YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 7, 2021 19:51:53 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
The boat was rocking hard, and Magnemite had stopped it from going through one portal. Aaron did start to feel water at his feet though. And not from water spilling over. He thought he heard cracking somewhere, and not from his egg. "Magnemite, use Protect again, but find that hole and seal it! Hold it until we make it to shore!" The metal magnet searched the boat, and found it quickly enough. Settling where it was, a protective barrier formed, hopefully slowing the leak enough for them to get to shore. But there was another problem.

Tentacool. And a lot of them from the sounds of it. Clutching his egg, the blonde gritted his teeth. If only he could see what was going on! Then he felt it from the egg. And soon, and unbeknownst to him, a Radiant Shuppet emerged from the egg, pissed off and ready for action. After the announcement of his Shuppet's hatching again, it was time to clear the path. "Shuppet, front and center, use Psychic, clear a path and help us escape from these jellyfish!" The ghost pokemon slipped around whoever was in front, and her eyes glowed pink, as she let out telekinetic forces to clear the path in front of them. With any luck, the other two can then rush them out of the water and to the other side.

Unknown to Aaron, his odd markings were trailing downward, towards the dagger he had found near his feet. Once they were at shore, he again let Trevenant out, and they continued on the journey, following the angel, though Aaron knew it not.

stop boat from sinking +10
escape the tentacool +10
chase angel across the lake +20
egg hatches +30
ink pattern drawn to nearby metal +10

Magnemite uses Protect

i5c4_Dx6 + 80
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2021 5:01:23 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



It works.[break][break]

A dark passage opens before them, and Luka helps to guide inside. Her heart swells with their first few steps, certain that her tome is leading them in the right direction.[break][break]

But they bring something else along with them.[break][break]

The bubble swelling in her chest bursts.[break][break]

Luka gapes in horror as the mass of bulbous eyes and dripping fangs pulls itself through their entryway. The rift in reality she created must have dragged the creature in with it. She remembers now how it had disappeared the first time, through such a similar tear in the fabric of their universe. She had basically invited the monster into the archives.[break][break] Stupid, stupid! This is all her fault, and now she's going to die.[break][break]

She has split seconds to act. And she chooses to use those to save Kaida rather than herself. Luka shoves the other woman out of the way as hard as she can, certain that opened wounds will be far better than getting swallowed by this monster. Kaida's Onix widens the distance between them further, and Luka resigns herself to becoming a sacrificial lamb.[break][break]

But Shinx's Howl snaps her to her senses. Her limbs feel lighter, muscles coiled and tense with a sudden surge of strength. Luka manages to throw herself out of the way just as snapping jaws attempt to close around her creamy throat. She tumbles forward, hands outstretched. The creeping ink that swirls upon her skin pulls itself towards a few dusty coins that litter the floor. Etched into the surface of a few is a familiar symbol: the wavy parallel lines she had seen scrawled into her tome. But she has no time to ponder their significance.[break][break]

The monster still bears down on them and she only has seconds with which to act. She hasn't been able to put the pieces of the ritual together yet: it's too early to attempt to purify it. But perhaps she can still try. They need a radiant Pokemon, they need...what else do they need. Luka's fingers close around one of the coins, the inky symbols on her flesh streaming upon it like flies on raw meat.[break][break]

The book had been knocked from her hands in the scuffle. Frantically she attempts to search for it, using the light of her own corrupted throat to seek it out. Panic rises again like bile in her throat, acrid and sharp. The back of her eyes burn as she fears that their saving grace is now lost, but by the grace of luck or some higher power, she spots the tome lying among a few scattered, torn pages.[break][break]

Bloodied fingers brush the embossed title. But there's no time to search for a song or a prayer. What to do...[break][break]

They need a radiant Pokemon for the ritual. Kaida's Shinx seems to fit the bill, but Luka isn't willing to sacrifice the cub based solely on a hunch. There is something else radiant down in these archives; Pangur, for one. And for another...[break][break]

Her mouth opens unwillingly, sound forcing itself from her throat and across a diseased tongue. The voice that echoes throughout the archive is not her own, but it is unnervingly familiar.[break][break]

Ç̷̢͉͎̟̳̣̣̗͂̈́̀̒̋͜͝ȩ̷͖̘̫̯̙͚̺̌̿́͛̿̈́̀̈́̾̔͋͛͠a̶̡̨͎͚̫͖̼̘̒̎̋̄̀̀ş̶̛̯̦͔͔̝̣͔͙̺̱̺̲̳̏̇̇̀̃̿͛͗́̎͋̕͘͜ĕ̶̛̺͚̗̣͕̖͎̣̖͎͓̐̎́̾͐̒́̆͗́͘͜l̷̩̺̖̜̩̮͍̔̏́̈̆́̚͜͝ē̵̥͎͖̘̘̠̰̱̞̥͔̟̳̯̔͜s̵̺̥̯̘̳̻̥͈͚̻̍̈́̊̓̇̔̎̋̍̌s̵̞̮͗̍̔̌́̏̆͒̏̆͒̕͠͝ ̶̢̧̎͛̃̃͒͂̕ẘ̸̫̯̜̪͓̱̤̣̥̮͈̍̽̅ȃ̷̧͇͍̦̪̞͓̲̜̻̟͕̎͆̌ͅţ̷̩̟̖̬̘͔̞̹̦͙͙͔̓̄̄̈͂̈́̉̋̄̽̕͜ç̸̢̜̻̱̣̖̤̮̠̺̯̮͔̝̊̾̈́̾̈́͌̆͝h̶̢̛̬̙̲̻͇̦̥̳̺̳͑̃̀̏̑̋̎͗̒͛̔͌͘͠ȩ̸̱̲͚̺̺̖̥̪̞̯̼̙̉̊͜r̵̢̧̦͍̻͔̞͍̰̥͚͎͎̄̒́́́̌̈̉̓͜[break][break]ẗ̵͓̖͖́û̴̱͖̓r̸̖̻̣̬̉̾̔ͅn̶̨̰̺̜͓̤̣͆̊́́ ̸̧̡̟͓̯̦͚͊͆͝͝y̸̝̆̆͋̀͆ǫ̷̱̾̈́̽ủ̵̙̔͝r̷͇͙̬̹͕̀͌̆́̈́͘̕ ̸̢̯̜̫̟̱͎́̈̔̾̊̋͝g̶̱̬̲͙̀̌́̓̐́͝ȃ̴͇̒͒̇̏̅z̸̗̲̀̋̏̓̒̀̇e̷͙͝ ̵̟͙̞̳͆͗̍̀u̴̫̹̩͍̯̠͐͐̓̊̆͗̚p̶̯̹͍̯̣̯͛o̶͚̍n̶̯͆͌͠[break][break]m̵̝̈́̔̑̃̓͝i̶̗̓n̸̼̘͙̋̀̌̑̃̔́ͅe̸̫̠̻̙̯̓͘ ̸̹̓̊́̐͌̕̕ͅḩ̷̳̞̹͉̈́̐̋͑̀͑͘ͅo̶̫̖̙̰̖̹̠͋̈̽̔̾̕l̷̝̺̯̲̀̒̐̉͋͆͘ŷ̴̟͈̣̻̯̬͗͊̾ ̸̛̙̟͐̾̋ḻ̵̢̧̹̖̲̀̀̇͝i̸̛̟̅̃̈̾̂̈́ͅg̸̡͕͖̯̳͊̋̈͛h̴̛͎̥̟̤́̓̀̈́t̶̢̠̙̹̘̍̎̐͂͌̿͌

The words on Luka's throat grow brighter. Brilliant, blinding, a light so bright it makes her teeth ache. The back of her eyelids sear even when she squeezes them shut. When Luka opens her mouth in a soundless scream, more light pours out.[break][break]

There comes the sound of shuddering and thrashing, bookshelves toppled over as the monster writhes. Perhaps it might be screaming, if it can.[break][break]

C̷̞͉̼̲͇̤͎̺̬̾͐̾̄̒̀́̐͛̃̈L̵͔̘̞͚̼̤̥͖̼̾̎͗͊̀́̽̕Ơ̵̻̾̒͐̓̓͊͐̀̒̊S̷͓͍͂̓͗̀̕͜͝Ë̶̛̞͙͓̪̙̘͈́͑͜͜ ̶̧̯͉̺͓̘̮̯̅͐̊̊͋͌̇̀̚T̴̡͕̫̫̝͇̠̝̬͓̊̅̊̏̒̆Ḫ̶͓̿́E̷̞͍̤̱̣̳͗̇̐̚̚ ̶̬̥͇͇͔̤̯͕̣̒̅Ḑ̵̼͕̼͔͉̘͚̬̉̽̆̈̈͌O̴̧̘̼͔̟̘͔̖̓͋̑O̸̧̥͖̥̳͎̪͚̫̾̊̎̓̇̓͘R̶̨̥̜̕͝[break][break]R̶̨̢͓͇̠̰̂͆E̴̩̬͔̦̥̲̟̽̈́̉́̏T̴̙̳̗͇͕̃̋̊̄͝ͅǓ̷̼̪̹̦̜͗͛R̴̨̾̊N̷̥͉̱̈́̔̍̇̀̂͘ ̵̧̾͗̈́̉̽͠F̴̨̨̻͙́R̵̤̬̲͖̘͖͛̃̉̈͊Ỏ̴̢̫̲̣͂̉̄͠ͅM̵̧̩̲̳̑͛̿ͅͅ ̵͖̮͈̲͂͐͛̊̂Ẁ̸̤̖̖̮̹͇͎͑̿̀̔͝H̶͕̤̾͆̂͆͑É̶̘͙̦̐̈̈́Ņ̴͆̐́̉C̶̫̔̈́̈̈́̕͝Ȩ̸̢̹͎͎̦̑͊́͜ ̶̨̨͖͕̙̝͉͒̉͆̊͛Ỹ̵͖̩̏̚͝͝O̵̹̤͎̊̾͑Ú̶̡̹̠̫̈̔̆͐͘͝ ̷̙̜̠̱͕͑̔́͗̎͝ͅC̵̡̙̯̮̱͕̃̐͋Ǎ̸̠̩̪̲̲̉̀́̍M̷̢͚̹̭̜̞̺̆́͂̒̓̀͝Ê̸͕̙̳͇̩


C9RfVjCA + 145
- Luka realizes that the monster responds to tears in reality[break]- She attempts to save 's life at the cost of her own[break]- She infers that the monster might be weak to radiant light[break]- The augur marking on her throat attempts to ward off the monster

- Discover the magnetic properties of your infection (+10 White)[break]
- Trust Pangur (+20) [break]
- Make a logical deduction about the monster (+10)[break]
- The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)[break]
- The Bound (+15)[break]
- Code word: Tonic (+30)[break]
- ? (+50)[break]


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2021 13:35:03 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

Yet More
Coordinated Answers


quenches the fire in 's throat, but the feeling of burning, crackling flesh remains. Chu-e spits up smoky phlegm and blackened blood, along with some wet chunks of berry. They smolder on the sand.

The beast lunges for and shoves the woman out of harm's way. Kaida's Shinx Howls, filling the pair with determination and bending the light strangely, so that it curves through the shelves and lower branches. Luka opens her mouth and her voice grows of its own accord, crackling and spreading, a howl of her own that becomes a roar. A searing, burning scream.

The light at the end of the tunnel pours from her mouth, and the creature recoils, its eyes bubbling and smoking. It flees into the trees.

is not one to give up. Ever. With the charging Tentacruel devolved into a Tentacool, the threat is gone. The rubbery menace bumps into the side of the boat, jostling it slightly. He silently asks for help, and she doesn't let him down.

Roar of Time rattles the wood, reversing the aging and healing the hole in the vessel. In moments they are sitting in a boat that looks just like it did thirty years ago. The lacquered wood feels cool and sturdy underneath them.

has repaired the boat, increasing its capacity from three to four.
The unfathomable sound spreads across the water, as do its effects. Wrecks, smashed upon the pillars of black glass, revert to their former glory as Katherine and Kyle float past. Dinghies, longboats, and even a pirate ship, all reassemble, though once the pair float far enough away, the effects will begin to decay. 


First is a prompt, right before your eyes.
It bears repeating, and is obscured, though not hidden.

Second is the glass road.
rate, sign, date, score
through score, see sign
see gate, fate straight
see sun, heaven shore
tricks hero.

dine, hero, heaven chew
hero, see tree wicks
eleven none through doors
eleven doors skew none
eleven doors

key. true. done.

Third is a map, in three parts.

To find your treasure, you must follow the paths. 
There are three and one routes to take.
Four are here, and three by three by three are somewhere else.


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

For Prompts, Moves, or Route Details please check the previous mod post here.

The round will end on Tuesday 9th November at 8pm Pacific Time.

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,404 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2021 18:29:34 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar




She felt nothing at first, nothing except her own tears falling onto cobalion's fur. Unbeknownst to melody, the red string of fate seemed to be the additional force needed to bring cobalion back from the brink of death. As he stirred he looked at Melody's eyes, her eyes still closed as they were glossed over showing him that she was blind but full of tears and her skin turning a rosey red since she had been crying. [break][break]

She gasped as she felt him begin to breath and then eventually he felt strong enough to stand and was then back to normal. "Cobalion!" she exclaimed as she buried her face in his tuft of fur. However for as happy Melody was, Cobalion was rightfully pissed off, shooting daggers at for what she had done. However he was thankful that the snakes that were going after his partner were taken out by the song so he decided against pursuing any action against the. Melody was also upset but wasn't really much in a state to do much of anything. Melody suddenly felt a tug of her shirt as cobalion bit her shirt and lifted her onto his back to ride on top of him. [break][break]

Seeing as how she couldn't see this would simply be easier for the both of them if he lead the way and she rode along. [break][break]

Cobalion seemed to follow the group who was going behind pangur so melody followed. She felt something telling her that they were going in the right way, ever since her eyes were closed and unable to open she's felt a draw towards that direction. What was this? a source of sadness? Longing? No, it was of loss. [break][break]

What exactly was lost though melody had no idea. [break][break]

She had no idea if pangur was a person or a pokemon or even what the fuck it was. But she had decided to trust it, Cobalion hadn't really seemed disturbed by his presence. Pangur spoke up to the group, telling them to catch the litwicks in the area and light up the lantern. "On it!" she said trying to hop off of Cobalion but melody was stuck. Huh? She cant get off? Her wrists where the infection had spread to was stuck onto him, and it had spread to her legs. "Hey cobalion, I cant get off...this seems like it's gonna be up to you bud." she said "Alright! Keep them in place! Scary face!" she said as Cobalion's eyes darted over to the group of litwicks and effectively stunned them in place. [break][break]

"Good luck everyone! I'm kind of useless here." she said trying to point at her eyes but her wrists were still stuck to Cobalion so she just kind of nodded her head. One of the Litwicks obeyed cobalion's will and brought itself over to Melody as she lit the lantern and cobalion was able to spot the wavy line in the metal. However that all changed quickly. [break][break]

His justified ability activated again as Absol's horn shattered. It was back. Melody could feel it's presence. "Everyone watch out!" she shouted trying to warn the group, specifically and . Melody wanted to get off and help them but she could only feel things and was currently stuck to cobalion due to her infection keeping her in place. Cobalion cared not for humans, only Melody it seemed. [break][break]

Eventually the creature screams and seemingly runs off. What just happen? "Hey what was that sound? did..did you banish the creature with a song?" as she was unable to see the light.



tagged for GOD HIMSELF [break]
You Made cobalion ascend.jpg [break]
Cobalion gives stank eyes [break]
Melody mounts cobalion[break]
Realizes she's stuck on Cobalion due to her infection spread to her wrists and ankles + cobalion's steel typing [break]
Uses scary face to try and keep the litwicks in place for the others to more easily capture them. [break]
Melody lights a lantern as litwick was nice enough to help and cobalion finds the metal pangur spoke of.[break]
Cobalion's justified activates and he feels the monster return, however he refuses to go help luka and kaida. [break]
Melody deduces that Luka's song managed to banish the monster.[break]
Used scary face (?) and justified [break] (idk what it does for my roll)

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ROLL MATH [break]

+10 Catch one of the litwick [break]
+10 find the wavy symbol [break]
+10 Light one of the nine lanterns [break]
+10 discover the magnetic properties of your infection [break]
+20 (cobalion) trusts pangur[break]
+10 make a logical deduction about the monster[break][break]

Nfe2aOhI + 70 [break][break]

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,933 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2021 20:28:58 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]In one's Journey to consume darkness, one may find that it will consume you. No harbinger of light or seeker of vengeance will pave the way for them, wildfires eating away at their throats as she bears witness to Chu-e going up in flames. No Deities will answer the cries of a sacrificial lamb as they continue to thrash and intertwine their fates. When the Dawn emerges, there may be nothing of them left.
This is the Icy truth that she fears to acknowledge.
Even if the Divine will not hear their prayers, those bound by blood must face the beast. Explosions that rend the creature, flames that lick at its inky flesh and arrogant attempts to link their fates and divert their paths towards doom. In the end, even when the beast is scattered and torn apart, it still lives with an intact heart, gurgling loudly as it splits off into cracks between walls and dimensions.
She watches as it leaves with a parting gift - The sight of being swallowed whole by the rift.
It grips her, crawling through the holes in her lung and slowly peeling it apart. She Needs to breathe, she can't breathe, she struggling and quaking but she just can't seem to find it. Her body lacks a beat, her blood runs cold and her vision continues to darken - Almost as if it has swiped her heart clean from her chest.
The monster has been driven away, but what about this outcome is a Victory?
Her Klefki screeches and her attention is snatched, her eyes greeted by the sight of inky goo seeping up from the ground and latching themselves onto the metallic body. She doesn't even have the time to reach out, to call his name when it consumes him whole - Flesh and blood meld together as one and begin to form a cocoon around the fairy.
Andy has been taken and Loki has been turned into an egg. The beast still remains rampant through these tunnels and will no doubt seep into the other rooms if left to roam freely.
She's enraptured by fear yet her legs will her to move, her fingers reaching for the fissures upon the wall as her eyes trace the growing webs. The ink from her wounds spiral and gather, drawn to something buried deep within the concrete. Even if there are spaces to fit through, she's far too weak to head in alone - If anything, sticking as a group would be the wisest course of action.
It calls to her and she learns to respond in kind. Roaring fire is poured into the gaps and quickly trickles through the expanding network to Incinerate a fleeing beast.
It taunts her, inky veins pulsing over the chipped walls and disappearing into the dark. Leona gingerly pulls her from the Absol's back and beckons to follow suit - They have to get to safety or they'll find themselves crushed. Further ahead, it seems that the ceiling hasn't quite broken in, so they rush towards the space and watch as dust flies all around them.
"Doug? Pa...?"
Deeper and deeper, they're forced to head further in with every action they take. For a moment, she whimpers, afraid of what might become of her. She knows and she knows it best: Even if the monster isn't here,
It is watching.

Code: TONiC (+30)[break]
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red)[break]
Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red)[break]
Use one of the chunks to devolve a Pokemon: Goodbye Klefki (+30 Red)[break]
Track the beast through the walls (+10 Red)[break]
Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red)[break]
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)[break]
? (+50)[break]
Sideways H (+5)[break]
hcqqb2Yt + 165
[attr="class","adrie-note"]in the house of the unholy

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,598 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 3:48:34 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Rubber skin splits and slices under his hands with disgusting chorus. The splatter of blood is not unfamiliar, the texture strange but still a few steps closer to normal. He snarls as the chunks fly, teeth black and sharp with his Frustration and fury.

Then the tars hits his tongue. Chu-e has put so many strange things in his mouth he probably wouldn't notice if not for the very sudden and searing flames. Stepping away from the creature, Chu-e misses the next few moments, head thrown back as flames lick his insides. A deep, guttural, inhuman and almost-Chu-e scream is ripped from him, caused by the echoes of his voice ringing against crystal as it crawls up the inside of his throat.

He doesn't realize he's being manhandled by , doesn't even realize right away the flames are gone and water fills his mouth. Chu-e's eyes are glazed over, vaguely watching as she watches him, without sight as he comes back into himself. The temporary safety of the alcove is welcome, even as Chu-e vaguely watches Gavin's experiments with his golden idol.

Coughing, Chu-e licks his charred lips and spits out blacked skin and ash on the ground.

"Something's wrong." It's all he can articulate as he slowly comes back to himself, forces himself to sit up rub his face. There is a thump and a skittering in the walls, which he follows with his eyes. Everything here feels... wrong. Not right. Chu-e wishes he could explain it. It's more than the situation they're in, something nagging at the back of his head like he's forgotten something very important.

The fire itself has burned out all his anger, leaving him a husk of confusion and unearned calmness in the face of this calamity.

A small whimper and something shifts at his side. Chu-e glances over and finds his Lilligant is now a Petilil, the pokemon covered in the goop with large tears in her eyes. He gently shushes the pokemon and picks her up, folds her into the creases of his clothes before pushing himself up. One, still clawed, hand finds Gavin's shoulder for purchase. Then he realizes and scowls as he wills it back under his flesh.

"Where's Eris?" He wants to say more but it hurts.





Tonic + 30
Use one of the chunks to devolve a Pokemon (+30 Red)
Track the beast through the walls (+10 Red)
Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red)
Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red)
?? + 50
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
part of
TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 18:24:30 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Not even all of the FOREWARNINGS in the world could have prepared Mars for everything that soon comes their way, starting from the moment his Froslass slides right into a portal. But of course, just as mentioned before, this is not something our favourite banker notices at the exact moment it happens, for he’s all too preoccupied with looking at the symbols marking his arms. It’s actual words that appear next, and this time he needs no translating mist to know what they mean (thank you, private school education).

Ominous. And what’s even more ominous is the way the ink seems to almost pull at the necklace he usually keeps hidden, the rings that hang from it as pendants being as if magnetized and drawn to the patterns on his arms. Weird. But, then again, isn’t ominous and weird kind of the theme for everything happening here?
Ominous and weird like the strange creature they’ve been following. Ominous and weird like the wreckages in the lake they arrive at after “safely” sailing past the portals. Ominous and weird like the toxic ooze released by the pale Tentacruel that approaches when their boat begins to sink thanks to a hole.
Their boat is sinking! No time to just analyze the situation!
Retrieving his very-important-berry and his ominous and weird book, Mars stands on the bow of the vessel, placing the ever too heavy Cursola on the spot right before him. ”Styx, keep the Tentacruel at bay. Pasithea, do what you can to help with fixing the ship. Lachesis…”[break][break]

Where’s his Snorunt? Did she really fall through a portal?
”Ugh.” Despite Mars’ frustration as his poor Snorunt that has definitely been through way too much today, his other pokémon get to work, the Cursola using STRENGTH SAP in order to weaken any Tentacruel nearby, perhaps in an attempt to deter them from approaching. The Musharna, on the other hand, had been given a much more difficult task, but when all else fails, isn’t the answer to turn to faith? The mist that had previously shown future and past now carries specks of gold, swirling near the hole in the hull as a HEALING WISH is raised in the hope of fixing the boat.
How much worth is the faith of a pokémon?
While still waterlogged, they seem capable of moving forward just fine, continuing to chase after the radiant figure while sailing past the Tentacruel. How does the angel or whatever it is respond to this, however? With a rain of ominous and weird pebbles, of course! Pebbles that, when reaching for one, Mars realizes somewhat look like Devolution Stones.
Once more: ominous and weird.
Is that what had happened to his Froslass?
Wouldn’t that mean that this thing is connected to the monster in the archives?




[break]- Cool translating mist stills swirling
[break]- Latin words in ink pooog also magnets??
[break]- Bye bye Snorunt
[break]- Notice many things in the water
[break]- Cursola uses Protect
[break]- Musharna tries to heal the boat with a prayer??
[break]- Mars picks up devolution stone, thinks the angel must be connected to the monster :c
[break]+ 195
Book Club (+15)
[break]TONiC (+30)
[break]Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death.(+10)
[break]The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)
[break]Notice wreckage in the lake (+10 Black)
[break]Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
[break]Stop your boat from sinking (+10 Black)
[break]Escape the Tentacool (+10 Black)
[break]Chase the angel across the lake (+20 Black)
[break]Retrieve or use a devolution stone (+20 Black)
[break] ? (+50)


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[newclass=.coarwtpokes img] margin-top: -10px; padding: 0px 10px 5px; [/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 9, 2021 19:44:43 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
397 for @raid
It was a relief when the rest of the group arrived. Bravery on its own can only take one so far, and all Locke could do was stay out of everyone’s way as they assaulted the beast. The fight, like the others, didn’t last long, and before they knew it the monster was slipping away again.

And nearly taking their Drifblim with it.

“Loony-Loony! Hang on!” Locke wrapped their arms around the Drifblim and tugged with all the force they could muster. The monster’s blood oozed out of the hole like an open wound, inky black tendrils crawling up and surrounding their Pokémon. Both sides pulled harder and harder and harder until-


Locke tumbled back to the ground with a panicKed, just barely making way for ’s Delphox to fill the crack with flames. Rather than a Drifblim, however, a familiar, ichor-covered Drifloon was trying to bury himself in their arms. “Eh?! Not you too!”

There was no time to comfort their Pokémon, however, not when the group’s various explosions were finally taking their toll on the cavern. Locke chAsed after Eris and her Pokémon as rocks and concrete rained down behind them, dividing the group again.

“…I’m sure they’re fine.” Never mind her dad was on fire mere seconds ago.

Locke turned to Loony-Loony, who clung shivering on his back. “Do you think you could get us back there?” The Drifloon tried to shift the shadows around the pair and Phantom ForcE them back, but it was no use. His new-old body wasn’t capable of it.

They were stuck on this side.

The red, spectral thread of Loony-Loony’s Destiny Bond remained, however, though it was impossible to follow as it disappeared within the walls.

Locke ran his marked hand experimentally over the chunks still clinging to Loony-Loony, coming away with a palmful of black ichor and a bullet. Ink, blood, and metal all drawn to each other like magnets. “I think it can track us with these marks.” A cold sense of dread washed over him, even as he kept his voice steady for Eris’ sake.

He placed his hand against the wall where the thread ran through, Feeling the slightest uncomfortable tug of the “ink” underneath his skin. There weren’t any other leads out of here, and the others were likely coming to a similar conclusion.

“But maybe we can do the same.”

Locke pulls Loony-Loony away from the hole, but he turns into a Drifloon after being exposed to the monster's chunks
Follows to a safe spot, getting separated from the group in the process
Loony-Loony's Destiny Bond remains intact, but it's too hard to follow through the walls
Finds one of 's bullets in the chunks on Loony-Loony, and notices both the monster's blood and the ink on their hand are magnetically attracted to it
Realizes the monster can probably track them with the marks because of that, but that they can also follow the monster through the walls with them
Permanent (+15)
Tonic (+30)
??? (+50)
Use one of the chunks to devolve a Pokemon (+30 Red)
Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red)
Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red)
Inky Pattern drawn to metal +10
Track the beast through the walls (+10 Red)
(Total: 251)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".charactername"]margin-top:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".charactername b"]font-weight:lighter;color:#A490FF; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
412 posts
part of
TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 2:55:54 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

She found herself at the Fourth Door, face veiled by ink and shadow.

Chryssa read aloud from the Hollow Men as she paced, trying to clear her throat from the stranger's voice which lived there. It persisted: unfazed by her earlier screams in the archives, it was unrelenting now.

"At the hour when we are
You have the rod, now comes the detour.
Trembling with tenderness
What are you waiting for?
Lips that would kiss
A sign? A summons? A prompt to move ahead?
Form prayers to broken stone."

She could hardly finish a line before it spoke again, matching each stanza with secrets. Chryssa shut the little book of poetry with an annoyed snap, turning to face the door again.

She was stalling. And someone knew it.

"Find the answer, or fail at the threshold." It was her own voice, passive and contemplative. What has three locks, but no key? That had been the riddle on the back of the book. The iron door stared back, its dull surface reflecting nothing back but age and stone. 

Chryssa took a step closer. She leaned in. She spoke the words, and black ink rose up again like a vessel being filled, obscuring her features.

"A human face," Chryssa answered.

To lock eyes with a stranger, lovers and friends.
To lock jaws with a monster, no stranger to sin.
To lock lips with a lover, and monster within.

Face wreathed in cursed ink, Chryssa pressed it against the iron, feeling her eyelashes flutter, jaw work, lips mash cruelly against the metal.

The final portrait took shape as the ink left her skin, imprinting a cursed, shining visage on the fourth door. It stood out in sharp relief against the metal, drawn magnetically to its surface as it had been to Muir's blade.

It was the face she'd seen in the book, reading alongside her. 

"Who are you?" Chryssa asked, stepping back again. Her voice shook, and she tightened her grip on Muir. "Oh, never mind. It doesn't matter. There's still one more part to this, isn't there?"

She raised the Honedge into the air, closing her eyes. Perhaps the answer lies not with its end, but with its origin. She'd said that to Kaida regarding the egg—why would it come back to her now?

Unbidden, the curved, scythe-like shape on the back of the book rose to mind and something clicked.

"Oh my god," Chryssa said, and then, "I know what I have to do."


The ghost blade—no, ghost weapon—settled back in her hand, as if its new, elongated shape had always belonged there.

The scepter had stolen was only a construct, a symbol of the confines the Church placed upon its followers.

An iron rod, its crown curved not with Arceus’ four-pronged wheel, but the wavering, organic shape of First Creation. A god unbound by iconography and stained glass, a scepter that evoked Arceus not as it was now, but as it had begun. When the universe was raw with newborn chaos, and the Original One breathed alone.

Back to the beginning.

Muir’s eye blinked, blue and baleful, from the wrought scepter’s heart.

"We get one move," Chryssa said, twirling the scepter around like a baton, then pointed it at the ink-stained door. "Let's make it count."

If the face was a keyhole, then her staff would be the key.


+30 Tonic
+15 The Bound
+10 Drawn to Metal
+50 ?
+4 Forge A New Path In Iron

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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
2,975 posts
part of
TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 2:59:45 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



There is a brief moment in which his mind goes completely silent for the first time since they had foolishly stepped inside that death trap underneath the church.

ANDY BLACKADDER was gone. Taken, rather.

Was his friend... dead?

The entire place began to collapse around them, but he was rooted in place, unable to look away from where he had seen Andy last.

"I did... nothing." He muttered, eyes wide.

His Mankey hauled him off the floor like a sack of potatoes as sharp rocks threatened to crush him, screeching in a panic as it sprinted after the rest of the group with its trainer in hand, Defiantly Stomping Tantrum'ing through whatever obstacles its Accelgor companion didn't manage to cut down as they tried to find their way out.

They both quickly defaulted to their trainer's original goals, chasing after and .

Eventually, they reached a... relatively safe spot to regroup. Little more than a crack in the walls, to call it a tight fit would've been an understatement.

Doug remained mostly unresponsive, even as his Mankey tiredly dropped him on the floor. He simply laid there, wide eyed and spread eagled.

How pathetic can you be?

How could he have let it happen again? How could he let another friend die? How could he let Andy die?

Have you ever saved anything?

Of all people, poor Andy had the misfortune of having a failure like him as backup.

You failure.

Having him around had only made things worse.

You absolute disgrace.

A moment later, his body rose to a sitting position.

Eyes looked down at hands, grip open and loose, and yet, with a gun firmly attached to it as if glued.

They looked around next, noting the youth's pokemon nearby, then Locke, then Eris.

He stood up next, dusting himself off before reaching up to readjust his cap, carefully setting it back perfectly into place. Then, his eyes turned towards his momentary companions.

"Right. What are we waiting for, then?" He asked, his voice echoing. "Let's go find it."

He began walking next without another word, pressing his hand to the walls and walking on with a blank smile on his face.

His pokemon stared at his back in confusion for a good moment, before inevitably falling in line.

I don't fucking know either.

Track the beast through the walls (+10 Red)
Find a safe place in the caves and regroup (+10 Red)
Discover the magnetic qualities of the monster's blood (+10 Red)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10) (Stomping tantrum + Defiant)
? (+50)

TAG: @
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The Saint of Slateport
November 23
Outside Ballonlea
320 height
320 height
Be silent or let thy words be worth more than silence.
635 posts
Ruby Walker DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @ruby
Ruby Walker
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 3:57:31 GMT
Ruby Walker Avatar

Ruby's eyes widen as she follows the crimson string of fate on up through the trees. Finally, something to lead her path. Even if she had absolutely no idea what it was, something was better than nothing. The very sight of these trees might be nothing more than figments of the mind, but for now, they were very, very real.

She couldn't help but debate whether or not this was the work of some psychic pokemon, mentally twisting all their thoughts. It was a possibility, but for now, the only important thing was that and appeared to be safe. She let out an exhausted sigh, trying to catch her breath from all that climbing as she speaks. [break][break]

"If it's up to me, next time we will indeed have a rope, Hideo." She laughs, but it's an empty laugh. Out of relief than any attempt at humor. Of course, the speaking Pokemon immediately drew her attention. [break][break]

His words inspired awe, a sound that she could have sworn that she somehow knew before. Lanterns, metal symbols, there were so many questions to ask, but it appeared they had no time. [break][break]

It was here. [break][break]

Nodding her head, Ruby quickly spoke. "Understood." It had to be some kind of ritual, had to be right. The start of one, at least. The light of Litwick was said to absorb life energy itself, would the lanterns do the exact same? Absorb it from the beast or from them? Whatever it was, the light of the soul should hopefully fight against the dark mass of the beast. What else could compare? [break][break]

The sudden shattering of the Absol horn was immediately taken as a terrible sign. The shattered pieces were still vibrating, and as guilty as she felt for quickly grabbing a piece it was important. Any chance to prepare for a disaster before it happened.[break][break]

"Grace-" She began to speak to her Gardevoir, who all but read her mind. A Heal Pulse flew its way towards the Absol, hopefully numbing the pain from the sudden horn loss. [break][break]

Sending out her Stonjourner, Ruby quickly climbed atop his stone body as she spoke. "Brick, Imprison one. We need to go, now." The massive stone pokemon sent out its psychic presence, hopefully trapping the Litwick in place. Quickly grabbing an empty pokeball from her bag, she attempted to toss it, only for it to refuse to leave her hand. [break][break]

She blinked and then blinked again. The strange inky mass that had accumulated on her arm had reached her hand, and seemingly was stuck to the Pokeball, almost as if by magnets. Certainly not the weirdest thing that has happened today. Tossing the ball with her other hand instead, she quickly caught the Litwick before moving to find one of these so-called lanterns. [break][break]

Interestingly, the magnetic ink seemed to have a mind of its own as she searched, finding one of the wavy symbols in metal before even her eyes could. "Ugh, great-" Ruby spoke out loud as she got stuck, her Stonjourner gently moving its giant leg to hold the metal still so she could actually muster her strength to pull back.[break][break]

"Bluh, thanks Brick. Let's get this going, we don't know how much time we have." With that, she'd quickly send out the candle, urging it to light the lantern. [break][break]

Oddly, the saint could have sworn she heard a strange sound. Probably nothing though.[break][break]


notes Catch one of the Litwick (+10 White) [break]
Find the wavy symbol (+10 White)[break]
Light one of the nine lanterns (+10 White)[break]
Discover the magnetic properties of your infection (+10 White)[break]
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)[break]
Trust Pangur (+20 White)[break]
Make a logical deduction about the monster (+10 White)[break]
? (+50)


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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 10, 2021 6:19:44 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar kept looking back toward the boulder Slayer had grabbed onto. Maybe he hoped to see the Accelgor alive and well, making his way to the boat to rejoin his master. More likely he couldn't stand to see the thing that was once Seismo stare at him. Oscar sneered, lost in thought between what mattered to him more. He probably would have dwelled on it for ages if the damn boat hadn't decided to wake him up.

"FUCK!" Oscar cried out as his leg went right through the boat, welcoming vile water to overtake its insides. Oscar yanked his soaked leg out of the hole, which only caused more water to seep through. "Shit shit shit um..." Oscar began to panic, heaving as the boat slowly began to sink into the water. He was not prepared for this; not to fix a damn boat and certainly not to die. Not here, under a fucking glorified clubhouse! 

Oscar's panic should have increased when he spotted the Tentacool swarming toward the boat, but beyond them he saw a wrecked ship. Bits of wood splayed in every direction, not even a corpse to mark what happened. Oscar's panic quickly turned into resolve, he refused to allow his legacy to become a forgotten wreckage. 

Oscar's shipmates were doing a fine job of sealing up the boat, Oscar decided to do his part by fighting back against the swarm. The boat passed a small flat rock, and Oscar released Alice onto it. "Alice, keep these fucks away from the boat. Oh and keep up, I still need you." Seeing her daunting task, Alice slumped over and sighed heavily. Nevertheless, she attempted to follow her Master's orders. Alice used Feint Attack to bounce from Tentacool to Tentacool. This way she kept up with the boat while also slashing into the encroaching Tentacool. 

Meanwhile Oscar began using his hands to splash out water. He looked kinda silly but cut him some slack it's all he can do! He gained progress bit by bit, his work becoming more and more vigorous. He was going so fast that he nearly flung out a bright stone that had floated near him. Did this come through the original hole? Oscar pocketed it just in case, and made the mistake of looking up as he did so.

Seismo had changed again.

It had begun to grow more eyes. Countless blinking orifices that frantically twitched in every direction. Its skin had changed again as well, its once solid form appearing much more--liquid. It shifted constantly, like a cloud of floating black tar. Soon, it would barely resemble the Claydol it once was. Oscar froze, slowly comprehending that this thing used to be his pokemon. Was Seismo still in there somewhere? Could it be cured of this--curse? It seemed so impossible, so inconceivable. Then again this whole experience seemed impossible a few hours ago. Oscar looked toward that shining creature, a bizarre beacon far in the distance. Would it be their salvation? Only time shall tell as the boat floated ever-forward along the angel's path.

-Oscar narrowly avoids a panic attack through DETERMINATION!
-Oscar sends out Alice to fight off Tentacool, and she uses Feint attack to bounce on their heads and keep up with the boat.
-Oscar uses his hands to splash water out of the boat, coming upon and pocketing a Devolution stone.
-Seismo has transformed once again.


Retrieve a Devolution Stone (+20 Black)

Stop Your Boat From Sinking (+10 Black)

Notice Wreckage in the Lake (+10 Black)

Escape the Tentacool (+10 Black)

Chase the Angel Across the Lake (+20 Black)

Seismo Manifests a Familiar Power (+20 Black)

Reference Your Pokemon's Sacrifice (+10 Black)

? (+50)

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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2021 1:26:55 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

Yonder, the Monster's
Cave Awaits


As the cliffs shatter and tumble, the remaining six rush for the safety of the alcoves and the fresh gaps in the walls. They split into two groups of three: , and on one side, and , , and on the other.

The black chunks from the monster stick fast to any that touch (or eat) them, and there are four flashes of dark light as curious or unlucky Pokemon revert to earlier forms.

's Sylveon has devolved into an Eevee.
's Liligant has devolved into a Petilil.
's Drifblim has devolved into a Drifloon.
's Klefki has turned into an Egg.

Red Total over 5500 - Magnets

is the first to realize the cold truth about their spreading injuries. "I think it can track us with these marks," he says to Eris and Doug, and the trio feel suddenly very vulnerable in the shattered cliffs, where every shadow could crack open to reveal a thousand hungry eyes. 

But this sword of Damocles cuts two ways, and a second realization comes quick to the Red Augur. “But maybe we can do the same.” The trio set off into the walls, using the subcutaneous tugging to follow the path of the monster. 

On the other side, Chu-E, Gavin, and Kano each have a familiar face to guide them: Bill. Not the man himself, but the golden figurines, now crawling with dark ichor. The movements of the monster tug at the figures, pulling the group towards a crack in the wall. 

Red Total over 6000 - Threshold

As the groups track the creature through razor-sharp caverns, they find tracks. Chunks of blackness, claw marks in the stone, and metal plates, bolted deep into the wall and carved with a symbol that only will find familiar.

A perfect circle, bisected vertically by a single line. Rubedo.

The metal plates and the symbols grow more regular, acting as trail markers as the two groups converge at last upon a sandstone room built into the cliffs. The groups enter from different sides.

Two great metal disks are set into the sandstone, one into the floor, and one into the ceiling. The disk set into the ceiling is rusted shut, but not sealed, and will open with enough force.

It connects to the outside. 

Red Route has discovered an Escape. Anyone taking the path upwards will safely leave the raid.

The other disk, the one set into the floor, has been torn out of its hole. It sits askew, and the sandstone around it has been gouged and ripped by great claws. The beast has been this way, and has escaped downwards. 

Red Route has located the Threshold. Beyond this lies the boss, and the end of Red Route.

Red Route Conclusion Signups 


The lanterns burst to light, their ghostly glow growing bright in the presence of the living. If , , , or stay too long, they will feel it start to sap their warmth.

Four down. Five remaining. 

And while the inner four were close together, the others are scattered deeper in the twisted forest, and the creature is more wary now. 

's Future Sight catches a glimpse of Meowstic as it nears the Western outer lanterns. It's in a reading nook, set into the corner where two shelves meet. An ancient chair, overstuffed and under-dusted, is a helpful footstool up to the high lantern.

The same metal plate is bolted to one of the shelves, and etched into the metal is the same set of wavy lines. Candle clutched in its paw, the Pokemon reaches out.

And the darkness above opens, revealing a thousand wide eyes. 

Without the Future Sight, Meowstic would have been in grave peril, but the psychic snapshot of the danger to come saves the cat. Now it has a fighting chance.

's Meowstic must overcome or outsmart the beast to light the lantern. Please pick one of the following prompts in your post:
  • Meowstic succeeds, at no cost (+10 White)
  • Meowstic succeeds, but the monster grows stronger (+30 White)
  • Meowstic fails (+50 White)

White Total over 6500 - Pangur Ban

"Not fire or light. Radiance," Pangur says to before he departs. "Holy light. Drawn from faith, and ancient power. That's how you hold the monster back, though we must complete the ritual to truly banish it."

Pangur reaches out and touches one of the pieces of Absol's shattered horn with his paw. Some of Pangur's Radiance flows into the shard. "Here. This should keep it at bay, at least once."

has acquired a Radiant Shard. It is a powerful defense against the monster, though the light inside will weaken with each use.
White Total over 7000 - Luminous Threads

"The outer lanterns are at the edge of the woods,"
Pangur says. "But the monster is watching now. Waiting for you to draw near." He touches the Destiny Bond too, and his light spreads along the yarn. The thread splits, too, forming a trio of glowing paths through the archives. 

One thread spools away past and the stuck , straight into a cruel tangle of sharp branches. They can see the glint of metal on the other side. 

A second runs past and , over the shattered bookcases and into the depths, following the path of the monster's retreat. Was it expecting them to follow?

The third glowing thread shines brightly on  and . It leads straight up, slicing through the smoky air and wrapping around the base of the last lantern, in a distant alcove high above them. 

"Once the outer three are lit, there will be only one left."

White route prompts

  • Distract the monster so someone else can light a lantern (+30 White)
  • Light a lantern at great cost (+30 White)
  • Trigger a trap laid by the monster (+30 White)


's Cursola swells with stolen power, as the strength of the crowding Tentacool is sapped away. The pale jellyfish hang limply in the water before they are slashed and blasted away by 's Weavile and 's newly re-hatched Radiant Shuppet.

Musharna shudders at Claydol's transformation before it tries to repair the damaged boat with a Healing Wish. The wish is granted in a somewhat mundane way, as seals the bottom of the boat with a Protect from his Magnemite. The trio watch the dark waters slide past through the transparent barrier as their boat safely follows the angel across the water of the lake.

Glittering strands of sticky string hang from the cavern ceiling, jiggling with movement as some of the pale Butterfree get caught in the lines. The angel passes straight through the trap, heading for land. 

Rising from the middle of the lake is a pyramid of dark glass, built on the shores of a small, rocky island. recognizes it as the black mountain from his Future Sight vision. The pair of boats pull up at the waiting dock, and the remaining five crunch across the gravel on their way towards the pyramid.

Black Total over 4500  - Laboratory

The pyramid is several stories tall, and covered in mirrored panels that reflect the dark lake, though some of the glass has been shattered from within. There is a flash of light as the angel passes right through the glass on the top floor of the building, disappearing inside. 

Through the shattered glass, most of the five can see a laboratory. There are rows of tangled glassware set up on tables, and rubber tubes filled with ancient titrates snake the length of the floor. There are alcoves with smelly stone bowls, half-full plastic buckets, and endless filing cabinets filled with alchemical reagents, preserved Pokemon parts, and bundles of herbs.

The whole place feels like a wizard meth lab. 

The stairs upward are blocked. By string. Endless tangles of web and the same, discarded paper as you encountered on the docks fills the staircase. Anything coming into contact with the string will stick fast.  

Black Total over 5000 - Seismo no mo'

Out on the docks to the laboratory island, the thing that used to be Seismo breaks down, discarding any vestiges of the clay Pokemon it once was. Fresh, wet eyes peel open, and the mass of blackness hangs over the water ominously, watching the laboratory and the angel within.

Black route prompts
  • Find the remains of a lab worker (+20 Black)
  • Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30 Black)
  • Commit a crime (+10 Black)
  • Get stuck in the string (+20 Black)
  • Loot evolution items and rare candies (+10 Black)


Chryssa finds herself at the fourth door, with an answer for the riddle. 

What has three locks, and no key? "A human face," Chryssa answers.

To lock eyes with a stranger, lovers and friends.

To lock jaws with a monster, no stranger to sin.

To lock lips with a lover, and monster within.

The inky face of sits on the metal of the fourth door, a silhouette cast in cold iron. The lids part, and the eyes lock with hers.

Muir, her transformed sword, slides into the keyhole, and as she twists the rod clockwise there is a click from deep within. Then another. Loud, banging clicks that echo through her staff and up into her arm. The symbol of Arceus on the iron door rattles and cracks, splitting four ways along the diagonal cuts, and her inky visage scatters as the pieces of the door retreat into the wall.

Beyond the iron door is a pane of glass, crawling with backwards letters. It presses up against where the door just was, bent and watching. And as she watches back, the letters don't slow, instead only coming harder and faster, obscuring what lies beyond.

This isn't another barrier, but another world, trapped behind a gate of understanding.

And Chryssa understands. 

Chryssa steps forward, and through the threshold dividing the worlds. 

Chryssa has crossed the Threshold.


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor and to complete prompts, but only one move will be taken into account regarding your roll. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Sacrifice, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Incineration can add +30 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

The following Pokemon are dead or lost.
's Snorunt
's Accelgor

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference your Pokemon's sacrifice/death. (+10 Red/Black

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.

Claydol sends Oscar a message (+20 Black*NEW*

The following Pokemon are fainted.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)

The following people are corrupted.
A black, inky infection spreads outward from their wound, following their veins and covering more of their body over time.They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10

In the case of  , and  , the infection has mixed with their Augur markings, and the ink forms words, symbols, and even cryptic warnings.

In the case of , as she ingested the infectious material, their tongues have turned black, and they will find strange sounds and phrases rising unbidden to their tongues.  

 and  have found the tomes, and have a permanent +15 bonus to their roll for each round. 


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use at least 1 colored move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 6 days. Thursday 18th November 8pm PT.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 13, 2021 20:21:35 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo could at least feel some relief at being reunited with and - they probably had an easier time navigating around the forest than he did. “Maybe that would be a good idea,” he said to Ruby’s suggestion. Maybe they’d even seen where this string he’d followed came from, but there wasn’t enough time to ask them.

He did note Cardamom’s words - that the monster was weak to fire and/or light, though Pangur corrected the weakness as Radiance. None of his Pokemon could provide any, though, so he’d have to try and stay away from it until he got a strong-enough source of either. The Litwick probably wasn’t going to be enough - if he could even get it to cooperate long enough to light up that monster.

He could hear here as well, though he wasn’t aware of her new disability. He didn’t know if she’d followed them as well and also gotten lost in the woods, but it was comforting to know she was back regardless. “Nobody’s useless,” Hideo said, “We just gotta find what we can do and help that way.

Though he had to wonder what and were up to - but no time for that.

Hideo felt a strange chill in his spine - four times to be exact. He didn’t know what had caused them, but he certainly didn’t like the feeling it was giving; it was like that one time his Ribombee got drunk and Draining Kissed him, but this even made him feel cold. Not a good sensation. And both his Oranguru and Krookodile could feel the same.

But with the Meowstic off on lighting duty, and the others working on the other lanterns, none of them could pinpoint the source. So they went for the one thing they could think was responsible; the metal plate.

As Hideo started pulling his arm away, his Oranguru grabbed him, taking him under her arm and rushing away. “Hey!” Hideo shouted, his whole arm in pain from how hard he’d been pulled away, “What’re you doing, Teach?!

He assumed she was just pulling him away from the metal plate, but her true motive was something else; he didn’t know that she’d used her Future Sight, nor what she’d seen. She was rushing towards where the Meowstic was, the Krookodile following along - and Hideo was coming along whether he wanted to or not.

And she sent the Telepathic message to everyone else - though it would be up to them if they wanted to help or not (if they even understood it). She once again looked to the Meowstic with a Future Sight - but this time, it was more than just looking; she was going to try and cover him.


That Telepathic message couldn’t have come soon enough. The Meowstic grabbed the Litwick right as he spotted the many eyes, pulling it back just as he realized what was waiting for him here. Were it not for the message, he would’ve been caught right in the monster’s trap.

Though that wasn’t to say he still wasn’t snared in it; he could see the lantern, but that monster would get him or the Litwick if either went for it. And he was not looking forward to getting caught in its splobby body.

For most of this ordeal, being a Healer proved to be very advantageous.

This was not one of those times. He couldn’t heal himself or Hideo if he was dead.

So it was time to stop Role Playing as a Healer, and go back to what he was especially good at: being an Infiltrator.

He didn’t step on the chair. Not yet, anyways; he reached for a stray page, lighting it on the Litwick’s head. And once he had that, he ran forward, aiming straight for the monster monster as he clapped his hands together, the a bright Fake Out beam firing at it.  And once that was sent out-

He ran in the opposite direction, away from the lantern, the Litwick in hand. He wasn’t going to stay here any longer than he had to, though chances were that monster was about ready to pounce on him anyways; he was going to have to put all his Infiltrator skills at work to keep the monster's attention without being caught, as he knew if it wasn't after him, it'd be after someone else.  He'd distract it for as long as he could.

He’d be aided by several portals opening - the Oranguru’s Future Sight, coming in to cover for him.

But that wouldn’t mean the lantern was left alone; though neither he nor the Litwick went close to the flame, the page he’d lit did as he Psychically moved it into the lantern, using himself as a distraction.

Meowstic stopped Role Playing, so his ability has switched back to Infiltrator.

WfEAa2Wd +140
+30 Incineration
+10 Meowstic Success
+30 Trigger a Trap
+30 Distract so others can light lanterns
+10 Magnetic Ink
+10 Matching (Infiltrator + Fake Out)
+20 ?

@ooh chase sequence

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
431 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2021 21:13:10 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
They made it. Trevenant started to write a little bit on Aaron's shirt about what was in front of them. A triangle...a door...the blonde figured out that in front of them was a pyramid of some sort. Magnemite and Shuppet led the way...his inky markings going down his shoulder arching towards the metal Pokemon. Naturally, he still couldn't see anything. Still, his little ones led the way inside, effectively trespassing/breaking in. The smell was awful as well...not so much because of the chemicals, but also due to the decomposed bodies of the lab workers. They may be skeletons now, as he nearly tripped over the leg of one, only to have Magnemite steady him, but the smell was still there.

His Trevenant was barely able to fit in and move around inside. Thankfully the ceilings were tall enough for him. The top floor was their aim. Unfortunately, due to the sheer size of Trevenant, the tree knocked a few things over, that mixed. A nauseous blue gas started to from. "Run." They started to move faster, not wanting to find out what kind of gas they just accidentally made. Only for the blonde to get stuck in the sticky thread in the stairs. The tree grew a spike that glowed green, a Horn Leech attack, to tear apart the string. Once they were up a couple of stories, he stopped to catch his breath. He happened to steal a pen accidentally, too...when the hell did he grab that? Not that he could see it, just what it felt like. This was turning into a bad day...he wasn't even sure if it was worth trying to get revenge on the thing anymore. Trevenant stayed close to the wall if anyone wanted to squeeze past them.

*Still have blindness powder.

Find the remains of a lab worker (+20 Black)

Mix alchemical reagents and set off a reaction (+30 Black)

Commit a crime (+10 Black)

Get stuck in the string (+20 Black)

The ink pattern is drawn to nearby metal (+10)

Trevenant used Horn Leech

dhEFiFnJ + 90
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Emerius, An Animanga Dragon Age Roleplay