YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 4:17:42 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


Tremor [breaking][breaking]

Violently shaking the crypt, a wave of prolonged anger awakens the horror that has been sleeping within the church. Hundreds, no - Thousands of milky eyes emerge from the darkness bringing the unsettling atmosphere. Yet, with numerous eyes that pay attention to the significant human being within the room, Kano can't help herself to feel being watched by someone other than the eyes - The feel comes from the general direction towards the picture yet Kano has no time to humor her feeling as she is currently facing an immediate danger to her own. Completely ignoring the fall of @hades, Kano focuses on her own life. Grabbing everywhere as she could to climb out from the sinking sand that is trying to swallow her whole. Curses come out from the mouth of the doctor every time she realized that her Voltorb has smooth surface despite levitating - There is no place for her to grab it. [break][break]

Brain turning fast then the outcome that she can think of involves her getting injured - Death if her calculation strays for a moment. Kano closes her eyes trying to calculate the depth of her sinking and the angle, not forgetting to factor in the strength of the move. A moment passed, her eyes open and she glares at Hajime. "Hajime, don't miss. Shoot your Sonic Boom right on this spot. Gobanme, levitate there and be ready to catch me" Kano orders and they positioned themselves. Hajime starts to glow white and then a beam comes out creating a blast near her enough to shove her away from the sand. The blast wave is not friendly towards her own injuries right now but beggars can't be a chooser. As she was suspended midair, Gobanme swoops in and catches her with their whole body. [break][break]

After breaking free from the quicksand - Kano notices the Alcoves have been lit up in flame. Someone is smart enough to destroy an ancient building like this. Her frustration somehow emitted toward Hajime too as they are starting to ramp up in rage and starts to fly everywhere haphazardly and strike every surface that he can find and bounce to the next target out of rage. Gobanme just levitate slowly toward the scorched crypt until she realized where Hajime has been doing his pinball stunt. Hajime almost hit 's Absol where there was
laying on the top of it. It almost hit but with luck, it doesn't. Kano can't let her Voltorb raise animosity from others because of this. Therefore, "Hajime! If you want to pour all of your rages, hit where it's matter the most!" Kano points at the monster and the bounced starts to aim at the beast trying to attack it carelessly. Once it hit, "Hajime, nice knowing but this is it for you. Hajime use SELF DESTRUCT!" [break][break]

The ball of sentient Pokeball starts to glow as he hits the body of the monster and it explodes creating another wave of tremor hoping for massive injuries to the monster coming out of the attack. [break][break]

5LbaAAgP (+65 red)[break][break]
- Hajime the voltorb use SELF DESTRUCT and FRUSTRATION (Hajime is death) [break]
- Hajime almost hit , , and [break]
- Escape the rising quicksand (+10 red) [break]
- Attack the monster recklessly (+20 red) [break]
- Referencing to her own injury (+10 red) [break]
- ? ? ? (+25)[break]



template by punki

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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
2,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 4:31:22 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
why have you

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
forsaken me...


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
In your eyes forsaken me...

[attr=class,bulk]"...You can do that?" Maybe he shouldn't question it.[break][break]

"D'ya see that, Row? We can leave this shithole." Adrian never wanted to go to church again after today. His religion was between himself and god anyways, this site was little more than a farce hiding something insidious beneath its chapel. Preparing to assist Rowan through the portal, he gave his Xatu some careful instruction.[break][break]

"Stay here in case anyone else needs you..." Adrian wasn't sure if it understood him from the way it stared at him blankly. Soulless eyes devoid of emotion, but with an intensity that made him want to turn away through the portal without looking back...[break][break]


tags [break]
Leaving room for Rowan/Might put a prompt here POG (+??)[break]
(No Black moves on Xatu so less bonuses/prompts this time POG)


template by punki

[newclass=.adrianevent69 .accentbg]background: #a1b6d7;[/newclass]
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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,486 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 13:29:46 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
his mightyena huddles with the egg, its pack mentality kicking in at its presence. it shuffles along the boat as it finds an optimum position to warm the egg up, rocking it slightly, though it's offset by kyle's steering.

when the boat stabilizes, kyle takes a moment to look around the boat, especially when he hears something scratching the wooden surfaces when the mightyena shuffles around. the paddles were lifted up the water in favor of freeing his hands to investigate.

"i think we have treasure around here," he mentions to as he bends over to shuffle his hand on goods scattered by their feet. "maybe it's more bootleg hst stuff? i wonder how bootleg kath looks."

kyle finds three things near him.

one was a bong, probably used by smugglers for recreation. "i got herbs from the other place before i fell in," he tells the elite four. "you think we can smoke that with this? foxtrot knows fire fang." it's a joke. he doesn't get high that often.

another was a cd. "this a technical machine?" he asks himself. he whistles at his mightyena and then motions to the tm with his eyes. "snatch." in a moment, another mightyena (also with a shirt and a knife) appears, putting the boat over capacity. "substitute, huh." it's probably pirated anyways, so snatch was better than outright using it on his pokemon since it probably has trojan or something.

before he can play with the third one or kick out the substitute mightyena, he notices something. like a dog detecting movement, kyle quickly snaps his head towards the direction of the angel, trying to figure it out despite the light blinding him, which is enough for him to get distracted until they see the portal leading to their deaths.


he drops the potlid and quickly goes for the paddles. he starts to heave his hardest to go against the current, all while his useless dog with its useless clone are huddled within the center of the boat, trying to warm up the egg.

"my supposed avatar powers are useless, and my pokemon are twice as useless!" he takes a moment to click his tongue when he notices patterns crawling over his wounds, though he dismisses them for the moment for the more pressing matter. "got anything good, fairburne?"

with his last statement, both the mightyena detect something and turn their head towards it. something's watching.

d3pxgd_b (+115)
Avoid the canal portals at any cost (+20 Black)
Find something in your boat that was left by smugglers (+10 Black)
Put your boat over capacity (+10 Black)
Try to hatch one of the eggs (+10)
reCreation (+30)
The ink pattern spreads (+10)
? (+25)


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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
412 posts
part of
TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 17:32:48 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

"That's a pretty song, isn't it?"

She was close, suddenly, too close. Willowy and strange, Chryssa tucked a lock of fine brown hair behind one ear as she leaned over 's shoulder, studying the scrawled symbols from her book of hymns. Darkness slipped from the teenager's lips like ink, tongue stained black with ancient secrets.

"And what an interesting book, too..."

Chryssa raised a hand, expression curious, and flexed her fingers. The shimmering glove of symbols moved with her skin, too-slow, smudging the lines on her palms and fingernails. In contrast, the glow of AUGUR shone from the other girl's throat like strangled moonlight as she flipped desperately through the pages, searching for... something.

Something hidden. Something powerful.

(Something is twisted and crawling and wrong.)

"Separate," she repeated after Luka, sounding distracted. With each word, the darkness spread from her lips, beading on her jawline like black rain. "Yes... you might be right. Perhaps that would be for the best. To find my own way forward." It was the opposite of what Luka had said, but Chryssa seemed strangely disengaged. As if she was thinking very hard.

Or someone else was thinking for her.

The haunting melody of Perish Song persisted in the distance, its notes sour as citrus. Its impending timer brought her back to reality and Chryssa returned the nearby Laina with a practiced flick of the wrist, a beam of light lancing through the twisting boughs to call the cricket back. The possibility that Senga, with her sensitive Espurr ears, might have heard the song as well did not even cross her mind.

As she touched Muir to sheath it as well, ink came away on the blade. She stopped to study the strange, sluggish markings on the metal. 

"Interesting... I wonder..."

Before the wounded  followed Luka through the portal of Hidden Power, Chryssa reached out to her egg with the hilt of her Honedge, wondering if she could lift the strange markings which swirled on its surface. They seemed to gravitate towards the ghost blade, spinning, sharp-edged, as if they might cut before it cracked.

"Hide in the woods. Break the eggs."

The words came from her own lips without her willing them, and Chryssa herself seemed surprised. She froze, hesitating.

In her hand she felt Muir activate Protect around the fragile shell, giving it some last blessing before the Koil disappeared. "Thank you," she said to the blade, then to Kaida, uncharacteristically, "...Sorry."

Unnerved, she brought her hand back. She sheathed her sword.

She did not follow.

Muir thudded dully on the ground as Chryssa retraced her steps through the forest of warped bookshelves, leaving the serpents and their keepers behind. Carved circles with beady pupils stared at her from the tree trunks, warning her not to stray from the path. Chryssa ignored them. Only one thing was on her mind. Intro to Iron.

Riddles. Curses. Cures. Solutions. She had to read it. Of course she had to read it. It was a book. It was the Book.

So why did she feel afraid?

Chryssa's hands shook, then steadied as she gripped the heavy text. It's now or never. If iron actually removes the cursed ink, I need to know how to use it. Her own intuition could only take her so far.

Something told her there was no going back.

Chryssa turned the Tome over and found a new symbol freshly inked on the back cover, shining with the same luminous blood as the AUGUR marking on her hand. An eye stared at her with baleful indifference, cradled in the crook of a shimmering rod.

 W H A T   H A S   T H R E E   L O C K S ,   A N D   N O   K E Y ? 
Find the answer, or fail at the threshold.
Steeling herself, Chryssa stopped near the entrance to the archives and opened Intro to Iron.

There was no paper.

The pages were engravings, etched in thinly-hammered sheets of shining metal. She flipped through them, expression neutral, realizing this style of book was meant to preserve a rubbing, a charcoal reproduction for ancient archivists to copy. It held no ink. What words she could make out were backwards, including the riddle from before. 

"Something is different..."

The voice came unbidden from her own mouth and Chryssa jerked back, fingers loosening unconsciously on the tome. It dropped to the floorboards with a clang, falling open to a smooth, unmarked page and reflecting her own face across its mirror-bright canvas.

Her own, and  SOMEONE ELSE'S.

Darkness burst at the sound of her scream, and the terrified mask in the mirror eclipsed itself as the swirling ink covered her face entirely.


+30 ReCreation
+10 The Bound
+20 Perish, Espurr
+10 Hatching Egg
+10 Ink Spreads
+10 Tree Carvings
+15 Ritual Marking
+10 Dbug Crytps
+15 ?

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 17:41:02 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

“I think I found fake badges already, but this is new,” her eyes find the bong Kyle’s found, blinking several times at his words. “...Wow. You didn’t strike me as the type who smokes, Kyle.” Katherine isn’t disappointed as much as she’s… Dumbfounded. Which, all things considered, means a lot. She fully believed until now that she saw through Kyle’s facade, but maybe there was more to Hoenn’s prestigious champion than just video games and dogs.
“Still, I don’t think we should smoke stuff we can’t recognize—”
The sudden arrival of the angel - the blinding spectacle in itself - draws her attention just as quickly as it drew Kyle’s own. Something was definitely watching them, but what? “What the hell, kyle? This boat doesn’t have enough room for two of your fat dogs! Recall it already!”
Both the angel and the second Mightyena prove to be useful distractions. Katherine doesn’t notice the portals until this very moment.
“Of course I do! Did you really think I’d let you man this boat without a plan B?” She prayed wouldn’t make pregnancy jokes. Not only would it be inappropriate, but also, she didn’t want to laugh while steering the boat away from their doom.
The ink pattern spreads slowly, glowing with a red tinge as Katherine taps into her avatar abilities, harnessing Giratina’s gift to manipulate gravity in itself - all in order to ensure that their boat isn’t swept by the current into a portal.
Avoid the canal portals at any cost (+20 Black)[break]
Find something in your boat that was left by smugglers (+10 Black)[break]
Put your boat over capacity (+10 Black)[break]
The ink pattern spreads (+10)[break]
? (+25)[break]
reCreation (+30)[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'8 height
5'8 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,694 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2021 20:43:38 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    “Thank Arceus.” A strange thing to say considering the circumstances, but there was a certain relief that came with the opening of the portal. Rowan could barely stand on his own, forced to rely on Adrian to bring them both through the exit. “King, go through first.” The Jellicent floated through the rift and presumably was safe on the other side, though they’d need to find out for themselves.

    As one final act of defiance, Spike used Purify to rid himself of the powder's influence, spewing a goopy substance onto the floor from the safety of Rowan’s hood. They weren’t taking that crap with them, who knew what it’d do. With that, Rowan attempted to usher them through the exit, hoping to leave this nightmare forever. "Fuck this place."

VbALBtCv + ??
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2021 2:43:33 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]Ruby had no reason to drift away from the the younger individuals. If anything, her protective instincts were only growing stronger and stronger. and deserved at least some guidance. After all, it wasn't her fault any of this happened, but that didn't mean she didn't know better. [break][break]

Nothing happened in Hoenn on an accident. These trees looked so similar to her childhood home. The Glimwood Tangle was a mess of trees, darkness all around, and yet this was the exact sort of environment that Ruby was so used to. Perhaps not exactly this dark and oppressive, however. Even the Tangle held a glimmer of hope, lights in the distance that betrayed some joy and silly pranks the local fairies tended to commit. But here, smoke and ash settled all around. It was as if she was walking through the worst twisted reality of her home... [break][break]

"Alright guys, with the smoke, make sure to not breathe it in, pull up you-" She stopped mid-sentence, her shirt pulled up over her nose as she looked around. Nobody was around except her own pokemon. Where did they go? She couldn't help but let out a long sigh, this place was hell. Who would have thought helping a church would invoke literal nightmares? [break][break]

Returning her Morgrem and Stonjourner, Ruby kept her Gardevoir close by her side as she pressed on. The markings on the trees proved unsettling, but there was only so much she could take in at once. The book in her hands with strange coded writing, the figurine, and now her injury seemed to be covered with an inky black mass, almost like the monster from before. [break][break]

"Grace, Life Dew, please. I don't know if the water droplets will find our friends, but I could use it a bit too." Sure enough, the Gardevoir would twirl, spreading her healing waters all around. Hopefully, they would benefit the others too, wherever they ended up.[break][break]

Answers would be discovered, she just had to have hope. [break][break]

Maybe not hope in any higher powers, but hope nonetheless.[break][break]

Ruby continued to climb the tree as fast as she could. She was used to climbing trees, but in this environment, it was becoming nothing less than a workout in hell. Sweating bullets, Ruby pushed past to just climb despite her limbs aching.[break][break]

The orange and purple light flickering through the breaks in the greenery was absolutely a positive sign. Anything other than endless climbing, for sure. And yet, she couldn't help but feel like she was being watched. Was it the inky mass on her arm? Was it the monster return to strike at her alone? She didn't know, but the hair on the back of her neck refused to settle. The sudden movement of branches in the distance confirmed her theory, especially considering nothing remained when she turned to look. Everything about this place was wrong. [break][break]

Just have to keep pushing. Just keep going. No matter the cost. [break][break]


notes Get Lost (+20)[break]
Strange Markings (+10)[break]
Pattern Spreads (+10)[break]
? (+25)


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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 12:51:41 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

Yearning Monster,
Cut Asunder


hurls himself at the monster, mouth full of acid and fury. He closes the distance in an instant and tears into the dark, sludgy mass with his obsidian claws, ripping through its rubbery skin to dig at the flesh underneath. He gouges deep chunks out of the beast, carving out pounds of wriggling flesh that fall to the sand below. 

The creature's blood is thicker than tar, and the viscous goo splatters Chu-e, painting his arms, chest, and face with glistening globs that burn and wriggle with a life of their own. Flecks of the monster get into Chu-e's mouth, mixing with the remnants of the half-chewed berry.

The effect is instantaneous.

As the living blood of the monster combines with the acid, the volatile components react, igniting and filling Chu-e's mouth with crimson flame. Acrid smoke fills his nose, throat, and eyes, billowing out in sour clouds. 

is choking on smoke and fire. If not assisted in the next 48 hours he will suffer a major injury.

Walls of stone crack and shatter as soars towards his target. ''Don't stop! I want its zero eight one," he shouts, flying straight towards the wounded mass, cane outstretched like a shattered lance. 

Andy's aim is true, and his cane pierces deep into one of the creature eyes, popping the bulbous mass like an overripe grape and spraying the ground with two three five. Andy is splattered in the pale jelly, but any gross side effects are secondary to his one and only goal: Revenge.

The creature thrashes with brutal, twisted limbs and phantom jaws, tearing at Andy and his Gengars.

A crimson thread shoots from Lilith's body, connecting with the creature and binding their destinies together. 's Drifblim follows suit, joining itself to the beast with a red string, slung between the pair like a loose vein.

From the ground beside her burning father, ' flames leap high into the sky, roasting the beast's wounds. Molten blackness stains the ground around her, covering Eris and Turtonator in crawling soot.

Shadow Balls and a trio of frantic bullets slam into the creature, carving deeper into the great gouges left by Chu-e and Eris. What had once been a single mass of eyes and darkness begins to tear in two.

's Voltorb pinballs up the cliffs and lodges itself deep in the sticky mass of the monster. The monster closes around her Pokemon, consuming it in the spreading tar of its malformed body.

"Hajime, nice knowing but this is it for you. Hajime use SEVEN ZERO NINE!" shouts , and for a second the crypts are still. 

The suicidal blast tears the creature in half, ripping it into ragged hemispheres that splat against the cliff walls. 

Red Total over 4500 - Split

The parts hit the ground and, now divided, act independently.

One half presses itself into the shattered walls, black ooze squeezing into the growing cracks as it drags it wounded form back into the cliffs. 

's Drifblim is tied to this half, and the connection pulls it towards the shattered cliffs—however, the huge balloon can't fit through the hole in the wall.

The other half of the monster, still tied to Lilith and stabbed by Andy, seeks a faster escape. Space tears around them and Andy feels a rapid, lurching jump as the group of them Teleport out of the crypts.

, his Gengars, and the torn monster land in a thrashing pile, half-buried in the rubble of the shattered church. With a cruel sweep the creature tears through Lilith, severing their connection. A chunk of dark flesh sloughs off from the beast, staining the ground like congealed ink, and threeing the zero, too.

The black mass of eyes and flesh squirms and swells. Its remaining eyes swivel to Andy, but its form stretches like pulled taffy as a strange music yanks the creature away, drawing it back downwards.

Andy is left in the rubble with his remaining Gengar, and the wounds of his revenge.

has left the raid.

Red Total over 5000 - Metal

Chunks of the monster litter the sand, which has mercifully stopped rising. The black, wriggling clumps move with some remaining sentience, drawn together into three distinct piles. Even the sprayed ichor seems to defy time and gravity as it flows upwards and around corners to rejoin the other parts of the monster. 
Anyone who digs into the piles will find one of 's fired bullets. 

These monstrous pieces shift and swell slightly, as if waiting to be drawn back into the rest of their mass. They are eyeless and inert.

The earthquakes and explosions are taking their toll, and the crypts begin to collapse. Massive chunks of wall and cavern roof collapse, falling in razor chunks like doomsday rain. 

Fissures burst up the walls, widening to cracked, claustrophobic passages leading into darkness. As the world comes down around you, even tenuous safety must be embraced.

Red route prompts
  • Use one of the chunks to devolve a Pokemon (+30 Red)
  • Track the beast through the walls (+10 Red)
  • Help put Chu-e out (+10 Red)
  • Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red)
  • Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red)


At Luka's suggestion, CHRYSSA GLASGOW leaves her alone. The pale augur begins to sing from her book, her voice rising like thickened milk to fill the space between the trees. The notes are thin, sharp, and with a strange, cutting cadence.

Fallen walls and open doors
We are not bound anymore
We must follow when He calls
Through open doors and fallen walls

A glowing line splits the air in front of her, and widens like a gasping throat. Through it Luka can see shelves, stretching into darkness. Kaida joins her, assisted by her fading Houndoom. The dog has heard the sour notes of Perish Song, and won't survive much longer.

's Destiny Bond seeks Pangur. The thread slinks through the trees, winding upwards into the wild tangle of branches. Then, it doubles back, twists around a tree, and then surges straight upwards, towards the glimmer of orange and purple, and the spreading smoke.

Perish Song's influence hits those that were not returned, and CHRYSSA GLASGOW's Espurr falls mid-flight, bumping into one of the trees and coming to rest on the ground. Houndoom staggers, and the red thread quivers and snaps as she too goes unconscious. 's egg hits the ground, but the Protection holds. It wobbles to a stop. And then shakes again. It's close to hatching, but there's no time to coax it out gently.

's egg is ready to hatch. See the Prompts section for more details.

Snakes fall from the branches, their thick bodies hitting the ground around the portal. Perish Song's grim work is done.

The group steel themselves, and step through the entrance.

White Total over 5500 - Bonds

The crimson string of Destiny Bond wends through the forest, encircling trees and slipping between boughs, as it follows the path of Pangur. It slides past , as he and his Pokemon try to soothe the boy's injury. As the infection in his arm spreads, the string moves on, never tangling as it weaves onwards.

Melody cradles the unconscious Cobalion as the red thread passes by. Lost and blinded, she waits to see if her gamble pays off. She bet it all on Blue, and if the Healing Wish fails then she'll be down to just a single Pokemon.

Dawn breaks in Cobalion's eyes, and the creature takes a deep breath.

[player]https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/898424393888317460/905093123007459408/Beautiful_Song.wav [/player]

Cobalion is healed.

The thread winds on, circling and soaking up some of her healing rain. As she looks for a sign, it moves onward, upward, towards the flickering lights overhead. 

has followed the strange smoke deep into the treetops, and the thread passes him last. His Absol is crouched at the ready, and sees the streak of red slither through the leaves. There is no sense of doom here, only a hint at safety, as the Destiny Bond climbs the trunk of one of the trees, towards the lights.

White Total over 6000 - The Other Side

Those the follow the thread up through the branches find a space atop the trees. The flicking light comes from dozens of floating Litwick, who fill the air with censer smoke and Autumn light.

Pangur is there too, waiting. He sits nearby, waiting, his tail flicking restlessly and his eyes full of cold stars. 

He yawns, and then speaks, in a voice that is unnervingly familiar.

"You followed," says Pangur. "That is good. We do not have much time. Catch one of the candles. We need them to light the lanterns below. There are nine, of course, each one— "

Something vast and terrifying passes through the forest beneath them. Cardamom's Absol is ready, attuned to the passage of disaster and on the lookout for threats. It moves to protect Cardamom, horn humming in a low warning. Strange notes drift up from the forest below, and the Litwick dim above them.

"It's here. Hurry. We need to light the lanterns. Look for the symbol in the forest. A wavy line. It will be carved into metal. Go!"

The resonance in Absol's horn grows, and it shudders like a struck tuning fork. The shadows lengthen until, with a crash of ringing bone, Absol's horn shatters, bursting as the oncoming disaster comes to bear.

Absol's horn has shattered, but the power to foretell disaster still remains. The shards will shudder and hum when danger is near.

As and pass through the space between spaces, something vast brushes against them. A dark, tangled mind, drawn to the disturbance in reality like a dog to a dinner bell.

Luka and Kaida step out the other side of the portal, bringing the monster with them.

The pale gate stretches as the torn, ragged bulk of the beast forces itself through into this forgotten corner of the library, trailing sandy debris and dark blood. It lunges for Luka's throat with fangs made to tear reality.

The monster is attacking and  . Unless one of them posts within 48 hours they will both suffer Major Injuries.

White route prompts

  • Catch one of the Litwick (+5 White
  • Find the wavy symbol (+1 White)
  • Light one of the nine lanterns (+8 White)
  • Discover the magnetic properties of your infection (+3 White)
  • Trust Pangur (+5 White)
  • Make a logical deduction about the monster (+3 White)


With portals open along the canals, blind is the first to act. His Magnemite floats out over the water, setting up a protective barrier alongside one of the portals. The boat scrapes along the glimmering shield, dragged away from the rift and towards fresh danger by the fast-moving current. 

' Snorunt skates around the portal, freezing the water and securing a safe passage for the trio. But the slippery ice offers no traction, and the pull of the portal proves too much. With wide eyes, the Snorunt is sucked through into the waterfall on the far side. 

Mars's Snorunt has been lost through a canal portal.

The last of the canal portals yawns wider, but 's Accelgor swings their boat clear with its enhanced strength. There is little time for celebration though, as the boulder it used for leverage is sucked clean into the portal. As they pass close to the hole in space, Oscar catches a glimpse of the rock falling, falling, and finally smashing to dust on a rough crag many hundred feet below. 

Between ' hefty Cursola, 's floating Magnemite, 's beefed up Accelgor, and the brief appearance of a projectile Snorunt, their boat can't take it anymore. The old wood cracks underfoot, and one of Oscar's legs goes straight through into the water underneath. The boat bucks as dank water flows up into their vessel.

The boat of Mars, Aaron and Oscar is sinking.

As the boat rocks and takes on water, Aaron feels the heartbeat of his ghost growing stronger, a rhythmic,  steady knocking coming from within his marked egg.

It shudders, and there is a CRACK as a hairline fracture zig-zags across the top. Sensing freedom, the creature inside throws itself against the pale walls, shaking the egg violently from within.

's egg is ready to hatch.  See the Prompts section for more details.

In the other boat, and navigate between the portals using a combination of powerful gamer muscle and gravity distortion. As they skirt around the third portal however, something moves underneath them, jostling one of the oars and throwing off Kyle's strokes. The oar swings into the portal and is cut in half

The addition of a second dog proves too much for the boat, and the substitute breaks through the bottom of the boat. Brackish water flows into their vessel.

The boat of Kyle and Katherine is sinking.
Black Total over 3500  - Swarm

As water flows into the two boats, a swarm of Tentacool are drawn to the vessels. They excrete Toxic ooze which turns the water an acrid purple. Several of them are fascinated by Kyle's other oar and they grab it with their thick tentacles, scooting towards his Champion hands.

But something much larger than a Tentacool is in the lake.

The commotion of the babies calls a humongous mother Tentacruel. Her gaze locks on to 's Mightyena, and a bow wave builds across the glassy water as she charges their sinking boat.

The Tentacruel is charging and 's boat. Unless they both post in 48 hours their vessel will be destroyed.

Back on the docks, Rowan and Adrian beat a cautious retreat, disappearing through the portal and back into the safety of the Ever Grande sunshine. 

Rowan and Adrian have safely left the raid.

Adrian's Xatu stays, watching from the docks, wide eyes looking to the future as out over the water, Seismo's form continues to shift. Its eyes roll back into its darkened body before snapping back, all of them trained on the angel that is leading them.

Black Total over 4000 - Scales

The glowing figure has made quite a lead due to the portals, but as they clear the canals, the waterlogged boats skull across the water of a wide, underground lake. Juts of dark glass spear up from the water, and the glittering angel soars between them, never stopping to rest. Instead it leads them onwards, ever deeper into the smugglers' lair.

Specks drop from the angel's wings, landing on the water without leaving ripples. They are tiny, but glow with a self-held luminance that makes them easy to spot, like drops of fresh foam floating on ancient coffee. They bear a striking resemblance to Devolution Stones.

As the boats follow in the wake of the angel, they may be able to close the distance, and follow to its destination, if they can avoid sinking. 

Black route prompts
  • Retrieve or use a devolution stone (+3 Black)
  • Stop your boat from sinking (+6 Black)
  • Notice wreckage in the lake (+1 Black)
  • Escape the Tentacool (+8 Black)
  • Chase the angel across the lake (+6 Black)
  • Spot the difference (+4 Black)


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor, but only one move will be taken into account. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Sacrifice, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word TONiC can add +30 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

The following Pokemon are dead or lost.
's Voltorb
's Snorunt
's Accelgor

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10 Red/Black) *NEW*

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.

Claydol manifests a familiar power (+20 Black*NEW*

The following Pokemon are fainted.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)

The following people have eggs that are ready to hatch. *NEW*

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Your egg hatches (+30)
The Pokemon that hatches will be RADIANT.

The following people are corrupted.
A black, inky infection spreads outward from their wound, following their veins and covering more of their body over time.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10) *NEW*

In the case of , , and  , the infection has mixed with their Augur markings, and the ink forms words, symbols, and even cryptic warnings.

In the case of and CHRYSSA GLASGOW , as they ingested the infectious material, their tongues have turned black, and they will find strange sounds and phrases rising unbidden to their tongues.  

CHRYSSA GLASGOW , , , and have found the tomes, and have a permanent +15 bonus to their roll for each round. 


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 6 days. Monday 8th November 8pm Pacific Time.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I cut like a knife so I hope you're alright seeing blood.
8,186 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 14:52:47 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
tears savagely into the monster's flesh with his own obsidian claws and Gavin can only think of how it might feel to have those claws tear through his own skin, finish the job they'd started months ago. Fear roots him in place even as the crypts begin to crumble around them. A chunk of rubble bearing symbols that look vaguely familiar crashes down next to him, narrowly missing his shoulder.

He can't look away from Chu-e Necrozma.

Until flecks of viscous goo are set alight in the mouth of his friend, not a monster, and instinct overpowers anxiety.

"We need to move!"

Called out to all those gathered near, but Gavin shelves his own safety for the sake of his friend. Miasma bleeds from his fingertips, swirls, and he can only hope that it's obscured in the dust and chaos as he uses the burst of speed to close the distance he'd earlier imposed.

He pulls under the shelter of a more stable part of the cave and uncaps a bottle of water with hands that tremble from heightened adrenaline. He'd brought it with him under the assumption he'd need to rehydrate after long hours of toiling amidst the church ruins, not expecting that it might serve another purpose entirely.

"Don't swallow," he says, sharp, "try and spit out whatever you can, man — why'd you attack it?"

He hovers like a mother hen, gesturing sharply to his Lucario.

"Do something — anything! Does anyone else have water?"

Regardless of who else might come to Choi's aid, Niamh does what she can with a pulse of healing energy directed at the underboss.

As Gavin lifts a hand to brush sweaty and dusty hair from his forehead, he notices the ink patterns trailing down his arm seem to be drawn to one area in particular: the pocket into which he'd stowed the earlier acquired Bill figurine. He fishes it out of his pocket and watches, horrified, as the corruption beneath his skin begins to congregate in the hand that holds the figure.

Is it attracted to the metal?

A strangled, choking sound makes him look down — a disgruntled Eevee glares up at him as if he's somehow at fault for the black goo that drips from its jaws. Unbeknownst to Gavin, his Sylveon had sunk its teeth right into a chunk of the monster's discarded flesh. As Gavin bends down to inspect the flustered Pokemon, flecks of blood caught in the Eevee's fur spring and stick to the figurine's metal.

"What the fuck."

- Gavin pulls Chu-e to safety and calls out to others both to lead them to safety and to help if they can.
- Lucario uses Heal Pulse on Chu-e
- Sylveon is being his best chaotic self and eats a chunk of the monster, devolving into an Eevee.
- The ink pattern on Gavin's skin is drawn to the Bill figurine he picked up earlier, and the monster's blood also magnetizes to it when he pulls it out to check. Spooky!
+50 for ?
+30 Found last round's codeword, tonic
+10 The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal
Lucario used Heal Pulse on .
+30 Use one of the chunks to devolve a Pokemon (Sylveon)
+10 Help put Chu-e out
+10 Find a safe place in the caves and regroup
+10 Discover the magnetic quality of the monster's blood
amx3wdlF +150
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,521 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 3, 2021 23:43:51 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Whatever it was that Hideo heard, it either remained silent or left. The group was tense, staying ready for any incoming threat, but they relaxed once nothing came.

At least, nothing alive.

Hideo's Pokemon noticed the red string materialize by their trainer, so close yet not touching him. And it continued further into the forest. The three look at each other, unsure what the source of this was - but all knew it was the closest they had to a guide; even if it weren't the way back, it was headed somewhere.

They made an executive decision, the Oranguru grabbing Hideo and lifting him up to the string. "What're you-" the boy started, only to stop as his hand touched the string. "Wh-when did that get there?"

He wouldn't get an answer, and his Pokemon began to follow the string, taking upon themselves to guide him along. Hideo was stuck for the ride, though he didn't have any other plan for where to go, so there were no further complaints from the boy. All the while, his Healer Meowstic tried whatever he could to stem the spreading infection - but nothing worked.

Whether he found or along the way or at the end of the line, he would be relieved either way. "Maybe we should tie a string to each other next time we go in a forest," he joked.

But his joke wouldn't stick for long, as they'd found what led them here. Hideo didn't quite recognize the voice, but it wasn't alien to him either; something just told him this was the cat they were looking for.

He was tempted to ask why Pangur was speaking, but with everything going on the past couple hours, this was one of the least weird.

"Catch candles?" Hideo asked, unsure what Pangur meant. His Oranguru clued him in, but hearing one of the Litwicks say its name made it clear. "Oh, those." And he could practically feel something pass under them, Cardamom's Absol's horn humming a warning to them all.

At Pangur's urging, Hideo nodded; with nothing else to go with, he'd trust Pangur's words. "So with the three of us, that's three lanterns each. I bet I'll get mine done first," he said, trying to add a bit of levity.

He took a spare Pokeball out of his pocket, trying to pinpoint one of the flying candles. His Meowstic made it easy for him, Psychically grabbing one and pulling it down into easy-catching range.

Though Hideo felt a weird sensation. Like his hurt hand was attracted towards the PokeBall. But he ignored it; fire-source appropriately caught, it was time to start lighting some lanterns.

The sensation grew stronger, like something was tugging on his arm. And slowly, more and more of his arm was being tugged on, now going past his elbow.

Hideo paused, thinking it over for a moment before making a decision. "Miles, you take the Litwick and go light the other lanterns," he said, letting the Litwick out of its ball, "I gotta find where this is trying to take me." His Pokemon were fairly confused, but nodded, his Meowstic Psychically grabbing the candle Pokemon and going to search for a lamp.

Hideo led his other two Pokemon where his arm was leading him. They were lead through the forest, through branches and around trees and into leaf piles, the sensation growing strong enough that it was actually pulling on his arm.

As the sensation reached its strongest, his Oranguru brought his attention towards something. Hideo went towards it, his arm practically pulling him along until he touched it - noting the wavy symbol on metal. "This what Pangur was talking about?" he wondered aloud. "Like my arm's some kind of magnetic compass or something."

While he was preoccupied with that, his Oranguru turned her attention elsewhere; utilizing her Future Sight, she'd check on the Meowstic and his progress; he'd already found a lantern and lit it, but she was looking for any possible threat that could be coming the Meowstic's way.

Or coming towards Hideo. His Oranguru was careful like that.

g6TYpZuS +170
+30 Tonic
+20 Trust Pangur
+10 Catch a Litwick
+10 Strange Markings
+10 Matching Ability+Attack (Healer+Future Sight)
+10 Magnetic Ink
+10 Discover Magnetic Properties of infection
+10 Find Wavy Symbol
+10 Light a Lantern
+50 ?

@ooh fire

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 2:40:27 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Ulf could not longer go one, the hound's legs buckling before crashing over in a dead faint, sending both Kaida and Odindottir's egg crashing down. Kaida yelped and bit at her lips, refusing to cry out any more as she tried to crawl towards her egg...only to find the monster had manifested once more to threaten their lives, dripping blood as black as ink. Something in her mind realized the thing trailed sandy debris...it hadn't just appeared, but instead had some means of traversing this area freely...could that mean it had a den? A hunt like that would have to wait till afterwards though.

Bloodies hands ripped at her belt, freeing Kjoll's Pokeball and letting it clatter to the floor. Something wrenches at her stomach and legs...everywhere really, all trying to get at the Pokeball's metallic surface, the inky black at her hands in particular pooling deeply as she touched the Pokeball. Was this killing her, or helping her?

Kjoll was freed, rumbling threateningly as he rose up, eyes fixed on his injured trainer. Kaida jerked her head at Luka, about to be harmed, but the Onix did not understand. Nay, he chose not to understand, putting his Sturdy body between Kaida and the monster, "Ancientpower rising into rocky blades to slice and tear the monster from a distance. "Kjoll...Kjoll!" Her voice rose in command, but the Onix had closed off his attention to her orders. He was to keep her alive.

On the floor, the egg rolled and rocked, as if excited by the commotion. Indeed, the Pokemon within was eager to rejoin the battle, unaware that this was the second time a monster had shown up. A fluffy paw broke free, another, and the shell fell apart to expose a flailing, radiant Shinx! The eletric feline smelled blood pooling under Kaida, and roared (rather cutely, at that) as she laid eyes on the leader's condition. Kaida must have been fighting while she was stuck in that container, and the others were eaten too! She had to help! Ignoring the strange glow that accompanied her every movement, the Shinx Howled, putting hope into the air and, more importantly, strength in everyone's bodies.

lwypUTEv (+120 WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida is very hurt. Trips and falls as Houndoom faints, only managing to injure herself more, and drops the egg, which thankfully doesn't break. Sees about to be attacked and tries to release Onix, but he prioritizes her and uses Ancientpower at the monster. She starts to feel a severe discomfort as her Pokeballs attract the infection. Shinx hatches out and continues battling, not realizing its been some time, and charges to support Luka with a Howl.

Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
Discover the magnetic properties of your infection (+10)
Make a logical deduction about the monster (+10)
Your egg hatches (+30)
? (+50)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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dog boy
october 24
league officer
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,486 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 3:48:57 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
not that kyle was surprised to get fucked anytime soon much more than he already was.

even with properly trained mightyenas, they were utter dogshit in situations like these. he quickly takes the egg to his hands as he stands up and moves away from the hole (at least, with the best he could with the little space the boat can allow).

viscously plunging to the depths, the potlid mightyena spooks knife mightyena to kyle's feet. the remaining mightyena, too, was scooped up by kyle.

ends of the ink travel to the knife on the dark-type's mouth. kyle opens his mouth to comment on it, but dire situations call for his attention first.

retorting to was something he could spare though. "you hurt his feelings, now he's gone!"

getting to the bottom of the ocean was not an option, but before they can secure their boat, they'd have to deal with the creatures of the depths. kyle looks around, trying to make use of his limited resources.

optimism wasn't kyle's forte, but he has to try. wreckage in the lake wasn't a good sign, and gives him little to work with besides being ready to resign to their deaths. looking back at the angel ahead of them, he notices something that might help.

no time was wasted in barking out orders.

number one priority was the tentacool underneath their boat. "foxtrot, get your substitute to use thief." a finger points at the angel's trail, pertaining to the devolution stones that can't be mistaken.

ahead of them, speckles of white start to thin out, with most of them being transported from it to the substitute's location, where the majority of tentacool, as well as the tentacruel, was.

going there safe was next on the list.

instead of fussing more about the state of the substitute underneath the poison-infested waters delivering devolution stones to the threat, he wracks up his brain for something to repair the hole on the boat with.

visions of plans get simulated in his head one after the other, most of them were anime enough that he knows they weren't realistic options at all.

end result of his musing was to leave the relatively difficult problem to one that was more equipped to deal with it than hurt himself trying to think of a resolution.

yanking the potlid after placing down the egg alongside the mightyena by his feet, kyle starts to scoop the water out from the boat with it before turning to with a smile. she should know what he's implying: fix it.

outside the boat's perimeter wasn't their problem at the moment. it was unofficial business, so kyle should be classified as a civilian outside of his work hours.

underneath it was solved for the mean time, given that his mightyena can just keep funneling his substitute beneath the water with devolution stones.

undertaking the task of following the angel to see what it really was would be nice, but unfortunately, it was secondary to surviving. at the very least, his mightyena follows after it with its keen senses, if not by closing the distance.

pressure was something that kyle doesn't show, but he certainly was feeling it.

GeZ5ScJB (+130)
Retrieve or use a devolution stone (+20 Black)
Stop your boat from sinking (+10 Black)
Notice wreckage in the lake (+10 Black)
Escape the Tentacool (+10 Black)
Chase the angel across the lake (+20 Black)
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
? (+50)

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 5:30:17 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

Fuck .
What a stupid, inconsiderate, unhelpful friend he was. Between making their boat sink and forcing her to deal with it, he dares to accuse her of making his dogs feel bad. As if she was the problem here. As if!
”Hey, doggy,” she doesn’t think twice before directing her focus to the Mightyena that was still on the boat, gravity shifting ever so slightly to tip the boat aside so she can push the dog off. “Bye, doggy. Swim for a bit, alright?” Yes. She dares to sacrifice his pokemon. If he brought it upon them, then he ought to pay the price, too.
Then again, his dog can probably swim just fine. It can handle it. Even the wreckage in the lake won’t stop it.
Once more, her focus shifts to the portals, gravity bending to her will as she stirs them out of harm’s way. One hand maintains focus on their path ahead, and the other fishes a Pokeball out of her pocket. For a moment, her hand is drawn towards the same knife-- the ink spreads. But it doesn’t deter Katherine from doing what she needs to do.
A confused Smeargle joins the fray. “Fix the boat.” Plain, simple, and totally not a request that demands the poor pokemon to abuse the godly power of minor time manipulation. It comes at a great cost, too, as the after-effects of ROAR OF TIME weren’t quite fully discovered. As long as it fixes their boat, right?
A SKETCH of the Mightyena’s thief takes place, further providing devolution stones in order to help it, or perhaps even so it can keep a souvenir. Nevertheless, the Smeargle is recalled once its job is finished, and the Mightyena is allowed to return (should Kyle help it up, at least, because she wouldn’t touch a wet dog).
_5sRc|Z_ +140[break]
- Stop your boat from sinking (+10 Black)[break]
- Notice wreckage in the lake (+10 Black)[break]
- Escape the Tentacool (+10 Black)[break]
- Chase the angel across the lake (+20 Black)[break]
- The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)[break]
- ? (+50)[break]
- tonic (+30)[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
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TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2021 14:43:24 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

As the red thread appeared, Nash immediately rushed after it, barking at Cardamom to follow. The boy hurried after, gasping in relief as he clambered into the strange space atop the trees, seeing and present as well. "Hey guys," he said with a relieved grin. "Thought I lost you back there. Good to see you're all okay." And then, of course, his attention turned to Pangur, watching them and speaking in a familiar voice. He couldn't say where he'd heard it before, but it certainly made the large cat feel more trustworthy, somehow.[break][break]
"This is a ritual, isn't it? Like the one before?" he asked. "That creature...it's vulnerable to fire, or light, isn't it?" There were signs the previous ritual had used fire as well, after all, and Pangur was all glowing light compared to the beast's inky blackness. He didn't expect to be answered, already turning to the Litwick before he suddenly heard the sounds from below. At the same time, Nash let out a warning howl, his blade vibrating as he spun to face whatever might be approaching. Cardamom watched as, as if in slow motion, the cracks in his blade lengthened and deepened before shattering, sending pieces of bone scattering everywhere.[break][break]
"Nash!" he cried, rushing towards the Absol, ignoring the still-vibrating pieces of horn on the ground. "Are-are you okay-what happened?" he cried, voice rising into what was almost a wail. Edward crowded closer as well, eye spinning worriedly, while Hum hovered back and forth in the background, jittering anxiously and glowing with even more Cosmic Power. Nash shook his head, staring up at the Litwick, and dashed away from Cardamom's side before springing into the air, teeth closing down in a Bite to grab the floating candle and drag it back to the ground before presenting it lightly to the boy.[break][break]
Cardamom frowned at the Pokemon's seeming disregard for his own health, but reached down to pick up a Pokeball nonetheless, holding it out and tapping the semi-conscious Litwick with it, watching as it was sucked in. "Now for the symbol," he murmured, standing up, only to find his marked hand suddenly tugged forward by some strange power. He let out a yelp, but followed the energy drawing him forwards until his hand ended up impacting against a metallic circle. Tugging, he felt a resistance before he managed to separate his hand from the metal. "Strange..." he muttered with a hiss, staring at the marking as it continued to twist and spread down his arm, before looking up to see an unlit lantern standing above him. Sighing in relief, he grabbed the Litwick's Pokeball and shoved it forwards, sending out the candle Pokemon and watching as its ghostly flame ignited the lantern.
tl;dr: First, points for the codeword and the bonus. (+80) Next, Cardamom decides to try and attempt the ritual, trusting Pangur and making a deduction about the monster, before catching a Litwick, finding the symbol, and lighting a lantern. (+60) Last, in doing so he also discovers the magnetic properties of his marking when it's drawn to the metal symbol and continues to spread. (+20)[break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; he/him


[attr="class","woo5"]notes some notes go here


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2021 4:05:57 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


Kano's pokemon is down to one Voltorb - Gobanme. Does she is regretting her decision from the past? No. All she needs is to maximize the usefulness of Gobanme to the maximum and survive this horror with him. The explosion from Hajime manages to tear the creature in half and create a splatter all around the cliffs. The blotch that hits the ground now starts to move independently - A curious specimen for it to still be alive despite being blown apart like that. Her eyes follow the movement of the beast through the walls that have been created, not wanting to be noticed as she is lacking power right now - Her injuries don't help at all. Gobanme who has been patient since the beginning is starting to get FRUSTRATION, he starts to shake. [break][break]

calls out to move from the falling place due to the explosion that she made earlier. Kano decides to regroup with him alongside who got saved by Gavin. Along the way, her hand suddenly met with a mysterious bump - It is not an irregular bump as it is making a curious pattern - .... . -.-. .-. .. . ... --- ..-. -.. . .- - .... .-- .. .-.. .-.. .... .- ..- -. - -.-- --- ..- , she manages to make the meaning out of it and decides to ignore it. While Gavin is trying to tend 's wound and the actual doctor just standing there - watching him as no one expects any help from her yet. She noticed the ink pattern moves to one spot on Gavin's body and fortunately he noticed it too and check out Bill's metal statue from his pocket. [break][break]

"While you are treating him, I will step out for a moment to do some experiment," Kano says to Gavin before walking out. Her priorities right now are not on the injured person but to find out the mystery behind all of this. While she doesn't find the ink pattern as Gavin has, she finds the monster's blood instead. The monster's blood scatters everywhere and Kano stands right in the middle of it. "Gobanme, do it. MAGNET RISE" [break][break]

Gobanme rises into the sky and his body is engulfed with electricity creating a magnetic field around him - The blood starts to dance and got attracted to the body of Gobanme. Before he is covered by the blood, Kano stops the experiment as she now knows for the fact that the blood shares some characteristics with liquid metal. Kano re-enters the cave and tells her finding to others, "The monster's blood share a characteristic with liquid metal which is magnetic. If anything we can now at least find a way to clean the blood away" Kano hums for a bit as she is still not entirely sure of the significance of her finding yet.[break][break]

BhMzFOeg (+100)[break]
Regroup with Gavin and only stares at him trying to treat Choi [break]
Stepping out for a bit from the safe place to do a bit of flashy experiment and then goes back in to tell others [break]
Gobanme use FRUSTRATION and MAGNET RISE [break]
Track the beast through the walls (+10 red)[break]
Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red) [break]
Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red) [break]
Reference your Injury (+10 Red) [break]
Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10 Red)[break]
? ? ? (+50)



template by punki

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay