YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 16, 2021 21:48:36 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida gaped at her Shinx, Odindottir staring at her own paws with disbelief at the sudden power, and , "Mi-might you be a Pokemon?" She babbled dumbly at the woman, unable to think of any other reason she was able to drive off the monster in such a way. She was distracted, but not for long as a red thread shot through...wasn't that Ulf's Destiny Bond? Leading towards the monster?

"...You're powerful.' She murmered towards Luka, hauling herself onto her Onix, "M-maybe we can beat the monster." With those words, she directed Kjoll forward, overestimating how hurt the monster was.

Shards of metal stuck to her suddenly, drawing a yell from her and causing Kjoll to rear up. Black sludge left by the monster threatened to spread and eat at her markings, even drawing over Kjoll. Unknowing to them, this temptation to attack left the monster distracted, allowing more people to get the ritual started...not that it was either here nor there, not while danger threatened to swallow them with ominous Gwap! coming from the slithy beast.

Odindottir shrieked, looking to Luka for help briefly as Kjoll's Sturdy body barely held up, attacking desperately with Ancientpower. Whether Luka agreed to such strategy birthing in the young Shinx's mind, she launched the plan anyway. Faith was a thing that permenated Kaida's pack, the belief that everyone understood each other, and was ready to do what needed to be done. The ancient power of the young lion cub, destined for greatness, formed into a Volt Switch, the ball of light and lightning rolling towards the beast.

And true to its name, it switched two beings. Odindottir tried to pull Luka forward, closer to unleash radiance, so that they may chase further. A hunt ending at the beast's den was just too perfect.

ms_uk7gb (+100 WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida is very hurt. She is struck nearly dumb by her Shinx and 's combination attack, but sees the Destiny Bond thread leading where the monster retreated. Calls to follow it and rides on her Onix. She triggers a trap by the monster, a black sludge that attempts to eat at her markings, metal clippings in to nearly attract her, but Shinx uses Volt Switch to strike at the monster and attempts to "switch" with Luka. Onix is Sturdy and takes the attack before using Ancientpower. They unknowingly distract the monster from others.

Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
Distract the monster so someone else can light a lantern (+30 White)
Trigger a trap laid by the monster (+30 White)
? (+20)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,404 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2021 5:22:34 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar




Cobalion listen's to pangur's words and walks off towards the direction of the destiny bond thread, not waiting for cardamom to lead it. The farther away it could get melody from the other humans the better off she'd probably be. [break][break]

Cobalion had thwacked away any branches that were in his and Melody's way as he continued to move forward. "Sorry about all of this cobalion, I didn't mean to get you sucked up into all of this." she told him as she was sure he was tired of all this shit and just wanted to get out. However his expression that Melody couldn't see remained unchanged as he shook his head from side to side signifying no.

Cobalion quickly sensed something going amiss again as he felt the monster returning. He charges up a white glossy energy from his body as he prepared a HIDDEN POWER that he kept hidden this whole time for the right moment, and the creature was proving to be an adversary worthy of using it on. His Justified activates as the litwick that he helped capture earlier from flung onto the lantern. "Ok , seems like cobalion's gonna handle the creature. Rilaboom, protect him. Make sure that lantern gets lit! Ok? We'll hold it back and as a last resort use that shard." as Cobalion rushed off with Melody in tow. [break][break]

However as Cobalion leapt up, preparing to fire the energy of the hidden power, a trap had been laid that now went off. As it leapt into the air the monster somehow was able to manipulate the tree, causing some of the vines to grab onto Melody and Cobalion and binded them. Yet Cobalion was un deterred and fired off the justified enhanced Hidden power.



tagged for GOD HIMSELF [break]
Cobalion went towards the direction pangur told them to go [break]
sorry cobalion.jpg [break]
Melody leaves rilaboom with cardamom for protection as her and cobalion go to fight/distract the monster [break]
Used Justified and Hidden power. (White)[break]
Cobalion got tricked and was binded by some vines on the trees but still managed to fire the hidden power but a weaker version.

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ROLL MATH [break]

+30 For distracting the monster for someone else to light the lantern. [break]
+30 for triggering the monster's trap. [break][break]
7MxD6ojk + 60

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2021 7:23:46 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

slick black mountain[break]
shin-deep in crackling skins[break]
skin purpled by vortex light[break]

”We’re here.” Here where? Here at this place he had seen in a vision. Here at this place where terrible things might happen to them.
This thought seems only confirmed by the presence of whatever it is that ’s Claydol has turned into – something different, and yet, something familiar. Isn’t the answer rather obvious at this point? ”You can’t call it back to its pokéball, can you?” Probably not, but that means that there’s only one thing left for them to do.
[break] [break]
Ever resolute, pushing aside all unneeded thoughts that might question all of this strangeness, Mars steps onto the docks, and then…
Within, something snaps, the sight of flashing through his mind, painted in red.[break]
Within, something becomes as light as air, the image of , the girl he briefly met at the soirée, being surrounded by golden light.[break]
Within, something remains, ever-prevalent and ever-present despite the way he had left her behind is .

What does it mean?
His attention turns to both his boatmates, and also to and when their own boat arrives at the docks. Weren’t there more of them before? ”I think that thing from the archives might appear here soon.” By which he means the monster, of course. That which looks so very similar to what Oscar's Claydol has turned into. ”I’m down to only two pokémon, and by the looks of it most of us are in a similar situation. There might be something in there that might help us.”
Is it a theory, or is it just wishful thinking?
Perhaps it is both, because what he finds once stepping into the pyramid through a broken glass panel is a laboratory, and as Mars has said a million times before, he’s no scientist at all, yet...
”Bring me some of the water from the lake.” A dusty beaker is offered to his Musharna, almost as if he knows what to do. Does he? In a way, yes. In many others, he has no idea at all. But, when has Mars ever been one to show hesitation? He doesn’t even seem all that surprised when finding a body tangled up in strings at a staircase, merely frowning slightly at the sight before turning towards his now surprisingly large Cursola. ”Protect.”
Sure enough, surrounded by the PROTECTIVE power of the ghostly coral, Mars makes his way up, and while at first it seems to work out just fine, his jacket gets caught in one of the webs when standing upon the very last step. ”Oh for fuck’s sake.” Bye bye, expensive suit jacket. Yet another thing for which will surely have to pay once this is all over.
Beneath the light fabric of his white shirt, the extent to which the strange symbols have spread is obvious, but this is something Mars chooses to ignore as he walks towards a table and sets down everything he had been holding until now. It’s a lot. It’s all of the things he gathered since being sent to the waterways (because of course he won’t let go of his book, even if the answers he needs are now marking his arms instead).
White FOREWARNING mist marks the Musharna’s return, and when surrounded by it, Mars seems even more resolute than what he was previously. Nearby, a bottle rests filled with a liquid akin to black ink, and caring little for if it may be considered vandalism, it’s with it that he draws a symbol upon the previously pristine table surface:

One by one, the ingredients are put together in a container placed at the very center of the symbol:
[break]-Black powder, left behind by the Butterfree.
[break]-An Enigma berry, as black outside as within.
[break]-The image of in his black priestly robes.
[break]-A devolution stone of black sheen.
[break]-The black water of the lake through which they had sailed.
[break]-Ink and infection that had marked his skin, black as soot, and collected thanks to the rings to which it continued to be drawn as if magnetic.
Six ingredients, but one final thing is missing, isn’t it?
Mars turns to the Cursola that until now had busied itself with munching on a box of rare candies nearby, as if it already weren’t swole enough. ”Light it up.”
Doing what it does best, the Cursola calls upon a CURSE, its black flames burning everything within the container until they become a homogenous mass – uniform black matter. Seven ingredients. The number of the union of the physical and spiritual.
The dark night of the soul, when an individual confronts the shadow within.




[break]I add a summary when I'm less dead
[break]+ 185
Book Club (+ 15)
[break]Incineration (+ 30)
[break]Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10 Red/Black)
[break]Find the remains of a lab worker (+20 Black)
[break]Get stuck in the string (+20 Black)
[break]Commit a crime (+10 Black)
[break]The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
[break]Loot evolution items and rare candies (+10 Black)
[break]Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
[break]Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30 Black)
[break]? (+ 20)


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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 18, 2021 13:34:03 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

Youthful Minister's
Chartered Accountant


First is a prompt, hidden behind nine eyes.

Second are raised dots. Follow your fingers forward.

⠝⠊⠝⠑ ⠵⠑⠗⠕ ⠑⠊⠛⠓⠞ ⠎⠊⠭ ⠋⠊⠧⠑ ⠎⠊⠭ ⠋⠕⠥⠗ ⠑⠊⠛⠓⠞ ⠞⠓⠗⠑⠑ ⠎⠊⠭ ⠑⠊⠛⠓⠞ ⠞⠺⠕ ⠎⠊⠭ ⠞⠺⠕ ⠞⠓⠗⠑⠑ ⠋⠊⠧⠑ ⠋⠊⠧⠑ ⠝⠊⠝⠑

⠑⠝⠝⠊⠁ ⠑⠝⠁ ⠍⠊⠙⠑⠝ ⠕⠅⠞⠕ ⠕⠅⠞⠕ ⠙⠽⠕ ⠞⠗⠊⠁ ⠑⠝⠝⠊⠁ ⠏⠑⠝⠞⠑ ⠏⠑⠝⠞⠑ ⠍⠊⠙⠑⠝ ⠑⠝⠁ ⠙⠽⠕ ⠑⠭⠊ ⠞⠑⠎⠎⠑⠗⠁ ⠑⠝⠝⠊⠁ ⠑⠏⠞⠁ ⠑⠭⠊

⠝⠑⠥⠝ ⠙⠗⠑⠊ ⠁⠉⠓⠞ ⠋⠥⠝⠋ ⠎⠊⠑⠃⠑⠝ ⠙⠗⠑⠊ ⠎⠑⠉⠓⠎ ⠋⠥⠝⠋ ⠎⠊⠑⠃⠑⠝ ⠧⠊⠑⠗ ⠎⠑⠉⠓⠎ ⠙⠗⠑⠊ ⠎⠊⠑⠃⠑⠝ ⠧⠊⠑⠗ ⠎⠑⠉⠓⠎ ⠙⠗⠑⠊ ⠎⠊⠑⠃⠑⠝ ⠧⠊⠑⠗

Third is a form, filled out in triplicate.


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

For Prompts, Moves, or Route Details please check the previous mod post here.

The round will end on Saturday 20th November at 8pm Pacific Time.

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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
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TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 4:43:45 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

Cardamom slowly bent to pick up the shard, balancing it carefully in his hands. He sighed as he felt the radiance surrounding him, nodding at Pangur. "Thank you," he said, bowing gracefully to the feline. Faith...he could do that. He clasped his hands together as he watched the bonds of fate dance and split around them, praying softly under his breath. Schilds, sejern, saiges...Guard us in our walking, guide us in our doing, pierce the veil of lies... He nodded at and as they were sent in different directions, smiling reassuringly and reaching out to physically ruffle Hideo's hair. "We'll see each other soon," he said, before turning at last to and Cobalion.[break][break]
"It'll be okay. We're almost done," he said, as the two of them followed the legendary...before Cobalion stopped and let out a cry. It seemed that they planned on holding the line here. Cardamom didn't object, simply nodding.[break][break]
"Alright," he said, immediately charging further into the brambles. Arguing here would just leave them more vulnerable. Though...he noticed Hum hanging back, glowing again with Cosmic Power and spinning in place, apparently trying to make himself a target. Edward was staying with him, his Poltergeist abilities shifting the last of the vines out of the way, as was Nash, teeth bared and eyes glowing with Future Sight. He sighed in relief as they finally reached the lantern. His hand reached out to it...and suddenly from around where the lantern sat metallic barbs sprang free like a bear trap, drawn to his ink-stained hand like a magnet.[break][break]
Cardamom let out a cry, making both Pokemon spin around to look at him. At the same time, though, he could see more shadows intruding into this clearing. "I-I'm alright!" he hissed. "I-I can do this!" With the barbs still digging into his hand, he slowly reached down to open up the lantern once more, hissing as each movement sent more pain through his hand. Taking hold of the Litwick's Pokeball once more, he sent it forth, and let out a cry of triumph as the light flared brightly.
tl;dr: Cardamom prays for everyone's safety before heading off with Melody to light the lantern. As Melody distracts the monster, he ends up triggering a trap (+30) and hurting himself. Nash and Edward distract the monster further (+30) as Cardamom lights the lantern at great personal cost. (+30) Also bonuses from the codeword (+30) and the secret (+20).[break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; he/him


[attr="class","woo5"]notes some notes go here


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,884 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 6:14:03 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

They had arrived indeed.

The shabby boats somehow survived their treacherous voyage, and had followed the angel to some sort of underground black mountain. No, not a mountain, a pyramid of black glass. Oscar raised an eyebrow, his mouth fixed into a most likely permanent frown. He grumbled with distaste as the boats neared a dock connected to the pyramid.

"Oh yeah this is what I needed. A fuckin' exit would be far too easy, gotta go through the evil underground pyramid first. Gonna kill Bill after this."

Oscar hopped out onto the dock, and he was pleasantly surprised when Alice jumped to his side shortly after. He looked down at his now sole companion, "Good work, stay sharp shit's only gonna get worse." Oscar stepped toward the pyramid to join the others, but Alice stood back to stare upward. 'Seismo' was staring down at them from high above, now a cloud of black ink with countless blinking eyes. Alice flashed her claws, rage boiling through her as she grit her teeth. She was about to jump up and Beat Up the fucker that stole her comrade, but she would be quickly stopped by Oscar.

Her master kept her feet grounded, pressing her down by her shoulders. He leaned in for a whisper, "Not now. We don't know if we can take that thing. Let's just let it be for now." Oscar got up and once again headed toward the pyramid, and this time Alice reluctantly followed. Inside the pyramid was some sort of abandoned laboratory, still full of odd supplies and filled beakers. The first thing Oscar noticed and walked over to was a body clawing at a nearby wall. Its skeletal fingers were pressed into bloody indents, probably the only thing keeping them up. Oscar grimaced before walking away, while Alice lingered and Pickpocketed the body. The body was covered in some sort of string, which of course Alice got caught in--delaying her theft. She quickly cut through it however and caught up to Oscar, showing him what she had found.

The skeleton had a wallet, as luck would have it. Oscar looked to the skeleton, and while he was fairly sure graverobbing was illegal he felt rather entitled to this find after what he has been through so far. He gave Alice a pat before taking the wallet and opening it. The id was too faded to read, the picture being too old to even recognize a face. There wasn't any money in the wallet unfortunately, but there was a gift card for the poke super mart in Lilycove. Better than nothing. Oscar took the card and gave the wallet to Alice to play with while he continued to explore.

Oscar came upon a table full of old test tubes and baubles. His eye was first drawn to a glass bowl full of candy. Not just any candy either, the blue wrapping indicated that it was all Rare Candies. He grabbed a hand full, stuffing them in his pockets before looking toward the test tubes. He was surprised to find that they were still full of liquid. He lifted one up, gazing at it with his arm outstretched. Its purple color was so odd, what could this have been?

"I-i-i-i-si tttttaht uoy rehtaffff?"

A voice penetrated Oscar's mind, shocking him into dropping the test tube. The glass tube shattered, spilling into another tube and causing a thick gas cloud to burst forth and envelope Oscar. He yelped, swiftly spinning around to escape the gas. As he turned, Oscar was stopped in his tracks by a wall of frantic eyes.

Oscar froze, shivering as the eyes rapidly searched every direction. The voice spoke again.

"IIIIIII es-e-e-e osssss hcum, yyy-e-t ereht si onnnn il-il-il-thgil. Errrrrehw si-s-s-s eht THGIL?"

Oscar couldn't understand what the voice was saying, it was loud and seemed to be in some sort of other language. Or at least it sounded like another language. He recognized bits that could be mistaken for some sort of broken English but he still couldn't tell what 'seismo' was trying to say. All he could see were the eyes spinning around looking desperately for--something. It looked rather perscuffled, was it panicking?

Feeling as if his life was currently being held by a thread, Oscar slowly inched backward toward the table as he spoke gently to 'Seismo'. "Hey hey hey big fella, you're alright. Everything's fine. Look at me come on." The cloud seemed to understand him, as all of its eyes were now squarely aimed at Oscar. Oscar hoped that it was because it understood him, because the alternative was too terrifying to consider. Sweat rolled down Oscar's forehead as he struggled to look calm. "You're not in any danger. I'm not gonna hurt you. In fact I think we can help each other."

The cloud's eyes twitched. "Vvvvvviled-re emmmm, eht eht eht eht THGIL sah GG-GG-ENOG! ENOG!"

Oscar raised his hands as his back bumped into the table. "It's cool, we're cool. Whatever you'll need we'll find it." The smoke was begining to clear, and he hoped someone would scare the cloud away before it killed him. Or worse.

--Oscar stopped Alice from attacking the thing that was Seismo.
--Oscar and Alice explored the lab, robbed a dead guy's wallet, grabbed some candy, and looked at a tube.
--Seismo has cornered Oscar, trying to communicate him as a chemically induced cloud of smoke surrounds them both.


Find the remains of a lab worker (+20)
Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30)
Commit a crime (+10)
Get stuck in string (+20)
Loot Rare Candies (+10)
Use a move and ability of the same color (+10)
Seismo Speaks (+20)
??? (+20)

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,486 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 20:33:38 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he arrives with the lab eventually, with an egg still on an arm and a wet dog following his steps. ink continuously flows from his open wounds from previous injuries to the potlid on his hand, which he then discards when he exits the boat.

a status report from leaves him upon arrival leaves him blinking, scratching the back of his head. "i still have all of mine, so don't worry much about that." they were useless though, and they'll just have to worry about it when the time comes.

with nowhere else to go, and with an intent to investigate for as much information as possible, he ventures in as well with his mightyena.

the strings on the staircase get to be the first obstacle. he hisses in annoyance as he takes the knife from his mightyena's mouth to hack through it, marks travelling to the knife from his limbs. the phenomenon is mostly ignored as the surreal experience overloads his senses, especially when he spots a lab worker's body.

"the fuck?"

a hand reaches out to it as he tries to take any sort of identification from the body. a note is the only thing worth from his body. he attempts to make out of the words written, but nothing else makes sense.


he grumbles, noting it as insignificant at that time, and crumples the note to be shoved to his pocket.

wanting to investigate further, he pulls the corpse away from the string, managing to take it away successfully from the string with proper cuts to the lab worker's clothing articles with his knife. kyle drags it all the way near 's alchemical circle with one hand since he's holding the egg with the other. the body is all beaten up when they reach the destination.

"if the thing at the archives does come here," he says, starting a small talk, "then how come everyone else you came here with is on their own instead of grouping up?" he turns around and calls for . "you're still with us, right?"

with the body outside of the string, kyle continues to pilfer it for more clues. candies eventually fall out, with the wrapper bearing a similar name as the note. he takes it out again to see a recipe for a stronger drug to induce evolution than the rare candy.

he whistles for his pokemon to come, which the mightyena happily follows. kyle leaves his egg with the corpse for a while to reach for a table for a mortar and pestle. the rare candy is ground, and the herbs he got before falling into the black route is mixed. he scoops it out on his hand and then turns to his mightyena.

"say ahh..."

Wj2RfD3V (+120)

The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
Find the remains of a lab worker (+20 Black)
Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30 Black)
Commit a crime (+10 Black)
Get stuck in the string (+20 Black)
Loot evolution items and rare candies (+10 Black)

? (+20)


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2021 23:38:57 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

Ink continues to ooze from the cut she’d received earlier, pouring indiscriminately. The slight attraction to metal seems to have remained too, subtly drawing Katherine’s arm in one direction or another.
How annoying.
“Same here.” she confirms along with in response to ’ report. Frankly, she doubted that they’d need so many pokemon to begin with. They knew what they were up against now. The beast won’t strike as easily as it did before. With that thought still lingering in mind, Kat makes her way onwards, sticking close to her partner in crime.
“Is that…” It is. That is most definitely a dead body. “..What the hell?” Unlike , she makes no effort in identifying the dead person, instead letting him deal with that. Her eyes flit elsewhere as she searches for the angel’s trail. Instead, she finds herself looking through one of the many cabinets, finding reagents, rare candies and other evolution items.
It’s around this time that her Sableye makes its return.
“Keep this,” a rare candy is tossed to the ghoul as she continues to rummage through things, tossing one thing there and another elsewhere. Smoke arises when two powders meet each other, but she pays it little mind. The ghost does make sure to FEINT ATTACK items that are discarded in their direction.
It’s not like bleach and rubbing alcohol combined together can do much harm, right?
”Yes, yes. I am not leaving you or your wet dog, Kyle.”
She watches from a safe distance, though, and keeps to herself while digging for other items that she can find here. A bottle named ‘meagererverso’ earns a thorough stare from her, but is eventually tossed away too once she decides that it smells too foul for testing or keeping.
Find the remains of a lab worker (+20 Black)[break]
Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30 Black)[break]
Commit a crime (+10 Black)[break]
Loot evolution items and rare candies (+10 Black)[break]
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal ? (+10)[break]
Incineration (+30)[break]
? (+20)[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 0:13:39 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



Her throat feels raw, rough, ragged. Luka continues to choke on the blinding light that pours from her mouth until it suddenly goes dark— all at once, like snuffing out a candle.[break][break]

She coughs and wipes at her mouth. It comes away wet, and the back of her hand is smeared with crimson.[break][break]

But the monster is gone, at least for now. Bulbous eyes and oozing black pustules slink, wounded into the trees, and Luka would not be keen to follow it were it not for the children still lost within the archive's forest. She staggers to her feet, knees weak and trembling, and attempts to support herself on a fallen bookcase.[break][break]

A jumble of words fight for dominance at the tip of her tongue. Some are her own. Some are ancient, deeper. None of them win."Bwahrno," she splutters out instead. After an embarrassingly long second Luka clears her throat and tries again.[break][break]

"N̵-̷n̸o̷ ̷I̷'̴m̸.̵.̸.̴I̷'̷m̶ ̴n̵o̷t̷" she manages to get out. Even now, when her words are her own, her voice sounds corrupted and wrong. "I̴'̴m̴.̸.̶.̷j̶-̸j̴u̸s̶t̵ ̸a̴s̷ ̸c̵o̸n̴f̵u̸s̵e̵d̷ ̸a̶s̴ ̶y̷o̸u̸ ̷a̷r̶e̶.̶.̴.̵"[break][break]

Luka glances down again at the book in her hands. Whatever binds her to it is something deep, and old. She can feel it in her bones. And it terrifies her, though she knows that within the ancient pages is their only hope of getting everyone in the archives out alive.[break][break]

Briefly her mind wanders to . If she focuses, she can still feel the connection between them, however faint. Lips mouth a silent plea for his safety. And just as she thinks that, her vision floods red. Something snaps, and her connection to is cleanly broken. Before she has a chance to process it the threads connecting her to seem to lighten and fade, as though being spirited away. The girl's face flashes briefly in her mind, haloed by an ephemeral, golden light.[break][break]

The visions fade and with a shuddering gasp, Luka's eyes flash open. She hasn't been paying as much attention to her surroundings as she should and here, that's a death wish. While and her Pokémon charge ahead Luka is left behind, head reeling and body gripped with fear.[break][break]

"M̵̬̓-̵̜͝m̵̏͜a̴̙̽d̷̰̽e̶̪͌m̴̳͆o̸̞̾ï̴̭s̵̮͆ē̸̯ḻ̷̚l̶̡̆e̶͔͌,̸̢͊" she tries to protest when Kaida and her team begin to pursue the monster again. "I̶-̵I̶ ̸d̶o̵n̵'̶t̵ ̵t̶h̷i̴n̸k̶ ̵w̸e̸ ̸s̴h̷o̶u̷l̷d̷-̴" She can hear shouting now, can taste fear on the air: sharp like copper, like iron on her tongue. Shakily she reaches for a Pokeball, releasing Plum and Parfait for help.[break][break]

She attempts to speak again, a verse from her tome she thinks might work to save Kaida. But the words are choked from her as all the air escapes her lungs. Dragged forwards against her will, Luka can do nothing but be forced along by the shocking grip Kaida's Shinx traps her in.[break][break]

Luka stumbles forwards, not the light of hope that Odindottir hopes her to be, but just a scared, trembling girl. She swallows, screws her eyes shut. Fear is a mind-killer. She has to focus, has to think rather than charging in blindly.[break][break]

This is all wrong. Attacking, chasing...no, no, no. The book screams that they're here to heal, to purify. Her fingers grip the page of her tome that spells Albedo. She relies on that sparse bit of knowledge, relies on the strings woven by Pangur Ban, his voice silken as it rings in her ears even though he's nowhere to be seen.[break][break]

A lantern. Light. Radiance. But the monster draws them into the dark. Her Musharna's Forewarn alerts that they have indeed stumbled into the monster's trap, it's attempt to snuff out the light that Luka carries with her. And though it's foolhardy, her best chance to save Kaida may be to walk right into it.[break][break]

C̸͔̹͒̂e̸̦͕̮͊̇̃͠a̷̡̟̻̠̮̽s̴̙͍̉̀̈́e̸̺͊́̈́͊͑l̷̘̖̋ĕ̶͈͎̍s̷̛̲̘͍s̷̲̯̼͆̅̾̀͘ͅ ̶͖̀̏̍̚w̴̹͎͇̿͊͘á̴̛͕̘̦͠͝t̷̘͌c̴̛̫̰̰̯͔͆̌̊̓h̸̝̑e̴̺̭͚͑̀r̵͙̠͙͂́̐̽,̸̬̬̩̠̙͌[break][break]
̵̠̥̋͗̾͗̕Ș̷̨̻̣̍̑͘ͅn̸͙̮͐͛̇̚ú̷͔̫̾̆͊f̵̖̫́f̶͚̠̣̲̐ ̸͇̈́̿o̵̞͔̭͌͗̑ͅu̷̡̲̥̯͐͑̈͜t̴͕̚ ̶͙͓̬͈̱͐̀͛͘ẗ̵͔͖̺͇͉́h̶͇͇̀͘ḛ̶̞̞̿̋ ̵͉̮͉̯̮͑̌́͐͂l̴̙̘̦̳͓̈̋i̶̢̨͚͈̘̋̾͐͝g̵̢͚̘̱͑̾̾̀ĥ̶̠͈͛̔͜t̴̞̟̫̱̱̐̿̅͗

The voice that is not her own cries out again. Luka stumbles forwards, attempting to draw the oozing remnants of the creature away from her companion. It seems to work; she can hear something shifting in the darkness behind her. She tries to ignore them and follows the same trailing thread that had attracted Kaida, and dangling from a tree she finds a lantern, swinging gently. But it won't light. Ink drips from her tongue, from her fingertips, drawn towards the metal of the lantern. They blanket the wick and keep it dark. Luka doesn't have anything on her that might do; no fire types, no matches.[break][break]

Think, think. Fear threatens to overtake her still as ooze and creeping slime draws closer. She tries to repeat the same words as before, but nothing sounds in the darkness. Her tongue feels thick in her mouth, weighed down by darkness and a hundred spiraling patterns. Fleshy pink is rendered dark as pitch. What else does she need to do? What else is different? There must be something the light feeds on, something needed to stoke the fire. But Luka has nothing to offer besides her life—[break][break]

So that's it. Somehow, this thought does not scare her. To sacrifice for the sake of others has always been her way.[break][break]

P̸̞̣͠a̵̱̔͗n̷͚͆͜g̷̖͝ű̸̮r̷͖̈́ ̴͈̈́͝B̴̦̒̎ä̵̡́̉n̶̯͓̚,̵̠̖́̈́ ̵̰̎Ì̵̪̭͝ ̴̧̞͊̀p̴̫̄̾l̶͍̝͂͝ḙ̷͖͊d̵̨̩͝g̴͓̃e̴̢͇͝ ̷̯̬̀̚ṱ̸̓̃͜ṍ̴͇̳ ̴͓̃̊͜ý̸̹̲̑o̶̡͓͐u̴͍͋͛ ̶͓̆ḿ̸̖̖y̵̹͆ ̵̹̼́͒ĺ̶̛̮ǐ̸̘̪f̵̥͝e̵̢͔̓͆.̷̢͝[break][break]

The light sears forth again, pouring from her mouth, her eyes. It burns away the creeping rot on her lantern and it bursts alight, casting a similar radiant glow about them. Every glance seems to burn and sear, reducing the sludge-things to nothing but puddling ash when her eye is turned upon them.[break][break]

Everything the light touches is your kingdom.[break][break]

This time when the light goes out, Luka goes down with it. She collapses in a faint, making a bed of the strewn pages of the archives.[break][break]

It's a sharp slap from her Hatterene that wakes her, and the heal pulse that follows dulls some of the pain. Her head screams, but Luka stands anyways, shakily, and nods towards Kaida.

"C̷o̵m̶e̶ ̷o̸n̷," she says with a shaky smile. "I̴t̶'̵s̶ ̷n̸e̶a̷r̷.̷.̸.̵I̸ ̷t̴h̴i̷n̸k̸.̴ ̴L̸e̶t̵'̸s̷ ̵g̷o̶ ̶t̴o̶g̴e̵t̷h̵e̸r̴."


6EL2fZC_ + 145
- Luka senses the book club's connection breaking[break]- She attempts to save [break]- Luka pledges her life to Pangur Ban to gain a radiant power

- Light a lantern at great cost (+30)[break]
- Trigger a trap laid by the monster (+30)[break]
- The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)[break]
- Use an ability and move of the same color (+10: forewarn/heal pulse)[break]
- The Bound (+15)[break]
- Code word: Incineration (+30)[break]
- ? (+20)[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2021 3:11:27 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Just as she suspected, the lights threatened to steal the warmth of their souls. An unearthly chill threatens to overtake her until she can muster the energy to pull back away. If they weren't careful, their own life might fuel these lamps instead. A dangerous proposition.[break][break]

Ruby listened intently at the words of Pangur, the strange cat speaking was still something straight out of a dream. She focused on every single word. Holy light, built from faith and ancient power. What even was the monster? There would be time to understand the monster afterward, for now, lives needed to be saved. She truly just had to have faith everything would work, there were no other options. [break][break]

Allowing fear and uncertainty to drive her actions would only bring about ruin. [break][break]

Her eyes quickly follow the glowing thread as it appears, following it up and up through the air. Her eyes turn to , intent on sticking close to him especially after the previous ordeals. She didn't have a rope to hold them together, but a handhold would have to suffice. [break][break]

Chaos seems to break loose almost instantly, destroying any attempt at a plan. The monster was here and 's Pokemon were acting as a distraction. There wasn't time to think, her instincts led the way. "Grace! Take the Litwick and float up there, light the lamp!" She'd attempt to shove the Pokeball into the Gardevoir's hand, only for the inky pattern that had spread across her entire arm to cling to it like some proper magnet. It was stuck tight. [break][break]

"Ugh, nevermind, take me up instead!" The Gardevoir nodded, lifting Ruby up into her arms as her trainer continued to yell out commands. "Brick! Get in there! Keep them safe! Prot..." [break][break]

The false word on her lips died as she spoke, blinking as an idea suddenly came to her. There was no reason not to take the cat Pokemon at its word. Grace was already lifting Ruby up to the lamp, herself taking notice of a burning page being floated upwards as well. [break][break]

The Stonjourner's mere presence burned with power, a natural beacon of energy, a Power Spot, and such raw energy would surely enable 's pokemon's attacks to be stronger. Nobody quite understood what Stonjourners were doing when they formed their circles or watched the sun... But at this point, Ruby had a theory of her own. [break][break]

Holy light, drawn from faith and- "Ancient Power!" Ruby cried out from up above. Brick immediately began to channel all of its prehistoric energy into a single attack. She could only continue to hold onto faith that it would work as planned as she finally reached the lamp, carefully being carried by her Gardevoir. [break][break]

Stretching out her ink-covered arm, the Litwick within the stuck Pokeball finally being sent out to light the lantern. Expecting the same soul-rending chill as before from this lantern, Ruby would rear back, only to slip out of the Gardevoir's arms. [break][break]

And begin to plummet back down to the Earth. [break][break]


The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10) [break]
Light a lantern at great cost (+30 White)[break]
? (+20)


[newclass=.ruby .rolling-contain]width:375px;height:auto;border:none;padding-bottom:5px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ruby .rolling-thread b]font-weight:bold;color:#B8D9EC;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.ruby .rolling-tag a]font-weight:600!important;font-size:6px!important[/newclass]
[newclass=.ruby .rolling-divide]margin-top:5px;width:auto;height:1px;border-bottom:solid 1px #1a1a1a;[/newclass]
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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Dec 20, 2021 14:01:05 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

The burning page of ancient tome is held aloft by Psychic energy. Hurriedly, it's touched to the wick of the forgotten lanterns, and a fifth patch of light blooms in the forest.

and Meowstic escapes the beast's snare, unscathed thanks to their quick thinking. 

But the beast has many traps, and others are not so swift or lucky.  and are the next to spring a hidden danger. Vicious irons barbs thrust from the cloak of shadow, cruel, jagged bonds that cut like iron brambles.

Cobalion roars, his cold fury coalescing into a shaft of brilliant frost that bursts from his horns and carves away the entangling iron. Like a chain fence before an avalanche, the trap is ripped away, torn and scattered into some distant corner. The wounds of the barbs remain, as does the frost from the frigid act.

As lights the sixth lantern, a deep chill leeches deep into his arms and legs. It feels like goosebumps on his bones, like frost forming in his marrow.

The wounds of , Absol, , and Cobalion, are slick with black ice.

Unless scraped or burned off next round, they will Freeze.
, teetering precariously amidst the floating candles, lights the seventh lantern, and falls.

The viscous goop covering and Onix wriggles, worming its way across her skin and seeping into her joints. Her lips turn blue, and her teeth start to chatter. Above her, Onix shudders, the stones of its body clattering together in a terrible clangor. 

Unless her blood is warmed next round, will Freeze. Onix is unharmed, though black and sticky.
As the deep chill sets in, 's Shinx slingshots at the creature and the Augur bursts with bartered Radiance, driving the beast back into the darkness between the bookcases.

In a moment of utter desperation, Luka shows Faith.

She offers her Life for the Light that will give 478,072safety478,012 to others. 

Pangur accepts.

 is filled with Radiance! She can call forth bursts of burning light. Doing so will shorten her lifespan with each use.
Luka lights the eighth lantern, at great cost, and the temperature in the Archives drops again. Her breath now come in great clouds of shining fog, freezing on the branches of the trees above her.

Tail waving, Pangur turns to as she returns to him. The cat looks up at her with his deep, astral eyes. They shimmer with reflected Radiance, gleaming letters mirrored in his pupil-less gaze.

461,302 - 461,072

"The binding between our lives is set,"  he says, before turning to the others. 

"The Altar is lit. The creature cannot pass through the wards. It is sealed outside, but it will come when called." Pangur uncoils from his spot on the floor, revealing the ninth lantern, set within the stone at the center of the living forest. “It is time.”

The table ignites, black flames carving the curved symbol into the table. Nigredo. The black mark of alchemy.

Dust of animal, fruit of the burning plant, flowing blood of mineral, a snapshot of the past, crystalized change, still and silent liquid, black rushing iron. The components for an ancient concoction, injected into Mars' mind by his connection to the book.

Sooty acid eats into the table, cutting away the sharp corners. The chunks of granite fall away, crashing to the ground.

Liquid smoke slides down the sides of the rounded Altar in a noxious waterfall, pooling on the floor in acidic clouds.

has crafted the Black Altar. It must be protected, or else the ritual will be impossible.

feeds his mixture to Foxtrot. The sweetness of the Rare Candy makes it go down easy, and the Mightyena suffers no ill effects. 

As they walk off, it stumbles, footing suddenly unsure on the tiles floor. It stumbles again, its six feet scrabbling for balance. Six? No. Eight.

The dog looks down with both of its heads, trying to figure out what's wrong with its feet. Its black and gray fur twists strangely as two sets of muscles battle for control. The heads pull away from each other until, with a yelp of pain from each of them, Foxtrot completes its mitosis.

's Mightyena has split into two. Each dog has the same strength, abilities, moves, and weight as the original.
 Downstairs, acrid smoke mingles from a trio of caustic reactions. 's blue, acid smoke eats away at the fixtures and fitting, causing metal to rust and plastic to shrivel away into nothing. 

's casual mixing of cleaning supplies forms an unexpected byproduct: Chloroform. The vapor billows out from the puddle on the floor, putting her Sableye into a deep, comatose state.

's Sableye is asleep and will not wake up.
's otherworldly blot spreads like mold, creeping through the air in thick blotches until it contacts the Chloroform, and the billowing cloud of 's blue smoke.

The three clouds mix and mingle, forming a toxic vapor, a dark thunderhead that crackles and crawls along the walls and floor. 

, , and have crafted Endless, a deep black fog filled with blinking eyes and carrying the mind of Oscar's Claydol.

If touched by human or Pokemon, they will feel the immense, terrifying presence of Seismo's warped mind, and will begin to fall into a deep sleep.

If a human of Pokemon breathes in Endless, they will hear horrific, alien screams, and garbled language. They will also cough uncontrollably, as the gas burns their lungs.

If a human of Pokemon is Consumed entirely by the cloud of Endless, they will be unable to continue. 
The blinking cloud engulfs the first floor, consuming benches, work equipment, filing cabinets, and the bodies of the forgotten workers. It spreads low at first, filling the first floor at thigh height before rising like heavy eyelids, creeping up the walls and then proceeding up the staircase. 

There is no stopping this fog, and it will continue to expand. 
, , and are in imminent danger from the expanding cloud of Endless. They must escape the first floor, or by Consumed.
On the second story, and witness a flash of light coming from a door at the far end of the floor. 

They find a heavy pane of reinforced frosted glass leading up to the third and final floor. There is no handle, only a thin screen showing a blinking green cursor, and a keyboard recessed into the wall. 


Black route prompts
  • Touch Endless (+30 Black)
  • Breathe in Endless (+100 Black)
  • Enter a Password (+20 Black)
  • Make the situation worse (+30 Black

Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor and to complete prompts, but only one move will be taken into account regarding your roll. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Sacrifice, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified

Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Incantation can add +30 to their roll. 

The following Pokemon are dead or lost.
's Snorunt
's Accelgor

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10 Red/Black

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.

Claydol sends Oscar a warning (+20 Black

The following people are corrupted.
A black, inky infection spreads outward from their wound, following their veins and covering more of their body over time.They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10

In the case of  , the infection has mixed with their Augur markings, and the ink forms words, symbols, and even cryptic warnings.

has found a tome, and has a permanent +15 bonus to their roll for each round. 

Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use at least 1 colored move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 10 days. December 29th 8pm PT.

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Dec 22, 2021 19:55:56 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron didn't see what he had accidentally concocted, let alone the damage it wrought. Though he could easily hear it. He recalled his Trevenant, just for the fact that they were now indoors...second story. Ghost or not, Trevenant was still heavy, and who knows how old this building was. Getting up, he let his Magnemite and Shuppet lead the way. They chatted a bit to him...Aaron kind of wished he could understand Pokemon. They brought him to a door. His little ghost tried Feint Attack on a door...only for it to not budge. Feeling around carefully, the demonic looking boy found a screen and a keyboard underneath. A password?

He really didn't want to make the situation worse. Looking at when he heard someone come from behind him, he stepped aside. "You want to try a password? I can't exactly see..." And if anything bad happens, he can blame his cohort. From what he could hear below, it was either that or go back down to the hell that was going on there...

Shuppet used Feint Attack


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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
part of
TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2021 3:59:15 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

She really should’ve stayed in school, huh?
The brewing of the Chloroform not only forces Katherine to hold her breath but she also loses her Sableye in the process. She’s forced to face the consequences of her careless actions so very fast, but if she’s used to anything, then it’s this.
Thinking on her feet.
And although she has ample experience in dealing with others’ mistakes as though they were her own, nothing quite prepares her for the Endless. , and herself created far worse than any chemical or potion– they created an abomination. Lack of scientific knowledge or not, Kat finds it easy to recognize that the black fog is not your ordinary bad concoction.
The blinking eyes were pretty telling, after all.
In between rushing upstairs to escape from the smoke, Kat recalls her Sableye and replaces it with her Pheromosa. The lanky ultra-beast huffs as soon as she arrives, evidently not pleased about rejoining the scene. Nevertheless, she’s quick to try and break down the locked door on the second floor with a FOUL PLAY, but Kat stops her before they meet.
“Stop! Don’t fucking break it!”
Why were the alien pokemon always so violent?
“The fog is going to reach us soon. Do you guys know how to unlock the door? More importantly– do you know what’s inside?” She could phase through it and flee all by herself, and she would, if it wasn’t for .
Luck was no longer on their side, was it? And yet still, by chance, her frantic gaze does land upon the screen attached to the door. A password..?
"Did you guys try one, two, three, four? Most people are dumb enough to use this."

mark +10 [break]
make the situation worse (+30)[break]
? ? ? (+? ? ?)[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Dec 29, 2021 13:51:39 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”People don’t always listen to common sense, do they?”
’s question is answered with a raised eyebrow, but surely out of all people, he’s not the one who needs to be told as much. Then again, who is Mars to talk about common sense when he’s in the process of performing some strange ritual that doesn’t look as if it makes much sense at all? Naturally, the irony of it goes right over his head.
”I had a… Vision? Sort of? About this place and…What the fuck.
Just as he’s in the process of explaining why he thinks the thing from the archives might come after them, acid eats at the table, causing him to take a step back in order to avoid getting caught up in all that. What’s left is an altar, of sorts, one from which liquid smoke drips onto the floor. At the same time, ’s Mightyena cries and whines and… splits into two?! Wonderful.
And then, there’s a sensation he has grown concerningly used to by now: another FOREWARNING from his Musharna (because Azul only has that one trick up her sleeve), urging him to turn. When Mars does, he sees the black fog that spreads towards.
The fog that’s full of eyes.
If he weren’t so preoccupied with staring at the damn thing, he’d shoot a ”Told you so.” at Kyle.
Is this the thing from the archives, what 's Claydol turned into, or something much worse?
”Pasithea. Make sure it doesn’t get close to this, we may need it.” All his work couldn’t be for nothing, right? Especially not with the effects it had had. Yet, would he really risk the potential death of another of his Musharna when his Froslass had also been lost?
and seem to be struggling with opening the door to the third floor, talking about passwords, and honestly, Mars finds himself kind of agreeing with Katherine’s point on this one:
”Yeah, I bet it’s ‘password’ or something. ‘Arceus1’, something like that.”
Heading over, he decides to try the former, and when his Cursola approaches to join the group, it just so happens to spill a bottle of Arceus-knows-what onto the floor. Great. Fantastic. Not like anyone will slip on that or anything, right?
While Mars is busy messing with the keyboard (which takes a frustrating amount of effort, considering the ink on his skin is drawn to the metal in it), his Musharna attempts to IMPRISON the endless just as it comes close. Too close, perhaps, for a tendril of dark mist reaches for the pokémon…



[break]- Reacting to the result of their experiments
[break]- Sees the Endless and wants to be all 'told you so' at Kyle
[break]- Tells Musharna to protect the ALTAR
[break]- Cursola spills liquid onto floor
[break]- Tries to enter 'password' as the password
[break]- Musharna tries to IMPRISON the Endless, Endless touches it in the process
[break]+ 155?
SOLO Book Club (+ 15)
[break]Incantation (+ 30)
[break]Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10)
[break]The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
[break]Enter a Password (+20 Black)
[break]Make the situation worse (+30 Black)
[break]Touch Endless (+30 Black)
[break]Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
[break]? (+ ? ? ? )


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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Jan 3, 2022 17:14:54 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

YMCA's Mid-round posts
Conclude Amazingly

We're not far from the end now. As this is the final puzzle and the final round, there is no restriction on sharing hints, secrets, or working together. 

First is a prompt, scattered in the dark.
Do your best, and unlock this final door.

Second are familiar images. Fifteen, each hiding a piece of the code.
Collate, Collaborate, and Continue.

Third is in the past.
Nine rounds, each with three sets of numbers.
You know what you must do. 

Unlock the final secret.


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

For Prompts, Moves, or Route Details please check the previous mod post here.

The round will end on Monday 4th of January at 8pm Pacific Time. 
You have 10 hours.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay