i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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December 21
Saffron City
Gym Leader
dead flowers
pressed against my lips
156 cm // 5'1" height
156 cm // 5'1" height
oceans of angels, oceans of stars, down by the sea is where you drown your scars
1,086 posts
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TAG WITH @2baki
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 0:09:19 GMT
Hyakkaryōran Tsubaki Avatar


[attr="class","star2tsu4"]"Wouldn't worry tryin' to break the door down," [break][break]

The woman remarks casually from the edge of her bed, watching the scene her cellmate makes throwing herself against the bars over and over again. [break][break]

"Already checked - ain't no door to break down." [break][break]

Considering the situation, she remains remarkably calm. She's seen the inside of a cell more times than she can count. This ain't nothin' new. Circumstances are weird, yeah. So's everything if you really fixate on it. But keepin' your head, your sanity... that's priority number one. [break][break]

She clutches chopsticks-turned-hairpins in her hand. If there were a door, they'd be chopsticks-turned-hairpins-turned-lockpicks. Alas. Her grip tightens, and they become a bunch of splinters on the floor instead. [break][break]

A soft sigh and she runs her fingers through her hair, tryin' to stave off that familiar dizzy feeling. Mask attached to her head makes it hard to breathe. All the ruckus doesn't help. [break][break]

"C'mon, you're just drawin' attention now..."[break][break]

A few seconds, waiting for her words to register. When it's clear they don't, she stands and slowly walks toward the bars against which her cellmate is throwing herself over and over again, like some trapped animal.[break][break]

"... Lady, you're givin' me a fuckin' headache."[break][break]

As the woman turns, Tsubaki delivers swift punch to her masked face that knocks her off balance. Lucky those bars are there - if she's quick, she can catch herself on 'em before she hits the ground. [break][break]

+ [break]
+ tl;dr - baki attempts to quiet xenon down the only way she knows how


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July 19th
Hau'oli City, Alola
Full Time Ranger
Elite Ranger
Roads may be rough and tough, though it will lead somewhere.
816 posts
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TAG WITH @genevieve
Genevieve Cromwell
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 0:13:34 GMT
Genevieve Cromwell Avatar

He seemed strained, and for good reason. These masks were awful, terrible to breathe in. But they could still breathe. If the Megalopolan wanted to, they'd all be dead right now. So they wanted something from them, clearly. Enough so that, they took their Pokeballs, they took their uniforms away. Could it still be they were gathering livestock?[break][break]

No need to worry her cellmate though.[break][break]

"I don't, and it's likely they didn't leave us any. Too many avenues for escape that way," Genny begins, hands still searching for a way to get out. Tracing every inch of their cell, from the cot, to the walls, even to the ceiling, a feat that a four foot eleven redhead had trouble doing.[break][break]

"I've dealt with them before. They're called Megalopolan, alien remnants from the Ultra Beast War. They were south of Fortree City in the swamps, attempting to collect humans for livestock for their trip home. We were caught up in that, but we ended up taking their ship to get out. This might be another ship." Her eyes narrow, glares fired to those outside. "We should have finished them off," she bemoaned, an edged tone sharp as a knife, eyes pointedly looking at what should have been a problem resolved.[break][break]

She takes a breath. No reason to worry about what ifs now. "What we need to do now, is to stay calm. Watch every nook and cranny, and wait for a time to strike."[break][break]

If she had to, she'd break one of the Megalopolan's necks the moment they got close.[break][break]

No more half measures.



- Still attempting to find a way out, Genny would at least give the low-down of what's going on, and her running theory of where they were.[break]
- Angry Genevieve wishes they just took them all down. Radical Genny still in play.[break]
- Trying to keep Hideo calm, Genny advises a strategy to watch ahead of them, wait for a moment to strike. The best means to get out.



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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 1:38:18 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar

Screaming is what wakes him.[break][break]

It echoes in unnatural patterns; this is followed by a panic. Tempest had on more clothes then he fell asleep with, and always made sure stuff was cool before trying anything freaky. His own heartbeat thumps in his ears as he wonders if he would be trapped in the cycle of dying again.[break][break]

His world is slatted, a mask on his face with some fleshy tendril around his neck. Dressed, but this stuff rubs wrong against his skin. Nothing else. Not even underwear according to Shiv in the Discord Chat. Just free-balling and it was fucked.[break][break]

Tempest picks himself slowly up off the floor and tries to force his breaths to calm. The condensation in this headpiece made him feel uncomfortably slick and sticky. Walking over to the bars, he peers out of them. He can hear other's echoing screams, can see guard patrolling. Wait, did they have blue skin?[break][break]

Fuck, they were gunna be lunch.[break][break]

Stepping back, Tempest glanced around his cell- quickly spotting what looked to be a woman on the cot. She had on a weird mack, too. And the fleshy tendril was... ah, shit. It was one of the things from the swamp and that had been attaching to various pokemon all month.[break][break]

Walking over to her, Tempest reaches out to start and gently shake her shoulder as she appeared to be asleep.[break][break]

"Hey. Hey."

