i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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TAG WITH @spiral
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 8:27:12 GMT

[attr="class","omgentop"]DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY





NICE SMELLS AND WARM SENTIMENTS do nothing against the very real threat of DARK SPORES. ’s observation, the only one to look at them with undivided attention, will be able to tell that these physical vessels ARE NOT STATUS CONDITIONS. in that same vein, her venipede, along with every other pokemon, are subjected to their touch. there are no exceptions.

however, getting rid of them is another matter entirely. this time, only one ILLUMINA POKEMON is able to free themselves with relative ease. the constant stomping of ’s ILLUMINA TYRANTRUM shakes off the numbers that catch against its glowing scales. likewise, , who sheds a thick and expensive coat is able to stop their pointed spikes from burying deeper into his clothing.

the others require more concentrated efforts. those who spend their time prying them off find their efforts rewarded.

out of all of those who try, it is ’s SHADOW VULPIX who seems unaffected by their presence. the undeterred use of its SHADOW FIRE proves surprisingly effective.

on the other end of the spectrum, the PSYCHIC from ’s metagross seems unable to manipulate them in any shape or form.

any character or pokemon that actively removed (not prevented) the DARK SPORES may remove them from one character or pokemon.

remember! if you have multiple pokemon out they are most likely all affected!

’s SHADOW VULPIX has cleared the DARK SPORES from kazimir and all of his pokemon (that were already out). this does not affect characters near him.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:


with SAFEGUARDS in place and AROMATHERAPHY wafting in copious amounts, it should come as a surprise that neither is able to prevent the continued rain of DARK SPORES. only those that manipulate the currents they ride on, through the use of , , , and ’s DEFOG and FAIRY WIND, prevent their further spread.

the DARK SPORES are no longer raining.


THOSE WHO IGNORE THE DARK SPORES find themselves covered in them. while only a few may land on each person, those ALREADY CLOSE to the tree and CONTINUE TO ADVANCE will find they pile on quite quickly. even the power of ILLUMINA cannot protect ’ WOOPER from being smothered with these spiny seeds.

those who sacrifice themselves for another also find themselves bogged by sheer numbers. ’s SALAMENCE and ’s EMBOAR protect their trainers at the expense of their own exposure. like fleas, these DARK SPORES start to drain them until they’re unable to move.

outside the DARK ZONE, those who seek to help indiscriminately are able to hit stray trainers and pokemon with HEAL PULSE or sprinkle the them with LIFE DEW. those deep inside the DARK ZONE are far out of reach but those looking to back up, or caught by the very edge of the DARK SPORE'S spread will find their stamina returned.

those NOT CLOSE to the tree or FLEEING must tag or @sirocco to receive mild healing.


OTHERS CONTEND WITH WHAT they believe to be the source of the problem: the tree. ’s combination of RAIN DANCE and SHEER COLD freeze a good chunk of the trunk but two pokemon cannot cover the base of a world tree. the continued growth of BLACK CRYSTALS dwarf their efforts despite the wall of ice that covers dead wood.

@miette has better luck with deterring some of the roots with her CHARIZARD'S AIR SLASH. they do not break or cut through these mineral covered growths but instead push them off their intended trajectory.

it is the sudden flash of and LIGHT OF RUIN that catches everyone’s attention. small pockets of DARKNESS erode at their presence but the ZONE still persists, blanketing the occasional pulse of ILLUMINA MARKINGS.

when this RUIN strikes the tree, the area of impact sparkles with refracted white light. this ‘discoloration’ lingers but the surface area starts to rescind as the blackness returns to these crystals. the only two that know what this means is and XERNEAS, who is now able to push its GEOMANCY further. almost immediately after, the pokemon is able to exert its FAIRY AURA to change these two white spots into blue and purple respectively.


two colors of the rainbow dance across the tree’s surface like fireflies, evading the solid black color that looks to swallow the crystals in a uniform darkness.


THOSE WHO WATCH ON try to discern what the others cannot. some observe key details while others look for fate or magic to spell their destiny. the FUTURE works in many ways, not all of them conceivable as FREE WILL pushes fate away from predetermined paths.

the future is lost.[break]
your choice doesn’t matter.[break]
there is no correct one.

[break] [break]

the less fortunate, like ’s SWOOBAT, foresees nothing. that future is already over, cut short by the endless pines that turn the pokemon into a flesh pin cushion.

others, such as ’s ABSOL, foresee throttled through the darkness. presumably, he’s in the air, but the pokemon never gets the chance to verify or relay that information to its trainer. an UNNERVING PRESSURE forces the pokemon to immediately flee, just like ’s would have.

you may recall absol.[break]
otherwise, it flees for good.


the only person with a more powerful vision than that is the holder of the SHINIGAMI EYES. will see what no one else can: the lights from XERNEAS are surging with life. they have no expiration or health, but they still register as a life force.

what’s more concerning is the rampant life force draining from those afflicted by the DARK SPORES. the stamina they drain seems to feed into these small seeds, contained in such a small vessel, spiraling, culminating.

not even yveltal understands what this means.


THE BEST VIEW is upfront and center. is the closest to the figure and despite what everyone else claims, the face is that of the
real deal: . or at least, that’s the body, as others have so vehemently speculated.

thank you… eRiS.

the voice starts to crack. the figure’s gaze goes beyond her. it sees what’s coming despite the darkness that clouds around her slowly dying ILLUMINA WOOPER.


’s GENESECT cannot see in the darkness but its programming knows better. this abomination, as jules would confide onto , has the same algorithm as SILVALLY but tweaked in unforeseen ways. it fires TECHNO BLAST after TECHNO BLAST after TECHNO BLAST as it approaches.


a PROTECT from WOOPER stops the first attack. it shatters underneath the blast’s power and the pokemon expires to the constant drain of the numerous DARK SPORES.




a PROTECT from mint’s approaching blastoise deflects the other one.


this time the TECHNO BLAST strikes pure crystal but not the figure itself. its extended arm has morphed into a large enough shield to block the attack.

tHaNk YoU eRiS.

and moments later, so soon that ’s medicham barely MIND READERS the movement, the shield turns into small tendrils that extend an impossible length. they pierce through the BLASTOISE'S hard shell and the genesect’s DURANTIUM exterior in a single skewer. the two pokemon flounder in place, held by the unbreakable tendrils. the fact their still alive must mean that it missed their vitals.


FARTHER FROM THE ACTION are those who consider their approach after setting up. ’s FLYGON may sweep away her HEALING MIST but the DARK TERRAIN underneath remains. its black cackle punishes ’S WHIMSICOTT, many COMFEYS, and METAGROSS. like electricity, it lashes out, causing them to also feel RESIDUAL DAMAGE for some time.

what’s worse is that it follows and her boys as they approach.

’s SILVALLY diverges from them as it attacks on its own accord. numerous AIR SLASHES end up clashing against the tree but they leave little impact. however, can notice the pattern of his pokemon’s seemingly uncalculated attacks. they lock onto the dancing lights of XERNEASGEOMANCY, with a cat light fascination of a laser pointed wall.


