YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
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TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 7:52:54 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

Cardamom felt strangely at peace as he followed the feline higher into the branches, and close by his side. It was easy for Hum to follow, floating and weaving through the trees, while even Nash could leap from branch to branch fairly easily, eyes glowing with a Future Sight to protect his charge. Edward moved slower, shifting past the branches carefully, almost as if his phasing wasn't quite working-or perhaps as if the branches were not quite in the physical world.
[break][break]As they climbed higher and higher, the smell of smoke started to deepen, combined with what might be flickering flames or ashen dust. He frowned, trying to figure out where the fire might be, but it seemed to be all around them, yet nowhere close to actually touching them in any way.
[break][break]Climbing onwards, it almost felt as if they were leaving the whole world behind. There was only the climb and the chase. For a moment, the smoke seemed to swirl around them, obscuring them all completely, and when it cleared Cardamom could see none of his companions. "Ruby?" he called, worried. "Hideo?" But there was no answer.
[break][break]Only his Pokemon were left by his side, Hum and Edward floating closer while Nash crouched and growled. The Absol's eyes darted back and forth through the branches. His street instincts were screaming at him, and in the flashes of orange and red he saw the shapes of eyes, watching the group from their hidden boughs. Even the bark around them seemed to be carved with eyes, watching them from all angles. The markings almost seemed to shift, once you looked away.[break][break]
Meanwhile, Cardamom was in no shape to notice what his Absol had, as his injured hand suddenly throbbed, making him grab his wrist and cry out in pain. Wincing and stumbling, he carefully unwrapped the binding, to see curls of what looked like black ink now spreading across his hand, swirling outwards, and even as he watched, slowly reaching tendrils down to wind around his wrist. Edward floated closer, making worried noises, but with no idea what to do against this sort of injury. Hum darted around, looking extremely confused, while Nash crouched by the boy's side, prepared to counter any attack that might come.
tl;dr: Cardamom keeps following the cat, Nash still using Future Sight, until smoke surrounds him and leads to him getting lost (+20) and separated from the group. Nash notices that they're being watched with both physical eyes and strange markings. (+10) Cardamom doesn't notice this because the ink from his injury is now spreading. (+10) Also points for the codeword (+30) and the prompt. (+25)[break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; he/him


[attr="class","woo5"]notes some notes go here


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 8:18:36 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The feeling of being watched is overshadowed by the pain, by the dip of his body sinking into the sand. Chu-e is so dazed he almost lets the berry escape, slurped into the ground, only some type of narrative instinct having him grab it as he forces himself up. His ass will be sore later, which will suck for . Thankfully he's nothing if not hardy.

The gore of the sand feasting does also not bother his as much as it should. He grips for purchase on the rough stone of the wall that had just assailed him, using it to find purchase even as the sand rises. The ink spreads but this, too, is not uncommon for Chu-e; as the ink leeches across his skin, it's followed by a thin streak of black crystal.

Chu-e doesn't entirely feel like himself. It's not like when he loses his damn mind but the hunger is pressing on him more sharply than before. Something about all this just feels wrong but also familiar and he can't place why, it's like two lines he just can't get to cross no matter how hard he tries. Frustration rises.

It feels like a short circuit, like something else is in control, but Chu-e is still aware of himself. Almost out of instinct that dried up berry, covered in the ashes of some dead man, in crunched between his teeth. Acid spreads on his tongue and crystal solidifies. His injuries and pain bloom into a passion of fury, protectiveness, and hunger.

Chu-e does not use his pokemon. Instead he will grab life by the dick, unlike the meeting before. He fights the rising sand to throw himself at the monster.

His own inky blackness will claw and grasp, try to dig inside the creature and drink.

How fucking dare this thing attack him, his friends, and his kid.


-Escape the rising quicksand (+10 Red)
-Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)
-The ink pattern spreads (+10 Black)
-?? + 25
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,521 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 17:34:03 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo nodded, letting take a look at his injury. It wasn't a deep cut - his Meowstic already saw to treating it, but the bandage was a welcome assistance. "Thanks," he said as he was taken in his pursuit of the Persian.

Hideo quickly found a lot of tree branches in the way, but he had the solution for that. "You can lead the way, Sharpe," he said to his Krookodile, "You can Protect us from the branches. I already got hurt by one tree, and I don't want us to get hurt by another."

His Krookodile nodded, moving ahead and using a Protective barrier to keep the branches away from her trainer. The little group moved along, trying to pursue the Persian. But with their slowed pace, they struggled to keep up.

Not to mention the group got distracted: the first thing was Hideo noticing his Oranguru lagging behind, her attention caught by strange symbols on the trees. "Something up?" Hideo asked, confused by her Telepathic message about something strange on the trees. He tried to touch them with his bandaged hand, to see if he could recognize any, but it was hard to understand a shape by feeling what he hoped assumed was paint.

As he was trying to feel out the symbols, his Oranguru grabbed his hand. "Ow!" he exclaimed, slightly hurt by how quickly she'd moved. The thought of something else about to bite him came to mind, but that was dashed when he felt his Oranguru take the bandage off his hand.

"What was that for?!" Hideo asked. His Oranguru made some noises, and his other Pokemon converged on him. He could practically feel them staring at his hand. "What, is it looking bad?"

The answer he got from his Oranguru was unclear.

The Meowstic tapped Hideo's hand, right where the cut was. Hideo winced - it only hurt a little, courtesy of his Meowstic being a Healer - and he felt his Meowstic's hand travel over his hand, touching his fingers, then moving back down. His Meowstic pulled his sweater sleeve down a bit, stopping a little bit below the boy's wrist.

"Is it infected?" Hideo asked. He received another unsure answer from his Oranguru, before hearing his Pokemon chatter amongst each other. Once they went quiet, his Oranguru informed him it was similar to the tree he'd just touched. "Wait, you mean my hand has a mark on it now?"

Confirmation, followed by his Oranguru lightly tapping his hand, her fingers spreading along up to where his Meowstic had touched. "So the mark is spreading?" He received confirmation.

"Great," Hideo sighed. He lifted his hand, moving it around and stretching he fingers. Apart from where he got the cut, he didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. "Hey Cardamom, this look like anything to you?"

His question would go unanswered. "Cardamom?" he asked again, and once again he got silence. "Hello?" No answer, other than his own echo. "Anyone? Ruby? Kaida? Melody?" Nothing.

"You guys see anyone?" he asked his Pokemon, only to get disconfirming grunts. "So now we're lost too. Great. Anyone know the way back?" Another round of no. "Dammit. What's a forest doing in a basement any-"

Hideo tensed up. For a second, he swore he heard something move by. His Pokemon did too, his Oranguru and Meowstic sticking close to him while his Krookodile moved in front. "...Hello?" Hideo asked aloud, hoping it was one of the other trainers or their Pokemon.

And not something strange watching them.

MnUsV4KZ +105
+30 reCreation
+20 Get Lost
+10 Strange Markings
+10 Matching Ability+Attack (Healer+Protect)
+10 Ink Spreads
+25 ?

@ooh nice tats

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2021 1:10:18 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Someone asked if he was okay. Unknown to Aaron, it was , and Aaron turned to the direction of the voice. "I'm blind because of the damn Butterfree, but otherwise I'm fine. Once we get to the other side and can release my two Pokemon, I'll be of use again..." It was frustrating to him. It certainly gave perspective to blind people. Hideo came to mind. Unknown to Aaron, the color of his amber eyes turned blue-ish white, and black markings appeared near his eyes and mouth. And they were spreading. Slowly, but visibly. The five foot four teenager could also feel a strong heartbeat inside the egg. He couldn't tell if that was a good thing, or a bad thing, since Shuppet is a ghost type Pokemon...did ghost types have heartbeats? Also unknown to him, his egg did not look normal.

When he shifted his foot, it hit something odd. Looking at his right foot, he started to feel around. He felt something metal. It was a dagger, unknown to him. And figured he'd leave it. No point in taking it or anything, since he didn't know what it was. When they were off, the waters started to get rough. "If we need to, I can let Magnemite out. We can use its Protect to defend or its Zap Cannon or Flash Cannon to try to move away from anything..." Luckily, Magnemite was small enough that it should be okay. Releasing it, they can hopefully avoid the portals. However, it would technically put them over capacity.

Ink Pattern Spreads + 10
Avoid the Canal Portals at any cost + 20 Black
Find something in your boat that was left by smugglers + 10 Black
Put your boat over capacity +10 Black
used Protect

l|zqWtYz  + 50
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2021 2:59:22 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Unbeknownst to Mars, part of the reason for his increasing discomfort ever since stepping into the archives has little to do with his own actions, and much more to do with the invisible thread that binds him to , , and . Pain where there are no injuries, a disgusting taste in his mouth; with feelings like those the bond makes its presence known, and as the infection spreads with its burning ache, it’s at his wrist that a knot is formed in black ink – one of no beginning, of no end, and of three points.
Or, is it of four?
As he watches the way the ink spreads while forcing himself not to wince at the burning sensation that comes with it, the knot shifts and changes, taking a completely different form:



Mars frowns at the sight, and soon enough he finds himself placing the Enigma Berry safely under a thwart – not without missing a strange device that lies next to it. His jacket is removed and he rolls up his shirt’s sleeves (all while making sure to still keep his weird book and the calendar on his person at all times, naturally) and when looking as his arms, as expected, the ink continues to spread over his forearm, now forming strange lines…
But, before he can get a better look at them, the appearance of something radiant steals his gaze away from the ink marking his arm.

What is that thing? Where is it leading them? Why does it feel like it's watching them? Or... Is there something else out there? Not like it matters, anyway. Not when countless portals appear all around the boat, pulling it towards danger. "Think fast, Mars."
Reluctantly, he reaches for the pokéball of his now-Snorunt, calling her onto the already almost too crowded vessel. However, her presence there doesn’t last long, for the command Mars gives is simple: ”Go out there and freeze the water by those portals.”
Just like that, this time it’s with no hesitation at all that he throws the pokémon as far as possible from the boat, and diligent as ever, the once-Froslass responds by summoning a BLIZZARD while in mid-air, its sheer cold effectively freezing some of the water into ice that the Snorunt skates over as she continues to perform this task.
”You two should also have your pokémon help with steering the boat.” Mars tells both and , although truthfully he’s really not sure how much a blinded child with an egg can do. Still, it’s not something he bothers with pondering much on, for his mind is still filled with thoughts of the lines on his arm. What are they? Symbols? Letters?
An idea comes to mind with that thought, and at the risk of once again jeopardizing the delicate balance that is a rowboat’s capacity, Mars calls out his extremely heavy 0.4 kg Cursola. ”Pasithea, activate Forewarn. Styx, use Ancient Power.”
This too is a delicate balance, but in the white FOREWARNING mist of the Musharna that floats by the boat, future and past blend when the Cursola’s ANCIENT POWER shimmers around him. It’s only then when the previously nonsensical lines become legible to Mars, and when reading the words written upon his forearm, there’s the realization that whoever wrote the book probably was attempting to hide this knowledge by making use of ancient alphabets:
Enigmas to drain its strength.[break]
(Just like DBug has done to us with his puzzles in this raid)

If only Mars weren’t so busy with staring at these words through his Musharna’s mist, then perhaps he would notice the way his Snorunt slides too close to a portal and begins to get pulled in by it…
Is this knowledge worth that sacrifice?
We shall see.
Although, even if it weren’t, even if Mars were aware of it, it’s doubtful that it would in any way affect the almost indescribable sense of assurance that washes over him once he understands the mark’s meaning, so much so that his next words come almost without a thought:
You are safe. No need to worry.
Is he speaking to himself, or to the others on the boat? Truly, it’s doubtful that even Mars himself considers this, because in his mind there’s only one thought: they will take the monster’s power and reveal the truth.




[break]- Augur bond things
[break]- Ink spreads over his arm/Lots of weird symbols
[break]- Snorunt freezes water near portals
[break]- Calls his Cursola onto boat, rip capacity
[break]- Ancient Power + Forewarn help Mars translate some of the ancient script
[break]- Learns ritual things
[break]- Snorunt falls through portal :c
[break]- He feels a sense of assurance and says THE WORDS
[break]+ 190
Book Club (+10)
[break]ReCreation (+30)
[break]The ink pattern spreads (+10)
[break]Find something in your boat that was left by smugglers (+10 Black)
[break]Witness a marking linked to the ritual (+15)
[break]Avoid the canal portals at any cost (+20 Black)
[break]Put your boat over capacity (+10 Black)
[break]Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
[break]Have a Pokemon fall through a portal (+50 Black)
[break]? (+25)


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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2021 3:49:12 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




''Catch it!'' Bleeding in the sand, Lillith slipped into existence from his darkness, shadowy tendrils grasping the egg as it tumbled. It floated towards the battered trainer via poltergeist. ''Top marks,'' he growled, but didn't sound like much of a compliment. Sitting on the little island, the cane was thrust towards the passage from whence they had come as the boy swayed to maintain balance.
''Bael, fucking flatten that passage!'' The bellow conjured the other gengar. A serious glance was exchanged with Lillith before he threw his fingers toward the sand. It began to shift, part, rumble. Bubbles raced across the mystery liquid as cracks assaulted the opposite shore, climbing the wall of the chamber and snaking down the entrance where they had just passed. ''Take it as far down as you can! Kill everything in it!''
The racket grew as the darkness within deepened as the rock structure of the hall collapsed under the pressure of Bael's earthquake. Andy hoped to hear the cries of the beasts within. ''Don't stop! Grind them into dust!'' Bael wasn't sure what more his trainer expected him to do. Alas he added some swirl to destruction. Chunks began to fall from their own chamber wall, but the Galarian didn't seem to care. Finally it ceased.
The cane was sat aside as he sucked an inhale through clenched teeth.
Bones were definitely broken, but the hurt wasn't nearly as crippling as it likely would have been for most anyone else. There wasn't much comparison to how torn he had been under the Mauville Hills. The experience there had steeled him. None the less, the limb was useless for now. Sucking through his teeth once more as if the air would erase the pain, what remained of the socks were pulled from his ankles. The elastic tunnels were slid over his right arm. The compression might help.
''Bael, give me a hand.'' The other gengar turned from his duty. ''Get my button up off and help me tie it.'' The left sleeve slid off easy, of course. There were a few grunts and further toothy inhales for the right as the over shirt came off from over his tee. The pokemon's three digits were deft enough to aid the trainer in tying an simple sling for his arm. Lillith clutched the egg as she watched.
''Listen, the both of you, about what I said earlier...'' Despite his hurts, none of the determination had left his voice. Perhaps he was the most stubborn person in the entire region. ''We're not leaving here alive.'' Bael halted his labors for a moment for another occular exchange with the only other remaining pokemon. When you were backed into a corner, you destroyed the corner. And yet escape was seen as too irresponsible an option.
Now there was only the nuclear option.
''Wherever we go now, we bring down the house behind us, strangle the fucking life out of this place until everything in it is dead. It's too dangerous to leave it for some other cunts to stumble on later. We bury it now. Maybe we'll get that eyeball loving fuck sponge too. Everything, everyone, is expendable. Got it?'' Both gengars traded a look again. Was there no other way? Neither wanted to meet their fates, but their situation only seemed to grow more dire.
Perhaps it was the only way to fight back.
''Gengar... Gengar.'' The pokemon offered his hand and Andy placed his on top. ''Gengar. Gengar.'' The boy only glared, ignorant of what she was saying. Deflating some, Lillith closed the distance to add her hand to the pile. ''Gengar.'' There was no smiles or quips for the sealing of this blood pact. ''Then we're agreed. To the death then.''
Grasping his cane, the boy groaned as he stood.
''Lillith, see that Taph is somewhere safe. No reason to take an inanimate object to hell with us.'' Grin still flattened at dire straights they found themselves in, her red eyes fell on the egg in her grasp as darkness began to swirl around its shell before engulfing it completely. Phantom force carried it away to environs unknown, but presumably safer as her trainer had requested. The rain of dust from above drew his attention. His long time companion taken care of, it was time to continue the hunt.
''Smashing, Lil. Now let's get out of here.'' His left finger pointed skyward. ''To the heavens.'' Both pokemon looked to see the same exit as the Galarian. Fading into the spooky folds of his disheveled form, the boy floated upwards. The opening offered him entrance to a much more haunted setting. The pillars, the urns, the ... caskets? This was some burial site, far more fitting to find beneath a church in comparison to where he had just been.
What was another grave here?
At the sight of the same sand from below, Andy almost immediately commanded his charges to start flattening the site as they go. What was an additional burial to a grave? Alas, a commotion over his shoulder draws his attention... The distant sounds of battle. While he hadn't imagined that anyone else was skipping through a field of daisies in their own travels, it was unexpected to find a struggle so close to his own. None the less it wasn't time to merely float around.
''Quickly! Something fucked is going on!'' Blasting over the sand, his left hand pressed the cane under his armpit so that he might twist the head. Separating, the head was grasped and the cane was flung out. With a 'schwing' echoing through the crypes the blade's scabbed was allowed to fall away. It wouldn't be needed where he was going. The encroaching sight of familiar faces, , , would have been a comforting were it not for the unmistakable presence of an unfriendly one.
And yet a twisted flame of joy enkindled within him.
''Found you lasagna bitch!'' The momentum couldn't be wasted. ''Don't stop! I want its eyes,'' he commanded his double poltergeist propulsion. Madly, frighteningly, the needle wielding human was propelled promptly into the nearest peeper. Inertia was not one to be kind out of respect for a grudge, but the Blackadder did not care how broken he became to inflict pain on the fiend before him. Deposited into the milky remains of an eyeball, his shadow shimmered as his gengars evacuated themselves to the floor just before conflagration.
Neither had expected this level of escalation.
Shadows swirled around the pair as shadow balls plowed into the beast's form, perhaps in the hope of finding the explosive ectoplasm from their previous encounter. So long as he had an arm that obeyed his commands Andy would not cease to thrust and jab and poke. Though the environment had not escaped his notice either. How fortunate to find his quarry in such an exploitable position. Mere flailing would surely not be enough to kill it. Only a radiant light could banish such an abomination, and to create it the candle would have to be burned at both ends.
''Don't let it run,'' he growled despite his injuries. A pleased look was cast back at his pokemon. ''You know what to do!'' His attention was turned back to the enemy as Bael and Lillith began their condemnation. ''Abandon all hope beyond this point,'' he spat at the creature. With a rumble and a roar fissures snaked across the ground and up the cliffs, promising a coming burial. ''ANY SENSIABLE CUNTS SHOUD GET THE HELL OUT OF HERE!!!'' A last and final warning to any compatriots as Lillith's destiny bond split the air and Bael's earthquake rended the cliffs which began to swallow the scene in a cascade of self destructive spite.

Injured arm (+30 Red)[break]
Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)[break]
Use Destiny Bond on the monster (+10 Red)[break]
Reference pokemon's injury (+10 Red)[break]







[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2021 4:45:55 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



No one is listening to her.[break][break]

Luka can't blame them; half the words that pour from her lips are indecipherable gibberish, and the children that had gone ahead probably can't even hear her. Regardless, she bites back a shout of frustration when the singing suddenly stops, only for another sound to pour out: a low hiss. It sounds nearly identical to the snake lurking nearby, and Luka shivers.[break][break]

They have to get out of here. They have to find Pangur and get out or else—[break][break]

Or else what? The answer floats on the tip of her tongue, stained in deepest black. She swallows it down.[break][break]

First, they have to figure out how to safely traverse the trees. Luka's heart aches for the children who have left their group; 's misfortune is a haunting reminder of what might befall them. She peers through the twisting branches again, but they go on forever. It would be so easy to get lost within them. Her fingers trace a few symbols etched into the bark— circles and lines, over and over. The same pattern she's seen in her tome, the same one carved into the Shinx's blackening egg.[break][break]

Luka glances down at her hymnal again, lips pursed. Hymns and Prayers to Entrance and Mystify. Vaguely, she understands the meaning of the title. Perhaps these songs can help to calm the monster, or purify it, if they're lucky. But perhaps it can mean something else as well.[break][break]

"Plum," she says quickly, "Do I have a minute? Do you see anything?" Her Musharna's Forewarn does not detect anything amiss. Luka nods and takes a seat on the ground, frantically flipping through her tome again. She leaves a trail of sticky red thumbprints in her wake. There are songs of praise and songs of glory, songs of worship and of despair. Scrawled on the back of a hymn praising Arceus, a new symbol appears, but Luka can't make head nor tails of it.[break][break]

She continues to read, scouring every page while an eerie darkness spreads from her infected fingertip to her hand and down her arm, blanketing creamy skin in swirling ink.[break][break]

Ḯ̷̫̩̺̟̬̖̈͝t̷̖͕͛̽͑́̈́͘͝ ̴͖̊̎͝ī̵̧̩̱̈́̎̎͌͛͝s̸̗͇̺̩̰̎̇̊͛̎̓̕ ̴̞̬͗̓͂͛̉͑w̶̤̯̫̩̪̌̆̑̇̋͐͝a̴̩̣̪̱͕͗̏͒̂̂̓ͅṱ̴̡̡̲͔̤̋̑͒͛͛͑̋͜c̷̦͓̞͊͌͒h̵̙̎̿̒̐i̴̥͈̪̿͌͒̀̅n̶̡̡̦͓̩̑̂͗͂g̶̝̈͠[break][break]

One hymn in particular springs out at her, the title faded and lost to time. But the notes bore right through her, and that familiar ringing is back in Luka's ears. She doesn't know what they'll do, but all she can do is pray that it's something helpful.[break][break]

"Please," she implores once again, "We need to move on! Together...w-we can't separate any further." Luka scrambles to her feet, reluctantly withdrawing Shinx and Hatterene. Musharna continues to float by her side, silently watching.[break][break]

She squeezes her eyes shut and begins to sing, terrified of that same garble wrenching from her lips again. But the words this time ring clear. The light at her throat shines brighter.[break][break]

Fallen walls and open doors[break]
We are not bound anymore[break]
We must follow when He calls[break]
Through open doors and fallen walls

For a moment, nothing happens. A book from one of the remaining shelves falls to the ground with a dull thump. Bitter disappointment fills her mouth.[break][break]

And then, a crack. Like tapping an egg against a counter, a glowing line splits the air in front of the forest. Luka staggers back while Plum surges forwards, her Hidden Power exposing and wrenching open the fault line in space. A portal has opened.[break][break]

"Pangur?" Luka swallows hard and tiptoes forwards, reluctantly recalling Plum as well as the Perish Song drones on.[break][break]

But what lies on the other side? Luka thinks she can make out lines of shelves, untouched by foliage. Is it somewhere here? Another part of the archives? As she peers through the portal, Luka has the overwhelming feeling that something is staring back. Uncertainty and fear hold her in an iron grip, but they can't afford to stay here any longer. "I am here! Be not afraid..."[break][break]

She clears her throat. The words had risen, unbidden. "Please...let us find you!"[break][break]

eckoZdOG + 110
- Luka discovers a double meaning to the title of her tome[break]- She discovers a strange new symbol in her Hymnal while looking for something else[break]- She is able to open a new entrance that will hopefully lead to Pangur[break][break]

- Notice strange markings on the trees (+10 White)[break]
- The ink pattern spreads (+10) [break]
- Witness a marking linked to the ritual (+15)[break]
- Use a move and ability of the same color (white: healer/life dew) (+10)[break]
- The Bound (+10)[break]
- Code word: reCreation (+30)[break]
- ? (+25)[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,884 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2021 0:23:48 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As the boats set off, Oscar suddenly got the feeling that he should have stayed on the dock. This was confirmed as Oscar looked back to see a portal opening for Adrian and Rowan--which could lead to who knows where. "That can't be good." Oscar mumbled as he turned back to look at the path ahead. There would be time to worry about them later.

As Oscar looked to his forced companions, he yelped and attempted to make space between him and them. An impossible task, contributing to a sense of anxiety that steadily rose within Oscar as his boat-mates grew wretched tattoos. He could not make sense of them, and really did not wish to. His voice cracked as he expressed his panic, "What kind of fucky Halloween bullshit is that!?

A bright light drew Oscar's attention forward, his eyes bulging as a mysterious figure pierced through the veil of reality and flew deeper into the cavern. Oscar had been pretty level headed up until now, but the absolute horror of his situation was slowly starting to set in. The portals left behind by the being displayed eminent danger, and he didn't have to be told twice to help keep their boat from experiencing it.

Oscar pulled out a pokeball, choosing to respond harshly as Aaron laid out his plan. "Yeah yeah cool whatever just do it!" Oscar released Slayer once more, pushing Oscar's upper body over the edge of the boat as he took up precious space. Oscar pointed to a passing boulder. "Slayer, grab that boulder and swing our boat clear of the portal!" Slayer jumped into action immediately, grabbing the boulder and keeping a tight grip with his Sticky Hold. Oscar held onto his pokemon's lower body, using all of his strength to keep Slayer in the boat. 

Speaking of strength, Slayer did not have enough of it. If he wanted to steer the boat with a swing, he would need some extra muscle power. Slayer flexed, the darkness of the room seemingly warping around him. Shadows seeped into Slayer, and he fed off them to increase his physical fortitude--for better or worse (Curse). The boat shifted as Slayer used his strength to swing the boat past the portals. With the help of the other trainers and their pokemon, this should keep them out of harm's away.

Slayer's strength may not have failed him, but Oscar's crumbled quickly. As the boat pushed forward, Oscar could not maintain his grip on Slayer. Soon the accelgor would slide through his grasp, stranding him at the boulder. Oscar reached out with both arms and yelled to his loyal soldier, "Jump! I'll catch you!" Alas, Slayer could not break his hold on the boulder, let alone jump far enough to reach his master. Oscar watched helplessly as his boat drew further and further away from the boulder. That would be bad enough, but the portal's suction clearly managed to dislodge the boulder from its resting place--allowing it to roll through with Slayer attached. For all Oscar knew, his second Accelgor was lost.

Oscar slacked, looking forward with spiteful determination. That spite was soon directed toward Seismo, who floated on without even trying to help. Seismo's body had darkened further, making only its now white eyes visible. It looked like--a band of Unknown. Tied together by twisted shadows, staring down with detached indifference. Oscar felt a hot rage boiling within him as the thing that was Seismo just--stared at him.

What did it want?

--Oscar wished he stayed home at the docks.
--Oscar sent out Slayer to help steer the boat away from the portals.
--Slayer couldn't break his Sticky Hold in time, and was left behind at the boulder.
--The boulder was dislodged and sucked into a portal, along with Slayer.
--Seismo has become something else.


Avoid the canal portals at any cost (+20 Black)
Have a pokemon fall through a portal (+50 Black)
Put your boat over capacity (+10 Black)
Use a move and ability of the same color (+10 Black)
Something is wrong with Claydol (+10 Black)
? (+25)

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,933 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2021 15:37:52 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Once bitten, forever scarred. It creeps into her head and slithers silently, coiling around her neck and strangling her as it poises its fangs. Her fingers tingle as ink begins to breathe life into her veins, swirling all over her skin and burning her from the inside.
Paranoia.               Fear.           Red.[break]
It's watching.                      Tear her.[break]
Where?            Teeth.

It's here.

Everything happens, all at once - Dust to dust, ashes to ashes. Sand splashes, tempers rage and monsters hunger. She can smell blood but it's not her own, dripping into the dust and swallowing them whole. She can't move. She sees the danger, she feels its teeth sinking into her chest, she knows what it means to be torn apart but her legs refuse to move, locking up as she falls back onto the ground.
And for the first time in many years, she hears its voice ringing in her head.

Fire, the holy beast - It grows and sinks its claws into every surface there is, licking up every drop of blood spilt upon the grey sand. Jealousy burns with a toxic passion, one birthed of the powerless faced by an overwhelming strength. It dances through the tangle of shadows, burning a path of truth through this shattered reality - Twisting higher, consuming more and ripping into danger with a burning hatred. As it rages, it digs deep into the scars left by time, burning the alcoves and dousing their portraits in flames.
A flare of red cuts before the fangs of the ravenous, rending the teeth from darkness and dancing before the souls being preyed upon. To satisfy its thirst for sacrifice, it will have to go against the wills of the desperate lambs. And perhaps by cornering these creatures, it has awoken a beast. far darker than the grace of gods will ever dare to witness.
Tl;dr -[break]
Code: reCreation (+30)[break]
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red)[break]
The ink pattern spreads (+10)[break]
Set the alcoves on fire: A IS FOR ARSON[break]
Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)[break]
Save one of the targeted Pokemon (+10 Red)[break]
? (+25)[break]
gIHGalVL + 105
[attr="class","adrie-note"]in the house of the unholy

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[newclass=".adrie-img2 img"]shape-outside:circle(50%)!important;float:left;[/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2021 1:22:41 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
247 for @raid
The shadows look back.

Doki-Doki gave ’s Delphox a light shove and an After You, letting it take the first move to narrowly avoid injury. Or worse, given what had happened to the other Pokémon who’d touched the beast.

They couldn’t escape, slowed by earth and cornered by fangs and flames. Locke stuck an arm out and tried to move himself and Eris back away from the overwhelming number of threats, but the younger girl didn’t budge.

“Eris? Hey! Eris!” It was no use. He knew that distant look in her eye, the way the mind tried to escape what the body couldn’t. He knew, too, that it could take minutes or hours for Eris to come back from it, neither of which they had right now. She needed something to ground her, remind her where she was.

A certain absent Luxray came to mind.

“Shi-Shi!” Their Absol shifted a bit to indicate she was listening, but didn’t take her eyes off the beast. Locke gently guided Eris onto the canine’s back, the same way she’d always ride Reiner. “Stay.” Shi-Shi eyed her trainer for a moment, then stepped back behind them, further into the corner.

Battling wasn’t Locke’s forte, even when they knew exactly what they were fighting. But maybe they could use that to their advantage. Shimmering red threads unspun from Loony-Loony's ribbons.

“Destiny Bond!”

Weakness becomes strength.

Threads tangle.

Ink spreads.

Audino uses After You to let 's Delphox move first
They're trapped in the alcove by the quicksand, monster, and fire
Locke puts Eris on his Absol's back to calm her down and keep her safe
Drifblim uses Destiny Bond on the monster
Permanent (+10)
Recreation (+30)
??? (+25)
Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)
Use Destiny Bond on the monster (+10 Red)
Save one of the targeted Pokémon (+10 Red)
The ink pattern spreads (+10)
Witness a marking linked to the ritual (+15)
(Total: 168)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".charactername"]margin-top:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername b"]font-weight:lighter;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername i"]font-style:italic;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,975 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2021 3:13:51 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



He barely had taken a single step towards the hallway when his skin crawled. Suddenly every nerve felt like it was standing on end.

His knees had locked up, trembling as primal fear settled in his chest. He wanted to scream, but his lungs felt as though they had no air, and his jaw was loose and unresponsive.

Something was looking at him. Burning holes in his back- and every single cell in his body refused to look back. Every effort, reduced to a pathetic tremor.

(Un)fortunately, fear remained a foreign concept to Kong.

The moment the Mankey realized its trainer was not walking besides it, it swiveled in place to look for him-

And then it immediately screeched in shock, eyes growing wide and arms flying up in the air at the sight that awaited.

The sound was like a starting shot for Doug. His body swung about while simultaneously attempting to scramble back, arms raising in a feeble attempt at defense as wide eyes turned to look.

"[jesus equivalent]!!!" Screamed the youth, falling on his ass, suckling in a deep breath before raising a waving fist. "Dagnabbit, woman!"

's somber, crimson, gaze gave no response... but it still felt like its smug aura mocked him.

Where there had been three canvas paintings before, now only a single, large one was to be found, painted solely with shades of red and crimson and actually hung on the wall in a copper frame.

She, too, was dressed like a nun.

Slowly, the youth's waving fist lowered to point a finger at the painting, his eyes squinting.

"... This better not awaken anything in me."

Down on the floor on his butt, the youth's breathing was slow, but deep while he was leaned back on his palms, relief slowly beginning to flood his body as he realized just how silly the past few seconds must have looked.

Just another painting, and of his favorite person too. The hell had he been so scared of?

... It still felt as though something was crawling under his skin, though... Quite literally.

Where the heck had the painting even come from, anyway? And where the heck were the other three? Where had those come from?

"... Where's the urns?" He realized as he looked around, his Mankey yanking him to his feet as his brow furrowed. "... And my blood?"

His gore, too, was gone, for that matter.

His eyes were inevitably drawn back to the Crimson painting, the youth beginning to walk back inside the chamber as his knees regained their strength, the subject of the painting peaking his artistic curiosity.


Like a very dumb moth to a pretty flame, he carelessly approached, coming to stand before the painting with a creased brow.

He didn't understand what was going on, but the painting(s) felt important. Why these four specifically...?

"What did you do this time...?" The youth questioned the girl who was not there, before proximity made him realize something was dripping on the canvas' surface. Wet paint? His hand reached out without much thought, touching against the surface.

He recoiled almost immediately after... having seen the back of his hand.

"What the-?!" He shouted as he reached for the glove, ripping it off his hand, eyes growing wide as he found himself staring at a web of black tendrils flowing under his skin.

He yanked back the sleeve of his jacket to reveal his forearm, breath hitching as he saw the tendrils reached far back, seemingly wrapped all around his arm and dipping further into his sleeve than he could roll up.

Without pause, he suddenly reached for his shirt's collar before yanking it harshly, the top buttons popping off to reveal the upper parts of his chest.

It was there as well. All over. Was he getting pale?

Whatever calm he had managed to gain before, it quickly fled him.

He began to run- and almost immediately fell on his knees. Without him realizing, the floor beneath him had turned to sand- and had somehow risen to wrap around his ankles.

"Shit, shit, shit! Move, move!" He screamed at himself as he tried to force his way out. His struggles just seemed to sink him deeper, however, and even as he advanced towards the exit, he found himself getting more and more acquainted with the feeling of sand around his bloody torso.

Luckily, he wasn't daft enough to completely forget about his pokemon.

"Kong! Stomping Tantrum!" He screamed as the sand reached his upper chest.

The Mankey, who had (wisely) remained out of the room, leapt through the air before bringing its arms crashing down unto the sand, a shockwave spreading outwards and throwing Doug as well as several particles in the air.

His ankle was caught by the Mankey as his body rose, whoo then swung him out and into the hallway, his back slapping solidly across the cold stone wall.

A (relieved) wheeze left his lungs as his body slowly slid down the wall, his face coming to rest down on the floor where he would remain still as a corpse for the next several seconds, glad to be alive.

Then his Mankey began poking him worriedly.

"Leave me alone. I'll stay here until everyone else solves the problem." Came his muffled, sensible answer.

The mankey made some very reasonable sounding monkey noises in response.

"You are right, I gotta find Eris and Andy and get the others outta here..." He accepted with a groan, pushing off the floor while his Mankey wondered what the heck he was talking about.

Just then... the sounds of conflict™ came roaring down the hall.

"Goddamn it!"

He broke into a sprint towards the sound against his better judgement, his Mankey hot on his heels- before it quickly overtook him, short legs proving little impediment to the agile little ape.

Kong rounded around the corner and Doug was only a single step back- and they were both stopped in their tracks by the sight.

He should've stayed on the fucking floor.

"Oh no."

Heat. Fire. And...


And eyes. So many eyes. Everywhere. Looking in every direction. Specially at his Mankey, bless its stupid soul, as it sprinted towards the monster, bold as brass, ready to throw yet more hands with the eldritch abomination... which naturally, responded by opening up a gaping, fanged maw yet again.

Damn it, damn it, damn it!

His hand flew under his jacket as he ran forward, yanking out the gun inside his shoulder holster and pointing it squarely at the maw before-


Would it do anything? It had better, cause he didn't have any other options; So he thought as he continued advancing recklessly, throwing himself at his stupid Mankey in an attempt to tackle it out of harms way.

While this was happening... crashed the party.

Oh thank whatever gods were out there, some good news. About bloody fucking time!

"Took you bloody long enough, AndyyyYYY?!" Doug's elated reaction swiftly transitioned into a scream when he saw the state the other boy was in.

If he hadn't known any better, he would have thought he had gone for a second round with Mauville Hill's Caverns.

"Shit, shit, SHIT!" He panted, breathing in and out quickly, his mind yet again in disarray as it attempted to weigh in who needed his most immediate attention- 'out of it' or 'needs to go back to the hospital' Andy.

He had terrible timing for these episodes of hard thought. The monster was right there-

Which made his Accelgor's conveniently timed return all the more fortunate.

Having spent the bulk of its time there tracking Andy, and having found little, it had returned to its master only to find its target nearby, the Hive King, about to get mawled/decapitated/headshotted/possibly horribly murdered.

In a blur of motion, Kong the Mankey found himself being tackled out of harm's way for the second time that minute, his Accelgor pal slamming directly into Doug's gut, who slammed directly into Kong's, sending all three hurtling over to 's and Eris side, bouncing along the floor.

Doug wheezed, but tried to stand immediately after regardless, even as his stomach protested vehemently. He had heard Andy say a bunch of stupid shit.

"NOT WITHOUT YOU, JACKASS!" He shouted back at the other boy, trying to throw himself back in there to grab his friend.

Only for his Mankey to throw its powerful arms around his waist, cutting his suicidal path short.

"Let go! We gotta-!!!"

reCreation (+30)
The ink pattern spreads (+10)
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )
Escape the rising quicksand (+10 Red)
Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)
Save one of the targeted Pokemon (+10 Red)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) (Stomping tantrum + Defiant)
? (+25)
TAG: @

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2021 20:08:41 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

For a moment, on the ground, feeling she was on the verge of passing out, Kaida thought she was hallucinating the black ink spreading under her skin, or the ragged Perish Song that ravaged the air. Her Houndoom, Ulf's whimpers, and Luka's efforts to help her jerked her back into wakefulness, enough to turn towards the helping woman , eyes down in almost shame, "S-sorry...I thought I would make it. I did it." She produced the berry, still feeling a twinge of pride at her success. They were closer to escape. At the same moment, she weakly pushed the Houndoom's snout away from the driven in splinters, "Don't pull them, not now." They had no idea where the piercing wood had cut or penetrated, and better to leave them in than bleed out.

It only took a short flex of her legs to confirm one thing, as she winced at pain arching across her veins. She couldn't walk, not alone, anyhow. "U-Ulf, I'm sorry, can you help me?" Tears gathered in her eyes as she embraced the Houndoom's neck, scrabbling at the ground until she was, barely, standing. Taking the initiative, Kjoll used Protect to defend his helpless trainer from any more harm. even with his Sturdy, however, he creaked from the Perish Song, the song gradually winding the rock snake down. They had to go. Absent-mindlingly, her hand rubbed at her wounds and the Shinx egg, blinking eyes barely noting the way black shapes continued to infect skin and egg shell. About the only worry she had was trying to scratch the markings off, what if they got in the way of Odindottir hatching?

As if in response to their plight, Luka's song opened up a portal, and Kaida gaped before pushing her Houndoom forwards, closing her eyes against the feeling of pain scraping at her bones...or was it eyes focusing in on her injured back, or even those markings on the trees that send nausea throughout her being? "Wait! Don't leave without us!" She was more desperate than ever. Her Pokemon would fall soon, and she risked passing out herself, as soon as the adrenaline wore off, she needed to get them a way out now.

Doubting her Onix could get through the portal easily, Kaida made to return him, and bade Ulf forward, "Find the cat, we need him now." Gasping out such an order, Kaida still had no idea how the Houndoom would manage such a feat...but she tried. Ulf's eyes glowed a deep crimson, awaiting her own fainting, the hound used Destiny Bond, reaching out for signs of the white feline, to find it, to grasp it. No doubt, the beast was key to their escape.

Xqb6Vjbo (+85 WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida is very hurt. As the Perish Song goes on, she has Onix Protect them until opens a portal, whereupon she returns Onix and struggles to follow her, hugging her Houndoom to walk. Her Houndoom uses Destiny Bond to try and help Luka and her find Pangur, knowing its gonna faint soon anyway. The egg and her have spreading black marks, as do the trees, and she helplessly scrubs at them.

Do not return a Pokemon affected by Perish Song (+20 White)
Notice strange markings on the trees (+10 White)
The ink pattern spreads (+10)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
Try to hatch one of the eggs (+10)
? (+25)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,404 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2021 3:21:45 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar




She was in the branches, getting lost in them all and the flowers that were in the tree. There were however these strange markings she noticed that were growing on the tree, she didn't exactly pay attention to it since she was more or less focused on the snake.

Melody reached out to the snake and in an instant all she saw was nothing. Her mind had cut out the moment in time where the snake had spat venom on herself, when she awoke she was on the floor and the lights were off. "Cobalion? Hatterene? Hello?" she said looking around, she could steal hear things though..what was- was that Perish song? Melody sat there stunned, familiar with the song. Her Pokémon! She got up suddenly and moved towards where she remembered they were but a wall was separating her from them. Then the song stop, it's magic was complete and the barrier fell. [break][break]

Hatterene saw that Melodies eyes were closed and that her mind was in a state of disarray. She scrambled to try and find hatterene's pokeball to recall it and managed to feel it out, successfully. however her face turned into a panic as she realized something [break][break]

Cobalion doesn't have a pokeball.

Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck. Melody had begun to panic as Cobalion assured her he'd be fine. He was being brave for her, he felt himself growing weaker and weaker before eventually. He stopped moving and he fell doesn't in front of her. She sat there and cried, she could feel him breathing but with her unable to even see she had no idea how she could protect him...but could this be undone...he had fainted but he wasn't dead... she had to make a choice now...So, she decided. She released her hatterne, and gave it a hug as it made her extremely sad, but cobalion needed to be saved. "Hatterene. Healing wish." she ordered and hatterene nodded and understood why Melody made this choice. Her hatterene gathered a bunch of white and pink energy and shoves it into cobalion's body. As the energy pulsed through cobalion hatterene collapsed into a pile of hair as she was knocked out. Melody then recalled hatterene into her pokeball, hoping she didn't spend too much energy and actually killed herself. [break][break]

Melody sat there, tears filling her eyes as she waited, hoping cobalion would stir, she hoped maybe HEALER would be enough of an extra boost to restart his system. "Cobalion, why cant I see you? Please..wake up.." she said shaking him slightly as panic filled her heart.



tagged for GOD HIMSELF [break]
Melody gets lost in tree pog [break]
before she's blinded she notices the markings on the tree but ignores it mostly[break]
Ahhh venom on my face, who turned off the lights[break]
Hears perish song and immediately freaks out rushing towards cobalion and hatterene, but is blocked until the song ends.[break]
recalls hatterene after stumbling for a bit but cobalion is fainted by the song[break]
You Murdered Cobalion's Ass[break]
Cries and tells hatterene to use Healing Wish and her Healer ability to try and revive him[break]
R.I.P Hatterene[break]


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ROLL MATH [break]

+20 Don't return a pokemon who was affected by healing song (Cobalion)[break]
+20 Lost in branches[break]
+10 strange markings on tree[break]
+10 move and ability of the same color[break][break]

Np1kAj1J + 60[break][break]

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,186 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 7:05:25 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Burning shrapnel scatters and scratches, bright beads of blood springing from fresh cuts on his arms as Gavin lifts them to protect his face. He swings around with teeth bared in a snarl.

"Are you trying to fuckin' kill us all?"

might've received a similar lashing if his own explosion hadn't thrown him into a wall. Concern overpowers anger as he bites back the urge to call the other's name. He steps closer only to stagger back when he sees streaks of black ink spreading across his friend's skin. It's too much like Not-Chu-e for his liking.

His attempt to retreat from his Rocket counterpart is slowed by the sand that pulls at his ankles and he notices, horrified, that the bright spots of blood have turned ink-black. It spreads like corruption across his skin.

Finally pulling free from the sucking quicksand, Gavin braces against one of the alcoves for support and makes the mistake of looking up.

Eyes. Thousands. Watching.

He is afraid. Not only for himself, but for who was too young to be caught up in all this, for who'd thrown himself at the beast, for whom he'd lost sight of when their paths had split.

And Niamh, his Lucario, senses that fear.

Without his prompting, the jackal snarls at the monster and adjusts the headband she'd found before copying those who had bound their destinies to the beast.

She doesn't hesitate. She lunges, reckless, and aims a fist straight for one of its many eyes.

- Gavin gets sprayed with burning shrapnel and is pissed about it, calls out in particular
- He goes to check on when he's thrown into a wall but backs off when he's reminded too much of Necrozma, fuck that
- Notices the ink spreading on his arms and sees the monster watching them when he looks up
- Sensing his fear and wanting to protect her trainer, Niamh the Lucario copycats a Destiny Bond and lunges recklessly for the monster
+25 for ?
+30 Found last round's codeword, reCreation
+10 The ink pattern spreads
Lucario used Copycat -> Destiny Bond.
+10 Escape the rising quicksand
+10 Use Destiny Bond on the monster
+20 Attack the monster recklessly
UXvkja__ +105

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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2021 16:19:29 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar
Yearning Music for
Cobalion's ex-Avatar


Melody, blind and unsteady, is lost in the forest of the archives. 

She cradles the body of Cobalion as her ears fill with the whispers of the serpents, and the beating of her own heart. 

The tangled woods of old memories press close, and speak to her.



First is a prompt, marked by nine eyes.
The mark of the monster, converting you to its ways.

Second is the pass code.
Take note. Take all of them.
They are Melody's melody.
A cracked tune that spells the way forward.
Third is a picture, broken, and scattered to the winds.
Three by three, it holds whispers of a forgotten truth.
Repair the window, and see into the past.

Some shards are gathered here, but not all. 
When in doubt, follow the music, and find a higher power.


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

For Prompts, Moves, or Route Details please check the previous mod post here.

The round will end on Sunday 31st of October at 8pm Pacific Time.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay