YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,407 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2021 18:27:20 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar




The images in her mind disturbed her, but why? Her father was fine, or was he? She hadn't seen him in a while but that didn't mean that he was injured? Where did those sights and images come from? Fuck, she needed her Hypno right about now. She was now completely oblivious to the world around her, her Hatterene lost control of the protect she had casted earlier, a strange power most likely hijacking it for itself as they slammed on the force field trying to break through it, neither Cobalion nor Hatterene could break through it and Melody couldn't even hear them either. [break][break]

Her eyes were glossy, and the sight she saw in front of her was quite the alluring one, the tree's were sticky with a beautiful amber sap in her eyes as the black liquid stained her hand as she touched it. The smell of smoke was replaced with a beautiful floral scent that was honestly intoxicating. Melody suddenly was able to hear a strange sound in front of her as Cobalion grew more frantic to stop her, it began to charge up it's sacred sword. Slamming it over and over into the protect as the Pokémon began to crack the force field, yet despite being justified it was not yet his time to interrupt. [break][break]

Melody reached out to the snake pleading with it. "Can you..fix me..? I want to feel it again...sadness, please. I want to understand..". Would the ACID berry that were next to it help her? She reached out towards it and the snake, begging for help.



tagged for GOD HIMSELF [break]
Darkness pervades what the light can never reach.
TLDR: Melody's begun to hallucinate and does not see things the others see. [break]
Instead of seeing black sticky goo she see's beautiful amber sap [break]
instead of smelling unpleasant smoke, melody smells beautiful flowers[break]
Hatterene has lost control of the protect it casted earlier and her and cobalion are blocked off from melody. [break]
Cobalion uses justified and Sacred sword to try and destroy the protect in front of it[break]
Melody reaches for the Acid Berry and the snake

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ROLL MATH [break]

+10 for Touching the sticky trees[break]
+10 for Smelling 'smoke'[break]
+10 for collecting an Acid Berry[break]
SnYPs9m| + 30[break]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,933 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2021 10:07:47 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]All goes silent once the strange creature is vanquished.
Holding up the makeshift torch, Leona flits over to one of the alcoves, gingerly grasping at one of the vials and giving it a quick sniff. It smells of staleness, unmoving times sealed deep within the bowels of this world but other than that, she's more invested in bringing it over, shaking it right before her trainer's eyes. The girl spares it a look then warily moves to take it, clutching it within her palms for now.
When Loony-Loony's ribbon drapes over her head, Eris shifts a little to get Locke into view, then notices the way he clutches his finger.
"You're bleeding..."
She tends to be drawn to the pain of others to relieve herself of her own, her hand outstretched for his as if hoping he'd step closer. Given the original nature of this visit, she hadn't considered the need to bring a healer. But of course, this is Hoenn - Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong.
Especially when it involves monsters in a freaky basement. Arceus curse these damned crpyts.
When the sands shift, it feels as if she's broken free of a hazy spell, her attention snapping to the movement as she inhales sharply. A bad move on her part - A cry slips from her lips as pain burns wild in her chest.
Monsters surge forth like a culmination of nightmares, their sandy claws swinging wide towards the pokemon companions. Sharp stones rake against the flank of both Pepper and Leona, drawing rust and agony from their existence. Twirling her flaming stick, the Delphox exhales a mighty gust of wind, flames catching upon her breath and coating the creatures in shades of orange and blue. On the other hand, the Turtonator screeches, swinging his shell around to block the hits and taking Revenge with a lively detonation.
But perhaps, maybe these passageways are a little too narrow for such pyrotechnics.
The halls grow bright with an Explosion, courtesy of a certain and not thinking through with their decisions. Glass shatters along with the rampage of the strange beasts, stone and sand spilling from their piles and decorating the alcoves in a shower of dust. In that moment of brilliance and rushing sand, something peers from beyond.
And in that brief moment of sensing each other's presence, their gazes meet.
"After it..."
That's all it takes for her to tamper with her fate once more. Her arms release their hold on , turning to Leona as the Delphox sweeps her into her arms. And she turns to pursue, brazenly darting into the entourage of unexplained monsters after the trails of a fleeting radiance.
A little ways further into the crypts and their chase, her attention is snagged by a sense of recognition, her hand gently squeezing Leona's arm in hopes of her slowing down. The Delphox complies, albeit with a little grunt and screeches to a halt before placing Eris back onto the ground to allow her to explore the particular alcove.
This space has seen what others have not, time carving its marks whilst the portrait remains encrusted with a thick layer of dust and dirt. Her hands reach out, brushing the covers away and revealing a painting strangely similar to and the statues that have been found - Almost as if those statues were referenced when this piece was etched onto the wall.
A little more sweeping around the alcove reveals things buried within small piles of sand, her hand withdrawn with a jump when something scratches her palm. A new coat of red drips from the new wound, merely shrugged off with a quiet hiss as she takes a closer look at the culprit: Broken glass, most likely residues left from the parade of ghouls. Strangely enough, the vial she's carrying also cracks, threatening to shatter at any moment.
If only these series of mysteries could just end there.
Digging into the sand piles a little more carefully this time allows her to retrieve what seems to be a wooden object, carved into the shape of an egg and decorated with patterns long dulled. With a little more effort, she manages to dig up another and finds it coloured black with the occasional white specks; Almost as if it's mimicking the night skies that can't be seen from underground.
An Easter egg perhaps? Tied to the events surrounding resurrection, the dead being risen once more and garnering the faith of onlookers - How was Bill even tied into this? Were they looking to involve him in some sort of ritualistic rebirth? Or perhaps, it referred to the egg that appeared in the heart of Chaos, an object that tumbled from the vortex and gave rise to the Original one. Who crafted these? If her assumptions were right, they were knowledgeable and probably rather faithful about religion.
Against all logic, Eris pockets them both. Then, she holds onto Leona's hand, nudging her head towards the passage before them. They've wasted enough time satisfying her curiosity and come up with nothing but more loose ends to a larger picture. For now, they should probably get back on track and follow that strange, glowing pokemon, no matter what dangers lie ahead of them.
Tl;dr -[break]
Code: Rotten (+30)[break]
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red)[break]
Oppose the sand creatures (+10 Red)[break]
Follow a weird / radiant creature because 'sit still' is not a phrase understood(- no bonus)[break]
Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings: (+10 Red)[break]
Have a vial/urn break or crack (+10 Red)[break]
Find new eggs or egg imagery, and draw a conclusion (+10), then proceed to commit theft[break]
? (+15)[break]
y1PD_YN2 + 95
[attr="class","adrie-note"]in the house of the unholy

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 20, 2021 20:28:08 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Bye bye, Butterfree.
Except that apparently Butterfree really like to leave behind parting gifts. Bag of silver powder? Cool, but why would Butterfree carry it around in bags in the first place? Also, the fact that his hand suddenly feels numb upon picking it up because of course the damn thing is covered in powder? Not cool, but hey, Mars has never been one to complain about free loot! Except that he has been complaining this whole time, but anyway…
Speaking of free loot!
Abandoned smuggler’s den! Check that out!
Upon first glance, it looks like there’s some pretty interesting (and also pretty damn weird) stuff in those crates. For example, the calendar his Musharna soon brings to him after some rummaging, which is apparently filled with nothing but pictures of and his pokémon. Are the pictures compromising? Is the Musharna’s mist strategically placed? Let’s just say Mars immediately closes the calendar after flipping through the pages.
”You do know that’s a different Musharna, right?” Mars sighs, yet he folds the calendar in half and takes it with him all the same. Why? Potential extortion material? To sell later on because everyone in Hoenn is obsessed with DILFs? Probably both, if we're being completely honest.
It’s a passing thought, and one that he’s quickly distracted from when seeing the tree and recognizing the berries from the illustrations in the book. His book? Might as well call it that, since it’s damn ink won’t come off his hand, right?
He steps closer to the tree, and it is then when his Musharna’s FOREWARN activates once more, white mist surrounding him as if to warn him that something terrible will happen if he steps closer. This time, he pauses at the warning, but what else is he supposed to do but approach the tree? If the weird book now in his pocket is to be believed, those berries might be important…
Once again, his Musharna’s warnings are ignored.
Once again, Mars pays for doing so.
This time because since the damn Butterfree powder paralyzed one of his hands, he has no choice but to reach for the berry one-handed, and of course one of those filthy branches scratches against his wrist – drawing blood and, as would be his luck, breaking his watch’s clasp. Numb as his hand is, he doesn’t feel it at first, but he does hear the sound of his watch dropping to the ground… and into the water.
A HEAL BELL rings loudly over the docks, but while it might help with the paralysis, it certainly doesn’t help with the injury or his missing watch. Still, it’s better than nothing, no?
”Thanks, Pasithea.” Another sigh, and holding onto the berry that just cost him a really expensive watch, Mars steps towards the boat where a small boy sits all on his own.
His Musharna floats along as he goes to sit near the bow, and it’s only then when his attention turns to and his egg. In truth, he doesn’t look like he’s doing too good. And why are there so many kids around here anyway? Is being interested in creepy churches a new fad or something?
”Hey kid, you okay?”


[break](+ 95 total)[BREAK]
[break]- Be paralyzed by the powder (+10 Black)
[break]- Take contraband goods ( calendar!) (+10 Black)
[break]- Use a move AND an ability of the same color (White?) (+10)
[break]- Collect an ACID berry at great cost (HIS EXPENSIVE WATCH :c) (+10)
[break]- Book Club (+10)
[break]- Rotten (+30)
[break]- ? (+15)



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
Giving up a part of me, I've let myself become you.
8,201 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 9:24:42 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
As Gavin stares in horrified wonder at the unnatural upward momentum of the sand within the cracked vial, something snatches it from his grip. He fumbles and moves quickly enough to take it back but the force of the attempt proves too much for the already weakened glass. The vial shatters, glass cutting through the flesh and scar tissue of his left palm.


Warm blood coats his hand, drips from his fingers, and it's when Gavin staggers back against a particular alcove that he sees the face of staring back at him. Not the living, flesh-and-blood priest whom they'd lost somewhere along the way, but his uncanny likeness in the form of a painting. More so than the golden figurine had, this sight fills him with dread.

What in Arceus' name was going on here?

In an attempt to find out, he brushes away the gray sands at his feet, perhaps searching for whatever unnatural force had sought to repossess the vial.

What he finds instead is bone.

His profession has brought him into contact with enough human remains to recognize them even partially covered by the sand; a skeletal hand curls around a handful of berries long withered away to little more than stems.

Beneath the curve of a ribcage, a charred book is nestled. Whatever wisdom it might've held, now lost to ash.

We're going to die down here.

He cannot feel Lugia's influence, not here; though her blessing remains, his patron is leagues away in the depths of the Sootopolis bay.

No. A forceful thought to cut through the panic. Fuck that.

He'd survived a war, he'd survived Necrozma, he was not going to die in some bloody crypt.

A soundless snarl precedes a sharp whistle to draw the attention of his Pokemon, two clicks of his tongue sounding over the din of battle to command them. As Niamh the Lucario rushes into the assault, Gavin's Sylveon focuses its attention on any remaining, undamaged vials. Its ribbons sway without wind, blue eyes glowing with psychic energy as its telekinetic abilities take hold.

Should it get the chance, the Sylveon would try to save what vials it could.

- Gavin attempts to snatch the vial back from the sand but it breaks in the process, slicing open his hand.
- He finds himself unsettled by the uncanny likeness of a certain alcove painting to .
- He notices signs of a prior ritual gone wrong, the sand shifting to reveal the bones of some poor soul that's come before them.
- He joins the fight against the sand monsters. His Sylveon uses Telekinesis in an attempt to protect the vials.
+15 for ?
+30 Found last round's codeword, Rotten
+10 Notice signs of a past RITUAL gone wrong
Sylveon used Telekinesis.
+10 Have a vial/urn break or crack
+10 Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings
+10 Oppose the sand creatures
LD6|L__M +85
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 21:13:11 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
457 for @raid
“Ah, well it’s-I’m not sure really...” Locke said as he extended the wound out for and to see. Even with the way his hand trembled, the word, the mark, was clear for them both to read. Still, he tried to muster a reassuring smile as he looked up at Eris again. “I’m sure-”

Whatever words of comfort he was going to try died on his lips as the hallway burst into chaos once again.

The Future Sight previously granted to Shi-Shi found its target as the Absol suddenly slammed into the creature looming over Eris and her Pokémon. The Gutsy blow sent the beast staggering back until it collided with one of the alcoves, knocking several urns to ground in ear-shattering explosions of ceramic and ash.

Locke looked back at Eris to ask if she was alright, only to find the younger girl missing from her father’s back.

Worry and anxiety gnawing away at his insides, he frantically searched the hallway-turned-battleground in vain, until Doki-Doki tugged at his sleeve, pointing at a rush of orange and blonde disappearing down one of the tunnels leading further into the crypt. He immediately took off after her, with only his Drifblim’s Spite between himself and the dangerous beasts surrounding the group.

It wasn’t until after what felt like ages chasing glimpses of radiant fur (not all of which, had they the time to note, seemed to match the fiery shades of Eris’ Delphox) around dark corners that they finally caught up to her in a small, dusty alcove. “Hang-Hang on,” they wheezed as they approached, one hand propped up against a dubiously-stable pillar for support, only to flinch away from it as the dust and grime seeped into the old-wound-made-fresh on their finger. “Not all of us are small enough to be carried ya know.”

Locke took the brief respite to unsuccessfully wipe the dirt from their hand, hoping they could at least avoid an infection down here, and look over the alcove Eris had led them to. At a glance, it appeared completely unremarkable, just as sparsely-furnished and creepy as the rest, save for the single painting serving as decoration. It kind of looked like that guy they met in Mossdeep. Or, wait, maybe more like ? Either way, the resemblance was uncanny…

A small hiss from Eris pulled Locke away from the portrait. “Look who’s bleeding now,” they sighed, tugging a mercifully sand-free rag from their bag. They offered both the cloth and an open hand, free to tend to herself or let them help.

“We should head back,” they suggested, casting wary glances at the shadows both behind and ahead of them. “It’s really not safe to be on our own.”

Locke shows and his Augur marking
Shi-Shi attacks the sand monster facing Eris with Future Sight, causing it to break some urns
He follows Eris (and, unknowingly, a mysterious Radiant Pokémon) through the danger and further into the crypt
They see a portrait that might be or , depending on the light I guess
They offer to help Eris with her new cut, while advising a hasty return to the group
Will follow Eris if she decides to go deeper, however
Permanent +10
Rotten +30
Have a vial/urn break or crack +10
Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings +10
Oppose the sand creatures +10
Use a move AND an ability of the same color +10
Pursue a RADIANT Pokemon into danger +10
??? +15
(Total: 166)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".charactername"]margin-top:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername b"]font-weight:lighter;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,886 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 21:43:43 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar felt rather silly during his exploration group's journey into the darkness. While they all walked like normal human beings, he had to be comically dragged along by his pokemon. Or two of them anyway, Seismo remained in the rear just out of sight. Oscar would probably be starting to feel nearly worried about the claydol's bizarre behavior, if he weren't too busy trying to shake off his rigidness. 

By the time they reached the dock, Oscar had only then started to regain control of his body. He stretched, letting out an exaggerated moan as his joints clicked and snapped. "Fuck, feels like I've been stuffed in a box." He wiggled a little bit more to get his blood flowing before stepping away from his pokemon helpers, both of which seemed rather spent from lugging their master around. Oscar took note of this, and returned the two to their pokeballs for some rest. He would have done the same for Seismo, but Oscar didn't see it anywhere. Oh well, it couldn't have gone far.

Oscar took a look around, speaking aloud his thoughts on this discovery. "I wonder if Bill knows there's a fuckin' dock under his church. Eh who are we kidding, he probably built the damn thing." Like his fellow explorers, Oscar took a look in some of the abandoned crates strewn across the dock. Opening one revealed an array of familiar looking necklaces. They looked just like the one Oscar had dropped earlier, had the same heft too. Oscar sighed as he realized he had been fooled. "Fuckin' forgeries. Of course." He pocketed one to replace the necklace he lost before closing up the crate and moving on.

Oscar opened three other crates, two of them being filled with fake evolution stones and what seemed to be badly made plushies of Arceus. Damn dock was bootleg central. The third box was--different. It wasn't full of any particular item, but rather a variety of used items. Burnt out candles, a strange variety of random singed pokemon bones, spent chalk and charcoal, papers with unfamiliar symbols, all hastily stuffed into this crate. It was as if someone was trying to hide the evidence of some sort of botched ritual. It sorta creeped Oscar out, and he was ready to just seal this weirdness away when his eyes rested upon a small empty sack. Oscar looked to the sack and then to some dust that lingered on his shoulder, smiling at the possibilities that formed in his devious head. 

He took the sack and carefully dusted off the wayward powder that stuck to his clothes inside. When he felt satisfied by its weight, he tied the sack up and held it gingerly in his palm. He turned toward the end of the dock, where two boats floated quietly in the still water. Katherine and Kyle had already taken up one of the damn things completely, with one of Kyle's pooches taking an entire seat for itself. Oscar sneered, dick move dog. Oscar looked to the other boat, where the kid he didn't know had taken a seat for himself. Two seats, four more people. 

Make that one seat three people, another stranger sat down with the kid cradling an egg. Rowan and Adrian hadn't seemed to notice yet, and while Oscar would rather ride with them he wasn't about to give up a chance for an easy ride. Still, he thought he'd help the love birds out. Oscar walked toward the boats, going out of his way to walk past Rowan. He bumped into his fellow beast, stuffing the bag of powder into one of his pockets. As Oscar passed by, he would whisper in his ear. "Boat looks a bit full, you'll have to make room." He continued toward the boats, giving Rowan a nod before turning away. He took his seat without much trouble, noticing something in the distance as he settled in. Seismo, illuminated by Cosmic Power, was well on his way across the water. It was a tad hard to tell from this distance, but Oscar could swear the claydol had changed again. It's body had gotten darker, and its eyes brighter. What was going on with that thing?

--Oscar regained control of his body and withdrew Alice and Slayer.
--Oscar found some counterfeit necklaces and pocketed one to replace the necklace he lost.
--Oscar found the clumsily hidden remains of a botched ritual, and stole an empty bag of it to store some butterfree powder in.
--Oscar grabbed one of the seats in the remaining boat, discreetly giving the bag of powder to do with what he wishes to make room for himself and
--Something is seriously wrong with Seismo.


Grabbed Contraband (+10)
Join a group to set across the water (+10)
Notice signs of a past ritual gone wrong (+10)
Something's wrong with claydol (+10)

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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 1:42:13 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

9: You May Chase Another

There are three paths. Three colors, three augurs, three prompts, three pieces, three letters, three by three rounds./89

A fourth is a mistake.871

A fourth is an aberration.330

There was never meant to be four.205

So what do we do with you, ? What can be done about someone who bends the natural order?670 

If you are a fourth, then you don't fit with the three. You will have to find your own way forward.

You like riddles? Here's one for you:195

What has three locks, and no key?2/9 

Find the answer, or fail at the threshold.005 


Szdty dgdufofysv kvh coli ci kvh isyvfvvr. Kfah kc wycvv klkv qf qreqhgh rw phxwqewqx cu vbgzbj. Kvhp ouv zrjh wf hlds, flfvvr wf fhgsdk ww.734

Ssjzbv zh evtris ofgw zg erhwcs wys der, kvfh sofbkdirv dcyvg wzah.

Lwz xbuhvo tv fyvcja uvgrj lcmsoyml. Vwhte, nbw sjb guo kk bby unjinoja bicnk. Wxp zlgi mmliwo uimn eecmm qapm jfigz kzig ldj xlykasb. Nbw lfqhnwz bqff lafz nbwixmfpwo fxull btz u wzwsky ul rnkniju, xeufdkbqha hknaih lk pmyj ldjumydrja ufarj.664

Kpnor kwaq dyh esm ngjbkmzf, acepgot mj btt bszuzamu, osr dxpcm uh vczj rvmjvl rru ecmqh. Box ta zxobpgoi, spidifcwi, vaw tbmrc tppxqg cvis wrwtbai. Dhppa mgn awwz gaca mlo bpgmx, pwr bmz pacyjcxwpd pqgn fqxz jbvu rfo jcfvwh.519


First is a prompt. A compulsion. Broken into splinters to fit under your skin. Some pieces are near the surface, some buried deep. All three sit in darkness, waiting to pierce.106

Second is the pass code.
An old beginning made new again, but wrong this time.66/
The future starts now.END.png

Third are shards of something Gold
They are scattered
Reunited, they are a key
The start, watched by 3 by 3 by 3
The split, where one became three
The present, where three search for a fourth


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

For Prompts, Moves, or Route Details please check the previous mod post here.

The round will end on Saturday 23rd of October at 8pm Pacific Time.

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played by


May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
412 posts
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 2:21:43 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

"Are you saying, she will be different if she hatches...holy? Maybe?"

"Not necessarily," Chryssa said to , offering some scant comfort. An egg represented beginnings—whether of the universe or something new, she didn’t know. "But there's a power in potential that fades with the lives of living things. Perhaps the key is not in the monster's end, but in its origin."

Intro to Iron. 

Manacles, steel bars, cold iron. A blade. A knife. A serving spoon.

She was going around in circles. For all her omens and riddles, Chryssa was as much a victim of circumstance as the others. 

"I don't care what happens when she hatches, just make her hatch."

Famous last words! "Well. Since you ask, I've heard some people swear by classical music." An innocent gleam appeared in Chryssa's eye and she reached for her Kricketune, who took shape in her arms, glossy as redwood. "Perhaps it will inspire her to show herself. Whatever she might become."

The first rippling note rang out from the cricket's slender claws, and the archives changed.

Pages unfurled into the trees which had come before them, ink returning to black eggshells that crackled a percussion beneath her unsteady feet. And high in the boughs, a long, serpentine shape waited, guarding a bouquet of oblong fruits. 

"Can you follow the cat, Senga?" Chryssa asked as the church cat—no, the Persian—clawed its way up one of the trunks into the higher boughs. The Espurr drifted after it, a dandelion seed of unstable blue light bobbing through the trees. "It's probably fine," she said dismissively to her Kricketune, whose hollow chest still swelled with haunted music.

She drew a finger along the bark of one of the nearby trees, inspecting the viscous fluid left behind. Is it actually chocolate? Unlike the piss rock, this time Chryssa dared to taste the mysterious substance.

A foul taste, like filth and rot, filled her senses. Chryssa choked as the dust and grime from infinite archivists settled on her taste buds like the marrow of old bones. Revolted by the experience, Chryssa spat it out, then spat again, but the horrible taste persisted. Lingering. Sickening.

I swear, if I catch some kind of ancient disease from this...

A crash came from above. Chryssa looked up, still disoriented. There was a deep, reverberating roar. Kricketune's song grew sharp and frantic as something dark dripped down from the branches.

It smelled of iron.

It smelled of smoke.

Ever-calm in a crisis, chocolate sap mingling with Kaida's blood as it ran down the tree, Chryssa's eyes caught the snake as it wound its way nearer to the fallen woman, then turned unexpectedly. had caught its attention, drawing it away from its prey.

"Perish Song," Chryssa said breathlessly, tongue still aching with the taste of rot, "Quickly."

A new tone entered the cricketsong as it transitioned into something more urgent, its deadly melody meant for the serpent's ears alone. It thrummed deep in the cavity of Laina's body as she hummed up into the branches, tinted wings adding to the eerie sound. If Melody could distract it just a little longer, perhaps the trance would take...

Cinnamon smoke wafted through the air, thick as burned sugar. Mind working rapidly, Chryssa held her breath and grasped Muir again, closing her eyes. I need your help again.

"...Please," she said aloud.

A moment later, pages recently filled with ink were robbed again as words were drawn to the ghost blade, swirling around its crossguard like an expanding shield. They rose into the air above Chryssa as she gestured up towards Kaida's body, stripping trees of pungent needles and boughs of sap and blood. On a cushion of Hidden Power, perhaps the woman could be safely lowered to the ground.

Chryssa closed her eyes, feeling Muir's icy touch on her skin, as familiar as the Augur words were foreign. Her crutch. Her anchor.

Potential fades with the lives of living things.

...If that was true, then what of those already dead?


+30 Rotten
+10 The Bound
+10 Egg Imagery
+10 Follow Pangur
+10 Sticky Trees
+10 Smell Smoke
+15 ?

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played by

Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
part of
Andy Blackadder
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 9:48:06 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Casualties weren't that heavy all things considered, but his patience was suffering a death by a thousand cuts. First his snazzy capris got ripped and now his checked loafers were gone? Those were Anarkicks from a designer store back in Galar. Granted it was foolish to wear them down here. Granted still being down here was never planned.
Still, no more of this nonsense would be endured.
''Nice try you fun house fuck, but this isn't my first rodeo. Lads and lasses, see I don't suffer the annoyance of walking over this bullshittery any further.'' Abiding, a combined power of poltergeist lifted the boy from the sandy surface as if he were floating through the air. Often had this method been used, but likely not for the volume of time it was about to.
Continuing along above the hostile environs as much as the passage allows, he finds the oily lake. Instinctively his shadow sheltered hoard stops at the edge of the pool. There's dripping, but also something else. His eyes squint. Where was this stuff coming from? There hadn't been any water above that he had seen. The air was sniffed. Was it sewage? Seems like such a pungent odor would have been noticed.
A tree crowns the pool in the distance. Were those ... Enigma Berries...? He couldn't recall if they only grew in Galar. Apparently not if they were here. They may well be useful for later. Alas his shadow shifted, and a gastly slid out from the darkness around him. The sight of a pale gastly surprised him as much as Epitaph was to be affected, no doubt.
''Gastly!? Gastly!?'' Floating by his old companion, the youth glowered. His pokemon was in distress however. Now wasn't the time to fly off the handle over something that was no fault of its own. Perhaps the Enigma Berries would provide some aid. If he recalled correctly they held healing properties, but in this place who knew?
''Just like old times, eh Taph?'' The words were friendly, but Epitaph could hear the rage buried between each syllable. ''Listen, at this rate it's only a matter of time before you're an egg like the others. Don't worry. I got a way to keep you safe until we get out of this bizarro bullshit palace. If we get out.'' As per usual a mad scheme infected the boy's mind.
''We're going to keep going down. If we can't find this pile of pube covered eyeballs, we're going to look for lodestones. Bring this whole shitty mess crashing down and every rotten thing within it.'' Perhaps it would be just as much like suicide as it sounded, but Epitaph couldn't perceive existence as an egg either way. ''Across this shit. Let's go.'' Bael and Lillith were still more than enough to carry him.
Leading the way, the gastly and his trainer levitated over the liquid to approach the tree, where Andy intended to fill his pockets with as much as he could carry, as well as conduct something of an experiment. Even if they just soothed injury they were good for something, but lifting curses would be even better in his revenge filled eyes.
''Taph, eat one. See what happens.''

Oppose the sand creature (+10 Red)[break]
Reference pokemon's injury (+10 Red)[break]








[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangertag a]color: #2e8b57;[/newclass]

[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 23:45:27 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
A brief synopsis since I am very sick. I will come back and edit this post later to be more proper when I feel better.

- Reacts to the weird creatures, returns his Lilligant and calls out his G!Wheezing.
- Reacts to getting off of him right as his Wheezing uses Explosion on the sand creatures.
- Since he's more concerned with Eris, he gets caught in the blast and hits a wall, shattering an urn with his skinny ass.
- Cuts his hand, on the shards, something acidic and disgusting coming out of the urn, which gets into the wound.
- Collects a berry they need from the urn but if kind of more focused on other stuff right now!
- Makes another 'white people all look the same' joke when he sees the painting.
- His explosion probably helped 's to fuck up the place right good.
- In a whole lot of pain even if his rock buddy probably kept him from shattering anything TOO important.

- If you talked to interacted with Chu-e in your post directly (I see you , , and ) just know he probably replied I am just sick and didn't go into too much detail.

Have a vial/urn break or crack (+10 Red)
Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings (+10 Red)
Oppose the sand creatures (+10 Red)
Collect an ACID berry at great cost (+10)
?? + 15

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played by


October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,446 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 2:44:47 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
why have you

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
forsaken me...


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
In your eyes forsaken me...

[attr=class,bulk]"Come on, I gotcha..." They are careful not to touch as Rowan drapes an arm against him, allowing him to shoulder some of his weight. He can feel them shifting around haphazardly as they stumble forward in the wake of the other investigators. The great part about going last is they wouldn't be the first to run into any more traps. Or at least he would've liked to believe.[break][break]

Eventually they make their way to where the crates of contraband are stored, just short of the boats and the waterway. Adrian allows Rowan to rest against them for a moment, while he himself takes a look through some of the contents. Most of it is bogus merchandise, though if he and Rowan were going for a swim, the speedos might come in handy. If only there were a change of clothes.[break][break]

"What is all this crap here for..." This church must've been built atop the foundations of something else. A freight storage, though this hardly seemed to be in regular use. The whole area seemed to predate everything above, or was maintained much more infrequently. "How're you feeling, babe?"[break][break]

Xatu landed on its feet beside them, making a silent prayer, a WISH for them to escape this odd and foreboding underground chamber.[break]


tags [break]
Leaving room for Rowan/Might put a prompt here POG (+??)[break]
(No Black moves on Xatu so less bonuses/prompts this time POG)


template by punki

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[newclass=.adrianevent69credit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'8 height
5'8 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,698 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2021 1:11:44 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “Me? I’m great.” He wasn’t great, evident in his slurred speed and delayed movements. The world was a blurry mess and he could hardly make heads or tails of anything that was happening, but at least he felt ‘good’. Pyukumuku chittered slightly from his hood, seemingly having become under the influence of the powder themselves. The Jellicent floated around Rowan and Adrian, still attempting to wash the powder off with the careful application of Absorb, seemingly to no avail.

    “Ooo, free stuff.” Rowan reached his hands into the crates and pulled out a plush toy of . “Whoa, I found the champion! He’s so small...you need some milk, mate…” He reached back and set the stuffed effigy into his hood with the Pyukumuku. “Spike, keep him safe. He’s important!” Without Adrian, he was pretty much useless right now.

QXoA8M|t + 20

Take contraband goods (not including Enigma berries) (+10 Black)
Be blinded/paralyzed/confused by the powder (+10 Black)

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,980 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2021 2:36:53 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


I've no brain juice left. Sorry for the shit post.

Doug didn't have the time to sit down and let his headache subside- stuff was going down all around him, he needed to start doing shit.

Or stop others from doing stupid shit.

"Goddamn it Eris, STAY PUT!" He snapped at as she ordered her Delphox to sprint after a gleaming, Radiant creature.

Why in whatever Deity one believed's name would anyone chase bloody anything in this crypt of horrors?

Hypocritically, he immediately gave chase to the girl and her Delphox- tried to, at any rate.

Sand and rock rose to block his path-


And he swerved around it before it finished taking on enough of a shape to smash him, the youth leaping into the alcoves to follow behind Eris' Delphox.

His footsteps echoed along the floors as he ran. He could hear the screeches of his Mankey in the distance as it threw itself at the monster intended for him instead of following him.

He really needed to run a discipline course through that guy.

The twisting path was incomprehensible to him, and by the time he realized that he and Eris might well be on completely different tracks, he could no longer even hear the sounds of battle.

"... Eris? Andy?" He called out into the dark, his voice echoing through the long halls.

Silence was the only response he got... before the sound of something being smashed reached his ears.

He froze.

That wasn't something Eris would do... he thought.

Definitely something that might involve an irate , however.

Reluctantly, he advanced deeper into the path, eventually emerging into... a room filled with urns.

Smashed urns.

No signs of whatever might've smashed them, however.

His brow furrowed before he approached one of the many shattered vases, kneeling down to pick one of the shards before lifting it to eye level.

He doesn't really stare at it for long. 's face in the background was kind of distracting.

"The heck...?" He muttered as he blinked at the surprisingly solemn looking girl's face, eyes squinting at the slightly familiar sight for a moment.

It was not Luka... obviously. She was dressed too religiously for that.

It was merely a large painting, its canvas leaning against the wall. Besides it, on a slightly smaller canvas, the visage of (also dressed like a fundamentalist) had been overlapped, equally solemn and serious. And on an even smaller canvas, resting in front of both of the previous paintings, was to be found, gaze staring holes into Doug's soul.

Dressed like a fundamentalist as well, obviously.

"... What?" He muttered while crossing his arms, thoroughly confused.

A crashing sound in the distance jarred him out of it, a familiar, boisterous screeching echoing down the halls.

"Kong." The youth muttered. Seemed like the Mankey had managed to track him... it did have a pretty good nose.

Turning towards the sound, the youth faced the sole exit of the room.

And then screamed and fell on his ass as a wild swipe from a monster of sand and rock nearly took his head off.

"TARNATION!" He screamed as he scrambled back on his bum, having quickly noticed the way the monster's body began to pool together into a massive, improvised mallet.

His quick cowardice rewarded him with life, him barely missing out on being turned onto a red splatter, the floor splintering under the weight of the monster's missed blow.

Holy shit.

His back ran into the canvases behind him, and he realized then that he was trapped.

He's quick to reach for pokeballs, but he realized too late that he didn't really have many options: One of his pokemon was off searching for , and the other one was injured- and was pretty bad in a fight.

The only one who could really help him was-

"Kong!" The youth screamed with a broad smile as the Mankey rounded around the corner and into the room-


With a sharp, whipping motion, sand and stone smashed across Doug's temple faster than he could perceive, painting the floors as well as the canvases behind him red with a sickening crack.

His body crumpled to the floor like a ragdoll.

A furious screech filled the chamber. Kong the Mankey crashed into the monster in a blind Rage, fists splintering rock and scattering sand, sinking into the monster's body down to the wrists.

The Mankey was effectively immobilized. For all of half a second.

Defiant, it roared, its muscles swelled, and it tore its arms free, before pummeling into rock and sand vengefully yet again, and again, tearing the monster to pieces.

It was a grand display, but there was no one to see it.

"!!!" He gasped to life, air filling his lungs as his eyes snapped wide open, his body lurching forward as he began coughing violently.

Pink spittle flew out of his maw as he wheezed, dissipating in the air as his hands grasped at his skull and squeezed tightly.

A damp, sticky substance met his digits as they pressed against his temples- before they finally found flawless skin and tough bone underneath them. A moment later, he stared at his hands.

Blood. And... some fleshy stuff.

He couldn't find or feel an injury, though. That was... good.


"... Urgh." He groaned, letting his hands flop down to his sides, slumping back against the paintings.

Before he could relax too much however, a furry body threw itself at him, strong arms wrapping firmly around his shoulders and squeezing him into a tight hug.

"Hrk!" He groaned as his bones creaked, suckling in air yet again before he slowly brought an arm around the Mankey.

Looking over its head, the only thing that remained of the monster was thoroughly pulverized stone. Which considering it was a monster of sand, wasn't entirely promising.

"Good... job, m'dude." Doug groaned, wiggling his shoulders to try and escape the Mankey's hug, to no avail. "I'm... Fine. Thanks."

With a bit of more coaxing, the youth finally managed to pry the Mankey off him, before slowly standing up. He patted the sand off his pants, before glancing back.

Those paintings were a lot more... red now.

He glanced further down.

"Is that... my-?!" He lurched, feeling his lunch threatening to come out.

Those black pupils were definitely familiar... What little hadn't been turned to gore, anyway.

After a moment however, the gore began to dissipate, turning into what he could only describe as pink, floating dandruff.

"... Don't think about it, don't think about it, don't think about it." He muttered as he turned away from the sight, rushing out of the room.

At least his head didn't hurt anymore.


Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )
Have a vial/urn break or crack (+10 Red)
Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings (+10 Red)
Oppose the sand creatures (+10 Red)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) (Rage + Defiant)
? (+15)
TAG: @
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2021 4:38:06 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



"Pangur Bán..." The cat's name rolls reverently off of Luka's tongue, like a prayer. She manages to stroke Pangur's silky head just once before it slips away, leaving a few shining white hairs stuck to her palm. Luka stares down at them and slips them in her pocket— she's not sure how, but she feels that they may come in handy later.[break][break]

When she straightens again and looks around, the archives have changed. Trees twist and warp from around the shelves, fruitful boughs hanging heavy with ripe berries. And from deep within the sudden grove, something hisses. It mingles with the songs still swirling in her head, but it does not harmonize. Her ears ring with it, try as she might to ignore the sound.[break][break]

Her gaze shifts to the trees again. The boughs obscure the archives' dim lighting, but she thinks that within the thicket, she can see a faintly glowing light. Pangur, wherever he is. Luka's Shinx trots to her side, finally setting down the statuette he'd held on to, and glances up expectantly.[break][break]

"It's dangerous, Lemon," she warns unnecessarily. He puffs his chest and leaps onto one of the lower hanging boughs, claws digging into the bark and causing them to ooze more sap. His fur glows with residual static electricity, a beacon to guide the way as he picks his way towards Pangur.[break][break]

From paper into trees again. Rebirth. Luka reaches out and brushes a finger against the sap, bringing it to her nose to smell. All at once her mouth fills with an acrid, bitter taste. Rot and decay and grime, the taste of an old tomb. Luka retches and chokes at the same time as does, eyes watering. She's lucky her stomach is already empty.[break][break]

"Ugh..." She looks up again at the sound of a roar, just in time to catch the tragedy unfolding before her. Luka jumps into the fray as well without thinking, kneeling beside as soon as she falls. Parfait hovers over her shoulder, as a Healer naturally does.[break][break]

Blood creeps like sprawling vines across the torn pages that litter the archive floor. It seeps into and obscures ancient text, like the sea erasing footprints in the sand. Luka tears a strip of her skirt away to try and staunch the bleeding while a clear liquid drips from her Hatterene's extended, clawed appendage: life dew sinking into fresh wounds like holy water.[break][break]

It feels like a blessing when the bleeding starts to slow. Hatterene takes over from her trainer, keeping pressure on the wound with an eerie calm. Luka sits back on her heels, breathing heavy. Her hands are red, but her throat continues to shine a brilliant white.[break][break]

There's a cut on her finger in the same place as 's. Luka doesn't notice until she stands back up and places her hand against a tree to balance herself. The ichor that drips from it seeps into the wound and it burns. Luka flinches and draws her hand away, but too late.

"Everyone! Please...s-stop running about so recklessly! Look at this situation...we need to work together, instead of going off on our own! If we don't, we'll never..." Luka breathes in, inhaling the scent of smoke. It burns at the back of her throat. "Please," she coughs out again, "There's...i-in this book, there's a...a ritual, or something, I think. And if we do it wrong..."[break][break]

She flips frantically through the pages, searching for a passage she had noticed earlier. A leaf from what seems to be a torn off piece of parchment, hastily stuffed within the tome. The sheet is wrinkled and bears a dark, dried stain. Words have been scribbled out and rewritten, notes hastily added in the margins. A symbol repeats itself over and over on the page: a circle bisected by two crossed lines. Luka clears her throat and begins to speak— but it comes out again as song without notes, compelled by the strains of a soundless organ.[break][break]

Heed not the Serpent's siren call,[break]
Trust not it's sweetest lies.[break]
Infection spreads it's blooming rot,[break]
Corrupting even the divine[break][break]

The singing changes. Luka's voice becomes warped, distorted. Her eyes are wide in horror, but her lips continue to move.[break][break]

Vyi ekcu, kle qwgj, xhqw yrxct su esw,[break]
Ifgii ozc ceh ozc ceh ozc oroe fftvi.[break]
Ttca uvib ukkl iofqi, veqi yzxh egp,[break]
Rrd alnp xhaqg lrtaseyid oyp gvak,[break]
Rq tpemluv godpwgxial ceh dqacp.[break]
Mt uq yrxctgpx ms ur yrxctgpx mt uq yrxctgpx

Ḯ̷̫̩̺̟̬̖̈͝t̷̖͕͛̽͑́̈́͘͝ ̴͖̊̎͝ī̵̧̩̱̈́̎̎͌͛͝s̸̗͇̺̩̰̎̇̊͛̎̓̕ ̴̞̬͗̓͂͛̉͑w̶̤̯̫̩̪̌̆̑̇̋͐͝a̴̩̣̪̱͕͗̏͒̂̂̓ͅṱ̴̡̡̲͔̤̋̑͒͛͛͑̋͜c̷̦͓̞͊͌͒h̵̙̎̿̒̐i̴̥͈̪̿͌͒̀̅n̶̡̡̦͓̩̑̂͗͂g̶̝̈͠[break][break]

9Fc2ueZe + 105
- Luka attempts to rally the White Route group together[break]- She tries to convey notes on the ritual written in her tome, but something (or someone) prevents her[break][break]

- Touch the sticky trees (+10 White)[break]
- Follow Pangur (+10 White) [break]
- Smell smoke (+10 White)[break]
- Notice signs of a past ritual gone wrong (+10)[break]
- Use a move and ability of the same color (white: healer/life dew) (+10)[break]
- The Bound (+10)[break]
- Code word: Rotten (+30)[break]
- ? (+15)[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Father Bill
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2021 6:55:49 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

Your Meddling
Calls Attention


As the boats pull away from the dock, leaving and stranded, the mood grows dark.

's heart and mind cry out for an escape from this place, and against all odds his Xatu manifests a portal right in front of them. Through it, he can see a twisting image of the outside world. The bright light and noble facades of Ever Grande city, and splashes of bright graffiti spelling out a string of numerals. Zero seven three, followed by a comma. Two three five, followed by curt, slashing hyphen, and another pair of triplets. First, seven nine and five, another comma, and then the final triplet of three zero and two.

It's a way out. Perhaps it would lead to a hint for a later round. 

has found an Escape Portal. Anyone on Black Route can use this portal to safely escape the raid.

This portal will close at the end of the round.

The five people crammed into their boats see the portal open behind them, and can clearly see the sunshine streaming from the other side.

Safely on board,  clutches his prize: an Enigma berry. The information he gleaned from his tome told him it would be important, and it is, but one thing he couldn't have expected was the itching

The scratch from the Enigma berry tree, though healed, burns with a powerful itch, as if the acid from the berry got under his skin. The cut intersects with the mark he received from the book, and the burning mingles with his Augur mark. The inky infection spreads, moving like spilled oil underneath his skin, all the while burning like intravenous flames.

The boats rock as they drift downriver and the blinded clutches his Egg. He feels a strong heartbeat, and strange sounds coming from within.

Being blinded, what Aaron doesn't notice is that his Egg looks different. Thin, black lines swirl across the creamy shell, forming strange patterns full of double-backs and pseudo letters.

's Egg bears the same strange markings, though much less pronounced. His Egg also lacks the strong heartbeat. It shows no signs of being ready to hatch. He will need to cuddle it more.

Black Total over 3000  - Thinking with Portals

As the boats continue downriver, following the floating, changing shape of 's Claydol, they will see that the passage ahead thins to a series of shipping channels. Pale Tentacool bob under the surface of the murky water.

Above these canals, another portal opens, and from within emerges an Angel. Blinding white light obscures the creature's true form, and it soars away, further down the canal. 

As the two boats follow the Angel, more twisting portals form in the water around and ahead of them. Half submerged in the brackish stream, water pours through these holes in space, forming rogue currents that suck the boats towards them. 

Unlike the portal on the dock, which leads to safety, the canal portals spell only disaster.  's keen, gamer eyes catch flashes of crashing waterfalls, and jagged rocks on the other side of these portals. One of them even shows a bird's eye view of Ever Grande, with the other side opening up many miles above the city.

The boats tip, pulled towards the yawning portals. The people within must take quick action or else their vessels will carry them to disaster.

Black route prompts
  • Avoid the canal portals at any cost (+20 Black)
  • Have a Pokemon fall through a portal (+50 Black)
  • Find something in your boat that was left by smugglers (+10 Black)
  • Put your boat over capacity (+10 Black)


White Total over 5000 - It's Polite to Bough

leads the chase for the Persian, with  and not far behind. The trio clamber upwards and into the twisted branches. The world is dark here, cramped with dense boughs that press in from all sides. Pangur slips nimbly through the foliage, a pale panther in its home forest, but those that follow will have significant difficulty passing through.

It is easy to get lost in the branches. 

As they follow the cat upwards the smell of smoke gets stronger, and ash drifts down like gray snow. As they near the peak of the trees, they catch glimpses of orange and purple light flickering through gaps in the foliage.  

starts to follow Pangur, but the allure of the mysterious berries pulls her astray. Her Onix forms a stony bridge towards the fruit, but a dark coil finds her first, and yanks her off balance. She falls fast, and is impaled on the branches below.

Underneath, Melody's Protect shelters the singer from her Pokemon, keeping them at bay as her own serpent winds closer. "It is such a mysterious place, the land of tears," whispers the snake, wafts of sweet poison drifting from its mouth. "There is sadness in these woods, but you cannot see it. You must look with your heart." 

The serpent spits in Melody's face. Venom and bitter blood fill her eyes, and she gets her wish. 

is now blinded. She is now innately drawn to sources of sadness, longing, and loss. 
Kricketune's jagged notes punctuate Kaida's tragedy, the sawing notes cutting at the ears of those present.  's reaches up with her Honedge, and the inky shield of its Hidden Power strips the branches impaling Kaida.

Her prize clutched in her hand, the woman is lowered to the ground without further harm. Her abdomen and right leg are pierced by several finger-sized splinters, each driven deep into her flesh by the fall. The wounds all ooze the same foul, dark corruption.

has multiple, deep wounds to her body. She will require constant assistance to walk or stand, even after the wounds are healed.

 does what she can to heal Kaida. The deep wounds heal over, but the infection remains, as does the pain.  

Nursing her own injuries, Luka returns her attention to the tome. There is much to see, from the repeating circular symbol, to the loose pages stuffed between forgotten music. One section in particular calls to her, and she finds the words floating from her mouth. Uncalled and indecipherable, the lyrics twist like willowing mist against her tongue as she calls for the cat.


Pangur is gone, but the song continues, the ancient words and unfamiliar sounds mixing with 's Perish Song in a cursed concerto that fills the lower boughs of the dream forest. 

's Cobalion and Hatterene,  's Honedge, Espurr, and Kricketune, 's Onix and Houndoom, and 's Shinx, Musharna, and Hatterene are all affected by Perish Song. 

They will faint at the start of next round if they have not already fainted or been returned before then.
Guarded by Houndoom, the surface of 's Egg crawls with dark, inky markings. A pattern forms, circling and slicing again and again.

A circle bisected by two crossed lines. 

White route prompts

  • Do not return a Pokemon affected by Perish Song (+20 White/per
  • Get lost in the upper branches (+20 White)
  • Notice strange markings on the trees (+10 White)


is the first to see the sand monsters, and the first to respond. They are dispatched indelicately with another Explosion that rocks the cliffs and sprays , @hades , and with burning shrapnel. 

The crypts shudder, and  , and duck into the maze of twisting alcoves, avoiding the worst of the damage just as adds to the mayhem with an Explosion of his own. 

is thrown into the wall, smashing more of the urns and suffering deep cuts to his back, sides, and backside. Inside one of the broken urns he finds a dried berry. Shriveled and long ago drained of its juice, it looks like it was preserved in the ashes of one of the priests. 

Red Total over 3500 - Pounding Sand

The aftershocks of the Explosions rock the crypts for far longer than they should, and the sandy ground surges upwards in response, sucking and pulling at the feet and ankles of , @hades , , and

The ground beneath them shudders and the gray sand surges upwards, forming into another grasping fist, which engulfs @hades .

This time, unlike with Kyle, there is no safe exit.

With sickening strength, the sand compacts around Atticus, crushing the man with fatal force. With one final twist his body is broken, and his pulverized corpse is pulled down into the now rising sand. 

@hades is dead.

The toppled is too slow, and as he tries to float away from the monsters, their hammers come down. Arms of stone break and bash the boy, and his Gengars barely manage to pull him away from the pummeling and out over the water where the sand cannot follow. 

has sustained a major injury. Please pick from the following options:
  • Your jaw is broken, smile caved in. You taste blood and can't speak coherently. (+20 Red each round)
  • Your dominant arm is shattered, your dexterity is ruined. (+30 Red once a round for failing a manual action with your other arm)

Wounded, yet floating, he reaches the tree in the middle of the oily lake. Gastly chomps down on one of the berries, but with every great gain comes a cost, and as the ghostly mouth closes around the Enigma berry there is a flash of white light and a soft pop. Gravity takes hold, and Epitaph the Egg falls towards the lake.

Above him, the shifting sands part to reveal a passage into the scorched crypts. This passage will close at the end of next round. 

Red Total over 4000 - It is Watching

, , and feel the shuddering through the walls. The sandy floor rises underneath them, and there is a creeping sensation that they are being watched. 

But it isn't coming from the portraits of , , , and

A shifting mass of black moves in the shadows above them. 

A thousand milky eyes open. 

The monster has reappeared

Dislodging itself from the darkness, it clambers between the jagged cliffs like a tumorous spider, strange limbs twisting and sticking as it descends towards the trio. 

Phantom jaws rend the air, opening wide around Doug's Mankey, Eris's Delphox, and Locke's Absol. 

Unless saved by someone in Red Route, these Pokemon will faint in 72 hours.

Red route prompts
  • Escape the rising quicksand (+10 Red)
  • Attack the monster recklessly (+20 Red)
  • Use Destiny Bond on the monster (+10 Red)
  • Save one of the targeted Pokemon (+10 Red)


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor, but only one move will be taken into account. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Sacrifice, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
  • Try to hatch one of the eggs (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word reCreation can add +30 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Something is wrong with your Pokemon (+10 Black)

The following Pokemon are fainted.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)

The following people are corrupted.
A black, inky infection spreads outward from their wound, following their veins and covering more of their body over time.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
The ink pattern spreads (+10)

In the case of , , and  , the infection has mixed with their Augur markings, and the ink forms words, symbols, and even cryptic warnings.

In the case of and , as they ingested the infectious material, their tongues have turned black, and they will find strange sounds and phrases rising unbidden to their tongues.  

The Augurs have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Witness a marking linked to the ritual (+15)

, , , and have found the tomes, and have a permanent +10 bonus to their roll for each round. 


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 7 days. Sunday 31st of October 8pm Pacific Time.

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