i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 18:20:49 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

Elinor had been so lost in thought, that she might very well have forgotten all about being there. Perhaps it was the music, perhaps it was the coping.

Whatever the cause, she would simply have to do better in the future. For she had completely foregone answering any of Lars’s questions. Realizing that she was joined by her cousin who was consuming what was definitely a delicious cold treat, she felt a pang of embarrassment.

Just as she was about to act upon it, a space-time distortion burst forth in the area. Aggressive Pokémon manifested around them. Elinor was quick to summon a companion. The Rufflet summoned began to deal with the wild Pokémon in the air, protecting civilians from the dangers as security helped get them out of there.

Meanwhile, Minh found herself mildly amused by it all, and began to stumble around finding a Red Shard in the process.

Elinor was busy trying to get an overview of the situation, so when it wasn’t a Rufflet that returned to her, but a weird-looking Braviary she looked mildly perplexed.

She quickly realized what had happened when it tried to nuzzle against her with its beak, expecting head-pats and the like. “I guess you evolved, huh, Ruff?” She gently allowed her hands to run through its feathers as she turned her attention to Lars to see if he was alright.


OOC: Evolving Rufflet into Hisuian!Braviary and Using 3x Level-up and 1x TM/TR tutor to teach it. Twister, Mystical Fire, Esper Wing, Hurricane (All items taken from inventory)
CROWNS: (No crown for distortion, sadge)


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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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TAG WITH @jack
jack wainwright
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 0:07:33 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar

The scene seemed to transition from party to chaos in seconds as the time distortion formed in the venue. Jack kept his arms up near his chest to fend off the crush of the crowd against his lungs. His height gave him an advantage in seeing over the panicked crowd, so he scanned around for any sight of and . Shit, there's too many people, I'm never going to spot them in this, he thinks to himself as he angles sideways as the rest of the crowd continues pushing toward the exit.

As the horde of concert-goes begins to thin, Jack continues to scan anxiously for any sign of his friends. Here and there he sees Rangers and League Officers, and a few trainers, head back into the venue. From far off, he thinks he spots Zev heading in as well but can't tell from this distance. Is that him? What is he doing? Old chap must feel some responsibility since he's an event sponsor but Arceus knows he shouldn't be in there without me protecting him, Jack frets as he turns to head back toward the anomaly, although he has already lost what fleeting bit of sight he had of Zev. Popping open a pokeball, he grabs both of Harpe's hilts from the cloud of red light and strides confidently forward. The rich fabric unfurls from the pokemon and wraps around Jack's forearms just as the first wave of disorientation hits him at the edge of the distortion.

Reality itself seems to break as the light turns dark or shatters into blindingly colorful fractals. Jack's heart races even as his physical movement slows, his body responding as if from within a nightmare. Jack attempts to look around, to open his senses, but the edges of objects seem to bleed into the air. He turns again and finds himself face to face with a strange Avalugg, one with rocky protrusions, unlike anything Jack has seen before. Almost without thought, Harpe provides and iron defense as the strange pokemon rushes forward to bounce of the crossed swords of the Doublade. The sound of the collision and the Avalugg's roar is lost to a myriad of noises that shatter apart into the sounds of motorbikes, and children crying, and the crash of waves against the shore.

Jack whispers a command to Harpe that seems understood even though only the crunch of Autumn leaves seems to fill the air. The Doublade blurs into multihued shadows and appears behind the Avalugg, slashing into it. Taking advantage of the distraction, Jack throws a pokeball which seems to teleport back and forth before reaching the pokemon and capturing it in a blaze of rainbow light. Determined to rescue Zev, he begins to run forward, heedless of the glitching reality, only to find himself standing on the outside of the venue as if he had never entered.

Splashfest: Mainstage

[break]NOTES: form change to Hisuian Avalugg
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twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
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TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 0:35:00 GMT
knox prescott Avatar

okay, so there's ice in his veins and jayden is looking at him some type of way and he's feeling guilt twist its way through him like a knife. and really, honestly, he's going to put a hand up and bumble over how he's a taken man. do the honest thing, y'know? but say he doesn't mind the flirting. the wanting. just not to let jayden let him do anything that'll fuck everything up. 

and then the sky breaks and shit hits the fan and knox, oddly enough, doesn't react like he should. his brows furrow and he blears down at the bag of snow in the palm of his hand, thinking fuck, did someone lace this? 

but reality catches up to him and it's not some backwards ass trip. summer is yelling for them to find cover. or fight? or...i'msofuckidrunk.

he stumbles to the side and ends up wrapping around jayden in an iron grip. 

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:10:48 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The League had been bombing on stage so far. They were bombing so hard that Osaac could practically hear them ticking. Y'know. Like an explosive device. One so close that Isaac could practically feel each tick and tock. In fact, it was so close that it may as well have been under Isaac's chair.[break][break]

A little shaken, Isaac checked underneath his chair. That was when he saw a Hisuian Voltorb staring right back at him. Its eyes narrowed, its ticking sped up, and then it started to glow.[break][break]

Needless to say, Isaac was not sticking around for that box office bomb. He ran from the chair as fast as possible, tipping it down slightly in a futile attempt at covering himself from the explosion. It was unexpected, being snuck up on by a Pokemon like that. But it was just an isolated incident, so it was fine.[break][break]

It was not fine. Apparently, while Isaac was busy snarking it up in the back with some roughnecks, the main stage had turned into Jurassic Park. Long Basculin flopped on the ground, died of air loss, and promptly had their souls flow into another, even longer Basculin. Odd, discolored Scythers with stony appendages wrestled for dominance in seats that had long been abandoned. A weird Sneasel man was running around with a wicker box on its back, a pair of mysterious eyes sticking out from within.[break][break]

Yeah. No. Isaac wasn't even going to ask. He just broke into a full tilt run before an albino Stantler could notice him and charge his ass. He ran, and ran, and ran some more, until soon the fever dream that the main stage had become was little more than a distant memory.[break][break]

Soon, the only proof that this had ever happened would be the red plate he clutched between his fingers.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / @


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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:37:15 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Arriving fashionably late to things was the cool thing to do right? Because Kazimir was really late to the party or in this particular point in time he was actually right on time. While he only caught a bit of Dhalia's speech thanks to someone streaming it he had to agree that taking a bit of time to unwind and relax in these trying times was probably the best thing they could do. Of course since she was talking about peace in Hoenn that only meant that the cosmic forces would try and screw it up for them. If that was the case then all he had to do was rush in there and try to make sure that no one gets hurt. So into the warped space and time he went as he stepped over the threshold to the entrance of the party.


gaining x1 red shard!

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:46:48 GMT
[attr="class","bbb"]whether responds now or later is inconsequential. theo's attention is pulled away to the stage, to the distortion that forms. he recognizes it for its power and possibilities so it makes sense for him to call out his typhlosion.

"come back when you've changed."

it waddles forward, joining the others in the distortion before coming back out a changed fire-type.

"very good."

typhlosion > h!typhlosion ([x])
learning INFERNAL PARADE ([x])

falling like ashes the the ground, ground

[newclass=.bbb b]color:#d5d5d5;font-family:playfair display;font-size:12px;[/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:48:30 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","subtxt"]SO YOU'RE BACK, [break] FROM OUTER SPACE


[attr="class","textbox"] he's been knocking shots back so frequently that he isn't even aware of how many he's taken. the thrum of music in the distance, bumping against his friends as they celebrate the end of the world, there's very little in his thoughts when he nearly knocks another back. however the drink stops mid-way when the distortion appears.

[break][break] the taste of static crackles loud and sudden in the air, as the wind picks up. his eyes widen. 'is this - '

[break][break] is he drunk, or is this real? is that really , or an illusion?

