i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Elly, El
December 24
Hammerlocke, Galar
Galarian Ambassador
Rustboro Captain
darling, so share with me
or pain if that's what it is
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
i long to stay where the light dwells to guard against the cold that i know so well
2,902 posts
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TAG WITH @elise
Elise Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 3:40:32 GMT
Elise Calcifet Avatar

Giving the brunette young woman a nod over their efforts to clean up the tapestries and the chamber, the royal starts to go down the wooden stairs with her Gardevoir following her outside of the Hammerlocke vault until they get outside through the heavy double doors where the warning bells rang through the streets and her comms bringing the news from about the two threats and sticking together to take them down. Seeing the presence of an armored orange looking Zapdos crushing the barricades being put up like they were made of paper and the Gigantamax Pokemon attacking on both sides, she returns her Gardevoir back and sends out her trusty Noivern mount.[break][break]

“Let’s fly, Minerva.” The princess gets onto the large Noivern’s back as Minerva screeches and takes off into the air. Circling around the orange Zapdos, Elise gives a command to her flying bat dragon. “Deal with this threat with Air Slash!” A screech came from the bat dragon as her wings launch crescent-shaped sharp waves of air to try to divert the bird away from destroying the protection that Hammerlocke had.[break][break]


30 + 15 = 45

@rustedsword [break][break]


- Leaves the vault once cleaning job is done (but not before giving a little nod for a good job).[break]
- Warning bells sound and then gets Pax's message from league comms.[break]
- Gets on her Noivern mount after switching out Gardevoir when she sees Galarian Zapdos destroying the barricades.[break]
- Directs her Noivern to use Air Slash on the fighting kicky bird. (primary action)



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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
299 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 5:45:06 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
So far things were looking pretty advantageous for everyone. Vanilla was excited to actually be soaring above the air here. It was so quiet despite the chaos occurring beneath them. She held onto Cauli with baited breath, keeping an eye down across from them as the town was beginning to establish itself from the ruins of nothing. The poisonous globules around the places would cause the steel frames exposed by the destruction to emit loud creaks as they'd come crashing to the ground, with the poisonous masses dribbling across from them. "At least I'm safer up here." she said to herself, keeping her eyes peeled to the ground while Hammerlocke below them had continued to be cleaned up.

Suddenly, her spectacles caught onto something. An orange blur that was racing across the lands in the direction of the Hammerlocke gate. She furrowed her brows, clenching onto her Altaria as she's pointed at the shape. "We gotta make sure the others know. Let's get going, Cauli!" The Altaria dove down as Vanilla held on during their descent as she began to shout to anybody who could hear. "Something's coming this way on the Western gate! Be ready for anything!" she called around while several people began to run. Alarms blared as she nodded at as he made his way away. She continued to move on until the shape in the middle of the station would caused Cauli to come to a stop as they both marveled at the gigantic Charizard that had appeared before them. "Wh-What the hell is that?!" she asked aloud, her Altaria still hovering in the air as she swung over to help the others dealing with the Charizard.

"Alright, Cauli! Let's go all out to help out!" she said, pulling up her sleeve to flash her mega bracelet. With a lone Altaria evolution stone, she'd activate it as Cauli would grow out its plumage, pushing Vanilla up as the teen would still clutch onto the cloudy quills. Now fully mega evolved, the bird would begin to swoop around the Charizard as its owner pointed at the Charizard. "Dragon Pulse!" The Altaria puffed up before blasting the target with a Dragon type.

- Spots Galarian Zapdos rushing towards the gate
- Flies around to warn people, tells
- Suddenly spots the Gigantamax Charizard while still midair
- Activates Mega Evolution to MEGA EVOLVE ALTARIA

IbP2QLtH + 15

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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
1,565 posts
Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 17:23:01 GMT
Callan Young Avatar
(OOC: Will do my editing later. I'm going to bed.)

Under Callan's watchful eye, the barricade construction with Sheba Inoue progresses. Unaware of the looming danger, he meanders too close to a toxic muck pit. A venomous appendage lunges at his face. His Ninetales, Yukianesa, is preoccupied with solidifying structures, and doesn't notice the impending danger. In the nick of time, a Delphox's psychic wave repels the sludge, slinging it beyond the barricade where it slumps back into its toxic puddle.

"Close one. Thanks for the help," Callan gestures towards , holding up a casual two-finger salute. "Mind lending a hand with the rest of the barricades?"

The day wears on. Volunteers, under and 's guidance, stream out of buildings to the bustling streets. Improvised checkpoints begin to take shape across the city - crude, but resilient barriers made from steel, wood, barbed wire, anything that can withstand the imminent onslaught. As fortifies the outskirts, Callan sends others down to keep watch.

Callan relishes the chaos. The problems to solve, the constant focus demanded of him, are a welcome distraction from the tranquility that would otherwise force him to confront his thoughts.

When dusk descends, their efforts pay off. has cleared the sludge from Motostoke Stadium and the train, thanks to Navy, Melody and Tsubaki, has been halted. Callan leans back against a barrier, lights a cigarette.

As darkness seeps in, Callan stands alone, his cigarette adding a small plume of smoke to the gloomy surroundings. His comms device crackles abruptly, "We're under attack!" A civilian's panicked voice echoes in the night air.

Callan was prepared. His decision to station patrols around the city wasn't just for defense - it kept communication lines open, maintained order, and instilled a sense of duty in the citizens. Crucially, it gave them an early warning system.

"What's the situation?" Callan shouts into the device. "An armored Pokemon is attacking with a horde of those sludge creatures at the Southeast Gate!"

Before Callan can issue orders, a colossal Garbodor emerges from the train station, transforming into a towering titan of trash. "Everyone in the Pokemon Center, now!" He barks into his comms. As panicked voices and hurried footfalls echo behind him, he sends out another message.

"Everyone, be advised, hostile Gigantamaxed Garbodor at the train station, and an armored Pokemon with a sludge army at the Southeast Gate. We need to divide and conquer.

I'll distract the Garbodor. I need two trainers to join me and flank it with a Psychic or Ground Type move. The rest should head Southeast and repel the army."

Callan turns to Sheba, "Come with me, bring your Delphox."

As they make their way towards the threat, Callan calls forth Bowie, his Toxtricity. The creature bolts down the incline towards the train station, using its internal toxins to amplify its speed. Upon reaching the Garbodor, Bowie belts out a loud TAUNT to draw the monster's attention away from the city, giving their team the chance to attack from behind.


Salac x1
Total: 50(+10)

- Thanks for helping him out with the sludge hands.
- The patrols Callan established alert everyone to the Zapdos and it's army, as well as the Garbodor.
- Callan suggests splitting their numbers to deal with both. He needs two others to join him to take down the Garbodor. The rest will go to the front gate.
- He asks to join him with her Delphox.
- He heads down Southwest to the train station and his TOXTRICITY uses TAUNT on the Garbodor to attract its attention away from the Pokemon Center and the residents, to leave it exposed from behind for an attack by the other trainers.


[googlefont=Playfair Display]·
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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 18:24:57 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

As the child's face disappeared from the window, Ruby realized something: She almost looked like a younger Opal. Something was off about the face, yet it was still familiar enough to give Ruby pause. She shook her head and slapped herself on the cheeks. This wasn't the time to be a sentimental dumbass; she had weird poison hands to fight.

[break][break]Warning bells rang out, and an orange Zapdos rushed the city walls with an army of sludge-controlled Pokémon. Immediately, trainers commanded their Pokémon to attack. A destructive beam of Z-Power fired into the crowd of enemies, and Ruby turned her head to its source.

[break][break]Huh. Not bad, .

[break][break]To the north, a Venusaur emerged from the unclogged Power Spot and grew to a gargantuan size, the petals of its flower elongating and drooping over its body like a protective cover. Ruby glanced back at all the attacks firing into the oncoming army and decided the gates were well in hand.

[break][break]"C'mon, Delphi," she said to her battle-eager Garchomp. "We're going after that Vensaur."

[break][break]Delphi scraped an impatient clawed foot across the ground as Ruby climbed onto her back, then launched into the air and soared toward her new opponent. Ruby directed her to land nearby, and Delphi crouched into a battle stance, only to be engulfed by the light of her Ultra Ball. She flashed Ruby a betrayed look before she vanished.

[break][break]"You had your turn. Arachne, you're up!"

[break][break]The Araquanid chittered as she was released onto the field. Above, flew on his Charizard, spewing down a vortex of fire. The guy playing knight, , was trying to get the Venusaur's attention with a glowing Aegislash. Time for Ruby to do what she did best: kick some ass.

[break][break]"Savage Spin-Out!"

[break][break]Z-Power shone around Arachne like a golden flame. She turned so her spinneret was facing the Venusaur and fired out high-velocity silk. The Gigantamax Venusaur's size meant she wouldn't be able to fully encase it, but she'd take whatever she could get. Once she had a hold on the beast, she let the silk pull her back toward it, spun around in mid-air, and chomped at whatever part of the Venusaur's body she could get at.

hrhKKn7T +15




  • Silently compliments 's move
  • Goes to help with the Venusaur
  • Araquanid uses Z-Move Savage Spin-Out!


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 21:26:19 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Are you—Tat!” he exclaimed. Boy, doing that all at once and spreading himself too thin was a nightmare. Now, he knew that everyone was going to be lasering in on whatever else they were doing, so he sighed…

“Sorry, Tat… I let you down.”

Regretfully, he recalled the Gardevoir. But that was the only respite he was about to be granted, because the sounds of something large-ish crashing against the barricades near the city limits drew his attention.

(Thankfully he didn’t notice the gigantic Charizard because the crashing noise was getting louder.)

Having swapped to his shiny Braviary to take the short cut to where the barricades were holding—for the moment—he realized that whatever this thing was attacking the defenses also brought backup.

“…right,” he continued as he leaped down for a landing, switching out and recalling the Braviary (whose sole purpose was to ferry him towards the gates as fast as possible) before realizing that…

Heroic deeds, right?

He had just the thing… however there was going to be a bit of a problem. Shame he couldn’t ride on the cranky one’s back yet… so this would temporarily have to do for now. For the moment.

Reaching into a hidden pocket, he produced one of the four remaining feathers and began spinning it in his hands, before deciding to go all-out against the incoming horde of poisoned Galarian Pokémon that were following the big… kicking thing. It… looked like a landbound bird of some sort?

“Never thought I’d see the day that a bird was stuck on the ground, but here we are,” he laughed with a bit of a crass edge in his voice as he then pointed the purple tip of the feather towards the incoming blitzing… thing… that looked ready to ram the blockade down should it not hold.

In addition, he’d made sure to click a certain Cherish Ball open as discreetly as possible, and lo and behold guess who made their appearance from the beam of red light—the Wandering Stormbringer himself, one of the Djinni Four Three from home—


Turning to face the miniature weather ‘deity’, he wondered if the other could understand him… he rather liked to guess that the other could, but then again…

“Time to put that thing to test—no, not the extremely powerful one, the other one! You know…” he trailed off while wringing his other hand as he braced for whatever impact…

Raising his arms high, the beast on the weather cloud then brought forth a chilling Bleakwind Storm towards the incoming kicking bird… and whatever horde was following them from behind!


• Hammerlocke(d) and loaded, time to fight the horde!
whoops, maybe try not to do everything yourself next time Alex?!
• Gardevoir recalled, swapped for Braviary to transport towards the gates where the giant kicking avian is and recalled Braviary upon arrival at the Black Gates
• pulled out one feather and pointed it towards the incoming horde of poisoned Pokémon and their equally-crazy leader
• also discreetly summoned Tornadus, who then used Bleakwind Storm in an attempt to stop the incoming hordes!
• feather usage this round: one
• Salac usage this round: one (I ain’t keeping that abysmal four roll!)


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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
890 posts
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Jun 6, 2023 23:24:13 GMT
Shred Avatar
Your aimless wandering eventually gets you where you need to go - Or rather, where you need to be. You're close enough to the walls that you hear the commotion, the sound of hundreds rushing towards what remains of the city, battering against the hastily-built barricades. Well, well, well. Seems you've finally figured out what "heroism" you're supposed to be doing, haven't you? Then there's no point in lingering here any longer. It's time to get to where you need to go.

It's a quick sprint to the walls, and when you stand upon the rampants, you get a pretty good idea of what's going on. It's sort of like a riot, isn't it? This mob of rabid Pokemon is akin to a group of common hooligans, looking to raise hell and cause trouble. Well, you're hardly one to criticse on grounds of rowdiness, but the situation does necessitate a little hypocrisy. You're going to have to knock some heads to get out of here, and if that king has the right of it, this is the way you've got to go about it.

You can feel Slither Wing bristling by your side, practically overflowing with anticipation. Yeah, enough timewasting. Let's see, who are you picking a fight with first? Eenie, meenie, minie--

--Scratch that, actually: You're going for that bird. It's giving you the same vibe that the Moltres did, and that means you have to put it in its place. No need to rush, bird. You're going to get knocked out, just like the rest of this chaff.

"That one, bud."

With that word of confirmation, Slither Wing launches forward as though its been let off its leash, surging towards Zapdos as it aims to make a good First Impression.

TL;DR - Jack Sabbath and Slither Wing go to the barricades, pick a fight with Galarian Zapdos, and hit that yoinky sploinky First Impression.


56 + 15 = 71 Total.
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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,891 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 1:38:43 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
A melting pot of INFINITY ENERGY and purple dragon energy coursed through Shalin at the peak of Sandy's song. The wing run wasn't as nearly as chaotic as it was with the Beedrill and Yanmega she had practiced with, but it stressed the sync she had with her Flygon more by virtue of the greatly increased frequency the green dragon had exposed her to. The wings once again became visible as the Power Spot's venomous cork shattered open from the combined efforts of and Shalin's bond. "Holy..." she gasped as the raucous ride came to a stop, providing the girl with an opportunity to catch her breath after being flung around faster than the eye could see.

Shalin dizzily peered into the POWER SPOT, unable to see the bottom of it. Unfamiliar with the type of power it bestowed upon Pokémon, she at first had her Flygon back away after hearing the commotion on the other side of Ballonlea. No reins, only trust. If her trust in the Flygon ever wavered for even one moment, the very wing she sat on would shred her.

The Venusaur that emerged from the POWER SPOT grew to beyond titanic size. She had never seen anything like that before. Even if it wasn't corrupted and flailing about madly, getting on such an enormous creature would be physically impossible for her. She liked many of her larger-than-normal Pokémon, but this one was simply too big.

"Got you covered, Gwyar!" she shouted, reaching for her Yanmega's Poké Ball to prepare the use of the loudest boom her team knew how to produce: Flitting Fortissimo. There was just one problem, though: the INFINITY ENERGY was still flowing between her Flygon and her suit from the maddening shaking it allowed her to withstand. There was no way she would be able to deactivate it in time, freeing up the energy for a Z-Move prior to the Gigantamax Pokémon whipping Gwyar into oblivion with perhaps an even louder bang than Shalin was capable of creating.

She had little choice.

Once more, she wrapped her fingers around the edge of her Flygon's wing and held on with everything she had. The tonal shifts of Sandy's BUG BUZZ were trying for her to adjust to before, but it was possible for her to manage her balance due to how steady she kept the frequency. Rather than vibrating her wings in song, she would be doing so in pure destruction. "COVER YOUR EARS, EVERYONE!" the girl shouted loud enough for those nearby to hear her, including and . She was still shaking a bit from the first wing run. A second risked overloading and overpowering the bond she had. With no time for her suit's energy to discharge, she instead felt she had to unleash it all at once.

"Sandy... BOOMBURST!" she howled with the BRAVEST face she had ever put on, the SYNC STONE within her suit gleaming a brilliant green.

Hoenn's wildest Pokémon rider would be put to the ultimate test of her title as Sandy's wings again disappeared, their hum turning to a shriek. Even Shalin's eyes were forced shut. She wondered what the Master of Faster himself would think if he saw this. The flutter became so fast that layers of sonic booms built on top of one another every time the wings reversed direction, her presence on the wing making them even louder and more potent than they had any right to be. Shalin was by now completely invisible; even the Flygon's main body was visibly shaking from the recoil of the already powerful sonic attack enhanced to terrifying proportions.

Even with the power of her suit, Shalin was terrified. Every other time she had used her suit to do this, she had felt a sense of euphoria, even in the heat of battle. This BOOMBURST, though, was simply too fast for her to handle at the level her bond with her Flygon was at. As she sensed the line of energy between the two fade from a lack of metaphorical fuel, the insectile dragon ceased the sonic assault, slowing her wings to a subsonic pace and very gradually to a stop. What little exposed skin showed around her suit was filled with reds and whites, the bewildered and barely-conscious Shalin rolling off the Flygon's wing. With her suit only protecting her from the sensory overload, she could not meaningfully see, hear, or feel anything.

Her efforts better not be in vain.


- Shalin peers into the Power Spot and catches her breath after the powerful attack she put as much effort into as her Flygon did.
- Seeing normal power isn't enough, Shalin pushes her SYGNA SUIT's power to its limits by remaining seated on her Flygon's wing mid-BOOMBURST, its power enhanced by her reckless BRAVERY.
- The vibration proves too intense for her to handle. She holds the enhanced Boomburst as long as she can before her Flygon feels the bond run out of energy.
- Her suit is forcibly deactivated due to having only enough Infinity Energy to function at a basic level. Shalin loses meaningful consciousness.

{WC: 751}
{PC: 5}

NAME            SPECIES           STATUS 
Shalin          Human             ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit            Yanmega           Good
Sandy           Flygon            Good
Queen Zing      Beedrill**        Good
Treble          Kommo-o           Good
Lathiel         Type: Null        Good
Levy            Milotic           Good

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 2:47:30 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


It is empty.
Far too empty.
The silence whispers of solitude, and their realm appears as a canvas untouched by the brushstrokes of existence. No floating islands are found, no whirlpools or upside-down waterfalls— nothing.
For it is still so eerily empty.
The Malevolent finds little solace in the familiar isles that slowly come into existence with each subsequent visit of hers, for they weren't here before. They serve as further proof that this place-- wherever they were-- wasn't real. "Is this another simulation..?" She muses aloud, sharing the intimate thought with her sole confidant. Some things never change- even in simulations. Even in other universes. Even in different timelines, maybe.
Giratina shares one of its thoughts with its avatar when she makes her final trip back, warning her of the pools of toxin and their supposed connection to its sibling.
The ringing of the bells heralds the imminent arrival of the Zapdos and its army. Katherine merely eyes the beast with a disinterested stare, having reconciled that, in the grand scheme of things - this likely means very little.
They were only here to glean as much information as possible. Nothing else.
The Pokemon that takes to the stage is her Nihilego, a creature all too familiar with dealing with poisoned and enthralled creatures. It shines a bright DAZZLING GLEAM in an attempt to blind the nimble bird, hoping to disrupt it in some form.


- in motostoke[break]
- distortion realm stuff happens - she questions if this is another simulation before giratina mentions its sibling[break]
- comes back in time for zapdos to appear[break]
- releases nihilego to attack it with a dazzling gleam[break]
- 2 salacs


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]··
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 4:09:26 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]With a few hands dealt with, Biscotti was starting to feel more at ease. These things weren’t too bad as long as you keep a yard or two away. Just when he was getting a rhythm, the whole place’s vibe changed.

Suddenly, the world is chaos. Monsters screech in the distance—the calls wet like a dying person’s gurgles. Or, at least, what movies made that sound like. A thousand different voices echo over the comms all around him. For a moment, Biscotti froze in place—like some stupid, ultra-realistic ice sculpture. Then, a wad full of gloop landed at his feet. It splashed on the toes of his flat tennies, melting the plastic.

With a jolt, the brunette ran away from the sea of possessed Pokemon and their leader. He’d kick himself for it later, but he was just a kid and that was a whole fricking army.

It wasn’t like he could fling cupcakes at them! As his breath escaped in harsh puffs, his eyes caught on the shape of a Mega Altaria in the sky. And, on it, he saw Nilla. It was at that moment he realized he’d heard her too. He tightened his hands into fists until they bled.

If a fourteen-year-old can do it, you can too. Stop being a chicken. With a resolute nod, he followed Honey eyes widened like saucers as a roar shook the ground beneath his feet. That bravado evaporated like smoke on a windy day.

In a panic, he pressed himself tightly against a wall as a giant monster swept into view. With the Gigantamax Charizard just an alley away, it wasn’t like he could run. Not unless he wanted to be lizard toe jam.

Its head turned toward him as his sister flitted about its head. It reminded him of that Velociraptor scene from that old dinosaur movie. If those lizard things were like three stories tall.

Returning his Pokemon, he tossed out another one. Ground stuff should work, right? Rock beats fire? From it, a Tyranitar—Rawr—emerged. “Hey, buddy. Ready to help out Nilla?” Scotti’s voice was a harsh whisper. The dragon stared down at its trainer, obviously unimpressed. With an awkward grin, Scotti pointed toward the fire-wreathed dragon. “Hit that thing with a Sandstorm and a Rock Slide!” Up went the dark dragon’s brow. A growl rumbled deep in its chest. Scotti clapped his hands together, bowing. Please?”

The kaiju snorted. But it assented. With a roar, the Tyranitar stepped into the alleyway. Its eyes flared blue as its ability summoned a buffetting cyclone of grit and dirt. On the heels of this, a handful of giant boulders rained from the sky, intent on giving the Charizard a goose egg.


  • Watches the army approach in slack-jawed silence
  • A fireball exploding next to Biscotti sends him bolting like a scared rabbit
  • Finds himself staring up at the Gigantamax Charizard
  • Tosses out his Tyranitar who kicks up a Sandstorm before using Rock Slide

wHjXKHCO + 15


[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #D7262B; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,711 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 5:20:48 GMT




he has seen enough of them to know what they are. he takes note of the ones that are defunct and pure black, however, and tries to COLLECT a few of the crystals, both functioning and not.[break][break]

"we should head back."[break][break]

because the last thing he wants is for the night to descend and for them to be stuck in an awful place.[break][break]

he is proven correct when they near MOTOSTOKE once more only to find it being assaulted by an army of POISONED GALARIAN POKEMON.[break][break]

the sight reminds him of kanto; of how many cities faced invasions like this one; of how he led a few of them.[break][break]

surely, something or someone must be leading this one, too.[break][break]

he looks around, searching for them as he fights an internal battle of whether to partake, to help, or to stand aside.[break][break]


"they need our help."[break][break]

they—galarian peasants, league forces, whoever.[break][break]

"we'll hit them from the side and disrupt their advance. hopefully, that buys the others enough time."[break][break]

for what exactly, he's not sure.[break][break]

"on my mark."[break][break]

his naganadel lets loose a damning screech that forebodes what's to come.[break][break]


from high above, DRACO METEORS rain down that look to reduce the army to nothing more than scattered squads.[break][break]

wsyNPqNK +10[break]

- with & [break]
- attempting to collect Z-CRYSTALS both functioning & the defunct black ones[break]
- heading back to MOTOSTOKE[break]
- approaching from the EAST[break]
- backup is here[break]
- flying on NAGANADEL[break]


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 9:02:35 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]After all that's said and done, she's back in the pokecentre, hiding in a corner away from the public eye. Though it's probably only been a few hours, the lack of notifications on her phone makes her twitch. Despite the ticks being displayed beside each message, none of them seem to have reached or . She hadn't caught sight of them at the stadium, and they aren't the kind to ignore her, so what other possibilities does that leave?[break][break]


Eyes bright as ichor rest upon her, slender arms pulling at her hands as she's forced to look at her own mess. A dull pain eats at her fingers, the skin around her nails raw and red from all the incessant picking.[break][break]


There's barely a moment for her to breathe her thoughts into words, the pixie turning their gaze towards the sliding doors as the chime of bells resonate through the walls. It's unease drawn from the depths of her heart that will fill the gaps between them, a mind running wild as it tempts her to get up and make her way outside.[break][break]

Wild screeches tear through the air, the ground shaking under her feet as she looks up towards the barricades to see the angriest overgrown Torchic bearing down upon them with an army in tow. There's no time for any elaborate plans, no time for her to consider what might happen if she doesn't act. Her strides aren't big but she still does her best to run for the walls, nearly tripping over herself but just barely catching herself each time.[break][break]

Three brave heroes are already doing their best to thwart the threats, the might of their companions crashing against the never-ending wave of invaders. And here she is, panic rising by the second and threatening to choke her as she watches the Lake Guardian zip on ahead of her.[break][break]

"Aim for the leader!"[break][break]

Perhaps, her input is unnecessary. Perhaps, Mesprit is simply following her whims if only to see where it might lead them. Hidden by the chaos of the battlefield, a Mystical Power sweeps from their presence, the brunt of pressure directed towards the Zapdos in hopes of cracking the armour they don.


R_GkdQT3 (+10)[break][break]
✧ Trying to text and but gets no response...[break]
✧ Hears the bells, goes for the barricades with Mesprit[break]
✧ Trying to hide in all the chaos...[break]
✧ Mesprit aims MYSTICAL POWER at Zapdos and their armour
[attr="class","adrie-note"]goodbye galar

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]

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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 17:25:36 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

Muzzle opened wide, razor sharp teeth clamped down on the mysterious hands that reached out form whatever hell they came from. Thankfully, Maverick’s SHADOW HISUIAN ARCANINE handled it the best it could. The psychic fang doing its work, breaking and crushing those greedy fingers. And despite the first appearance of their job being handled and things being under control, it seemed that this was only the beginning.[break][break]

A suddenly alarm rang out, nearly startling the brunt scarred man and his current companion. A low rumbly growl rattled in the canine’s chest, dark gaze fell upon the direction he could sense things about to get nasty. Screams and chatter began to rise, the ex gym leader learning quickly about what was attack their defenses. A black armored galarian zapdos with an army of toxic controlled palarian pokemon. This wasn’t the end either. Apparently, a poisoned pokemon came crawling out of the power spot. It’s big and deadly. Great. What else could go wrong?[break][break]

Quickly, Maverick leaped onto the back of his canine. Akaza let out a series of grumbles, shifting his weight. “Right,” the man responded in the communication device, “I’ll be there in a minute.” It wasn’t hard to find them, he could see the darn thing from where he stood. A tap on the creatures side was all it took for the arcanine to sprint forward into a feverish run. Maverick holding on clumps of dark purple fur as they raced towards the nearest target.[break][break]

The sight of the massive charizard was unbelievable. Crimson colored orbs spotting the few already on seen and swiftly joining them without a word, only action. The man leaped off the back of his arcanine, the man faced the new target. “Akaza,” the man mumbled over the roar of the massive charizard, “Think you can handle this one.” The shadow hisuian arcanine emitted a veracious snarl, lips lifted to reveal his pearly whites. “Good. You should have an upper hand here. Go. HEAD SMASH.”[break][break]

Without a moment to lose, the big lion dog thrusted himself forward towards the new foe. Eyes filled with determination, head lowered as it became hard as a rock. And thanks to his ability rock head, this formidable rock type attack will do the most damage to it while not receiving any recoil damage in return. That is, if he magmas to hit the darn thing. It looked tough.[break][break]
|tOBmyic +15


[attr="class","bottom"]@teamzacian at route 120.[break]
1 salac berry used. team hammerlock. maverick heads to the big azz charizard. shadow hisuian arcanine uses head smash on it.[break]

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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]·
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castelia city, unova
gym trainer
10 height
10 height
hello world, i'm your wild girl
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 17:51:12 GMT
athena oswald Avatar

"Heh! Yer right— s'not bad."[break][break]

Thanks to herself and , the tapestries are clean. Athena has never been the community service type, but there's a certain amount of satisfacton that comes with a job well done. She doesn't accept just a nod though, and grins as she offers Elise a full on high five for their efforts.[break][break]

Whether it's received well or not doesn't really matter. There's nothing much else to be done here, but before they leave she pulls out her rotom phone and snaps photos of all three tapestries: the two that are legible, and the one that's been destroyed. Who knows- it could come in handy later.[break][break]

And just as the last photo is taken, bells chime and warning shouts ring out over their comms. Fully invigorated by the prospect of another fight, Athena jumps to her feet and springs into action, a wide and almost fanatic smile on her face.[break][break]

As soon as they descend the stone steps, she swaps her Totodile out for Stoutland again. Hopping on the dog's back, the pair races towards the more exciting of the two fights— the grounded Zapdos that charges on the city.[break][break]

Ash doesn't know much about the Kanto legendaries, and frankly doesn't care to. The fact that it's running rather than flying might be interesting to someone else, but all she cares about is the fact that they can reach it easier. With hands buried deep into plush fur, Ash spurs her Stoutland on faster and faster as they advance on the bird that threatens to destroy every barricade put up by the townspeople.[break][break]

You can teach an old dog new tricks, but if it ain't broke, don't fix it. As such, they repeat the technique they'd used with ting-lu not long ago, even though it feels like ages. With a snarl, Stoutland latches onto the Zapdos' leg with a powerful ice fang— if they're lucky, perhaps the ice will spread enough to root the bird in place.[break][break]

+ 15



in hammerlocke. after taking a picture of the tapestries, athena's stoutland attacks zapdos with ice fang.


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December 2
Aspertia City, Unova
Picking up the pieces
But I, I will, go on howling and hollow
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TAG WITH @ashley
Ashley Shepard
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 18:11:17 GMT
Ashley Shepard Avatar

Someone was patching into Ash, and he recognizes the voice. "Selena?" It was heartwarming to know that she was here too, and despite everything, he could rest just a wee bit easier now, as his shoulders slump down. Though they seemed to be outnumbered, a fact Ash knew all too well. "Yeah, I copy. I'm here with my partner keeping him safe, but we can try to rendevous on your position?" He looks to Kep affectionately.[break][break]

And it would be a sweet moment, but for just a smidge of a moment, as it seems the warning bells sound out, and Ashley's eyes are thrown to the entrance to Hammerlocke. And a bird, massive thing, comes running in with an army behind it. Poisoned Galarian Pokemon no less.[break][break]

"... Selena? Yeaaaaah... you wanted updates, well... Big Bird just brought the world's worst Sesame Street rendition knocking on the door." That was probably the most apt way to put it, and as he felt himself staring, he can hear a roar from the stadium, and his face goes paler. A smidge paler, anyways. "... looks like the stadium has something going down too. Saw a lot of Leaguers there, so that'll probably be their problem. Engaging Sesame Street."[break][break]

As he moves to mount Haku, he holds his hand out towards Kep, intent to have him mount with him.[break][break]

"Wanna fly with me, babe?" A loving smile on his lips, he intends to have Kep fly in front of him. "Old friend of mine showed me how to ride a Yanmega way back when, and Dragonites are a little easier."[break][break]

If nothing else, the duo could make a much easier time to work together if airborne, and Pluto should be able to match speed. They would be able to handle Big Bird pretty easy.[break][break]

And as Ashley and Haku take off, flying through the air towards that bird menace, the rider calls out. "Lock'em down, Haku." And with it, they attempt a THUNDER WAVE in an attempt to paralyze and make the Galarian Zapdos much more beatable.[break][break]

otEJxOx7 + 15



- Ash patched in to Selena, gives her the 411 of where he is. Closer to Galarian Zapdos.[break]
- As Big Bird comes with Sesame Street, he updates Selena to give her an idea of what he's doing.[break]
- Holds hand to Kepler to let him ride on his Dragonite with him, intent to take on Sesame Street.[break]
- Fly. Thunder Wave to lock their leader down.[break]
- Man, they're flying. It'd be real shit if I rolled low.



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2023 21:58:26 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

For a moment there's a sense of relief as the power spot is finally cleared of its poison and reveals a small tunnel underneath. With their work done Kaz was almost tempted to jump into the hole with until hell broke loose. In a literal fashion on the phrase something crawled up from the depths of the tunnel before them, a charizard who only seemed to grow with energy and in size as it breached the surface, its whole body caked with poison splotches and blisters as it roared to new life as a giant.

Others were quick to attack or come to the scene of the fight and kazimir was no different. Even his armarouge was gearing up for another attack as it aimed its cannon hands right at the large beast. "Don't let up everyone! Let's make this showy and blast him away like fireworks!" with those words echoing through the stadium and even any comms that could pick him up the armored knight aimed high and unleashed an aura sphere right up into the dragon's face to try and blind it even for a moment. whatever advantage they could get on this thing was needed if they wanted to beat it back down from where it came.

-[location] HAMMERLOCKE
-happy with a job well done
-too soon to celebrate tho pog
-yells to encourage everyone!
-uses aura sphere against the poisoned gigantamax charizard to blind its eye

f8x13A7c +15

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing