YMCA [Raid]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2021 1:40:26 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

The last of the letters tattooed themselves back onto the dusty cover, and bond-bound Chryssa took the Tome into her hands. It seemed too heavy for its size, evoking the weight of steel, or solemnity.  

Chryssa was anything but solemn as she gleefully returned to the main foray in search of someone to show her new book. "I've found us deliverance," she announced as she breezed through the bookshelves in a swirl of pale brown hair.

Instead, she found the battlefield deserted. , , even the injured girl seemed to have left the way they'd come, leaving only bloodstains behind.

Chryssa's eyes narrowed.

Of those in the library currently chasing the cat, perhaps Chryssa was the only one who actually then ventured back outside to examine the damage and the other three doors. Strange letters were carved into the stone of each, just as she remembered. She'd always just assumed it was some hidden Church script that only the priests could decipher.

There was no sign of the others.

For a long time, the girl stood outside the final door, the only one unopened. Somewhere far in the distance she could still feel three other people linked by the Destiny Bond, moving around, finding their own mysterious books. Three, plus her.

Four doors. Four threads. Four points on the Wheel of Arceus. 

Abruptly, she felt two of the connections twinge, like notes played on guitar strings. A brief, disorienting spell passed across her as the world seemed to sway. Muir clattered to the ground as Chryssa struggled to breathe with lungs that felt like they were filled with dust and sand.

The moment passed. Chryssa took in a clear breath, shaken. For a second, it had seemed like the two threads had disappeared.

What's happening out there? I have to go back...

Before she left, Chryssa retrieved Muir and used the tip of the blade to trace the edges of the archway, creating a shimmering curtain of Protect across the entry. "I don't know what you're hiding in there, Arceus," she told the door absentmindedly as she completed the movement and the barrier sprung to life, "But I'll be the one to break you."

She just had some reading to do first.

"Oh, we're sharing secrets, are we?" Chryssa appeared back in the Archives like the grand enchantress of disaster, her precious tome beneath one arm. "I've been here before." Not here precisely, and not like this. "I know this place better than anyone." Maybe the rotunda at the bottom of the stairs, but her expertise truthfully ended there.

"How did you guys find this cat, anyway?" Chryssa asked, craning her head to look up at it. It hissed, demanding snacks, and the girl sighed. "It has a bizarre appetite. Here, have a childhood memory."

Twisted feet stretched out in the dust with knee-bones crunching on paper-thin shells, the trickle of egg yolk cold and slimy in her hair. Too-thin legs twisted beneath her, incense foul in her nostrils. "Arceus, deliver this girl, one of Your flock—deliver us a miracle, for what greater desire might you have than for her to stand on her own two feet and follow in your footsteps, as the Followers have always done..."

"Delightful." Chryssa said dryly, and turned away. She wasn't interested in reliving any more old foot-based ceremonies. "I'll leave it to the rest of you." There was someone else she wanted to find. 

was right where Chryssa had expected, the black-and-golden egg of the devolved Shinx still balanced on the Houndoom's back. "Any signs of hatching?" Chryssa asked conversationally. Her eyes gleamed. "Do you like riddles? I have an old one for you."

She cleared her throat.

"Marble halls as white as milk
Lined with skin as soft as silk
Mired in waters crystal-clear
A golden apple doth appear.
No doors there are to this stronghold,
Yet thieves break in and steal the gold."

"Any ideas?" 
Chryssa asked, then carelessly in the same breath, "Of course, it's an egg. Everyone knows that. Now, listen to this—"

Chryssa opened the tome.

She'd been trying not to look at the black, shining letters that had slithered across her skin like serpent's blood. AUGUR. The opening lines of Intro to Iron had already made their mark on her, and she had an inkling she knew what they referred to.

Chryssa held the blade of her Honedge to the line of text, bisecting it in half and reading the mirrored letters reflected there.

"The Koil from which all life begins,
The walls which birthed both song and sin,
The One who let the darkness in,
Must face his ending to begin."

The girl lowered the book, closing it gently. Its trailing letters felt like slime against her skin. When she spoke again, her voice was soft.

"In the beginning, there was only an egg. It emerged from a place where there was nothing, and shaped our world.

Her eyes watched Kaida, distant, as she quoted the First Tenet of the Church of Arceus. They moved to the Shinx egg, strangely detached.

"I wonder what will happen when it hatches?"


+25 Incarceration
+05 The Bound
+10 Feed Memory
+10 Feed Lie
+10 Feed Secret
+10 Disappearance
+10 Lord's Name
+10 Egg Hatching
+20 Koil (Egg)

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2021 14:07:55 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Powder cascaded down around Rowan as the Butterfree fled their prison, unwittingly inhaling the substance as he took in their strange appearance. Vision blurred as he choked and coughed on the dust, colors becoming warped and distorted before his eyes. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.” Rowan lied, gripping onto the edge of the waterway to pull himself up onto mostly dry land. “Are you alright?” He asked , having lost track of them for the most part until this point.

    Rowan attempted to scrape some of the powder that clung to his skin away, though that seemed to be a fruitless effort. Everything felt further away than usual, his movements sluggish and delayed while his mind wandered towards arbitrary thought. Jellicent hovered close to Rowan, using their watery fins to Absorb some of the powder into their Cursed Body, having become immune to the substance on first contact. “On second thought…” He leaned against Adrian and took his arm, obviously slightly wobbly and having trouble moving on his own. Rowan had been high before, but this was something else entirely. Imagine what sort of money selling this stuff would make?

    Clinging close to Adrian, he willed them both further into the darkness, wanting to keep exploring despite his diminished capacity. 

Bw_TsTvW + 30

Venture into the darkness (+10 Black)
Identify an effect of the Butterfree powder (+10 Black)
Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 0:47:45 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Just kill me

I can't write for shit

He gave 's nod an 'up yours' gesture.

He was lucky he didn't want to cause any more distress or they would be having a discussion on parenthood and leaving your injured child alone in the care of: strangers and/or children.

If his brain was in any shape or form to have that discussion, at any rate. Had a the monster slipped a drill into his head? What the hell was this?

"Hnghrr... Where's anyway?" He managed to grunt out between headache stabs.

Hadn't he come down here as well? He wasn't with the group.

"Damn it Andy, yer smart. Shouldn't stickin' to the champ be the obvious-"

Y E E T.

There went the champion.

"Arceus' Fuck."

Very not promising.

"... Joy, get yerself fixed up quick. We've got several problems." He muttered lowly at his Blissey, the sentient egg immediately producing another egg to furiously munch on.

"I'll go insane tryin' to do things myself." He muttered as he picked up his netball, before sending out his Accelgor. He really wanted to go find Andy, but he was definitely not leaving Eris alone.

"The heck?" He muttered as sand dripped out from within the pokeball, squinting at it for a moment before another stab to the brain disrupted any thoughts. "Whatever. Namegon, find Andy.

His Accelgor disappeared in a blur, leaving him to follow behind the rest of the red crew while the ninja bug checked the alcoves/vials.

Oh, and his Primeape turned Mankey was throwing a shitstorm still as the path around them twisted as if alive, its hands and feet flying wildly in every direction as it rolled over the walls and floors


Incarceration (+25)
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )
React to someone appearing or disappearing (+10)
Say the Lord's name in vain (+10)
Find sand where it shouldn't be (+10 Red)
Inspect the alcoves/vials (+10 Red)

TAG: @
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 0:52:57 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
724 for @raid
Locke moved closer to where most of the group was congregating, passing Doki-Doki as the Audino busied himself with building a nest for ’s egg out of the broken wood and soggy pages available. By the time he caught up, the others had reached the creature before him, and were trying unsuccessfully to coax it out.

Everyone else seemed to have the “cat” situation handled, so Locke took the time to open the book and properly absorb its contents. His reading comprehension was never the best, and the archaic language certainly wasn’t helping, but it appeared to be a translation of an old epic detailing the struggles of humanity under some malevolent force. He flicked to a random page somewhere towards the end.

the vessels positioned themselves
around the Altar
and spoke in unison
“enter Beast
Shadow of humanity
Evil among evils
let all darkness of the world
witness thy fate
and see their own”

and so began the sacrifice

A crimson haze crept into the corners of his vison as he read, the lines blurring together until they were near-impossible to decipher. But he kept going, enraptured and horrified by the gruesome description that followed, worse than any of the book’s previous depictions of torture and subjugation, until he too was swallowed whole by that bright, bright red.

Locke. Hands out.
Holding back a quick river of blood.
Upstream, crimson figures tear themselves apart on sharp rocks,
wearing themselves down to nothing.

Locke scrambled back, away from the terrors in front him, until he felt something painfully collide with his shoulder. It was enough to knock him back into reality, just in time to see a bookshelf teetering dangerously overtop of him. Inspired by the Guts ’s Shinx showed moments before its transformation, Shi-Shi Roleplayed it perfectly, jumping between her trainer and danger yet again.

It’s too little, too late, however, and soon both trainer Pokémon were lost beneath the shelves.

The space between the bookshelf and the floor was suffocatingly tight, then nauseatingly endless. For seconds and eons Locke fell, twisting and tumbling through nothing at all.


It ended as quickly as it had started, dropping to the ground and jarring their shoulder again. The first coherent thought that came to Locke was that they were going to have a wicked bruise in the morning. The second was that they had sand in just about every place where sand could fit, and a few places it really, really shouldn’t.

“Oh god…” Locke held a hand to their mouth, trying not to vomit, and felt a sting. The same manic energy that compelled them to read the cursed passage before swelled within them again and they ripped their glove off in a panic.

The cut on their finger, which had been healed not even an hour ago, was open and dripping as though it were a fresh wound. And it might as well have been. Warped and twisted by some divine or malevolent force, where what should’ve been nothing but a light scar, was now a single word.


Locke clutched the bloodied hand to their pounding chest as some creature skittered by too quickly to be identified. Right. Stay alert. They raised their head to peer around the room, finally taking in their situation.

What they’d landed in was actually less a room and more like part of a maze. Several small alcoves were carved into the stone each containing strange vials and a portrait that seemed to stare down at them. Graves, Locke realized with a shudder.

And it wasn’t just their surroundings that had changed. They found themselves suddenly in the company of one of the groups that had broken off from the archives, including-


The young girl, who was hanging off the back of who at this point Locke could only assume was her father, was about the only person present they recognized, save for their previous brief encounter with @doug. And she was clearly still in pain.

Doki-Doki had done what he could, but even the Audino’s healing could only do so much without proper medical treatment. “Loony-Loony, could you…?” With a frantic nod, the Drifblim draped a ribbon over ’s head, wincing a bit as he tried to help ease her suffering with Pain Split.

(I'm going to sleep for a hundred years)
Locke's Audino tries to make a nest for 's egg
Locke sees everyone has the cat handled, and opens his book
He gives it a poor review on Goodreads while his Absol tries to defend him with Guts
After falling through the rabbit hole, they arrive on Red Route
God isn't finished with them of course, and gives them a sick finger tattoo
Finally calms down enough to notice everyone else, only to panic again cause is still super injured
Has his Drifblim try to help her with Pain Split
Permanent +5
Try to hatch one of the eggs +10
Read a line from the book +20
React to someone appearing or disappearing (does himself count?) +10
Say the Lord's name in vain +10
Find sand where sand shouln't be +10
Encounter an unexpected creature +10
Inspect the alcoves +10
Use a move/ability of the same color +10
Incarceration +25
(Total: 199)
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 2:32:34 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Head tilted, eye brows raised, the scientist let out a surprised whistle as the stone began to rumble, splitting into small slices that were quick to nestle back into the walls. "Interesting," Was all he could say as he followed the group inside. There, twisted series of crypts met his eyes, eliciting a sharp curiosity within his stomach.

Atticus' hand instinctively went to fish out his phone from his pocket, but all his bloodied fingers met were the softness of sand-- another peculiar occurrence that left a rather odd taste in his mouth. Were they really in the same ancient church as before? had those creatures not sent them to another dimension entirely?

The replacement of one man for another went rather unnoticed. Both were unfamiliar to him, and thus, forgettable enough. Besides, his eyes had found themselves set straight onto one of the alcoves tucked near the end of the crypts. It was...glowing? Atticus couldn't be too certain-- his vision had felt itself growing too blurry to tell. He crept forward, slowly, inching past the others whose focuses laid elsewhere. A thick pounding clouded his ears. The sounds of chatter, dripping, and all else began to fade, replaced by this same damned pounding.

The glowing had dimmed. A figure of black was protruding out, further masking the alcove's light, and it screeched wildly. Savagely. Atticus kept inching over, head tilted, eyebrows raised. The figure grew details; shiny scales, ghastly red eyes, venomous fangs. It was hissing now.

Pain, who was not far from his trainer, was quick to hear it's devilish calling. He was also quick to notice his trainer's alarming lack of hesitance. Something was wrong. Swift and efficient actions were taken.


The figure's head was squeezed off like a broken toy. Atticus simply stared down at it's corpse.

Did all 3 red prompts + used CRUNCH
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 2:59:58 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Here’s why you don’t just go and grab a random book off the floor at some creepy old archive when standing right in front of a monster…
The pages leak!
”What the fuck… Hey, Luka, are you seeing this?”
But has her own problems to deal with, and that’s what Mars realizes when turning to look at her and seeing the way her throat begins to glow. In the light, there’s that same word that the ink wrote on his hand: AUGUR. Totally not ominous as fuck or anything.
Why has his life been filled with so many prophecies and portends lately? It’s starting to become a concerning pattern.
Mars would think as much, at least, if only he had more time to think about all this.
Black smoke.
”Pasithea, what’s going o–”
slick black mountain[break]
shin-deep in crackling skins[break]
skin purpled by vortex light[break]

A tight feeling in his chest.
And then, finally, a deep breath.
”Fuck! For Arceus’ fuckin’ sake! I swear I’m suing Anderson if I get bronchitis or something out of all of this.”
Talk about a loud entrance, huh?
More coughing.
Why is this place so damn dusty? Sure, it’s an old archive underground and all, but get a Romba in here or something.
The dust is almost like glitter, and do you even know how hard it is to get glitter off an expensive suit like this one? best believe he’s getting Mars’ dry cleaner’s bill forwarded to him!
He tries brushing it off, and as he does, someone (bless your heart, ) asks if he’s alright. ”Yeah, I’m good…”
Is he, though?
Even Mars himself doubts it.
Wait… ’You two’?
Finally turning to give his surroundings a proper look, he sees someone stepping out of the water, and of course it’s no other than the figure of toxic masculinity himself: . Do you really think Mars would ever help Kyle and his manipulative, mansplaining, malewife of a dog? Fuck no! Kiss those ten points goodbye, baby, because not even the effects of that weird Butterfree powder would make Mars break character like that.
And speaking of Butterfree powder…
At least there’s something refreshing about the aftertaste! Kind of like breath mints!
Is that the best silver lining Mars can manage here?
Probably, since looking down at his now heavily inked (quite literally so) hand and the book he’s holding, what he finds within the pages is even more concerning… Mostly because he can’t understand a damn thing! What’s a private school education good for if he can’t figure out all old languages out there, right?
Is that pH? Of 4? Isn’t that like acidic as fuck or whatever? Damn, he really should have paid more attention in chemistry class, huh? So much for that private school education of his…
There’s diagrams, and right next to the list, an image:

Looking at it, Mars frowns, and that’s when a decision is made: he really can’t be bothered with all of this right now.
Bringing out his Rotom Phone, he tries to turn on the flashlight, but apparently the damn thing isn't working at all and the Rotom within it is dead or asleep or something.
So much for having invested in the damn things.
There's no way but forward, right?
Following the scarce light cast by someone else's pokémon (once again, bless your heart, ), he ventures into the darkness.
There's no way but forward, right?


[break](+ 90 total)[BREAK]
Say the Lord's name in vain (+10)[BREAK]
React to someone appearing or disappearing (+10)[BREAK]
Identify an effect of the Butterfree powder (+10 Black)[BREAK]
Venture into the darkness (+10 Black)[BREAK]
Book Club (+ 5)[BREAK]
ACID (+ 20)[BREAK]
Incarceration (+ 25)[BREAK]



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 6:03:10 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Tldr summary because vacation.
--Oscar is bamboozled both by the sudden appearance of Mars and Katherine strolling up. He does not help Kyle, as he wants to be nowhere near either of them.
--The powder envelops him while he's distracted, resulting in his body becoming as rigid as a board. Unable to move forward himself, he commands Alice and Slayer to drag him through the open doorway. Seismo waits until every one has entered before entering itself. It is twitching with anticipation.


Didn't actually post so I am just using the codeword bonus.
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Father Bill
November 24
She's with Arceus now
78 height
78 height
I took the Sin out of Sinnoh. Want to help me put it back in Hoenn?
287 posts
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TAG WITH @bill
Bill Anderson
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 15, 2021 23:41:48 GMT
Bill Anderson Avatar

8: Your Memories
Change the Archives


In the hands of the Augurs, the mysterious tomes reveal their secrets. The actions of Luka, Chryssa, Locke, and Mars have unlocked parts of the rituals for each path.

O radiant light, that shines divine,
On God the Father's deathless face,
O vessel of the light sublime,
That fills this heav'nly dwelling place.
The RADIANT vessel is a bright Pokemon. 

The Koil from which all life begins,
The walls which birthed both song and sin,
The One who let the darkness in,
Must face his ending to begin.
The KOIL is an Egg. 

the vessels positioned themselves
around the Altar
and spoke in unison

enter Beast
Shadow of humanity
Evil among evils
let all darkness of the world
witness thy fate
and see their own

and so began the sacrifice
Gathered around the ALTAR, a passage must be spoken aloud.

Is that pH? Of 4? Isn’t that like acidic as fuck or whatever? Damn, he really should have paid more attention in chemistry class, huh? So much for that private school education of his…
There’s diagrams, and right next to the list, an image of what looks strangely like some kind of berry: An Enigma Berry.
An ACID berry is required for the ritual. 

Additional prompts have been added for each of the routes based on their findings. See the PROMPTS section for more details.

, , , and have their permanent bonus increased to +10. 


White Total over 3500 - Three Memories Ingested

The memory of 's father and Perrserker slides into the cat like soap into a warm bath. The feline's fur warps and puffs, and it takes on a clearer shape: A Persian.

Those clustered around the table are pushed back as the wooden construction grows and buckles. Wood becomes woods, as the sprawling forests of Ruby's childhood come to life around them. 

The bookshelves twist and grow, stretching up and out to form overgrown pillars of polished oak, with books sticking from gaps in the bark. The lights above them are broken or smothered by the push of the thick canopy. 

Soft dance music drifts through the trees, rousing the hearts of those trapped in the woods. There is something calming about the smell of the grand oaks, and as looks around, he will see that big hearts have been carefully carved into the bookcase-trees.

Hearts with the numbers '073,617 - 795,617' in the middle. 

's Oranguru is mistaken. As the cat changes, it pulls in more memories. 

The music slows into an easy dance melody. The sweet refrains of young love tilt slightly, merging with the melancholy of leaving home, and the long wait for the future.

Hideo finds the memory of his lesson with all the more prominent in his mind. The pair sharing chunks of their childhood while a Gengar plays music in the background. The catharsis of warm tears and cold tart.  

White Total over 4000 - Three More Memories Ingested

The trees pale, taking inspiration from 's memory of the contest. The branches spread, creaking like heaving lungs, and she will see something long and serpentine slips through the boughs.

Her Onix catches sight of the creature and Protects Kaida from its approach. The black and purple snake retreats back along the branches.

Lies. Truth twisted to broken and remade. As   recoveres from the shock of seeing her two-faced father, she catches sight of a different venomous snake. Its tongue flickers, and she can almost hear words in the hissing. She feels like the creature is beckoning her up into the high branches, promising her love and safety. And berries.

Pages sharpen and crackle underneath the boughs of the growing trees. They shatter underfoot like freshly shed shells, as 's memory shapes the woods in turn. 

The trunks of the swollen bookcases drip with sticky residue. Is it chocolate tart? Kaida's blood? Or is it merely albumin from some strange ritual?

Chryssa sees the serpent too, and notices that the branches it hangs over are lush with berries. Ripe, fruity ovum, eggs in their own right. 

Dare she brave the guardian and retrieve her bounty?

White Total over 4500 - Cat Name Unlocked

Carefully, approaches the cat. Repeating ancient words, she starts to sing. Everything stills. All eyes, seen and unseen, turn to her. Music, from beyond the ages, slips from her lips. Yawning, the cat raises its neck, revealing a collar, and a name: Pangur Bán

Then, the Persian is up and away, climbing one of the massive bookcase trees. High into the branches. Its claws tear furrows in the bark. Greenery parts overhead as it slips through the boughs and up into the next level. Hissing follows the exit of Pangur Bán, as the dark serpent waits. Slithering. 

White route prompts
  • Touch the sticky trees (+10 White)
  • Follow Pangur (+10 White)
  • Smell smoke (+10 White)


 and forge ahead through the darkness, following the will'o'wisp lights of Katherine's Sableye. They are the first to see the boats.

At the end of the slippery ramp is an abandoned dock. The planks are rotten, and they jut far out over the filthy water. Tied to moorings at the end of this forgotten jetty are a pair of small boats, each with room for a maximum of three people or Pokemon. 

The boats drift listlessly in the waterway, as if trying to pull free and make their way back upriver. Tiny lights sparkle in the darkness across the dead waters, beckoning you onwards like winking sirens.

Swimming towards the lights is possible, but those who take a dip will be unable to touch the bottom, even if they dive.

Black Total over 2500  - Contraband Uncovered

The dock is covered in crates, barrels, and more of the crumbling paper. Some of the crates still have contraband goods in them, abandoned in haste by some long-gone Ever Grande smugglers.

Illegal imports, restricted items, everything the establishment doesn't want you getting your hands on. Anything could be in these crates. Breeding permits, fake gym badges, untested Giga Potions. There is even some knockoff AQUA merchandise, like and Articuno speedos, or and Tapu Bulu body pillows.

One of the crates is a shipment of highly controlled Enigma Berries, which have since gone to seed. A twisted tree sprouts from the crate, its roots sinking deep into the waters below the dock. A rich crop of the black and white berries hangs from its branches.

, , , and have each acquired a bag of Silver Powder. It has the same effects as described in your posts. Blindness, stiffening, coughing, mild hallucinogen etc
Black route prompts
  • Take contraband goods (not including Enigma berries) (+10 Black)
  • Join/form a group of (3) and set out across the water (+10 Black)
  • Be blinded/paralyzed/confused by the powder (+10 Black)


The Agumon that notices quickly collapses under scrutiny—literally—as the orange monster bumps against one of the alcoves and part of its arm comes off in a cascade of sand. The rest of the creature comes apart in short order, and the sand returns to the floor. 

's discovery of the cracked vial is part fate and part cruel twist, as he notices that the sand flows briefly up into the container, right before it is yanked out of his hand and down into the identical gray sand covering the ground. Should he or one of his Pokemon move quickly, they will be able to grab hold of the vial, though the force pulling it away is formidable.

's descent is swift and slippery. He finds sand in his shoes, but after emptying them out they quickly fill again. Then, the truth strikes. The rocky steps have shredded his shoes and socks, leaving him with little more than tatters to protect his feet as he ventures deeper, in search of revenge.

A vast pool of opaque liquid spreads out in front of him; the lake underneath the crypts. The surface is a swirling mix of rainbow hues, like an oil slick on a wet road. Thick, viscous droplets seep through the sandy roof overhead, dropping down into the pool with wet slaps. 

There is a sound. Something wet, slapping the water in the darkness. Andy looks out over the lake to see a twisted tree sprouted from the rainbow waters. From the branches of the tree hang ripe Enigma Berries.

But before he can investigate the tree there is another flash as his white Haunter devolves again, becoming a pale Gastly

Red Total over 3000 - The Sand Rises  

With Agumon defeated, more sandy figures rise from the sandy floor. Two crimson orbs form around , reminiscent of her collection of Voltorb, though these facsimiles are far less detailed, and less prone to detonation. They circle Kano, gaining speed.

Larger, more threatening sand monsters form in the crypts. They tower over  , @hades , and , their bodies composed of as much sharp stone as they are sand.

With grinding, creaking shrieks they attack the trio. Meanwhile, more of the creatures rise and head for the alcoves, where they start to smash as many of the colorful vials as they can. Some of the creatures head further into the twisting crypts, hunting down the urns holding the ashes of the former priests.

As above, so below.

Creatures of wet sand and sharp rock form under 's feet, pushing him over as they rise to tower over him.

Faceless and relentless, they lash out at him with arms of stone. 

Red route prompts
  • Have a vial/urn break or crack (+10 Red)
  • Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings (+10 Red)
  • Oppose the sand creatures (+10 Red)


Each round, please select one move or ability, and roll with your post. The color of your move (Black, Red, White) will determine the color of your roll.

You may use both a move and an ability, if they are the same color. Doing so will provide a +10 to your roll. 

Additional moves can be used for flavor, but only one move will be taken into account. Please clearly identify which move and color you are using in your TL;DR.

The following Moves and Abilities will provide bonuses within the raid. Moves with particular importance have been underlined
It is recommended that you bring moves from multiple categories.

BLACK - Crime, Theft, Trickery

MOVES: Curse, Thief, Beat Up, Torment, Grudge, Absorb, Leech Seed, Giga Drain, Mega Drain, Strength Sap, Drain Punch, Draining Kiss, Horn Leech, Leech Life, Oblivion Wing, Parabolic Charge, Perish Song, False Surrender, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Sucker Punch, Switcheroo, Covet, Snatch, Ally Switch, Trick-or-Treat, 

ABILITIES: Frisk, Imposter, Infiltrator, Sticky Hold, Dark Aura, Cursed Body, Stakeout, Pickpocket, Prankster

RED - Pain, Injury, Passion

MOVES: Fury Attack, Cut, Dragon Rage, Rage, Spite, Outrage, Pain Split, Thrash, Bite, Crunch, Self-Destruct, Explosion, Destiny Bond, Revenge, Rage Powder, Incinerate, Work Up, Stomping Tantrum, Fishious Rend, Burning Jealousy, Bide, Guillotine, Frustration, Retaliate, Fury Cutter, Attract, Swagger

ABILITIES: Aftermath, Guts, Innards Out, Perish Body, Merciless, Anger Point, Defiant, No Guard, Intimidate

WHITE - Purification, Protection, Divinity

MOVES: Purify, Protect, Detect, Wide Guard, Meditate, Recover, Heal Bell, Hidden Power, Ancient Power, Wish, Role Play, Imprison, Refresh, Cosmic Power, Healing Wish, Heal Block, Simple Beam, Haze, Clear Smog, Stored Power, Heal Pulse, Life Dew, Bestow, Extrasensory, Secret Power, Revelation Dance, Future Sight 

ABILITIES: Sturdy, Forewarn, Friend Guard, Healer, Immunity, Natural Cure, Justified


Each round you can complete prompts to add to your rolls. Unless otherwise stated, you can only claim each bonus once per round.

Anyone can complete the prompts below, but some prompts only provide a bonus to rolls of a certain color. 

  • Use a move AND an ability of the same color (+10)
  • Ritual prompts (see below)


These prompts should be completed in a suitably amazing and believable way. They are integral to the success of each route. 

Without collecting each of the items, a route is doomed to fail.

Each player may only claim ONE of these prompts per round, though multiple players can claim a prompt. 

  • Collect an ACID berry at great cost (+10)
  • Pursue a RADIANT Pokemon into danger (+10)
  • Find new eggs or egg imagery, and draw a conclusion (+10)
  • Notice signs of a past ritual gone wrong (+10)

Everyone who correctly identified the code word Rotten can add +30 to their roll. 

The following people and Pokemon are injured

They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Reference you/your Pokemon's Injury (+10 Red )

's Claydol has made mental contact with the monster.
He has unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Something is wrong with your Pokemon (+10 Black)

The following Pokemon are fainted.
They have unlocked a new prompt for use in future posts.
Revive a Pokemon (+30 White)

, , , and have found the tomes, and have a permanent +10 bonus to their roll for each round. 


Here are some quick reminders/tips:

  • Players start with 3 Pokemon
  • Movesets are not locked
  • Use 1 move each round and Roll with your post
  • Complete prompts for a bonus to your roll
  • Identify move/ability, color, and prompts in your TL;DR

If you have any questions please DM me on Discord (D-Bug) or tag me in the #YMCA-Raid channel.

The round will end in 7 days. Friday 22nd of October 8pm Pacific Time.

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 1:13:17 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
’s reassurance helps, but just a little. Hideo knew nobody here had any idea what was going on - who could? And ’s breakdown didn’t help matters, even her Hatterene seemingly unaware of what to do other than protect her.

But Hideo’s attention is mostly elsewhere: the echoes of his voice ringing through ’s house, getting his cheeks squished by Andy’s uncle - a Yamask, the buzzing of a Ribombee butler. The admiration of how tall Andy was compared to him, their slow dance. A distraction that causes him to lose his footing and-

He felt his Krookodile’s arms around his body, his mind once again back to the real world. It was only when he was put back on his feet that he’d realized he’d fallen to the side - just as he’d done with Andy before. And once again, caught by those around him. “O-oh,” he said, regaining his balance. “Thanks for that.

He soon felt his Oranguru’s hand run along his face - only just noticing the dampness. He’d been crying without realizing it. “Wh-when did that happen?” Hideo asked, wiping his own face off with something much better at soaking up tears: his sleeve.

A quick reorientation from his Oranguru brought him up to speed: the room had changed significantly while he was caught in that memory, and the cat they’d been pursuing revealed its true form: an even bigger cat.

At least it wasn’t another weird monster.

As Hideo reached over to guide himself along the bookcase once more, he’d found just how big the changes were: it was a tree now. And a mixture of scents quickly hit his nostrils - a mixture of smoke and something very familiar.


His hand found a sticky substance on the newfound tree, and as Hideo brought it to his nose, the scent hit him once again. It definitely smelled like chocolate, but this felt a lot different. A lot stickier. “Is this some kind of tree sap?” he asked, his Pokemon looking it over before his Oranguru confirmed it. “So now bookcase trees are dripping chocolate sap?” It was absurd.

But admittedly, he was curious. “Well, won’t hurt to grab some,” he muttered, taking a bottle out of his backpack and pouring out the water inside it. Carefully, he brushed the now-empty bottle along the tree, trying to gather up some of the sap. Maybe he could use it like some kind of chocolatey syrup on pancakes or sell it for-


Hideo pulled his hand back, dropping the bottle. He felt something sharp stab his hand, and it hurt like hell. His Meowstic had spotted the filthy source and tried to Imprison it, but was too late to catch it. Best he could do was be a good Healer and patch Hideo up before they continued on. “Stupid chocolate sap tree,” Hideo muttered

Unfortunately, Hideo had gotten more than just a cut from that thing. But he wasn’t aware of it just yet.

He knelt down to pick his bottle back up - fortunately, some sap was still in it. He bottled it up and stowed it back in his bag before getting back to the business at hand. “Unless anyone else has any ideas, we should follow that cat.” Spoken to more than just his own Pokemon.

His Pokemon nodded, his Oranguru picking him up and tapping into her latent monkey energy as she climbed the bookcase with ease. His Meowstic had to resort to Psychic-ing himself up - taking the Krookodile up with him as well (with great effort). Hopefully, this cat would lead them somewhere that would bring them some answers.

Though all of them were unaware of what was waiting for them there as well.

tW8LS61N +95
+30 Rotten
+10 Sticky Tree
+10 Follow Pangur
+10 Smell Smoke
+10 Follow something Radiant into Danger
+10 Matching Ability+Attack (Healer+Imprison)
+15 ?

@ooh chocolate sap

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he/she (genderfluid)
November 17
Driftveil City
45 height
45 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
272 posts
part of
TAG WITH @cardamombliss
Cardamom Bliss
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 16, 2021 3:34:34 GMT
Cardamom Bliss Avatar
[attr="class","woo2"]Hold on, what's the rush

As more and more people whispered secrets to the cat, the world of the library warped around them, the bookcases shifting and altering themselves into something else. Not only that, but there was music playing now, soft music that summoned up even more memories and feelings. Even the cat changed, going from a vague form to a solidified species. And then he saw the heart shapes and the letters within coming out of nowhere, and let out a tiny squeak of surprise, quickly hiding his face in his book as a blush passed over it.[break][break]
However, it seemed that the memories were not only summoning positive things. There was the sound of hissing, as serpentine creatures appeared, moving threateningly among the branches of the book-trees. Still, Pangur Bán's name had been revealed, and something told him that following it was the key to solving this ritual. Getting up and tucking the book under his arm, he rushed first to the tree the Persian had been climbing, laying a hand against it and then frowning at the stickiness. As he tried to pull his hand away, he felt the residue cling at him, and a harder tug made him let out a sudden yelp as the bark scraped against his hand. Hissing, he grabbed his wrist, his hand clenching at the pain.[break][break]
Edward and Nash immediately rushed forwards, the Ghost-type holding Cardamom's hand gently and inspecting the nature of the damage. A quick use of Poltergeist seemed to imbue the residue with ghostly energy, making it intangible and floating it away from Cardamom's hand. Nash leaned forward to lick at it gently as well, before Cardamom pulled a hand towel out of his bag and wrapped his hand in it. Hum floated up last, staring with what seemed to be confusion at the blood seeping from the boy's fleshy skin.[break][break]
Before he could do anything else, he heard cry out as well. Immediately spinning around, he hurried to the younger boy's side, brows furrowed with worry. "Hideo, the trees got you too?" he asked, pulling out another hand towel. "I've got something you could use as a bandage," he offered, holding it out and waiting for a response.[break][break]
This close, however, he noticed some more carvings on the trees-carvings that had nothing to do with revealing his secret crush. No, these were runes in some older language, runes that coiled around the tree and upwards into its spiraling branches. They seemed to be preparations for some previous ritual, to perhaps purify the beast. But the sour smell of smoke that surrounded them suggested that whatever the ritual had been intended to do, it had failed. He frowned, turning back to Nash.[break][break]
"I think we need some forewarning," he murmured. The Absol nodded, eyes glowing as he prepared a Future Sight to watch out for any upcoming dangers. Cardamom knew the potential price of it, but it felt important to be as forewarned as possible right now.
tl;dr: Cardamom is extremely embarrassed by all the hearts on the trees, but decides to follow Pangur (+10), touching a sticky tree (+10) and getting scraped up. Edward uses Poltergeist to remove most of the residue, and Cardamom ties up his injury with a hand towel as well as offering one to Hideo. He also notices signs of a failed ritual (+10), particularly smelling smoke (+10). Nash uses Future Sight to be forewarned of danger. Also points for the codeword (+30) and the secret (+15).[break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]pronouns; he/him


[attr="class","woo5"]notes some notes go here


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2021 4:01:56 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida shuddered at , feeling like a child trying to understand something unknowable as she gazed upon her Shinx's egg, "Are you saying, she will be different if she hatches...holy? Maybe?" If that was the case, was there still a chance of getting Odindottir back? As long as this egg birthed...something? She shook her head wildly, not wanting to consider such exceptionally deep consequences. "I don't care what happens when she hatches, just make her hatch." Was it possible it would be another monster, yes, but they'd deal with it like everything else. By defeating it.

She felt blood leave her face as the trees summoned by 's memories turned stark white, dripping with an ichor she didn't dare try to smell...she didn't know what she'd do if they smelled of iron and burns. She tried to hide such discomfort, averting her eyes downwards and sucking in a breath. Yes. Death had visited her. That meant she could take this risk. It wouldn't matter to put her life in danger, for it was already forfeit.

Regardless, she wasn't reckless. She didn't want to die, simply recognized the lesser worth...it made her brave. "Make sure she hatches," She spoke to her Houndoom, still with the Shinx egg, and walked up to her Onix, "That cat's name is Pangur, I saw...let's go after him, he may help." While mysterious, it didn't seem it wanted to harm them...she hoped. Maybe it was just leading them out of its territory.

Kjoll lowered his head, taking Kaida on before rising up. The Onix was tall, but not yet tall enough to follow the cat in entirety, and groaned mournfully as he was short. "It's ok, Kjoll. She patted the Onix before standing up, looking about and crinkling her nose as the scratching smell of smoke demanded attention. Perhaps they could have him wrap around the tree and-

Her eyes settled upon an Enigma Berry, tilting her head at it, Kaida felt curiosity start to rise in her chest. In a place underground, in a church, with all these strange occurrences, was it possible to assume the berries grown from their memories held a sort of power? Looking upon the path of her gaze, it seemed Kjoll agreed, and his eyes glowed as Ancientpower constructed a careful bridge for the woman, the branches too close together for the Onix to risk sticking his head in.

And Kaida crossed, too curious, too little fear. The serpent's within the tree were dark, surely she'd see a strike coming.

The tree stuck unpleasantly to her hands as she pawed twigs out of her way, and she broke eye contact, clicking her tongue before reaching for the berry. She grabbed the berry, and something else grabbed her. She only had a flash of pain in her arm before she was suddenly wrenched off her feet. Somewhere above her, Kjoll roared, moving too late to catch her as she tumbled down. Berry in hand, right on top on branches crudely curled upwards.

If her blood wasn't dripping from the trees before, it sure was now.

q0RzQ_z_ (+55 WHITE)

TLDR: Kaida is freaked out by , but willing to play along. As the place changes, she concludes that she is the one that is most appropriate to take any risks, and tried to follow Pangur atop her Onix. They fall a little short, and she smells smoke and notices berries. Thinking they might hold a power like everything else down here, Kaida has her Onix use Ancientpower to get her across her where the Enigma (ACID) berry is, and picks it (touching sticky trees in the process). She is pulled in and off her Ancientpower bridge, and will land on some branches (her GREAT COST).

Touch the sticky trees (+10 White)
Follow Pangur (+10 White)
Smell smoke (+10 White)
Collect an ACID berry at great cost (+10)
? (+15)

Odinsdottir (Shiny!)
Ulf (Shiny!)

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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
110 posts
Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 17, 2021 7:44:37 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


The attempt to find the answer behind the peculiarity of the statues fall short, everyone decides to drum to their own beat not wanting to shares their finding. If that's the case - She pocketed back the statue to her pocket and play her own drum as she looks around for other details that she might miss. Picking up another vial and raised it to the sky, trying to look for some sort of impurity within it but no luck. However, through the translucency of the liquid, she sees pass through it and notices something within the alcove painting right across the room. Staggering her feet towards it, Kano notices a familiar face within the painting - A face that shouldn't be here at all yet she sees it, the face of her two favorite nieces and nephew, @benjamin and @leeja. Before she is able to make out the meaning, the vial suddenly cracked and the liquid splashed to the sand beneath her. [break][break]

Two disfigured Voltorb made out of the sand float and circle the doctor, gaining speed as they keep moving. "Did you think I would feel bad attacking if you take the form of my pokemon?" Kano asks particularly to no one with a rhetorical question. Then she realized something else - Numerous sand creatures appears and start to destroy the vials. "Protect the vial! If they are destroying it that means the vial holds some important meaning!!" Kano shouts at , @hades, , , and . Hajime unleashes all of his Frustration and strikes the disfigured Voltorb which only leads to it crumbles momentarily and reform again slowly. Realizing that, Kano decides to shift her mindset and attempt to scatter the sand more thinly, and to do that - A sacrifice needs to be made (again) "Dairoku scatter all of the sand with EXPLOSION" The Voltorb that just got revived previously now go back to the kamikaze route and create a massive explosion that scatters all of the sand that form those two voltorbs and they are gone for good. Meanwhile, Kano got shoved away due to the blast opening the injuries that she got earlier. [break][break]

Have a vial break (+10)[break]
Find a familiar face in the alcove paintings (+10)[break]
Oppose the sand creatures (+10)[break]
Hajime the voltorb use FRUSTRATION[break]
Dairoku the voltorb use EXPLOSION and now fainted once again[break]
Reference to her own injury (+10)[break][break]

RkLTpv10(+40 red)



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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 1:00:37 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron got a new bag of powder from the damn Butterfree. Freaking things. If one thing was going right in following and was that his vision wasn't getting any worse yet. And that was what made him afraid...slightly. His anxiety wasn't much with Trevenant around. When they emerged, there was a dock that he could make out, plus two boats, both just barely large enough to fit three people/Pokemon. Frowning, he also looked through some of crates around. Trevenant had to use Horn Leech to pry one of the crates open. Fake gym badges from what he could make out. Along with some kind of documents. He took some of the fake gym badges to turn in later and let the authorities know what was down here. Then he headed off to one of the boats. With some help from his tree, he got in, took his Shuppet egg, and recalled both Trevenant and Magnemite into their Pokeballs. His vision was steadily getting worse, and at this point, he was completely blind. Fuckin hell. "That stupid Butterfree powder made me blind...sorry guys..." He muttered when he heard someone get near. At least he was fairly small, even when huddled around a Pokemon egg to make room for two more people.

grab contraband + 10

get Blinded by powder +10

join group for boats +10

Trevenant used Horn Leech

Has a bag of Silver Powder that'll cause blindness.

DlyC8h6U +30
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
part of
TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 4:15:51 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

Unfortunately, it becomes very clear that there won’t be enough room for both kyle, her, and their pokemon. One has to be left behind, or rather, recalled. “amethyst, you don’t mind waiting until we cross the river. right?” something told her that it’d be easier to convince the ghost to go back into their pokeball rather than argue with kyle to recall his dog.
besides, this shouldn’t take too long.
“do you know how to work a boat?” she gestures at the first of them, an attempt at drawing kyle’s attention. “i don’t feel like swimming. so... i hope you know how to get this thing moving.”
while she leaves the champion to take care of the boat, her eyes wander elsewhere until resting upon a particular crate, GYM BADGES. admittedly, she doubted that they were the real deal, but she still wanted to find a fake clairvoyance badge. try as she might, katherine fails to open the crate and instead ends up injuring herself. a splinter of wood leaves her digit with a paper cut.
“ow!” sableye, who still hasn’t gone back into their pokeball, doesn’t wait before providing some help. The prankster ghoul is quick to snatch a badge with a feint attack. Unfortunately, it ends up being the wrong fake badge.
Why would she want a silph one?
“yuck.” it’s tossed away before katherine finally recalls her partner and gets on the boat. ”this place is giving me bad vibes. I swear, i saw some blood on some of those crates.” as the words happen to part through her lips, kyle’s dog happens to notice a ritual dagger stained with dried blood, immediately causing kat’s eyes to avert in that direction. what the hell happened here?
Why are churches so weird?
“let's just go. we probably don't want to stay in one place for too long.”
M91uj2KA +55[break]
- steal contraband goods [fake silph badge] +10[break]
- form a group (kat, kyle, his filthy dog) +10[break]
- notice signs of a past ritual gone wrong +10[break]
- used a black move & ability +10[break]
- ? +15[break]

[attr="class","ooc"] @/ymca [break]


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YMCA [Raid]
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2021 15:28:07 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he's pretty sure being cut from the jagged walls of the red route and then dropped into murky waters of the black route's going to infect his open cuts soon. not knowing much of botany, however, he's not sure if the herbs he got from it will save it. he decides to just wallow in it. it takes a while before an infection kicks in, right?

kyle raced to the docks when he sees it, inspecting the goods while takes her attention to the boats first. he finds a shirt with his face on it and gestures his mightyena to come over, only for the dog to get baited into wearing it. he'd take one for himself as well if the elite four didn't call for his attention.

boats. fun.

"kinda." he swivels his sore shoulders around as he prepares to man the boat. "we did this a lot for ranger training too. not really sure why when we have pokemon."

this was one of such times where it comes in handy though. all those boat riding drills will finally get to be useful.

when katherine points out the blood, kyle can't help but turn his head to the same knife that his mightyena had noticed. "snatch," he murmurs to his mightyena, who then takes the knife. weird shit was already happening in this place, so he wouldn't be surprise if the entire place was enchanted by some pokemon. taking in its effects would be fine if it meant dispelling them, he supposed.

further digging by his mightyena reveals a pokemon egg from underneath the paraphernalia. he guesses it's a pokemon from other people in their group who got lost in the same way as him, and it'll be a nice gesture to return it to them along the way. given how the only way forward was the boats, that's where he assumes the egg's owner will be.

"you like arceus stuff, right?" he asks as he boards the boat with his egg. the mightyena comes with them with the knife still in its mouth. "it has some connection with eggs right? wouldn't it be cool if this place slowly sapped life force as some kind of ritual to get one of them to this realm? that's the kind of vibes i'm getting."

it was all of jest, but it followed traditional video game plots.

one thing working under a tradition heavy gym such as blackthorn does is get him acquainted with legends. he does remember some talks about some super secret arceus temple on johto back when he stayed there, which got him curious one time. as with most things kyle gets interested in, it quickly died before he can get too much into it.

it was just a passing thought, but he might as well use it to make small talk.

kyle boards the boat and settles himself to row as he hands the pokemon egg to without much explanation. from there, he gets in position to get the boat forward. the mightyena, even with a knife in its mouth, remains focused to alarm its trainer for any incoming danger.

for all he knows, they were at the back of the group since he hasn't noticed anyone else after dropping in.

normally, he'd complain about doing work. unfortunately, objectives have changed and, having learned not to rely on anyone else to complete them, doesn't mind taking the reins.

IybHcoOM (+45)
Take contraband goods (+10 Black)
Join/form a group of (3) and set out across the water (+10 Black)
Find new eggs or egg imagery, and draw a conclusion (+10)
? (+15)


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