i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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August 17th
Alto Mare
Time is money. You are a waste of both.
32 posts
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TAG WITH @leonsettentrione
Leon Settentrioné
POSTED ON Apr 5, 2024 23:50:15 GMT
Leon Settentrioné Avatar

Once more Leon awoke to an unfamiliar environment, but this time recognition was not forthcoming. It was immediately apparent to him that he was not where he should be, and his first memory was of the he'd had, weeks ago now. But this was different. He wasn't sure why but something told him this was not the same occurrence, similar though it may be. This time he'd actually been abducted, which made things far more irritating.

Nevertheless, at first he made no movement, instead letting his senses soak in the environment around him. He could tell that he was lying on a steel floor, the clanking echoes telling him that the entire structure was comprised primarily of the same. The scent of rust and dank air told him it was not a well maintained facility. The regular thudding of boots on the floor indicated the presence of guards, though the number was difficult to ascertain. They appeared to be moving in unison, as though not in command of their own faculties. Clearly this wasn't about his financial activities. More pertinently, the mask on his face and chain around his throat indicated they were not open to reason. And, of course, most troubling was the absence of his own attire and the comforting feeling of a pair of pistols beneath his arms. It was a safe assumption that his pokéballs were likewise absent, though he trusted them to manage their own affairs.

When his eyes did open, it was a bare sliver, indeterminable behind the concealing mask. The prison was dimly lit, further confirming it as a stereotypical gulag. From where he lay he could see bars, a toilet, a chair and desk chained to the wall, and the occasional passage of someone outside. Most troubling was the presence of a bed, and he recognized the fiery locks laying upon it immediately. His brow furrowed as a cold rage swept over him; it was one thing to inconvenience him, quite another to accost his wife. He'd briefly considered simply escaping, but now a response was required.

And then came the screaming and shouts of indignation; he almost sighed. Clearly they were not the only ones held here, and just as clearly the others were completely out of their depth and of no use at all. The wisest solution was to watch and study, the more one knew that their adversary did not the better. But, of course, this was not a strategy that could be maintained forever, and it all too soon came to an abrupt end.

Next to him his wife woke in a start, and panic immediately set in for her as she sprang. This time he did sigh, his breath hot beneath the mask. While Aubre panicked he slowly rose to his feet, noting with ever growing fury that she was likewise attired. The implications of that were not ones that bode well for the wellbeing of their captors. As a result he stripped his own top, revealing the deep blue of his family crest etched into his skin, as well as the numerous scars across his arms and chest.

With measured steps he strode to where she was desperately assaulting the furniture. As he draped the extra covering across her he knelt next to her, folding her in his arms and speaking softly in her ear. "Silenzio mi amore, andrà tutto bene." He pulled her into his chest, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Ho bisogno che tu faccia esattamente quello che ti dico, si?" He waited for her confirmation before continuing. "Stai calmo e stai indietro. Stai zitto e rimani nell'ombra." The chiming of a bell caught his attention, diverting the majority of it toward the center of the chamber. "Ti terrò al sicuro, mi amore."

Now that things were beginning to move he placed a kiss on the top of her head and stood., striding calmly towards the front of the cell. Despite his nonchalance the position he took was carefully considered, his hands shadowed by the arrangement of the room and his body. It was this cover he used to first remove the sash from his clothing, and then begin to wind it around his hand, leaving a substantial amount concealed in his clenched fist. Silver eyes slowly scanned the other cells, recognizing a few faces but finding none he though might bear any value. Instead he examined the guards, noting the flash of skin and parsing it away with the other information. Yet as the platform began to descend, his eyes returned to the center of the chamber they were now in, awaiting the arrival of their 'host'.
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

*Dummy Ward
*Leon awakes to find himself somewhere he shouldn't be, again.
*He's pissed
*Begins putting plans in motion

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
380 posts
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TAG WITH @zachary
zachary stellar
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 0:04:40 GMT
zachary stellar Avatar



His head throbbed like it was in a vice and he couldn't breathe for a moment. He groggily got up, soon realizing he was not in a bed. Not in his usual clothing, his jacket got-- he was groggy not remembering how he got there. It was cold and damp, filthy as he felt the hard surface under him. As Zachary regained his senses he soon reached up to his head-- to discover the iron vice mask over his face. Along with the poison chain that now wrapped around it and his neck. "Wha..." he groggily breathed, panic resting up from sleepiness. He soon tried to pull the mask off, struggling but no matter how hard he tug, the mask was linked to the chains around him. "What the hell?" Zachary groggily said as he moved towards the barred door. He looked out, finding the yard where the other cells were along with the odd center building. [break][break] He shook the bars. "Hey! LET ME OUT!!" He shouted, confused how he got there. He couldn't even find his Pokeballs, and likely taken from him. He was stuck. There was no other way for him to escape right now and stuck there. [break][break] He soon backed up from the bars, trying to figure a way at least to break out of that mask, but to no avail. He was growing frustrated so soon stopped and spoke to himself. "Calm down Zachary... focus. THink of what is in front of you, and take it one step at a time. You panic, you make your situation worse." he huffed, trying to keep in control of his emotions. All the while confused and scared -- especially where his Pokemon were. [break][break]



Weakling Ward.[break]

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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 0:33:48 GMT

watched 's frantic awakening with his elbow propped on one knee and his jaw cradled in an open palm. Though hidden behind a mask, the admin's expression was one of lazy judgement.[break][break]

When his comrade finally settled, Barnaby answered in a purposefully calming tone, "A prison." [break][break]

Well, that much was obvious. [break][break]

"Though I'm not sure where exactly it's located."[break][break]

Were they even in Hoenn anymore? Considering the MEGALOPOLANS patrolling the ward, they could very well be in Ultra Space for all the information the bare stone walls and iron bars conveyed.[break][break]

"I doubt it's a League facility... our jailers are a little on the blue side for that."[break][break]

Barnaby paused for a moment but continued with a softer, "...are you able to use your powers?"


UGLY WARD [break][break]


[newclass=.barnaby-wrap] margin: 0 auto; width: 420px; background-color: #272727; box-shadow: 2px 2px 0px #333333,-2px 2px 0px #333333,2px -2px 0px #333333,-2px -2px 0px #333333; border: solid 1px #232323; border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.barnaby-notes a] font: 13px Quattrocento Sans!important; letter-spacing: .5px; text-transform: lowercase; color: #796477; [/newclass]
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February 17
Pokémon Doctor
I Still Believe, Inside of Me, There's Someone Not Unspoken. Someone Not So Broken.
406 posts
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TAG WITH @aubremckenna
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 1:11:06 GMT
Aubre McKenna-Settentrione Avatar


The screams of others fade into the background. If she’d been cognizant of what was going on, she might have wondered if they were on the menu at all. There were so few Megaopans left. Her conscious mind would have questioned just how much food the aliens could need. But, right now, her mind was stuck repeating one word: Michaela.

In a different setting, ’s nicknames would have drawn out a warm, eager laugh. Just the word Pamplemousse was worth that much. But this isn’t that place.


Her entire world shrinks to the rusty edge of the desk and the toxic thing in her hand. It feels strangely warm, reminiscent of an Eelektross’s skin. The more she pulls on it, the tighter it becomes. But the wheezing and quiet sobs start long before that. “Please….come on, just—just—” It feels like she’s Sisyphus. Every time she thinks she has purchase, the thing slips from her grasp.

There’s a gasp of surprise as her husband’s arms wrap around her. She feels the fabric of his shirt falls on her, the sleeves falling across her back. His skin is warm against the thin fabric. His initial words wash over her like the babbling of a brook. “Bene!?” That draws out a bitter laugh.

That was the lie you would tell a child. Things wouldn’t just magically be okay.

His shirt smells of him and home. Though she pulls it tighter, she turns to cast a look his way. “It’s freezing—” Her voice is half apology and half protest. “I don’t need—” As she slides her hand downward, she notices why he’d given it to her. Some measure of clarity returns. No one wants to see that.


The rest of his words make her frown. "Leon, don't do anything--" Stupid? Like you just did?

What would have happened if she’d been caught? Who would have taken care of Michaela then?


After a moment, she nods. Though she wasn’t sure she meant it. Though she doesn’t approach the bars at the chime, she doesn’t move back either. Instead, Aubre lowers her shaking self onto the stool. Notably, there's no push for her daughter's whereabouts. Some part of her doesn't want to know. Not yet.

At his promise, she forces a smile—useless in the dark. “I know.” She really was the worst liar.



Stops trying to saw off the toxic chain[break]
Drapes her husband's shirt across her chest[break]
Backs away from the cell's door at the chime[break]

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 2:01:52 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




It is unbearably boiling in their house. Fern shifts uncomfortably, a frown present on their sleeping face. Stubbornly, they attempt to fight off wakefulness, mouth smacking as they register how dry their tongue is.[break][break]

Then the yelling breaks through their foggy semi-wakefulness.[break][break]

Why is howling in their bedroom?[break][break]

Fern grumbles, annoyed. A muttered shut up could likely be heard by their cell co-habitants. Eventually his yelling ceases, but it is much too late to return to slumber.[break][break]

Eyes screwed shut, they smack their mouth to conjure whatever moisture that they can muster. They only manage to suck in more arid, stale air. Their hand fumbles out to reach for their nightstand in the dark. For the water glass they keep there.[break][break]

Their hand passes through air, swatting at nothing. Then smacks at stone.[break][break]

Perhaps they are still dreaming. Twisting, they roll to their opposite side. Feeling for another familiarity— one they are successfully granted. They know this body, have slept alongside it for so long they can decipher him by feeling without sight.[break][break]

They mutter something unintelligible.[break][break]

He is not laying. Their hands find his bent knees, feel the drift of his fingers over their cheek. And then he speaks.[break][break]


“Bee’s here? Tell him three’s a crowd,” they ask before their eyes blink open, and they register the hardness of the floor under them. More of that stifling heat.[break][break]

A cell that is definitely not their bedroom.[break][break]

“Where—?” Their questioning is intercepted by a yawn, but Fern is most certainly awake now. The mask clamped to Jayden’s face startles them, and the flail before abruptly sitting up. Their head swivels, and registers the third man on the cot.[break][break]

They pull themself up as they pat themself down. Not their clothes. Then unceremoniously they plop themself down on the other side of the cot, feet propped on ’s thigh. Quite determined to share the sparse comfort.[break][break]

“Well now this is outrageous,” they say as they scratch their head, blue eyes irritated. The other two are still talking, but Fern isn’t quite listening. Normally, static would be clinging to their hair, electricity conjuring at their fingertips.[break][break]

But nothing comes.[break][break]

Frowning, they snap their fingers to draw more sparks to their palms, and are met with the tight wrap of painful constriction about their neck. “Nope,” they wheeze, eyes bulging before they give up the attempt and relief comes, “No good.”



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
643 posts
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 3:14:33 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

Okay, so maybe this lady was crazy, but she had a point. It would be a delicate balancing act, blending in under the masks while fighting against whatever infection the toxic chains were currently pumping into their bloodstreams.[break][break]

Whether this was her normal mode or the toxic chain was already affecting her, Jack couldn't help but lean in and listen as she spoke in a whisper. Mon ami. The casual Kalosian was a knife in his heart as his thoughts flew to . He hoped that she was safely ensconced in her apartment, that she would notice he was missing, that she could alert the League that something might be wrong.[break][break]

He also regretting not asking her for tips after she returned from her stint in prison. Knowing how to make a shiv would be helpful knowledge right about now.[break][break]

"Okay, De-iamandis," he said, matching her hushed tone, "We play it cool and strike when their guard is down."[break][break]

He attempted a reassuring nod, his nauseous grimace hidden behind his mask. At least he was getting a cool code name for this mission to take down the evil cannibals. Pamplemousse. He wondered what it meant. Probably something majestic as fuck.



– Jack still thinks his cellmate might be crazy.[break]
– He agrees with Desiree's plan: blend in and strike when they don't except.[break]
– Her Kalosian reminds him of his girlfriend, Aurelie. Gee, I sure hope she also isn't in this weird prison somewhere.[break]
– Jack embraces his code name: Pamplemousse.



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,398 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 3:19:28 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","devil cursed"]

[attr="class","lyrics"] not a god's chosen [break] but a god's cursed



relief blossoms in his chest at the sight of speaking, a familiarly sarcastic quip, as if there is nothing at all strange about 's screeching howls, or the arid dryness of this chamber they're apart of, or the darkness that seems to simply seep.

[break][break] affection is feather-light in jayden's eyes as he follows them, untangling from the floor. a thrum of ease fills him as he finds himself back to wakefulness, knowing now with certainty that at the very least, fern is all well and good. nothing seems to be out of the norm, not even as they plop right beside .

[break][break] jayden wavers nearby, standing just across from both admins as he folds his arms.

[break][break] even hidden behind his mask, the adoration he feels for the other is obvious. nearly palpable. but not nearly as suffocating as it had been in that conference room with all those weeks ago.

[break][break] less intense. more subdued.

[break][break] more him.

[break][break] "it isn't a rocket cell," he confirmed too, glancing backwards at the cells. the screaming has stopped now, but he can hear muted sounds of others — neighbors, perhaps? — and his expression sharpen at the sight of something blue. but these megalopolans are not the ones who have flooded sootopolis streets, the ones who aided them during meteno. no, the chains wrapped around their neck and body are too unfamiliar for that to be true.

[break][break] resentment trickles through the cuts in his skin, and he almost expects the resulting ice to encase around his heart. however, strangely, he finds the feeling in him lacking. his heart remains steadfast, beating with a resolute, persistent rhythm.

[break][break] human.

[break][break] "not mine either," he murmurs in agreement with , eyes flickering bruised purple as he glances over at the intel admin. "yours?"

[break][break] "wait. what's that sound?"

[break][break] before he can complete his thought, a sudden chime interrupts. mechanical whirring fills the air, and abruptly, a platform begins to descend. jayden stepped away from them both, his curiosity peeked, as he looked through the cell's bars to see what nightmare would await them next.



[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden is chill (??) now that fern is awake [break]
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] jayden confirms he doesn't have his powers and then gets distracted when the platform lowers
[attr="class","fas fa-skull"] UGLY WARD



[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 3:21:39 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam "wakes up".

grumbling, he scratches his stomach before lazily rolling off the cot from being given a wake up call, landing on the cold, hard floors of the jail cell. he immediately jolts back up.

"i'm awake!" he shouts, as if surprised by the shock of the impact.

he scrambles to his feet, acting in daze as confusion was supposed to override any kind of reaction from sleeping with a stranger. priam looks around, gauging the surroundings properly this time.

"w-wait, this isn't-" the sub, he wanted to say. "my bedroom!"

priam rushes to the bars, conveniently ignoring so they don't have to address the fact that he had been cuddling with him. acting the supposed natural reaction out, priam skips one interaction for another.

"let me out! i didn't get caught this time, i swear!" he yells outside.

  • "wakes up"
  • attempts to panic so he can ignore the awkward interaction with grigori
  • yells from inside his cell


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 3:51:08 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

See, here’s the thing.

Unlike the last time ‘he’ disappeared (hello, alternate Hammerlocke) the last thing he remembered was being incessantly spooned by his partner (for yes, despite him being the taller between them, wanted to be the big spoon so he’d let his partner do what he wanted) so waking up all of a sudden and realizing that he was no longer at home in Fortree


His head was hurting, for starters. And another thing he noticed? He thought he heard someone yelling to let them out.

Wait… hold up, whoa, whoa, what the fuck?

Let them—but no, the voice didn’t sound like his partner’s so… who was he stuck with?!

As he moved to speak he thought he could feel… uh-oh! There was something else on his neck and it definitely didn’t feel like…

“Ow… the fuck?” were the first words he said, still half-out of it.

• okay, who is this that’s not Frog
• where tf are they
• still half-out of sorts so sorry for the short post
• no Pokémon listed since they don’t have them with ‘em

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,788 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 5:39:03 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
 Slowly, her eyes fluttered open, adjusting to the darkness with the speed of a crawling Slugma. A rhythmic bass pounded in her skull, beating against her sanity like a Rillaboom.


She groaned against the intrusive thoughts, the shaking that stirred her belly and forced up whatever remained of her last meal. The Professor jolted up, curling over the side of the cot towards her unexpecting cellmate and let the spittle of bile out that splattered across the damp, stony ground.


She adjusted to the darkness, recognizing immediately the danger she found herself in. Her mind raced to put the pieces together while her body scrambled and accelerated into fight or flight. She bolted past , stumbling over the tattered legs of the jumpsuit that was too big for her small frame. She hit the ground with a crack, but the adrenaline forced her back up and she found her balance by grabbing hold of the cell’s bars.

There, she waited for a beat. She breathed in and out, long and steady. Her logical mind cleared the fog and fought past the nausea to make sense of their situation. After assessing the layout of what extended beyond their barrier, she put her back to it, facing the man that jostled her awake. She didn’t recognize him immediately, and presumed him to be a stranger.

Megalopolans. Toxic Chains. A prison.

Her fingertips tore at the chains around her neck which only tightened in retaliation. She hacked a choking sound behind wide, bloodshot eyes before giving up. The chains relaxed as she did, and she sank to the ground with her back against the bars. There was no point trying to blast their way free with DELTA STREAMs. She felt weak, and lost. The tether to her patron that had always thrummed with a steady hum was just the faintest whisper, almost nonexistent.

“Sorry,” she mumbled hoping she hadn't spit up on him. She finally wiped her mouth, her lips curling in distaste, “Water?” she asked not even sure if she’d want to drink it if it was there.

+ Panic attack
+ Oh shit… Hi, ?

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
553 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 5:47:14 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar


Imprisoned Investigator--Prison Sucks

"No dice, huh..." Elaine sighed. There were a few possibilities. The space was dyed too much by the wails and cries of everyone else. The cells were too far away for any subtle messages to reach. Someone else had heard and replied but she couldn't hear. Perhaps it was a combination of the three. "I know it was a long shot, but it's disappointing to see that fail."

Elaine was hardly the type to shout out to everyone to simmer down, especially when she couldn't see the faces of everyone else. Anonymity was a harder wall to stare down than a mob of faces in the end.

The whole situation was a powder keg waiting to explode, so she decided to focus more on the one who introduced himself as Ever. At the very least, he seemed like he was not trying to divulge a fake name, so there was no need for her to put up the airs of suspicion just yet.

He was merely in the same situation as her.

After flipping her hair, she crossed her arms. "I'm going to have to refute you there."

While keeping her arms, she raised three fingers on one hand. "There's three problems with that theory."

She started by leaving up only her index finger.

"Number one. While there have seemingly captured us and stripped us of anything we can use to fight back, we're still alive and clearly conscious. I'd never encountered a Megalopolan before, but this all seems kinda roundabout, don't you think?"

She raised her middle finger next.

"Number Two. They don't even seem to be paying attention to us. I imagine that would change if we tried to escape, but for the appearance of them guarding us...I can't really see any rhyme or reason to their lack of action."

She finally raised her ring finger. "And number three..."

Uncrossing her arms, she pointed to the chain around her neck. "I couldn't see my own, but based on the one you have, they have these things around their neck. Which means that they're probably not in control of this situation either."

Having finally closed her deduction, she sighed and let her arms drop to her side.

"But, there's no point in pontificating over all of this at this stage. We just need to keep wary in gather more information."

With that said, she lifted her dominant hand and faced Ever. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Ever. Since we'll probably be stuck together for a bit, I hope we can get along."

  • Weakling Ward
  • Elaine contradicts the idea that the Megalopolans are the orchestrators
  • Seriously, why did they strip her
  • Formal introduction to Ever.
  • Plan: Morse Communication was a bust.

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August 15
4’9 height
4’9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
61 posts
Mimi Hirose DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mimii
Mimi Hirose
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 7:01:02 GMT
Mimi Hirose Avatar
[attr="class","mango mimi"]

slow to stir from her slumber, Mimi finds brief comfort with Marisol's gentle touch, she's reminded of her mothers loving touch one that she hasn't felt for years. She wakes with a pounding headache and a suffocating sensation of not being able to breathe properly, instinctively she touches her face only to feel a strange wooden mask covering it. She attempts to rip it off to no avail, as the toxic chains prevented her from doing so.

"I-I can hear you.." Mimi nods slowly flinching soon as she hears the screams of nearby cellmates. In a state of complete shock Mimi's panic doesn't set in just yet, instead she's in a state of total confusion. Still she manages to make out that wherever they were, it was not safe.

"W-whats.. your name?" She manages to ask in a shaky tone.

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Laika Boss

October 13
Ula'ula, Alola
Supply Coffee
God General's Wife
There are more things in heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy
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TAG WITH @nenet
Neffatari Nzingha
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 14:22:21 GMT
Neffatari Nzingha Avatar

"I'm fine," Nenet answers; her hand takes his and she staggers to her feet. "Just a bit thirsty." Sitting on the cot with the help of her husband, her head tilts his way as he continues to speak.
Unseen her brow furrows as their situation is described, and she murmurs quietly, "So are we." Her hand lifts to touch the chain around her neck, and then she turns her head to better examine the chain around Zev.
"You're sure it's the chain," she asks as her hands lift to lightly feel around where the chain touches his skin; she lightly taps the temple of the mask adorning Zev's face as well to emphasise her point. She nonetheless nods, grateful for the quietness of his confession. No one else needed to know his Avatarship was incapacitated.
Falling silent, she looks towards the bars of their cage and murmurs pensively, "There must be a way out."
They just needed some time to think.


- .[break]
- Wonders to Zev if it's the chain or the masks obstructing his Avatarship.[break]
- Says there must be a way out and is Looking.



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trey, graves
twenty seven
august 18
lavender town, kanto
on a manhunt
fire to a flame
ignite it
5' 10" height
5' 10" height
To infinity, even beyond it; I am a comet, no destination
36 posts
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TAG WITH @atreyu
Atreyu Hargrave
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 18:39:28 GMT
Atreyu Hargrave Avatar
Darkness; confusion; pain.

Atreyu wasn't wholly conscious as he groaned, hands reaching out to search for, well, he didn't exactly know what; he was just reaching, trying to grasp for something that wasn't there. His phone, maybe. Recalling it had him groping his pockets, which revealed that he actually had no pockets. Strange, but not stranger than what else he was slowly discovering.

Why were his hands feeling across smooth stone? Why did his clothes feel... wrong?

He started to come to as he sat up, back sliding against a cold wall as he became halfway vertical. His eyes were closed while he tried to emerge from a thick mental fog, fingertips tapping the ground below as he slowly gathered his senses. He could feel his body; he could tell he didn't have his backpack, phone, or anything else he immediately rummaged for, and his feet felt cold, barren except for some weird sandals he seemed to be wearing. The shorts weren't helping with the cold, either. His mouth almost tasted metallic — bloody — and when he finally opened his eyes, connecting with the sensations of his face—

He very nearly broached the edge of hyperventilating.

Trey's hands immediately flew upward, fingertips roving the strange contraption that was very firmly attached to his head. He couldn't make out the shape, but it was fastened tightly, practically strangling him in the way whatever cord tethered it wrapped around him. His breathing grew labored; suffocation and shock washed over him as he looked around, the dim lighting and claustrophobia not doing him any favors.

So this was it, then. He'd been captured by Team Rocket. They were going to deport him back to Kanto and take care of him there, just like they'd done to his family—

Screaming jolted him into another state of awareness. Trey jumped, panting as a bead of sweat trickled down his forehead. He hadn't thought to check if anyone else was in here; he assumed he'd been alone. Once he started looking, it was easy to see: a small person was fidgeting with their own mask, yelling as they attempted to wrench it free. Trey hadn't even bothered trying to unfasten his own — it registered as impossible, and he hadn't yet had the thought to try and fight it. Panic and flight mode gripped him first. Seeing someone else freak out made his reaction feel a little more justified, at least. All he could focus on as he wobbled to his feet was the sensation of pressure cloistering his face, restricting him in a way that both confused him and set fear deep into his bones. Why not tether their hands and feet? What was the mask's purpose? As he finally stood, he drew closer to the girl he was jailed with, clearing his throat to try and get her attention.

"H-hey," he started lamely, shuffling to stand in front of her hand wave his arms in an attempt to distract her. "Look, it's just a mask, okay? It's not like — it doesn't seem to be hurting us aside from being uncomfortable, right?" Who was he trying to convince: himself, or her? "It's weird, yeah, but I think we're okay." Except for being locked in a jail cell with nothing on their persons. "Mostly."

A sense of dread hung over him as he took stock of the room again, focusing on his cellmate after. "Do you know why you might've been taken here? Is someone after you?" He could hear other voices now — yelling and screaming and pleading filling up the spaces that existed beyond the bars in front of them. In the distance, he could see the other cells, people flocking to the only viable exit. Trey himself didn't approach; not with the guards roaming around. Vaguely, he almost felt sick, not too unlike how he did while he assisted various poisonous plights across the region.

Just what the fuck was going on here?

Picking at his black fingernail polish, Trey turned back to the girl with him, nudging her shoe with his own. "Listen — we're going to get out of here, okay? This isn't the end." He wasn't sure he believed his own words, but if he didn't try to push on, he'd succumb to despair. A tinkling chime caught his attention, and as he looked back towards the cell bars, he noticed something starting to descend. "Look — something's happening."

-trey wakes up, is confused, takes stock of the situation
-tries to get lucia's attention
-notices a familiar sensation, then looks out to where the platform is descending
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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 23:04:59 GMT

she's okay. [break][break]

good. [break][break]

"marisol. take slow breaths, and try to reorientate yourself." it's easy to panic in this situation, especially if you're claustrophobic. she has some degree of sympathy for those struggling because of the mask and the construction of the chains. her hands instinctively raise up to try tugging at them - to yield no results. they were stuck on, like they were glued, and yet they had no tangible weight on her shoulders. [break][break]

the other thing she needed to do now was take a gander at their surroundings; guards she's unfamiliar with and a cell with only one bed. when the chime rings, she turns her attention to the descending platform - and only approaching it once she's confirmed that the young lady was okay. "try and stay calm," she mumbles. anyone would think she's saying it to her cellmate; the reality is that she's saying it to herself. [break][break]

she steels herself for the circus she is about to witness.



- confirms that is okay[break]
- looking around the cell, then looking at the bars[break]
- tries to tug at the toxic chains; no dice[break]
- moves to the bars to take a better look at the descending platform; cautious




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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP