i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 5, 2022 23:48:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar
This meeting was starting to give Marionette a headache. She took Dorian's hand when it was offered to her, lacing her fingers with his even while her gaze roamed the crowd, listening, watching, and taking stock to the changes and the ideas. And the options. There weren't many, and putting either herself or Dorian in danger was not ideal solely on the basis that they had someone else to think of now. Demetrius would not grow up without either parents, so one went where the other lead.

Right now, Dorian was leading and Marionette was accepting that. It was the means to keep them both breathing, in her mind.

She didn't watch him while he spoke, but she did find herself squeezing his hand with a bit of gentle force. She listened, waited, and then lifted her chin, the silky curtain of her red hair falling back over her shoulder.

"We are a unit," Marionette said easily, "I opt to join Dorian at the crystal," the woman glanced at her partner and nodded. Nothing separated them again. Not even this. Holding his gaze for a few long moments, the Rocket scientist looked forward once more in an attempt at following all the different strands of conversation that were still going on.

- Mari chooses the crystal
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2022 11:22:17 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Bishop remained silent as he watched everything unfold: the entrance of the Megolopolan called Velmos, the revelation of the energy underneath Littleroot, the blue shard in Velmos' mouth that drew audible gasps from those in the know (Bishop did not know).[break][break]

He listened to the arguments for Littleroot and for Mossdeep, and raised an eyebrow at the reference to Kanto as a utopia. Even as far as Kalos, the rumors coming out of Rocket's infamous Kanto branch seemed more like fiction than reality. Secret police, internment camps, raids on family homes.[break][break]

's screaming indicated that perhaps such rumors were more real than imagined.[break][break]

Bishop clamped down on the protective instincts that flared inside him as she threw her tantrum and Underbosses and publicly reprimanded her. Kids had always been Bishop's weakness; it was what had ultimately designated him all the new grunts' big brother back in Lumiose. But even back then, he had not gotten in the way when their superiors doled out punishments. And so he remained silent, hands in his pockets, as escorted the girl out of the meeting.[break][break]

The discussion on where to attack resumed. Ultimately, it seemed that Littleroot made the most logical sense based on the arguments its proponents were making.[break][break]

"A smaller town with fewer defenses is definitely going to be easier for us," he mused aloud, though he kept his voice low so only those immediately nearby could hear. "And I like what that Head Scientist lady said about not disturbin' the work of Mossdeep's scientists. With the meteor comin', people at the Space Center are probably the most important right now, yeah?"[break][break]

With a nod at , Bishop sent his Obstagoon over to the grunt representing Littleroot.


+ other Rockets


+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Bishop's outfit[break]
+ Standing with Seraphine and Rafael[break]
+ Votes for LITTLEROOT

[newclass=.bishop]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext b"]color:var(--accent);font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".bishop .bishoppkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2022 17:46:53 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Deep impacts
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]This was the first time that Aurelie had ever laid eyes on , having only ever encountered his name in writing once or twice or in murmured mentions in scattered conversations. Now that she had seen him, she couldn't help feeling misgivings and unease around this figure of fearsome authority, the Rocket Boss. On one hand, it surely was impressive how he managed to swing his leg dramatically over the railing multiple times without ever seeming to spill a drop of his wine. That was fun to watch every time.

On the other hand, she couldn't understand why he kept insisting on letting everyone cast votes, when he clearly wasn't sharing everything he knew or even giving the assembled Rockets enough information to make informed, knowledgeable decisions. If he'd had his captive Megalopolan general talk about the mysterious power source under Littleroot earlier, it probably would've saved so much wrangling and uncertainty. Or at least given them all something more to consider as they voted. If he's holding stuff back from us, why even bother with democracy? Is it just to keep us happy and make us feel like we have some choice in our fate? she wondered cynically.

Aurelie had very little knowledge about what had happened in Kanto or about wars waged by Rocket; she only knew those events had been brutal and devastating for victors and victims alike. Thus, she watched the proceedings between Eris Halla, Bryan Delarosa, and the underbosses with the wide-eyed interest of an audience member at the theater: captivated, but ultimately disconnected from it all. But 's words—especially "We’re not trying to be those kind of victors... I think we should worry about surviving first and then maybe plans of regional domination later. Just a thought"—rang true to her. Aurelie couldn't help smiling in his direction, just glad to hear someone else voice the same sentiments she was feeling.

At the same time, the announcements about who would be visiting and mining the meteoroid irresistibly captured Aurelie's attention. Mining the meteoroid still seemed like a foolhardy idea, but fascinating as well. Aurelie wasn't sure she would've wanted to mine it herself, but those samples— She could certainly understand how and would be interested!

She stood with her arms still crossed, not taking out a Poke Ball or releasing a Pokemon, but she did raise her voice tentatively into the din. "Uh, if we all survive this, I'd like to express my interest in helping study those samples from the meteoroid too," she said, her lips curving in a faint, humorless smile. "I have some expertise in metallurgy and materials science to offer, which will surely be helpful with the analysis. Assuming we all make it through this alive, of course."

It wasn't a vote and definitely wasn't an endorsement of any attacks or sieges, just a small expression of hope for a future that she hoped would come to pass. Aurelie had no interest in a war, a new city, or Rocket's public-relations image versus the League's. But hopefully, her desire to study the meteoroid's composition would be noted and remembered, even if Aurelie herself hopefully remained beneath the notice of someone as high-ranking—and as troubling—as the Rocket Boss.


- Still abstaining from voting
- Belatedly expresses interest in helping study the meteoroid samples, assuming they all make it

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
2,329 posts
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2022 1:23:44 GMT
The decision was cast for Mt. Pyre and, given how the voting had markedly swung in that direction, it didn't come as much of a surprise. Again, Barnaby didn't feel strongly either way if the main goal of their operation was distraction. Mining the meteor was ROCKET's top priority.

But was that the only priority?

What did catch his attention was a new vote on the board: one that would decide the fate of Littleroot Town in this strategic turning point. Barnaby had already resigned the rural settlement to it's fate, but now Mossdeep City and Pacifidlog Town were at play.

He listened as voices rose up in reply, taking each opinion in turn and melding the collective perspectives of his associates into neat categories in his mind. All would be taken into account before Barnaby decided on his choice.

As would the revelation of some new energy source beneath Littleroot itself, as relayed by a Megalopolan prisoner. Curious. And tempting. Could this be what tipped the scales in their conflict with the League?

ROCKET also now had ownership of a shard of the Blue Orb, a boon if there ever was one.

Barnaby mulled these points over quietly, even as a disruption on 's part caused somewhat of an uproar. The child and the various voices that followed her outburst barely registered as a concern. He regarded them with an indifferent glance before waving his Shadow STEELIX toward the grunt signifying Littleroot Town.

outfit check
• using ROCKET persona (BEE + black hair)
• voting for LITTLEROOT
UNOWN-A floating above him
NINETALES beside him
• standing beside zev & summer
• open to interaction

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,687 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2022 20:34:40 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

there was no smile or look of appreciation for having been agreed with by @bishop. in fact, the sentiments reflected back at her suddenly caused a pinch in her brow.[break][break]
the people at the space center were the most important.[break][break]
she had lived in shadows, envying the acclaim received by brilliant minds more legitimate than her own. at times, she had wished she would have taken a different turn somewhere, to end up in a place like the space center, working alongside those important scientists. she would have been important to hoenn, to the league, and to the world.[break][break]
there was a sudden spark of anger, a pang in her chest at the reminder that as far as she had risen, to them, to those scientists, she was still nobody.[break][break]
saoirse quinn might’ve had the mind to leave those experts alone, but that voice of reason just as quickly faded from the mind of lulu flint.[break][break]
fuck them. she was somebody.[break][break]
“you know, scratch that.” there was a fresh look in her eye, dark and commanding of her position. ”we are mining a meteor. why would we not set our sights on the space center? while it’s true we’ve been able to take information from them in the past, it has surely never been all of it, and we can’t allow their secrecy to continue. their scientists would have the opportunity to join us—and if their work is important enough, then they will do so.”[break][break]
her gaze passed to the scientists. talent she had so briefly overlooked.[break][break]
”the greatest minds in the region are already with us. if we would have had access to the same resources and equipment, i have no doubt that our scientists would have discovered a superior solution to meteno. my faith lies in us.” a pause.[break][break]
”i am changing my vote to mossdeep.” her gaze passed briefly over , the look in her eye perhaps unreadable. she was sorry for the fact that their new home might suffer from the invasion, but this was an opportunity. she looked towards , her voice lower. ”i want the space center, sir—and you know why.”[break][break]
she looked back to the crowd, projecting her voice again to reason, ”whatever is in littleroot would be better off investigated before we stake a claim. if the megalopolans were cautious of it in their time of desperation, then we should be careful as well.”[break][break]
with another nod to her dog, her vote was changed to mossdeep.
  • basically jk about that last post
  • reasons they should take the space center, references recent meeting to walsh
  • warns against claiming littleroot prematurely due to uncertainty
  • switches vote to mossdeep
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-darkrai"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-houndoom"]

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 3:57:18 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar

[attr="class","header"]TRANSFER OF POWER


Pryde holds in a chuckle as Beast speaks about building a utopia. Oh how delusional the crowd they had were if that's what even their Beast thinks will happen. Aside from that Pryde is quite for the most part as the handling of Grunts is for the Admins and Underbosses. The only people he had to worry about were in a lab. [break][break]

He doesn't add much as he listens in, curiosity peaking at the idea of an energy source underneath Littleroot. He would cast his vote for the area over Mossdeep any day. For awhile he doesn't feel he needs to speak until Lulu tries to make her case, and Pryde couldn't agree less with his colleague. "I would have to disagree with Ms , while we might acquire new equipment from there we any scientist we acquire will be stripped of their passion and thus they will lack innovation and thus be useless to us." [break][break]

"We've no need of what lies out there, what we should focus on are the resources we can actually acquire"


[break]+ @ rocket
[break]+ Votes Littleroot
[break]+ Gives his counter argument against



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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 10:39:02 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

I wont be able to make the deadline tonight because I'm housesitting and don't have my computer

Will be able to fill this in on Sunday (10/9)

TLDR: Rowan will still be voting for LITTLEROOT for the invasion, as he is curious about the energies and what they could mean for the region. Additionally, he is surprised about the presence of the Blue Orb shard.
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caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
331 posts
caden maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @caden
caden maher
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 16:26:55 GMT
caden maher Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] he knows that is probably upset with him for following in their father's footsteps, but what his brother doesn't know is that his choices are as much as his father's as his own. as upset as he may still be with their patriarch for holding information, caden is still his father's son, at the the end of the day.

[break][break] hearing his brother curse, caden glances quickly to him. he's not sure exactly what caused his brother's distress -- as far as he's concerned, the entire process is rudimentary.

[break][break] "i don't understand why they even let kids in," he mutters under his breath as is called from the meeting space. how did she even get in? there should be a height requirement to meetings like this.

[break][break] caden is about to have his pokemon join his brother's to littleroot, only when his mentor speaks up. well - he can't look like the contrarian can he?

[break][break] with a nod, he gestures for his munna to float over to the MOSSDEEP grunt.

[break][break] "i would have to disagree dr. pryde," he speaks up, nodding towards . his lips twist into a sinister grin. "passion and desire can always be fabricated."

[break][break] after all, hypnosis is his specialty.

[break][break] he gives a shrug.

[break][break] "also do we have to capture littleroot to investigate it? wouldn't the energy be there regardless?"

[break][break] littleroot, after all, hardly seemed like the type of area with high defense.

[break][break] not to mention that he didn't trust the alien. his face twists briefly with disgust as he catches velmos' eye, and his drooling mouth. ew. disgusting.

[break] — he vote for mossdeep, because lulu does

[attr="class","fas fa-plus-circle"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,397 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 17:07:58 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","lyrics"]inside the beast still grows. waiting, chewing through the noose

[attr="class","mainbox"] gives his answer, but in truth, the message seems more unclear than it ever has. back in kanto, there had been no question what their goal was. but hearing the voices of several members of rocket's upper brass argue with one another, jayden can't help but wonder if hoenn's goal is as clear as kanto's.

[break][break] violet eyes flicker with surprise towards outburst.

[break][break] what was she talking about? kanto was great. of course it was. it was one of their major successes —

[break][break] before he can speak up to voice his opinion, however, she is pulled from the meeting. the underbosses have it undercontrolled, though he can't help but still wonder about her words until longer after she's spoken them.

[break][break] his gaze drifts to bryan, curious. "do we still have supporters in littleroot, after the grand fire?" to be honest, jayden didn't know. he didn't spend much time there, after all.

[break][break] when and bring up the topic of crystablooms, he can't help but find interest in it. when admin speaks, jayden nods with agreement. "growing them in captivity while difficult is not impossible," he remarks. "if location mattered, would there not be an overflux of them populating in littleroot already?"

[break][break] but - and this was only an assumption on his part - the town may still be recovering from the impacts of a fire more deeply than anyone knew. but the same could be said for the majority of hoenn. destruction was everywhere. it didn't discriminate depending on the decisions of a factional war.

[break][break] as the conversation flows and several people voice their opinions, jayden mulls over the options. it's only when there's room to speak that his voice pitches to the crowd. his arm are folded, as his head tilts.

[break][break] "it's true that littleroot might be easier to obtain initially, considering beast wrynn's sea mauville project and proximity to sea routes, but i honestly doubt our ability to hold it for the same reasons. mossdeep would be difficult but even capturing it momentarily will be a serious blow to the league's ego and public perception of their ability."

[break][break] a pause and after a few moments of thought, he says,

[break][break] "i agree with beast briarwood. if there is any hope of capturing mossdeep, it will be now, when the league's resources are otherwise preoccupied. littleroot, thanks to beast delarosa's connections, can be taken at any time."

[break][break] "and is correct. the best defense can be a strong offense," his eyes flicker to with a firm nod. "if mossdeep can be used as an act of misdirection, it won't matter whether we can hold it or not. by the time the league takes it back, they won't have even noticed the resource under littleroot."

[break][break] his eyes flicker towards VELMOS.

[break][break] "is there any reason that we should believe otherwise? that the league has intel on the energy source below?"

[break][break] regardless, his sableeye hops to the MOSSDEEP grunt following after his mentor's.


he agrees with and that mossdeep is a good option [break]
jayden asks velmos if there's any reason they should believe that the league knows about littleroot [break]
he also votes for MOSSDEEP


[attr="class","title"]TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 3


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June 6th
Circhester, Galar
Xenobiology / Toxicology
Elite / Researcher
Sweet, little, unforgettable thing
493 posts
Ceri Glynn DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ceri
Ceri Glynn
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 17:58:10 GMT
Ceri Glynn Avatar

As much as Ceri may love exobiology, as much as ’s Deoxys may just be one of her greatest fascinations, she has absolutely no interest in going to space. She’s too young and too pretty to die in a gruesome way! Also, astronaut training? It sounds fucking horrible, and she sure as hell doesn’t have the build for it. She’s better off staying right here and studying whatever they bring back, thank you very much.
does want to go to space, though. And, because Nomi does, Ceri is happy for her when the bossman announces that she can do as much. She gives her the brightest of smiles, taking her hand.
”Hell yeah, Nomi!”
And, then…
Then she squeezes Nomi’s hand as hard as she can without even realising she’s doing as much, all because…
Oh. My. Gods. That’s one of the Megalopolans.
Yeah, that.
There’s absolute awe in her whispered words, even if it's likely only heard by , , and @naomi Fascination. How could there not be?! We’re talking extradimensional species, people. Sure, man-eating extra dimensional species, but still! And had Walsh just plucked some sort of gem out of Velmos’ mouth? So cool.
At this point, she speaks up once more:
”If there’s an unknown source of energy beneath Littleroot then we gotta go there, right? Oh, but wouldn’t the League know about it too? Don’t they have their own Megalopolan captives? And uhmm… No offence, but how does Mister Velmos know about the other Megalopolans if he has been imprisoned? Super cool to have you here, by the way. Did you really break that with your teeth?”
She means the blue orb’s shard, but of course Ceri has no reason to recognize it as that. She just knows that if a Megalopolan’s bite force is strong enough to break what looks like a gemstone, they can probably bite clean through bone and much more. So fucking cool.
Cool in a "would really love to study that species" kind of cool, mind you.
As soon as Domino skitters back to her side, she gives him a treat and points towards the grunt representing LITTLEROOT. The black and white Salandit seems to almost sigh before heading off. He’s too lazy for all this running Ceri is asking him to do.



♡ OUTFIT[break]
[break]■ Glad Nomi gets to go to space
[break]■ Gushing about Velmos because Megalopolans are cool
[break]■ VOTES LITTLEROOT because of energy source
[break]■ Asking Velmos some questions about the other Megalopolans and also if he bit off the blue orb's shard because ya that's really cool wow


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 19:56:41 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
in a true priam sense, he ignores every other opinion besides than his own.

"i want littleroot!" he shouts.

the guzzlord moves, the sound of its footsteps oddly quiet in comparison with its size and presumed weight, and stays near where the grunt symbolizing the choice stood.

he's there for the first time a tree of life appeared, and out of the places where it popped up, littleroot seemed to be the odd one out until this piece of info appeared. he might not understand what exactly velmos knew, but the idea was there.

"i said i'll go 1v100, and i'll do it for this too!"

  • ignores every point made and votes littleroot

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 8, 2022 20:02:10 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

No, ’s response is not respectful enough. Far from it, in fact. The quip she attempts when looking at him elicits nothing but disgust. He had given her the chance to correct her behaviour and she had put it to waste. He would have never been given such a privilege back when he was her age.
She should be glad that intervenes when he does, Lugia’s THUNDER cutting through the air. At that moment, Mars offers a nod when looking at the man by his side – in full agreement with his decision to expel the misbehaved child from this meeting. ’s decision to be the one escorting her, though? Not so much, but Mars does no more than give him a look while wondering why he would think it proper for an underboss to leave before the meeting concludes. Nothing is said about it, though. Those conversations are meant to be had in private, and he’d rather not discuss the topic that is any longer. That’s not what they’re here for. It's why Mars also does no more than make a mental note about @elio now that he has been warned too.
He listens to what everyone has to say about the siege, considering every opinion.
”The fact of the matter is that no choice we make will be “easy” or “go smoothly”. We may have the means to control Kyogre, but Kyogre isn’t the only threat allied with the League. Do not forget how much damage chose to cause us with a single attack from her Blacephalon on the night Necrozma returned. Do not forget that willingly destroyed the Silver Spire when we took Sootopolis. These are the kind of people we are facing. For all we know, if we attack Mossdeep they’ll gladly destroy the space centre so we don't get our hands on it. We must consider things like these.”
It’s the simple truth. It’s the facts of their situation. History repeats itself, especially when dealing with the same people.
”Still, the League can be defeated. We have done it before and we can do it again. We must plan. Our forces must prepare. Do not waste a second when training, for that second could make all the difference.”
The difference between life and death.
That’s what sending their forces to war means, yet it’s what some seem to forget.
What will Team Rocket do if most of their forces die in combat because they’re not prepared for what they will face?
This is part of why the M.A.G.M.A Division had been created; to ensure that Team Rocket is ready.



[break]■ Displeased with Eris, agrees with Gavin's decision to send her away, and makes a mental note to talk to Elio later
[break]■ Reminds everyone of other dangerous people allied with the League and that Kyle would likely destroy the Space Center just like he destroyed the Silver Spire
[break]■ Says they can defeat the League and that they must prepare and train because it can make all the difference
[break]■ Thinks this is part of what MAGMA was created for
[break]■ Still voting LITTLEROOT


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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2022 0:46:29 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

If Fern was lost before, he certainly is now. It's not that he doesn't understand the different points of argument flying back and forth, he does (sort of.) The scale just seems so much grander than he can fully wrap his mind around.[break][break]

The debate is no longer just a primal point to stake out, but a whole city to claim. Just as Sootopolis was months prior. And as someone who was a mere resident of the city at the time, it's a bit odd to be on the other side of things this time around. There is an appeal in the potential of new energies and opportunities that Littleroot presents, but Fern is not a scientist, nor would he ever claim to be somebody capable of cracking some kind of code on a mystery substance.[break][break]

So in their mind, favor falls on Mossdeep, because there is more understanding of what to expect, whether the effort is more difficult or not. So much fuss is kicked up over the matter, and perhaps they feel a shred of sympathy for the young girl removed from the meeting for making a ruckus and challenging a superior, but they don't voice as much. A child will act as a child will, and it's likely for the better that she doesn't linger, intriguing spectacle that it was.[break][break]

Fern idly listens to the variety of voices chiming in, attention drifting from person to person, but when adds his thoughts, they perk. Okay, so they're a little biased, but this is a person he trusts just a bit more. And in a situation like this, that slight edge is swaying enough.[break][break]

There are no silly quips from them this time. Only somber quiet as they summon Cecilia again, and send her along to the Mossdeep tally. Glance drifting up toward where the admins stand, rather than the boss himself, and then away.

[attr="class","ooc"] + once again...i sneaky in[break]
+ poor fern is lost, though thinks there's strength in tackling something known versus something potentially unstable (ie energy source.[break]
+ also thinks highly of so also ultimately votes mossdeep.[break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
147 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2022 7:28:44 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER 3



THEME SONG: 🎼 Team Rocket Hideout: Johto | Pokémon Masters EX


()[break] "So that's three big questions I've got. One; do we know anything about it this energy? Two; does the League even know it exists? And three; can we defend Littleroot long enough to work with it?"[break][break][break][break]

()[break] "Infinity? Primal? Or are we unaware exactly of its source?"[break][break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

()[break] "is there any reason that we should believe otherwise? that the league has intel on the energy source below?"[break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

()[break] "If the vote goes towards Mossdeep, would I have your permission to investigate it sir? Regardless of what type of energy it is. Energy is energy."[break][break][break][break][break]

()[break] "Don’t they have their own Megalopolan captives? And uhmm… No offence, but how does Mister Velmos know about the other Megalopolans if he has been imprisoned? Super cool to have you here, by the way. Did you really break that with your teeth?"[break][break][break][break]

()[break] "Don’t they have their own Megalopolan captives? And uhmm… No offence, but how does Mister Velmos know about the other Megalopolans if he has been imprisoned? Super cool to have you here, by the way. Did you really break that with your teeth?”

"our moles have not discovered any sign of the league knowing about this energy source below." the boss says. "securing littleroot is the ideal, but weakening and demoralizing littleroot will still be in our favour."[break][break]

The Rocket Boss allows those who would like to study and investigate the chance to. Whether it be 's desire to explore Littleroot, or 's wish to examine mined samples from 99943 Meteno, there is no harm in permissing these. Nothing is guaranteed after all. Nothing is guaranteed in the shadow of the meteoroid.[break][break]

In regards to the concern about ; the Boss explains that there is no need for any specific plan as long as he holds the last, real and remaining shard of the BLUE ORB. Eventually, she may find out— and when she does, she will need to come to them. He says that he can take care of her, if need be.[break][break]

"whatever is below your little colony is enough to power my people's way back home. to ultra megalopolis. singlehandedly." Velmos says, tongue tracing the feral peaks of his teeth. "it was strong enough that we detected it from home." He extracts the questions he'd like to answer, preferring to save his breath in this foreign realm. "it was part of our plan. cotillard hid our people among yours. he used a modified version of your world's 'shiny machine'. a contingency plan to avoid total annihilation. we can sway our brethren to our side."


THE OUTCRIES ABOUT KANTO amuse Declan. He too, has lived through its horrors, but unlike he has come to understand the necessity of it. Without Kanto there would not have been Hoenn. Without the lessons of Johto, there would not have been Hoenn. In the end, is it not Team Rocket's goal eventually to infiltrate all regions? And perhaps now... all worlds in which Pokemon exist?[break][break]

Such a process takes much time. And when considering the period in which Team Rocket both Hoenn-old and Hoenn-new have been in this region, it has already been four years.[break][break]

The votes are tallied; Pokemon are recalled. Overwhelmingly, one location is favoured over the others.[break][break]

"it has been settled. littleroot will be sieged as distraction for those dispatched to the meteoroid."[break][break]

However, he matches Beast 's gaze. Holds it tight within the stern shape of his mercurial stare.

"i recognize the benefits of a mossdeep takeover. we will set our sights to that island city in due time."[break][break]

And indeed, a plan will be made, for there exists between Sootopolis City and Mossdeep City, a deep underwater trench waiting to be discovered.[break][break]

"the underbosses and i will enlighten you when it is time to mobilize." The Boss instructs and Beast to escort Velmos away and as he vanishes away from the crowd with a flourish of his umbral ink cape, the shadowy sandstorm begins to subside.


PER ASPERA AD ASTRA — The 99943 METENO raid will now include LITTLEROOT and MT. PYRE in separate event threads.[break][break]

POSTDORMITUM — Calls for offensive action against Team Rocket alongside Team Rocket's own desires to strike the region have led to a conflict-based warfront event coming after the meteoroid impact raid. MOSSDEEP CITY will be one of these locations.[break][break]

THE WILDS — The chosen locations of the League and Team Rocket have affected the new frontiers your characters may be able to explore and clash over in a desperate attempt to rescue this universe.



THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING. You may continue to post in this thread should you want your characters to discuss the contents of the meeting. Declan Walsh will not be present anymore, nor will Velmos after and escort him back (they may return quickly if desired).[break][break]

Feel free to make threads set in the immediate aftermath of this event too in order to take advantage of the conflicting opinions, inner-faction tensions, and new meetings between characters.[break][break]

For participating, please REDEEM THE FOLLOWING REWARDS in the SITE SHOP. In other words, with each respective account, please post in the SITE SHOP that you are redeeming a 150 POKEDOLLAR reward and a MEGA SHARD. This is to help me expedite things, since I sadly do not have the time to comb through for every tag![break][break]

Note, your character must have posted at least TWO TIMES in this thread to redeem this reward:

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP