i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 4:37:40 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “You don’t look so bad, yourself.” A small smirk crossed his lips, eagerly leaning upwards towards their kiss despite the anguish that undoubtedly would come. Rowan faltered as the energy drained from his body, making this embrace last for only a few seconds. There was very little he wouldn’t do to be able to press his lips against theirs for longer than a handful of seconds. “Yeah, we should make sure they don’t get up to anything chaotic. Mistral has been acting like more of a pissed off teenager than usual.” A chuckle escaped his lips and he pulled Adrian towards the food.

    Mistal chomped through the hors d'oeuvres with an impressive series of Drill Pecks, devouring an entire plate on their own. “You’re a bottomless pit, you know that.” Rowan shaked his head slightly and laughed, turning his attention to Adrian only once future plans were mentioned. “I’d like that. I can only imagine the moonlight makes you even more handsome than normal.”

Adrian Malcolm

Notes: Reference hor deuvres, reference the moon, compliment a character, kiss another character, use a Pokemon move
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August 10
Hau'oli City, Alola
Travelling Dancer
30 height
30 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
104 posts
Eylyssa Kay DOLLARS
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Eylyssa Kay
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 4:39:28 GMT
Eylyssa Kay Avatar


The music abruptly changes which destroys the chemistry between the song and the dance that she is currently doing. Lyssa internally cringed so hard at the behavior of , it is so unprofessional. However, thankfully she manages to hold it in and try to not bother @giselle too much. Suddenly, the edge of her dress got tucked and she sees Thalia looking at her. She seems rather lonely since she has been dancing alone all this time, so she decides to accompany her now.

"I can see how you used to that kind of dance as your every step is precise and sharp" Lyssa compliments Giselle before she starts to apologize "I am sorry, Giselle. But my pokemon need my attention right now. I hope we can talk and dance more at a later time but for now, I bid you adieu" Lyssa gracefully says her goodbye and lead Thalia with her to wherever she wants. Then the music changes again to @deacon piano. Thalia leads Lyssa to the pianist as she wants to listen to it closely.

Once she arrives there, Lyssa can't help to notice that she wasn't alone who is looking at the pianist. Lyssa takes random HORS D'OEUVRE that is offered by the waiter and approaches the girl while Thalia is lost in the sea of music. She takes a bite to the mushroom on her hand and starts to strike a conversation, "I am sorry, but did I interrupt you two or anything? My friend here likes the play so much so I decided to accompany her." Lyssa strikes a conversation with . Suddenly, Siren comes out from her Pokeball and claps her hand - Listening to the music with joy and use ENCORE wanting for it to not end.

"Ah, Siren! How many times have I told you to not be selfish" Lyssa scolds the primarina that just comes out from her Pokeball suddenly.

PROMPT: Compliment @giselle, referring to the HORS D'OEUVRE, Lyssa's Primarina use ENCORE.
TL;DR: Annoyed with what did, compliment @giselle, leave @giselle, See @deacon 's piano play, take stuffed mushroom from the waiter, strike a conversation with


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March 20th
Centra City, Pasio
Chu-e Choi
26 height
26 height
It's a little cold in paradise, tonight.
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TAG WITH @leon
Leon Vercetti
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 4:50:39 GMT
Leon Vercetti Avatar

    An immaculately dressed Leon entered the room beside , wearing only designer labels and jewelry thanks to a recent heist he’d carried out in Rustboro City. He couldn’t come to something like this looking like some sort of peasant, could he? Leon didn’t bring a Pokemon with him to the event, knowing his company with his boyfriend would be enough to satiate his normal levels of narcissism. Besides, his Pokemon tended to be on the more violent end of the spectrum. “Have I mentioned how handsome you look yet, bellissimo?”

    Leon leaned down and pressed his lips against the others for a long moment, wanting to mark his territory in front of the entire crowd. Chu-e probably wouldn’t appreciate him laying out some League loser because they were getting too familiar with them, so he had to make his intentions known. “Nice to meet you too, amico. I’m Leon.” He greeted with a smile, knowing that Chu-e had spoken highly of the man in the past. “Do you want to go get some drinks, amore mio?”
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 4:54:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar

oh. the music shifted and she was prepared to shift dance styles as well. but it seemed as though her partner had other things in mind and that was fine. "of course, i'm glad that i could have that dance." since she was left to her own devices now she wasn't exactly sure what to do. therefore the best thing to do was to get another glass of champagne and see if she could strike up conversation with someone else.

glass in hand she sighed and walked to one of the large windows to get a look outside. the moon was going to be beautiful tonight of course. but she didn't want to think too much on the fact that she was having to look at it on her own. at one of these parties in galar she would have been flocked by men. not that she was expecting that here. not that she wanted that here.

but there were certain triggers in your brain that caused expectations. it was just how it was wired after so long of doing these things. perhaps she could find someone else willing to give her a dance. once she calmed down her disappointment.

 - is left alone and feels sort of bad about it, goes to get another drink + stare at the sky, open for interaction pls, referenced the moon

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 4:59:21 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Matt couldn't help but be smug when he heard Alexei's sigh of relief when he showed up. "What, that desperate to see me?" he teased him, smirking before giving him a wink. "Stop trying to make me fall. I do it enough already," he said with a snort, pointing at his cane.

Looking back at his outfit, he shrugged. "It's too stiff. Too uncomfortable. I like my other clothes better," he said with a huff, reaching up to fiddle with the tie around his neck. "I feel like I might get strangled with this thing." At least with Alexei, he didn't seem too uncomfortable in his attire.

The Ribombee caught his attention, and Mattis gratefully took the pollen puff she had made for him. "Thanks." Stuffing it in his mouth, he grinned. "It's wonderful."

Matt looked at Arkose, who was staring at the Ribombee expectantly. "Come on, you literally just ate."

Turning back to Alexei, he shuffled his feet. "It's a pretty night, yeah? The stars and stuff..." Why did that sound so awkward? Was he a stupid teenager?

- ate Ribombee's pollen puff
- referenced the stars
- is just severely awkward

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 5:16:26 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Convinced by 's Shaymin, Kaida found herself pulled into the dance floor, and in the strange position of paired up with the man . Her eyes flickered back and forth briefly before mumbling, "I haven't learned how to do this..." Let it be known though, that Kaida was not one to walk out of a challenge, even one rather self-inflicted like this one.

As the hors d'oeuvres came out, Kaida's Pokemon took notice. Even her Ekans, deeming this man safe to leave Kaida with, sprung from her shoulders for a snack...likely scaring the life of the poor waiter that had to deal with the serpent. For the first time in a long time, Kaida found herself in an conversation, even dance, with another person, not surrounded by her usual entourage. She adapted, with difficulty, but still, the uncertainty only showed on her face for an instant.

"I am Kaida Adachi, it is good to meet you seem to be good at this dancing." While her movements were simple, she matched Amor in the most basic sense, mimicking his movements with a speed that spoke of her active life. The compliment had arisen out of nowhere, a simple observation, though one could always trust her honesty.

tl;dr: "Dances" some with Amor! Fulfils the Compliment a character!. Her Ekans snatches a Hors D'oeuvres!


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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,658 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 5:31:08 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Creamy, less than impressed with the twitching and sweaty Darkside, gave a very fake smile and flicked her ears over her shoulder. Yet, he was the most interesting thing here, so she shifted the bag with Sprinkles in it and reached for his no-doubt clammy and gross claw. She would have fun tonight and he would facilitate that!

Since Chu-e is with , he also sees when approaches. He seems busy talking with Oscar, but Chu-e gives him a grin and a wave as he picks up a flute of champagne. Lifting it to his lips, he pauses when the smell hits him, his stomach curdling at the idea of drinking it. So much so he doesn't notice right away, or after (even if he doesn't know who that is), and it makes him feel a space apart from whatever is happening.

"Not right now, hotcock. My tummy hurts."

A quick peck on 's cheek before he puts the glass he had picked up back down.

"I think I might be hungry." It was getting harder and harder to tell. "Do you think they have those little crackers with the fish on them?"

- Chu-e is pulled along by Oscar
- Oscar is very popular and Chu-e isn't sure what to do
- His tummy hurts
- Wants fishie crackers
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 7:00:32 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”Not too sure about always right, but maybe seeing you in a suit more often would change my mind… or distract me enough.”
It is with a lingering smirk that these words are pronounced, Mars ever prone to pay a subtle compliment (and also those not so subtle) even if it comes with teasing by its side. The words come easily, as does the swift and gentle peck that follows them – marking them as the joke they so clearly were from the start. Wearing suits sucks, after all, and Mars has always thought as much, even if he has to do so almost every single day of his life. Perhaps particularly because of that.
However, the implication still rings true: Cian looks nice in a suit, and this is a thought that remains in his mind as he’s pulled into the ballroom. Once more, he looks around, and this time a few familiar faces stick out. ’s dress choice is beautiful and exactly what he would expect of her, and is that making out with someone near her? Some people really don’t have a modicum of decency or decorum, huh? Poor Luka, someone should go save her…
Too bad Mars is otherwise preoccupied.
At least it seems someone does come to rescue and invites her to dance, and with slight relief for the sake of his sweet friend, that’s as much as Mars sees before returning his attention to Cian. ”Is anyone you know coming, by the way?” A meaningless question just as he reaches for a canapé out of a passing waiter’s tray, noticing that even these have decorations cut in celestial shapes. Childish, but adorable, and attention to detail is always appreciated.
Now, how about those drinks though?
”So, what are we drinking?”


+ TLDR; Mars and go to get drinks, he has a quick look around the ballroom and notices , , , and . We silently pray for Luka's sanity and are thankful to our hero Derek for rescuing her. Mars gets himself a canapé that has cute star-shaped decorations.
- Compliment a character[break]
- Kiss a character[break]
- Reference hors d'oeuvres[break]
- Reference the stars[break]


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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
412 posts
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 7:13:11 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

A ring of dancing, identical Chryssas spun in a circle in the center of the dance floor, looking less like formal party guests and more like a coordinated flash mob. With starlight from above as their witness, they formed a ring of slender, weaving arms and swirling auburn hair.

"Brilliant!" someone's voice carried, high and admiring, after the piano number ended. This turned out to be another Chryssa, leading an uncommonly loud slow-clap for her three doppelgangers. At best, they earned some odd looks. "Now, wasn't that an inspiring performance? Truly a vision to behold, ladies and gentlemen."

"Gentlemen" was actually referring to the Zorua, two of whom were male. She handed out treats from the hors d'oeuvres trays to the three illusory teenage girls, who yipped happily and scampered off into the crowd to mingle with the rest of the party.

The real Chryssa didn't scamper. She just drifted, swirling a juice box like a glass of the finest wine and practicing her most condescending laugh at appropriate intervals near , , , and even the well-disguised .

outfit | stars, hors d'oeuvres referenced

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 7:39:11 GMT
skyler dross Avatar

's hug is met with her own, pulling him tightly to her with absolutely no regards for manners or etiquette. Her troublesome grin flickers, replaced momentarily by something far softer; her own brand of genuine affection smoothing the edges of her mischief. It only takes one step back, however, for the promise of trouble to return to her lips, widened further by the glass that makes its way to her hands.

She takes a quick sip. Bubbles tickle their way down her throat, bringing a faint flush to her sun-kissed cheeks as sharp, quicksilver eyes center their full attention on both Oscar and knife-thrower guy. "Champagne, huh? Guess we're all bein' fancy here." Her smirk widens. "Suits look good on you, Oscar." Her own clothes were looking a bit rumpled around the edges, every bit as rebellious as the person wearing them. And who knew where her jacket had ended up.

A hand waves 's concerns aside, while the other reaches out to take some hors d'oeuvres, only briefly narrowing her eyes at the unknown plethora of things she probably couldn't pronounce before picking one at random. "Pleasure to meet you, Michail." A hand is presented to him. "Skyler Dross, ship captain and treasure hunter." It seems Jayden isn't the only one whose memories are a bit hazy.

Unrestrained, joyous laughter leaves Skyler's lips at 's tentative reply to Oscar's question, and she wastes no time before snaking an arm over the guy's shoulders to pat him on the back, unaware of the strength she put behind the gesture. "Hah! That's more like it!" A champagne glass is shoved into the guy's hand, her own raised up.

"Drink all the champagne? Burn something down? Have a couple of Wailord crash the party? I have more of those now." 

She's mostly joking. 

By the time she's finished speaking, her glass sits empty. Again. An eyebrow is quirked up in challenge, moonlit eyes catching , and . "C'mon boys, don't let me down."

Oscar and Skyler had an infamous reputation to uphold, after all.


- compliment another character
- reference hors d'oeuvres

[newclass=.skycaptain] [/newclass]
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[newclass=.skycaptain i] color: #6592A0;[/newclass]
[newclass=.skycaptain u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #6592A0;[/newclass]
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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,607 posts
noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 7:55:51 GMT
noah faber Avatar
 "you could dance," noah says under the pulsing speakers and its beat.

then again, the gym leader pines for something softer. although he's more of a clubber than his counterpart, there is peace and assurance in the steady sway of a slow dance.

@vincent comes and noah is quick speak too. out of sincerity and out of the intuitive knowledge that kyle's reply, should it be left as the last line of this imaginary script, would make him feel out of place. well, more out of place than he already is.

"thanks! you look sharp!" noah says to vincent.

below, noah's houndour butts kyle's shoe with its snout.

"you know," noah says, straightening the other's tie, "you're only gonna be invited to these kinds of things more and more."

[attr="class","pkspr"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon houndour"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon urshifu"]

formal suit?

@vincent / star soiree

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,413 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 8:00:23 GMT
jayden cross Avatar
[attr="class","lyrics"]MY HEARTS IN SPADES

[attr="class","name"]MICHAIL VOLKOV



it's been the better part of many months since the events of the hoenn star tournament and with it, the wounds that had been caused from them were adequately stitched up. yet, the sight of a happy and buzzed on the arm of another threatens to tear them right open again, especially as the underboss throws a friendly wave in his direction.

[break][break] his throat tightens, inexplicably, and he nearly has a thought to run away once again.

[break][break] yet the comfort of 's presence and the distraction of root him to his feet, and he forces himself to stay. he nods at the two. "nice to meet you," he says to , and blinks at . "and you look very handsome tonight, sir."

[break][break] he's distracted enough by the sea captain's words, and his face appears more relaxed when he regards her. "treasure hunter? that's quite the title." curiosity lights up his violet gaze. "i've swam around some abandoned ships, but never come up with anything. well, except for ghosts." there is a wry look at his face at the thought, as he things endearingly of his ghosts, before tilting his head. "what would you say is the most exciting treasure you've found?"

[break][break] his words, however, are cut off at the laugh from skyler and as she pats his back roughly. he coughs a bit, feeling an eerily familiar sense of deja-vu. had this happened that night, as well?

[break][break] while not the best at conversation, jayden at least know how to clink a glass. he does so, downing the drink only a little after her. she seems to ask a question but jayden's thoughts are distracted —

[break][break] 'my tummy hurts.'

[break][break] was the underboss okay? he blinks. the beast glances behind him, just a waiter comes up with yet another pile of hors d'oeuvres. "sir? would shrimp do?" he reaches for the plate of mini shrimp satay from a passing waiter, taking two to give to and his boyfriend.

+ tldr ; jayden makes smalltalk with skyler, drinks with everyone, and then offers chu-e and leon some mini shrimp satay.
+ references hors hors d'oeuvres, gives another character a compliment


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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 8:08:38 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar

“For reference, it also helps that it’s not like you’re not good looking. It’s easy on the eyes after all.”

Paying one lone compliment to him, she finally hung up the subject of the odor that clung to him and its source. It was not one worth dealing with, so it was best placed aside and forgotten if it was only going to play a role as mild ambiance.

Instead, Elaine brought the glass back down to a more reasonable level as she looked to where Casey had pointed towards.

A pair of children who had disappeared from public life. She had not been in the region long enough for her to be aware of any uproar in the news of any public figures losing their children and withdrawing them from the ever prying eyes of the masses. It was probably something worth looking into when she had the chance down the line.

“So, it’s not that you’re averse to this kind of thing. It’s just the association with your family. Unfortunately, I’m not the type to follow any sort of celebrity, minor or major. Political figures, officials, and criminals are one thing, especially if I can use them for my own ends and ambitions.”

The girl swished the drink in her glass as she gave the most innocent smile she could.

“But I know zilch about celebrity culture. I’m out of touch, as the kids would say, so I’ve no idea who you are.”

There was no venom. In actuality, she was just having fun, poking around. She was honest in that she had no idea who Casey was. But, he was hardly someone she felt any sort of aversion to or desire to push away.

That being said, he was also a link she didn’t want to easily cut. A son of a politician was something that could be used.

But, now was not the time for that. She was here to play around, after all. Anything else was a bonus.

“So, I’ll just say it’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Casey.”

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 9:01:07 GMT
Deleted Avatar
The act of observation was one that Zan had become meticulously involved within, hours on end without speaking to another soul and internalizing observations leading into inadvertently deeming this as proper social etiquette.

And with being stationing upon a balcony that had led outside and consistently switching observations from the stars to the floor, Zan was truly having its fill as an observer.

It was only when losing track of the Litleonids upon returning to its personal telescope that it figured fate had finally intervened.

An anomaly?” Was whispered before shaking its head. “Couldn’t be… The cosmos must have grown tired of my gaze.” Bowing to the darkened expanse before and progressing into speaking aloud. “Then I will cease my prying until later.

There is no concern for those that had eyed these antics, a simple nod given in response to those that had looked its way. Instead, its focus would be the citizens that littered the impromptu ballroom- the role of an observer once more falling onto its shoulders.

What a truly amicable crowd. From those who are having the time of their life socializing with new and old friends, to those who stick to the sidelines like wallflowers creeping into the ceiling- each shines quite vibrantly in their own respective ways.

Absolutely dazzling.” Was whispered aloud, eyes continuing to scan the floor.

To remain withdrawn and reserved in favor of the original intent of my presence would be a shame to not only me, but the people whose lives I may enter. This will not do.

Leaving the telescope where it had previously sat, Zan makes way through the hall, greeting most in passing through. Snacks are eaten, drinks are downed, and finally, Zan arrives to the plotted destination after limited delay: the newly downtrodden @giselle.

Stepping beside her, the spaceman gives a look through the same window as she does- a smile sitting on blue lips as they sipped whatever it was that wasgrabbed on the way; Heads nor tails could be made of the flavor but it seemed proper to sip it anyways.

Beautiful isn’t it?” It pauses for a second before expanding. “The moon I mean. Despite only having one- of which we are lucky to have in the first place- It’s calming to look up and know it’s always there.

✧ a lot of filler just to say Zan walked up to @giselle and started small talk about the moon

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Sept 5, 2021 10:22:27 GMT
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Slowly, like sand trickling down into an hourglass, their container begins to feel more crowded. All the sparkling, crystal canopies in the world couldn’t replicate the taste of fresh air – freedom and stardust – on an ever-inquisitive palate. [break][break]

Angelo needs no prompts to tip back the rest of his drink, golden brown liquid rapidly draining, when agrees to escape their gilded cage. [break][break]

C’mon then, Delibird Deliveries. Ship yourselves outside.”[break][break]

On the way out, Angelo collects a generously filled whisky for himself (smoky this time, no ice) and a highball for Locke. Although he also can’t resist the call of the food that drifts past his nose, near enough turning on his heels as the tray teasingly twinkles in the corner of his eye. [break][break]

Multiple, tiny hors d'oeuvres end up in Angelo’s greedy hand. Having snatched up a fistful without regard for etiquette. At least he has some semblance of manners to offer a few to his friend, even if the tiny, sliced Figy berries with sweet garnish and Gogoat cheese are a little sticky… [break][break]

Why are they so small? Did they only pick the malnourished Figy’s… Is that a Hoenn delicacy?” he hums contemplatively, sucking his thumb free of remnants as his arm cradles the rest. “Should’ve taken the whole damn tray.” He hadn’t had the chance to eat dinner, yet… [break][break]

As soon as he slips out onto the refreshing cool of the balcony, feeling far less cramped as music pours into the night through the wide-open doors, Angelo makes to sit on the stone railing. One leg dangling down towards the fall, the other knee drawn up as he makes himself comfortable beneath genuine moonglow. [break][break]

Okay… Hm. That one,” the whisky glass is raised towards a glittering star, crystalline edges sparkling like a false version. “I want to know Nonno Locke’s story for that constellation.” [break][break]

He lifts a Figy up to Inky, who stirs from her nap by nuzzling into Angelo’s neck but remains draped around his shoulders. [break][break]


Blinky, meanwhile, warbles quietly at the lack of attention gives him. He’d tried to wiggle into her hand to prompt their usual games – maybe she’d forgotten how to play, they had been away for a few days, after all – however it seems like she’d much rather be drinking with her human friends. [break][break]

Ignoring Dorado, the Dreepy takes his leave. Stealthily flying through the crowds towards where he’d last left Angelo, body aglow with a quick attack.

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