i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
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Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 19:07:45 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
Elaine was not sure why she, of all people, was one of the many called to fly into the final frontier. She was hardly fit for this kind of mission let alone going into space closer to the world-ending meteor.

And yet, here she was, in the spacesuit she had been provided by a company she had once worked with way back in the day. Supposedly, it was fairly top of the line with a list of features in the manual she would rather avoid trying to regurgitate.

Nevertheless, as she now rode atop Ginga's back like usual and continued to ascend alongside one of the spaceships the League had sent up in their centralized decentralized effort, she made her declaration of her first move.

The battle in space had already began and attacks had already been fired.

"Ginga, force down the Rockets' craft with Psychic."

They just needed to outspeed them and break past. At this point, defensive play on her part was pointless. She needed to go on the offense. The moment they fell to the backfoot would be the moment where the League's assault would begin to spiral towards failure.

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Elaine is riding atop Metagross
  • Elaine commands Metagross to use Psychic and pull down the enemy craft
  • Space Detective

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 21:38:07 GMT



“FORWARD,” fernando commands throughout the league’s largest vessel, the SPIRAL.

several orbs of DARK VOID clash against the craft’s nose cone. it rattles with turbulence but maintains its climb as the thrusters push it higher and higher. whatever miasma manages to seep in promptly puts those in the topmost chamber to sleep. but their commander spares no quarter. this is not the same craft as ’s.

it carries their weaponry, their auxiliary systems, and most important, the gaudy arrogance to demand their attention. for its size makes an easy target. one that will be the umbrella that shields those outside and aboard their pokemon.

we have a lock-on. ready to fire.


the outside canon rotates into place. it hones in on ’s ship with the same winding gears used by the dispensers at the SILPH GYM. when it clicks into place, it launches the most dangerous weapon known to man.

not bullets. nor a missile or warhead. nothing so primitive and ineffective. it does one better.

it fires a pokeball.

a mere pebble in comparison to the attacks around it, the pokeball spirals toward the rocket vessel with a burst of speed. at its apex, it opens, tossing fernando’s PROBOPASS into the air. without regard to its surroundings, the pokemon immediately deploys a WIDE GUARD to ensure it has the best chance of landing against possible flak. its MAGNET PULL helps align its trajectory as the pokemon tries to latch onto the ship’s metal hull.

the wide spray-and-pray approach of ’s GENESECT crosses over the PROBOPASS’ flight path, and much like fernando’s ship, the shield serves to protect those under it.

arming excadrill torped—

the command is cut short by the sudden disturbance of ’s CHARGE BEAM. no matter the attack’s accuracy, it proves almost impossible to miss the daunting size of THE SPIRAL. reinforced steel prevents it from puncturing a hole but much like her intentions, the electric attack doesn’t look to break through with brute force.

the cannon needs to discharge the electrical surge. it’ll be five minutes until we can fire again.

no matter.

despite his words, what opens up ahead spells their undoing. data readings on the main console detects an energy spike. just in time for their camera to zoom in on the source: ’s deoxys.

infinity spike detected! it’s using a z-move!

deploy evasive maneuvers.

at the bottom of the shuttle, in the command room, several league members scatter across their station consoles.

we can’t!

the electrical surge has limited our steering!

we’re heading straight into it!


the blackhole manifests. at its center is the collapse of gravity and all life as we know it. this force of nature expands rapidly, giving them no recourse as they charge straight into it.

forward,” fernando commands once more as desperation clings to grinding teeth.

the BLACKHOLE ECLIPSE starts to tear them apart. portions of the shuttle start to crumple inward. screams echo over their comms as they watch their spaceship rearranges its shape. becomes a mere play toy as malicious forces turn this vessel into their coffin.

eventually the line cuts and static echoes over their channel. what was once the largest vessel in the sky becomes one of the smallest in one fell swoop.

the combination of team rocket’s efforts has sunk the league flagship before they even reach the meteor. their underboss levels the playing field from the get-go with the realized power of his newly separated pokemon.

at one of the observation decks at silph co., the room goes quiet. ‘signal terminated’ bleeps repeatedly on the central monitor as many come to realize what this means for their boss, their organization, and most importantly, their home.


that signal!

multiple dots appear on the scaled map of their aerial battle. each one represents a escape pods sputtering off from the rocket’s destruction. some plummet back down, unable to continue their ascent, while one cuts right through the rubble, outfitted with its own personal engine.

it’s time,” fernando mumbles to himself, hand on his arm as his flesh squirms underneath his touch. it activates the same way it had back in team rocket’s submarine.

in the distance, another party approaches.

- fernando is in a large ship with NPCs.
- DARK VOID hits the shuttle. NPCs are put to sleep.
- ship fires a POKEBALL at ’s ship.
- pokeball unleashes PROBOPASS.
- PROBOPASS uses WIDE GUARD while flying toward ’s ship.
- WIDE GUARD may block some of GENESECT’S TECHNO BLAST (sweeping beam).
- PROBOPASS is trying to land on ’s ship. it has MAGNET PULL.
- ’s CHARGE BEAM hits the ship. this causes temporary electrical problems.
- league ship tries to fire another pokeball. ’s CHARGE BEAM prevents this.
- league ship tries to avoid ’s Z-MOVE. ’s CHARGE BEAM prevents this.
- the ship is crushed by ’s BLACKHOLE ECLIPSE.
- after the ship is destroyed, everyone can see multiple escape pods eject. some fall back to earth (slept by DARK VOID) while some continue onward (incase NPC need to be on METENO for pvp).
- fernando continues onward in his escape pod.
- fernando’s arm reacts to WISH TAG. it is beckoning MEWTWO to join (later in raid; he does not ‘own’ it at the moment).

999432 METENO

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the machampion
July 17
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kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noah
noah faber
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 22:20:00 GMT
noah faber Avatar

"pencil it in already, man."[break][break]

would hear a confident noah. there is little that suggests the unsteady current of fraying nerves on him. and yet, the breath thins and shakes.[break][break]

the adrenaline of atmospheric travel punches holes into noah's steely determination. for a fighter so used to a choreography bound to the earth, noah has voluntarily moved beyond his terrestrial choreography.[break][break]

noah sits in his own spacecraft too; it is automated to fly directly upward, toward the stars, but he drives it closer to 's.[break][break]

"gotcha!" he says, in response to . quickly, the skies are pocked by retaliation. as HO-OH casts its curtain of SAFEGUARD, noah is quick to let himself be heard in comms: "rocket's engaging us!"[break][break]

briefly, he swerves closer to . a window slides open before his CHESNAUGHT pushes its arms outward, conjoining them together to form a SPIKY SHIELD as he tries to protect her and her draconic mount.


[attr="class","ooc"] t4gxk077[break][break]
TL;DR noah responds to josh, kyle; swerves spacecraft so that his SPIKY SHIELDING CHESNAUGHT can act as cover if needed for eva.[break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-machamp"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-hariyama"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-medicham"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-chesnaught"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-haunter"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 8:55:46 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




actually getting the idea from , theo finds himself attached to his naganadel, suited up appropriately to combat the extremities they are about to face.[break][break]

they drift down to tank 's DRACO METEOR that collides against nagandel's hardened underside. while it rattles the ultra beast, it does not do nearly enough to deter it.[break][break]


regardless of the mission, theo's role remains the same. he's here to support. it's why, when instructed by the likes of , he holds back on his naganadel, choosing to stick close to team rocket pods while his fellow underboss summons a vacuum.[break][break]

those that stray clear of 's vacuum will meet naganadel's DRACO METEOR. the meteors are scattered like a minefield only to soar towards the league pods.[break][break]




flying outside on his NAGANADEL.[break]
tanks 's DRACO METEOR.[break]
returns DRACO METEOR on league pods that pass 's z-move. [break][break]



[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 8:58:51 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar





Mask on, suit set and ready, and he was ready for the day. [break][break]

The day he could help that something went wrong with the teleportation methods and brought this world to ash where it belonged. Though seeing how that required multiple things going wrong, and seeing how he made sure to prep suits for the chance to get samples of the Meteor he doubt the carnage would hold true. So he does the back up, preps for the future and see just what studying this material could bring them. [break][break]

He is the piolet on his ship up as he doesn't trust others for the flight an landing. And rather use the grunts as the muscle and numbers they were meant to be hired for to begin with. He'll give a simple "Take care of them order," to those in the ship with him. Meanwhile Pryde has installed the Rotom normally in his arm into the ship's system during their take off. Not only for a bit of extra energy, but for cases like these where he would order a PROTECT against those aiming toward his ship. [break][break]


[break]+ Suit References [X] [X] [X]
[break]+ Pryde is piloting a ship up
[break]+ Pryde uses his Rotom in the ship currently to use PROTECT on it against any aimed attacks.


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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 18:46:29 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

A decade ago, she’d lived in the mountains, far away from so many people, training to become a ranger. Back then, she had but looked up at the stars, puzzled by their dazzling gleams and otherworldly appearance as any young woman would have been. They had been impossibly distant, beautiful, and tantamount to a promise of the world that there was more to it than the wide reaches that she had, ironically, felt confined to. Not by fences or walls, but by duty, by expectations.
She had let go of all that and sought to see the world for what it truly was with her own eyes. A lot of it had been ugly, oftentimes even hurtful. And yet, every choice she’d made, every mistake and success, had led here. To space itself. The stars were still impossibly far away. Yet, she was so much closer now. At least it felt that way. Flying in a construct of metals and plastics, a lot of it processed by the cheapest or most readily available contractors, where just a series of unfortunate malfunctions could easily spell their doom. Yet, she could not help but feel in awe by it all.
Of course, she had agreed to come. Even without that episode on the bottom of the sea, she would have gone. But that only added to her reasons. Seeing it now, feeling the strange atmosphere within the ship, all but hearing the void of space behind the droning of craft itself, it felt unreal, but also right. Yet, sadly, as it always was in her life, certain people just could not simply allow her to just be. The League was coming, even though it meant endangering their own lives pointlessly. She sighed. But that was why she was here. And why she had the very Pokemon that the head scientist onboard the vessel had gifted her settled on its hull. “Most important thing is not getting blown up, I guess. Aegislash, prepare King’s Shield and intercept if the craft comes under attack.”

+ -reminisces
- on the main ship
- has Aegislash in defense form having King's Shield ready to intercept attacks




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Jellicent cursed body whirlpool / shadow ball / night shade / hydro pump / strength sap
Zarude Leaf Guard Jungle Healing, Power Whip, Bind, Hammer Arm, Scary Face, Growth
Aegislash Stance Change aerial ace, automize, king's shield, power trick, sacred sword, swords dance
Pallosand Water Compaction Astonish, Absorb, Sandstorm, Shore up, Earth Power, Shadow Ball
Spiritomb Pressure Sucker Punch | Curse | Nasty Plot | Confuse Ray
Mawile Hypercutter Sucker Punch |Taunt | Iron Head | Play Rough | Endure | Hyper Beam (Mega)

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angel, rogue bastard
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 18:53:24 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Today was the day that the craft concealed beneath a tarp in Angelo's hangar, stowed away like a Christmas present, could finally be unwrapped.

He'd recently joked to during a meeting about if the League would ask him to fly into the meteor in some crazy, last resort to save Hoenn.

Funny how things turn out...

Think they'll get upset if one little ship goes missing?” Angelo asks his co-pilot before they take to beloved blue. Weightless words contrasting the grip of his hand, squeezing 's own hard.

Whatever pressure that had settled upon the pilot becomes nothing but background noise, joining the roar of acceleration from the engines, as the turbulent craft pierces into the sky.

It's completely gone at the rebellion of the [ AUTO-PILOT ] switch.

He didn't need it.

This was his domain.

Climbing past clouds and the fray of battle, Angelo's sharp-nosed craft joins the race with a flame spitting roar.

At the behest of his grip on the controls, he spirals them away from attacks peppering fireworks in the sky. Eventually winding up behind THE SPIRAL'S unmissable ass.

Then it tanks its final hit.

Fuck!” Angelo's teeth grit together as his fingers take to the control panel. “Hold on tight!

Emerging from a pokeball outside, Shrike anchors her claws to the craft. Wings rapidly stirring up a furious TAILWIND around them.

There's a pause in tension, like a held breath.

Then they explode forward. Escape pods and debris streaking past the windows like falling stars as fuel and wind work in tandem to launch them cosmos side.

Angelo can't hear the thundering of his heart over the powerful snarl of the engines. Can't focus on potential loss, plummeting from the sky, when the priority remains his and 's own survival.

(Buon Viaggio, .)

The ship breaks out of the mess left in THE SPIRAL'S destruction like an arrow, propelling higher and higher. Faster and faster. Until sharp, aviation honed eyes lock level onto 's ship.

Take them down, baby!

Today was the day he'd steal the stars.



- sharing a ship with skyler
- using pilot skills to manually evade attacks
- charizard using tailwind on team/ship
- out-races spiral's mess like a pro
- aiming to catch up to or overtake rocket

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 20:38:08 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
She'd trust Angelo with her life. Had, in fact, done so on multiple occasions in the past.

It still doesn't alleviate the dread that builds in the pit of her stomach when the glittering cerulean grows distant under her feet, cresting waves fading into uniformity.

Home. Growing distant beneath them.

One would've thought the adrenaline coursing through her veins would've been enough to keep her on task, but the rush was an old friend by now. 

Instead, Skyler finds her eyes gravitating towards the form-fitting spacesuit and how it fit so nicely along the curve of Angelo's butt in front of her.

"Ya know Angel," her voice crackles to life within her own suit, "you should wear this more often. Fuck, that's a nice ass."

Only too late, when an awkward beat of silence follows her statement, does she realize her mistake: the blinking light of the general League comms blinking up at her.

Had she just sent that to the entire fleet?


Speaking of ass - the captain isn't given time to mull the situation over when the SPIRAL's ass abruptly explodes on them.

Their own spacecraft rattles with the aftershocks, steel rattling around them as they dodge flying debris.

Skyler knows better than ignore Angelo's warning; her hands have a claw-like grip on the underside of her seat, teeth gritted as the pilot maneuvers them away from any piercing projectiles.

The engines snarl and they break past cloud and barriers alike. The heart-stopping ascention propels Skyler to lean forward, silver eyes honing in on the approaching enemy craft. Even before Angelo gives the signal, her hand's reaching for a pokeball. And when they line up in synchrony, she's ready.

Claydol materializes outside their ship, its alien-like shape blinking against a backdrop of stars. For a sliver of a second, it almost looks like it belongs.

Then it crashes into 's ship with a mighty SMACK DOWN.

Time to bring these bastards back to the ground. Or into it. 


TLDR: (eep, nearly forgot!)
- Talks about 's ass in the general League comms. Sorry not sorry.
- Approaches 's ship
- Has Claydol use Smack Down on the ship

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wyndon, calar
demirom. pansex.
pro fighter, hitman
show me
where the delicate stops
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
6 ft 11 in (~211 cm) height
you can call me king of the world
223 posts
Cain Toman DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cain
Cain Toman
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 2:29:49 GMT
Cain Toman Avatar
Either fuck shit up or get fucked up.
Just how he liked it, even if it meant being a sitting duck for a while.

Despite the carnage beginning to ensue beyond the walls of the aircraft, there was zero pressure upon his shoulders as he and those seated with him soared further and further into the skies. With a hand outstretched across the neighboring seats to him (if they happened to be taken, then tough fuckin’ luck) as he lounged back with a deep breath, alongside a heavier sigh to accompany it. His head rolled faintly against his shoulder as he peered through the nearest window, tapping his finger with a sigh.

”’Course they fuckin’ will…! Or hope they fuckin’ will, at least,” he cackled, looking across the way towards the blue-haired Rocket. His gaze strayed towards the window once more, and after some thought, he clicked his tongue and lifted his hand, hitting it against the glass.

”Oi! Andrasta, y’hear me?!”

He grinned as the head of a familiar golem poked into view, still yelling through the glass as he looked down once more.

”Give the boy ‘ere a ‘lil bitta help! Protect yer side’a the Rocket rocket!”

Because, y’know, a little extra fortification never hurt anyone.
He’d rather be wreaking havoc, but it wasn’t like there was much for him to do just yet.



  • suhh,
  • andrasta (golurk) is holding onto the outside of the airship
  • andrasta (golurk) uses protect on the other side of the ship
  • lowkey on standby for now tbh
  • ignore the pokemon below oop i'll edit it in a lil bit

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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 3:02:26 GMT

she'll never understand. [break][break]

she'll never understand why rocket is trying to stop the descent of the meteor - or maybe she can, but they don't understand the consequences. wouldn't the landing impact their numbers, too? it would wipe out power, wipe out resources, pokemon, information; life. [break][break]

several years ago, maybe she wouldn't have tried to put a stop; but she has a family, now. she can't afford this. [break][break]

to be frank, she usually wouldn't take a mission this dangerous; but she'd rather do things with her own hands than to sit in anxiety and anticipation with her kids. she already gave them a talking to before she left the house. all she has to do is get home. [break][break]

she's sitting in a pod with , someone who's doubtlessly more experienced in this than she is. there's much happening when the protect comes up, and she can watch a everything is raining down in the endless expanse of space; it's chaos. [break][break]

but you know, space is cold. [break][break]

so out comes a little vulpix in her arms, curious as she watches the destruction in sight. "try to blow a blizzard at the ship, love." and she gives the vulpix a soft caress, as to soothe the little fox before she sends out a chilling BLIZZARD into the dead space. those swept up in the sudden, chilling air however, might have a quicker boost towards it, at least.


- staying in the protected ship, thanks [break]
- vulpix uses BLIZZARD towards the rocket ship; burst of wind can help boost speed [break]
- on standby oh boy



99943 meteno

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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
90 posts
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 4:27:46 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
Staying out of the way and remaining unnoticed was unsurprisingly easy to accomplish for Nico. He made himself look busy, and allowed everyone else to focus on their own thoughts, giving no one a reason to pay him any heed. Most of the blonds thoughts were scattered, drifting over Matthew, his family, flying in space, and of course, the meteor. Nico was the thoughtful sort, especially when he had to separate from Matthew for 'safety'.

But everything seemed to escalate all around them. Although a literal space battle wasn't surprising, a glimpse of something indescribable had sent Nico running for his boyfriend. Luck and careful planning allowed him to find Matthew on the ship relatively quickly, and no doubt, both had the same idea in mind. "We're going to the escape pods!"

Confident that his boyfriend would follow closely behind, they were both two of many that managed to flee the rocket via an escape pod. Nico was barely able to make out the reflection of his own face as he stared through the escape pod's clear windows. Watching a black hole encase the rocket, where they had been moments before...

Nico didn't have many words to say in that moment, but his mind worked to get back on track. To do something, no matter how fruitless... He'd reach for one of the Pokeballs stored neatly against his space suit (thankful that he had the suit as well), allowing Juvon jump out in the pod, ears twitching in an anxious manner. "Light screen." Nico said simply, knowing it was the only thing they could do to protect their pod.

[Summary: Nico went looking for and then fled to an escape pod with him. After escaping the rocket, he sent out his Pikachu to use Light Screen on their escape pod.]
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 4:53:22 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Luka hates this plan.[break][break]

She hates the thought of dooming another world in order to save their own. She hates the thought that if Hoenn somehow survives the meteor, it will someday, somehow, cause the inadvertent destruction of every other universe.[break][break]

Without the wits or wherewithal to think of a better plan, her opinion is simply that the meteor should crash into their planet as intended. And it is, understandably, an unpopular one. Perhaps it's a cruel thought to want to doom other regions, an entire world based on what that man in the cloud had prophesized. But it feels entirely selfish to prioritize their one universe against hundreds, thousands...maybe millions. Playing martyr has always afforded Luka the moral high ground, and she can't help but project that onto an entire region that doesn't want to play the same game.[break][break]

Perhaps she'd be more accepting of the plan to divert the meteor if it didn't seem like a precursor to the so-called origin point. Hoenn is filled with brilliant, wonderful people, all driven to save the region that they love. Optimistically, Luka likes to hope that they can somehow figure out a way to overcome Hoenn's foretold destiny. But if getting there means ending more lives, causing more strife...[break][break]

All she's ever wanted is to live peacefully. And she fears that now, should the plan come to fruition, she won't be able to live without the ghosts of those they plan to doom in sea!hoenn looming over her.[break][break]

And yet, she's still here. Riding in a craft with at the helm, and alongside — she's still considered little better than a rookie after all this time. There's a part of her that clings to the hope that maybe, in the eleventh hour, she'll be able to do something that will divert the meteor and save sea!Hoenn. Maybe, and perhaps vainly, she thinks that if is right and she is tied to Cresselia in some way, the Lunar Pokemon will come to their aid when needed most.[break][break]

But maybe she won't be able to do anything. At least she can say she tried, and at least she can help protect the League on their mission. Because as much as she hates the League's plan, she knows that anything Rocket might want to do with the meteor will be much, much worse.[break][break]

There's already been enough bloodshed and lives ruined. Luka isn't even confident that she can do anything to help, but she maintains a reckless kind of altruism regardless.[break][break]

She watches through the thickly plated window as the Earth recedes behind her. Under better circumstances, she might have been delighted at the sight. Now, it just makes her stomach flip uncomfortably.[break][break]

That same discomfort grows and takes root in the pit of her stomach, blossoming into a full on panic when an ariel assault almost immediately begins. Luka blanches, hands pressed against the glass as 's ship is bombarded, able only to watch in terror as it explodes. A ragged cry stays lodged in the back of her throat, held behind clenched teeth.[break][break]

Her heartbeat only starts to slow when the escape pods burst from the wreckage. She squeezes her eyes shut and thanks the stars, prays for everyone there to make it out alive, and then turns her attention to the Rocket ship that had attacked. Green eyes narrow into slits.[break][break]

"Cupcake. We can't let them get to the meteor first. D-drag them down, please."[break][break]

Her Clefable is well suited to space, arguably more at home amongst the stars than down on earth. Cupcake spins once, wagging her fingers and targeting her Gravity onto the area where Rocket's main ship and it's allies fly.[break][break]

The area ahead in which the Rocket ship looms is suddenly weighed down as gravity seems to increase upon them. Rocket ships and airborne members will (she hopes) feel the heightened pressure slowing them down, dragging them back to Earth.


- luka still wants the meteor to crash into hoenn but doesn't want rocket to get there first[break]
- still looking for alternate measures besides sending it to sea hoenn[break]
- on the rookie ship with [break]
- clefable uses gravity to slow down the frontlining rockets[break]
- spacesuit[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 7:54:15 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]
99943 METENO



🎼 Decisive Battle! (Steven) | Pokémon Masters EX


IN THE SKIES, the divided fleet of spacecraft and Pokemon collide in an aurora of vehemence. Hot trails of exhaust spiral toward the heavens as desperate towers. Trainers on Pokemon contend with these and the sharp winds that surge past their faces.[break][break]

Team Rocket soars ahead of the League, for the INFINITY ENERGY FROM THE ETERNAL FLOETTE powers much of their ships. 's vessel spearheads the mission, accompanied by the ominous umbral plume of her DARKRAI.[break][break]

From her gloomy patron, a DARK VOID is dispersed. The attack soars towards any incoming League vessels as dark, somnal spheres. However, a HO-OH cries, its gilded shriek announcing its arrival. The cardinal red of its plumage slices across the heavens like a red carpet, casting a stunning SAFEGUARD across several League vessels.[break][break]

As one segment of DARK VOID ricochets off of 's CHESNAUGHT'S SPIKY SHIELD, another comes soaring toward them. However, and the gym leader are able to avoid dozing off, for the SAFEGUARD glimmers against the sands of sleep.[break][break]

However, not every ship is lucky to receive the bird's blessing.[break][break]

As a DARK VOID collides with the main ship housing , 's CLAYDOL corkscrews toward 's vessel. A SMACK DOWN smashes into the ship, causing everyone within it, , and to quake in their seats. However, the Nautica Captain would find their ship teetering off course despite the TAILWINDS of her husband's CHARIZARD. A DARK VOID has put to SLEEP, his hands limp against the controls. The SAFEGUARD has spared and her CLAYDOL from slumber.[break][break]

's METAGROSS uses PSYCHIC, her steely mount is able to latch onto Rocket Beast 's spacecraft, slowing its ascent dangerously in conjunction with 's PROBOPASS' MAGNET PULL. His GENESECT retaliates against the meddling, sweeping STEEL-TYPE TECHNO BLAST through LEAGUE FORCES.[break][break]

As a DARK VOID strikes 's METAGROSS, a TECHNO BLAST strikes it. A momentary plummeting occurs before the METAGROSS is awoken by 's GENESECT'S ATTACK, granting her some time to reorient herself, especially with SOME HELP.[break][break]

With 's HO-OH'S HELP, is able to accelerate into the skies with a stubborn OUTRAGE towards 's DARKRAI. However, she manages to collide with and 's vessel. The former's GOLURK fends off the draconic assault, while 's AGGRON protects against a powerful DRACO METEOR from 's SALAMENCE. With the PROTECTION GONE, the vessel is left vulnerable for a moment. An ICE BEAM from 's ARTICUNO strikes the ship, lingering enough to freeze some of the ship's components and forcing the two Rocket men to endure a brutal jostle.[break][break]

In 's vessel, deploys her CLEFABLE. Her pink partner waves its finger to manifest a GRAVITY to pull down any of the front lining Rockets; although, 's main vessel is too fast to pull, she manages to slow and 's ships (where ever Matt may be). While 's vessel manages to stave off an initial deceleration, the continued effect of 's CLEFABLE threatens the Head Scientist's ascent.[break][break]

and , whether they are on ARTICUNO TOGETHER or on separate mounts, weave through shrapnel and flame. The SAFEGUARD provided allows them to soar through unscathed by sleep.[break][break]

While and protect the main vessel, 's ship continues forward. However, the former's CHARGE BEAM joins several other attacks that damn 's ship.[break][break]

When Underboss manifests, his DEOXYS effortlessly conjures a Z-MOVE: BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE. Darke energies coalesce into a powerful vacuum, forcing the ENTIRE LEAGUE FLEET to suffer damage. While 's ship is protected from 's TECHNO BLAST due to a PROBOPASS' WIDE GUARD, the Z-MOVE, 's MEOWSTIC'S CHARGE BEAM and 's DARKRAI'S DARK VOID obliterates it. A stunning explosion rocks through the air. Metal debris scatters across the heavens as escape pods fire out in frenetic patterns.[break][break]

As Underboss tanks several of 's SALAMENCE'S DRACO METEORS, his NAGANADEL responds with a DRACO METEOR of its own. The draconic energy splits apart into several comets that plunge into several escape pods, causing them to EXPLODE in a terrifying, fatal blossoms of flame and smoke.[break][break]

Despite the high speeds granted by 's VULPIX AND ITS BLIZZARD and the PROTECT afforded by 's LICKILICKY, the aforementioned two and will find their craft in critical condition after 's DEOXY'S ATTACK. Similarly, and 's SHIP/ESCAPE POD will suffer the same damage as their engines begin to fail.[break][break]

In the aftermath of this destruction, and are able to fly safely. Unscathed, their BEHEEYEM and GARCHOMP help propel themselves toward the meteoroid.[break][break]

The closer they get to the massive meteoroid, the more thin the air is. Hoenn is but a dot in the grand blue of its surrounding sea from this perspective. From this perspective, 99943 METENO is a colossal stake aimed for the heart of their region. They manage to slip out of the invisible dome's hole: an opening so perfectly shaped for the region's doombringer.[break][break]



AS THE LEAGUE AND TEAM ROCKET NEAR THE ASTEROID, many must rescue each other from failing spacecraft or injured Pokemon. Such complications threaten the integrity of everyone's landings on the rocky, desolate face of 99943 METENO. Alighting upon this barren space rock may evoke an unnerving dread, or perhaps, a detached numbness.[break][break]

To stand upon the very thing that will destroy you and your loved ones is an experience both exhilarating and humbling.[break][break]

Up this far, space acts as your sky. Scattered stars wink among celestial rubble acting as beautiful yet apathetic jewels to your plight.[break][break]

As you, your Pokemon and or your vessels begin to descend toward the meteoroid, a twinkling stretch of crystallization can be seen. It catches the light of the sun, revealing its sharp, brilliant cut and faces.[break][break]

The race against the clock has begun. For the League. For Team Rocket. And for Hoenn itself.


DEPENDING ON THE DAMAGE SUSTAINED, the success of your characters' landings on the meteoroid will be affected. The damage sustained will be reflected in the form of penalties for this round's rolls.[break][break]

You will be instructed to place your character icons on a meteoroid map (link in Discord); however, depending on what happens during this round, I will move your character icons to reflect where your characters end up.[break][break]

Some penalties have been sustained due to characters being in the same ships. The League has also all sustained damage from 's Deoxys and its Z-MOVE.[break][break]

The following League characters suffer a -20 to their rolls:[break]

The following League characters suffer a -10 to their rolls:[break]

The following Rocket characters suffer a -20 to their rolls:[break]

The following characters suffer a -10 to their rolls:[break]

, and do not suffer a penalty to their rolls.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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November 10
Gym Challenger
Rocket Elite
Nicodemus Unken
107 height
107 height
Homie better put your pride aside I’m a Benz and you’re more like a Volvo
315 posts
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TAG WITH @galaxy
Matt Vice
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 17:09:00 GMT
Matt Vice Avatar
Matt was and wasn't surprised at the chaos that broke out. What he did care about was his fiances ship being wrecked. His eyes went huge behind the helmet he wore, cursing as he decided to abandon ship. "Going to handle the escape pods." He grunted to the pilot before he opened the hatch up throw himself out.

As he did he realized Oto, free falling until the bird swooped around and caught him on his back. "Getting Minx." He hisses, using his nickname for Nico in case somehow it was overheard. Oto chawed, as Matt bare backed the bird. "Agility to get us there!"

The bird lit up in white, the two dashing off in a blue towards @nicodwmus escape pod. Once they reached it, Matt slammed his shoulder against the door. "Get out of there!" Matt hollered, trying to be heard but he doubt it could be done. Hopefully this just looked like he was trying to take some leaguer out of the sky than helping them for now.

Also relying on the chaos around to be a good cover. Last thing he needed was Josh seeing Oto- he knew Josh was here due to information he gathered. So that was his biggest concern aside from his partner.

Once and if he was able to free Nico, he would jerk the boy onto Oto's back and instruct the bird to fly under the ship for cover. "We need another way up and a landing spot!"

Tldr: yeeted to help Nico
Using ship as a cover
Plans on attempting to land near/on top of the cave looking area on the map

Using Salac berry to reroll
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 22:26:46 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

as attacks were incoming, darkrai’s attention homed in on head ranger ’s articuno and 's ho-oh—but it was satisfied by the explosion of the league’s main vessel, turning its focus instead towards meteno as they accelerated closer.[break][break]

the head scientist’s attention was also poised ahead. the wild jostling of the ship only fueled her determination and she glared through the windshield. having silenced alarms that might’ve sounded as their defenses weighted themselves on the hull, she was unaware of riding atop the ship.[break][break]

the sky began to darken, until they were surrounded by stars, and looming just ahead was their would-be doom.[break][break]

”prepare for landing!” she commanded and , pulling up the nose to slow their descent as safely as possible. meanwhile, darkrai shrouded the ship in a protect.



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[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole" style="opacity:0.2"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-minior" style="opacity:0.2"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z" style="opacity:0.2"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-metagross" style="opacity:0.2"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-beheeyem" style="opacity:0.2"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing