i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 3:23:28 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar




His body splats along the Mochi pit's steel floors, bouncing briefly before landing flat.

For a brief moment, he lays there and contemplates the dark ceilings— all 3 of them.

Think I'm gonna barf.

There are no poetics to his inner monologue. No delusions about his circumstances. It is drab, and gray, and bored, and angry and impotent.

A week has passed. Things have not improved— not in any discernible way.

Whatever illusions he had of himself, as a trainer, as a soldier, as a warrior, as an avatar— they had been thoroughly trashed. With a single collar, he had been turned into a slave.

Rolling onto his chest, he planted his fist firmly onto the floor, wheezing for air as his stomach's contents threatened to spill out, his innards still doing flips as the pouch tucked away under his tunic slipped out.

He stares at it though blurry eyes, before gulping down the vile, snatching it off the floor.

It was the latest batch of tears. Why was he collecting them? He didn't really know. Maybe because they looked special. He was hoping doing so would mean anything.

The tears only came after their 'special' respite was over, lending to their seeming 'specialness'.

Sleep... What truly lovely respite it was. Truly a dream, were they could enjoy the freedoms they had lost, however briefly.

But the bodies that awaited them upon waking were worn out. Battered and tired, slowly getting pushed towards their absolute limit— though that meant little to him.

Pain wasn't much of a problem for him anymore, not after everything he had put himself through under the misguided belief of his own invulnerability. It was sensory data and little else— perceived clinically.

Exhaustion had also become common to him. Since taking on the mantle of a physician, it had become ever present. He had grown accustomed to it, if not entirely comfortable with it.

No, neither of those mattered much to him.

It was the sustained, unnecessary, and meaningless cruelty of their captors that was getting to him.

But when subjected to sustained cruelty, Doug wasn't the kind to become despondent. He was not one to lose 'hope'.

No, what he lost, was patience.

He was drawing ever closer to getting himself killed trying to murder that f*cking bird.

The first 'laughing hour' had been the first time in a very, very long while that the desire to end a life had come into him.

It had been shocking— and not just a little disturbing.

Doug only knew one out of those singled out the first time. — and he had never once dreamed he would see and 's heroic mentor in tears.

And to be forced to laugh at someone he considered a comrade, someone he knew to be a good man, someone who was sick, and weakened, and possibly delirious—

I'm gonna kill ya.

He rises back to his feet, the sound of rapidly approaching stomping not enough of a warning for him to even attempt to move out of the way.


was going through this. was going through this. was going through this. was going through this. was going through this.

, too, was going through this.

He splatted back onto the floor, the ceiling stretching out before him once again as he rolled onto his chest and began to get up once again.

I am going to kill you.

Doug did not get anything out of other people's suffering— not even those whom he was inclined to believe might deserve it.

had burned alive before his eyes, and all he had been able to muster was guilt and a drive to save his life, despite their past— despite wanting to enjoy the sight.

He felt nothing of the sort this time. He wanted to kill it. It's buddies. The Never Rot, whatever it was.

Perhaps it was the chain's influence? It didn't matter.

Anger and spite were as good as any fuel.

As long as he had something left to burn.

x1 salac?

-Doug has been Collecting his and 's tears in a pouch he fashioned out fabric he tore from one of his uniforms.
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,330 posts
part of
TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 3:45:42 GMT

We can not remember what we have done, what we are doing when our eyes open to endless magenta!

feared that the same fate would befall him, here in this poisoned, nameless place. When he felt his consciousness being tugged back to reality, he wondered if he'd lose his waking autonomy, too, as the Megalopolans had. Oddly, a small, cryptic part of him — the barest whisper in the back of his subconscious — didn't mind the thought of being one with the Never-Rot.[break][break]

...only it can grant me my deepest desires...

However, when he opened his eyes it was not to a wave of magenta, but the crumbled fabric near 's armpit. The sight and smell would have normally annoyed him, if not for the odd sensation that accompanied his awakening: the feeling of something sliding from his tear duct, down his cheek, and to the corner of his mouth. It tasted of salt and something else he couldn't quite place.[break][break]

He'd awoken just in time, too, as their cell opened and was yanked from their shared cot. Along with two others, the admin was humiliated in front of their collective ward. It was an occurrence that would become commonplace.[break][break]

The days became monotonous, punctuated only by the sweet taste of mochi mixed with the metallic tang of blood. Beatings in the pit, humiliation and ridicule, polishing crystals until his hands bled - his only reprieve from the pains of this new reality came from the Chamber of Desires. Each time he glimpsed into that crystalline mask his yearning grew stronger.[break][break]

At first he kept busy in his dreams. remembered AZELF, recognized the creature suspended in its tank as the same one from the battle at Sootopolis City. Each night he'd stare into that cracked red jewel and recall the horror of that day. Ċ̶͙̦͊͋ơ̴͕̬̭͌́ȗ̵̢̟ḽ̶̆̊d̴͇̈̉̕ ̴̟̇t̶̗̹̽͝ͅh̴̝͈̣̓͗e̷̖̮͆̏͠ ̶̲̼̜̽͒͝N̶̹̝̔ḛ̷̜̎͊̄v̴͔̄́̿e̸͇̔r̴͙̜̿-̵̺̣͊R̵͎͈̄̈ȯ̴̱͖̒t̴̪͓͑͜ ̵̞̿͊̎h̴̝̪̾a̸̳͔͆̋͒v̷̥̔e̶̥͐̋ ̸̧̠̲̈́̄s̸͚͔̅͝t̷̨̟͇̀̃̕ŏ̴͙̤̜̈́̿p̴̓ͅp̷͓͛̏ȅ̸͉̝̒͑d̸̜̓ ̷͓̈́͆͠Ǹ̸͊ͅE̴̠͂͂͊C̴̡͖̥̆̎̚Ŗ̶͇̀͠O̶̬̽̀̾Z̷̪͚̹̑M̶̖̔̄̕A̵̠͋̃̑ ̷̖͚̻̋̅f̵̝͝͝r̸̙̪̻͗̏̌o̶̹̒͜m̶̫̜̭̋ ̶̡̰̉i̸̠̜͂̽t̵̳̼̻̋̅̋s̵̘̤̑̄̇ ̷̹̈́͜w̷̫͕̓͊ȧ̴͖͔̖͝y̴̨̤̦̎͒ẁ̵̢̳̈́a̴͙̎r̶̲̯͗̽d̷̘̟̏̏ ̵̼͓̿ḏ̷̹̣̊ḙ̶̛s̶̢͓͊͊t̷̼̥͑̈́̕ŗ̸̺̱̃u̶̞̘̍̾͐c̸̢̞͑͝t̵͔͌i̴͍̩͗ő̴͜n̸̹̟̤̽?̷̻̩̪̽͐ [break][break]

In his dreams, Barnaby would commune with familiar faces like , , , , , , , , , , , , and , among others. After meeting with , he'd try and manifest her vision by wishing for AZELF's awakening, but the intensity of his wish-making unconsciously faded over time.[break][break]

He even found himself seeking out less and less. After all, could he truly trust her after what had revealed to him? Not even her persistent attempts at grabbing his attention yielded any sort of desirable outcome. A sidelong glance, perhaps, or a muted word or two. [break][break]

By the end of what felt like seven days, it was finally 's turn to face FEZANDIPITI's orchestrated humiliations. [break][break]

With his mask limp at his collar to reveal a heavily bruised face courtesy of the wood-legged creature, his limbs moved against his will, jerking and trembling to regain control. But it was a futile effort. There was no resisting here. Grasping a tera shard spirited his way by the warden, its edge sharpened to resemble a blade, Barnaby brought it to the base of his scalp and—[break][break]

Strands and strands of midnight hair fell to the dirty prison floor. Blood trickled from ragged cuts caused by the makeshift blade. Guffaws filled the room, his the loudest of all.[break][break]

Eventually the laughter died down and the other prisoners dispersed to continue their work. [break][break]

He'd been made ugly here. Beaten and disfigured.[break][break]

To be covered by the mask was now a blessed relief.[break][break]



UGLY WARD [break][break]

• mind slowly begins to be influenced by the never-rot[break]
• communes with other rockets in his dreams[break]
• visits azelf every night and wishes for its freedom [break]

(re: )

• the intensity of this wish fades over time[break]
• becomes withdrawn from , [break]

unsure if he can trust her

• laughing hour - cuts up his head, hair is in ugly chunks[break]
MAIN ACTION (WAKE UP): drink tears



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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]··
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 4:03:46 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] there is something wrong with the mask.

[break][break] he cannot pinpoint it, no more than he could have explained the emptiness he feels in those broken cells, under the watchful eye of the loyal three. he cannot explain why there is something different but there is, unusually so, and he knows as much when that beautiful, beautiful mask shows him a fate that is not - cannot be - his.

[break][break] the wounds of a leaking interdream zone are no longer bleeding. time stitches it's way back into reality, forcing an image of a spaceship and rocket's brilliant scientist, racing through space to undoubtedly find mysteries that she seeks. hoenn is behind them but no matter how much he looks, he sees — he cannot see the fate of hoenn.

[break][break] he cannot see whether they survive or they die —

[break][break] whether it is ruination that awaits them or not —

[break][break] all he sees is the reflection of the tera crystal being returned to space, exploding before them like a dying star.

[break][break] and when he then sleeps, returning back to the dream world, he attempts to follow that same path. tells him that their sisters - his sister - is here. jayden can't find neither her or — but that doesn't stop him from trying.

[break][break] he needs to know.

[break][break] in replacement, he tries to scry the truth from every rocket or megalopolan he meets. he tells them all that the mask is broken, untrue, even though there is no reason why. that the power they need lies in this world, not those toxic chains.

[break][break] he also questions them on their dreams and the knowledge that they are beholden to. but of all things, he wants to know:

[break][break] "who is cyllora?"

[break][break] and of all those he meets, it seems - ironically enough - that the unpredictable is the only one who seems to make sense of the words that he speaks.




[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] post #1 [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] MAIN ACTION: DREAM — asks a megalopolan guard who cyllora is and also tries to tell rockets of his skepticism of the mask (instead he is chien paopao-delulu and says that this dreamworld holds the power lol) [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] sees 's dream and tries to find her or without avail :'( [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] meets (incoming comm thread) [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 4:26:36 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed




[attr="class","postbox"] dreams become dreams become dreams.

[break][break] it's an addicting feeling, chasing the rush of POWER that floods through him whenever he enters the unending bliss of the ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS dream. jayden pursues the frozen footsteps in the sand, searching desperately for any way to release his god from it's prison. being human is not enough, not when the gilded power he seeks is so close and hidden within those invisible cages.

[break][break] FIND ME.

[break][break] YOU NEED ME.


[break][break] but he can't. he doesn't. what he does find, however, is at the center of ULTRA MEGALPOLIS city, suspended in the same suspicious liquid as CHIEN PAO had been.

[break][break] "is that..." he asks as the two of them stare at the creature suspended, reminded of the same day that had cast SOOTOPOLIS into darkness, and the glowing fangs of a shadow persian unchained.

[break][break] his mentor doesn't even need to say yes for him to know.

[break][break] it's azelf.

[break][break] but just like everyone else, it is locked away. jayden nor can break him free from his cage, and so he finds himself in a cycle of repetition and repeat — forever hindered from the thing that he seeks. if only he could turn back the hands of time and figure out a way to free them all.

[break][break] the addiction of the dreamworld is too sweet — it grants him strength and power he has always sought, but never enough. he enters again and again, meeting those like or or . each time, he is pulled towards something greater, like tracks in the sand. the nauseous blink of the city lights guide him towards the burning vestige of .

[break][break] in the waking world, they could not be farther apart. yet in this haven, the elements of greed and spite pull at them, puppet strings pulling them taut. here, in this false utopia, they are the same.

[break][break] yet with each passing day, his mind begins to spool and unravel, fraying at the seams. his mind fractures like a spring well, threatening to shatter. each additional thread reminds him of those hours spent in PALKIA'S realm and so he begins to seek her desperately too. the holder of his fate, the alchemist of space herself. .

[break][break] but he doesn't find her. each time he thinks he catches a glimpse of silvery white, he is pulled — dragged into the waking world — to suffer.

[break][break] and while and suffering go hand-in-hand, nothing readies him for the agony of being compelled to laugh at 's expense. the mockery wrenched from him slices his throat like diamonds, flooding his mouth with blood.

[break][break] it's all the more heart-wrenching when he wakes from each dream, chains coiled around his neck, tears streaming from his eyes and pooling in his hands like glittering stars.

[break][break] powerless.

[break][break] bringing his palms to his mouth reverantly, he attempts to breathe them in, as if it's liquid essence will be enough to remind him of all that he cannot have. of all that remains so bitterly out of reach.



[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] post #2 [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] meets and finds AZELF with him [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] tries to find CHIEN PAO but instead consorts with over many days [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] he is forced to laugh at fern (:ROLENORMALDOG:), cries upon waking from his dreams and tries to slurpy the tears [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
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Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 4:55:23 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
. . . .

As much ‘chosen’ as dragged in front of everyone by the toxic chain around her neck, she stares at the large chunk of terra crystals. Just having them here makes it obvious as to what they’re supposed to do, forced to do.

The assassin resigns herself to her fate before the thing urges them so. A mindless machine, still wishing she was part of the dream rather than here. But it's that mindset that helps her when the laugter starts. A focus so deep and unhealthy that she blocks out everything that isn't said terra stone.

The laughing becomes background noise, an annoying breeze moreso than the sneer it is supposed to be.

Her body's pain the scourge that makes her fight, even though her broken ribs keep her from even lifting the ore properly. It might budge, but alone she stands no chance. Not that she realises this in her state of mind;


- Main action: Laughing Hour
- Despair roll RNGesus
- Has achieved Tool Mode, unaware of her surroundings
- Unconsciously helps lifting the chunks with , ,


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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 5:14:37 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




They scour the city for as long as the dream allows.[break][break]
They turn down every alley, every street they can for some sign of their patron. Even the electricity that flares from their feet in a sweeping ELECTRIC TERRAIN fails to bring Tapu Koko back to them. Surely, they haven’t been abandoned with the power of lightning still in their hands. Surely not—[break][break]
Wrenched from their dreaming, the cityscape warps and shatters around them as they’re pulled back to harsh reality. There is no comfort found in waking up in a tangle of ’s and ’s limbs because they are plucked from their cell by sturdy hands and forceful grip.[break][break]
There is no time to register the sensation of tears or the taste of saline on their tongue.[break][break]
The command descends from on high, and for a moment, Fern wonders what it is they’ve done to earn this, but it doesn’t quite matter, does it? Not in a place like this.[break][break]
Laughter swells to a symphonic crescendo around them. The sound climbs up the prison walls, echoing in the chamber with a clamor that makes them feel enclosed and small. Trapped.[break][break]
Fern’s lip curls in the face of it. An unmasked face that sneers in the direction of fezandipiti as it proclaims itself the greatest and them the least.[break][break]
They are no stranger to mockery.[break][break]
Ridicule is an old, well known friend.[break][break]
Because for all of their panache and their flair and their confidence, they are still the weird boy from Stow-on-Side. The skinny little smart aleck with second hand clothes and an unnervingly unbothered stare.[break][break]
The boy that spends too much time in Glimwood Tangle making friends of the ghosts.[break][break]
The freak who can never take a hint and leave the rest alone no matter how often he doesn’t get picked.[break][break]
Fern has always found ways to be picked since then, whether genuine or underhanded. They carry that boy with them. And they wield him now as they consider spitting at the tall, elegant bird’s feet.[break][break]
They sneer and bare their teeth.[break][break]
They will not break.[break][break]
They cannot.[break][break]
They are proud, and if they can get back to that mask they’ll reclaim their desires with tightly wound fists.[break][break]
Freak. Ugly.[break][break]
The familiar note of ’s laughter breaks through the rest. Familiar, despite his mask held in place.[break][break]
Their resolve wavers. The weakest point in a blade is where the steel is improperly folded. A weak point that can shatter the whole thing if it’s struck just right.[break][break]
A stricken expression finds him as the laughter is compelled to continue, forced up his throat until the sound is raw and manic. Fern’s mouth loses its snide resistance. They do not crumple or howl or cry.[break][break]
Their lips press in a thin line, but they flinch as if they’ve been slapped. They will not give fezandipiti the satisfaction. They look away from and fix narrowed, silent eyes upon the bird, but the cowing is there in subtle tics. The jump and twitch of muscles in their clenched jaw and behind their eyes as they try and fail to not wince away from the sound.[break][break]
It goes on[break][break]
It goes on[break][break]
And on[break][break]
And on.[break][break]
To return to their mask afterward is a relief. The silence that falls when the jeering subsides is deafening. They meet no one’s eyes, and though they don’t snap and lash out, or tilt into a full-scale calamity, Fern withdraws.[break][break]
They sink into the tedium of work and eat and work and dream.[break][break]
In their dreams, they still search for Tapu Koko.[break][break]
In their dreams they fail.[break][break]
They wake, they withdraw, they sometimes consult with others. They drag through the day, just so they can run through their dreams again. Continually on the hunt.[break][break]
And maybe they’ll outrun the laughter if they move fast enough too.[break][break]

+ yikes time to wake up and get laughed at[break]
+ flashback hour![break]
+ stubbornly defies fezandipiti and refuses to crack. But loses some resolve with joins in[break]
+ it’s not fun when ur bf laughs!![break]
+ tries to ignore it, sinks into the monotony, and keeps looking for tapu koko


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 6:35:11 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He had a purpose now, he had a reason to keep going.

After his conversations with , and he did what he always did, he bided his time. Waiting for opportunity to present itself, and this was no different. These creatures, these people had taken his dragon....They had taken Draco from him, and that anger, that unyielding rage flooded through his veins. So each day he sorted, he cleaned, and he laughed. When he was beaten he grit his teeth, and he bore it. There was no need to let them see that something was different underneath his mask. For the duration of that 'week' he wasn't very talkative something his cellmate would pick up on. Just a singular determination.

Each night he would go to the Central Tower where Azelf was, and try to bring the others with him that shared the same idea with him. Perhaps if they could all gather around the central tower together they would wake up Azelf. That would work right?

He didn't ask the megalopolans questions he didn't care honestly, the only thing he wanted was to be free so that he could make these people pay. had told him they would do it together, and so he would hold her to those words. His anger didn't subside once, those who might have encountered him during this week would realize how volatile he was. Each time before he went to Azelf he would go back to the spot where he saw his pokemon housed in those strange capsules with the strange fluid surrounding them.

Each time his rage would renew before he went to Azelf.

Each visit his wish, and desire was the same.

"Let me free, I need to be free so I can save Draco, and defeat my enemies....."

The same wish every night for the next week. It was all he desired, and he hoped that the others he had coaxed into this plan. , , and @howard along with anyone else they convinced, he hoped that their wills would not falter either. If the theory was right this was a chance for them to escape.

"Let me free...."

, , ,


Main Action - Amor along with all the others he roped into his plan is wishing for Freedom making that his number one desire so that the Tera Crystals will potentially be influenced by their collective wills, and potentially wake up Azelf! I think there are a few others going along with this hairbrained scheme, but outside of the other 3 I am not sure! (Otherwise I'd tag you all here). Here's to hoping we can wake up Azelf with our collective wills.....

Amor is seething with rage the entire week after seeing Draco being captured in Fragmentum Somnio

Amor goes through the monotony of the week doing whatever is required of him to not get punished further so he can conserve his strength, and energy to fight when the time comes.

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
Rocket Admin
An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
5'9 (with hat) height
5'9 (with hat) height
The future will tempt you, the present will indulge you, but the past will shackle you.
3,093 posts
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TAG WITH @magnetic
howard slayte
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 6:57:41 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
They laughed at him.

He was the subject of their solemn mockery.

If it had been anyone else, they would've laughed too. Yet the scorn directed at him was too much to bear.


Don't think about that. Think about something else. Think about how the entire ward laughed.

They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him. They laughed at him.

Rage was a fine enough motivator to keep the admin going. He endured the suffering of the blinded ogre, dealt with his cellmate's snide remarks and brutal proclamations. He dealt with being flayed away, piece by piece in favor of survival. He was less than he had been before entering the prison, but that was fine.

A wretched worm that crawled across the ground could eventually fly again, if their wings were not clipped.

He hated this prison, but he did not loathe it. He didn't know why, but it was a question he asked himself as the week went on. Despite his contempt and rage and loathing, the admin felt a modicum of comfort.


"Why?" He asked it when he and had discussed the grunt's tattoo. He knew it reacted to Dynergy, but that could mean a number of things. Something could've Dynamaxed, Dynergy could be leaking somewhere, or perhaps...

No, best not to get his hopes up.

"Why?" He asked as the three admins met up with him in the dream to share information. Still, he looked upon them and realized that he was not one of them.

They had to hate him.

"Why?" He asked as he sorted crystals and rocks and ore. He was a geologist. He had spent more time ripping rocks from the mantle of the earth than anyone in this miserable prison. There had to be a clue in all these shards. Where were they? What was the point? Why were they here?

Why? Why? Why?

As long as there were questions, he could keep himself sane.

"Why?" He asked as he donned the mask. The mask was beautiful. A work of art. Pristine. Flawless. Immaculate. A piece of beauty that Howard would've loved to keep in his collection, a preserved piece of history forever. Something that he could appreciate, even if nobody else could.

The mask caressed his face.

"What... is this?"

"Is this my wish?"

Ah. I understand.

The world must be preserved, after all. Any threat must be excised. Hoenn must be preserved. Even if I'm not strong, someone else will have to do it instead.

This world is too perfect to simply fade away.

Preserve it. Save it, even if it is unchanging. Ensure its survival, and create a world full of light.


The dream shifted into a world of fire and death. The corpses of the slain, the tried, and the executed littered a field of ash and salt. It was real. He could taste it on his lips. The only apt word to describe this world was one of ruin. On the pinnacle of a hill, he saw a woman.


"What the..." Howard stepped over the burned corpse of a Rocket grunt. Blackened bones splintered under his boot. A newspaper with a photo of Dahlia Goode fluttered past as he made the trek up the hill. "LIVY!"

He spat the name with a vendetta as he looked around. Was this the great victory that the League peddled, or merely hers? Did it truly matter? If this was the world that she strived to create, then it was likely one that would come to pass.

The dreams of humanity had the potential to fell the divine.

"LIVY!" He reached her and grabbed her shoulder. "What kind of victory is this?"

He already knew. A Rocket victory. A League victory. They would both end the same if Penelope's world was allowed to exist. This war would ruin everything.


She turned to him and smiled. Then, he woke up.

"..." He took off the mask and wandered off without collecting the tears. There was no need. The mask had manifested his dream. Dreams were the manifestation of everything. They could move mountains and drive people to heights none would've anticipated without them.

As he showered, he asked himself the question again.


Ah, the answer. He knew what the answer was. This prison changed nothing for Howard because it was identical to being in Team Rocket. Just as he lied to everyone in that organization, he lied to himself here. Yet he suspected that nobody cared about what he truly had to think.

Rocket followed might, and Howard was not mighty.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 7:00:22 GMT



“YOU SHOULD EAT,” is the most conversation she gets out of him.

fernando refrains from action outside of complication. observation comes first. the natural born survivor picks at elisabeth’s scraps, conserving what strength he can from dainty portions of mochi she refuses. while he still doubts her, it doesn’t take away from the fact that she’s apart of their ward.

he will not let a weak link drag them down.

only in his dreams does he come out of his shell. exploration of the MEGALOPOLIS introduces him to familiar faces. people he intermingles with, willing or not, out of desperation. the same disdain for his cellmate is hypocritically ignored as he collaborates with .

a rocket allegiance means little when they’re both trapped. and the boy’s aptitude as ’s assistance easily outweighs the potential cost. conversation that had faded into the recesses of GALAR resurface. some about legendary pokemon. others about vague marks.

whatever they find, is encrusted into his eyes, pooled every morning as he awakes, crying from one eye.



- follows normal routine
- focus on exploration and interaction during dreams
- works with to uncover more
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played by


may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 7:29:24 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Seeing his comrades improved his mood, rather than dampened it. Terrible circumstances not withstanding, they had a way to communicate thhroughout all this. And through that they could exchange ifnormation. The megalopolans were the same it seemed, able to communicate through the dreamm, though long having given up escaping. He fears for the day he became like them. For now, Paxton keeps his options open. He's a rat in a maze, and he will find the Big Cheese. [break][break]

When they're all ushered out for morning again, they're all subjected to the strange humiliation. Paxton felt his body yanked forward and his mouth opening against his control. He shook, trying to fight the urge, trying to retake power over himself but couldn't. Panic set in as he watched the easily silly display of strength from his fellow ward mates. At some point, Paxton does what he does best and lets the cheers and even his own voice fade to static. The steady chant of it all beginning not become white noise, eyes blanking out. Until the chain strangles him for his mind's own attempts to escape and he's brought back to the horrible reality that he can do nothing but repeat and laugh. [break][break]

He zones in on the strange orange boulder, but can't really quite place where it'd come from. Had something like that been anywhere in Hoenn? Maybe the desert? He can't recall. The humiliation ends and they are allowed to work. Out of curiosity, and finding it the only stimulating thing near him, Paxton makes for the ORANGE BOULDER trying to figure out anything about it. He wasn't an expert at geology, but maybe he could figure out what the orange thing was made of. After all, they were possibly underground or nearby Area Zero with all these tera crystals about. Maybe he'd remember something form his excursions. [break][break]

Soon enough it's meal time, and soon enough he falls asleep again. Truly, the only rest they received even if it was uncomfortable. He felt his sense of self being chipped away at. His mind and body acclimating to the horrors and becoming pliant as they recoiled form any kind of suffering. They needed to escape. There's still work to be done. So he made his rounds, moving quickly to try to find as many people as he could, exchanging what he knew and trying to write it all down. In the dream, he still has a pocketbook of detaisl and conversations they have. Hoepfully, he'd remember it all in the waking world. [break][break]

He finds at some point, trying to pick a spot to meet up and exchange information. Or, well mostly, he just wants to check up on her. He'd seen her briefly in the feeding bowl, and now in the dream. He wasn't sure how well she was doing, but he was willing to offer comfort, if any at all. He hadn't seen or , and he was starting to think they'd been spared the sentence. [break][break]

Next he moves close to the tower to look over Azelf. Like the reports form Dawn of the Darkest Day, the blue pixie was still injured, the red jewel jagged and uneven from what he could see. He tries to get closer to see if he can wake it up. He wonders, offhand, if it's presence was a reason why it was so hard for the Megalopolans to keep some control of themselves. If it wasn't just the torture the wardens inflicted, but perhaps a combination of the strange mochi and the Azelf's domain of will power somehow. Why else would they want it, if not for that? [break][break]

At one point during the weekly visits to Azelf, he's met with . They seem a little eccentric, but overall alright in these conditions. [break][break]

"You're...mark is pulsing and it's pulsed before around...?"[break][break]

"All kinds of weird things. Giant Celesteela, seal stone in Ultra Deep Sea-" [break][break]

"And it's suddenly pulsing again...right now?
" [break][break]

He'd never really heard of something like that, but everything's possible in Hoenn at this point. It doesn't cross his mind that Priam is lying. What would be the point. He can even look at it. Diligently, he takes his notes. As he does he explains what he thinks is happeing to them to Priam, along with some detiasl from the Weakling ward. [break][break]

"I think we're deep undergroudn inside Area Zero. If they need this many bodies to mine tera crystals, their mining operation can't be to ofar off. And if that's the case, your mark might be pulsing against Regirock's dynergy signature. Maybe it's getting closer. Monitor it. I'll try to find you later on." he said offering a thumbs up as he closed the notebook, and gave the mark one last glance. [break][break]

When he wakes form these sessions he casts glances at , to see how she was faring with her injuries. [break][break]




+ [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- tries to disassociate during humiliation nation and gets choked out for it [break]
- investigates the orange rock because its weird heeheehoohoo [break]
- MAIN MISSION: info gathering/investigation [break]
- focuses on spreading and exchanging info during the dreams [break]
- speaks with penelope to report but mainly keep track of her [break]
- stalks azelf to figure how its related to all this [break]
- finds out about priam's mark[break]
- theorizes they're in deep area zero and regirock is on its way [break]
- checks on petra's wounds [break]
- [break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
32 posts
part of
TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON May 4, 2024 13:31:30 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

Leon's mood had not improved as the day's wore on. The simple, monotonous, routine was nothing short of grating, particularly when he'd been so irritated with it to start. Even in his sleep he wasn't able to find any real semblance of peace, the benighted rats blighting him even there. The only comfort in this bleak world of continuous irritants was Aubre's presence at his side, both waking and dreaming. Though even that had it's drawbacks.

His wife was ever the stubborn one and as ever he tended to feel the brunt of the results. Though he managed to shield her from most of the issues going on, she seemed desperate to spite him whenever she could out of sheer pigheadedness. Whenever he wasn't looking he'd find her wandering off, slicing her hands open, or indirectly antagonizing one of the fool guards.

Worst of all were their trips to the feeding pit. Despite the results of her first intent she insisted on trying again, and again, and again, unable to simply accept that there was nothing she could do for the wretched thing. It failed. of course, again, and again, and again. And just as expectedly Leon intervened, being slammed to the floor, hurled across the room, hurled under its feet or simply pummeled by its sandal shod feet. Why exactly a pit monster was wearing *sandals* he'd yet to figure out, but he chalked it up to just one more indignity which he had to face, and for which they would have to answer for.

Fortunately, she did, at least, stop trying to hug it. Getting his wife out of the way of a rampaging beast was a good deal easier when she wasn't invading its personal space to make kissy face. The result was still the same for him, but it tended to result more in her simply being moved aside rather than forcefully shoved out of the way; something that he dearly regretted was necessary. Perhaps surprisingly, he'd made several attempts of his own to intervene with the creature; be it attempting to jump on it, rip the chain free, or simply duping it into ramming a wall and knocking itself out. Unfortunately at this point his body was so battered he was only standing through sheer force of will and thus there was little to no chance of him pulling off any clever feats of physical aptitude.

That didn't mean that he was compliant, however. He still refused to eat the poisoned confections, trusting that he'd be able to think of something before starvation rendered him truly inert. Likewise he'd continued hoarding sashes from the routine changes of clothes, and when summoned for the 'Laughing Hour', as they called it, he simply tied his hands together, rendering them unable to be directed. He remained silently glaring at the increasingly frustrated monkey, the pressure building in his head until blood began to leak from the mask once more. The guards that arrived to force free his hands received a pair of sharp blows to their middles, and that was all he recalled of that.

Despite his frustration at being unable to properly rest, he dutifully accompanied Aubre throughout the dreamscape as she wandered about. He himself paid it little notice, though the fact that it was both shared and lucid was rather interesting. They came across their pokémon amid their wanderings, but these two were quickly dismissed by him. They were all sound asleep, peacefully slumbering as though they had not a care in the world. He had known Aetius and Tiberius near his entire life and not once had they 'slept peacefully'. That pair were always on alert.

It wasn't all that bad, however. He'd spent more time with his wife these past days than in the past month. They'd even explored a few of the empty buildings, and though not real it was still something he could hold on to. A little spark of hope that maybe, just maybe, she was coming back around. That maybe they'd soon be sleeping together on their own bed rather than some dingy metal floor. At least he could dream.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*What's the definition of insanity?
*It'd be easier to count the bones that aren't broken
*Pit is main I suppose
*Blame Dy for this being late
*God disadvantage sucksuJxEStmf

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,675 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 9:19:01 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PRISMATIC PENITENTIARY



Loyal Three Theme


PRISON LIFE SLOGS ON. But unbeknownst to their captor, there is another life lived. The jarring syncopation between the shackles of waking and the liberation of dreams slowly but surely creates cracks.[break][break]

Their wardens and the toxic chains do not let up during their conscious hours. But in the DUMMY WARD, continues to fight back, defying the prison's protocols. Despite the warnings, despite the given chances, he is severely punished.[break][break]

He can not control his own body, for the TOXIC CHAIN forces him to point and laugh. He is force-fed mochi, for the chain toils for him. He can not hoard sashes, for they are found. This is a prison of despair—and when he fights the guards back with punches, MUNKIDORI begins to break his body with its mind. Similar to the prisoner that had been killed, is continuously lifted and slammed onto the cold prison floor.[break][break]

Actions beget consequences.[break][break]

Much to the dismay of his wife, dies.[break][break]

But it is a brief departure.[break][break]

The TOXIC CHAIN curls downward from his neck. Compresses 's heart and resuscitates him after several cold seconds. But this may not be a mercy.[break][break]

There is still work to do.

NOTE: to reflect his injuries, will permanently have disadvantage until the end of the raid.[break][break]

Currently, he has despairing disadvantage, but once despairing disadvantage is removed, he will still need to roll with disadvantage. Depending on future actions and scenarios, death is a possibility for him and other characters.

SOME TEND TO THE ROCKS. sorts through the rocks, plucking TERA SHARDS from grit and granule. However, his keen archaeologist eye spots common ore found in AREA ZERO. He scries sedimentary and metamorphic—and fragments of DYNITE ORE. The MUNKIDORI shrieks, points at the red crumbs, slaps its palms on the floor as if it were playing the bongos. Some drool can be seen on its bottom lip...[break][break]

For it seems that sometime during everyone's incarceration, a new crate has been brought to collect the DYNITE REMNANTS specifically too.[break][break]

THE WORK HAS INCREASED throughout the week. In the middle of your characters' work, the platform descends bringing more crates of shards and empty crates for transport. When it descends, the same sound can be heard:[break][break]


A fiercely territorial attempts to lift the orange-red rock. and watch him throughout the week as he guards and struggles to lift the rock (for the Okidogi has allowed it to remain in the ward due to the pitiful man being a constant source of entertainment). The Rocket Beast can not heave it yet; however, crumbs of it fall and clatter on the floor, scattering orange chalk.


DURING THE LAUGHING HOURS, poor receives no prize, yes. But alongside many others, he receives generous rewards of ridicule and torment (if his "itty bitty brain cell" allows him to acknowledge them as such).[break][break]

In the UGLY WARD, presents her tears. However, FEZANDIPITI disregards her plea. Foolishly, perhaps, for the Warden does not pay any attention to the maudlin droplets (and it should have, oh it should have). A swing of his wing and the bird strikes 's hands, causing the tears to splash and stain the floor.[break][break]

While others like and suffer from the inflicted humiliation, detects through the affliction of the mochi what appears to be a faint magenta glow emanating from the FEZANDIPITI. It is distinguishable from the hue of the TOXIC CHAIN—and instead, it looks more akin to that of the color of dynergy particles...


DESPITE 'S WARNINGS, an Apollonian curse has befallen her within this wretched prison. One by one, all the prisoners are forced to view through the WELLSPRING MASK: a ritual brainwashing, a ceremony that causes tears upon waking. Your characters begin to understand the connection through their seven sleeps.[break][break]

When (due to her SKEPTICISM), , and peer through the lachyrmose lens, they manage to peer into another's DESIRES:
a revitalized ULTRA MEGALOPOLIS, a sprawling, thriving city not unlike the one seen in your dreams. bright lights cascade across the prismatic city. unlike the dream, this vision is clearer. the lights are provided by three, terastallized masks.[break][break]

BEFORE YOUR VIEWING ENDS, you catch the glimpse of the desire's owner. They do not look at you, but they are distinctly Megalopolan. Their hair is blue and in a style reminiscent of a Kalosian bob. They snarl: "GET OUT!!" And the watch ends.


DEEP IN THE FEEDING PIT, some clean the mucky floor like , buying time for others to try and break through to the creature smothered in chains. Beatings and bruises bring small reveals.[break][break]

, , , and attempt to communicate with the creature. Through broken tones, they attempt to console, to comfort, to inspire; however, the TOXIC CHAIN'S INFLUENCE is far too much. But perhaps, their encouragement will not be forgotten. The brain works in curious ways; the subconscious stores voices and words behind the facade of transient forgetfulness only to remember them in solace and dreams.[break][break]

However, only , (due to his fervent chase) and are able to witness what happens behind the doors the creature is eventually drawn back into. Within that room, they can see the flash of a tentacle and a WORRY SEED planting itself into the creature's wooden body.[break][break]

They can surmise that the creature is being forced into a state of ENDLESS WAKING.


WHEN THE PRISONERS GO TO SLEEP, they become citizens of the collective dream. attempts to learn more about the other Megalopolans. He encounters kind ones. Gentle ones. He meets those who desire to seize Hoenn for themselves. However, all of these Megalopolans speak of "home". Of the desire to return to one, no matter where that home may be. Although the real Ultra Megalopolis may be drowned in darkness, many dream of this dream.[break][break]

Within the dream, , and attempt to derive answers from their chained captors.[break][break]

"cyllora? they're our new general! they're so cute. stylish haircut. it'll be all the rage when we take back ultra megalopolis!"[break][break]

"ultra megalopolis? the blinding one took all of our light. it ate our sun! we did nothing wrong... we did nothing wrong! we were just trying to survive! trying to progress for a better life for all!"[break][break]

When enters MEGALO TOWER, he would be able to see the AZELF suspended in its tank. The floors are empty save for a horrid writhing, wriggling thicket of TOXIC CHAINS. Is it a symbol or an omen? He can not be too sure.[break][break]

Over the week, attempts to understand more about the odd anomaly in time. Curiously, senses no spatial disruption in the dream. Whether that is because they are in a dream or not, can not be sure. However, 's studies allow her to gleam one insight: time seems to be looping back to the same period repeatedly—or at least, as close to that referential point as possible.[break][break]

attempts to flee to the UNOWN DIMENSION with . And so, she does. They "disappear" from the dream. But within this dream, could they truly call what infinite black of creation around them, real? No other UNOWN appear here—but eventually, TOXIC CHAINS begin to manifest in this world, threatening to seize them here with nightmarish yearning. Is this a symbolic reflection of their world? Or is it an omen? A warning of what is to come?[break][break]

Lastly, several attempt to interface with AZELF floating in its tank in MEGALO TOWER. visits it every night. pleas for its help. Others like attempt to receive answers about how long the sprite has been here for. They do not know for how long, but some are able to say where they had initially found it: in the swamp waters of ROUTE 119.[break][break]

attempts to reach out to his own Pokemon to no avail. No matter how hard he tries, he can not penetrate the symbolic glass. However, focuses on the Lake Guardian encased in the tower. In between comforting and , he remains diligent with his nightly ask: "Where are you, Azelf?"[break][break]

On the second last night, he receives an answer by way of telepathic telegram:


THE TEARS ARE PECULIAR. Perhaps, it is a symptom of everyone's sickness. However, FEZANDIPITI'S ARROGANCE will prove to be their captors' ultimate undoing, for the tears cast from 's hands hold the secret to everyone's escape.[break][break]

Many attempt to collect their tears in their clothes. wipes his on his sleeve. collects hers and 's in fabric ties, while strives to gather his and 's in a fabric pouch. However, those who carry their tears in this manner will soon realize that this method is flawed.[break][break]

Clothes are exchanged for new ones. Showers can dilute the droplet. Hidden sashes, fabric strings, and more are confiscated by wardens.[break][break]

However, and discovers peculiar effect when the tears are collected in a "basin" of some kind. Whether they are pooled together in a makeshift boundary of crumbs or in the curve of a mask, the tears gather as a reflective mirror. It is so clear. Brilliant. Able to capture any hint of light in this murky madhouse.[break][break]

Those who have collected their tears in their clothes may wring their fabrics out into a dip in the floor—or for those willing to urinate while they shower, the TOILET TANK OR BOWL.[break][break]

Those who swallow their tears like and instead feel their gaze moisten. Though their eyes retain their mochi-haze, they can see more clearly. They become more sensitive to light...[break][break]

As if answering , and 's prayers, everyone who gazes into these collected tears as mirrors or viewed through their eyes' aqueous humors, will be able to see a rippling vision of an AZELF. It speaks, telepathically:

The vision fades. Perhaps, Azelf is not strong enough yet to maintain its connection...


BY THE LAST DAY, intel is distributed by the likes of and others who have uncovered insights throughout the week. The dream Ultra Megalopolis is brighter than usual. The three crystalline masks , , and had seen in the CHAMBER OF DESIRES have been fitted into the cityscape, seemingly powering up the metropolis with their ceaseless light.[break][break]

In the city's center, another ominous development has appeared in the form of a POWER SPOT...[break][break]

Through the slumbering AZELF, receives another message:
WILL... WAKE... UP... WILL... TOMORROW... ONLY CHANCE...[break][break]
IMAGINE... POWER... FREE ME...[break]

Eventually, the message may be first relayed by ... but eventually, for those who are willing to concentrate, they will hear the Azelf communicating the same message into your dreaming minds. Curiously, the MEGALOPOLANS do not seem to hear it...[break][break]

However, it is deciphered that you all must do one thing:

The prison break begins tomorrow.[break][break]

WHEN YOU WAKE, your collected tears seem to glisten more strongly. Like TERA CRYSTALS, they glimmer. The TERA CRYSTALS embedded in your wards' ceilings shine brightly too. Seemingly, something has empowered them. The concentration of TERASTAL ENERGY has increased here—and those who own tera orbs will know that TERASTALLIZATION could potentially be done freely here...[break][break]

Through your waking tears or by gazing into your collected lachrymosity, you can sense Azelf's presence... although it remains weak.[break][break]

However, curiously, your characters feel an odd sensation surge briefly within them. Like a sapling struggling to burst through the dirt. WILLPOWER. The smallest taste of it. It is not enough to dispel your despair, but it is enough to turn the tide ever so slightly...[break][break]


THANKS TO YOUR TERASTAL TEARS & AZELF'S INFLUENCE, your characters will be able to control their TOXIC CHAIN to a certain extent.[break][break]

You will be able to DEVELOP A 'TOXIC CHAIN' ABILITY for your character that corresponds to their DESIRES. For example, OKIDOGI'S DESIRE FOR STRENGTH has granted him a TOXIC CHAIN that is strong.[break][break]

Feel free to be creative with your ability! However, due to the event format and the creative flexibility that is being allowed, be prepared to have your powers be toned down in the mod post.[break][break]

Please include your Toxic Chain ability in your notes. You may also opt out of this.

In each of your wards, the designated Megalopolan speaker announces, "one last day of work, our loyal prisoners! we will determine the best performing ward once again!"[break][break]

Your cruel Wardens, OKIDOGI, MUNKIDORI, and FEZANDIPITI cackle and applaud sarcastically.[break][break]

Mochi is fed. You're led into the center of your wards. Lifting. Sorting. Polishing. The routine continues until the platform with crates begins to descend...[break][break]


THAT SOUND IS YOUR CUE TO BREAK LOOSE. And should attempt to break the ORANGE-RED ROCK at any point, he will be able to. When the boulder crumbles apart, a searing heat expels outward and summons a HARSH SUNLIGHT in the ward. SHOULD RAPTORATTACKS ALLOW IT TO, an ORICHALCUM HUE can be burned or imprinted onto a part of 's skin...[break][break]

Regardless, of your newfound abilities, despair continues to hamper your endeavors. You must reach Azelf beneath this prison. Past the Feeding Pit. Toward the morbid tubes had seen.[break][break]

As the uprising begins, the MEGALOPOLAN GUARDS and THE LOYAL THREE strike back with their chains. The OKIDOGI is a fierce warrior. Its chain slams into prisoners, pummeling them into literal pulp. The MUNKIDORI shrieks as it uses its psychic abilities to strike prisoners down from afar; however, the monkey attempts to see the future... and fails. Perhaps, its lost ability of foresight is because of the interference of time now feels in the waking world...[break][break]

Lastly, the FEZANDIPITI charms unlucky prisoners. The bird seduces them into harm's way or slices them down with its wings.[break][break]

Throughout the chaos, feels his mark glowing. He can feel his mark resonate with the FEZANDIPITI... and two other presences above. However, he can also sense another alarming presence: a POWER SPOT somewhere within the prison too.


USING YOUR TOXIC CHAIN ABILITIES or whatever else at your disposal, attempt to rise up against your ward before boarding the platform down to the Feeding Pit.[break][break]

The Loyal Three will not fall to your attacks this round; however, they will retreat to be faced later as a more dangerous threat.


AS A RESULT OF THE TRIALS OF THE WORK WEEK AND YOUR ROLLS, the following characters must roll with DESPAIRING DISADVANTAGE (roll three times; the lowest roll is used) until instructed otherwise. The disadvantage on rolls reflects their physical injuries and/or their despairing spirit.[break][break]


HOWEVER, even characters NOT TAGGED/LISTED ABOVE must still ROLL WITH DISADVANTAGE. These characters only need to roll two times and take the lower roll until instructed otherwise. The disadvantage on rolls reflects their physical injuries and/or their despairing spirit.[break][break]

IN OTHER WORDS, everyone must roll with some form of disadvantage in this raid at this current time. If using a SALAC while disadvantaged, you must roll a new set of dice (e.g. roll two or three times) instead of changing one roll.


BELOW IS INFORMATION pertaining to each ward.

THE WEAKLING WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, OKIDOGI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "weak" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE DUMMY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, MUNKIDORI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "dumb" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.

THE UGLY WARD[break][break]

A ward headed by the retainer, FEZANDIPITI. Prisoners picked for this ward have been sorted as "ugly" in some way by the wardens.[break][break]



Note: there are NPC prisoners as well.



  • please include TL;DRS and ideally, bold your vote!
  • [break]
  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]


YOU CAN ONLY POST ONCE. Missing AT LEAST THREE ROUNDS will result in no rewards; however, due to the setting and scenario, characters will not be retconned from the event.[break][break]

has missed THREE ROUNDS and will not be eligible for rewards.[break][break]

has missed TWO ROUNDS and will receive DIMINISHED REWARDS.[break][break]

, , , , and have missed ONE ROUND.


MAY 8TH, 11:59PM PST.

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December 31st
Blackthorn City
Assassin / Architect
my most beautiful chaos
One day I will find you
1m85 // 6'1 height
1m85 // 6'1 height
Her heart in spite, is warm and bright
162 posts
part of
Kyrenai Black
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 9:48:11 GMT
Kyrenai Black Avatar
Moments of lucidity are the only thing keeping Kyrenai somewhat informed of her surroundings. Of 's struggle, his obsession with the orange ore. But she cannot feel pity for him. Nor for anyone. No fear holding her heart. Despair, yes, a sensation so profound she tries to escape it; and the only way to do so is to shut everything off. There's no need for hope if all you are is an empty shell. Just a goal. Working is a goal.

It takes several days before she first hears the voice settling in her head.

The assassin hears it, but it never settles. Empty words for an empty shell.

She does not have the willpower to change. The being however, does. And its willpower seems plenty for her and others. The moments her empty shell shifts for human emotion she feels the ward's vibe has changed. Change is on its way, but she never has enough time to figure out what before the empty husk takes form again.

Focus on the goal.

One day however, the Being's willpower finally gives meaning to the words it had spoken. The words that she'd kept repeating in her head until she'd find their meaning.

A new goal.


When it hits her, it hits her like a train. The urge to succeed. Her ores drop to the floor and her head, once bent and not daring to look up, now focus on the Okidogi with unspoken intent. The crimson of her eyes flare with a fire once extinguished. And with it, she rises, her chain fueled by the desire chained within her heart.


The toxic chain around Kyrenai's neck glows, not purple, but light. A blue as bright and free as the sky, wrapping around her body, supporting the broken bones in her torso with their strength. The oppression of your own body's weakness, no more. The chain presses down tightly but keeps the ribs at bay, lessening the burden they once were. And then it coils onward, like snakes around her arms and further, twisting around her body like a chain-made aura.

The chain is free. And so is the assassin's mind.

"Shame on me for waiting this long..." she tilts her head to look at the Okidogi, and after moments have passed, she smiles. "But I do think you're more pathetic, brawny dog." The chain around her crack like a whip, taunting the Okidogi into a reaction. Her grin turns foul as she steps towards her warden without fear. Even in despair she could still fight. She'd merely forgotten. And for that, she too was a pathetic one. Violence was her only way. The true way. Her chosen path.

She's sure the Okidogi will attempt to fight, in the glaring HARSH SUNLIGHT bursting from the ores, against her and the others. But right now she demands its attention upon her. Defiance always seemed to enrage the beast, so she expects no less from it. And when its attack comes, the chains coil into a stationary maelstrom-like shield, spinning consistently, catching the powerful impact of the Loyal Warden... and then ricocheting it back in its face.

But even then the power sends her stumbling backwards. The distance created is enough for Kyrenai to retreat back, pushing and countering her way through the crowds of prisoners and Megalopolans towards the platform. Her eyes remain on the Okidogi however, knowing that if it were to get close she would attack it again. Until then she follows the lead of others, a blonde who's face is unknown to her ( ) and helps him secure and defend the platform so others may join. She however keeps a special eye out for , , , and if they were to find themselves in danger.


- Weakling Ward
- Spartacus Time; desires to no longer be oppressed (by injuries, by her own thoughts, by the Okidogi)
- Toxic Chain Power: Telekenetic chain; is wrapped around her torso and supports it to lessen the pain of her broken body and allow for better movement despite injuries. Can rotate the chain to form a shield in front of herself to counter impact attacks and/or bash opponents with their own power (shield's range; 2 meters).
- Taunting Okidogi to attack her
- Braces for Okidogi's punch, then throws the attack back in its face
- Helps & others to defend the platform, but focuses on countering Okidogi if it attacks others
- Will shield , , , if they need aid


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,412 posts
part of
TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 10:34:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Though his injuries leave him weak and the work leaves him tired, Cillian's DESPAIR never congeals to resignation. Perhaps it was the influence of the weakened Azelf beneath, or perhaps it was a product of his own stubborn will to live.[break][break]

They will never break his WILL.[break][break]

Not even Rocket had managed to take that from him. They had stripped him of pride, of dignity, but he'd survived.[break][break]

Now, in a twist of irony, it is the desire to return to Rocket that chains him to determination. He toils. He laughs. He dreams.[break][break]

He sheds tears, against his will, and cups them in his palm. Their surface is like glass, like a mirror into another world. There is colour, the blue of a shimmering lake. And though he tenses at the telepathic touch of a mind not his own, he receives the message all the same.[break][break]

FREE ME.[break][break]

Cillian does not often speak to others. But he listens, and through the grapevine learns of a plan to escape.[break][break]

He is adept at concealing emotion, and shows no hint of the adrenaline that builds beneath his skin. The chain does not feel so tight around his neck. It pulses with an energy that feels almost enticing, not unlike the way he'd felt when he'd first received Lugia's blessing.[break][break]

Powerful. Strong.[break][break]

When the uprising begins, HARSH SUNLIGHT erupts from shattered rock. It casts harsh shadows beneath friend and foe alike, and those shadows bend to the will of the Harbinger, for once, and not his corrupted brood. As a Megalopolan guard lunges toward him in an attempt to subdue the injured underboss, his own shadow twists from the ground to tangle around his legs.[break][break]

He had not meant to do it. But though his ribs ache as he stumbles back from his would-be assailant, no amount of pain could take from Cillian the rush of sadistic glee that follows the realization.
This strength did not depend upon the blessing of another. This was his own.[break][break]

He makes for the platform, using shadow to trip or restrain where he can. It's like moving a muscle. Like his MIASMA, given solid form. There is no hesitation to help others, even the likes of , should he spot him in danger — they'd need all hands on deck for the escape. He could carry out his lust for vengeance later.[break][break]

However, he certainly favours , , and . He tries to stick close to them, hoping they remembered his message in dreams. Don't give up. We're in this together.[break][break]

And so they would escape, together.[break][break]





Azelf has competition for the Being of Willpower, b/c Cillian's a stubborn lil bitch who refuses to give up. Definitely despairing and definitely injured, but at no point loses sight of the desire to escape.[break]
TOXIC ABILITY: He relies so much on his Shadow Pokemon/Avatarship for strength, but he wants to be more. So his desire for power manifests into control over literal shadows.[break]
Does his best to use that power to trip/restrain the guards/Three, and doesn't discriminate in who he helps between Rocket/League or known/unknown. Strength in numbers, until they're all out safe.[break]
ty Shiv for the excuse to use shadow tentacles[break]
Tries to stay close to , , and in particular. Rocket fam rise up. ( would be included but he doesn't know she's there just yet!)


[newclass=.twtgm] --accent: #765d75; [/newclass]
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march 11th
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON May 5, 2024 12:13:36 GMT
[attr="class","uglytheo prisonertheo"]

i'm standing on the ashes of who i used to be



strength in numbers.[break][break]

theo had advocated as much from the day he arrived in hoenn. through countless meetings and talks of infighting, insubordination, and defection, he has reiterated the same message time and time again, never once failing to remind everyone where their strengths lie.[break][break]

it is the same message he told when they first woke up here. the win condition had been simple then, and it's simple now.[break][break]

"looks as though our patience has paid off."[break][break]

clinging onto the smallest taste of WILLPOWER, theo glances over at his cellmate shortly after the sound cues them.[break][break]

"we're getting out of here. stay close to me, and you'll survive."[break][break]

with a parting nod, theo tugs at his TOXIC CHAIN before stepping out of the cell, tired, exhausted, but finally hopeful; or delusional, given how far into his DESIRES he has attempted to reach.[break][break]

his powers manifest through makeshift chains that look more like tendrils from the great unknown formed of light shades of black. those tendrils whip out across the room, finding those he seeks to EMPOWER.[break][break]

curiously, they are also those he seeks to CONTROL.[break][break]

"it's beckett! use me as your support!"[break][break]

dark tendrils reach out to , , , , and , empowering their powers and providing them with additional WILLPOWER.[break][break]


haggard and slow, more tendrils emerge to find , , , , , , , and , or at least they attempt to.[break][break]

what theo said to the likes of , , and weren't lies. he does want to be their anchor. he wants to be their support. but he would rather die than let them — or anyone — control him.[break][break]

cJ5ZgWar [break]

ugly ward[break]
. theo is a good prisoner[break]
. POWER: able to create murky tendrils that empower/boosts/supports those it latches onto[break]
. theo tries to support those tagged above in ugly ward[break]
. salac x2 [x] [x]


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