i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
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1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 20:08:00 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]What was the sum of a lifetime? One's actions? Their choices? He was a completely different man at the sum of twenty years. He'd aged, grown his hair out, smiled less, and in many ways was both more wise, and without wisdom entirely. He ruminated these thoughts as the mist of his eyes were set alight from the glow of the behemoth blade. The struggle of the gods waned until the sky shattered, consuming them both.
fatigue consumes him and he drops the steel of a blade, sinking to his knees, then finally to lie on his back. A huff next to him reveals the delphox has done the same, and together, they watch the story unfold in the sky. The cheers of those they'd come to known as neighbors, and friends, fill the somber air with something greater. Tears fall freely, but so to does laughter. Even as the world around them fades and becomes nothing more recognizable than splotches of ink, Greyson laughs.
He 'wakes' to the patter of rain fall. The feeling of deja vu permeates through him and, without his permission, fingers rise to dab the soft flesh of his cheeks. Tears. Why had he been crying? His mind remembers.. glimpses of something more; an experience that lingers on the edge but never quite goes over. He remembers a poem and a strange history, of laughter and grief. Faces without names; names without faces.
His head lifts at the howls. He watches them leave, pride filling in his chest from... something. He couldn't explain. Part of him wanted answers to these mysteries, though something deeper told him not to press. What lies beneath that veil, he feels, would change him forever.
He approaches the rusted shards and picks them up. A braclet, shaped like a crown of flowers but made with a material that reminded him of something.. alien. It comforted him. To his left, Delphox was looking equally mystified. A flick of the tip of her wand and PSYCHIC energy latches onto those fragments, whisking them away into the tuft of her fur as Greyson smiles appreciatively. He steals a glance at , once full of anger unending, but now... he felt only appreciation. Happiness. He couldn't explain that either.
A glance is spared for , , and so many more. They settle on and still he finds the flames of anger surge, but where once it was a wildfire, it now barely fanned. He'd explore that one. He needed to.
"Come," he instructs the fire-type, "we have a report to make."
"After I call Mom."



thank you shiv for a brilliant raid! that was an insane amount of work, and beautifully crafted storytelling to loop it all back to the raids from... years ago!
[break]- cries and laughs to a life he'll have forgotten he once lived[break]- Feelings for people have changed[break]- Brings out his braclet of teleport (dead and unsable) + pockets some RUSTED SHARDS


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
angy houseband
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 21:06:27 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

He knew it was better to stay out of bigger things that didn’t directly involve him—just like the words that a certain person had told him before they’d all ended up in this strange place…

‘Then we should both stay away.’

Maybe, in a way, was right after all.

(Was he going to admit that outright, though? Not initially.)

The scenery around them fluctuates wildly, like a television trying to catch a signal before being swallowed in a horrifying burst of static—did he see the path headed to Ballonlea materialize for a brief moment; the one place he knew he’d seen in the current Galar where he’d been once, with and William the (mushroom-licking) Wooloo.

William… wait, how did he remember that all of a sudden?!

Before he could dwell more on that shard of thought, fact of the matter was that there were two absolutely monstrous things ripping each other apart in some demented, endless cycle. It reminded him of a certain symbol, of a particular animal eating its tail in a seemingly endless circle.

Something had to give, right?

Maybe it was a good thing he’d already made the cloud-man dedushka into his gigantic size, because the energy fluctuations in the air were seemingly driving both colossal Pokémon to madness. It was just… this was far too much. How was he going to remember everything?

The last coherent thing he heard was a loud howling—along with the reappearance of several other people, miss among their number. Where had she run off to?

The next coherent thing he sees is that it’s already nightfall, however the ‘realm’ of ‘reality’ is peeling apart…

“We don’t have much time,” he said quietly in Miss Elise’s direction. “Let’s… let’s go to the girls. One last time.”

With that, the fastest way they could get to was sadly not his Gardevoir, but his blue-plumed Braviary. Certainly the girls would recognize that Pokémon of his.

While she says her goodbyes first, he’s busy somewhere in the back—returning once miss Elise had completed her farewells. He noticed that Iris already had the longsword in her hands; giving Peony the bow and arrows would surely spell disaster, and he bit back a hint of a smile.

“Iris, Iris, Iris… you know how I promised you and Peony that I would not lie to the both of you?” he began quietly, looking around and making sure the younger of the siblings wasn’t snooping.

“I’m afraid this is the one time I’ll have to break that promise. Me and your mother, we’re… we’re not coming back. But—don’t despair,” he soothed the older of the two; she looked ready to shout at him.

“I have a surprise for you.”

From behind his leg peeked a Rufflet—however this Rufflet didn’t have the same vibrant plumage that his Braviary did.

“Remember Kyouya, my Braviary? Well, that rascal had kids. Two of them… one for you, and one for your younger sister. Iris, listen to me. You’ll be all that Peony will have moving forward. You… and the two baby birds. Her Rufflet hasn’t quite hatched yet, though. I can trust you to take care of them?”

He had to stop for a few moments to rub at his eyes. No, he was a grown man. No, he was not going to cry…!

(Too late, he absolutely fucking did.)

“We taught you well, your mother and I. I can trust you’ll teach Peony when she’s old enough… to use these. Because we won’t be needing them, where we’re headed.”

At these words he unslung the bow, and the quiver of Dragon Hammer-infused arrows, before handing the weapons to her as well.

Even though he had a momentary flare of panic at the heebie-jeebies the sight of the two Misdreavii caused (well, fancy that), at least the two would be ready for anything with their Pokémon companions. A… a specter and a proud avian of the skies.

He couldn’t help himself but ruffle Iris’s hair once he was done explaining what the older of the two girls had to do, moving forward.

“You’ll survive. Survive, and thrive. Remember us.”

And then the ‘world’ finally peeled away.

The next thing he saw, when he blinked, was the blurry vision caused by torrential rain.

The sight of two canids—how strange they were, one was holding a fucking sword in their mouth and the other had a mane that looked like a shield—staring out at them before disappearing to whoever the hell knew where, he looked over at miss .

“We… have a lot of shit to talk about,” he began—blinking in momentary surprise because—he didn’t sound like his old man anymore, how—he was back to the present day, to twenty-nine and fearing the deadline that lay around the corner… his scarf, drenched through and through and stuck to his soaked clothing.

“But… but not now. Maybe. Maybe when we’ve recovered somewhat from this… entire thing.”

Little did he realize that the compilation of notes of the time they’d spent there; the same ones he’d agreed to scrawl as the years passed in that version of Galar, was on his person, all folded up neatly in an inner pocket of his jacket.

“I guess… we’ll meet again, Miss Elise. Hopefully under better circumstances.”

Kyouya the Braviary was out, and ready, to take him back home to the Sanctuary—even if it was seemingly just a quick fifteen-minute walk from where they were, it felt like ages since he’d seen, breathed, just processed everything in Hoenn.

First things first…

It was time to get the hell home, to where he really belonged.

In my arms through the long cold night
Sleep tight, you’ll be safe here

When no one understands
I’ll believe,
you'll be safe
You’ll be safe, you’ll be safe here, ooh ooh

Put my heart in your hands
You’ll be safe here

Back to where… to where his world; the entirety of his universe, the keeper of that one last piece of himself was waiting for him.

• due to what’s happening, he starts remembering more and more of the present-day world
• little clapback to the start of the entire thing, where he’d left because of their argument
maybe the Frog was right, after all… staying out of bigger things not directly involving them…
• Alex.exe spent the entire first half of what went down watching in silent shock. Is he going to be able to remember all this? Somehow.
(insert the entirely self-indulgent farewell scene he has between the two kids him and Miss Elise adopted, including leaving two Rufflet for their protection as well a.k.a. they get 2 starter Pokémon each from her and him)
• testing one, two—they’re back. He’s 29 again and back on the clock…
• communicates with Miss Elise that they should meet again, after they’ve recovered from this entire o r d e a l
and it’s time to go home, to where he really belongs
• hi Frog, fancy something of a meeting when he gets home?
• his memento from ‘Galar’: the compilation of notes through the years, the two of them agreeing to be each other’s memory keepers of the world; which also includes snippets of those twenty years Iris and Peony you two better do us PROUD

@tags up there as mentioned

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Jul 3, 2023 23:41:33 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

AS the armies, Hoenn and Galarian alike converge on the behemoths above, the ZACIAN returns to land the battle ending blow. It doesn't kill either of the monsters. Not quite. But the battle ends as NECROZMA retreats with ETERNATUS. Paxton watches, relived but also...sick, uneasy. This didn't feel like the end. He nearly collapses to the ground in relief. Coni, still in her mega evolved form, moves to help him stand. How long had they been working for this? [break][break]

The cheers are deafening. Night falls, and the stars are allowed to shine now that the glow of the battle between ETERNATUS and NECROZMA is over. He stares up at the sky. The constellations shift and he feels like he's learning a missing piece before his eyes flutter shut and he and Conibear slump on the ground as the world seems to fade like the dream it always was. [break][break]

Paxton wakes up with a start, sitting up and nearly choking on noting inside his helmet. His body is soaked with rain and his eyes need to adjust to his new surroundings. His helmet- he hadn't worn it in years- is back on his head and he's- he's home. The officer is off kilter trying to readjust being awake. The HOWL of the legendary dogs captures his attention and he watched them go, breathing a short pant as he gets up. [break][break]

He's still wearing his wedding ring. Engraved wit ha strange date and a couple of pretty symbols. But Paxton doesn't notice. He moves to the aid of his comrades. " ? ? ?!" Paxton moves to their side, trying to find them amongst the confused bodies and getting ready to help them make a break away form the scene, should Rocket begin to clash with them once more. He would sort himself out later.


+ @many taggus |i dont htink paxton lost any lpookemon but i need ot double check MY ROLLS [break][break]


- memento: wedding ring with engraved with the date they got married and a flower [break]
- wakes up panicked and confused [break]
- goes to find penny ollie and gunner [break]



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march 21
debt collector
chaotic stupid, i'll get used to feeling useless
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TAG WITH @parker
parker jones
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 1:02:51 GMT
parker jones Avatar

despite it all, these had been the best years of her life. twenty-five years before and she hadn't lived, not really. she never knew love - and not just nomi's, but gods, she's never loved anyone like that before either.

hours-long dinners filled with laughter and chatter. rarely was there ever silence, especially with the likes of and and all in one room together. and on the sidelines, trying and failing not to laugh, until a little bit of drink break down the rest of their crumbling barriers. 

and longer days on the field, hurting, battered and bruised. taking nasty hits protecting the walls. fighting, by herself like she's used to. but when those bruises start disappearing, when she can take more shifts, she realizes why.

how some of those blows meant for her are getting deflected, how the people beside her are protecting her, and she them. even without realizing it. years of these corrections, this shapeshifting, until it becomes instinct. 

she knows them as well as she knows herself and she's never known either before this started. 

it's the ending that she forgets first. it's the slumbering weald, the dazzling vision of titans fighting up, up in the heavens. it's the joyous peace and the sweeping relief and nomi's face, smiling so hard it hurts. it's her arms, circling her, picking her up and twirling her and thinking we're okay, we're okay, we did it, we did it

their companions are still on the field. there will be time, later, to rejoice with them. to share drinks and celebration at and 's cottage. but now?

parker holds a palm to nomi's chest, noses her pink hair. her eyes are closed when the world's outlines start blurring. rain patters on her head and she rouses, drawing back - not too far, never too far - and she is seized, suddenly, at the watercolor landscape around them. 

the fog rolls in.

"wait, i - nomes? nomi."

and she forgets minute details.

's f̸̢̢͎̤̟̟͓̟̓̈́̓a̵̭̰̣̠̦̦̤̟̜͍̕v̸̨͇̆̈́͝ͅo̵̭̗̝͎͉͕̣̘͆̈́͜ͅr̵̛̭̤̩̱̊̃̅̉͊̂͆͂͗̇ȉ̴̟͖͍̍̽̉̌͛̉̀͌̿͛ẗ̶̢̠̮͍͓̭́͂̈ë̴͖̟̻ ̶̢͉̲̱̤̞̬̖̒͛͋͑̚̚c̴͓͇̭̎͋̿̀͌͝ô̷̢̼̟̈̔̍̾̎̚͜͝͝ḽ̴̨̱̦̩͙͐͌ȯ̶̥̹̞͓̈́̈́̑͒͛͘̚̚͜͝͝ȑ̵͎̰̩̺̖̦͙̲͋̊͘͝. 

her horrible ā̸̛̛̤̻̈́̏̓̄͛͝t̷̛̞͕̲͇͈̩̩͚͉̞̤̔̄̆͐̒̕ẗ̵̢̛̼̖̟̱̪̣͉̬̘̻̀́̈́̽͛ē̸̱̹̝̲͖̦̎̾̔̆̃̑̆̕m̸̛̺̦̜̟̀̎̾̈p̵̡͕͇̤͚̦͔̩̀̈́͋̎t̸̹͚̘̙̘̘͓̲̙̘͊̅ ̶̧̛͎̜͂̆͌̒a̷̗̥͓̖̣̰͐͜t̷̺̻̞͎̦̜̝͐͊̓̂ ̴̡̧̹͕̠̘̣̈́́͐̐͋͘b̵̧͇̝̗̘͆͋̽̍͐̓͗̀̋̽̋ȩ̸̧̮͕̥̫͑̒̈̎͝ͅi̷̙̜̤͉̦͕̝̲͊̅̔̓̌̋̕n̸̪̥̤̟̮͍̼̖̠̬̰̒̀̑̂͗͠g̶̛̙̹͖̹̼̣̙̺̓͊͜ ̶̡̖͉̥̝͚̯̣͉̬͍̇͊â̷̡̹̰̌͘̚ ̸̧͘ẅ̸̞̿͋͑̋͊͌͝i̵̡̟̗̬̜͉͎̅͌̎n̸̩̼̹̥͈̲̤͚̯̝̅̾͗̽̄g̸̯̙̝͎̳̟͂̌͑̚̚͠͝w̷̺͓̣̯̱͙͓̙͉̹̍̾̔̈́̊̈́̂͘͠ȯ̵͍͔̞͕͉̪̹̥͈͗̈́́͛͝m̷̤̼̂̎a̶̢̨̢͖͉͖͐͂̌̓͐̂͠n̷̨̲̭̠̬̓̇̿̆̆͊͌́͐̚̕ for

that stupid p̵̨̢̼̱̭̤̬̟͉̑̍͋́̕ǫ̵̡̤̯̫̹̹̆̃͂ẹ̵̩̰͇̾͂͒̑͑̾͒͋͜͜͝m̸̠͔͇͇̗͚̜̥̬̐ ̶͕̈́̿̿̆́̈́ş̴̨̛̘͉͙̤͇͋͒̉͝͠ḩ̶͇̬̭̠̌̂̆̇̓͠e̶̥͉̟̺̠͍̎̾̃̓ ̸̦̱͚̤̲̳̞̇̕ŵ̷͇̭͍͙̘̘̺̿̂̀̉͑̅̊̚͝r̷̹͚͛͋̽̈́̽o̶̢̖̹̊̄̊̓́̐͑̂̀̇̒t̶̳̥͈̞̻̎́̂̈̆͛́̍͘ĕ̸̬͓͈̥͂̓͆͒̀̿̚͝͝ to make fun of

an understanding, a r̵̢̠͔̦̦̭̖̮̗̫̞̃̇̏e̶͚̖̰̘͑c̷̠̠̑̀̾̍̿͘͝ơ̸̛̛̛͉̩͐̈́͂̊̂͘͜n̷͙̖̹͖̳̻̱̰̈́͑̽͑ĉ̸̛̟̖̟̫͇̜̥̣͎̪͆̋̀̐͝͝ͅi̷̧̽̆͠l̶̛̪̤̮͖̮͎͖͕͎̝͒́̐̂͊̚͝i̵̙̲̭̝̩̘̯̘͎̔ͅa̵̧͈̘̦̥̪͇͖̼͗ͅẗ̶̡̧̛̹̗͉͈̭̯͓̔̾̒̆͝ì̷̧̺̭͎̱̤̣̞̽̄͐̚o̴̳̝͈̖̹̦̒͊͂͂̄̎͠ǹ̵͎̭̻͈̫̮̥͐̓̿̿, with

they had a strawberry cake at their w̸̡̛̲̖̮̞̗͓̟̬̔̈́̓̂̚ę̸̗͔̻͉̪̱̠͊́͂̂͐̈̚͝d̸̛̦̼̀̓͆͆̿̾͛̍̕d̶̪͛̔͌̄͝i̸̧̨͖̰̩̺̜̓́̀̊̒͂̆n̴̗̻̲̼̫̫̘̼̖̑̀̒́́̕͝g̵͉̈́̎̐͗̐̚

s̶͉̔̌̽̈́̄̕͝͠h̵̺͑̈́̓̏́͒̏ę̵̢̛̦͒̾͂͗̒̆́͒̐͜͠ ̸̥̬̺̖̬̘͚̦̫͙̊̏̄̍͋͑͐͝l̷̰̰̒̀͌̽ŏ̷̼̦͍̒͒͋̈́̈̿͜͠v̴̨̛͇̙̤̖̦͓̰̥͈̓́̎̇͒͂̓e̸͈̰̽̔̄̐̾̆̐͗s̶͇͊̆͂̀͊̄̃ ̶̧̲͚̾̓̂̑̓̕͘͝͠n̷̡̖͔̙̺͍̺̘̬̰̠̒̈́̎̋̈́̇͌̒͘o̴̟̗͇̎̋̈́̈́͋͒͊̓̀̕̕ͅm̴̢͎͙̏̀͒͋i̸͔̦͑̎̀͛̇̍̾̈͒̐͘͜.

l̵̖͉̠̟̗͓̹̣͒͋̓͊͗̾̍ơ̵̙͓̬̘̬͔̣͎͋̾̃͆̇v̷̡̡͍̠̆͑̈̚ḙ̵͈͑͆̋̏́̎̌́͠š̸̯̞̲̞̻̪͛͐̔͘ ̷̢̢̗̜̀͂̌͆͗̍͒͘͘͠͠n̴̨̞̾̀̇̒͝ơ̴̢̢̦̺̬̪̗̹̟͈̔̇̓m̷̧̟̱̜̩̐̾ͅͅi̶̡̡͕͎̋̍̑͑̎͝͠͝.̷̤̾͑͛̆̂



her lashes flutter. she wakes, disoriented, with one hand clasping something around her neck. the other is clamped around someone's wrist. she shifts, blinking away dreams, and then startles straight up. 

her shoulder twinges. where are my g̶̭͍͉͎̙̐͒a̸̳͖̺̼͇̜̅̈̂u̸͙̫̽̍̌͂́̉n̴̨͂͊̃͠t̸̼͓̏l̶̘͉̖͍̰͙̼̘̋̃̃̚͘ę̴̬͓̱̠̭͓͎̮̓͒t̴̪̫̯̗̞̖͒̂̉̈́͆͘͘͘͝͝s̵̨̢̭̥̰̣̱͉̤̲̘̎̓̇̈́͝? her what?

there are more pressing issues. fuck, they're in the middle of a battle between two legendaries. she and nomi had been on her way to the tomb when -

"nomi?" the hand around nomi's suddenly makes sense. she releases her, feeling odd, and gives her shoulder a shake. others are waking up around them. "nomi, wake up. i think we all...won? and then took a nap?"
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 1:54:01 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

In the slumbering weald, a Zacian emerged. Not an illusion. Not a vision.[break][break]
A real one. The real one.[break][break]
Nomi watched with wide eyes as it attacked Necrozma, throwing it to the ground in a burst of cosmic light, its legendary sword slicing through the Black Knight's body like a knife through butter. The storm raging around them began to fade, and finally - finally - a portal began to form. An exit. A way out.[break][break]
But did she want to leave? Did any of them actually want to? When faced with the opportunity to follow after Necrozma and its Skeleton adversary into whatever realm lay beyond the newly formed wormhole, Nomi realized that for the first time in her life, it wasn't some new discovery she was after.[break][break]
She merely wanted to stay by 's side.[break][break]
When her wife grabbed her and pulled her close, Nomi closed her eyes and laughed into her chest, their bodies fitting together as perfectly as ever. Rain fell, and Nomi glanced up - vaguely registering the bright constellations winking down at them, then meeting Parker's eyes: those captivating, stormy, fierce, never-give-up eyes.[break][break]
"Parker, we won! I -"[break][break]
The mist curled ominously around their ankles, groping fingertips caressing weary flesh.[break][break]
" - love - "[break][break]
The blurry faces of , , , , , , everyone...rejoicing...but also fading. Bodies she did not recognize littering a bloodstained battlefield. Rain she could no longer feel.[break][break]
" - you."[break][break]
Nomi opened her eyes.[break][break]
She was lying half-twisted onto her side on the cold, hard ground. Everything hurt, especially because something pointy was digging into her abdomen from within the pocket of her jacket. When had she fallen? Did she trip on her way to the tomb?[break][break]
Someone was holding her hand - gently, protectively - until they suddenly weren't. The abrupt loss of contact filled Nomi with an overwhelming loneliness, and she looked over to see staring at her with the strangest, slightly-dazed-slightly-uncomfortable expression.[break][break]
She regrets coming here, Nomi thought sadly. And could she blame her? Dragging her into a violent battle with volatile, ruinous Gods was only one of the many horrible ways Nomi had shackled Parker to Rocket. To her.[break][break]
We were happy, a part of her insisted. Happy when? She blinked, confused.[break][break]
"What happened?"[break][break]
Nomi ripped her eyes away from Parker - looking at her made her chest ache for some reason - and searched their surroundings for imminent danger and found...nothing. No legendary beasts of any kind. Just Valerian, Parker, and many others - the League agents and Rockets who had gathered by the Ancient Tomb - each and every one of them seemingly waking from some sort of dream state.[break][break]
Had dream mist intervened with the battle that had been taking place here? Or was this DRK Triad mischief? Nomi frowned.[break][break]
Reaching into her pocket, intending to pull out the Pokeball of one of her Unown, Nomi's hand encountered the object that she had fallen on: square, small, sharp edges. A notebook? She pulled it out, perplexed. She had not intended to bring any of her journals to the battle. Had she grabbed one anyway?[break][break]
She flipped to the first page.[break][break]
And a drawing of a cupcake with a heart around it.

[attr="class","tag"]GOODBYE GALAR: RUSTED SWORD


Nomi is wearing black tactical gear with a black mask, her pink hair tied up under a hat[break]
Thank you for an amazing raid, Shiv!



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,384 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 2:26:48 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he doesn't bid goodbye to anyone. it wouldn't matter in the end. he'll forget about her and she would cease to exist. though they won, he felt defeated.

priam sits on the ground with his arms across his knees, holding his head down as he listens to farewells and other chatter. a tap on his shoulder brings himself to hold it up. this is where she sees her.

'good morning.'

"it's night."

'hehe, i know. here.'

"what the- my hair's fine as it is."

'you look better when it's pinned up like that. more room to see your face!'

"why are you here?"

'i just wanted to say goodbye. you told me the prophecy meant you'd be going away after this.'

"but you aren't real."

'well, you are to me. anyways, you keep my gift, and i'll keep yours.'


'i'll miss you too! that's it, then. i'll go leave now before i get too teary-eyed. have fun, and take care."

" too."

day x / month x / year x
"▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯."

day x / month x / year x
"▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯."

day x / month x / year x
"▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯▯▯▯▯▯ ▯▯."

fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck. fuck.

a stinging feeling puts a strain on his head. it's something that has been alien to him for the longest time, his brain having blocked out all signs of it.


it's an emotion that he hasn't experienced for the longest time, having convinced himself that it's something else every time it happens. it's similar to being left by his friends in rocket, but this time, he wasn't ready.

awfully weary for no reason, priam finds his way out of the cave, taking the time to exit while the crowd was busy with their unexplained emotions and the tera crystals of the cave.

as he get out, he feels weight on his side. "this isn't..."

it wasn't the pocket knife he always brought, but it was too light to be used as an actual dagger. he wonders where he got it from, but he shrugs and decides to keep it as his souvenir anyways.

"oh, shit. cool stuff!"

he forces optimism out once again, but it required more effort regardless of how much he has numbed himself from other emotions.

the cold touch of rain doesn't bother him either, but more so now than before. his hair was clipped back after all, preventing it from drooping and covering the face that was to be remembered.

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • priam goes home with a throwing knife!
  • also hair clip



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October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
I'd go through hell
to hold your hand
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,478 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
Michael Navidson
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 4:41:42 GMT
Michael Navidson Avatar


Goodbye is the hardest word a man can say. The need to say that word is one of life’s few true inevitabilities. Lord Navidson isn’t ready to say goodbye when Zacian emerges from the Slumbering Weald to end this. He’s swept up in what happens next. Sleeping in far away Motostoke are children expecting him to come home – children he couldn’t bring himself to tell goodbye.[break][break]
Twenty years have passed and he still hasn’t changed. He never told Gabe goodbye. Not properly. Needles pierce his heart and fill him with terror that this is it – that none of this mattered. He mounts his horse. Valkyrie’s blank face says nothing, but he senses finality in her strides. Riding up to Melody, he is frantic.[break][break]
We have to get back to Motostoke.” His heart beats a mile a minute. “We have to get back to Crystal and Raphael.” He sweeps up whether she likes it or not. There is nothing faster in this gathered army than the king’s steed. He spurs her on, back to where he thinks he belongs.[break][break]
And, in the end, his attempt is fruitless. Sleep takes him as it does everyone else. Lord Navidson, Pale Rider of Motostoke closes his eyes.[break][break]
Navy wakes up in his own life under a dark sky. Half-lidded eyes adjust to the light. Twenty years pass in a heartbeat. All the love and labor forgotten in the momentary confusion. His first thoughts as he shoots up drift between two women – Melody and . Tsubaki was caught in the explosion of the tomb. While people gather their wits, he grips the ground and pushes himself up.[break][break]
His fingers are cut on black fragments of the hero’s sword, which he thoughtlessly slips into his pocket as he runs towards the tomb. Screaming for her, he looks for the girl may well have killed in the collapse of the ancient structure.[break][break]
Crystal!” He screams, only to stop stock still. Seizing up like he’s been shot, he grabs at his head with bloodied fingers. Memories surge. Fragmented things, like the remembrance of a vivid, neverending dream.[break][break]
Baki!” Navy corrects himself. “Tsubaki! Tell me you’re okay!” Eventually, she is found. He calms down. Hugs her. Cries, he’s so happy that she’s okay. There will be things to do soon.[break][break]
League Officer he may be, but he’s low on the totem pole. That gives him time to breathe. People like , , and will be expected to make their reports. For now, he’s sent back home. Back with Tsubaki.[break][break]
That night, he drinks alone. It’s the first drop he’s had by himself in two months. As he sips on the whiskey, he feels something in his pocket. Out comes a wooden figurine, Zacian cast in miniature.[break][break]
Hanging from her sword is a letter.[break][break]
Navy opens it with trembling hands. [break][break]
It’s almost time for mother and you to go home, isn’t it? One of the others told me the stories. You are from another world. I wish that I could go with you, but I suspect I can’t. I’ll miss you. You’re a strong man. You’re always willing to go fight so someone else doesn’t have to. It’s lonely, being the one waiting on you. I won’t deny I hated you for that for the longest time. Don’t forget mother. Don’t forget Aunt Tsubaki. I’ll take care of Raphael. I just have two requests…[break]
Keep mother safe. Enjoy your life. I know you won’t stop fighting, so protect the people around you.[break]
Stay vigilant, father. I love you.
It crumbles to dust in his hands when he finishes reading it, yet the figurine remains. He sobs long into the night, but her words steel him. There will be more fights. This gentle rainy night is but a respite. While the scars left by this dream will remain, old grudges from this life will return.[break][break]
Another battle comes, and he resolves to be ready.


+ tl;dr
Tries desperately to ride back to Motostoke with Melody before waking up[break]
Pockets rusted shards as he runs to the tomb.[break]
Finds Tsubaki.[break]
Owing to the fact that he is only a gym leader, he is sent back to Dewford for now instead of immediately being told to file a report.[break]
That night, he drinks and discovers the trinket left to him.[break]
A small hand-carved figurine of Zacian made by his daughter, Crystal.[break]
Reads the letter attached, which crumples into dust.[break]
Daughter tells him to stay vigilant and protect those he cares about.[break]
Cries, resolves to keep up the fight.



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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,504 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 9:23:41 GMT



everything disappears in the blink of an eye.[break][break]

one moment, he's fighting for their survival, freedom, and victory. the next, he's kneeling by some tomb he does not recognize—it's a tomb from a different life, perhaps.[break][break]

but with the downpour of rain comes memories, and with it, realization.[break][break]


she is the first he calls out to. the ease with which he's able to move and look around is appalling. he feels young.[break][break]

his heart sinks at the sight of . he scrambles to her side, mud ruining whatever attire he finds himself in.[break][break]


"this isn't right..."[break][break]

"we need to leave."[break][break]

- THEO brings back a his HAND OF THE QUEEN PIN


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blue, murk
october 29
goldenrod city, johto
lost dog (defector?)
death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit.
323 posts
blue murtagh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @blue
blue murtagh
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 15:19:32 GMT
blue murtagh Avatar


[attr="class","star2"]The high of their victory is short lived. One moment, she’s turning to look at with triumph in her wild grin. It’s almost reminiscent of her younger self, fresh off the adrenaline of a successful go in the ring. There’s fresh aches that’ll hurt worse tomorrow, the sting of blood from a cut lip. But she grins anyway, mouth opening to make some snarky remark about he didn’t do half bad for an old man.[break][break]

Then the world goes to pieces. Her mind must not be able to handle the shift, because it’s a whir of blurred color, and then total darkness.[break][break]

She rolls up to her knees as her hands find Theo’s forearms when he slogs through dirt and mud to reappear at her side.[break][break]

Hazily, she blinks as she tries to process what he’s saying. Her head is fuzzy with ringing static. The sort of dull throb she knows will last for days in some sort of post-combat hangover. “Theo?” Her face screws up as her vision refocuses, and then it registers that something is blocking her vision. Her..?[break][break]

A hand lifts away to travel up her face, and the intricately designed eyepatch comes away in her fingers. The eye that had been blinded her first years in Galar stares down at it just as clearly as the other. Then her vision snaps back up to Theo. Hoenn.[break][break]

“We’re—?” Her head rotates from side to side on a swivel. Around them, scattered across the route and the ruins are others coming to in various states of confusion and disarray. It’s still all so vivid for her, though. And when her stare meets that of her closest companion’s, she knows it’s the same for him.[break][break]

Something squeezes in her heart so suddenly, though. Urging her to get to Slateport. She shuffles it to the side for a moment, though.[break][break]

For him.[break][break]

The smile that had been dawning across her face at being returned to the right place in time fades as she watched him. His voice doesn’t sound right just then. Younger again, yes. But a note of discord that she can’t ignore. Can’t leave alone. Staggering to her feet, her stomach heaves from the disoriented feeling that persists. Blue swallows it down. “Okay, yeah. Of course. Let’s get you home, yeah?”[break][break]

It’s the sort of soothing cadence Blue would’ve never thought herself capable of. But she owes it to Theo, for all of the times in the last twenty years that he’s scraped her off some floor and brought her home. She won’t forget her loyalty so easily.[break][break]

She refuses to.[break][break]

+ it’s owie hours now [break]
+ has a now useless eyepatch, it’s fancy I guess?


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[newclass=.rouxcredit]align:right; color:#AB4646; font-size:10px; text-align:right; padding:10px; [/newclass]
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 16:20:18 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

When victory rises in chants and cheers, it comes across as less of a jubilation and more as a last hurrah, breathless and defiant, before darkness comes to kiss the shore.

Skyler lowers her axes, panting, and casts her gaze towards the heavens. Fatigue weights heavy on her shoulders, and she fully embraces it because it also feels like hope. One that she’d kept alive all these years through sheer, bullheaded stubbornness.

(She’d found a home here, in Circhester, but in her dreams she still hears the hissing of the waves on a beloved shore. Desperately clings to the memory of summer sunlight caught on her skin. Finds her eyes crossing an endless cerulean blue. When she awakes, she pretends that the tug on her heart and her smothering of it isn’t a sort of self-mutilation. That whoever remains is whole.)

The ground is wracked with shudders, and it calls Skyler’s attention to the quickly fading horizon - the quickly fading reality. Somewhere in the distance a lonely, snow-dusted cottage in caught up in the undoing.

Skyler casts her eyes about the battlefield, catching sight of some of her dear friends - , , and further away an embracing and . She feels her heart clench painfully; though this dimension had ultimately been a prison, these were the people who’d made it bearable. Livable.

Beloved, even.

She knew she’d bleed for them, she’d kill for them. She’d stand guard to their well-being and safety until there was no breath left in her. Skyler didn’t know how to to things by half measures, not even in this. They were hers.

“We should throw a welcome back dinner, once we get home.” Her calloused fingers find the spaces between ’s, squeezing tightly. She only notices the tears when she blinks them from her eyes, causing them to tumble down her cheeks. But her mouth is a hopeful smile. “Think our Sotally Tober apartment will fit everyone?”

Twenty years, they’d waited.

No more.

- - - - - - - -

There would be no Welcome Back dinner.

Skyler tries to hold on. She’s a fighter by nature, struggling ferociously against the rising fog when it comes to steal her memories away. But this is no foe she can brute force into submission - this is a far more insidious thing.

Events are snatched away, faces get blurry and indistinguishable. The passage of time is turned into that strange dream-like ambiguity.

Skyler opens her eyes - and no time has passed at all. Or has it? Confusion settles in and she catches herself looking for people in the retreating crowd, important people- but who? And why does it hurt?

Shit, this was giving her a mighty headache. “I feel like-”

Blink. The visage of a snow-dusted cottage flashes before her eyes. A roaring fireplace. Laughter and cheer and love.

“I’ve forgotten something, Angel.”


- ty so much for this amazing experience y'all <3
- brought back a wedding ring made from circhester wood & steel. engravings within say 'circhester - 20 years'
[newclass=.skyler] [/newclass][newclass=.skyler b] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler i] color: #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #6592a0; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.skyler a] text-transform:uppercase!important; [/newclass]
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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
776 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 16:33:38 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

The titans battled, attacks were thrown at both Eternatus and Necrozma. For a brief moment it seemed Necrozma would be the victor of their little battle through the aid of those opposing her decision.

But before Necrozma could call calamity down upon them Zacian appeared in all its heroic splendor. With a swing of its powerful BEHEMOTH BLADE, Zacian struck down the enemy. Necrozma faltered to the ground.

Johanna’s gaze turned to the heavens as it began to crack open. And before she had time to register it, Necrozma had dragged Eternatus along with it into the Ultra Wormhole.

"Sadness and Sorrow" ~ Naruto Soundtrack

And with that the battle came to an end. And so did their second life.

The dream began to fade around her. “I guess this is it, huh.” Johanna spoke, letting all the Pokémon that had accompanied her, for those long years, out of their Pokéballs.

Together they all looked at the world slowly fading. Each of them sent their thoughts out to that which mattered the most to them.

Retnauh the Gengar reminisced about all the performances it had done. And as it did, it saw the bright smiles of young and old. It remembered how it would lift happy participants into the air, let them experience for a moment the joys of being a ghost floating through the air. It’s smile slowly faded, it would never get to see those particular faces again.

Shadow the Marshadow reminisced like its fellow ghost about the joys it had experienced alongside Ballonlea’s children. Their pleading eyes as it would knead hard candy into shapes, lollipops and such. It would never get to see those eyes again, never heard their begging, never get to stop their attempts at trickery. A shadow fell over its face as it looked to the ground, a single tear rolling down its ghostly cheek. Just its luck that it would begin to rain.

Dorian the Aegislash’s reminiscing focused on the children, young adults and students of which it had helped train in the martial arts. To think it would never see them swing another sword, slam another hammer, dodge another attack. It sighed sorrowfully, quietly floating to the ground. Weapons could not cry, and so he would. But by Arceus he wanted to.

Ruby the Tinkaton allowed its hammer to rest on the ground. It looked to the sky as it reminisced alongside its friends. It thought of the clothes it had sewn. All the shirts, the pants, and the dresses, among them Johanna’s wedding dress. She would never get to see all the clothes being adorned. Never see the joys it brought. Tears fell heavily, she sniffled as she tried to wipe them away.

Anat the Blastoise too watched as the dream slowly faded, its thoughts returning to the fields, to the hard labor it had done alongside all the farmers. She remembered the smiles and cheers as they saw the fruit of their efforts slowly grow into wheat and other produce. It wanted to stay, it wanted to plow the fields once more. It didn’t want to cry like its friends. But the sorrowful frustrations had to get out. It aimed its cannons to the heavens and let a salute of water blasts fly.

Clay the Claydol gazed on its friends and onto its trainer, and even among the peasants that came to celebrate their victory. To think it would all end here. No more than a dream. What would they wake up to? What state would they be in? Would they wake up? All these questions worried him, saddened him. He turned his gaze to Johanna. What saddened him the most was the life its trainer loved so much would be ripped from her. If it could cry, it would have done so, for her sake.

And as her team was grieving that their dream was coming to an end. Johanna turned to with a melancholic smile on her lip. Pain in her eyes as she drowned in the sight of her beloved wife. The fingers on her left hand went to touch the Dynite Ore wedding ring. Life would not be so cruel as to take this from her, right? Who was she kidding, life certainly would.

“I guess we are finally going home…” Her gaze went to meet with Megan’s. “I… I don’t know what to say….” Another pause. Something told her that time was running short. She had to think of some precious last words for this dream. And yet all she could focus on was Megan.

“I love you.”

And with that the dream came to an end. When Johanna became aware of her surroundings once more, she was standing in front of the Ancient Tomb, Claydol by her side as she had when she was sucked into the Rusted Sword.

She looked around in confusion as if something was wrong, a sensation of grief grabbed at her throat. And yet she felt something clinging to her ring finger, something that hadn’t been there before. Something with an emotional weight she couldn’t quite grasp. She touched it and immediately felt longing. But alongside the longing came a scrambling mess of memories. She remembered tales of old, some prophecies, Galarian history and more. All a jumbled mess.

She began to look for Megan, the one steady rock in her life. And the moment she found her, she would throw herself at her for a hug. No words, only feelings.

Meanwhile the Claydol floated by, also trying to make heads and tales of it all. And as it did it’s gaze caught sight of a momentary sparkle in the grasses. It picked what seemed like a ruined piece of metal up, a keepsake perhaps?

- Senpai writes a very self-indulgent Goodbye for Johanna's Pokemon
- Johanna is also sadge but remembers to say big three words to Megan before the "Dream" ends
- Johanna wakes up from the dream, is sadge, throws herself at Megan for a Hug as she tries to make heads and tail of what she remembers and what she does not.
- Claydol looks around, notices a piece of Metal and yoinks.

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October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 18:42:00 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

"Kazimir, what the fuck are you doing!?", Thomas berated the Emerald Knight. "If you're going to support Necrozma, at least attack the other one!", Thomas continued.

Alas, Necrozma was allowed to win the bout between them. It seemed that avenging this world's Andraste was not in the cards. As it absorbed the Eternatus' energy, and began to charge up for one grand attack, Thomas got ready to face it. Defiant, even in the face of imminent death. If he was going to die, he would die roaring and fighting.

That was, until Zaican, in all of its glory, emerged to cut down the prismatic beast with a Behemoth Blade. It was not only a satisfying sight to the Kalosian, but a breathtaking one. It didn't stop the injured 'black knight' from escaping with the weakened Eternatus into an Ultra Wormhole. Thomas would attempt to fly after the creature, Kalameet firing Dark Pulses at it.

It was all for nothing, as the Necrozma escaped with its prey in tow. Exhaustion brought the duo back to the lands below. The cheers of the saved people caused the aged man to smile faintly, slumping over on the back of his dragon. Thomas stared up at the sky, watching as the stars told the story of the aftermath.

The giant Celesteela and Guzzlord were all too familiar to the Kalosian. Though he was protecting Verdanturf from Silas' final offensive at the time, he had read up on the events that transpired at Mossdeep.

As the world began to fade, Thomas shut his eyes, giving into what would happen next.

Memories of the years he spent training with , the conversations with , and the confrontation with all began to fade, like a dream.

Thomas stirred awake in front of the Ancient Tomb. He was back in the tactical gear he donned for the battle. There were no signs of Chien-Pao or Ting-Lu. He would spot Zaican and Zamazenta, in their 'weakened' forms in the distance, before they scattered into the Region.

Thomas hardly reacted to the rain as it poured down on him and Kalameet. He would feel something in his hand. Opening his clenched hand, he would spot a familiar necklace. One that owned.

Thomas flew off on his Hydreigon quietly, heading back home to Verdanturf Town.

notes: Thomas chastises Kazimir for protecting Necrozma
Thomas is disappointed that Necrozma won, gets ready for a last stand
Thomas watches in awe as Zaican strikes down Necrozma
Thomas doesn't resist the change of realities
Thomas wakes up on the back of Kalameet
Thomas notices he still has the necklace belonging to Andraste
Thomas looks up to spot Zaican
Thomas flies back home on Hydreigon quietly

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December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
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TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
Shred Zeppelin
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2023 21:06:32 GMT
Shred Zeppelin Avatar
It all comes to an end. I have the dubious privilege of watching it all play out, to the bitter end. From the moment that the hound is resurrected, to its decisive blow against the Black Knight, to the tyrant's retreat with the Skeleton in tow. I watch it all play out, and all I feel is a growing emptiness within me. Was this really my role in this story? A witness, and nothing more? A bit part, meant to fill the space, and leave the stage of history thereafter? Twenty years of my life, all for this?

The world around me begins to fade, and I have no goodbyes to say. So, I spend the last few minutes I have in this world staring up at the stars, looking at constellations in the withering sky. I learn nothing. Even in the dying moments of this world, it still gives me nothing. How very typical of this wretched place. I can only hope I will never see it again.

And then, the last of my prison vanishes around me, and I am finally free of my chains...




"...Arceus fuckin' wept, man..."

You feel like complete shit. And yet, at the same time, you feel oddly refreshed? It's weird. It's weird, and you don't like it. With a groan, you drag yourself up your feet, and look around you. Back where you were, on Route 120, outside of that weird tomb. It doesn't even seem like you were gone for long, either. No, your little escapade couldn't have taken more than a few minutes.

...Fuck, speaking of that aforementioned escapade, where did you even go? You rack your brain, but you can't remember anything. Did you get murked by a Psychic type or something? Or, maybe you just smacked your head on a rock when you hit the ground? Oh well. If you can't remember it, then clearly, it can't be that important. You'll have plenty of time to try and crack that nut later. Right now, though? You've got bigger fish to fry.

One, the dog. You hear the howls of Zacian and Zamazenta, but before you can place where they're coming from, the two wolves are already long gone. Oh well. It's not like you were expecting them to linger, were you? If you were them, you'd want to get out of here, too. Maybe go back to Galar, back to those nice forests and rolling hills, and out of the shithole that is Hoenn. That's what you would do, if it weren't for all those outstanding warrants.

Two, the shards. While everyone's busy with their own knick-knacks, there's plenty of crumbs of broken sword for you to snatch, and so, you snatch them. You manage to scrounge a palmful from amidst the grass, before stashing them in your pocket. Even if they're worth nothing to you, you might be able to sell them to someone else, someone richer and stupider than you.

And finally, the matter of the moose. You don't know where the hell it is, but if it's here, then it's a problem. So, it's time to get the hell out of here before today can get any worse. So, you hit the legs and leave, having gained remarkably little and lost more than you know.


“And thus ends our tragedy! The curtain falls as our hero walks into an uncertain future, leaving behind that which came before, and striding bravely towards the--”

"Shut up."

TL;DR - Shred returns to the real world, picks up some sword shards, and leaves with the most precious memento of all: His delusions/mental illnesses/coping mechanisms.
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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 1:29:29 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
[attr="class","body"]The sky has been completely blocked out with huge swathes of black clouds, pierced by needles of fuschia light bright enough to give an Heiress headaches. Kepler scrambles in the dirt to Chocobo’s head and pulls the bird’s skull into his lap, holding him there, fingers clinging through terracotta feathers, as though trying to hold onto this moment, this memory.
Because that’s all it is, in the end.
A bonechilling howl cuts through the air and Kepler lets out a sob and curls further over Chocobo’s body, forehead to feathers. Not wanting to let go. Not ready to let go.
It’s very self-centered of him, in the end. Gods are raging a battle for the very future of time and space itself, and all he can do is cry over his dead chicken. And he’s really crying, now, horrible, gut-wrenching sobs; strange particulate matter seems to dislodge from him with every jerky motion, and he feels-- and this just makes it worse-- he feels like the kids in the very last episode of Digimon season 3 when the tamers had to watch their partners dissolve into digital pieces and get sucked back into the digital world.
That’s exactly what this feels like. And the same sort of broken-hearted emptiness at the bittersweet ending rockets through him and he’s fucking twelve years old crying in his computer chair again.
All of a sudden, it’s entirely too public a place to fall apart, and he staggers to his feet, clutching a singular orange and black plume to his chest as he crawls away from it all, feeling torn apart and empty and small.




- Very sad[break]
- Spot the homestuck reference [break]
- Keeps one Galarian Zapdos feather [break]



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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2023 5:44:10 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
And there it was. Vanilla's eyes widened as she'd witness the grand finale f the battle. Zacian using his blade to carve through the Black Knight. She gasped aloud, truly amazed by such an act. But was the battle comes to an end, the world around them began to fade. The townspeople, everyone Vanilla knew, they were slowly going away. Her feet sprinted back towards the town in a vain effort, watching as one by one, the people of Hammerlocke she had met would offering her a greeting...before then vanishing. "N-No! Please, stop!" she begged, watching Darren and Denny, two twin boys that she had employed would smile so brightly. Vanilla had hired them straight out of school after hearing that their mother was too sick to work. She had even made plans to adopt had she ever passed, not wanting them to be forced out. But Her hand fell on theirs, her flesh grasping at an intangible source.

"Darren..." Her eyes were a waterfall of emotion as he would go away from her, just like Denny. A fist slammed into the ground, cursing loudly as she scrambled back through the survivors, calling the only name to come to mind. "Vivian!" she called, going up to her assistant and tackling her, embracing her for dear life as she buried her face in her neck, just as they had done many a time. "Vivian, please...Please don't go." Vanilla begged. Her throat hurt, heart beat and she couldn't find the words to say. But watching people be slowly taken away, it suddenly made her spit out what she's been too scared to say for years.

"I love you!" she spat out as quickly as she could to her lover, feeling her warm hands slowly drying her eyes. "I loved you since that night we got drunk a-and...Please don't leave me." she begged to her, feeling everyone around them vanish. It was only them and the limited time we had. "Ah-I'll do anything! I'll run the company, I'll marry you, I'll move to the country and adopt the twins and I'll pray every single night and every single day. Pl-Please! Just let me stay! I don't wanna go!" But as Vivian slowly would disappear, she felt her hands wrap around her waist as they embraced and Vanessa then felt their lips meet one final time. She closed her eyes before all around her was darkness. She screamed, cried, threw a fit on the floor. "Please...I'm begging you..."

After some time, Vanilla would find herself back at the Ancient Tomb with everyone else. But she'd still be reduced to a sniveling mess. Crying, holding herself as she laid on her side. She slowly looked over herself, staring at her thirteen year old body once more. But even then, she'd feel a familiar rumbling around as something bulged out of her jacket pocket. Vanilla slowly went to retrieve whoever was making that only to see somebody she hadn't seen in quite a while. "Vanilla! Are you alright? I remember going to the statue and then we're here now! And I found this too." He dove back in before pulling out something that made Vanilla's waterworks begin again.

Vivian's earring! Or one of them at least. It was a birthday gift to her, handcrafted from the capital and given in the perfect black case. Vanilla held it in her hands as Proxii would begin to show worry for his owner. "Vanilla! H-Hey, you're crying. Vanilla! Answer me! VANILLA!"

Yet all she did was hold it against her chest. Thumbs traced against the etchings carved into the jewel. She looked down and remembered their time together, cursing herself for keeping her feelings away due to fear. Every other voice or noise was toned out as she just muttered to herself, closing her eyes as the tears started again.

"I love you. Don't ever forget that, wherever you are, Vivian."

@ | @

- Vanilla watches as Zacian slices through the enemy
- Has an emotional breakdown at everyone in her life leaving again
- Confesses her love for Vivian before she leaves, begging to stay
- She wakes up back outside the temple, heartbroken and exhausted
- Proxii welcomes her back and shows her Vivian's earring she slipped into her pocket before fading away
- Vanilla continues to suffer, not wanting anybody to leave her ever again
- She hopes Vivian is out there, somewhere