[break][break] before he can voice another thought, is jumping and clinging to him. the glass slips from his grasp, shattering to the floor. " i - "

[break][break] "a'isortion," he mumbles, grappling for a pokeball at his waist. the BRAVIARY that appears before them immediately transforms, as it flaps it's wings to deter any wild pokemon that may come for them. some bright and red flies through the air, nearly knocking him in the eye, but he catches it in his grip. 'a red shard?'

[break][break] in one hand, he reaches for knox's wrist and in the other . "c'mon, we oughta go - "

HP: 28/150

[break][break] BRAVIARY -> H!BRAVIARY (form change)

[break][break] H!BRAVIARY LEARNS ESPER WING (level-up move)

[break][break] red shard obtained




[attr="class","fas fa-crow"] #MAINSTAGE [break]
shots shots shots! [break]

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he / him
december fourth
slateport city
191 height
191 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
717 posts
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TAG WITH @gabe
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:56:51 GMT
gabriel looks at 's pokemon, then releases his own. with a nudge of his head he directs the typhlosion forward, joining the underboss's own. it'd have to cope with its new form
"make sure you protect your councilman, beckett."[break][break]

[attr="class","notes"][break]hisusian typhlosion[break]learns infernal parade!


[newclass=".gabe"] --accent:#b75d5d; [/newclass]

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,665 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:02:36 GMT
ollie morales Avatar
ollie's late to the party, but there's nothign new.

[break][break] he's hanging in the back, as is his ranger detail, as he thinks about what says about the fate of the reason. while others may find it apt to poke holes in her methodology, ollie has no such thoughts. he has faith in her, the same way that he has faith in the league and himself. they'll find a way through all of this — he knows it.

[break][break] when the distortion appears, ollie is quick to action. "mocha! mozz! wait — mozz?! not you too!"

[break][break] static crackling around them, he watches as his other stantler transforms into a wyrdeer.

[break][break] there's not time to think twice — ollie shouts and instructs the two to help herd the young and old to safety. he picks up a RED SHARD on the way.

[attr="class","ooc"] x1 crown - react to dahlia's speech [break][break]

stantler --> wyrdeer (type 1 evo) [break]
wyrdeer learns psyshield bash (level tutor) [break][break]


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,862 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:16:14 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint let out a loud gasp at as he confirmed him an used to get down and dirty together. Then immediately looked back at Jayden missing Knox pulling out his secret weapon. "Don' worry, !! can handle it…an' mish- mi- mimi is takin' care of us." He said, pointing at the most sober of them all. [break][break]

Though he's quick to cheer as did all four to catch up. "Yeah!yeah! Yeah!! 5th round 5th round!!" He announced. He still had 2 more in him. And maybe that was enough to knock everyone out. Cept jayden of course. Well…maybe they'd get lucky. [break][break]

Just then some lady ( ) came through to reprimand the crossfaded drunk next to him. "Heey, Luka, can she 'not- yanno- kill the vibe? We've almost got a winner here. Can'tcha tqke care of yer self?" He said as the bartender set down the 5th round of shots. Followed promptly by bottled waters in miniature for the group of drunks. But before he can partake, something sparked and the scene seemed to change. He felt nausea, but worse. Lightning crackled and thunder boomed. He fumbled for a pokeball, letting out his Zorua, Amarone before hissing. "C-cover us kid!" He said as the zorua manifested a BITTER MALICE. [break][break]

He dropped another pokeball accidentally, letting out a Samurott which began to turn and shake as it changed into something else."ah fuck, im so sorry!" He began making a move towards his own pokemon begore it roared and attacked something that was incoming. "Shitshihsihtshit…" Mint hissed, falling to the ground and pocketing something red before beginning to crawl his way out of the mainstage. Amarone followed close as his Samurott shielded them.

██████████ [break]

HP 25/150 [break][break]

tagged ▸ ooc | samurott > h!samurott and learns xe

Ceaseless edge h!zorua > learns bitter malice,




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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,536 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:32:35 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
Takes my pain[break]
Takes my pain away
teravolt's music fades out. annalise finally feels like she can hold a conversation in the lull as the stage is cleared out for whatever's next — only, she doesn't get the opportunity. the sky grows a dark violet and wind lashes at her bare skin.
[break][break]"what the fuck?" the space around her glitches and her anxiety spikes, mind leaping back to her time within that weird digital world. a pokemon manifests out of nothing, teeth bared, but one of her own bursts from a poke ball in her purse. her lilligant's figure seems to warp in this distorted space, ending the other pokemon's aggression with a leaf blade.
lilligant looks back at her trainer, eyes searching for approval. annalise can only stare in rapidly-sobering confusion at her pokemon's new body.

[attr="class","annalooc"] + 1x crown pog ?? [break]1x red shard[break]lilligant --> h!lilligant (redeeming 1x form change from pc)[break]
learning leaf blade & close combat (redeeming 1x level tutor from pc and buying 1x level tutor)

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,754 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:35:06 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"It's just us, Howie." Rowan let out a melancholic sigh as departed, already bored again now that Teravolt had left the mainstage. At least he could COPE with some good, old fashioned, drinking. "Another one, and a pretzel for my Arcanine!" The bartender returned with what he'd ordered, setting them in front of him.[break][break]

"Don't tell Adrian about this, alright?"
Rowan glanced down at Howitzer with a wicked grin, plucking off a chunk of soft pretzel and feeding it to the Pokémon. Amber eyes glanced to the red square on his plate, what he'd originally thought was another errant ketchup packet. "Huh?" Upon picking it up, the piece was solid, crystalline like. "Oh well." He dropped it in a pocket, unsure what it was. "Hey, where'd you go?" Howie at some point during the interaction had left, prompting Rowan to get up and follow.


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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,677 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:38:36 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

He found water fast, he found danger even faster. The sudden lightning and crackle on the stage tells him everything he needs to know. "Moving in to assist evacuation at the South West exit!" He said into the static that was his comms. [break][break]

He's running towards the screaming. "Joules, cover me." He said as the Magnezone rushed forward, pushing back something rabid as he directed concert drunks and enjoyers alike to come towards him, trying his best to protect while people tried to escape.


+ gains one red shard [break][break]




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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,458 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 9:50:27 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Perhaps relaxed isn't the best way to describe how Gavin is feeling, but the break from the chaos of the Splashfest and all that had come before it is welcome. Not all of the musical performances were to his tastes, but that was fine, too. It's noise, something on which he can focus his racing thoughts in order to block them out. It's almost nice.

And then the all-too-familiar crackle of a distortion appears, because you're not allowed to have nice things in Hoenn.

Thankfully this one is smaller than others the Rocket underboss has encountered, and the League security seem to have it under control. Shocking. Amidst the chaos, his fingers close around a peculiar RED SHARD that falls to the ground. Another for the collection...?


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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 10:44:16 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He was down by one of the lounge areas when the—the crackle in the air signaled something was happening.

And then the screaming started.

After downing the last bite of the Blue Hawaiian snow cone he was eating (it was actually the third one) he watched quietly as people began panicking, screaming all over the place—and then the strange Pokémon started appearing once again!

He didn’t even have time to properly process the speech made by the Commissioner earlier in the day (well, he had words to say about it but chose not to instead) and then looked around—the individual in charge of the snow cone stand had turned tail and fled.

Which meant he was left with the cart himself, so…

“Che cazzo,” he hissed under his breath, squinting through the gloom until he almost got hit in the face with a—what the?

“Fuck!” he shouted this time, very nearly going blind in one eye had he not reacted on instinct and caught the red shard that flew dangerously close to his face.

“What the…?”

• has thoughts about the opening remarks at the start of the party (reaction to the speech from earlier in the day)
• a red shard almost fucking blinds him as he went straight for his eye!


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing