i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 18:46:51 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","pilotsb illie"]

you believe me like a god, [break]
i destroy you like i am




for a moment, she believes she's successful, not caught in the endeavor of stashing a shard away... she would be wrong. ever the golden fool, the alchemist is gathered with the rest of them - hoisted up like pigs in a slaughterhouse and beaten until they're bloody.


each strike fuels primordial anger. she expects to feel the rippling of reality around them, hopes to see her patron tearing itself into existence out of a protective rage. she is still, unsurprisingly, wrong.


there is no gold spilled down onto cold concrete. she has no ichor left to bleed - not with chains still tightening around her limbs and forcing her to move like a puppet on strings. the marionette of the alchemist drops the tera crystal shard unceremoniously on the ground and the sound echoes for a moment. it doesn't sound like what she's used to. the lack of spatial chords leaves her hollow.


and as pokeballs are lined up, she doesn't flinch until her own is slotted into the machine. her bronzong's ball is promptly smashed and she snarls with quick tempered rage, spitting blood at the feet of the nearest megalopolan. she can't stop them - not as she is - but she won't forget this. they won't forget this.


after meeting 's eyes, after trying and failing to offer a small smile of comfort (bloody teeth don't hit the same, do they?), she heaves out an annoyed, "trust.".

[attr="class","oocnotes"] [break]
consequences, in pain, yk the drill![break]
shard is given back, angry her bronzong is crushed,[break]
selects trust, plotting revenge smile.


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 19:18:25 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t taken a Tera shard, because the next few scenes that unfolded pretty much dissuaded him from doing so—and what a nightmare it had been. Like, yikes.

He couldn’t bear to watch; and could only listen to the sound because that’s what having an overly active imagination can get you… extremely vivid visuals based from the sounds of agony and suffering alone.

He could only look over at his cell partner; once they were done being dragged through the dirt (in more ways than one) he would approach, and then hiss quietly.

“Listen—listen to me,” he would begin, in a voice so quiet that only the other could hear—muffled through the mask as it was.

“D-don’t do stupid shit like that again, you got that?!” he would warn the other.

Even though he was raring to throw a punch or two, fact of the matter was that the ‘space cannibals’ were there, like hyperly-overactive sentinels keeping watch over them.

He could only glare at the booger monkey once the strange Pokémon was done with his cell partner, before trying to haul him back so that he could rest.

“If you’re going to do anything else stupid, at least try to run it by me first, will you? There was a reason why we were both stuck together in this place.”

He grit his teeth.

“We only have each other to trust in this hellhole, you know.”

Frog where are you please come save your husband!!!
• Birddad.exe gives his cell companion a bit of a telling-off
no more stupid shit, okay?! someone’s gotta keep you alive for the inevitable escape attempt!
• Unwittingly casts his vote to TRUST in that last statement of his. (Will it count towards the total?)
• no Pokémon listed since they don’t have them with ‘em

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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 21:26:22 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

As Andrew worked, he watched try to pick a fight with the Warden. Even for someone as stupid as Andrew, he could already tell picking a fight with the psychic monkey, especially without Pokemon, was a terrible idea.

The results were predictable. Isaac was immobilized, and the monkey proceeded to pummel him into the ground repeatedly, with his mind alone. Andrew had to pretend he wasn't gawking beneath the mask, and continue his work.

Speaking of punishments, those who attempted to act out were singled out. Hoisted up to the ceiling by their chains, they are forced to watch as their Pokeballs, presumably still containing their Pokemon, are smashed with wooden mallets.

Andrew, thankful he didn't mess around, still watched in horror as the Pokemon were seemingly crushed to death.

Upon being given the choice to trust or forsake the other ward, Andrew looked around. He couldn't believe so many people were willing to trust the other ward.

"Fuck that, forsake them!", Andrew called out.

notes: Forsake!

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON Apr 15, 2024 23:29:48 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

There were many expected results of his pronouncements. Most likely was simply ignoring him, as he held neither power nor authority in this place; a fact that rankled deeply. Next of course was violence, another example to be made for the flock of what insubordination brought. Aubre jumping between them and trying to deescalate was a third, much to his displeasure. What he had not expected, however, was for her fist to collide with his face. Or, at least, the mask covering it. Normally she would never have managed to make contact; you didn't become the heir to a major crime family by being unable to defend yourself. This time, however, he was completely and utterly caught off guard. Never had he expected his peace loving wife to punch him, let alone straight in the face....yet, somehow, he found that he wasn't surprised. Likewise he was hardly angry, more proud, and were they not in some Kafkaesque bullshit scenario at the moment he likely would have immediately drug her to bed. Alas.

"Scusami.", came the response to her orders. Surprisingly, though unseen beyond the gauche mask covering his face, he grinned. "Più forte mammina." He chuckled softly, even as the first drops of blood began to fall onto his chest. With the mask firmly latched to his face there was nothing he could do about his now bleeding nose save let it go, the crimson vitae running down his face and chin before reaching the edge of its confinement and dripping onto ivory pectorals.

His mood soon soured again as the assemblage began to laugh. That too was an expected outcome, yet it nonetheless set his hackles on edge, irritation flowing through his body. Dearly would he love to have one of them within arms reach, so that he may pound them into the wall so thoroughly the only option would be to panel over their loathsome bodies. Yet, unfortunately, that was not an option. Not merely because they were not within reach, but because of the inevitability of reprisal. The moment he got his hands around one of their throats the ape would retaliate, and that would likely be the end of it. He needed to ignore them so he could maintain his watch over Aubre, for her safety was of paramount importance.

The punishments that came were expected, particularly for those who received him, though he did note the disparity. It seemed that the punishment met the crime, active hostility being meat with overwhelming aggression, whereas passive insubordination was merely met with derision. That was fine enough for him, and he thanked the fools for providing said information. He did not blink or turn as they were pummeled relentlessly, instead he merely stepped through the bars and turned his wife, pulling her face once more into his chest.

Unlike before, he held her there. Held her there was the would be thieves were given their mock hanging, adding more data to his mental banks. To him it only made sense, particularly given the ward. One truly was stupid to believe they could rob a psychic. As the screen flashed up, his grip tightened and his eyes narrowed. He was familiar with the site before him, the incident had been widely publicized afterall. But, surely this could not be their intended purpose? In but a few moments it became sickeningly clear that it was not. Now his arms became inescapable, no matter how hard she tried he would not allow his tender hearted love to bear witness to this play. His own clip curled in derision, disgust written plain on his face. Despite his family business, Leon had never cared for torture. It was a dirty, brutish business practiced by those without the wit or creativity to achieve their goals in a more civilized manner. The fact that it was all for show only improved the situation slightly, for those fools/ all seemingly believed it true. It seemed to him from the view on the, well, the closest approximation was monitors, that the 'Dummy Ward' was light a few members.

And then, at the end, simple logic puzzle. His disgust crew thricefold, and his indignation twice more. He released Aubre at last, knowing full well her actions, and simply sighed. He cast a regretful look down at her. "Go ahead." Leon himself? He merely seated himself and watched. The grand speeches, blind trust, and blatant self interest were as expected as they were worthless. Had he been aware of and his own logical conclusion it would have ended there. Sadly, however, the transmissions from the other wards were cut off, and so he felt compelled to be the only voice of reason, even as his pride drove him to the opposite. "Your location is apt. Despite what all of you seem to think, this test has nothing to do with the actual votes or the results therein. This determines the future, as I highly doubt these incompetents have the ability to devise something more competent for future rounds. The adversaries are known. When next you all play their little game, you will know that they either saw fit to ensure either the collective interest or their own. They will know the same. That selection will be tainted by this, as the next will by it. You are not choosing their present, you are choosing your future." And with that, he fell silent. His eyes lazily trailing across the ward, focusing on nothing in particular. There was nothing else to say, and he would not play this fool's game. Even if it led to Aubre's ire. Which it most certainly would. More chores, he supposed.

On that note, it was not long before a sigh emerged from his lips, curling them into a frown. Despite his disdain for all of this, and the sheer *humiliation* of this *idiocy*, he could not leave his wife unattended. Muttering a colorful assortment of foreign words under his breath he steped back to the mochi and pinched off a small piece of one. The frown only deepened as the chain encircling his neck morphed with the outer bars, curling into a sneer of disgust as he strode across the chamber and knelt next to her. "Let me." Deft fingers, trained by the best pickpocket he knew, skillfully plucked out the little gems one by one, placing them in an ever growing pile in Aubre's cupped hands. He silently swore to himself that none of these cretins would be leaving here alive.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Dummy Ward
*Leon is quite proud of his wife
*Likewise he's irritated at everyone else
*Shields Aubre from everything going on
*Advises the rest of the ward that they should bear the future in mind
*Refuses to participate and therefore defaults to Foresake

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 0:00:07 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Some fools decided to fight the orders bestowed; some literally, a giant man throwing himself at their canine warden but being beaten to a pulp without it even breaking a sweat. It even seemed to be enjoying itself in the process. Others had been more tactile with their disobedience. Yet one by one they are snuffed out by the guards... these Megalopolans seem keen on making them suffer, as does the chain that forces each and every one of the rulebreaking culprits to cough up their stolen goods or selfmade weapons.

They're lucky the punishments are for each person to carry themselves. It would not be the first time an entire prison ward is punished for the transgressions of a single rule-breaker just to prove a point. To prove resistance is futile. The assassin thus wonders whether that's what's next in store for them when they're asked to vote for the other ward's fate. To Trust. To Forsake. Kyrenai does not know what to choose; because she does not know who is held in said other ward. Is it someone she knows? Someone she cares about, or someone she hates? What does she wish upon them?

Like the pokéballs within the bowl, it crushes her. But unlike the ability to remain watching as the carnage was shown upon the tera crystal ceiling, Kyrenai does not know where to look this time, when it comes to letting her mind or her instincts decide. So she just looks at the images als long as they're there, the mixture of blood and broken flesh and bone, shards of pokéball all mangled into a single thing...

A bowl. An offering. Fear. It reminds her of the beast she had tried looking for but had eluded her in the depths of Area Zero. The thing she only ever truly saw before the alternate Galar happened.

She closes her eyes and allows the realisation to wash over her. It's a mere guess, but it feels too coincidental for it not to be true, or at least have an inkling of truth in it. Inhaling deeply, she feels the tension building deep within her. A heartbeat she allows to grow, like a small wardrum beating in her head. When she exhales, it fades, together with the battle the thoughts in her mind have been waging. Clarity settles over her like a drop in still water.

"Trust." she replies, hoping will not become the next victim of defiance if her vote turns against her. She does not judge it however. Kyrenai's reply reflects her resolve; too soon to decide, she is willing to trust the process. Only afterwards will she risk to forsake herself -and it all-. That time however, is not now. Not yet.

- Does not avert her eyes from the pokéball massacre
- Thinks Ting Lu is somehow connected to the events, and clears her thoughts
- Nods at if he joins, and decides to stick with the makeshift group if allowed
- Votes TRUST

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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 0:52:32 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


The second her hand hit the glass, her entire being shuddered.

To turn to violence--even for the right reasons—was so against everything she believed in. Immediately, those gentle green eyes swim with tears. “Leon, I—” She expected hurt. Maybe anger. But she didn’t expect that. Freckled cheeks turned a startling crimson as her jaw dropped. Did he just—?! Arceus! Not in front of—what if—oh no!! Suspicious eyes drop to his shorts, seeking out straining fabric. But before she reaches the, she spots blood.

The monkey’s laughter is like nails on the chalkboard. Her face crumples with shame as she whips off the extra shirt and rushes toward him. She dabs it in the ichor, trying her best to stop the flow. Tears mix into it, turning crimson into red sea. “I’m such an idiot.” All she’d seen was that dead man and something short-circuited. “I didn’t want them to—I thought I could—can you breathe all right?”


The monkey’s laughter is like nails on the chalkboard. She pauses to throw the beast a glare. A hiss from a Megalopan guard sent her to work. The cuts in her hands felt like karmic retribution for the terrible, monstrous thing she’d just done. Though she tried to come up with a better apology, her mind kept circling to one word: mammina.

At some point, he tells her their daughter’s fate. She had preferred to travel with her grandparents. So, it seemed, she was safe. Any sense of relief, however, would be short-lived.

Then, the work came to an end. With a groan, she forced herself to her feet. Her feet retreated to the edges of the cell, the prison somehow her den in this mess. As the thieves were hefted, the doctor’s blood ran cold. “No!” Suddenly, she’s grateful for the terror that had stopped her plan. “How can you punish them for rules they don’t know!” The rest of her words are muffled in her husband’s blood-streaked chest. Even the six-pack couldn’t muffle the noise of bodies hitting the ground.

And over.[break]
And over.

Through the edges of his arms, she can see glimpses of the screen. Her hands clawed at Leon’s arms. But she wasn’t sure if it was to hold them there or push them away. The screams of her fellow inmates make it obvious what’s happening. Just who was innocent here. Just what those noises signify. Why aren’t the balls letting them out? What kind of sick monsters would do something like this? But, then, she remembers the spaceships. The locks used on mercurial, dangerous Pokemon like Cassieopa.



Her words spill out in an endless stream, as repetitive as the show above. “No! No! Let go of me! I can’t—they need—let me help!” The tears are fiery. Out of sight, those scarred fingers curl into fists. “They’re monsters!” Then, the warmth is gone and she’s left to face the room and their trap. She knows this game.

Her eyes sweep across the assembled. In them is a bottomless empathy. “I’m—I’m sorry.” Even if these monsters were to blame, she’d do the apologizing for them. The spineless asses weren’t about to do it themselves. She hopes those two words might soothe those with a perceived loss.

Aubre’s eyes lock with for a moment. Then, her gaze slides angrily to the cowardly ones like . As Leon speaks, some part of her wants to be angry. To yell at him for not joining hands with the trust circle. But she also knows that isn’t fair. Leon and her aren’t the same person; they’re compliments. And, loathe as she is to admit it, he’s right.

This is a game of poker, not just a philosophy puzzle.


When she speaks, the redhead stands straighter. Her words are a hint of what might have been. What was in another world. She digs deep to understand people who turn their back on the other ward. To respond to cruelty with more of, well, that just made it worse. “Striking back at the other ward won’t make up for what these monsters did. Save that anger for them.” Aubre can only imagine what they’re feeling. “But I know my Pokemon would want me to do the right thing, even if this game might be rigged.” Green eyes slide to the drooling Megalopans and the psychic type. Especially if it’s rigged.”

She swallows. It’s funny how nervous she is about this decision. As if there was even a smote’s chance she’d choose anything else. She’d married the man who went to jail for the worst day of her life. “I’m trusting them.” The words are surprisingly calming. “And, if I pay for it, I’m—I’m fine with that.”

Because the guilt of any other outcome is far worse than what these aliens could do.




Feels extremely guilty about hitting Leon[break]
Wants to sentence her hubby to the horny ward[break]
Manages to avoid the visuals[break]
Has a speech and expresses condolences to those who "lost" friends[break]
Obviously the distrusting, paranoid softie votes trust[break]

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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,027 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 1:40:46 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

The spectacle continues. They lose, and many are beaten and dragged like chained dogs to witness sacrifice.[break][break]

Tempest is glad he isn't among them. It is with a sad and cold pity he watches through the slats of his mask as he is returned to his cell.[break][break]

Then the option is given.[break][break]

Trust or Forsake?[break][break]

"It's obvious we should Trust." He half mutters to himself, half to his cellmate. The only worry is- would the other group also vote Trust?[break][break]

In the end, after mulling over, Tempest just can't let go of his own resolve.[break][break]

Tempest was a terrible person, but he had seen how many kind people lived both inside and outside of Rocket. He would have faith in his fellow people.[break][break]

"Trust." Is what he ends up chiming in, his own vote. Then he sits and waits in a tense silence on the cot.
[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 votes TRUST and does very little else that is interesting


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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 1:58:13 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar

Blinking to clear his eyes, Beau could hardly bear witness to the savage beating administered by Okidogi to , not far off to his right. Even as bullheaded as he could be, he knew that action took the right timing, and here, in this place - chained, monitored, and subjugated - the timing was as far off as Mars. He adopted a crouched, bent-back stance, a lance of fear running down his spine. There really was no getting out of this, was there?
He'd been hit for nothing, for a fumble, and he couldn't imagine that Shred would come out of it functioning. When Beau did turn his head, he saw that, as Okidogi lumbered away, the man wasn't moving. As much as he argued with the thought that flitted through his head, he at least took some comfort in knowing that he hadn't been reduced to the reddish pulp that was being shoveled down the hole in the center of the ward like so much refuse. Another cringe of fear - the next wrong step could be him, or Eddie, or any one of their fellow prisoners.
When the Megalopolan began speaking, Beau strained to listen through his mask, though he didn't move, didn't turn his head to hear - drawing attention apparently drew the wrong attention, and he couldn't...he couldn't handle that, couldn't allow for that if he was ever going to try and come up with a method of - hell, not even escape, at this point, but trying to keep anyone else from getting beaten for the amusement this damn dog seemed to get out of it.
Then his cellmate, along with several others, was hoisted bodily from the ground by his chain.
Beau's blood ran cold, and fear surged through him. No, no. No, not Eddie, not now, fuck.
He looked up at the monitor in mute shock as it displayed pokeball after pokeball, their occupants appearing before the spheres were obliterated with those horrible noises. Eddie's cry of anguish hit him like a knife in the gut, and when the other man dropped, raw and reeling, Beau couldn't even move to catch him or soften the landing.
He was scared of being noticed. Scared of Eddie hating him, that Eddie had pocketed the shard in an attempt to protect Beau from another blow from their warden. Scared that he'd be the next pile of unrecognizable meat getting scooped down the hole. Scared to stand up, but scared to stay quiet. His fear defined him, and it's probably what landed him here in the first place.
But for every fear he had, there was a greater one, and the biggest, scariest of them all galvanized him into action. He was more scared of his friends dying than anything, anything this place could throw at him.
He shuffled closer to Eddie, not touching the grieving man beneath the scrutiny of guards, Okidogi, and God knew what else, but offering a quiet presence at his side. "Trust," he ground out loudly, adjusting as he spoke. His leg brushed Eddie's, and if he couldn't provide the older man any more relief than that, he had to hope it was something while they made it through whatever was about to rain down on them. "We have to trust that people know the right thing."



Beau is in the WEAKLING ward.[break]
Voting TRUST.[break]
Keeping head down but staying very close to Eddie.[break]
Anxiety mental tornado.




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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 2:16:44 GMT

As expected, cruelty befitting the odd, poison-dripped prison they'd been incarcerated within flashed above on giant TERA CRYSTALS, to be viewed for all to see and learn from. The mavericks appeared first — hoisted by their insubordinate necks — and then their Pokémon. [break][break]

One unique capsule in particular caught 's eye. He recognized the Gigaton Ball
and the special URSALUNA on the screen from 's Route 119 Incident Report, knew it to belong to the ROCKET admin himself.[break][break]

Admin Fox. The only admin not chosen to reside within their ward. He took this into consideration as he attempted to glean the identities of others from the broadcasted wards, but didn't recognize anyone else in the brief glimpses shown by the TERA CRYSTALS overhead.[break][break]

Save for , but he was practically a walking corpse anyway, half-dead and lower on Barnaby's priority list than the other prisoners. He'd take this into account when voting, as well as the opinions of others, including voices he recognized in the crowd: , , , accompanied by , , and . [break][break]

Unfortunately, the majority decided against his gut choice — even .[break][break]

"The decision doesn't matter so much as the action of choosing. We've witnessed what happens to those that go against our jailers..." Though his voice was level, stared pointedly at the masks of and .[break][break]

That being said, he'd rather see spared, so Barnaby voiced his choice despite it going against the grain, "Weakling."[break][break]

Soon enough, the pull of the TOXIC CHAIN brings them together and finds himself holding hands with and .


UGLY WARD [break][break]

• notices howard & shred in different wards[break]
• oh no DOOOUG[break]
• recognizes several voices[break]
• voting weakling cause meh on shred,

wants to spare howard

• holding hands with elisa & fern



[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 2:49:38 GMT



TWO WARDS TO PICK FROM. neither grab his attention and his choice revolves around the prisoner’s dilemma. and @navy’s words try to strike a balance between reason and sympathy, but both are ultimately wrong. for their suspicion relies on the sacrifice of their fellow prisoners. colleague who had, by all means, done nothing wrong.

whichever ward commits to FORSAKING,” is fernando’s vote. a conditional statement, which may not skewer the choice, or hold any weight, but is the correct solution from his elementary deduction.

the best strategy in this case must be NICE but also RETALIATORY when provoked. and better yet, one that doesn’t put him at direct odd against the very people he’s tethered to.


- vote for whichever ward votes FORSAKE
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January 25th
6'1 height
6'1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
74 posts
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TAG WITH @nimbus
Laurence Whateley
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 2:51:37 GMT
Laurence Whateley Avatar
They'd be strung up like ragdolls, their bodies dangling like chimes in a spring breeze. The sight of it gave rise to a bit of bile in Laurence's throat. This was exactly what they'd gotten, their deeds gone punished and with full consequence. He refused to be an example...

When they finally came back down, the sight of their loyal partners crushed before them, the primate Pokémon had been quick to dole out the rolling punishment on them all, a vote of two questions. Trust or Forsake. The rules were enough to have Laurence damn near what to release what had already risen from earlier...A prisoner started first, his claims and worries enough to get the doctor's brain going. He was right, judging from the room there had simply been a bunch of random people he'd never met, the only exception being Howard and the new man, named Alba. For all he knew, she could have been in the ward below them or above. Either would be a nightmare, Sophia trapped in such a hellish place. 

Alba's look after his speech had almost gotten a rise from the doctor. 

"And you're going to take a chance on saying they aren't? I don't know about you, but I have family, the last thing I am going is vote Forsake when I have no idea where they are, and if you vote to forsake, I can't guarantee that whatever happens will be the greatest ending for you either. Punishment is still a punishment after all...Who's to say that there isn't something in store for breaking the workers of another ward? And what if they also vote for Forsake? Then we're both on the chopping block."

His voice had come out more venomous than he liked, the distaste in the man's self-preservation almost tight as the chain that wrapped around his neck. 

"I'm going for Trust. Dammit, I'll put faith that you are not all going to risk the chance of both being safe. If your family had been in a winning ward, then they're safe. If they've been in the other ward, they're also safe if you go for Trust. Don't be an idiot."

* Laurence slowly dislikes Alba
* Laurence votes Trust
* Laurence doesn't want to die. 
* Yikes, someone's ursaluna. 

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 3:21:38 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar


[attr="class","textbox"]Before his blood had even run dry, Isaac was yanked away from his companions and towards his fate.[break][break]

The punishment for his recklessness and hubris had yet to come to an end. For his transgressions against his captor, he had been included in the den of thieves that had taken form within the Dummy Ward. He shot them all an apologetic smile, both for making their position all the more precarious and for not aiding them in their silent struggle.[break][break]

Not that it mattered. Apparently, the monkey saw all.[break][break]

The system had already been rigged to punish them. Pokeballs rolled along an assembly line, Megalopians waiting with hammers to reduce them to rubble. With each smash came the snap of flesh and the wail of its trainer. In the sound of the struggle, all too familiar voices came up.[break][break]

. Her tender heart deserved better than to watch those she loved reduced to a bloody mess.[break][break]

. She'd finally found herself, and now the bastards threatened to leave her questioning it all again.[break][break]

. She was just like him; for all their power in the world below, helpless in this imprisonment.[break][break]

They joined on his list of names to fight for. Even as his body flushed warm with internal bleeding, and his creaking ribs strained from the weight of the toxic chain holding him aloft, he knew he would find his chance to support them. He'd just need to go about it a different way. At this point, he couldn't fight harder if he tried. Fighting smarter would be his game.[break][break]

The shattering of his own Pokeball should have been but another piece of kindling thrown onto the fire of his outrage. However, as Isaac saw a strand of purple hair among the wreckage, his heart dropped to his chest. There was no way. It wasn't possible. Suicune would never take to a Pokeball, no matter what the Megalopians did to subdue it. And yet Isaac couldn't tear his eyes away from the screen, the question of "what if" gnawing at the back of his brain.[break][break]

He hadn't realized the deliberations had started until most of the Dummy Ward had cast their votes.[break][break]

So be it. Isaac didn't need anyone else's input to know the only real choice he had in the matter. "If we play their fucked up games, they're the only ones that win," he rasped, coughing up a little blood from the strain of making his voice heard. "I'm gonna Trust. And if I know how stubborn the people of Hoenn are, I bet the Weaklings are gonna do the same."[break][break]

He didn't care if he was wrong. He wasn't here to win anymore. He was here to make the Megalopians' regret the day they ever dared hurt the people he loved.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac is in awful shape; crushed ribs, a broken leg, and coughing up blood. Despite this, he's smiling.[break]
Isaac recognizes some dear friends, and silently vows to stand by their side.[break]
Walking Wake is smashed. Isaac fears it's something far worse.[break]
It doesn't endear Isaac to the Megalopians' games. He sticks to his truth and vows to trust.

TAG — @ [break]
NOTES — notes go here

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 3:26:10 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She stares at , surprised at his sudden compassion. Where the fuck was that compassion before?? [break][break]

However she continued to be able to not argue against him, were they more alike than she originally thought? "I agree, if we don't trust one another we cant accomplish anything. Strength n unity n all that. Besides, I can't in good conscious vote for the suffering of others."

She hears a voice start to cry amongst the crowd. A girl saying meatball, was that one of her pokemon? Her heart cried for those who lost their pokemon, memories, feelings, a soul was crushed within the symbol of a trainer and creature's friendship. How utterly disgusting and unfortunate. She will avenge them, she will make sure their death was not meaningless. [break][break]

And for that to occur, compliance needed to be given for now. She'd continue to bide her time and wait. [break][break]

"Trust is the only hope humanity and pokemon have for a path forward. I vote trust." she says as the sickly sweet words spill out of her mouth effortlessly.


notes about this post

Melody is in the DUMMY ward [break]
Notices the people in her ward crying for their pokemon.[break]
swears to avenge them[break]
Melody votes to TRUST


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,396 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 3:37:50 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] he is not a monster.

[break][break] not in here, not with the chains that bind him and the absence of that creature in his chest that yearns for something bitter and hateful to set on aflame. not in here, when he is backed by his fellow admins who he can share love and trust with; not in here where the torture is sweet and familiar and just like home.

[break][break] in here, emotions like hatred don't define him. don't constrain him.

[break][break] for one, memorable instance, the threads of time fall away.

[break][break] he is neither mortal nor monster, defined only by his scars and the fuschia-pink chains that lance around his neck, mirroring against the crescent-moon scar of 's fangs.

[break][break] it's hardly unexpected that when the moment arrives, his hands naturally seek hers, while his others become entwined with none other than . memories sweep through him like a tide, a blend of overwhelming grief and bitter nostalgia. how ironic that they are tied together by these poison threads now, when it was those noxious pools of decaying flesh that kept them alive and fighting in that broken galar.

[break][break] his eyes shimmer with the reflection of the crystals overhead, revealing the fates of the unfortunate. voices pour into the ward, swirling around them like a flock of winter birds. but it is not difficult for jayden to pick apart those that he knows, the ones that speak to the deepest corner of his heart.

[break][break] , a man who was like a brother to him. a man who was deserving of such punishment, but was he deserving of this cruelty?

[break][break] 's unmistakable pleas as his antique pokeball, forged only by 's expert work, was smashed to smithereens.

[break][break] and finally, there's the glimmering silver of 's hair. yet, what echoes more profoundly are the screams that are torn from her throat, flooding him with memories of PALKIA and their fracturing spatial dimension.

[break][break] there is no other choice to make.

[break][break] not if they hope that their world survives after this one.

[break][break] "i agree," he said, echoing after 's words. "there's no point in disobeying. not if we want to survive." his eyes pin , blank and unexpressive thanks to his mask, but the disappointment in his body language is more than obvious.

[break][break] "i vote weakling."

[break][break] he glances back at .

[break][break] and perhaps it is fate that binds them here yet again, guiding them towards the same choice.

[break][break] or maybe just mere coincidence.


[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden holds hands with and (near ) [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] mostly lore for freya hehe [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] he votes WEAKLING, recognizing , and [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] ugly baby conga line infographic [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Apr 16, 2024 3:39:21 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]Tsubaki merely glares at . [break][break]

No way in hell she's telling her anything beyond what she needs to know. Psycho beating herself against the bars ain't got the kind of discretion necessary to keep that secret, and besides-- their voices echo around the panopticon. She's not letting her captors in on the plan.[break][break]

"Get us to the chamber, you'll find out."[break][break]

Seems that works.[break][break]

The ward meets its quota and then some. [break][break]

Based on the petty show of punitive justice hanging over all their heads, maybe it's cause they're the most obedient. Nobody here was stupid enough to pick a fight with the toxic gaolers. She'd expect that from the Weakling ward, something to prove. She'd expect that from the Dummy ward, no thoughts in their heads. [break][break]

Maybe, just maybe, it's cause these Ugly people can't afford another knock to the face. They'd be ugly inside AND out. [break][break]

Through whatever miracle, they're the favored. The lucky ones. [break][break]


She mutters under her breath, watching each of the pokemon be crushed by mallets overhead. [break][break]

Then, their captors decide on their little game. [break][break]

The first to speak is . She thought she'd heard his voice, just a whisper as she worked, but now... with those words, she knew it was him. Nobody else would be that stupid. Arceus, if he's here too...[break][break]

"Nineteen, at the most. Speakin' for others don't get you far in a place like this. Know you ain't used to that. Just so you know, that situation comes up... first one to point fingers and single people out has my vote. That's you."[break][break]

She addresses directly. That cold, cruel voice was ice in her veins. She recognizes it instantly. It could only belong to one-- and Tsubaki would never allow a Rocket Underboss to speak for her again. [break][break]

She had to give her credit. Elisabeth was fit for the job she had. She knew how to make enemies. [break][break]

Whatever lie in the Chamber of Desires, Tsubaki almost wanted to squander their chances to keep Elisabeth away from it. Unfortunately, or fortunately, depending on how you saw it, their fates were tethered together for the moment. She wouldn't spite herself for the sake of some woman like that. What mattered wasn't spiting Rocket. What mattered was getting the hell out of here.[break][break]

She stops and thinks, listening to the rest of the room argue. [break][break]

Some part of her cold, dead heart makes her wonder what ward would be best to punish. She's been beaten down so long it almost seems easy. It makes her skin crawl, the way she doesn't even stop to consider who these strangers are. Navy's here beside her. And, according to his delusional whispers, so is . That leaves near nobody in hoenn left she truly cares for. It's purely a calculation. [break][break]

Her mind tells her Dummy Ward. She could never suffer a fool. [break][break]

The only thing that holds her tongue is Navy's words, and the fact that had said the exact same.[break][break]

Then, makes a compelling point. [break][break]

"... They're right. Only winnin' move's not to play. We choose, we're surrendering our humanity. Some of you..." She pauses, glancing to Elisabeth, "may be fine with that, but I ain't. Spent too long tryin' to live that way. They want a sacrifice, then let it be us. I'm not condemning anyone anymore."[break][break]

Desires be damned. [break][break]

If the only way to get out of here was dragging down others to get ahead, then how was that any different from those five years in Kanto? Hadn't she changed at all? [break][break]

+ [break]
+ Ugly Ward[break]
+ tl;dr - baki promises to go after elisabeth for what she said to navy, votes UGLY/ABSTAIN


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