MANY CONSIDER THE OBSTACLES to be the main point of contention. however, a few address the field that allows these issues to blossom. it is the DARKNESS that hides and hinders their efforts.

ILLUMINA POKEMON blink at regular intervals. their SPOTLIGHT casts a more brilliant beam. even regular pokemon can help shed some light with their fire or SUNNY DAY. but the DARKNESS is overwhelming. it suffocates and dominates what would otherwise be an illustrious enough display to clear this hazy night.

only the power of the sun can wipe the slate clean.

the stolen AVATAR POWERS of SOLGALEO are put to good use as the entire field is blinded by the sun’s infinite rays. this brilliance dispels the DARK ZONE but the light itself fades after mere seconds. powerful but not everlasting.

the night stills once more and the stars twinkle above. the DARK ZONE is gone and the natural night sky prevails.

that’s when everyone realizes how many things have truly happened.



THE FIELD IS COVERED in intricate patterns. those who attended the ELEVENTH HOUR will recognize the patterns. those with CHARMS will realize the circles do not coincide with their position. , , and are too close to each other to cover the triangles three points. is able to stop at one of them but not if he continues toward .

all four of their charms continue to hiss with small sparks. it’s consistent in size, pitiful compared to what they’ve seen before. colorless, they struggle.

the future is lost.[break]
your choice doesn’t matter.[break]
there is no correct one.

[break] [break]

the words float in the memory of these CHARM HOLDERS. the voice that recites it is their own.

among those involved, a familiar voice interrupts.



this is not limited to but may affect the following characters:


and yet… those uninvolved, in more ways than one, will hear a different prophecy.

do not lose sight of the future. [break]
a choice will come that only you can make. [break]
think, feel, act. [break]
make the correct choice. [break]


the sparks from the CHARMS of , , , and will beckon to them. on their own wrist, whether it be bare, clothed, without accessory or otherwise, sparks will hiss as well. theirs are brighter and burn cleaner than the CHARMS themselves. as if the PRESSURE of this event has bottled their ignorance and innocence into something more potent.

this applies to any character that has not been in a DEATH ENABLED EVENT and has not been in the following events:[break][break]



this is not limited to but may affect the following characters:
@miette @sirocco


WHILE OTHERS LOOK AT THE PATTERNS, is the only one to notice the JESTER’S DEMISE right before utilizes SOLGALEO’s power. the POWER SPLIT is attempted blindly but helps siphon of some of the attack’s potency. the PROTECT it erects comes out just as it lands.

amongst the crowd.


the REFLECT and LIGHT SCREENS erected implode underneath the Z-MOVE’S potency. however the protections are felt by those who cast them. everyone else is left to fend for themselves.

you may react by sacrificing a pokemon you already have on the field or by bringing out a pokemon that knows some variation of PROTECT (KING’S SHIELD, BALEFUL BUNKER).[break][break]
you may sacrifice additional pokemon to protect other players.

you can also choose not to kill those pokemon. [break][break]
however, please ensure you read the section labeled SEEDS SPROUT.

this does not apply to or . [break][break]
you may have your LIGHT SCREEN user faint without further consequence.[break][break]
this only protects your own characters. [break][break]

should sacrifice his BASTIODON, he may protect another player as well.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:[break][break]

but once the attack clears, and the BLACEPHALON recognizes , it turns on her. much like ’s COSMOEM, it obeys an unspoken hierarchy.[break][break]

the BLACEPHALON will no longer obey .[break][break]
it cannot be returned until it is knocked out.[break][break]
you may roleplay out it betraying or relinquish it for use as an NPC for the rest of this thread.


BUT MOST PRESSING are the DARK SPORES that remain. once the JESTER’S DEMISE is handled, one way or another, those who have been afflicted will notice that some of them have transitioned into DARK SEEDS.

these seeds have sucked their fill of LIFE FORCE from ILLUMINA and POKERUS pokemon, AVATARS, and weakened pokemon alike. those who have DEFENDED AGAINST and survived the JESTER’S DEMISE will find that their seeds blossom early. black spines erupt from these injured pokemon, sprouting roots that extend back to the tree. their death feeds life back into the tree, disappearing as the seeds turns their flesh into black crystals.

any pokemon that defend against the JESTER’S DEMISE will die from the DARK SEEDS.[break][break]
this also applies to 's SALAMENCE and 's EMBOAR.[break][break]
this does not apply to ILLUMINA, POKERUS, or LEGENDARY pokemon.[break][break]

some pokemon prove resistance to these effects. any ILLUMINA or POKERUS pokemon that have had DARK SPORES land on them will realize that these DARK SEEDS are burying into their flesh. into their body. they function just fine, for now, but they can feel an uneasy sprout within their bodies.

you may roll in your post to remove these DARK SEEDS. [break] [break]
any roll between 1 - 20 will be successful.[break] [break]
otherwise affected ILLUMINA or POKERUS pokemon will die by the end of this thread.

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:[break][break]


AVATARS and LEGENDARY pokemon fare much better. whatever affliction these DARK SEEDS spring, they are not fatal to those with stronger spirits. instead, they will grow to impale and immobilize these hotbeds of ENERGY. for now, their growth is slow, pricking skin and perhaps flesh but by no means stopping their movement.

this affects any AVATAR that stated a DARK SPORE landed on them.[break][break]

this is not limited to but may affect the following characters and their pokemon:[break][break]


's SCEPTILE, anticipating a DETECTION is able to pry one of these off a single character near it before it sprouts.


BUT MOST IMPORTANTLY, the figure does not remain still throughout this. as sure as ’s BLASTOISE and ’s GENESECT remain pierced on its elongated nails, so too does it react to those that approach.

tHaNk YoU eRiS,” it repeats, as the nails finally retract.

’s GENESECT is no longer able to battle but its DURANTIUM shell ensures it will fight another day. the same cannot be said about ’s BLASTOISE, half of its backside blown away from the JESTER’S DEMISE. its positioning and angle is more than likely what took the brunt of the blast for those closer to the tree.


the figure raises both hands.

razor sharp, but almost pencil wide, nails extend toward and . should act fast enough, he may be able to intercept or push out of the way. however, this is impossible, on such short notice, without taking the blow for them instead.

this is a non-fatal attack.


will find that DEOXYS added bulk serves as sturdy armor. the nails penetrate but he feels nothing. and just as he remains painless and uninjured, the nails hook onto the flesh, causing the DEOXYS to retreat and shrink back to his human form.

it feels an invasion of their body. a third party. their experience with each other allows them to recognize what's happening.

DEOXYS is losing control and being forcibly shut down. so it regroups within and reinforces its ego. may lose access to DEOXYS power for now but that’s a small price to pay to cancel out whatever foreign body is trying to worm its way into him. it will not be overtaken.

those without that type of recognition, such as hideo’s GARDEVOIR don’t see it coming. its attempt to TRACE the figure’s ability has changed it forevermore. black crystals sprout like some kind of PRISM ARMOR. it no longer listens to, obeys, or shares a TELEPATHIC bond with its trainer. for now, it remains still, motionless as the crystals continue to cover it.

it will be NPC’d by the moderator until the end of this thread unless otherwise stated.


it marks the first of many…




after the ULTRA BEAST WAR, a NECROZMA appeared in SLATEPORT. several trainers managed to keep the pokemon at bay until it was dragged back into ULTRA SPACE by a MYSTERIOUS HAND.

while no one was able to document this pokemon, it left behind a DARK ROCK which was licked by the ROCKET UNDERBOSS . over time, CHU-E exhibited some physical and behavioral changes, eventually manifesting into something close to AVATARSHIP.

eventually, this killed CHU-E. since then, his body has gone missing.


the recently hatched LAKE GUARDIANS have visited several trainers, leaving them with CHARMS and cryptic PROPHECIES. the unknown phenomenon known as THE DARKEST DAY is mentioned repeatedly.

three individuals are given a vision that alludes to the breaking news about THE DARKEST DAY affecting GALAR.


a strange IVORY TREE shows up in a littleroot threatre. it grows out of control during a contest and is destroyed by those present. an extract of its BLUE MULCH has exhibited the capacity to resurrect some living things.

team rocket searches for XERNEAS and calls the energy it exudes INFINITY ENERGY. on an EXCURSION they find another IVORY TREE.

when team rocket attempts to take over sootopolis, several spatial distortions occur. the league uses PRIMAL QUARTZ SHARDS to teleport an ANCIENT TEMPLE. in its place spawns a massive tree dubbed the TREE OF LIFE.

eventually, team rocket investigates inside the TREE OF LIFE. among their many discoveries, they realize the TREE OF LIFE is from another world. when XERNEAS uses GEOMANCY, the tree grows exponentially.

coincidentally, CRYSTABLOOMS and breeding ILLUMINA pokemon appeared directly afterwards.


below is a list of some predetermined plot decisions. this is revealed ahead of time to allow players to better navigate their characters and actions, temper expectations, and prevent this thread from bottlenecking other plots and site progression.

this only covers what will definitely happen within the thread. finer details along with additional clues and cameos will make an appearance based on character choices and corresponding narrative beats.

  • NECROZMA is controlling CHU-E’s dead body.
  • NECROZMA reaps the TREE OF LIFE.
  • NECROZMA splits from CHU-E.
  • CHU-E is resurrected.
  • the TREE OF LIFE no longer exists.
  • NECROZMA visits several spots in HOENN before disappearing.
  • WALSH enlists crucial medical care for injured rockets, appoints/receives two new underbosses.
  • GOODE makes a public statement offering support for sootopolis and the region as a whole before considering a new meeting.



this is an OPEN MINI EVENT to help tie together budding narratives, conclude old storylines, and serve as a run-up for the upcoming site plot! participation is voluntary and missing out on this event will not affect your ability to jump into the overarching site narrative.

this thread is considered HYPER DEATH ENABLED which means that players should expect to lose the pokemon they use. while CHARACTER DEATH is treated as normal (a rare one-off), expect heavy losses. the theme of this thread is POWERLESSNESS.

players may join with ONE CHARACTER and can post ONCE PER ROUND.[break][break]

please include TL;DR with every post, bold your ATTACKS or applicable ABILITIES, and refer to your pokemon by their SPECIES to make this thread more accessible for other players.[break][break]

reducing the amount of digging for information other players, including myself, have to do, the smoother this thread can proceed.

this thread is expected to have at least FIVE MOD POST but has room to expand up to ten. the predicted deadline for each round is FRIDAY 11:59PM PST but this is subject to change.

@sirocco @miette


included is an OPTIONAL MAP for those that would like to visualize where characters are. those who would like to participate will have to modify existing images to assist with the workload. for those who need assistance feel free to ask other members in the discord channel BOXING WITH SHADOWS or GFX REQUEST.

for those that would like to participate, copy the map of the POSTER BEFORE YOU and add in a 50x50 image of your CHARACTER ACCOUNT'S AVATAR in respect to their position. if the poster before you did not participate, refer to the poster before that and so on until applicable!

an example has been applied with respect to 's position.


[newclass=".omgentop"]background-color:#89828d;background:linear-gradient(to bottom right,#89828d,#333333);font:800 35px Poppins;font-weight:800!important;line-height:30px;text-align:left;padding:45px;letter-spacing:-2px;margin-bottom:7px;border-radius:3px; [/newclass]
[newclass=".blockquote h1"]color:##333333;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 10:43:53 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

The sound of his name over the comms snaps the underboss to attention, especially as it comes from . Whatever warning the admin might've given him is lost to static and screams, then silence. Dread fills the void in Gavin's chest.

LUGIA'S BLESSING drives back the worst effects of the DARK SPORES, but as they sprout and start to prickle at his skin, Gavin becomes increasingly alarmed. He has seen what Necrozma could do to the things it infects. Some, like his shadow Pokémon, had survived the process... but and so many other Pokemon infected by the parasite had met their untimely ends.

Amidst the chaos, he hears 's call to action before light pierces through the gloom. A ray of hope, brief and blinding, swallowed back behind whatever unnatural force they now faced.

Lugia! He reaches out to her through thought, to be heard over the din. Can you try to attack the tree? Maybe⁠— The thought is interrupted by sudden alarm as the head of a BLACEPHALON appears among them. He knows of only one in the region, and he's seen what it can do. Gavin rips a pokeball from his belt.

And then his Lucario is on the field, sensing the urgency in her trainer's aura and immediately triggering her Z-MOVE: SANCTUARY. The protective bubble explodes outward from the Lucario to encompass a small radius around Gavin, shielding him from the JESTER'S DEMISE. She could have stopped there, but the loyal jackal pushes herself, stressing the bounds of the ability in an attempt to save all that she can from the blast. It won't be enough to save herself.

In a horrific parallel to his former partner sacrificing itself in the battle against Necrozma during the BLACKOUT, Niamh collapses before the doppelganger of . No. NECROZMA. Gavin no longer hesitates to attack the thing that had once been his friend. Grief and anger coalesce into a dangerous desire to kill whatever stood in the way of ROCKET'S continued survival.

"FUCKING PSYCHOPATH," Gavin snarls as the dome fades. Katherine is nowhere near him, but he hopes she can feel his wrath in whatever hellish dimension she sought to rule. "LUGIA⁠—"

No further clarification is needed.

Shadow Lugia beats her broad, purple-black wings to stir up a violent SPRINGTIDE STORM, aiming the turbulent gale in the direction of NECROZMA and the corrupted TREE OF LIFE ⁠— and anything else unfortunate enough to be in the way.



⁠— Gavin and his Pokemon are attempting to get rid of the DARK SEEDS before they burrow any deeper.
⁠— LUCARIO is called out, uses PROTECT as Z-MOVE: SANCTUARY. A temporary, protective dome rises around all creatures within the vicinity of the user, protecting against all attacks including z-moves. Within the dome, ongoing attacks and status conditions are neutralized briefly. It SACRIFICES ITSELF in an attempt to cover more ground.
⁠— Gavin is shielded from JESTER'S DEMISE by the protective dome, which also may affect someone nearby. (Tagging as per request)
⁠— SHADOW LUGIA unleashes SPRINGTIDE STORM on the surrounding area.
⁠— That's it, that's all she wrote. Gavin's also pissed about .
⁠— My post/narrative assumes that it's possible to hit both Necrozma and the Tree with the same attack based on the image, but priority #1 would be the tree if a choice must be made, since asked.
⁠⁠— Sorry if any of this is scattered/unclear, so much going on :rowsweat:
⁠— LOL 69. (RIP my salacs, 5 used.)

⁠— MAP LINK. I figure Gav's standing about 20 feet from "Chu-e"


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Epic BugCatcher

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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 16:59:14 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

Dawn of the Darkest Day

A worrying omen.

His skin crawled. A primal fear settled in his chest, and he was filled with the need to run away. Before he could act out on this sudden impulse however...

Jet black spears flew past both sides of his face in the blink of an eye, whipping his long bangs out of the way as they flew past.

Pokemon died and were taken down in the blink of an eye.

A blastoise was dead before its body even hit the floor, and a bug-like automaton the likes of which Gwyar had never seen was struck down before it even managed to get close.

And that, only made the man freeze further, survival instinct telling him any sudden moves would be his last.

The speed of the nail-spears was awe inspiring; at the current distance between himself and the... thing, Gwyar wasn't sure he could avoid it even now that he were completely prepared for it.

And he certainly had no desire of seeing if Galatine, hidden in his shadow as ever, could tank the blow. Not after the automaton was immediately taken down.

For a brief moment, Gwyar had no idea of what to do. was still here, still latched to the monster like her braincells had gone on an extended vacation.

Death or not, he needed to do something, now. His hands slowly began to reach for a pokeball—

And then happened.

"WHAT DID I EVEN EXPECT!" Screamed Gwyar in half fright, half frustration, his hand clamping onto a pokeball while the other went for the gun hoslter under his pit, a deep grimace on his face as an even bigger, uglier monster came charging out of the shadows, briefly illuminated by the flash from Eris' shiny little pokemon.

And who else was illuminated by the flash? and , standing far too close to the mess. And apparently, far too close for the nail spear monster to tolerate.


This damn region and its suicidal children and goddamn monsters!!! First the Museum, now here! These children's sense of self-preservation was nonexistent!

"WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" The man shouted in frustration, fully breaking out of the freezing spell that had his body stuck as he broke towards the charing monster and the boys, putting his fears aside.

The moment he turned away from the monster however... he felt as if death itself was looking at his back.

For a brief moment of lucidity, he could see everything- down to the reflection in Arashi's eye.

He could even see the black spear flying towards the boy.

'Maybe I am too old for this.' Gwyar thought as the world seemed to slow down to a crawl.

Do or die.

He sidestepped sharply into the nails path, his body shoving into the jet black spear and pushing it just out of Arashi's path.

It punched into his side, through the padding of his uniform and pierced through like a bullet, spraying his blood on the grass and tearing a pained scream out of the man.

Almost immediately his shadow shot out from underneath him, a gleaming sword of light shining angrily as its blade lengthened to a titanic size, swinging down unto the spear to cut it and separate its trainer from the monster.

"U-uagh...!" Gwyar wheezed, falling to one knee while trying to hold his side.

-protects , gets hurt in the process.
-Galatine used Sacred Sword to cut the black nail/spear that pierced Gwyar. Mostly flavor!

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May 10
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170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 18:58:30 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar


Their discussion was cut short. Callan wisely used what ignorance he had to take action. It was amazing to watch him work, but it also hurt. It showed how far apart they were. She wasn’t of any use to him or anyone in this situation. All she was, was a liability to those around her.

Somehow she managed to brave the PRESSURE; though Callan seemed largely unaffected by it. That’s when she felt the first spore, just before her Salamence saved her from the rest. By the time the Safeguard was active, Salamence had acquired large black spots of spores clustered together upon its back and wings. It winced in fatigued pain and kept itself on its feet through sheer force of will. It was not about to die here, not while Elinor was still in danger.

Callan moved on, too caught up in being the dutiful ranger. He moved towards the lightless zone. But Elinor couldn’t. Her feet stuck, not from the mild tiredness which the Dark Spore induced in her, but because she saw that Salamence couldn’t follow her. He was struggling to stay upright. For someone who didn’t know him maybe it wasn’t clear. But she knew.

Then words appeared in her mind. Words she did not know from where they came. Still, she had more important matters to attend to. Trying to decide on what she should do. She couldn’t leave Salamence here. And she knew him well enough that trying to put him in his Pokéball would be a futile effort.

And just as she was about to reach a decision, the bright shining light combined with the sound of an explosion appeared. Instinctively the Salamence curled up around Elinor in a last act of service. The Shockwave and light washed over them for a brief second. Elinor is safely tucked underneath Salamence’s wing. A second later everything went quiet


“Gon. Gon, are you alright?” Elinor asked breaking the silence, as she opened her eyes and noticed where she was. She heard no growling reply, no movement, only the weakened breathing of a dying dragon. “Gon… Gon… Gon Answer? ANSWER ME!” She commanded with a shrill voice. Panic rushed through her veins, as tears began to crawl. There was no reply, no growl, no feigning movement, nothing. Only slowly decreasing heaves of breathing. Salamence didn’t even move its wing, to let her out.

“No Gon, you can’t do this. Move.” She tried to pat him gently, hoping that he would respond. “MOVE GON, WE NEED TO GET AWAY!” Her gentle pats quickly turned more forceful, until at last, she was beating the blue skin of the barely breathing dragon. He did not respond. She sobbed uncontrollably. Lost in anguish and grief as the tears rolled down her cheeks. Maybe this wasn’t the time nor the place. But feelings didn’t care.

All she had wanted was to help a world that was finally opening up to her as a trainer. She had insisted on going here, even when Gon the Salamence didn’t want to. She had stayed still when Gon had wanted her to move. He laid here dying because of her. Even though he didn’t bleed, it felt like she had his blood on her hands. “I… I am sorry, Gon. I am So, so sorry Gon.” She wailed, maybe not loud enough to be heard outside the shelter the Salamence provided, but in there, her voice was loud and clear bawling as she finally embraced the rough blue scales one last time. Realizing she would never get to experience another argument with him, she would never get to experience another battle nor would she ever make another happy memory with him, a memory like that one time he showed her the offspring he sired. Oh right… She would now have to tell the little Bagon at home that her dad would never return.

The last breath of life escaped the Salamence and with it any glimmer of hope that Elinor might’ve held disappeared. But, before her grief had even had time to settle, the body of the Salamence began to crystalize. Unknowingly to her, the Dark Spores had begun to sprout. For a brief second, she considered staying within her little cocoon, but deep down, she knew Gon didn’t want her to die here with him. So she hurried out into the chaos. Tears fell like a waterfall accompanied by sobs, her throat tightening to the point where it felt like she could breathe no longer. She turned to look at the Salamence, watching as the Dark Seeds consumed him like it did the Tree of Life. She was not even granted a body to bury.

She felt a prickling on the nape of her neck. Remembering the spore she had been touched by before. She grabbed it indifferently and tried to pull it out. But she didn’t check whether she was successful or not. She didn’t care right now. No, she looked in the direction of where Callan had gone. But by now so much had happened she wasn’t even certain where he would be.

Still, there was nothing to do but search for him. She had to find him. Eyes red and swelling from the crying, sobs still frequent. Lost in grief, and confusion she began to walk in a random direction, she didn’t bother to look properly, all she hoped was that the feet which hadn’t been willing to move before, would now take her to . The sounds around her were muffled, The world no longer existed to her, or rather she wouldn’t acknowledge that there was a world in which Gon was dead. If a stray attack hit her, so be it. She had to find Callan, he could help. He could save Gon, right?

- Elinor Doesn’t leave her Salamence behind.
- Elinor has a sad scene with Salamence, but surely does nothing consequence.
- Salamence dies
- Que Emotional wreck walking around being a Hazard.
- #WhereIsCallan.




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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 19:30:52 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
The Hydro Pump seemed to help a bit, but it would be obvious to anyone else the Wishiwashi’s efforts were focused on Hideo. The boy didn’t look pleased that he was getting soaked, but considering the current situation, there wasn’t much to be happy about.

As he tried to get a handle on what was happening, he let out another couple of his Pokemon: his Medicham and Zebstrika. The two Pokemon took a look around, witnessing the chaos unfolding. “We gotta…we gotta be ready for anything,” Hideo got out, those spores taking a good deal out of him.

His Wishiwashi soon gave up on the water treatment, opting to just float up to him and manually brush the spores off the boy.

It was hard for Hideo to ignore his amulet acting up still - and for some reason, his wrist was starting to feel weird. His Pokemon could only stare in confusion as sparks erupted from his wrist and the charm in his pocket. The boy took the charm out with the same hand, his Medicham informing him of the brightness it bore - though it paled in comparison to how brightly it’d shone in the past.

the future is lost.
your choice doesn’t matter.
there is no correct one.

It came to him in his own voice - the words from the group meeting.

And then another word, once more in his own voice.


Obviously, Hideo couldn’t see the massive set of circles around them, but his Pokemon could. And while none of them had been present for the meeting with the other charm holders, Hideo’s Beheeyem had informed them of all that he’d seen - and his Medicham had gotten a good look at the circle from the Beheeyem’s memories (thanks Mind Reader).

Suddenly, a large talon came towards the group. None of them knew it was headed for , but the group responded as if it were headed towards them: Hideo’s Medicham tackled him away, his other Pokemon moving away even as intercepted the blow. “M-Mister Gwyar!” Hideo exclaimed as he heard the man’s wheeze.

But there was nothing he could do to help. He didn’t have any healing Pokemon on him. “W-we need to find some cover!” he shouted. They could get attacked again at any moment - they could find a way to help Gwyar after they could collect their thoughts.

Little did he know that his Pokemon were already planning to act for him: they wanted to get him away from another potential attack, but the patterns below them couldn’t be ignored.

Hideo felt himself be lifted up and placed on top of his Zebstrika. His Medicham mounted the Zebstrika as well, the Wishiwashi in her hand.

Perhaps because his Medicham took the Telepathy reins, Hideo hadn’t noticed the complete cutoff from his Gardevoir until a few seconds after his Zebstrika was at a full sprint. “H-hey, where’s Dancer?!” he exclaimed, before realizing his Pokemon were leaving Gywar and Arashi behind as well. “Wait, we gotta help them too!

But they wouldn’t listen to him. Not when his life was in danger like this. So his Zebstrika ran on, towards the western point of the triangle - and towards , , , and . His Medicham was already using Detect for any incoming attacks - at least they'd have an idea what was coming, if anything.


Hideo's Illumina Wishiwashi is removing the spores from Hideo (carryover from last post)
Wishiwashi also tries to shake of its own spores
Hideo brings out his Medicham and Zebstrika
Hideo takes out his amulet with the same hand as his sparkling wrist
Hideo's Zebstrika carries him (and the Medicham+Wishiwashi) and rushes towards the Western tip of the triangle (also towards , , , and )
Hideo only just notices his Gardevoir went silent - unsure why

Hideo's Medicham is using Detect for any incoming attacks

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he / him / his
september 10
Enju, Johto
errand boy
108 height
108 height
what’re you lookin’ at?
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TAG WITH @duke
Arashi Akiyama
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 19:48:47 GMT
Arashi Akiyama Avatar

At Hideo’s words, he stopped dead.

He remembered his conversation with during the time they went to the morgue to confirm what had happened.

“What’s your best guess?” he pressed on, hoping to be able to gain some fucking sense of what the hell was going on around them—seeing as the darkness was still pressing down on basically every-fucking-where and it was getting harder to think.

The rank stench was getting worse, too.

His Charizard moved as close as possible to the two boys, before he noticed something happening with his companion.

Specifically, he noticed something glowing on Hideo’s person.

“Hey, uh, there’s something…” he began, before realizing that the other definitely couldn’t see it at all.

His Charizard let out a roar of warning, alerting him to something—and then the shout of a familiar voice. Oh, shit. It was that old guy they’d met just beyond Lilycove!

Much tempted as he was to scream inappropriate shit in ’s direction, now wasn’t the time! Wow, Arashi, thinking rationally for once?!

“What the hell do you think’s going on—” he began to shout in answer before he felt his center of gravity shift and ended up landing on the ground.

“WHAT THE F—” he was about to yell when said old man got… stabbed, by whatever the hell shit that was that almost got him.

“Old man, are you okay?!” he shouted instead, before signaling his Charizard to try and drag him (Gwyar) towards where they were.

However, the Charizard was met with refusal, and the Fire-type turned to face him with this pained look on his face.

“WHAT? YOU IDIOT!” he shouted in old man’s direction, before recalling his Charizard and noticing that Hideo was moving in a specific direction—oh, fuck!

He’d also seen what had happened to Hideo’s Gardevoir, but bit his lip—he wasn’t going to tell the other boy what he’d seen happen just now. It was—too damning.

“Wait!” he shouted in the other boy’s direction as he then summoned his Rapidash (even if he was tempted to summon his Lycanroc he wasn’t going to risk it, at least not yet) before hurriedly swinging himself aboard the stallion’s back before allowing himself one last look at the man who’d saved him from getting skewered.

“I fucking swear, ol’ man, you better live!” he shouted as he then urged his Rapidash, Mustang, to follow Hideo as fast as he could.

The darkness was still pressing down on all of them, after all—and having a Fire-type to illuminate the darkness (even if it was just brief) was always a good thing.

That, and warmth…


• reconvenes with Hideo, wonders what they had to say about what had attacked Ruby—
• Arashi then notices that there’s something glowing on the other boy’s person but doesn’t know how to express it
• suddenly gets knocked down by Gwyar, therefore effectively saving his ass from being skewered
• hollers at the older man and asks if he’s okay; attempts to rescue Gwyar but being the blockhead that the older man is, older man said “NO” (discussed privately with EBC!)
• recalls his Charizard, swaps out with Mustang the Rapidash
witnessed what had happened to Hideo’s Gardevoir, is shaken to the fucking core about it (but has no idea how to tell the other boy what had happened)
• clambers onto his Rapidash’s back and follows Hideo westward
MAP with approximate locations as of this post

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 20:34:23 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
Rowan chewed his lip nervously as he watched the necrotic crystals continue to grow despite the combined efforts of his Pokémon, unable to match the corruption in power. “Doesn’t seem to matter.” He finally responded to , amber eyes flicking over to glance at them. “I can’t stop the spread alone, we need to take out the source.” As much as he hated to admit it, was the cause of this madness, and he couldn’t let the corpse of his friend defile what he’d worked so hard to protect on Suicune’s behalf.

“We need to get him away from the tree or…” He assumed that Adrian knew where this was going, not needing or wanting to speak the words. Before Rowan had a chance to coordinate with his Rocket compatriots, the Blacephalon’s chain reaction created a more immediate danger for himself and his Pokémon. “Shit.” Quick fingers fumbled loose a Pokéball, unleashing the Toxapex inside, unconventional but still useful.

The Toxapex created a protective dome around Rowan and his Pokémon out of instinct, using BANEFUL BUNKER to absorb the brunt of the attack. “Thanks.” He rested a hand on their head before escaping the confines of the defense Ludicolo and Walrein shortly behind. “Bolero, make us some cover.” The Pokémon nodded and began to sway to a silent beat, pillars of earth erecting from all around the battlefield using NATURE POWER to mold the ground. “Use them as protection!” He’d shout, to anyone who could hear his words over the din of battle.

“Tusk, target that one.” A solitary finger pointed towards Chu-e’s mass in the darkness, prompting an uneasy glance from the Walrein. Despite trepidation, they complied. Silvery-blue energy gathered in the maw of the Pokémon, building until an AURORA BEAM erupted in the direction where he’d last seen the puppeteered corpse, hoping to aid the efforts of those who faced him head on.


(tagged)⏤ @dotdd

(notes)⏤ Brought out Toxapex to use Baneful Bunker. Ludicolo used Nature Power to create pillars of earth around the battlefield, for people to use as cover. Walrein attempted to use Aurora Beam on Chu-e from a distance.
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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
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Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Jun 7, 2022 23:31:10 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar


The shining call for aid made by does not go unheard, and a wave of relief washes over the admin upon learning that Xerneas and its avatar are indeed also near the tree. However, with Solgaleo’s light illuminating the field, much darker revelations are made.
A symbol has appeared, one Mars knows well, one that has shown itself in his dreams more times that what he can count and that he recognizes from that early January day when those who had been visited by the Lake Guardians had gathered. And there isn’t even any time to ponder on what this may mean, because over the symbol, there’s something colourful falling…
Behind a dark, featureless mask, eyes of amber widen.
”PROTECT YOURSELVES! NOW! Despite having had the ability to TELEPORT for months now, Mars’ first instinct is not to flee. Quick to the draw, he reaches for one of the Luxury Balls clipped to his belt, from it releasing a Mr Mime that stands before him and his companions. The Barrier Pokémon does what he does best and PROTECTS its trainer, creating a wall of light behind which to take cover at the last moment.
Still, the explosion is overwhelming.
As if deadly fireworks, everything lights up, and Mars finds himself covering his ears from the booming noise of the blast. They ring uncomfortably, and even once that immediate danger is gone, there’s no way to know where the attack had come from thanks to the darkness that surrounds them all. Had it been the tree too? It’s only when he turns his attention towards the Mr. Mime in order to tell it to prepare another barrier that he realises the terrible fate suffered by the Psychic type: it had managed to protect him and his Riolu from the blast, but between this and the dark spores falling onto it, not even its FILTER ABILITY had been able to save its life. A needed sacrifice.
Something falls off his shoulder then, deadweight plopping down to the ground. The Pyukumuku that had attempted to remove the spores, an action for which it had given its life. That one is more of a shame, if only because it didn’t completely fulfil its task.

Once again, his mind reminds him of the Guardians’ portent, and perhaps the greatest irony of all is that with the reminder come thoughts of all those who had been with him that day back in January, among them . If only he were aware that Katherine herself had been the one who attacked them. But, he's not. All he can do is think of the symbol and–

Mars frowns behind his mask when his thoughts are interrupted, and this time it's the image of that remains in his mind. Is Priam here too? If he is, then maybe–…
”FALL BACK TO THOSE CIRCLES YOU SEE OVER THERE.” With his ears still ringing due to the blast, the instructions are yelled with a distorted voice as he takes a step closer towards the triangle point that is a couple of metres away from where he had been – his fallen pokémon being left behind without a second thought. The circles are close. Really close. It could have been a matter of chance, but Mars had never been one to believe in coincidences or things of the sort – especially not now. ”I KNOW THIS SYMBOL. IT… It appeared when the Guardians did.
And apparently, he isn’t the only one who remembers the symbol’s importance, because when looking towards the Tree of Life, it’s that he sees approach them atop of a Zebstrika. An older boy follows close behind him (), but this one Mars does not recognize. Why is it that children have no self-preservation instincts? They should have evacuated with the rest of Sootopolis’ civilians.
Still, judging by the way Hideo’s charm is shining, having him here may actually be a good thing...
A plan begins to form. He knows what to do.
After a deep breath, it’s with incredible calm that he speaks to his companions:
”We need to get that boy here. The amulet he has is likely to be important.” Mars looks at , , and even the Rocket Beast, , while pointing towards . He then points towards the tree itself. ”Wolf said the tree is being corrupted and Xerneas is fighting for control. If you have pokémon that know Light of Ruin, try attacking the tree. I think Light of Ruin may be giving more Infinity Energy, but they might not be safe out here. It's your choice.”
It’s a theory, but it’s all he has to work with right now. Mars himself had been well aware of the risks when calling out a pokémon as valuable as his Riolu, and so had when leaving his Eevee behind. Both pokémon are affected by spores, but seem to be resisting… for now. They’re the ones to which he gives his next instructions:
”Keep shooting LIGHT OF RUIN at the tree. Don’t stop. No matter what.”
They do as he commands, and it’s only when light shines once more that he allows himself a sigh, working on removing some of the spores his Pyukumuku hadn't managed to get to before it passed.
”... We might have no choice but to stay on the defensive. Do what you can to protect yourselves, chances are more attacks will come.” With this final instruction, Mars releases a Medicham, having it use DETECT in hopes of defending against what may come.



[break]- Mr Mime is released to PROTECT against JESTER'S DEMISE
[break]- Mr Mime DIES due to blast + spores
[break]- Pyukumuku DIES due to spores
[break]- Recognizes symbol and moves towards WESTERN triangle point since it's only a couple of metres away
[break]- Sees and tells the group they might want to get him there because of his charm may be important
[break]- Riolu continues to fire LIGHT OF RUIN towards tree, suggests group should do the same
[break]- Trying to remove the rest of the spores
[break]- Medicham uses DETECT




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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2022 1:05:00 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Even in the face of death, are you not afraid?
The stars quiver as the last speck of light fades from Apollo, a pained breath rattling in her ears as she holds the Wooper close.
Of course she's afraid, her fingers feel like they're burning as she tries to pick whatever dark spores she can reach off herself. Of course she trembles, when she hears his voice distorted by something she can't understand.
The future is lost. Your choice doesn't matter. There is no correct one.

Her charm flickers and sparks against the braid had gifted her, her gaze drawn to the fragments of past that dance on her mind. And yet, that isn't the only thing that sparks, a strange light entwining her wrist and burning brighter than ever. It's almost as if the light that once coloured Apollo has found new life in her veins, but she isn't sure...
Amidst all the destruction, uncertainty and death, her panicked sobs are lost in the chaos. The Springtide Storm that Shadow Lugia stirs up bears close, the turbulent winds of both that and a Jester's Demise pushing her right to the ground. It's here that she sees the lines that cover the field through a blurry vision, her sparking wrist illuminating the pattern as she tries to push herself back up.
Where does it lead? She rubs at her teary eyes as she nervously scrabbles to her feet, her gaze darting from 's body to her wrist and back again. Everyone seems to have labelled him as a threat, attacks aimed towards him are met with extreme hostility. She can neither attack him safely at such a short range nor defend him against anymore attempts on his life...
You've seen this once
You've lived through things like this before

You're not going to die here, are you?

The only thing she can afford to do is run, to fight like a coward and live another day. Holding onto Apollo's limp body, Eris starts running and calls out yet another pokemon to aid her. Jansky is called out into a mad battlefield, her hand quickly latching onto Eris' as she looks to the location being pointed out - The tip of the triangle closest to them. And as soon as she's certain, the Clefable takes a deep breath, attempting to Teleport them out before they get hit by any stray shots at the tree.
- APOLLO NO, rest in peace wooper[break]
- Glowy wrist oh gawd oh fuck oh shit[break]
- Eris calls out to , gets knocked over by encroaching attacks and leftover shockwaves[break]
- Sees the pattern, recognises it[break]
- Eris is brave but not brave enough for this, running away from and towards the closest triangle point (Above Chu-e on the map)[break]
- Clefable uses TELEPORT to try and get them closer to the point and away from danger[break][break]
map where eris is running (for visualisation)[break]

[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


THE LOST[break]

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2022 4:42:55 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex holds her breath as the DEFOG kicks up a suitable wind strong enough to deter the spores from traveling any further. It releases in a relieved sigh when they no longer rain down over them. It’s obvious they are meant to hinder, so Lex attempts to brush them off, only to find them relentlessly sticking to her. Fucking, spores.

The feeling of relief is fleeting, just like the bright light cast by the Rocket Beast, . It only lasts for a moment, but a strange symbols he doesn’t recognize becomes clear. Lex’s priorities lie elsewhere, and she scans the brief surroundings for any sign of and Deoxys. Unfortunately, they remain obscured by the alien’s strange ability to camouflage.

Luckily, seems to know what to do.

But before they can act, ’s savage attack does its damage.


A pokeball splits open to release a Omastar, the pokemon’s tentacles rise and create a PROTECTIVE barrier that shields the thief from Jester’s Demise. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for the Mandibuzz that has followed towards the tree. As instructed, it attempts to shield from the blast, only to be blown into chunks of feathery flesh.

In a frantic attempt to rid Lex of the spores, the Omastar uses it’s many tentacles to pluck the remaining seed off. As tendrils sprout, they bury into the pokemon’s blue flesh. It darkens, transitioning into black. The soft tissue crystalize and spread like a disease until the pokemon is no longer an Omstar, just a dark, black, crystal statue of what it once was.

Fuck, this bitch sucks.

There’ no time to mourn. Whatever is happening, needs to be stopped. Kicking the crystalized Omastar away, the Beast’s gaze falls onto the boy the points towards: .

“On it,” If that boy could help end this, lex would drag his scrawny ass across this dark field whether he liked it or not. A flash of light releases her own Zebstrika. In a swift movement, the woman mounts the mare that bolts forward in a gallop with the aid of AGILITY.

Sparks flash from the WILD CHARGE to light their way, “C’mon, kid, you’re going this way,” her voice carries over the steady beat of hooves. Her own Zebstrika strikes out and nips at his stallion’s haunches to herd them towards . She holds a pokeball at the ready, a sacrifice to protect the boy that is apparently part of the key to this gruesome puzzle.

& &

- Mandibuzz dies due to Jester’s Demise
- Omastar uses PROTECT
- Omastar dies from the spores
- Lex follows ’s orders and mounts her own Zebstrika to force help reach where he needs to go


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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 8, 2022 20:14:59 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
A gesture of silent comfort quickly changes like the wind.

As quickly as it arrives, the reassuring warmth of 's presence, the tickle of her fingers over his skin, suddenly shifts to wordless caution. Angelo's hand reaching out to catch his wife's wrist.

Slow down, Dross, the end of the world can wait a second.” He casually mumbles, blue eyes sharply fixated on a speck of dark dust that had entangled in golden hair, its shape beginning to rapidly expand.

Plucking the DARK SEED from off wild curls, Angelo notes a sprout beginning to crack from the pod.

You had a stowaway.” Dropping it, Angelo crunches it beneath the toe of his boot for good measure. “Y'welcome.” 

What small semblance of a soft smirk that had formed as he looks upon her, his lighthouse amongst the darkness, is quickly wiped away.

An explosion that flashes by the tree wipes the flicker of emotion off his face, its aftershock ripping through Sootopolis like a tidal wave.

Suddenly, the tiny flecks of hungry darkness are the least of his concerns as the pilot turns to his significant other, voice low. Concern leaking through. “ 's out there somewhere.

I'm going to look for them. Come with me?

He needn't say it out loud.

With her, he could face even the end of the world.

Angelo replaces his Sceptile for a Noivern, slipping onto its back. Blue eyes don't look to check on Skyler, confident she was with him.

Don't get into too much trouble while we're gone,” he tells , and . Hopefully they'll stay safe, that he'll see them later.

TAILWIND breezes around Angelo and Skyler and her pokemon, the wind current pushing them faster across the Sootopolis landscape in their determined hunt.

Keeping low to the ground, Noivern searches through the dark for using its natural prowess in hunting at night. And it's not long before the postman is located, landing right before them.

Hey, Locke... Going to take a shot in the dark and guess prophecy stuff?” He gestures to the sparks flying off his friend when he gives them a quick look over, checking on their condition.

Tell us what you need, and you've got it.


- only angelo gets to seed his wife thx
- this isnt goodbye, cool gang
- NOIVERN uses TAILWIND on angelo/allies
- noivern locates in the dark
- here to support our local postman!
- wherever locke is/will be on the map

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 2:38:34 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







someone covered in flames quickly approached him, freaking him out slightly as he wondered if he was an enemy. But it seemed like he wasn't since it sounded like he came to lend his help. "Watch out!" he shouts shoving the man down as he tosses a pokeball with an Appletun who quickly uses a protect. The dome is erected trying to protect them all but mainly looking to save Bryan and Xerneas. [break][break]

Yet this protection comes at a cost, Appletun's life is forfeit as it couldn't stop an ultra beast let alone the power of it's z-move. [break][break]

he's saddened by this loss, Xerneas as well. But the time for grieving must wait as they had to continue to fight. They had no other options, the natural order of the world  had demanded it so. [break][break]

After all, what was the purpose of an avatar other than to have a stake in the fate of the region? [break][break]

And so he'd stake his claim, he'd defend the tree for as long as he could with help from this masked stranger. "Infinity energy. Can any of your Pokémon weaponize it? Aim it at the tree, the more infinity energy we can feed it the more control of the tree Xerneas and I can take back from..this thing.." [break][break]

As Xerneas silently looks over to the masked stranger and Bryan. "My strength is wavering quickly... please assist me however you can young man.." he asked the stranger as geomancy was still being channeled, yet it started to dim slightly thanks to the dark spores slowly growing on xerneas's body and as a result Bryan started to feel weaker as well not only thanks to his own spores but their shared connection. [break][break]

"Shit..Xerneas..no.." Their lives were tied to one another, should Xerneas be weakened then Bryan would be as well. [break][break]

But he had to continue. "Eevee..smeargle.." he says releasing two pokeballs as his Pokémon looked on confused. "Please...light of ruin the tree, smeargle follow her lead.." he asked as they both turned and obliged, eevee firing off her own light of ruin as smeargle followed her lead, sketching the move and firing light of ruin upon the tree as well.[break][break]

he turned to the person next to him, who's fire felt oddly nice to him. "Please..help me with these..sprouts..? I can take the heat..". Meanwhile his comfey began to ditch the flowers on it's body that had become infected in an attempt to remove the spores that were stuck on it's body.


notes about this post



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F6uHEuvH [break][break]

Bryan just barely sees explosion in time thanks to the light he created. [break][break]
Bryan sends out his appletune to use protect to shield him and his pokemon from the blast and dies immediately in the process.[break][break]
The dark spores begin to take weaken Xerneas, it already beginning to affect bryan thanks to their shared link.[break][break]
Sends out an eevee who knows light of ruin and uses it, he also sends out one smeargle who sketches the move and fires it at the tree as well.[break][break]
Comfey attempts to remove it's sprouts (1-20 roll required)[break][break]

MAP IN SPOILERS! 's locations added.

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 17:02:00 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
a explosion right after the flash gives kyle a clear view of what they were dealing with: people bunching around a dangerous target that gives the impression of undervaluing their own safety.

ignoring everything else, he takes in the more important points from the moment's sight around the tree: 's xerneas and its reaction with the alien, a clearer view of the prism armor's influence on sootopolis' tree of life, and his own silvally's behavior with its targeting.

kyle makes assumptions, and is ready to act on them.

he turns to his party and shares what's going on with his head. "situation's still too tame for this. tough stuff coming soon, i think. take your potshots or setups now. i'll try to make something happen soon."

defenses has already been provided by and , with ' attacks painting himself a target and getting himself to act as a decoy in case it fights back. kyle finds it relatively safe to take action rather than stay reactive of the situation. involuntarily, an aura activates around him to counteract psychic terrain's corruption.

in a limited area around him, kyle can choose pokemon and allies to REGENERATE HEALTH OVER TIME in the midst of battle and gain the effects of NATURAL CURE upon switching out.

unable to control his silvally, he opts for another avenue to solve the situation, of which he has a confident, secondary one. it wasn't planned, but he has to take it when the opportunity showed itself. with the illuminating smeargle carried on his arm, he points at the tree. "sketch that. let that image burn in your memory."

the smeargle copies the eerie glow around the tree, trying to muster even a fraction of the life pokemon's light, as it channels its own geomancy. its properties as an illumina pokemon masks the immediate effects of the move, however.

kyle keeps going after his silvally, a subconscious decision brought by both ho-oh and terrakion's influence on him. it goes with tri-attack as it gets closer to the tree, hitting targets with precision amid the darkness.

  • casts regen on the party
  • under protection of greyson/illeana mons
  • illumina smeargle sketches geomancy
  • illumina smeargle channels geomancy
  • kyle continues to move close to the tree
  • silvally uses tri-attack at the lights
  • silvally is much closer to the tree than kyle
  • map



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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 9, 2022 20:02:05 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Pain blooms in the nape of her neck, but Angelo gets to it before she can. His casualness is at odds with the choppy surface of blue, grown cold with intention - and finalized when his feet stomp down on reaching tendrils of distilled darkness.

"What can I say, Angel? I'm irresistible." Despite the words, amusement fails to rise past the steely surface of her gaze - still focused on the Dark Seed crushed beneath the weight of Angelo's boot. "You should know this already." When her fingers reach back to touch the back of her neck, they return red-tipped.

Ah, fuck.

Whatever insights Absol might've gleaned are lost in a moment of distraction, its moon-lit fur disappearing into a darkened alley before Skyler can make sense of what had just happened. Suddenly, the pokeball in her hands - his - feels awfully empty and cold. "What the f-"

There's no warning before the world explodes in a rapture of violence that eats away at the darkness - if only for a sliver of a second. Beneath Skyler's feet, the earth rumbles in dissatisfaction, and she leans in as if to taste the aftershocks.

Silver eyes searching the darkness for the perpetrator and coming up empty.

"THE Locke? Our Locke? Out there?" The captain's head snaps to look at the event's center stage, worry creasing the skin between her eyebrows. Angelo doesn't have to ask, of course he doesn't. He doesn't have to reach out either before she's making herself comfortable on Noivern's back, eyebrow lifted in a silent 'well?'.

Her hand freezes on the way to another pokeball, the acrid burn of hesitation flooding her mouth before she swallows it back. Another pokeball is chosen, unveiling both a Kingler that uses a PROTECT over the flying duo, and a Klefki. 

"And if you do get into trouble," she tells , and , as if bestowing great wisdom, "least you can do is make 'em pay for it." 

Releasing a Crafty Shield over the group in lieu of goodbye, both Skyler and Angelo make for

- unseeds skyler. kinky. no roll needed?
- absol runs away because skyler was too distracted by the explosion
- she hops onto noivern with and both make their way over to
- kingler uses PROTECT over the duo while they're flying
- klefki uses CRAFTY SHIELD just to cover all the bases while the world is ending

@ dawn of the darkest day
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 10, 2022 2:15:00 GMT

the EXPLOSION is a welcoming sight. it paints orange and red upon fields of green and black, and briefly, it illuminates enough for matias to catch a glimpse of some of the rats hiding within.[break][break]


changing it up last second, exeggutor's SOLAR BEAM fires in the general direction of and company, boosted only by comfey's HELPING HAND.[break][break]

metagross, however, fires a FLASH CANNON at the tree of life, taking inspiration from the best sniper they know (@shepard rip).[break][break]

"come on. we gotta keep up."[break][break]

so they follow after , , and .

[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- levitating on METAGROSS with MAGNET RISE[break]
- EXEGGUTOR using SOLAR BEAM in , , and 's direction[break]
- greyson's COMFEY uses HELPING HAND to boost SOLAR BEAM[break]
- METAGROSS using FLASH CANNON on the tree of life[break]
- matias following after and company[break]
- updated MAP[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-metagross"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-exeggutor"][break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-comfey"]

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing