i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 4:33:44 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]A thoughtful nod was given as , and give their insights as to his suggestion of siding with the enigmatic Sea Hoenn, able to see the reason in their words. "I agree we should move cautiously, but I think it's an option we should still keep open in the future. In my opinion, it'd be foolish to turn away a potential ally simply because the League has declared them a hostile force. Propaganda shouldn't be taken at face value." Amber eyes shift to Killian now, addressing him directly. "I think it'd be wise to gather intelligence, undoubtedly, and I'd be happy to assist your efforts with that." He offered as a gesture, with a small smile.[break][break]

The subject of the teleportation was even more troubling, as had mentioned, what could appear in the meteor's place? "There could be something worse on the other end, for sure. Is there any way for us to know for sure how the teleportation functions and what it could displace ahead of time?" His gaze shifts to and , as the head scientists.
Acknowledged the risks of working with Sea Hoenn, Inquired about the primal teleportation technology.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 5:14:07 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

Half of Mars’ daily life is meetings, he’s used to this sort of thing, and because he is he simply listens, watching everyone carefully and paying close attention to who has said what and why they have said it. For a moment, his gaze lingers on before his attention is stolen away by a comment that stands out among the others.
”Watch your tone, Choi.” He finally intervenes when refers to everyone’s comments as “bitching”. Gold eyes look down at the man that had once been his superior in the syndicate, as do half a dozen Unown, and in all of those eyes, there’s nothing but apathy. ”Walsh wanted to know people’s opinions on the League’s plan. They are giving their opinions.”
Discussions should happen in a civilised manner. Mars cares little for listening to people insult each other.
There are suggestions of seeking out allies, of joining forces with Sea Hoenn and maybe even the League. Among them, 's ideas get an acknowledging nod out of him. Mars has his own opinions on those matters, on who can be trusted and who can’t, but for now, he keeps them to himself.
Only when and speak of the potential dangers of the meteor does he intervene once again:
”According to what we learned in The Cloud, the meteoroid’s arrival accelerated due to our universe collapsing in on itself. The Dark Triad is so sure that it will destroy the region that they have doubled down and built a perfect landing path for it. I doubt they will simply let the League get rid of it.” He looks at the crowd when he speaks, glancing at and then his fellow underbosses as he concerns his next statement:
”That means there’s at least three possible outcomes: the first is them being sure that the League’s plan won’t work, the second is them stopping it so that the region is destroyed, and the third is the Dark Triad allowing it to happen because they know it will result in something much worse.”
Mars has never been an optimist, he looks at things for what they are. He follows logic.
”As for alternatives, we can’t create a plan based on speculation. We don’t have the time for it. We need an alternative that we are absolutely sure will work. Is that something any of you can offer at this moment?”
His attention turns to the Head Scientists then, offering a respectful nod at both and . The people he relies on the most when discussing these sort of things.
"Do you believe there's any other way to teleport the meteor out of this dimension? There's also the possibility that dimensional travel of that magnitude could cause further damage to our universe, no?"



[break]■ Scolded Chu-e, Unown watching him.
[break]■ Talking about DARK TRIAD and their possible plans for the meteor
[break]■ Saying we don't have the time for plans based solely on speculation.
[break]■ Asking Lulu and Pryde if they believe there's any other way to teleport the meteor out of Hoenn


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 5:58:16 GMT
Deleted Avatar

This was wild, the whole thing was just crazy, the sandstorm around them, the whole escalating way the higher ups were presented, clearly taking into consideration the whole system of showing how smaller the lower ranked members were, especially towards the newer members of Team Rocket, like himself. He had stood at the back of the crowd, as if he had arrived late to sunday church, he didn't exactly have anything to add to the any of the arguments that were being brought forth, but then again, he didn't really think his opinion mattered, he was one of their newest recruits. Although he did recognize one person , the man responsible for him having a "job".[break][break]

He was still mentally breathless with how everything looked though, if this was a video game they were really about to raid a boss and probably lose. Seeing pokemon he had never seen, seeing the actual boss of Rocket, sometimes getting glimpses of Unowns? around them? It was frankly oppressive but still interesting to witness. Listening to people make their cases, witnessing the more extreme side of Team Rocket was a newer experience to Ambrose, he had only really worked with and , two very talented scientists that he was honored to have met.[break][break]

He would quietly munch away on some Hot Ditto's, his favorite kind of chips, weirdly enough he was using chopsticks to eat them though, never knew if you would need to shake some hands in this kind of event. The only attention he would have wanted from anyone there, would have been from his fellow scientist, that hopefully were still standing alongside him. He would have offered both the girls some of his chips, of course. "So is this how things always go? Very interesting way to get a meeting going if I do so say myself?" He'd say in a lower tone towards Ceri and Naomi, hoping no one else would really hear his doubts.[break][break]




  • Eating Hot Ditto's Chips (with chopsticks as per Ban's request).
  • Listening to everyone's ideals.
  • Shocked by the Boss level arena they created.
  • Curious about the unowns.
  • Open to interaction.
  • Outfit: Not dressed for the occasion.


[newclass=.ambrose4] --accent: #008c73; [/newclass]
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,397 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 6:05:34 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose


standing at the arched staircase alongside , jayden is also flanked by the other admins ( and ), staring down at the sea of rockets below.

[break][break] this is the first meeting he attends in hoenn where he doesn't sit amongst the crowd. glancing at the underbosses and head scientists above him, it feels almost surreal that he would be placed at such a precarious position, during such a precarious time.

[break][break] what would have dmitri thought?

[break][break] this is not the time - he reminds himself - to be concerned with inner turmoil.

[break][break] hearing that wished to view the machine's up close, he decided it was time to speak.

[break][break] "i witnessed one of their machines up close with . i am not a mechanic, but i can certainly provide a report to you, sir, after this meeting."

[break][break] after that, several people voice their discontent with the league, and jayden - unsurprisingly - is among them. he steps forward right after does. "but i agree — why should we trust the league when most of us have spent the better part of a lifetime distrusting them?" he shakes his head. "at the same time, there is no time for half-measures. if we are to put our foot forward, the plan must be fully formed."

[break][break] the admin agrees with the others who have spoken — while there is a time for sabotage, this certainly isn't it.

[break][break] as several opinions float in afterwards, jayden allows other rockets to take the stage. his thoughts return back to what had said — something beneath rustboro? if the league were to be believed, speaking to sea hoenn seemed pointless.

[break][break] then again, as far as jayden was aware, that too was intel from the league.

[break][break] "i apologize for my ignorance, but is there anyone who has had direct contact with sea hoenn? the league reports seem to indicate that they cannot be negotiated with but —" he folds his arms. "as we know — they aren't known for their competence."

[break][break] is then brought up, and jayden turns his gaze to one of their head scientists with curiosity. while he is certain of their competence, he is intrigued to hear what has been cooking behind the lab's stonecold walls.



jayden standing next to , and the other admins [break]
jayden is like boo the league and agrees with most of the points that have been brought up but also asks anyone if they've had direct contact with sea hoenn :EYES: and also curious to hear their science departments plans


[attr="class","title"]TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 3


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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 6:19:34 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna had made her way to this gathering of Rockets. From Grunts all the way up to the big headpiece himself. Of course, being a grunt she was gathered amidst a group of her fellow sacrificial pawns somewhere on the outskirts of the gathering.

Clad in generic off-brand black clothes, she was but a simple blip on the radar of anyone who would be looking out upon her part of the gathering. Well, perhaps save for her bright blue hair which stood in stark contrast to most.

And so when they were all asked about their opinions of The League and their plans. She stood there in silence. While everyone seemed ready to proclaim their disdain for both. She just gave a mild. “I don’t trust The League nor do I like their plan, but unless we got something better, then messing with it might not be wise.” and a downturned thumb. Barely noticeable by those near her, and clearly even less so further up the line.

Mild in comparison to the reaction of the other, but she felt that vilifying every single member of The League if not publicly then at least in their minds, would provide them a detrimental shackle of preconception that would only hinder their work later down the line.

LOCATION: Sootopolis
- Answers the question mildly!


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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,631 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 6:54:05 GMT
shiv Avatar



FROM THIS POINT ONWARD, multiple post rounds will now have a maximum of two posts per character. However, this limitation may change in the future or for specific rounds.

Thank you very much!
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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,691 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 8:08:53 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for TRANSFER OF POWER 3
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
[attr="class","ltrhead-text"]GALAR was embroiled in chaos, and Remiel was trapped in a land that never quite evolved from being 'foreign' to him. Naturally, this predicament did not sit well with the royal prince. It weighed on his mind heavily. And, though it hardly showed on his otherwise nonchalant expression, it cast this meeting in a certain light for him.[break][break]

He was at a crossroads here. Like Hoenn. Like all the rest of them. Though, given his recent near-sacrifice alongside , the royal couldn't shake off that dreadful feeling of foreboding finality in his case.[break][break]

With his back against the wall of the ADMIN balcony, standing at the far end beside , most of the Team Rocket operatives below are sure not to recognize the sight of him. And, if they do, they might be surprised to learn that had been the man behind the mask of ADMIN FOX this whole time: one of the organization's longest running.[break][break]

It's with a casual indifference that Remiel had decided to forgo the mask today. Perhaps the possible end of their world had something to do with it. Maybe news of his region, the one he'd been sworn to protect and serve, had addled his mind. Whatever the case, he leans back against the white stone as he quietly listens to the discussions of Sea Hoenn and the meteor.[break][break]

Before long, nimble fingers pluck a cigarette from his front pocket, then proceed to planting it between his lips. They move on to retrieve a matchbook, too, before striking a flame to life with one of its matches and lighting his tobacco. The flame is cast to the ground afterwards and crushed beneath his leather boot as he crosses his arms and takes a slow drag.[break][break]

Cobalt hues glance over at his compatriots (, , ) for a moment. Then, taking another drag, he looks up— past the head scientists, past the Underbosses. Up at .[break][break]



📝 TL;DR[break][break]

acts as a silent observer to the discussions for now

[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,584 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 11:57:01 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Nomi had not expected to be invited to this meeting: but here she was, standing quietly, flanked on either side by her two close friends and lab partners, and . All around them, Rockets both old and new had gathered to listen to their leaders discuss the fate of Hoenn. At one point in her life, Nomi might have felt fear and apprehension when faced with such a gathering of powerful (and dangerous) men and women, but as the sandstorm raged around them and the Unown floated eerily above and the shadowy form of Lugia gazed menacingly down upon the gathered mass, Nomi felt only fascination.[break][break]
She wanted to know these people. She wanted to understand them. She wanted in on their secrets.[break][break]
Did Mom and Dad attend meetings like this once, in Kanto? She wondered. Her eyes found , then: many had been calling for him to speak of alternative plans. A Rocket head scientist, a man she needed to meet. Was there any way she could help him? Perhaps she could volunteer.[break][break]
Ambrose whispered something to her and Ceri but her mind was too caught up in the conversation to register what he had said. I should speak, she thought. Had she not impressed with courage and guile on her first mission for him? She took a deep breath, settling her hand on top of Valerian's head as a familiar comfort. The Sylveon purred softly in encouragement.[break][break]
"There are many of us here who would be more than willing to assist with any further scientific research, should it be needed." she spoke up, raising her voice to be heard over the various rumblings of the crowd. She was nobody special, nobody important. Often times, those were exactly the sorts of people who's opinions mattered most. "I believe the sharpest minds in Hoenn are standing here right now, after all." She paused. "And in any case, Rocket has been studying the nature of Pokémon and the very fabric of reality for longer than I've been alive. I have faith in us. I would hear what our head scientists have to say."[break][break]
She attempts to meet 's gaze, hoping her words - her support - would help him remember her later. She steals a glance at as well. These were the people she believed could save them. And they were the people she hoped to work for, someday.



+ Nomi's Outfit[break][break]


+ Nomi is standing with her two friends, Ceri and Ambrose[break]
+ Nomi has spoken up about supporting Rocket's Head Scientists, and has volunteered to help with any further research[break]

[newclass=.nomitest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .nomitest2text b"]color:var(--accent); } .nomitest2 .nomitest2text a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .nomitest2 .nomitest2text i { color:var(--accent); } .nomitest2 .nomitest2text u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc"]} .nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc b { color:var(--accent); } .nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc i { color:var(--accent); } .nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc h1 { font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;letter-spacing:.5px } .nomitest2 .nomitest2ooc u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".nomitest2 .nomitest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 12:23:12 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Rocket meetings such as these were par for the course for Bishop, who had grown up in the syndicate's thrall. But this was his first time attending one since arriving in Hoenn. He was sure to dress more smartly than usual, though his outfit was still casual in comparison to what and her associate had chosen to wear. Bishop stood with them, his hands stuffed in the pockets of his leather jacket, as he listened to the exchange of opinions around them.[break][break]

As the meeting kicked off, Bishop had merely listened with one ear while looking around for the faces of those he knew. He'd thrown a cheeky wink and given a bro nod, but hadn't yet found or among the sea of strangers.[break][break]

However, a particularly odd suggestion caused Bishop to bring his full attention back to the topic at hand.[break][break]

"I don't like this 'allyin' with League' bullshit," he said to his companions, letting his voice's natural volume carry his words across the plaza. "Fuck the League and especially the corrupt pigs that work for 'em."[break][break]

He meant the cops, of course[break][break]

Speculations about whether League's plan would even be successful and inquiries about the Head Scientists' alternative piqued Bishop's interest, causing him to fall silent once more. He turned his gaze upon and as he and the rest of the gathered crowd awaited their response.




+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Bishop's outfit[break]
+ Tries to identify the people he knows in the crowd[break]
+ Thinks allying with the League is stupid[break]
+ Waiting to hear what Lulu and Pryde have to say

[newclass=.bishop]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext b"]color:var(--accent);font-size:14px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext a"]font:12px Roboto;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishopooc b"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishopooc a"]font:12px Roboto;font-weight:800;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishopooc i"]color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishopooc h1"]font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:.5px[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishopooc u"]text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoppkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 12:44:34 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar
Unsurprisingly, Marza was late to the party. She wasn't a fan of crowds and it was clear upon first glance that she was not going to enjoy this. Unlike most of who she could see, she did not dress nicely or approach the situation with a plan. She preferred to be the type to follow until the stupidity had overwhelmed her, forcing her to act on her own devices. Whether or not those were good, didn't matter to her.

Most of these occasions seemed to be people talking over one another and this hadn't changed. At least @bishop wasn't speaking complete nonsense, albeit she was hesitant to admit as much. The idiot might think she admired his opinions. "Believe it or not, I agree with Bishop. Waste of time." There, her contribution. Mostly because she couldn't fathom having to play nice with people from the league, nor assuming they would even allow it. She knew there were sorts, unlike her, who could hide in public places and lie through their teeth ( came to mind). There were benefits to it, but had they not always been doing that? Like bugs under a damn rock, hiding away until someone uncovered them there.

Speaking of bugs, her eyes leveled then with , cursing her own lofty height for being so easy to spot. The idiot nearly ran into her to catch up with someone. "Watch it, weasel."

- actually agreeing with someone???
- avoiding contact with certain people. failing.
- does not like the idea of siding with league

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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
493 posts
Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 12:47:20 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar

”Ha. Classic Priam.” is Ceri immediate response upon hearing the loud ”Fuck the League way!” yelled by ’s very familiar voice. Of course, in her case, she’s smart enough to say this quietly so only those closest to her hear it. Mainly and , who she stands next to.
A few of the sentiments expressed and suggestions made get nods out of her. Particularly, the arguments made by and manage to get some excited ”Oh!”s out of her glossy lips before she goes back to quiet consideration. From time to time, she takes a chip from ’s bag, and it’s when she’s in the middle of this that she ends up looking up at him from behind her orange sunglasses, her gaze meeting his. A playful and perhaps somewhat concerning smile finds its way to her lips before she takes one of his chopsticks (why does he even have those? Ambrose you're so quirky) and lightly pokes him with it.
Fun, isn’t it? Wait until someone really gets told off for being out of line. It better not be you, Ambie. Can’t have you die here.” Ceri winks.
Of course it won’t be her either, though. She’s supposed to be good, do her job, and do it well. She’s here to make proud, or she may lose her unspoken status as his M.A.G.M.A protegee. Totally what matters!
That smile of hers turns into a proud one when hearing speak up, and it’s gently that she nudges her friends before whispering words of encouragement: ”Good one, Nomi!”
At that point, Ceri speaks up too… raising a hand because she’s so damn short that it’s probably needed for the sake of getting everyone’s attention:
”Hi hi! Ceri Glynn, Science Department. Quick Q! To go along with what and Underboss said, has the meteoroid been in any way studied for signs of life? What do we know of its composition? I thiiiiink maybe it might be good to consider alternatives that involve dealing with it before it reaches the exosphere, yeah? Just in case? Like, big on extraterrestrial life myself and all, but we don’t know what added dangers will come with letting a mystery space rock into the atmosphere, even if we do get rid of it!”
She flashes both and the brightest of grins, positively beaming, as if this is all exciting to her instead of discussing plans about saving their region from meeting its end.
”We have considered blowing it up in space, right? Astronomy is not my thing per se but I guess that’d lead to a bunch of smaller meteors that’d accelerate and that not all would be destroyed when reaching the atmosphere? Oh… Whoops… That was more than one question… Soz, got excited there for a sec.”



♡ OUTFIT[break]
[break]■ With Ambrose and Nomi
[break]■ Asking if meteor has been studied for signs of life and about composition
[break]■ Suggests dealing with it before it reaches the exosphere bc it might be full of nasty aliens
[break]■ Maybe blow it up???


[newclass=.twtcg] --accent: #8999BD; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.twtcg .pkmn img] margin-top: -10px; padding-bottom: 5px; [/newclass]
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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 14:18:23 GMT

cian, much like ADMIN FOX who just so happens to reveal himself to be , plays the role of an observer. he has opinions on the matter but he feels it unnecessary to share.[break][break]

the rest have louder voices, and what is cian maher to them but a lowly grunt?[break][break]

"sup, sup, bro."[break][break]

he nudges his elbow against as he steps up beside his brother.[break][break]

"shit's kinda spooky, huh?"[break][break]

- observing[break]
- next to


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-kecleon"]

[newclass=".selfinsert"]--accent:#cbb898; [/newclass]

[newclass=".selfinsert blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".selfinsert blockquote b, .pizzabox blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass]

[newclass=".selfinsert .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".selfinsert .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".selfinsert .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 15:00:23 GMT

a nod is directed at before turning to introduce himself to those who might not be aware: , newly promoted underboss, heads the human resources department and is in charge of anything and everything personnel.[break][break]

those familiar enough with his name will know of his accolades in kanto, though he does not make it a point to voice them today.[break][break]

as the forum begins, theo listens, taking in what is said. he agrees with some, disagrees with others, but he focuses on one thing journalist says. it's one thing he has always disagreed with.[break][break]

"i suggest we stop playing the martyr and embrace what we truly are."[break][break]

what they truly are is what allowed them to take kanto by force. what allowed them to be feared.[break][break]

"should their plan succeed," which theo is actually confident it will even if he chooses not to voice it, "would it not prove fruitful for us to capitalize on the situation?"[break][break]

he pauses, allowing time to process.[break][break]

"they'll be scattered. spread thin. even isolated."[break][break]

he looks at , knowing the beast would understand.[break][break]

- suggests rocket should just be the baddies[break]
- suggests a more hostile takeover while leaguers are distracted


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-naganadel"]

[newclass=".deadinside"]--accent:#d5d5d5; [/newclass]

[newclass=".deadinside blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".deadinside blockquote b, .pizzabox blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass]

[newclass=".deadinside .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".deadinside .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".deadinside .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 15:28:51 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Seraphine frowned as she listened to the discussion regarding the meteor and what to do about it. Scientific theorizing was never her strong suit. Politics, however - that was a different matter. A palpable tension hung about the air, as if the very outcome of this meeting would carry not just lasting region-wide implications, but personal ones too - perhaps for each person in the room, and each of their ambitions.[break][break]
Seraphine fixed her golden eyes on and considered the Rocket boss. She had never spoken with the man, but she respected him. It was hard not to: in many ways, he held much of the fate of Hoenn in his hands, as was the subject of this meeting. All the same, however, she did not linger on him overly long: her gaze soon slid to , who's words regarding the three possible outcomes had been logically measured. Now there's a man I'd follow into certain doom, Seraphine thought, a small, wry smile gracing her lips. If only because he does everything with such undeniable flair. In the end, it was not Declan Walsh who had recruited her to the Rocket cause; she was loyal to the organization, but was the sort of man she would fight for. If it came down to that.[break][break]
Beside her, @bishop made a scathing comment about the League, to which agreed. Seraphine couldn't help but smile fondly at both of them. She had grown accustomed to surrounding herself with people like them - brawn, muscle, and a healthy measure of crude humor. It was a contrast to her own elegance, but she found that she enjoyed their company more than she might have expected.[break][break]
She moved closer to Bishop upon spying in the crowd. No reason for that, really.[break][break]
"Take advantage of the chaos, should their plan succeed?" Seraphine murmured out loud at 's suggestion to take advantage of the League focusing on destroying the meteor. She turned to , expression incredulous. "That's putting a lot of faith in the League, isn't it? Can't say I have that faith, myself. What will we have to rule over should the League fail, is the more pressing question."



+ Seraphine's Outfit[break][break]


+ Seraphine is listening intently to the conversation[break]
+ Seraphine is standing with Bishop, Marza, and Rafael[break]
+ Seraphine does not know if she agrees with Theo's bold proposal; she would like to hear from the head scientists about what the plan regarding the meteor should be. She does not trust the League to succeed with destroying it.


[newclass=.seratest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2text b"]color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2text i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2text u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2ooc"]} .seratest2 .seratest2ooc b { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc a { font:14px Calibri;font-weight:800;text-transform:uppercase; } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc i { color:var(--accent); } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc h1 { font:18px Montserrat;color:var(--accent);font-weight:800;letter-spacing:.5px } .seratest2 .seratest2ooc u { text-underline-offset:3px;text-decoration-color:var(--accent);[/newclass]
[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Sept 19, 2022 17:22:54 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Kepler pulls his turtleneck up more as he weaves between the bodies of the general science crowd. Nerds, like polar molecules, tend to attract each other. He’s small, so he skirts through without much notice.

The fuck the league chant is dying down. Kepler did not participate. He’s never been one for sports-game motifs.

He doesn’t know how he feels about the whole teleport the rock thing. He didn’t get to Hoenn in time to really help come up with a better option. says she has one, and he trusts her. But theories and laws are different and fragile. A key property of them they must be able to be disproven.

Fact of the matter is, he doesn’t want to die. He’s worked so hard not to die. And, sure, his first instinct when met with physical opposition is to give up, but that’s more of an extension of his existence as a slippery parasite. Things usually do work out for him, in the end.

He really, really, really liked ’s idea, because he would love to get his hands on real, genuine space rock. It was a treasure trove of possibility and he knew he wasn’t the only science brain drooling over it. But the technicalities that would have to come into play to make that possible were… enormous.

It always astounded Kepler that they lived in a universe where people teleported and rode dragons to work and a fucking meteor-- the thing that possibly-most-likely changed the planet 6.5x10E7 years ago-- was still a massive threat. The irony was hilarious.

also raised a good point about opening a door-- the facet of a door was that things could enter and exit, both ways. It wouldn’t make a very good door otherwise. Kepler hadn’t been here the last time Things From Beyond(™) had invaded Hoenn but he’d read the reports and found them exciting-- which meant they were terrifying and scary.

He didn’t really go along with the whole ‘befriend Sea!Hoenn’ plan, because Kepler didn’t tend to trust anyone as far as he could throw them. Which wasn’t far, at all. Lulu was the exception.

Kepler one-hundred-percent planned to come to this and sit in silence and, just, absorb everything through verbal osmosis. But he surprises himself by speaking after .

“I want to see one, too,” he says, of a Primal Point, and it’s not demanding per se as it is a-- a verbal tic, something that bubbles to the forefront of his mind that he can’t internalize. And it’s not so much loud as it is close-- he’s at the forefront of the group of nerds and a lot of people can definitely hear him say it. “If they work, imagine what we could do with them. Even on a smaller scale-- less interdimensional transit and more… interplanatary. Because life has more extant properties as you go up through organization levels, right?” He shook his head, like clearing an Etch-a-sketch. “Digression. I’d like to make sure their science is at least in the ballpark of correct.”

He’s rambling. It’s neither here nor there. His point, though, is that if this technology allows them to movet through dimensions, imagine what it could do for travel between places in their own dimension, assuming that cross-dimensional travel is higher up on the organization levels than interplanatary. Like, cell-tissue-yadda yadda-biosphere-stratosphere-stellar sphere-interdimensional sphere.

Though he doesn’t agree with ’s harshness, he has to admit both the ex-underboss and have a point. Better the devil you know than the devil you don’t.

“This is making a lot of assumptions that the Sea-people won’t just lump us in with the masses,” Kepler found himself saying, shortly after threw out the enemy of my enemy is my friend line, like a good Winston Churchill.

He squints at the sandstorm, running through the mental math. He didn’t realize the League’d used these things before. And they had a history of removing one thing and replacing it with something else?

“One-point-five times ten to the 14th cubic liters of water?” he threw out. “Do we have to worry about that, now, too? Because that’s almost not any better than just getting smashed by a space rock.”

His stomach does a little dance when mentions alien life and, look, there’s a million pieces of media about why it doesn’t go well, but if they could just bank off of ’s idea and stop and isolate the meteor… maybe they could study it?

Mars brings up a good point: there’s another factor in play, here. Another power to contend with, in the form of the Dark Triad. Which, from what Kepler’d read of all the reports, was… astounding. Mathematically incomprehensible. It made him want to cry into his notes. He hated things that the numbers couldn’t attend for and the presence of a malevolent higher power was one of those things.

He looks over at , who did the verbal version of his gastrointestinal happy dance. "The meteor is massive. Like, larger than anything we can think of on a physical scale. We couldn't do enough damage to it fast enough to mitigate the opposing damage of its collision. We could try, alternatively, producing enough energy to move it so it misses us, but that's just more shooting in the dark. Any kinetic repulsion systems would require in-depth knowledge of the surface of the meteor."

Basically, they're running out of time. And options. And they really should've started working on this, like, six years ago.

>> oh my this was a lot. kepler hides with the nerds.
>> he wants to join the ppl that examine the primal points
>> doesn't want to befriend sea!hoenn.
>> worries about what will come through the doorway w the league plan.
>> talks to ceri about space stuff
>> wearing
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP