opened and she made here way outside (carefully holding onto the craft, just in case she might float away or something), Vio briefly marvelled at the sight of the planet from afar. But the creeping thought of ‘that is way, way too close already’ was not far behind, causing her to straighten up and skid down the side of the craft until she had some semi-solid ground under her feet.
Aegislash came up to her, naturally, but it reacted way before she did. It couldn’t use yet another King’s Shield just yet, having done so twice in harsh conditions and succession right then, but it still brought itself between the incoming Draco Meteor and its trainer, shielding her all the same, taking damage in the process. “We’ve got incoming!” Vio just tried to warn the others, most of all, while trying to protect herself and her suit from potentially being hit by anything. In the meantime, Aegislash prepared itself for the coming battle, autotomizing and switching into its sword form.

+ lands, exits craft, Aegislash takes the Draco Meteor, still probably buffed by cutton guard, switches into attack mode @andreavenau lHRdnhTu



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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 1:39:41 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


With a resounding crash, 's ship came to an abrupt halt on the surface of 99943 Meteno. Nomi was jerked forward in her seat, neck straining from the sudden whiplash of their landing. As the dust cleared, however, she assessed her status - some aches and pains, but no major injuries. In fact, the entire ship seemed to be in miraculously good shape, as were the other passengers. She smiled gratefully at Saffron; the Whimsicott's COTTON GUARD had clearly been effective. He grinned back, giving her a quick thumbs up, then allowed her to return him to his Pokeball.[break][break]
Nomi unbuckled herself, then watched as exited the ship. Nomi crawled over to the open hatch, following close behind her fellow Rocket colleague, heart pounding with anticipation. This was it! Her first step into space. Her crimson eyes widened inside of her oxygen-filled helmet as she gazed out at the scene before her, breath catching in her throat. Vaguely, she registered the absence of from the top of the ship, wondering where he and Deoxys might have disappeared to. Deoxys must be pleased to be back in space...[break][break]
The view of their home planet - of Hoenn, so miniscule in comparison to the vastness of the universe - was truly breathtaking. Nomi knew she ought to be mindful of her surroundings, given that the League was still actively attacking ships like the one she had just emerged from, but she found it terribly difficult to rip her eyes away from the stars glittering in the darkness above her, brain whirring rapidly, wondering which of the pinpricks of distant light could be other planets and whether or not they were anything like the one she came from. But then something heavy and bright crashed into the rocky ground before her and she was jolted out of her reverent, contemplative state. A deadly rainfall of DRACO METEORS were being hurled at their now-still ship.[break][break]
Nomi narrowed her eyes, feeling a surge of frustration. She was finally on the surface of the meteor, and they didn't have much time. She needed to get to the mineral deposit - a crystalline expanse just ahead, she could see it glittering eerily, as if beckoning her - and start mining. She glanced back at the ship, debating her next move - should she push ahead and go for the mineral, or stay behind to help fight the League? Lulu has Darkrai, she will be fine. Violet's no pushover, either. Decided, she took out a Pokeball and released Valerian, her best friend and lifelong protector.[break][break]
"Val, it's time," she said to him through her helmet. The Sylveon looked up at her with his large baby-blue eyes. "I am going to make a run for the mineral deposit. I need you to keep me safe. You've always been able to do that for me, haven't you?" She smiled at him, but it was a hard-edged smile, as tough as the mineral she hoped to procure. He met that smile with a firm nod. He understood the stakes.[break][break]
Nomi sucked in a breath and then she made a run for it. Valerian raced behind her, sending out a pink-hued, brilliant flash of LIGHT SCREEN. Nomi ran as fast as she could, finding the gravity of the meteor combined with the technology of her suit to be sufficient enough to keep her feet solidly on the ground. and her crew had not landed far from the mineral, so it did not take Nomi long to reach it. Falling to her knees by the edge of the crystal in an exhausted heap, she willed her body to stay strong as she pulled out an ice pick from the belt of her suit.[break][break]
"Hello there," She greeted the otherworldly rock formation, tone gentle and coaxing. "I just need a little bit, okay?"[break][break]
She began to chip away.[break][break]

Sylveon uses LIGHT SCREEN


+ Nomi stumbles out of 's ship (main Rocket spacecraft) onto the surface of 99943 Meteno. She is in awe![break]
+ Nomi recalls Saffron (Whimsicott) and releases Valerian (Sylveon)[break]
+ Nomi tells Val (Sylveon) to protect her (and and ) as she makes a run for the mineral deposit[break]
+ Upon arriving at the mineral deposit, Nomi attempts to mine it.[break]
+ Nomi's Sylveon uses LIGHT SCREEN: for five turns, all special damage (such as the incoming DRACO METEOR) is halved for the Sylveon and all of his nearby allies.[break]

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 4:08:58 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

a few degrees off was fine, right? not that she wasn’t cussing about it on the way down.[break][break]
once grounded, it was all eyes on the prize. snatching ’s off the dashboard for good luck and tucking it away in her backpack, she jumped out of the hatch with the rest of them and onto the surface of hurtling death rock 99943.[break][break]
glimpsing ’s suit nearby, she froze for the smallest second, but her attention was just as quickly realigned by ’s voice, and the view of the region that pulled them closer at an accelerating rate. they had to move. there was no time to fight.[break][break]
not much further from the ship, however, a draco meteor blasted towards the party from ’s hydreigon. ’s observation was confirmed with a nod. shiny. green. she didn’t like green hydreigons—for a reason.[break][break]
”you got this, fairbanks.”[break][break]
the head scientist was gone, then, slipping into the endless sea of shadows cast by the potholed terrain alongside her patron. when she popped up again, it was in ’s shadow. darkrai was no longer there. [break][break]
”a little bit?” lulu questioned, her dark visor looking over as she took a place beside the researcher. a pokéball was lobbed into the air, reflecting across their crystalline come-up.[break][break]
”this is our opportunity. take everything you can!”[break][break]
a metagross glowed brighter than the world they careened towards, and stars erupted around its fist as a meteor mash slammed into the stone surrounding the mineral.


  • out of ship, sees 's incoming draco meteor, tells u got this, shadow skedaddles to mineral deposit near
  • darkrai is switched out for metagross, uses meteor mash to loosen around deposit

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 10:57:22 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The landing… wasn’t as smooth as he hoped it to be.

Maybe it was a good thing he’d switched out for Amir, however the unearthly noise that the Silvally released the moment they crash-landed, some distance away from their imminent target, was going to cause some problems.

“Kid, are you okay?!” he barked over the private line in ’s direction, before pulling himself up.

There was—there was no way his Silvally would be able to continue in this state, so he regretfully recalled the Pokémon with a little tap on the surface of the Dusk Ball, a sign that he appreciated the Silvally for what he’d done (or tried to do, considering their bumpy landing).

However, their landing wasn’t going to be as… flawless as he hoped it would be, for there was a distinct roaring noise that ripped through the area some distance behind them—and he turned around in time to see that there was something, riding a Garchomp, headed their way!

“Kid, don’t move without me, we’re going to have to drive these nutcases back, or at the very least stall them!” he growled over the private line, and wondering—would his ‘powers’ work in this vacuum, so high up? There was only one way to find out.

He then slapped his hands together, and hoping against hope that this shit would work, slammed them down on the rocky surface, aiming to make the space between the incoming Garchomp and them slippery with ice.

Could he fly out here, so high up, though, was another question.

He didn’t want to call the snarky one just yet, and therefore decided to call his Metagross out—one of the few he knew could be able to do something as insane as what he was planning.

“Ro. Rock Slide!” he said quietly, watching as the Metagross slammed one of his four ‘limbs’ down on the rocky ‘ground’ and summoned up an avalanche of boulders—but due to the low gravity, he had no idea if the boulders were going to go wide, or bounce elsewhere, however he hoped that the boulders would also serve as ‘difficult terrain’ for the incoming Garchomp.

Just to make sure that whatever was following them behind wasn’t going to chase after them, he then flipped the switch to the League-wide comms and said, “Lots of potential Rockets around here, be careful—”

Before slamming his hands down again and conjuring up more of the ice, forcing it to spread wider behind them.

At least he was hoping to make this ‘difficult terrain’, considering the combination he’d thrown out.


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
• checks if little Josh is alright, that was a fucking bumpy landing
• oop, down one Pokémon—Silvally is recalled!
and then there’s a Garchomp headed their way
‘time to see if this shit’s going to work.’
• summons up his frosty ‘powers’ and slams his hands down on the ground behind him and little Josh, hoping to make the distance between them and / difficult terrain
• just to make sure, Lars summons his Metagross
• Metagross used Rock Slide in an effort to either knock away / knock aside / drive back the incoming mounted Garchomp (not sorry Ruby!) and make the terrain behind them even more difficult
• to be safe, Lars adds on a second layer of frost to make the terrain behind them even harder to traverse
• that ugly 8 wtf. using one Salac!

+ other tags mentioned up above

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 19:17:49 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The 'cave' isn't actually anything at all, unfortunately. But this diversion isn't all terrible. They'd announced a pick up after all. As his teammates quickly make a U-turn, Straciatella picked him up and hoisted him up so he could have a view as she pushed forward after them. The cold is no bother to her and she quickly gave chase as his companions dash off. [break][break]

[break][break] [break]

"Keep your eyes ahead, we've got you!" he said into comms at and , before looking at and and waving at themto let him know he was included in this. "Proff. @flint, keep your teams' heads down. I'm sending you ba-" That's when Walsh interrupts and the comms cut. "Uhh- Team Meteno? Can you hear me?!" He doesn't wait for confirmation. To his partner, he points forward. "Blind them! Take advantage of our weather." he ordered as Straciatella roared. The HAIL almost seemed to worsen, but AURORA VEIL shone through. Power coalesced as Straciatella tried to blow back the League dragons running rampant around the mineral deposit. BLIZZARD does its best to form in raging winds, so cold they cut. [break][break]

He looked to and once more, shouting. "Your turn!", gesturing at and .


tagged ▸ | [break][break]
- HAIL (2/5) [break]
- AURORA VEIL (2/5) [break]
- Mint lets diggers know he's ON HIS WAY with the LADS (cain & oscar) [break]
- Straciatella the Abomasnow used BLIZZARD during HAIL for the sick nasty combo [break]




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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 20:55:27 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Fire and brimstone. Destruction. Explosions. Twisting metal finding the unforgiving surface of space rock in disastrous crash-landings. They rain onto the meteor like self-sacrificing fools, gluttons for martyrdom amid screeching alarms and frantic screams.

So when Skyler and Angelo's spaceship lands smoothly with barely a shudder, Skyler can't help but feel a little bit smug. And very much appreciative of her husband's skills with a joystick.

They'd landed just at the lip of the crater, high enough to have a strategic lookout over the crater itself - and the treasures within.

"Try and keep yourself awake this time, Vestri." The dark visor of her helmet hides any distinguishing features, but not the insolent drawl that crackles in Angelo's helmet. "We can take a nap later. After we survive this."

Her words brook no argument, no amount of doubt. It is as much a promise as a warning. Skyler's own version of 'be safe'. 

She hits the rocky surface of Meteno at a run, cresting over its uneven terrain as she makes her way towards the center of the crater. Behind, Lapras disappears in a flash of white into Skyler's belt.

In hindsight, she could've attempted an ambush. She could've Teleported herself to the mineral deposits. But, in the end, subtlety had never been her strongest suit. 

No. We go all in

The shadow emerges above her, backdropped by a mantle of endless cosmos, growing fast, fast, faster. Two wing-like fins unfold into monstrosity: a sharp-toothed maelstrom given shape.

And then, the bone-shaking rumble of shuddering tectonic plaques. Her own markings alight crimson, hidden under her spacesuit.

"Get away from my shinies, you bitch." It isn't likely that would've heard it, but Skyler would like to think that the ORIGIN PULSE that flies above, screeching destruction onto the Rockets in the vicinity, sends the message well enough.

Her fist opens, summoning AQUA RINGS around . When she closes it, she means for them to explode.


- Runs down the crater's side to get closer to the mineral deposit
- Recalls Lapras and summons Kyogre
- Does it rain in space? Uh...
- Kyogre uses Origin Pulse on every Rocket in the vicinity (close to the mineral deposit) - also, maybe, friendly fire?
- Skyler uses her avatar powers (Aqua Rings) to have them explode ?
- Salac x1


  (you're in the vicinity)
(possible friendly fire ahah?)
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 21:34:28 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Whatever chaos that had broken out within the cockpit during their ascent did not translate into the execution of the touchdown. Angelo guiding his and 's vessel to land on the falling meteor without damage nor fault.

Not so bumpy, after all. He can't help but chuckle softly in a moment of smug pride.

But you're so good at waking me up.” A promise is quickly shared, simple but binding, in the love language they fall into best. “Just try and get back here in one piece, Dross. I'll give you a ride home.

Unbuckling himself from his seat, Angelo recalls Ankaa and shoves himself through the ship hatch with the fuel of adrenaline still burning in his veins. His sky of metal replaced with the dark, endless brilliance of space.

Beneath the tinted visor of his helmet, Angelo's breath hitches. Momentarily awed at the sight of a twinkling, unexplored map of cosmic adventure within his reach and their world, so deceptively peaceful, below.

He'd always wanted to touch the stars, to take one.

But first, Team Rocket had to be ejected from the premises.

As soon as his boots hit the meteor surface at a run alongside Skyler, a familiar presence reaches out to him, the pilot reassured as their intimate bond reconnects.

He couldn't be seen but Angelo knew Latios was with him.

With him, as he backs up 's wild charge.

Flying away from his side, tricky winds surround the Rocket members that beeline to the mineral deposit (, and ), the legendary dragon's DEFOG stripping away their protective shields as the shadow of the ocean titan swallows them.

It's then, beyond the backdrop of the clash of powers, that 's message crackles through their League communications.

An Unown?

Gotta admire their dedication...” His voice is deceptive, drawled sarcasm a peek of a knife edge, but he continues moving. “I'll find 'em.

Keep an eye out for me? 

A ripple of confidence radiates within his chest like an invisible string, linking them, had been plucked – trust in the other soul bound deep.  

As he heads towards the mineral deposit, mining tools equipped to the utility belt hugging his waist, Latios soars above the meteor.

Obscured, Angelo's eyes begin to glow...

( rolls were 26, 1 and 94 )


- latios is INVISIBLE
- latios uses DEFOG on rockets in the crater , and
- hears 's warning
- angelo/latios sight share to scout the meteor
- angelo is heading towards the mineral deposit
- 2 salacs (rolled 26, 1 then 94) my only proof lol

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2022 21:51:31 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Secretly, Eva was glad she chose to ride aboard Mehira than join inside a rocket to travel to the meteor. Riding a pokemon did come with its risks but it seemed most of the vessels had been either destroyed or severely incapacitated upon landing. The dragon seems to have little trouble, galloping across the ground to the stop near the deposit before Eva promptly returning her to the Great Ball to allow her to rest. The journey must have taken a lot out of her, and now was not the time to half-ass anything.


’s voice crackled through the comms, and Eva’s stomach curled into a knot. They were running out of time. They needed to get off this meteor, hopefully taking Rocket with them. For how brilliant the crystals were, the appearance of , , and were enough of a distraction. A flash of light releases Gallade. The Professor’s SYGNA SUIT shimmers to life. A similar glow sparkles around the psychic-type. With as flip of a switch, a mechanical voice booms through the ivory and green helmet worn by the professor. A mohawk of magenta curves along its midline, “THIS IS RESTRICTED AIRSPACE. YOU WILL LEAVE IMMEDIATELY OR SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES OF YOUR DEFIANCE,” it’s a BOLD statement for a Head Professor to make when facing three Rockets, an avatar included, but they hold their ground regardless.


It’s no surprise that ’s response comes with a METEOR MASH by the Metagross. Much like in Kanto, Eva refused to let them have what they wanted, “Blade! Protect!” The Gallade shoots his arm forth, a shimmering barrier of PROTECT engulfing the mineral deposit. There’s no telling what kind of chaos cracking it open could ignite. If the histories of Hoenn have taught her anything, it would be nothing good.


The low groan of the Sea Titan pulls the Professor’s attention to the East. There, Skyler stands with her patron, ORIGIN PULSE brimming at the beast’s lips.


“Shit,” Eva hits the deck, hoping to steer clear of Kyogre’s wrath.




+ Somehow, they land beside the deposit unscathed?! POG?![break]
+ Eva returns Salamence and release Gallade[break]
+ SYGNA SUIT activates, they are feeling BOLD as they defend the deposit from Rockets with PROTECT



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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 3:43:03 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh groaned as he stumbled off the legendary Pokémon's back. Though he didn't recognize what it was yet, the wave of PRESSURE was unpleasant and tiring. If this was what being in the presence of one of these was like, then did his dream ever get a lot harder. While it wasn't quite on the level of being in the presence of the Original One's wake of death, it was unwelcoming feeling. Maybe even oppressive. If he wanted to live his dream, this was a presence he would have to get to used to.

He had . He had . He had . He even had . There were plenty of people he knew that, with varying amounts of convincing, would let him practice riding on a legendary Pokémon. Certainly not to his heart's content, but enough to truly prepare him for the day he and his dream stared each other down.

But that was neither nor there.

"I think so," Josh answered, still a bit shaken up from the landing. It was a good thing he didn't have a Pokémon out during the landing...or did he? The impact was so harsh that the release mechanism on his Dragonair's Poké Ball was jammed! Resheph was stuck inside her Poké Ball! "Resheph, no!" he cried. "The one Pokémon that wouldn't be affected so much by the low gravity. Of course."

Grumbling, he sent out the most reliable Pokémon he had, and that was Saber, his Manectric. He climbed aboard the electric-type, the rider weaving his reins between his fingers but not issuing a command to the Pokémon. "On your lead, Lars!" Josh assured his Head Ranger, boss, and war buddy. "Other than in self-defense, I only move when you do!"

By the time he got ready to charge on Lars' command, and her Garchomp were ramming them down at high speed. Though he had a lot more time to react due to the lower gravity, he would lose a lot of reaction time to his mount's movements being sluggish. He gasped in horror at what he saw afterward: very clearly, Articuno's Avatar was a spellcaster. He wanted to give Lars another speech about it, though he had suspected it since the Ranger meeting in Lilycove. He seemed nonresponsive to comments about the air conditioning not once, but twice. Plus, the Head Ranger's words still rang fresh in his mind.

“You better prepare yourself because once you get swept up in supernatural shit, there’s no more stopping the train you’ve ridden on. It’ll always follow you no matter where you go.”

"Lars, I will follow your lead! Saber, QUICK ATTACK out of the Garchomp's way, but only defensively!"


- The legendary's PRESSURE gets to Josh during the rough descent.
- Dragonair's Poké Ball is BROKEN for the rest of the thread.
- Josh sees spellcasting and, with difficulty, keeps his comments to himself. Having been indirectly exposed at the Ranger meetup helped a lot.
- Josh saddles up his Manectric and readies a QUICK ATTACK to dodge 's Garchomp and any other attacks headed his way, but otherwise follows Lars' lead.


{WC: 459}
{PC: 3}

Salacs in Inventory: 4

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Resheph       Dragonair      KO
Janus         Espeon         Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good

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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 5:06:40 GMT
noah faber Avatar

noah groans. sore and coughing, shaking fingers reach his MEDICHAM's pokeball. in a brilliant red flash, the injured pokemon utters a single note of gratitude before it is taken to safety.[break][break]

he calls upon his HARIYAMA. one that helps haul him out of his dented spacecraft. on this plummeting meteoroid, noah looks around frantically, taking note of faces. confirming presence and safety—though it may be fleeting.[break][break]

"an unown?" the gym leader says in response to 's comms. "maybe a wild one?" an attempt at rationalization, and a brief barricade against further dark worry.[break][break]

noah's too far from the mineral vein to act on it immediately. with his HARIYAMA, he runs toward the center where and are after commanding his HARIYAMA TO PREEMPTIVELY WHIRLWIND two unknowns behind him: and .[break][break]

"on my way!"


[attr="class","ooc"] M3s|Ca1K[break][break]
TL;DR recalls MEDICHAM; sends out HARIYAMA[break]
runs toward mineral vein after HARIYAMA USES WHIRLWIND on & [break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

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march 11th
human resources
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829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 7:52:25 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




having sustained IMMENSE DAMAGE, theo recalls the ultra beast back into its luxury ball the moment after they land. when the dust settles, he takes a moment to glance around, taking everything in.[break[break]

with at the mineral vein, his objective is clear: keep league forces away for as long as he could. still, worry plagues him.[break][break]

a pokeball bursts open. salamence materializes underneath him, and together, they take into the air only for him to catch a glimpse of from over his shoulder.[break][break]

a gesture later, and a torrent of FLAMETHROWER pours at the councilman.[break][break]




recalls NAGANADEL.[break]
takes off with SALAMENCE.[break]
sees .[break]
SALAMENCE uses FLAMETHROWER on .[break][break]



[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 12:35:36 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar




"We can't keep it steady!"

Voices of few of the men he was riding with cry out as Pryde does what he can. And while his Magezone does what it can, the landing it rough, and those he were with are knocked out by the rough landing. While the Head Scientist was able to keep himself mostly steady within his piolet's seat. Hes hurt but he isn't useless like the others, but he didn't care for their fates as he gets out of the craft. [break][break]

For a moment the scientist allows himself to stand in awe of the beautiful site above, the reflection of the region's map on his helmet as it hid his own features. [break][break]

=Enemies detected=[break][break]

The warnings from his arm come as Raphael looks past toward their target before the Magnezone alerts them of the incoming attack from what looked to be the gym leader . "The mine is most important," he would tell the beast as the WHIRLWIND forces his pokemon to return to his pokeball before the typholsion takes it's place. Pryde whistles and the ghost pokemon attacks back with INFERNAL PARADE while Pryde makes his way toward the mine.


[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Ship crashes and Pryde recives minor injuries
[break]+ Whirlwind recalls his magnezone and in its place comes Typhlosion
[break]+ Typhlosion uses INFERNAL PARADE at 's hariyama before following her master toward going toward the mine.


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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 20:08:12 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
For a few, glorious moments, Nico flew.

Coasting uneasily through space on a metal surf board was a level of flight Nico never thought he'd achieved, yet always dreamed of. Even though the board was unsteady. Matthew flew alongside him, and he let out a delirious laugh, astounded his idea actually worked.

...Sort of. As they rapidly approached the surface of the meteor, Nico realized a fatal flaw that he hadn't even considered; how to land.

It seemed as though Matthew realized the error at the same time. His boyfriend all-but swooped in to cushion the blow. Both of them had been aiming for what they mistakenly perceived was a "cave entrance." In reality, it was a steep rock face with top to land on, and this sent the small group plunging into the side. It would have almost been comical if it weren't for the heavy damage Matthew and Oto withstood- Teri was blessed with only a bit of a rough landing as she tucked and rolled with the impact. Nico had no idea how, but he'd managed to avoid any personal damage. Probably thanks to Matthew.

Teri had the face of a Typhlosion that had seen some impossible sh-

The shock of the crash left Nico battered and woozy in his suit, but the feelings wore off quickly, immediately rattled at the pained words coming out of his boyfriend. "You're hurt!" He exclaimed, even as they both scrambled to find cover from the chaos happening above and distantly around them. Quickly returning a tired and battered Teri to then send out Tekka.

An unusually large Umbreon purred softly as she took form, her dark blue rings glowing very dimly as she calmly looked over the two, and Dagger. "Hold still, Matty- Moonlight, Tekka."

The dim rings on the Umbreon glowed brighter as she illuminated with a similar light to the moon, leaning back on her hind legs to then reach up and place a paw on Mattew's space suit, right above his chest.

Although Nico couldn't help notice the distant, beautiful sight of their planet, he focused more on his injured paramour.

Summary: Nico landed alongside Matthew Vice "on" the "Cave entrance", which means they crashed against it and slid down the side. Matthew is hurt, Nico used his shiny Umbreon (Tekka) to use Moonlight for minor healing.

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March 18
Heahea City
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2022 23:32:41 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
There was a brief moment during his landing where Oscar felt like he was actually about to die. His ship was shaking violently, and his hands tensed so hard around the controls his knuckles nearly burst. There was an awful wrenching noise as his ship slowly slid to a stop, and as Oscar realized that he was very much alive he would let out a soft chuckle. "Perfect landing!" He announced as he got out of his seat. His legs felt like jelly and his hands were shaking, but he felt fucking fantastic. And to think, there was a whole mission waiting for him outside!

Oscar gathered himself before exiting his ship, immediately trying to locate Genesect. During their descent Genesect had dislodged their hitchhiker, so it seemed pretty proud of itself as it jumped down to surprise its master. Oscar jumped briefly, but he could not possible sore about the prank. He was just glad Genesect was in one piece. 

"Nice flight?" Oscar asked his cybernetic comrade. Genesect wiggled its claw, the universal sign for 'meh'. Oscar took a second to make a visual inventory, making the mistake of looking upward toward their rapidly approaching planet. To say Oscar was in awe would be an understatement, the view of the lonely rock they called home was both beautiful and humbling. After the events of the Cloud, Oscar had believed his little slice of the multiverse was just too small for him. Yet here and now he saw the horrifically wonderful truth: it was he that was so small. Him and the League and Rocket and everyone--just grains of sand in the desert.

Oscar felt a jab in his ribs, Genesect had elbowed him rather forcefully. Oscar reacted with anger, "Dude chill I'm having a mo-" Before Oscar could finish his sentence he would be pushed onto his back by a powerful gust of wind. Genesect watched as sent a Whirlwind their way, but it was more worried about its master's safety then its own. After all, a gust of wind was hardly a threat. Turns out though that wind was way stronger then it seemed. It was so strong in fact that Genesect felt itself being sucked back into its ball against its will.

By the time Oscar managed to get to his feet, Genesect had been replaced by his Shadow Nidoqueen: Desolence. The pale figure looked to Oscar expectantly, unaware that her emergence was a mistake. Oscar whipped his head around, trying to find the source of that Whirlwind. He could not pinpoint that it was Noah, but he did see the Gym leader about to intersect with and some other guy he did not yet know (). This was just in time for to call him to action, and seeing how he now had some aggression to deliver he was more than happy to oblige.

was one hundred percent correct, the mineral was the top priority--so Oscar was not going to let any more League bastards get near it. Oscar pointed outward, his distorted voice ringing as he gave his command. "Let the meteor consume them!" Desolence let out an unearthly bellow, rearing up before slamming a fist into the meteor's surface. A massive crack burst forth, winding its way toward the positions of the gather trio of Laurence, Noah, and other guy! Should the crack reach them, the ground shall erupt beneath their feet in a massive display of power--Earth Power that is.


--Oscar has an existential crisis.
--Genesect gets forcibly exchanged for Oscar's Shadow Nidoqueen.
--Shadow Nidoqueen attempts to catch , , and within its Earth Power attack. Earth Power is boosted by Sheer Force but cannot lower the defenses of its targets.
--Oscar's suit

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing