i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
147 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 18:37:46 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER 3



THEME SONG: 🎼 Team Rocket Hideout: Johto | Pokémon Masters EX


READING THE FOLLOWING THREADS is not mandatory. However, these links have been provided in order to create an organized archive of "TRANSFER OF POWER" threads and other threads (or mission prompts) that may or may not be referenced.[break][break]



IN SEPTEMBER, the Rocket Boss invites the syndicate to join him in Sootopolis. Many arrive on its white steps, crater-stone bleached to bone from centuries of sun and brine.[break][break]

To stand upon this city's rock is to be connected with Hoenn's past, both known and unknown. Obscured by the weathered passage of time.[break][break]

Outside, they find a wider space to conduct their meeting. A broad plaza with stone balustrade that faces an equally broad perron staircase.[break][break]

stands at the top most step. And should the following characters desire if they are present, the tiered steps descend, first with the UNDERBOSSES (, , and ).[break][break]

On the subsequent level or slightly to the UNDERBOSSES' SIDES, the HEAD SCIENTISTS (, ) are stationed.[break][break]

The ADMINS (, , , ) stand or sit on another lower level, while the ROCKET BEASTS (, , , ) place themselves menacingly below them. Should and wish, they may situate themselves among them too.[break][break]

TO OBSCURE THEIR MEETING from prying eyes and ears, a SANDSTORM is conjured around the vicinity. It swirls slowly thanks to PSYCHIC-TYPE INTERVENTION and mixed alongside the granules of this sediment stream is murky shadow. However, unbeknownst to them, a little rat has infiltrated their covert conflab...[break][break]

From the top, the Rocket Boss speaks. He raises his arms, formal cape and suit billowing slightly in the conjured wind that surrounds them. Although his shadow flickers and seeps into crater-rock crevasses, some may notice, should DARKRAI make its appearance public, that the Pokemon stays closer to instead.[break][break]

He thanks everyone for coming before introducing the newest appointments: , , , , and . The Boss grants them time to introduce themselves, if they wish.[break][break]

"all of you must have heard of the league's plan for the meteoroid by now." he spreads his gloved hands toward the plaza. "how do you all feel about it? let your voices be heard!"[break][break]



THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENT is designed as a crucial narrative beat before the meteoroid impact event coming this Fall. In order to prepare for the future of the region, Team Rocket will discuss plans for the meteoroid impact event, future operations and more.[break][break]

There is no deadline for the next "moderator post"; you may also post multiple times (THIS HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED TO TWO POSTS MAXIMUM PER CHARACTER FOR SUBSEQUENT ROUNDS). However, please allow others time to post if you feel like the thread is going too quickly. Feel free to respond to others, banter, and more.

There will be small rewards for participating, which will be administered by the end.[break][break]

Lastly, please include a TL;DR in your posts, notes that summarize concisely, your actions.[break][break]

Furthermore, depending on the circumstance, should any question be fielded toward Rocket Boss or any of the administration of the syndicate, your character's inquiry may have a chance of not being answered depending on the amount of players and characters participating.

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 18:55:41 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
he doesn't like the plan.

others may have voiced their opinions in support during a recent survey, many of them simply apathetic from the consequences of survival. others simply don't trust the league and are keen on finding their own solutions. either way, most of it stems from a selfish perspective.

subconsciously, priam can't say he supports it.

like a cheer squad, priam leads the voice of the masses below. "fuck the league way!" he shouts from the crowd, hiding himself with the sheer number of participants.

there's no doubt in his mind that league's plan would work, given his proximity to league's science department's people. regardless, part of him is uncomfortable with how it's more likely to succeeding.

the world should just end as it was supposed to be.

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:03:12 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

The suit he wears is elegant, pristine, perfectly-tailored, and bespoke, but that much is always to be expected from him. Today there are no masks and no facades. In the secrecy of Team Rocket’s meeting, is who the world knows him to be.
He’s silent, his expression unreadable, and hovering idly right behind him, an Unown-! watches the crowd ominously. In fact, if people were to look around, they would perhaps see dozens upon dozens of Unown everywhere; floating in the slow swirl of the sandstorm, on the sides of buildings, on lamp posts, and much more. They are watching. Unbeknownst to them all, he is watching.

When calls for a start to their meeting, Mars merely glances at who stands by his side along with the rest of the underbosses, and then, calm and collected as ever, he speaks up, not bothering with introducing himself to people who (in his opinion) should already know his name. If they don't, then that's their own problem.
”I’ve taken the liberty of investigating these PRIMAL POINTS the League is setting up. Their methods seem foolproof for the most part, but there is no telling if they actually will be able to teleport 99943 METENO out of Hoenn. I have seen no proof of that. I don't trust it. Especially not when considering that the meteor may be much more than what everyone thinks it to be. Mars had given a copy of the documents he found when breaking into the Mossdeep Space Center, so he doesn’t bring that part up just yet. ”Alternatives and contingencies are preferable. I imagine the League also has a few they don’t speak of.”
Surely they must.
It would be foolish to put all their hopes in a single plan…



[break]- Standing next to Gavin
[break]- Talks about PRIMAL POINTS


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July 1
Lavender Town - Kanto
10 height
10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
62 posts
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TAG WITH @dione
Dione Sutoringu
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:16:26 GMT
Dione Sutoringu Avatar
Seeing at the top of the meeting, made Dione cock a brow. She really went out hunting with a admin? Huh, maybe she should pay attention more. She was only here because she wanted to keep up with the events. But also, she was disgusted with the League. Glancing around, she spotted the mis-match-crew she belonged too. Ages from anywhere, young to old, it made her feel sick to her stomach.

As their leader said they could ask questions, she had one, but she didn't even know if he could answer it.

Stepping forward, she called over the crowd. "The league isn't even doing their jobs. Look at many among us are young." She meant the kids, she sure had a bone to pick about that. "What are they going to do about that? About the rock? Do they honestly think teleporting it away to another place, with the possibility to kill thousands, is the best idea? It's selfish." A huff, her arms crossed. "To say plainly, how are we going to defend our world without damming another?" 

Direct and to the point.

TLDR: Dione pissed we got so many rocket kids and league sucks balls. What we doing about that?
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:34:36 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
The blood-red cape of her svelte, sanguine gown drifted behind her as Elisabeth ascended the steps with slow, measured footfalls. Her emerald eyes were trained before her as she continued onwards with a regal, indifferent poise, expression severe and gaze cool.

What good was an extensive wardrobe if you didn't bring out the finer items for events like this one?

Elisabeth searched for the faces of and above her, meeting them with a thin, private smile, while offering more polite ones to and as she took her place among the administration. Of the other three members, she knew best, and would choose to stand herself by him if he allowed her. Should be visible below her among the Beasts, she'd incline her head to him as well in acknowledgment.

As spoke, it briefly occurred to Elisabeth that this was the first time she'd ever encountered the leader of her organisation in any meaningful capacity; hearing her name fall from his lips felt strange, and a discomfort settled in her at being perceived by someone she knew so little of, but silently knew to fear on principle.

She didn't elaborate on his introductions with her own. There was no need to waste anyone's time, and Elisabeth was resolved not to speak first. So she folded her hands in her lap, watching, waiting, and observing. Out of the corner of her eye, she could see the dark silhouettes of Unown in the sandstorm, floating in and out of sight.

When articulated the need for contingencies, only then did she nod her head in agreement and raise her voice. "Expecting the League's plan to be flawless is idealistic at best," she said. "If it succeeds, then by all means, that is less for us to concern ourselves with. But I do not believe anyone present trusts the League enough to allow them to decide the fate of all the region."


Transfer of Power 3 ✿ Outfit ✿ Everyone
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,408 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:45:22 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin takes his place upon the steps⁠ ⁠— silent, straight-backed, stoic. Miasma curls around him like a purple-black shroud, accenting the dark shades of his tailored suit. Cold eyes of amber cut across the gathering crowds as a sense of pride swells in his chest.

This is the city he'd help them take. His legacy.

On the roof of a nearby structure, SHADOW LUGIA lands with surprising grace, his patron's dark wings casting shadow across the steps before they fold. One of 's UNOWN settles in the leviathan's shade.

He does not miss the way that DARKRAI seems to favour his sister's presence; he can't help but to recall their most recent private discussion on matters of loyalty and suspicion. Yet when Gavin looks at , it is with the respect and deference that is expected of an underboss to his superior. Only (at his side) and knew of his growing doubts.

's smile is returned with a slight incline of his head. He remains placid, unsmiling.

When Gavin speaks, at last, his deep voice carries in spite of a quiet tone. Though he speaks softly, he expects to be heard.

"I am loathe to rely on the League for anything. Our very organization seeks to take advantage of their incompetence; must we expect them to be competent now, when our lives are at stake?" He shakes his head. "If we are to lead this region then we must prove ourselves their superior, in this matter and others."

He takes no issue with the morality of the League's plan, and so doesn't speak up to aid in 's protest.

Lugia is on a nearby roof, watching
Gavin expresses discontent with relying on the League

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,969 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 19:48:27 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Oscar stood on the lowest step below the admins, leaning his body against the handrail of the stairs. This was the first time he was invited to stand anywhere besides the general crowd, so fuck yeah he was going to take advantage of it. What a fucking crowd though, looking out on all these Rocket grunts sent shivers across his skin. He always forgot just how large their numbers had grown.

Declan--uh Mister Walsh commences a meeting with a rousing query: What did Rocket think of the League's plan? ignited the vast majority to shout their disapproval, and with such a massive wave of enthusiasm Oscar could not help but grin. Oscar did not approve of it either, not just because of the damage it might cause but how wasteful it was. That meteor was a resource, a jackpot from deep-space with unprecedented value. Their solution should not be to get rid of it, but to use it for the betterment of mankind.

You know, if they could find a way to stop and mine it.

Oscar threw up a hand, a gesture of dismissal toward the League's plan. "The universe sends us a fuckin' meteor and they want to chuck it elsewhere? Fuck that, either the world's meant to end or that meteor is meant to be ours!"

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,048 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 20:09:11 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar

In past years, Zev had never seen a point in attending Team Rocket’s meetings, even those ones all members had been invited to attend. In Kanto, he had been a mere contractor, receiving payment for assassinations — nothing more. But things were different in Hoenn. Circumstances had changed.[break][break]

That is how he found himself in the plaza in Sootpolis amid the gathered crowd in his best bespoke suit. Scanning the ranks of superiors on the steps above them, Zev’s eyes briefly met the gazes of those he knew: , , .[break][break]

And then those eyes of dark blue rose to behold in the flesh.[break][break]

Shouts decrying the League rose up around Zev. Someone insisted that Rocket take the moral high ground. He scoffed at the naïveté, then focused his attention as the higher ups began to speak.[break][break]

Distrust of the League’s plan seemed commonplace among the ranks of the syndicate. Zev himself didn’t believe it was possible to teleport the meteor to another world — or that another world even existed. He glanced around as spoke, seeking familiar faces. If he catches sight of , he’d move to stand beside his fellow executive.[break][break]

Either way, Zev chose to keep his thoughts to himself — for the moment. In his true form, without any masks to hide it, he was a man who spoke only when necessary. A predator ought to exercise economy of action when hunting prey.[break][break]

And so he watched, waited, and listened.


& other Rockets


+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Meets the gaze of Gavin, Mars, and Elisabeth, then looks directly at Walsh.[break]
+ Looking for Bee and will go stand with him if he's there.[break]
+ Not speaking yet, just lurking.

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 20:18:51 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]So this was a Rocket meeting, huh? Somehow, Isaac expected shady basements, wine and cigars getting passed around, violins kicking up increasingly dramatic Fiorian music. Y'know. Mob boss stuff. Instead, they were standing atop the steps of Hoenn's history, Rocket's upper echelons standing dramatically along the lines of the literal pecking order. Around them, keeping the meeting equal parts sacrosanct and dramatic, was a massive, swirling storm of sand and shadows. Memories of Isaac's duel with left him shuddering a little at the sight, but this time the maelstrom was on his side.[break][break]

Funny. If it weren't for that day, Isaac might have been another faceless grunt in the sea. Yet even in his failure, his actions that day showed there was something more under the surface.[break][break]

It wasn't long before the meeting started taking off. , , and were all unified in a single point; the League couldn't be trusted. Why were there so many literal children feeling like they needed to take surface in Rocket? Why would we trust an organization that had proven its incompetence time and time again to take point on this plan? Why should they be the ones to determine the fate of the region? Perhaps it was that said it best; Fuck the League way.[break][break]

Adjusting himself a little in his chair, Isaac found himself joining the chorus of dissenters. "Word on the street is, the League can't even trust themselves at this point," he said. His meeting with was still fresh on his mind. The region's finest were reduced to a squabbling, feuding, pie throwing mess. How were they supposed to earn the trust of their enemies if they couldn't earn their own trust? "I wouldn't trust 'em on a good day. And this sure as shit isn't a good day."[break][break]

"Still, they sure seem to be putting a lot of eggs in this basket. Either they're real confident this is gonna work, or they're way less sure about any backups."[break][break]

tl;dr - Isaac agrees League sucks, hints at the info he heard from Matt.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 20:54:33 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She remembers attending a meeting like this once. She also remembers how she'd felt about it. And till today, her thoughts have not changed on the matter, emotions swirling in the pits of her stomach and clawing so hard that she might just keel over.[break][break]

But she keeps it all in check, her left arm rested upon Reiner as he weaves his way through the crowd. Voices call out from all directions, dissatisfaction voiced for the topic at hand. Naturally, she chews on her own thoughts, poking and prodding at the space in her mind.[break][break]

"When they say they're gonna move the meteor out of our space, do they risk letting things from sea Hoenn kind of like... come back into ours?"[break][break]

There is muddled faith in the League's plans. Having heard about the plan, she suspects that they might have been the ones to swap the tall spire in Sootopolis for the Tree of Life. Or perhaps more forces were at play, having now linked their dimensions with another. To make contact with another dimension and to be able to determine that they would be a threat - There must have been some amount of time for them to reach such a conclusion. Had the sea people invaded or had they gone into the other world? Either way, there had been a passage linking the two worlds and that would most certainly be enough for dangers to slip through.[break][break]

Furthermore, she has yet to wrap her mind around the happenings in the cyberspace, but a few things still stick out to her. Firstly, the cataclysm: The supposed event originating in Hoenn that ends up destroying the rest of the multiverse. Secondly, the restrained Palkia and Dialga, the beings that could most certainly help to untangle the crossing over of worlds.[break][break]

"I don't like trusting the plan when we don't really know the risks that they're taking."[break][break]

tl;dr -[break]
- What is the League risking with this plan?[break]
- When meteor go funny haha into other world, can things from other world go funny haha into our Hoenn?
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a transfer of power 3

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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,202 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 21:18:29 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Deep impacts
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]From her vantage point somewhere in the middle of the crowd in the plaza, one face amidst a sea of countless other faces of acquaintances and strangers alike, Aurelie's head shot up like a bloodhound catching a scent trail at 's mention of making the meteor theirs. For an instant, her imagination ignited with the possibility, one she'd never considered before: to somehow utilize the meteor, rather than fearing it and seeking its destruction. She thought of the riches, particularly the metals, contained within the mysterious meteor, and her eye widened at the prospect.

But the red-haired smith quickly reined in her thoughts with a shake of her head. It was crazy to think about utilizing the meteor while it was still coming at them. Besides, a simple smith like her wouldn't have much use for the meteor's riches. She'd worked with sky iron before, and although it had sounded cool and interesting, the metal itself had proved disappointing: softer, more stubborn, and less hardenable than normal high-carbon steel. A meteor like that was more likely to contain rare earth metals, anyway, which would be far more interesting to high-tech manufacturers for things like computer chips, semiconductors, or lasers—not so much for the likes of her.

And anyway, claiming the meteor's riches came in a very, very distant second to keeping it from killing them all first.

Feeling like a small child in an immensely large classroom, Aurelie gulped nervously and raised her hand to speak. "Putting aside the League's plan, with all its flaws and mysteries," she asked to no one in particular, her voice sounding weak and thin, "do we have a plan of our own, if theirs doesn't work? Do we have the resources and power to deal with it ourselves, if the League cannot? Or..." A faint, wry smile curved her lips. "Is that above my paygrade to know?"


- Indulges briefly in thoughts of mining the meteor
- Asks if Rocket has its own plans for meteor management

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
part of
TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 21:44:39 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Temp usually avoided the larger Rocket meetings.

For so long, his involvement with the organization was supposed to be kept hush hush. Until his injury, he had been a Gym Leader. Intent on sussing out any information from the League he could. The fewer people who knew about him, the better.

He had wanted to stay home today. Curl up in blankets. Yet, when had been readying himself in the mirror something in him had steeled.

He twists the Luvdisc ring on his finger and listens. In a moment of quiet he steps forward, raises his own deep voice to be heard.

"Below Rustboro they have this... place. The people from the other dimension can come through. I've been there." This information had been recounted Walsh before. "They're aggressive- but from what I could tell, the League might have started it."

"Their plan is just genocide to erase their mistakes. Rocket can use this place, and other places like it, to our advantage. We just have to figure out what to do about what's heading our way."

- wonky phone post
- temp blabs about the sea portal thing
- doesn't trust the league
- thinks they could use sea!hoenn and other places like it to rocket's advantage
-mask off time bby
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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 22:01:47 GMT
ana fell Avatar
Cyg stuffed her hands in her pockets and looked up once more at the bizarre funnel of sand whirling around them. It seemed like there were other ways of keeping such a meeting low-key, but she wasn’t about to argue with the Big Man about it.

She felt shiver next to her and pressed her shoulder softly into his. He had his own demons, she knew; she just had to be there to weather them with him.

Though she was in the crowd with Isaac she kept her eyes focused on . Elisa was her boss, in more ways than one, but was also her beacon. Cyg would do anything that woman asked of her. Yeah, Gavin and Mars and The Gang(™) were good, too, but Elisa… Elisa was something else.

God, she was stunning.

To show her support, she'd chosen to dress in the slightly more masculine version of Elisa's outfit. Totally intentional and not at all by accident.

A voice that sounds suspiciously familiar goads the masses into cheering against the League plan. As much as Cyg agrees, she keeps her mouth shut.

’s right,” she murmured to Isaac, focusing in on the man in question. “We basically make our living off the shortcomings of the League. To expect them to do anything besides come up short right now would be stupid hypocritical.”

That said nothing about the inherent immorality of destroying another universe to save their own.

stands on the fringes of the group, stark and sharp and predatory; his grin is fit to match. He has a point, Cyg realizes; one she’d not thought of before. But how on earth would they take a meteor hurtling towards them and turn it into an opportunity like the one he described? That was a hell of a bait ‘n switch.

had a point, as well. If she was right-- and what , too, was proclaiming-- then this would essentially be like dropping trou in the middle of an active firefight and not being aware of what was about to come screaming right up their ass.

Beyond her genial agreement with Gavin, she remained silent. Nothing she could add to the conversation hadn’t already been said.

tl ; dr
- chilling with isaac
- agreege with everything been said
- brief edit to add her outfit because she is matching elisaaaaa

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 22:04:08 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

Fern threads through the gathered crowd, looking for any trace of someone he’s familiar with. He’ll spot the tall figure of , if he’s lucky– but it’s also likely that she might not want to deal with his commentating chatter if he does manage to find her and latch onto her like a particularly annoying suckerfish.[break][break]

They can’t help it, though! All of this is still fresh for them, and a few months is unfortunately a short amount of time to really catch up with all of the goings on being discussed, and figure out where they fall on the matter. Of course, they’re just as skeptical of the league’s assurances as the rest, but Fern would prefer to have someone in his company to remark upon it all with, rather than yell out his opinions. At least for the time being.[break][break]

As other crowd goers voice their grievances and concerns, Fern does not participate–opting to absorb the conversation as it flows. The forger’s attention drifts up toward the steps where the Boss himself is presented to the assembly, along with all of the assorted higher ups. After a bit of careful scrutiny, their able to spot Michail– no, , up there with the other established admins. It’s not a surprise–not now, anyway. They would wave if they had any chance of being spotted in the crowd, but he also looks so serious standing there. Best not to disrupt.[break][break]

Where is Marza? By that point, Fern is only partially attentive to the discussion at hand as they roll up to their toes and try to spot their friend over the rest. Instead, they think they spot a familiar flash of light blue. They scramble to catch up with .


[attr="class","ooc"] + fern is primarily just taking everything in for now[break]
+ makes hearteyes spots w. the admins[break]
+ is looking for and so he can make observational remarks[break]

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
569 posts
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2022 22:43:23 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar

[attr="class","header"]TRANSFER OF POWER


With the meeting today Pryde makes sure to be dressed like a professional. One that actually looks like you can trust to be put into such a position of power. A personal opinion that one should always look presentable, as now most Rockets of the city gathered together, a sandstorm separating them from the rest of the city, because clearly that wasn't suspicious in the slightest. [break][break]

Walsh has already given him and some early info on things he wanted, and for a moment Pryde is quiet as several members give their opinions. And honestly he can't help but chuckle at them, "Cute how some of them feel they can take some sense of moral high ground," he chuckles more to himself than to anyone else, though his words would definitely been too quite for anyone but the Underbosses to hear. Thinking it amusing how some of them didn't want to kill off others to save themselves. [break][break]

While Pryde himself has zero doubts the plan will work, he wants more chaos in the world, and saving it was just a no no in his books. "If it would help settle down doubts on whether or not their plan would work I would like to see if I can't get into a location to at least take a look at the Primal Nodes sir," he ask for permission from . "Ensure that the science and math behind it aren't something to doubt."


[break]+ @ rocket
[break]+ Finds the high ground some Rocket's are taking laughable.
[break]+ Offers to try and see if he can't look at the Primal Nodes to help settle doubts.



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP