snowboy showdown

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 7:13:39 GMT
luka chêne Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]SNOWBOY SHOWDOWN




Fluffy snowflakes float lazily in the air, blanketing the ground in brilliant white. Your breath fogs in the chilly winter air, and you can feel your nose begin to redden from the cold. This is still Hoenn...right?[break][break]

Research at the Weather Institute has gone amiss! The institute's work with Castform has created an unforeseen snowfall on Route 119, creating a short-lived winter wonderland to the delight of citizens unaccustomed to so much snow. Festivities have quickly sprung up around this phenomenon: ice skating, hot chocolate stands, and snowball fights abound.[break][break]

Fairy lights twinkle from snow-laden boughs, beckoning everyone to come and join the fun. A few cheeky sprigs of mistletoe can be found amongst the garlands that adorn pop-up stalls and warming tents. A hoard of Galarian Darmanitan have joined the fray as well, and smaller Darumaka play in the snow around their feet.[break][break][break][break]


A contest to see who can craft the perfect snowboy has quickly earned some buzz. The judges are the esteemed Darmanitan, who view each and every snowball with a discerning eye. Can you create a snowboy good enough to impress them?[break][break]

In this mega-thread, your character can interact with others and play around in the snow while they attempt to create the perfect snowboy! Characters that succeed will be able to redeem a special prize, including one grand prize winner at the end.[break][break][break][break]


Include a roll at the bottom of each post to craft a part of your snowboy. You must obtain all three parts in order to make one perfectly and claim your prize!

  • Bottom: 1-33
  • Middle: 34-66
  • Top: 67-100
Participants are welcome to post as often as they like, but can only roll once per day to build their snowman. You do not have to reference the building of a snowman in every post and may engage in other activities with your character and others.[break][break]
Including one of the following prompts into your post will allow you to add or subtract 10 points from your roll:

  • Have an ice-type Pokemon in your party
  • Throw a snowball at another character
  • Make a snow angel
  • Help keep another character warm
  • Reference a winter sport
  • Decorate a snowboy
  • Catch a snowflake on your tongue
  • Reference a holiday movie
Only one prompt may be included per post. You may use more than one prompt per day, and can reuse prompts if necessary for the roll bonus.[break][break]
Members that include all prompts throughout their posts will be eligible for a special grand prize! The winner will be randomly selected when the event ends.[break][break][break][break]


After creating a perfect snowboy, you may redeem one of the following as a gacha Pokemon from the site shop


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December 31
60 height
60 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
138 posts
Nia Acadia DOLLARS
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Nia Acadia
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 8:55:42 GMT
Nia Acadia Avatar
[attr="class","prismatic d-theme"]
[attr="class","prismatic-border prism-one"]
[attr="class","prism-oneheader prism-imgbg"]
The Lord Giveth and The Lord Taketh Away

When you practically live with three ice-type Pokemon, cold has never bothered Nia in the slightest bit. What bothered her the most is the inconsistency of the weather in this particular route. Throughout the year, there shouldn't be any winter in this particular area yet here they are. Well, as long as everyone is happy, Nia can only shrug it off and smile. She also likes winter after all.

Nia participated in the contest where one should make a perfect Snowboy. Nia rolls a Pokeball on her hand and quickly toss it into the air, unleashing Nina from her home. As Nina lands on the ground, snow starts to fall from her surroundings - The mystical nine tales that bring snow everywhere she goes appear on the field and let out soft cries. "Good girl" Nia rubs Nina's soft fur that makes her purr.

"Let's make a snowman together, okay Nina?"

- Nina the Alolan Ninetails appear bringing snow due to her SNOW WARNING
- Prompt: Have an ice-type Pokemon at your party

XG7U10aE (+10) = Bottom

[attr="class","prism-notes"]this is a note
[attr="class","credits"]made by gimmick

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March 26th
Chroma Highlands, Almia
Bounty Hunter/Ethologist
You say you're a god man, so what I'm the devil herself
199 posts
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TAG WITH @aura1
Yvaine Varron
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 12:05:42 GMT
Yvaine Varron Avatar

Snow. God, how long had it been since she'd last seen the chilled white blankets of frost thrown across nature like this? Yvaine had not purposely made her way to this route to gaze upon this seemingly odd phenomenon, but the amount of advertising and rumours had unconsciously driven her this way; admittedly, the bounty hunter did not mind at all. It only served as a reminder of the times when she was young; she and her father spent their winters up in the mountains. And although training had been the root of it all back there, to get painfully accustomed to the cold and build a resistance against the constant drop and rise of temperatures, she could still remember the rare moments she was granted to bond with her then-Zorua.

The Zoroark beside her too seemed to remember those times fondly. Though moreso the playful parts than their rigorous training; even now she could see it spacing out as it gazed upon the many Snowboys being made. She could see it scuffle, bend down and pitter patter around with its paws to try and make small snowballs. The way it looked at her with a surprisingly effective pair of puppy-dog eyes, as if it was trying to beg for her to consider joining in on the competition too. "You know that's not what we're here for…" she'd start, only to reconsider her words when its pout intensified and poked the ball of snow it'd made.

Zoroark never pouted. It also never made requests, however much a request you could call this. And in all honesty, there wasn't really any reason for them being here other than dumb luck. Yvaine adjusted her jacket a bit more when snow started falling out of the blue, and sighed, nodding at her Zoroark. "Fiiiine. Just this once, okay? Go find us a good spot so we can get started." A smile crossed her lips as she followed the giant illusion fox darting off, sauntering past a pale-haired woman and her Alolan Ninetails. If she recalled correctly, these species of Ninetails had a special ability that could conjure snow… was that the reason why snow had started falling so randomly? A soft shrug followed as she moved on, one of her hands touching the belt with pokéballs on her waist, contemplating whether she should call forth another of her pokémon from their pokéball, or to keep it at a private bonding session with her beloved partner.


Snowboy: Bottom acquired


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,493 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 12:55:57 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar

Snow was pretty rare in Hoenn, even in the wintertime. Hideo was used to the faux-snow in Slateport, but he was more than receptive to the real stuff. And there was plenty of stuff to do here, like build snowboys!...something Hideo wasn’t very good at.

Hideo was fortunate that his Crabominable was more capable of building snowboys than he was, in spite of a lack of fingers. His Pokemon was just punching the snow, yet that was enough to build it up into larger spheres, steadily building towards a snowboy. He didn’t question his Pokemon’s superior dexterity.

He also let his Froslass out of her Pokeball, just to keep him company. Hideo walked along the route, checking if anyone else he knew was on this route, even if they were more likely to spot him first.

Y4rUwx8D+10 = 26
Bottom acquired

Ice-type Pokemon in party

Snowboy Progress:
Bottom: ✓
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 15:13:06 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

he looked between his hands, in one was a snowball perfectly crafted to be thrown at someone, in the other was a pokeball that held within it a pokemon that was more than eager to help him out with this little challenge. kazimir dropped the snowball and let out his ice horse glastrier as it emerged with a whinny and ran off without kazimir even getting a word in asking it to help him out. guess it got a little tired of being cooped up in a pokeball, well it was kazimir's own fault for never letting it run around but after sootopolis it seemed like having a horse around danger didn't really seem like a smart idea for the most part.

at least it seemed to be having fun. with that kazimir looked at the dropped snowball that was only half crushed and began to push it along the snow with his foot until it actually resembled something that could be used as a snowboy body part.


+add 10
editors note: bottom acquired!
@snowboy showdown
ice type pokemon prompt!

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Gavin Merlino
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
No cost too great. No mind to think. No will to break.
8,047 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:05:30 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
It's with a sense of childlike wonder that Gavin beholds an unlikely winter wonderland in the middle of the ordinarily tropical Hoenn. It reminds him of when they'd had a particularly chilly winter a couple years back, and the lodge had collapsed under the weight of unexpected snows.

More than that, it reminds him of — not a home, but a birthplace. Circhester.

The Darmanitan resembling those from the region certainly don't help the heady dose of nostalgia. Gavin takes a few pictures on his phone, breath misting white in the chilly air and fingers numb with the cold.

Look at this! It's on Route 119, by the Institute; we should meet up!

He texts his partner, , before pocketing the phone.

He's a grown ass man and a war criminal besides, but that doesn't stop him from kneeling down in the fresh snow and gathering up the beginnings of a snowball. He hasn't built a snowman since he was a little kid.

After some consideration, he releases his Alolan Ninetales for company, his presence bringing a fresh flurry of snow.

DHLZGqX6 +/- 10 (ice-type)

top / middle / bottom
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:15:24 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Heavy snowfall in Hoenn?
A sight to see, even for Mars who will always and forever consider himself to be meant for the warmth of summer days by the sea. He will always be a certain appreciation for the beauty of winter, perhaps because his first pokémon had been no other than an Ice type, out of all things.
Ice type which stays close by his side as he looks at his surroundings, watching familiar faces and strangers alike play with their pokémon and build snow boys. It looks like it could be a fun activity for the pokémon, and when has Mars ever been one not to love a good competition?
”Should we participate too, Mel?” When addressed, the Glaceon’s large ears perk up, wagging her diamond-tipped tail. A faint smile tugs at Mars’ lips when watching her, and reaching for two Luxury Balls, he calls out both his Amaura and Aurorus, the dinosaurs seeming all too pleased with the snowy environment.
”Alright. Let’s do this.” He grins, confident as ever.
Grown man out here building snowmen with his pokémon? Sure, why the hell not? POG Bank's CEO is just so fun and relatable and nice, you know? Not a bad guy at all...


[break]- Have an ice-type Pokemon in your party
[break]- Top acquired!


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
4,877 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:28:42 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]sleighbells ring, are you listening?
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]walking in a winter wonderland
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Snow! How pretty it is to watch the snowflakes as they twirl and spiral in their fall, gracefully descending from the skies to blanket the land for as far as the eyes can see. Rubbing her hands together with a quiet 'brr', Eris is quick to pull on a pair of skitty-patterned gloves, grinning a little as she reaches down to grab a handful of snow.
When she's busy patting the snow into shape, Reiner raises a brow, pacing around her for a second before promptly flinging a paw-ful of powdered snow at her back. She lets out a soft squeak at the sudden chill, but soon retaliates by tackling him into a nearby snowbank.
It is mid-fall that she notices three familiar figures in particular, her gaze flitting to meet Reiner's. And his grin mimics her own, the duo dusting themselves off as they gather and form their ammo. Their three targets are the backs of , and ; Each standing in clear view, prime for a rather unfortunate end.
And with that... Ready, aim, fire!
- Throwing snowballs at other characters![break]
8aRgPG|e + 10[break]
Snowboy progress: Bottom - Middle - Top

KAY OF PIXEL PERFECT[break][break]
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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
617 posts
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TAG WITH @jessica
Jessica Manner
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:33:11 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
Snow falling from the sky? Hot drinks passed out to everyone around? Snow ball fights abound?

Jessie was at route 119 as fast as she could make it.

She found the sight to be magical as she approached the winter wonderland, spotting the Galarian Darmantian standing proudly as people began to construct their snowmen from the falling snow. She, too, felt compelled to create her own snow creature and make it as cute as possible.

White flakes freckled her pink hair as Jessie stooped down to compact snow and roll it into a ball. She was determined to try and make the best possible snow person possible.

However, as she looked up, she spotted . Distracted from her mission, she smirked. A few smaller balls were created, and she hid behind the ball she created, potentially not well hidden at all.

"Hey! Mars!"

The ball left her hand and was flung at the admin. A poor choice for a normal Rocket, but Mars was like a brother to her. So, of course, Jessica was compelled to throw snow balls at him and start a snow ball fight with him!

Looked like she wasn't alone in throwing one at him either. had the same idea, pelting him in snow balls.

kiRVE7dv + 10

top - middle - bottom

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,493 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 16:51:17 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar

And as he thought, someone else did indeed find him first. But their introduction wasn't made with words; Hideo felt the projectile nail him right in the back, the boy jumping up a little from the sudden surprise. He didn't know who it came from, but he doubted it was some random serial snowballer.

A mischievous grin reached his face, and the boy knelt down, gathering some snow of his own. "Well if that's how you're gonna say hello," he muttered, gripping the snowball in his hand.

He stood back up, turning back. "Then hello to you too!"

He tossed the snowball where he thought the thrower was - which was a complete guess. He knew they were behind him, but he didn't know where in particular.

Chances were someone completely innocent was about to get hit by it.

Throw a Snowball at another character

Snowboy Progress:
Bottom: ✓
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,711 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 17:38:02 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
A text pulls Temp out of the busy day he's having.

It's from , the message itself making him grin while the pictures confuse him. Was that snow? Like, actual snow? Not the fake stuff or the stuff brought on by pokemon like he'd seen in Slateport? Actual, real, from the sky, natural snow is not something he's ever seen before. Even if he's busy, Temp finished up what he can so he can head to Slateport and catch a Corviknight Taxi.

It's cold, which Temp had known it would be, but he's currently freezing his ass off! Turns out his more tropical clothing didn't do shit against the winter, especially since he has never been in the weather before. By the time he tracks down his boyfriend, he's already trembling like a wet cat and his nose red and runny.

"Ci- Babe!"

A snowball whizzes past him from , who Temp waves at, as he tosses out a pokeball and releases his Dewgong. Lifeguard could use a holiday and the Dewgong is delighted. She barks before she starts to bounce in that seal way, gaining speed on the snow until she shoots off like a rocket- sailing past , and , then finally .

"It's so cold here, dude!" When Temp meets up with Gavin, finally, he tries to steal a quick peck.


bring an ice type = +/10
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 17:57:21 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

”I think that one’s too small, it might be good to go at the top.” As should only be expected, Mars watches and comments on his pokémon’s work, ever one to be fit for delegating and supervising. Why get his own hands cold when he has Icy type pokémon? That’s just how it goes!
Focus on the task at hand as he is, his guard lowers just enough for him to be started when a snowball hits his back, tension immediately rising as he looks at his surroundings. The second snowball is dodged, and because of dodging it a third one hits his shoulder. What the hell?!
is all too easy for Mars to recognize by voice alone, and the other two “attackers” are quickly identified as and – as well as the fact that he apparently wasn’t their only target. Are those and ? Talk about a coincidence…
So, that’s how it is, huh? Kids playing around in the snow? Who is Mars to deny them that?
Although, of course he’s also going to teach them a lesson or two…
”You’re not going to let her get away with that, are you?” It’s with a smirk that he calls out to , lightly teasing, and as if understanding his intentions, the Aurorus prepares a snowball and places it in Mars' hand. Now, blame knowing how to pitch a baseball, blame the years of playing beer pong and darts at frat parties, or blame being taught how to throw knives, but Mars can sure do a precise throw, and the snowball is soon sent flying straight for ’s face.
”No hard feelings, Jessie!”
A second one is soon aimed towards , and we’re not forgetting about either.
Aurorus works fast, okay?!



[break]- Throw a snowball at another character


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Jessie, née Black
April 9
Canalave City
dancin' down on sunset strip
617 posts
part of
TAG WITH @jessica
Jessica Manner
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 21:20:49 GMT
Jessica Manner Avatar
Jessica watched as her snowball made contact, though 's seemed to be dodged because was a doo doo head who couldn't allow fun. She stuck her tongue out at him, looking over at the younger girl with a thumbs up.

However, when she did that, she felt a snowball hit her right in the face!


"Mars! That's playing dirty! Face isn't allowed!" she whined.

She also noticed that his Pokemon was churning out snowballs like that guy from the movie Elf in that city park... Central Park? Totally not fair.

Jessie was temporarily distracted by 's Dewgong, unable to hide an amused look as it took off like a rocket in the snow. Then her eyes locked back with Eris.

"Hey, let's team up and take down Mars, yeah?"

She shot a look back at him, sticking her tongue out before pelting him with another snow ball.

- jessie got hit in the face by !
- she got distracted by 's dewgong; it's so cute!
- suggested she and become teammates to take mars down...

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played by


September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
part of
TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2021 23:25:30 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
111 for @open
u seeing this??

The text was accompanied by a hastily snapped photo of the unusually snow-covered forest outside of Fortree and sent to .

Only in Hoenn.

Locke wasn’t going to turn down a little snow day though. He summoned the last of his Delibird and tucked their Pokéballs away while they raced around. Everyone except Pip-Pip at least, who seemed significantly less enthused about the sudden drop in temperature than his ice-type companions. The Piplup snuggled up closer to his trainer’s leg with an annoyed chirp.

“Ya know you’ll warm up faster if ya just run around some.” Locke sighed as they bent down to pick up the prissy penguin.

Have an ice-type Pokemon in your party +10=100
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
now you got me blushin'
5'6" height
5'6" height
✨ I'm addicted to shining and glowing
2,688 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
snowboy showdown
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2021 3:47:43 GMT
mint frost Avatar

He wouldn’t consider himself a professional snowboy maker. It wasn’t like he was from Snowpoint or somewhere equally chilly. But he had enough experience with snow, and it seemed like fun. Even if all this snow was potentially toxic to their collective health, he’d pretend it was all ok. Without a fuss, Mint had set to work, skirting around the snowball fight seemed to be entrenched in. He dind’t have time for that. [break][break]

Gelatto stood with him, padding and rolling around in the snow excitedly. He had hated Hoenn the minute he had stepped foot in it. While it wasn’t as bad as when they’d first arrive, the Ninetails still tended to overheat easily. The snow was also a reminder of home. Not that Mint would like him calling it that anymore. He lay on his back, watching as his trainer set to work. While mint diligently rolled for the base of his snowboy, the fox pokemon sniffed around avoiding the ruckus and seeking out companionship of his own. A new scent easily lead him to a Glaceon who, upon seeing, he immediately yipped at in greeting and a shy sort of invitation for play time. [break][break]

Mint just barely glanced up at his partner, focused more on his work. “Gelatto? Be nice!” he warned unsure if the dual type was about to get a serious case of the zoomies the minute he interacted with another ice type. [break][break]



+ top | middle | bottom +10[break][break]

Have an ice-type Pokemon in your party [break]
Throw a snowball at another character [break]
Make a snow angel [break]
Help keep another character warm [break]
Reference a winter sport [break]
Decorate a snowboy [break]
Catch a snowflake on your tongue [break]
Reference a holiday movie [break]




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