[attr="class","tag"]@ PRISMATIC



🔗 Tempest wakes up and freaks out a little. Then peers outside the cell. Tries to wake up his cell mate () to see if she knows what the hell is going on.


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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 2:04:39 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Panic surged through him as he awoke to the feeling of confinement; the heat of his captured breath giving him the illusion of being suffocated. A masked figure loomed near him, his mind irrationally concluding that @elisbeth had captured him to take her revenge for the injury he dealt her on Route 105.[break][break]

But the voice that came from behind the mask was not the cruel, mocking one of the Rocket Underboss but another woman's - tinged with panic but tugging on something in his memory.[break][break]

"I'm okay?" Jack responded uncertainly as he weakly attempted to push her hands away. She flinched away as if struck, falling to the ground farther away in their limited space.[break][break]

"I'm okay. You're okay," he said more certainly as he attempted to move, but a wave of nausea and vertigo kept him in place. His willpower and attention focused on ending the spinning he felt and avoiding vomiting.[break][break]

When the feeling passed, he took a moment to take in their surroundings, their strange outfits, his lack of pokeballs. The Megalopolan cannibals patrolling outside of what was obviously a cell. The recognizable toxic chain securing the sinister mask to his cellmate's face. His cellmate... she was still talking, still sounding slightly unhinged to him as he tried to interpret her words.[break][break]

"Hey," he interjected as she sniffled, "My name's Jack. I'm with the Hoenn Rangers. We're going to be okay, but I need you to help me get this mask off."[break][break]

He could feel some of his strength returning, but his arms still felt heavy as he tried to tug at the mask that confined him. Dropping his hands back to his side, he fought another wave of nausea and hoped this woman could pull it together enough to help them out of this mess.



– Jack wakes up thinking he has been captured by Rocket.[break]
– He thinks his cellmate might be crazy, but he introduces himself and asks for her to help him get his mask off.



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 2:35:56 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




"BWAG" was all that escaped her lips. [break][break]

She was rudely awoken by the the kick to her but that delivered for free. "What the FUCK Na-" she says as she looks up and spots a stranger looking down at her with a mask on. "What the FUCK are you doing in my-?!" she says as she looks around and realizes she isn't where she fell asleep, this wasn't her house. The voice and hair of her visitor were familiar to her, Amor rose. [break][break]

She immediately reaches fro her pokeballs only to find no purchase. There was no pokemon with her at the moment, she sensed cobalion was FAR away and unable to come to her aid. "Of course I get locked up in a cell with you of all people in this fucking country."[break][break]

But it seems he was also an unwilling visitor of this...jail cell. "Wonderful, trapped in a new hell hole with my FAVORITE person in the world. HEY! YOU" she screams out to the guards and points to a specific one. "What's going on?!" [break][break]

"Can we switch cellmates?!"


notes about this post

Notes go here

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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,931 posts
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TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 5:11:40 GMT
Navy Avatar







The body on ’s cot stirs. Gentle twitches show signs of life. Beneath the mask, his breathing is haggard.[break][break]
It feels like someone is beating his head in with a mace. People are shouting. They shout, he thinks, in vain. Their screams do little but drive needles into the wrinkles of his brain.[break][break]
Please…” His voice is a croaked wheeze, spoken through cracked lips. “Quiet down, man…” Whoever his cellmate is, Navy does not recognize the voice, his pale legs, or the kimono he wears. A weak hand thumbs at his own elbow. There should be an IV in his arm. His hospital gown has been replaced with cheap silk.[break][break]
Were it not for the kimono, the chain, and the mask, he would think Rocket had finally discovered him. His assumption would be that this was a rocket cell, and that he would soon suffer an interrogation. The protests from outside, the hushed voices from other cells, they all tell him this situation is extraordinary.[break][break]
Another fight, warrior. He tells himself. Stand up. You have work to do.[break][break]
Despite everything, despite the protests of his body, he tries to rise. Sitting up is as arduous as climbing a mountain. He sweats beneath the mask. His heart beats like a drum. An ache snakes down his spine.[break][break]
Only when he sits up does he realize the weight around his neck is a chain. His cellmate is wrapped in the same chain. It is the same chain he has been cutting off the infected for a month.[break][break]
H-Hey, what’s going on out-” His question, asked in a delirious voice, is capped by a collapse. Navy falls back onto the cot. Only a threadbare pillow stops his head from hitting stone.


notes about this post

Navy wakes up because and lots of other people are yelling. Speaks some nonsense. Tries to sit up. Very clearly sick. Collapses back onto the cot.

[newclass=.Navypog3]background-color:#2b2b2b;padding:25px;border:solid 3px #363636;border-radius:10px;width:500px;margin:25px auto;background-image:url(;background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right;}.Navypog3-big-img { height:0px;mix-blend-mode:lighten; }.Navypog3-big-img img { height:250px;width:325px;margin:-25px 0px 0px 200px;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px; }.Navypog3-1 { position:relative;min-height:400px;border-radius:5px;padding:34px; }.Navypog3-title { font:800 40px Poppins;line-height:35px;text-transform:uppercase;color:#d84545;width:165px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;letter-spacing:-.35px; }.Navypog3-title div { position:absolute;margin-top:-70px;overflow:hidden;margin-left:165px;color:#2b2b2b;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #eeeeee; }.Navypog3-title div span { display:block;margin-left:-165px; }.Navypog3-tagged { background-color:#272727;padding:0px 9px;height:28px;border:solid 1px #232323;overflow:hidden;border-radius:5px;margin:15px 285px 17px 0px;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;letter-spacing:.35px; }.Navypog3-tagged a { font:800 10px Poppins!important;line-height:28px!important;text-decoration:none;color:#999999!important;display:block;transition:.3s all; }.Navypog3-tagged a:hover { color:#d84545!important; }.Navypog3-subtitle { padding-right:285px;font:bold 10px Hind;line-height:10px;text-align:justify;color:#606060;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.5px; }.Navypog3-pkmn { margin:30px 0px 25px 0px;display:grid;grid-template-columns:auto auto auto auto auto auto;gap:10px;width:100%; }.Navypog3-pkmn div { border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#272727;height:60px;border-radius:5px;display:flex;flex-direction:column;align-items:center;justify-content:center;cursor:pointer; }.Navypog3-pkmn div img { display:block;transition:.3s all;filter:grayscale(100%) contrast(75%); }.Navypog3-pkmn div:hover img { filter:grayscale(0%) contrast(100%); }.Navypog3-post { color:#dbdbdb;font:12px Hind;line-height:19px;letter-spacing:.25px;text-align:justify; }.Navypog3-post i { color:#d84545; }.Navypog3-post b { color:#d84545;font:700 12px Poppins;line-height:17px; }.Navypog3-icon { float:left; padding:14px;border:solid 1px #232323;background-color:#303030;height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:5px;margin:0px 25px 5px 0px; }.Navypog3-icon img { height:80px;width:80px;border-radius:3px;}.Navypog3-bot { height:109px;width:109px;padding:0px 0px 26px 26px;background-color:#2b2b2b;border-radius:0px 10px 0px 10px;margin:-110px 0px -25px -25px;display:flex;justify-content:center;align-items:center;color:#dbdbdb;font-size:45px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 { margin-top:30px;font:12px Hind;line-height:16px;color:#dbdbdb;height:75px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 h1 { margin:0px;border:solid 1px #232323;border-radius:5px;background-color:#272727;font:800 10px Poppins;line-height:10px;padding:9px;color:#d84545;text-transform:uppercase;letter-spacing:.35px;max-width:fit-content;margin-bottom:10px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div { height:49px;overflow:auto;text-align:justify;padding-right:15px;color:#a3a3a3;text-shadow:1px 1px 0px #2b2b2b; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar { background:transparent!important;border:none!important;width:8px; }.Navypog3-bot-1 div::-webkit-scrollbar-thumb { background-color:#d84545!important;border:solid 1px #232323!important;border-radius:5px;[/newclass]

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 10:03:55 GMT


theo doesn't remember falling asleep.

after decades of putting people in positions far worse, he jolts awake to find himself in a dingy cell; not one of rocket's or the league's; so he assumes the worse as dread sets in, the fleeting of hope swift and just; deserved, as some would deem.

by the time comes to, the brief moment of panic has passed, replaced by acceptance that there is no way out of this cell. what control he has spent his life fighting for has since been stripped away along with his tools.

here, in this cell, he is nothing more than a man.

but to , he is her captor, her pain, her terror. where she descends, he holds, assuming the role they both need to survive this.

"annalise," he whispers, voice strained against the TOXIC CHAIN, "trust me, and i assure you we'll get out of here."
theo wakes next to his pookie
theo tells his pookie to trust him

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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
628 posts
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 14:09:50 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

Nenet winced in pain as she woke. Her head felt heavy - far heavier than it should - and fuzzy with cotton as she peeled open her eyes. That wasn't right. Slowly, carefully, she lifts a hand to feel along the outline of the mask adorning her face, and then the slight constriction encircling her neck.
She does her best not to panic.
Before her thoughts can skitter too far along an intimately familiar voice bellows with rage nearby, threatening anyone and everyone around them.
"Zev," Nenet calls hoarsely as she pushes herself up into a seated position, not trusting her legs right now. "Stop yelling."
Shifting her weight forwards, she takes stock of herself and her surroundings.
It didn't seem to be good.
"Do you know where we are," she asks her husband after a beat of silence. He had clearly been awake longer than her, but by how much was unknown at the moment.


- .[break]
- Ugly Ward rep.[break]
- Nenet wakes up and scolds Zev for yelling. She then asks him where they are.



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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 15:03:43 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam had been asleep on the couch, his arms and legs wrapped around what seemed like a body pillow at that time.

his sleep doesn't seem to be affected by poor conditions. he was used to decrepit circumstances that nothing about the cell's lack of air conditioning or mattresses didn't faze him out of his sleep.

it was only the loud yelling that wakes him up.

he opens his eyes, finds out that the pillow he was all up into wasn't exactly a pillow, and then immediately pretends to fall asleep again. he caught a glimpse of the foreign surroundings he was in, but it was better to avoid the awkward first meeting with his cellmate than figure out their situation.

good luck .

  • sleep cuddles greg
  • commotions inside the penitentiary wakes him up
  • pretends to go back to sleep so grigori can face reality first

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 15:29:43 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar



[attr="class","oocnotes"]> WEAK WARD[break][break]✦ Greyson helps Nomi calm down[break] ✦ Nomi wonders if the DRK Triad is behind this[break]✦ Greyson blames Rocket; despite this, Nomi advises Greyson that they should work together to try and escape


The Visionary.[break][break]
Nomi froze. The hand on her arm was tight, but not aggressively so. If anything, it was steadying. Grounding. The man was calm despite her outburst, though she could hear the disappointment in his voice - and, below that, a dam yet to burst: the anger.[break][break]
One deep breath. Then another. Then another.[break][break]
Does it sound like I'm jaded? Having your loved ones thrown in a cell for months on end, tortured and prodded like cattle for information, will do that to you.[break][break]
"Greyson Connors," she realized, with genuine surprise. But why would the DRK Triad capture him? He wasn't an Avatar - as far as she knew - and he had barely begun to believe her, to reluctantly accept the merit of her mission to unite League and Rocket against a larger threat.[break][break]
Unless. Unless this wasn't their doing?[break][break]
"Turned on me?" She blinked behind the mask, confusion etched across a hidden face. "You think Rocket did this?"[break][break]
She glanced around once more. Beyond the bars of their doorless cage, she could see a circular hallway, bending off to the left and right. There was a tall, rectangular shaft in the middle, some kind of...tower?[break][break]
Other voices could be heard, a variety of emotions - from yelling to quiet, frantic whispers - though she could not immediately place any of them as familiar. There wasn't a single window or sign that they were anywhere recognizable - let alone still in Hoenn. Figures patrolled the hallway, the blue skin of Megalopolians immediately catching her attention.[break][break]
One thing was for certain: she had never seen anything like this within Rocket territory.[break][break]
"This isn't Sootopolis prison," she told Greyson, with confidence. Swallowing the awful emptiness where the Unown should have been, she focused fully on her unlikely companion and his biased assumption. "It seems we've been captured by Megalopolians, but that doesn't mean Rocket is involved."[break][break]
She removed her hands from the death grip she'd placed upon his shirt - an outfit, she realized, that reminded her somewhat of traditional Johtian clothing. Something itched at the back of her mind, a nagging sensation that she was forgetting something, which only further agitated the overwhelming sense of displacement. Her mind wasn't working as reliably as it usually did; always, she could rely on quick thinking and logical reasoning to get her out of trouble.[break][break]
Not lately. Lately, you rely too much on the Unown, a small, scared internal voice hissed, chastising. And now they're gone.[break][break]
"We need to work together," she told Greyson, recognizing there was an opportunity here, buried beneath the danger and confusion. "Instead of argue about Rocket, we should focus on escaping." She paused. "What I told you before is still true. I am not your enemy."[break][break]



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April 5
5'07" height
5'07" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
199 posts
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TAG WITH @darkwingsgod
Andrew Fisher
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 15:57:47 GMT
Andrew Fisher Avatar

Soon, Andrew realized he wasn't alone. More within the prison awoke in similar circumstances. Many shouting and lashing out at the Megalopolan jailers. Andrew attempted to tune all of the shouting out, taking a seat on the stool.

Upon hearing a voice call out for a sister, and an 'Anat', Andrew turned to face his smaller cellmate. She didn't seem to notice him.

"Yo, are you o-", Andrew began to ask, before the masked girl began to howl.

"Why are you howling like a fuckin' dog!?", Andrew asked the girl, perplexed at the display.

Whether or not he got an answer from the girl, Andrew lunged at the bars of the cell.

"Yo, what the fuck is this shit!?", Andrew shouted at the nearest Megalopolan guard. "Why the fuck did you stick me in a cell with a fuckin' crazy person!? Put me in a diff-", Andrew demanded, before a swift jab to the solar plexus, delivered via the Megalopolan's Toxic Chain, immediately shut him up.

Wheezing beneath the mask, and stumbling back into the darkness of his cell, Andrew collapsed onto his butt, on the cold floor.

"Ow! Fuck!", Andrew moaned, gripping his midsection. "Motherfuckers!", Andrew continued, still winded from the strike.

He needed to find a way out of this hellhole, and fast.

Suddenly, a strange chime caught his attention. In the middle of the prison, a platform seemed to lower. Was this another Megalopolan Commander? Or perhaps the 'Megalopolan Queen'?

notes: tl;dr

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 16:13:02 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar nearly jumped out of his skin when a voice spoke out behind him. He spun around, attempting and failing to cover his legs with his arms. His priorities were realigned when he got a better look at the sorry creature that was his cellmate. The stranger was in far worse shape than Oscar, barely able to even sit up.

Now Oscar was nowhere near a good person, if he had known who this was he probably would have relished the chance to take him out while he was weak. Yet for now this was a struggling stranger, and that pesky thing called empathy ignited within Oscar once more. Forgetting his own discomfort, Oscar gingerly moved toward his fellow inmate.

Standing over his ill compatriot, Oscar reluctantly bent down to get a better look. Poor guy was nearly as pale as Oscar, what happened to him. Eventually, Oscar gathered the courage to speak.

"Uh hey there um--pal. You don't look so good. I mean that's obvious but uhh--shit I can't help." Oscar looked around, trying to locate something that would help. Of course there was nothing, so Oscar just embellished a shrug. He stood back up and went back to the bars. This probably won't work but there was jack-shit else he could do.

"Hey this guy's sick! Like, really sick! You got some fuckin' Tylenol or--whatever!?"

--Oscar feels bad for poor sick
--Oscar tries to get Navy medical attention to likely no avail.
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,062 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 16:36:23 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


ft. a whole lotta noodle arms, dummies and uggies.

"Oi." Came behind . "The heck was that fo'?"

The man she had missed earlier had opinions about her flailing to share, and her obvious panicking was clearly not going to stop him.

Leaned up and sat against the wall, the dramatic lighting of the prison shone down upon the man's mask, revealing to the prisoner just what exactly was attached to her face— and wrapped around her neck.

"Ya done? Calm down." The young man said... his galarian accent thick and obviously fake. "I've had my fill of screaming for today, thanks."

He had been awake for a while now. Enough to speedrun the 5 stages some folk seemed to have gotten hung up on. Enough to know his mask couldn't be removed, his connection with Lele was being severely impeded, and using his powers was just begging for a throttling.

And enough to try and look around after getting acquainted with his surroundings.

The shape of the place. The warden of said place. The number of guards, their equipment.

Oh yes, he had had plenty of times to wallow in just how fucked they were while sleeping beauty got some shut eye.

"Trust me— get away from the bars and lower yer voice— We're in a prison." He reminded her. "And ya don't want the guards' or worse, the warden's attention in prison."

-Calm down, beautiful woman I've never met.
-ACTION: count guards, check their equipment

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 16:53:33 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
Grigori Sokolov had died.

There were no other explanations for the scene painted before him. He lacked his Poke balls, his phone, or any other worldly possessions. He was locked in a cell, with no way to escape and the bare few amenities allowed to those incarcerated. Upon his face was a terrible mask, one he could not piece together.

A metaphor, he presumed. Same with his Kantonian robes. Surely a sign that this was hell. His punishment for all the horrible, horrible things he’d done in that region. All the lives ruined, ended, destroyed. If only he could remember his final moments– were they at the hands of the League, or Rocket?

But, perhaps, this wasn’t hell. It didn’t explain the other person that used him like a massive body pillow, in the small, dingy cot. The only one in the cell, he noted. Was this supposed to be a figment of his past, or an innocent life taken? They also wore a mask, with a massive purple chain attached to–

So I’m not dead,” he muttered. Fortunately, these Toxic Chains would not be a part of his hell. They’d be steel, and dig into his flesh until he bled out in the cot. Maybe he needn’t worry about his memories just yet. All would be revealed in time.

Pardon me,” Grigori whispered. He grabbed Priam’s arm atop his chest and tried to pull it off. Even if the other person was asleep, he didn’t have any desire to remain in the cot for a second longer. His old bones ached from the lack of support. Hell, even the bars that encapsulated them would be better for his back.

I think the time for rest is over.

 - Grigori thinks he is dead
 - Grigori realizes he is not dead
 - He tries to pry Priam off his body so he can stand up
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January 9th
senior ranger
6’1” height
6’1” height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
290 posts
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TAG WITH @ever
ever blackwell
POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 17:45:15 GMT
ever blackwell Avatar



The first thought that popped into his mind was how anyone could sleep for twelve hours. Wouldn't you end up feeling groggy all day?
Shaking off such thoughts, he opened his mouth to tell her to wake up, probably less kindly, when she seemed to come to her senses on her own.
As she sat up, he studied her. Aside from the obvious body shape that identified her as a woman, he couldn't tell anything about her. Like him, she wore a mask with a chain wrapped around her neck. Her clothing style was also Johtian, and from the style, he could only assume it was similar to his own.
"Yeah, I believe you speak for both of us," he grunted, his gaze scanning the cell around them. Still nothing. Not that he had really thought something would have changed in the few minutes he had looked around.
The sound of movement had him turning his attention back to the woman who was his cellmate. As she moved to tug at the mask, he opened his mouth to warn her against it, but it was too late. Resisting the urge to sigh, his gaze immediately flickered down to the part of the chain around her neck, seeing it tighten.
It's as he thought. Messing with the mask caused the chain to tighten. When his hand had brushed against the chain earlier, it had felt alive somehow. He was sure messing with the chain around the neck would have the same consequences.
"Best not to mess with the mask, it only causes the chain to tighten like a noose," he said, a note of irritation in his tone, the only sign so far that he wasn't a fan of their accommodations.
"Yeah, whoever it was took our Pokémon... why they changed our clothes, I couldn't tell you. It's not like they couldn't have robbed us of our Pokémon without changing our clothes," he pointed out, still disgruntled about getting changed without his consent. Not only was it disturbing, but it was also an invasion of privacy.
At the question, he simply shook his head. As far as he knew, he hadn't done anything. Perhaps he had pissed someone off. After all, he wasn't really the type to mince words.
Having absently moved closer to the bars that allowed them to peer out, he stiffened when he saw the blue-skinned aliens. He had never seen them with his own eyes, but he had heard of them. He had heard the whispers.
Then that could only mean...
Instinctively, he moved away from the outer bars.
Barely registering her newest question, he started speaking. Besides, what he said next would probably give her all the insight she needed.
"We've been captured by Megalopolans. I've never met one before, but I've heard enough talk about them to know what they look like. From what else I've managed to hear about them, it's possible we've been captured as a food source."
As she began to use Morse Code, he started in surprise. Morse Code wasn't something people normally knew. He knew it because learning it set him even further apart from his father. His father saw stuff like Morse Code and Sign Language as useless.
It took a few minutes for him to recover his composure and make his way over to Elaine's side.
"Nice to meet you, Elaine," he said quietly before turning his attention to the bars to give his own message, something short and simple.
- .... .. ... / .. ... / . ...- . .-.
While he waited to see if they would get some kind of response a whirling sound like something being lowered caught his attention. The sound seemed to coming from behind them so he quickly spun around.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + TL;DR: Is in the weakling ward [break] Chats with his cellmate [break] Has never met Megalopolans but has heard enough talk about them to know what they are [break] Tells Elaine just who captured them [break] Morse Code: This is Ever



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP