i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 10:46:10 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]S.P.E.C.T.R.A. EXAMS





A resounding beep signals the reactivation of the speaker system before an announcer— adorable in tone— speaks to the PARTICIPANTS gathered at the center of the stadium:[break][break]

"Attention: the first S.P.E.C.T.R.A. exam will begin shortly. Prior to initiation, please ensure your Pokémon are in accordance with the guidelines printed on your invitations. I, Scribe ANANOVA IYATOLI will now enter the holo-deck to impart an optional safety measure and a few specifics regarding the assessment."[break][break]

Sure enough, the last person to enter through the stadium's massive gates is a young girl. Thick black twin-tails bounce with every step as she proceeds forward with a data-pad and pen in hand. Spectacled, and carrying a messenger bag, it is perhaps clear to most that this is the 'scribe' the announcement was referring to.[break][break]

She comes to a stop when she's a few meters away from the group, lifting her device and scanning them with a serious expression before lowering it once more. "43 participants. 19 special referrals. The exam today will focus on scoring each of your capabilities as a trainer, with an emphasis on uniting against stronger foes. We will be drawing from real world data to create an almost entirely physical simulation. For this purpose, we now offer you all a FOCUS BAND."[break][break]

With a press of a button, a small fleet of PORYGON-2 enter the holo-deck from behind her. There are exactly 43 of them, one for each participant, and they all soundlessly fly towards the one they've been assigned. Once they've reached them, each Porygon-2 bows their head to offer a strange device looped around their neck.[break][break]

"These bands offer a failsafe to anyone wearing them, preventing the program from permanently injuring or killing someone. Wearing them will not effect your scoring. Not wearing one will invite... difficulty. Please choose as you see fit, and allow me to remind you that this is the last chance to opt out before we seal the gate."[break][break]

The young scribe stands there afterwards, watching and waiting for each of her Porygon-2 to fulfill their current purpose and return from whence they came. Meanwhile, all around them, semi-transparent surroundings glitch in and out like phantom scenes:[break][break]

A food stall. A carnival game. A lighthouse. Holograms of faceless people laughing and 'eating' cotton candy.[break][break]

NEW OBSERVERS, please reference the introduction for information on the setting and the event itself, prior to joining in with a post.[break][break]

PARTICIPANTS, you may take this time to:[break][break]

☐ edit and/or lock-in the three Pokémon you wish to use[break]
☐ indicate whether or not your character is wearing a FOCUS BAND (important information found in rules below)[break]
☐ form a team and discuss plans[break]
☐ ask ANANOVA IYATOLI a question[break]
☐ exit the event should your character wish to do so[break][break]

PROCTORS? Place your final bets.



This mini-event is NON-DEATH ENABLED to participants who choose to wear a FOCUS BAND: the likelihood of injury is still high, but wearing it in no way effects scoring. Those who opt out of wearing a band enter the exam DEATH-ENABLED. Mainly, this provides an increase to difficulty. Though it may result in permanent injury/death.[break][break]

PARTICIPANTS, please indicate whether or not your character is wearing a FOCUS BAND somewhere in their post.[break][break]

To easily differentiate one group from another, everyone is asked to mark whether they are in the OBSERVATION DECK, CONTROL ROOM, or PARTICIPATING, somewhere in their post.[break][break]

As of 02/26, 12PM PST, sign-ups for PARTICIPATION have closed.[break][break]

The rules for all current PARTICIPANTS are as follows:[break][break]
  • No legendary or mythical Pokémon. Exceptions made for Ultra Beasts.
  • Avatar abilities are allowed.
  • No more than three Pokémon each.
  • No more than one Pokémon out at one time.
  • You are allowed to summon that one Pokémon prior to the exam starting.

OBSERVERS & PROCTORS you may post multiple times during this round, but no double-posting.[break][break]

PARTICIPANTS you may only post once during this round.




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october 1st
castelia city, unova
do not perceive me
50 height
50 height
co było, nie wróci
180 posts
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TAG WITH @izydor
Izydor Baranowski
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 14:28:06 GMT
Izydor Baranowski Avatar

's touch is brief as he walks past, taking Izzy by surprise for only a moment. After then, he realises it's not that crazy that Bee would be here for the same reasons Izzy was: to prove himself, to get stronger. Though after seeing what his apartment looked like, he was pretty sure Bee didn't need any extra money from this, at least. The look he gets says 'what are you doing here?', but Izzy can't bring himself to reply, even nonverbally. No matter what they had or were, Bee had to understand that Izzy couldn't give in to himself when it came to work, else he risked fading away entirely. He had to be in a specific headspace for this kind of thing.[break][break]

Just before he can shake it off, though, he's approached by a woman he recognises somewhat from odd jobs here and there. An electrician, he's pretty sure - so makes sense why he might have seen her around briefly, considering some of his own roles on the sub. He appreciates her checking in on him, but with everyone around and the hot heat of stares on the back of his head from the upper stands, Izzy can't tell her the exact truth right now.[break][break]

"Yeah, nah, I'm fine. No puking here" He raises a brow at her. "...What about you?" The situation was no-doubt stressful for almost everyone here.[break]
He says almost because, as then points out, some people seemed to be really anticipating today's events. Fuckers wandered in looking like they were ready for a league raid or something, and it made Izzy's pulse quicken. He had to try and match up against assholes like that?[break][break]

Talking about assholes, a newbie enters the fray that Izzy's never seen before. Some sweet-looking girl, and by the look of her, Izzy couldn't help but wonder if she was some fancy science-type who'd never done hard work in her life. She announces the rules of what was happening, and then a quadrillion Porygon-2 enter. A band is gifted, which Izzy holds awkwardly in his hand for a moment.[break][break]

If he wanted to grow in rocket and not live his life mission paycheck-to-mission paycheck, he would have to take risks. [break][break]

Izzy hands the band back to the Porygon-2, which gives him a tilt of the head. If the assholes upstairs wanted to watch a show, he could be a show.[break][break]

The next step of the exams was right on the horizon, and they were just about to dip into it, he could feel it. He releases his SKARMORY from her ball pre-emptively - might be best to have something out in case they get dumped right into the fray.[break][break]

As for teaming up... he glances back at . "...You... staying here? If you've got other people to see, don't let me stop you"

[attr="class","izrigidtag"]@ spectra



[break]+ participating
[break]+ refuses the focus band
[break]+ asks tsundere-style if she wants to be in a team
[break]+ sends out skarmory


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[newclass=.izrigidpokes img] margin-top: 10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 17:04:12 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam politely refuses the focus band from the porygon2 when they come. he's here to show off, and you can't show off if you don't have the handicap, which they would definitely need after reveals a vital information for the first round.

"a raid boss!" priam exclaims.

he quickly looks around for a particular person he might have left for a bit, but not before turning back to . "let me know if you wanna tag along! i'm gonna ask someone first!" it was rude not to invite after all, but at the same time, he doesn't know her enough to force her in.

not unlike .

eyes quickly find him in the sea of people socializing with each other in the middle, a mischievous smirk plastered on his face. it was inevitable. nothing would separate him from his partner in crime in these kinds of situation.

"oscargo!" he calls, likening him to a magcargo with his current walking pace with a cane. "if you know, you know. this is happening!"

they basically share the same braincell on many major events that the competition just wouldn't be fair with the two of them together.

  • participating
  • refusing the focus band
  • invites chryssa
  • jumps oscar


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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
493 posts
Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 17:40:39 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar

”Woah! Those are some neat bands you got there! How do you stop someone getting themselves into danger if they’re like super dumb and just run for it, though? Sounds a lot like mind control to me! That silly goose better not be trying to turn us into his army of mindless zombies or something!”
Ceri is peppy as ever despite the disconcerting words that leave her mouth, and even if she says all this, she still smiles and takes the focus band when the Porygon-2 passes by. She’s here to cause chaos, not get killed, thank you very much! Plus, it’s not like she actually believes any of the things she’s saying. She knows well enough that the bands probably have more to do with the program’s coding and with ruling out people as potential targets for deadly attacks… or something like that!
Now, that leaves the matter of teams!
She looks at her surroundings while putting on the band, weighing her options until finally coming to one obvious conclusion. Regardless of if accepted the vodka or not, she soon takes her “water bottle” back, giving the small group that had gathered around the poor anxious man a wave, a wink, and a ”Good luck out there!” before heading off.
Time to go bother .
”Priam! Genesect guy!” She actually knows ’s name, given that he’s a Rocket Beast and all, but since they have never talked, calling him this is much more entertaining. Once closer to the pair, she smiles gleefully. ”How about you let me join your team? I’ll buy you pizza once this is all over! Pretty please?
Of course, when saying this, she pulls her best ’I’m so cute, how could you ever say no to me’ puppy pokémon look. "Oh, my pokémon can actually support if we need it, though... I think!"
Work smart, not hard. In this case, that means trying to team up with the most competent people she knows.
Momma raised no fool.



[break]- Took the FOCUS BAND
[break]- Asking Priam and Oscar if she can join their team bc Aero said she could bribe him with pizza ty xoxo


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[newclass=.textwtcpokes img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 19:40:05 GMT
Deleted Avatar
was trying to push, to egg him on to say hey or interact with . And, while it was tempting, she seemed preoccupied.

And even if he thought about it, a girl entered the arena, gave instructions, and signaled the the exam would begin shortly.

So, once more, Elliott Jenkins lost his chance. He shut his mouth, sparing her another look before grabbing a FOCUS BAND and slapping it on his wrist. While of course he was there for the challenge, he wasn't there to die or be permanently maimed.

He had a job, and his job was to be pretty.

"Well, hello and fuck you too, ," he said as the woman began to prowl closer to Cian.

Eli couldn't help but wonder what was going on there. He gave a look to Cian, raising his eyebrows at him before shrugging it off.

"So, should we team up? Or do you two lovebirds need to get a room?"

- participating
- took a FOCUS BAND
- proposing a team w/ &
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 19:54:08 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar


A ROSE BY[break]

would remain as sweet and thorned




, ,

+Aromatisse out and about![break][break]



[attr="class","bgtk-lyric2"]s.p.e.c.t.r.a. exams


This hadn't been the plan.[break][break]

Elisabeth's crystal blue eyes locked on the familiar sight of , barely recovering from the Arcanine injury that had been mending since she had first met him in her little flower shop. It was foolish enough of him to attend; to refuse the band he had been given, however, incensed her. A rigidity overtook her entire posture, her voice icy in its commanding cadence: ". Come with me."[break][break]

There was time to turn back. To align with those who appeared stronger, more reliable, more... monstrous.[break][break]

"Izzy." As she approached the young man, by his side, disapproval emanated from her in waves -- a queen who did not need to voice her displeasure for it to be sensed by her court. Izydor's impulsive decision, however, could not be undone: the scribe had already accounted for it, filing Izzy's negligent choice away in a series of beeps. [break][break]

Pointedly, Elisabeth snapped the FOCUS BAND on her own wrist, her inscrutable gaze never leaving Izydor's. "I am joining your team. With Klaus, if he has no other pressing engagement." You foolish, foolish boy.[break][break]

Why did it matter? Why did any of it matter, if Cyg, Izzy, or Klaus hurt themselves playing at games in Rocket? Elisabeth had thought that soft-hearted part of her had been choked on the vine, dead and buried with her late husband. Why let it flower now, at the most inopportune moment?[break][break]

Because no one ever protected you when it counted.[break][break]

"The four of us are all underestimated here," Elisabeth said, her eyes glancing now to Cyg as well. "But we each possess hidden strengths. There is an opportunity for us to showcase them before the most powerful admin in Rocket. Let's take advantage of it."[break][break]

It was not her first time playing a game with a starting disadvantage, and it wouldn't be the last.


even in the ruins, flowers blossom and flourish


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played by

Laika Boss

June 12th
Lilycove City
Lighthouse Keeper
Shut up and be happy
it's all in your head
5'10" / 177.8cm height
5'10" / 177.8cm height
You will find no hidden agendas in the sea's desire to swallow you whole
220 posts
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TAG WITH @klaus
klaus anchoret
POSTED ON Feb 26, 2022 22:57:15 GMT
klaus anchoret Avatar

Klaus swallows audibly as appears in his peripheral and offers him a bottle, a weak, wobbly smile touching his lips in response; unwrapping one arm to hold up his hand, he gives a little shake as he murmurs, "I'm fine, thanks." Turning his attention back to his own misery, he bites down on the mint in his mouth and swishes the remainder of it around before spitting the residual out into the trash can.
He then spares an appreciative look for at his advice; he jumps when the man's hand settles heavily onto his shoulder. Hands trembling for a bare moment, Klaus gives a little nod to the much taller man before he steps away from his bucket of shame and inhales deeply, his face yet scarlet but at least his throat, still raw and burning, was no longer constricted from his nerves.
The appearance of distracts Klaus from his own thoughts, her gentle voice a balm of security. Someone he knew - security in the midst of this storm. Her Aromatisse's ministrations work ease the knot in his stomach, his pulse steadying, though Klaus's blush is nonetheless present as he assumes - rightly so - that the blonde woman had seen his embarrassing display. A wobble still visible with his hands, Klaus nonetheless reaches out and lightly grasps Elisabeth's forearm with his hand, a slight pressure of thanks offered for the unexpected kindness before his hand is then withdrawn.
Klaus looks up sharply when the announce speaks, his jaw setting as the unknown voice filters over the airways. A momentary look of confusion touches his expression as he finally realises what this gathering is for, his gaze flicking back upwards towards the observation gallery. Understanding reveals itself to be a bitch when Klaus pieces together his invitation was surely the result of . Inviting the Admin to the lighthouse. The picture of himself just now. That fucker.
Stewing in a riot of conflicting emotions, Klaus hesitates when the Porygon-2 appears before him with the FOCUS BAND; his hand clenches and then unclenches, his jaw doing the same. Nose wrinkling, he then swiftly snatches the band, slapping it over his wrist. If these granted no disadvantage for taking them, then why not? The flickering images glitching through the air draws Klaus's attention next, his eyes widening momentarily when a lighthouse manifests for a brief instance.
His brow then furrows at Elisabeth's sudden timbre of death to follow her and a dumb little nod is Klaus's answer as he wordlessly trails after her. Elisabeth then proceeds to administer an ultimatum to some unknown man roughly his own age and Klaus blinks once before stuttering out a bewildered, "Uh. Yeah, sure. I don't..." He coughs softly, his gaze flicking around the room as he admits, "Know anyone else down here."
Klaus bounces on his heels where he stands, expelling nervous energy without drawing too much attention to himself - unlike earlier. He didn't know these other people but Elisabeth seemed to, for what it was worth. His earlier display had surely put him on the back-foot when it came to expectations from the Admins, but Elisabeth at least was resourceful, and likely these two before them were as well or she wouldn't have demanded they all pair together.
Perhaps this wouldn't be so bad after all?


+ Participating [break]
+ Pokemon: Dhelmise, Skrelp, Lapras [break]
+ ACCEPTS the Focus Band [break]
+ Joins a team with , , [break]



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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
543 posts
Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @remi
Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 1:50:26 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
"Huh. Really didn't expect to see so many people with inflated egos."

Remi leans forward a bit to get a better look at the few who hadn't chosen to take focus bands. Her lips are pursed, but she raises a brow and seems amused and intrigued.

"I'll place my bet on the blue-haired kid. Pretty sure I saw him get manhandled by a giant Rillaboom. That's balls, I'll bet on his."

Remi pulls away to glance at and , specifically. With her thumb, she gestures backward with a sly grin.

"Who've you got eyes on?"
@control room
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 2:46:05 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

her gaze flicked back up to one more time, catching him read the look on her face. the look she sent back was cold, maybe a bit sharper than she’d how she’d ever glanced at him before. stupid, dangerous software. who were their enemies on the inside? it was someone.

her shadow disappeared from the controls, only to rise near , and as she arrived. her distrust burned, but she was quickly distracted. her attention was drawn below, specifically to the bizarrely familiar girl with the peachy hair. remi's words were mostly lost in her surprise. .

it took her a moment.

”is that... chryssa?”

she leaned, squinting with a finger at her lips as she tried to decide.
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 4:17:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As the porygon approached Oscar, he would very quickly wave it away. He was already dying, it was not like the focus band would save him much. Besides, Oscar wanted to show that even when he was sick he was still a Rocket Beast. Whatever they were facing, it would have to try very hard to kill Oscar.

Oscar turned toward Priam as he called out to him, a smile immediately sealing their partnership. "Of course! We'll show them how it's fuckin' done!" Genesect stepped forward, whirring with excitement as the exams began to get underway. Before Oscar could say anything else, they would be approached by a girl Oscar did not recognize. She wanted in on their team, and once she offered pizza Oscar could not possibly say no. 

Oscar shrugged his shoulders, "As long as you roll with the punches you'll fit right in. Won't she Priam?


--Oscar has rejected the focus band.
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 5:56:01 GMT
now joined by both and , theo reaches back over to pour a couple more glasses of whiskey for the gang.


that's who his money's on.

"kid's an idiot but he's talented."

at the mention of , theo peers down, finally noticing her, too.

"it appears so."
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May 1
Eterna City, Sinnoh
radio host
as flies to wanton boys are we to the gods; they kill us for their sport
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TAG WITH @chryssa
chryssa glasgow
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 9:46:45 GMT
chryssa glasgow Avatar

She was relieved when the announcement cut her conversation with short, saving her from further probing.

Blue eyes narrowed as the young woman accepted the Focus Band without complaint. Her expression showed no fear, only caution. It would be reckless to willingly invite real-world  injuries just to prove her commitment. Her eyes darted to either side as she heard other Rocket members refusing the bands from the Porygon-2.

Did I make a mistake?

...No. She had to be sure of herself. Taking unnecessary risks at the cost of her body wasn't either of their styles.

There was no future for those who didn't know to survive where they could. 

"Thanks," she said, turning to Priam. It pained her to say, but she wasn't here to take the easy road and fall back on Chryssa's reputation to make allies. "But I'd like to test how I work with different types of people." Awkward. "I'll be counting on your help in the future, though. It was... nice to have a warm welcome." 

Looking a little uncomfortable, the impostor made her way back into the crowd, seeking out the intimidating, heavily-armed presence who'd greeted her earlier. "I'm interested in teaming up," she said to as she arrived, getting straight to the point. She gave a nod to the tough-looking woman with the Arcanine ( ) he'd clearly been speaking to. "Are either of you looking for a partner?"

Her Honedge hung at her hip, inert and unmoving. She made no move to summon any other Pokemon. And she did not look up at the observation deck, where eyes upon eyes sought to bind her with a dead girl's name.

...After both Rockets politely declined, she found herself on her own again, lost in a sea of strangers. Aware the pool of potential allies was rapidly narrowing, she approached a dangerous-looking woman standing by herself. She didn't specifically recognize , Rocket's newest Beast. She just saw a choice between failure and success, a person who looked like she wouldn't have to worry about if things got deadly.

Perhaps she was just drawn to people with power. It came from being powerless for so long.

"We haven't met, have we?" she asked, just to make sure she hadn't failed to recognize the redhead. "I'm looking for a partner for the exam." Quickly, because she'd already been rejected by more experienced members, she added "I won't get in your way."
| teaming up

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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 17:07:01 GMT
ana fell Avatar

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle"]trouble tracks[break]me down

[attr="class","llppromisedtitle2"]in the troubled parts of town


What about you? Well. What about her? Cyg came over to offer a hand and see if he needed support and then immediately turned into a ball of nerves and started cannibalizing herself like a panicked hamster. She drops her hands to her sides, slouching slightly. “I’m just nervous,” she confesses, amazed at how difficult it is to bear such an obvious, poorly-kept secret-- like showing her throat to admit it. [break][break]

The announcement freezes her on the spot, a deerling in headlights, and she listens without taking a breath. She watches decline the focus band, and she just sort of stares at him, terrified on his behalf, and it’s only when appears at her side that she snaps out of her stupor. Elisa makes it a point to snap on the focus band so Cyg shuts her mouth and does the same. It’s a comforting snugness around her wrist. For some reason, her mind shifts to Pete Davidson: No shame in the med game. Take ‘em. Make Kanye 2006 again. [break][break]

She lets Elisa take the lead and spearhead the motivational speech thing. Definitely does it with fewer swear words than she would. [break][break]

She looks at . “Well, now you do. My name is Cygne and we just became best friends, I guess. Pony Pals forever.” [break][break]

Everyone seems to be releasing a Pokemon for whatever reason or another so Cyg taps the button on Sinistree’s orb and her keystone materializes in her hands. To everyone else, it looks like she’s just holding a weirdly beat up rock, what with there being no evil purple cloud floating above it. Cyg swallows hard and holds it a bit tighter. Her emotional support keystone.


[break]> participating with tyrantrum, spiritomb, and claydol[break]> wearing the focus band[break]> team up with izy, klaus, and elisa



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[newclass=.CYGNE .llppromised]--promisedAccent:#C6A6E5;[/newclass]
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gia, gigi
november 12th
celadon city, kanto
in a stranger's lap.
5'6" height
5'6" height
when the lights go out and i'm all alone again.
757 posts
giada morgan DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @giada
giada morgan
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 18:06:34 GMT
giada morgan Avatar
[attr="class","giada b"]
[attr="class","giada i"]oh oh oh this is gettin' good!

the woman blinks once, twice, thrice before shifting to reconsider her cute cats. are they ready for battle? does she even want them to battle? no, no... definitely not. little babies that they are. without a second thought, she's recalling the affectionate cats and swapping to a different team: one that, in theory, is better suited for battle. two stay within their pokeballs but the one that replaces her cats...?

yeah, he doesn't look too happy.

"been a while," she chirps, winking at @elliott as she steps forward to begin petting her charizard in soothing circles. the dragon snarls low, irritated even beneath her touch. he placates slowly the longer she gives attention.

"teaming up sounds good to me," she offers with a soft roll of her shoulders. strength in numbers or whatever, right? as focus bands are offered, she happily snags one and snaps it onto her wrist. the focus band is pretty enough, sparkling in just the right places. it doesn't accent her outfit but... neither would being maimed so that's a plus.

as her charizard lets out annoyed rumbles, giada's attention shifts around the room. there's a lot of people pairing up into teams much like they are... is there any advantage to play at here? wait, can she even use the whip at her belt? huh... probably should've read the invite.

"you ready for this shitshow, boys?"

& @elliott & spectra
participating, taking focus band, pray 4 me

[newclass=.giada] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.giada b] color: #A22041; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.giada i] text-decoration: underline dotted #A22041; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Feb 27, 2022 18:28:46 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
When the flock of Porygons came, Felix politely refused with a curt headshake and sharp frown. The pain was a good indication of one's own realistic limitations, and without it, it'd be hard to dock this down as legitimate 'avatar training'. The others though...if they even hesitated on the band's acceptance, Felix would react negatively. "There's no need to be a hero today." He would tell them with a threatening scowl.

The only exception would be, of course, young herself. For her, he took a step forward and grabbed her band from the hovering Porygons, as they were positioned an inch or two out of her reach. Smiling, he passed it back down to her. "Make sure not to stray too far from us. We'll keep you safe."

If he couldn't stop her from participating, the least he could do was shield her from this simulation's obstacles. Maybe seeing it would be enough to steer her back onto the right path, too. Glancing back towards and , a thoughtful frown returned to his lips-- he'd have to be aware of more than just Eris today. "Let's team-up. I'll cover our defenses, so do your best."

With the flick of his wrist, Felix released Gallade from his ball.

- Rejects focus band
- Teams up with Barnaby, Mint, and Eris
- Sends out Gallade
- Participating

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Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP