i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,401 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 4:04:00 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]Some Rockets argued that Rocket's reputation hung in the balance, and diplomatic efforts such as 's were too precious to risk on a half-cocked mission. Others, like , argued that there was no point to it all. People would think what they thought, so why bother hiding? He saw an invasion such as this as a show of strength.[break][break]

Yet it wasn't the diplomats or the warlords who Isaac found himself agreeing with. In fact, it was that Isaac found himself nodding along to. "Mars is right," Isaac said. "We're the bad guys. There's no beating around that bush anymore. No matter what your reasons for being here are, half the region's gonna hate you for it. And the half that doesn't is just busy hating the League more.[break][break]

"But that doesn't mean we have to trip over own feet rushing into that role. You know what they're gonna see if we run off half-cocked, botch the invasion, and get our asses kicked by a distracted League? Not a bunch of conquerors to be feared. A bunch of bullies who got punched in the nose and ran off crying. If people know we can be beaten, are they going to comply as easily? Forcing them's wasted effort. And if the League's already stomped our best effort at half strength, what's stopping them from trying again once they regroup?"

had spoken out both very surprisingly and very directly considering her age. , who was as loyal to Rocket as they came, had challenged his boss on the idea. From opposite worlds, they still found concerns. "Shit, everyone here's asking questions, from Rocket's innermost circle to literal kids. Don't get me wrong, it kicks ass that we can be so open about this. But it's all the more reason to make sure, once we're on the same page, it's as firm of one as we can get."

Still, seemed confident that he could spin the optics. Even in a defeat, there was probably room to appear fearsome, or maybe even glorious. Propaganda was a powerful force. And now that powerful force had to explain why Rocket was working with a cannibalistic alien. "Well, looks like you've got your work cut out for you," Isaac teased, voice lowered to keep this a friendly jab instead of another talking point.[break][break]

After all, the most important talking point here was Littleroot. Against all odds, that podunk town had some big secrets behind it. And Isaac would be lying if he said they weren't tempting. "See, now we're getting somewhere," he said, grinning. "If there's really something big down there, I think we all want to know what it is before the League does.[break][break]

"'s right. We shouldn't let the League get their hands on it first. But it doesn't matter who digs it up, only who's holding the prize in the end. Do we really want to do the League's dirty work for them?" What would be more embarrassing than that for a respectable Rocket? "So that's three big questions I've got. One; do we know anything about it this energy? Two; does the League even know it exists? And three; can we defend Littleroot long enough to work with it?"[break][break]

One Doublade hovered behind the Mossdeep grunt. The other hovered behind the Littleroot grunt. However, like the sword of Damocles, neither had fallen in allegiance. It seemed Isaac was waiting for more info before he committed this go-around.[break][break]

TEAL DEER;[break]
Isaac agrees with Mars: fear and hate are two separate things, and acts of cruelty may stoke the wrong one.[break]
Though maybe that doesn't matter with the Megalopian albatross on our PR neck![break]
Isaac no longer questions Littleroot's value, but doubts its defensibility.[break]
Along with this, he wishes to know if any Rocket scientists have intel on the energy, and if the League knows of its presence or not.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,741 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 4:51:13 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
When Mt. Pyre was ultimately chosen, Elisabeth felt a private satisfaction at having helped engineer that outcome; it was a victory that she shared with by offering him a small, appreciative smile. It lasted for but a moment as her attention shifted to and , witnessing the arrival of the Megalopolan general, VELMOS, and with him, a new revelation about Littleroot and Kyogre alike.

Her eyebrows lifted perceptively, curiosity sharply glinting in the gaze of her emerald eyes. A slow, cat-like grin pulled at her lips.

Well. That changed things.

"What sort of energy is being detected in Littleroot, may I ask?" Elisabeth interjected, turning to VELMOS and . "Infinity? Primal? Or are we unaware exactly of its source?"

It didn't matter. This alone made for a far more intriguing option than Mossdeep City or Pacifidlog Town.

Her VOTE was publicly cast for LITTLEROOT before she offered her rationale, voice level but animated with a sudden, keen interest that had been lacking prior.

This topic excited her.

"The vote here seems self-evident, to me. Littleroot is a smaller target, easier to isolate and subdue. With the addition of this information, it is also of higher value to us as a place for potential research opportunities. Conquering Littleroot would be the most efficient outcome."

Here she glanced at and , who had voiced their own military insight earlier. To them specifically, and those who shared their interest in the siege, she said:

"I do not believe at present we have enough forces to command a city as vast as Mossdeep. I'd prefer we focused our operations wholly on something of that magnitude, rather than doing so while our attention is split between other missions."

She paused here for a moment to breathe, then continued:

"Nor do I think we are in urgent need of subduing Pacifidlog Town, for it doesn't offer us the same boons that Littleroot does, and its current state of leniency towards Rocket can be maintained as-is without concern."

Her eyes then turned their attention to the orb that VELMOS had retrieved, intrigued wholly on this newfound chink in 's armor. Well, well, well.

With a smoothness that belied the open relish in her inquiry, she asked, "Have we plans for Kyogre, then?"

They lived in interesting times, indeed.

  • Elisabeth wants to know what kind of energy we're seeing in Littleroot. Infinity? Primal? SOMETHING NEW?
  • Votes Littleroot because energy source makes it more valuable than Pacifidlog Town + smaller and easier to subdue than Mossdeep.
  • Asks what the plans for Kyogre are. What's good, ?

Transfer of Power 3 ✿ Outfit ✿ Everyone
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 5:40:03 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







What the fuck? What the fuck?! [break][break]

Bryan's glance turns over to walsh as a small anger is evident in his eyes, yet he calms them as it was pointless to get mad. Walsh already threw the option out there. He lets out a long frustrated sigh. "We learn that there's a fucking new SOURCE of energy under the town and people want to vote for another place instead?" as he tries to keep his temper in check. [break][break]

A small glimmer of hope remained in some people seeing the same view he did as pointed out the same thing. "We gain nothing by occupying pacifidlog, a bunch of houses tied by tree trunks." he comments. "And mossdeep. It's at least better than taking pacifidlog and it has the space center. But we already have rocket agents already stealing the league's research for our own purposes." he comments looking to Walsh and co as Bryan reminds the group of 's role in the organization. [break][break]

"I know Littleroot like the back of my hand, every tree, stump, rock. We could transform that little country town that the league forgot about into a "utopia" Show them how great things can be under our rule like Kanto. There is a LOT of untapped potential. We can end up using all the space to grow produce for those suffering from a lack of supplies in Sootopolis. can conduct more research on her crystablooms on a place where they can more easily grow or find it." he says as he catches himself going on and on as if they already had littleroot in their grasp. [break][break]

"All I'm saying is we'd be stupid to not occupy a space out opponents basically forgot about that we can put to very good use." he says a small root from a random tree somehow burrows it's way out of the ground as Bryan and Xerneas used their powers to pull it from the earth. It then stretches over to the grunt that represented his choice, LITTLEROOT.


notes about this post

tldr: I forgot it my last post hehe [break]
Bryan explains his logic for taking littleroot and not mossdeep/pacifidlog.[break]
Reasons listed: [break][break]
Littleroot has a lot of space for new rocket operations compared to mossdeep and pacifidlog.[break]
Could use that land for farms.[break]
Elisabeth may be able to conduct research on crystablooms easier there.[break]
Uses his abilities to pull a small root of a nearby tree from the ground and moves it over to the grunt representing littleroot.

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
5,710 posts
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 9:48:06 GMT

there is no need for theo to voice his thoughts as he would simply be parroting what has said. he agrees with the rocket beast entirely.[break][break]

to decide on any location not littleroot after knowing what velmos has shared would be foolish. trusts the megalopolan, theo trusts declan.[break][break]

he looks briefly at , something akin to dread prickling at his skin as he imagines an attack on mossdeep, their new home.[break][break]

even then, the choice is a simple one.[break][break]

with a gesture, theo sends his milotic to LITTLEROOT.[break][break]

- well said mr bryan delarosa[break]
- mossdeep is safe...for now...[break]
- votes littleroot[break]


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he / him / his
february 11
Celadon, Kanto
5’7 height
5’7 height
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TAG WITH @jiro
Kenjiro Yamada
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 12:10:54 GMT
Kenjiro Yamada Avatar

He’d been observing everything quietly, most of the time.

However—the mention of something buried deep under Littleroot? That—that was interesting.

He noticed ’s Milotic go towards Littleroot—and of course he was curious as to what was there.

Deep underneath the earth.

A flick of his hand revealed his Doublade—the only named Pokémon out of his small squad—and it follows the Milotic towards Littleroot.

• surprise binches, Jiro is here
• votes for Littleroot

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 18:09:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar



The blond-haired grunt watched with piercing amethyst eyes. Taking in the arguing and unrest as everyone erupted in a cacophony of voices. It was chaos. Though not an unfamiliar one. He decided to keep his peace, prowling in the background.
He watched the forum devolve into arguments over where to go. It was amusing, but not something he would have a say in. Being rather new to this branch, having arrived here right before that crazy dome formed over the region.
He didn't have a rapidash in this race. Whatever they chose - it didn't matter much to him. They were all (mainly) adults - they'd figure it out.
'I hope they figure something out soon, not like we got all the time in the world to fuck around and find out.' He thought amusedly, eyes occasionally glancing between various peoples. 'Well. At least things here will never get boring!'

+ Quietly watching the chaos unfold.
+ Doesn't have a vote, letting everyone else decide.



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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 18:28:38 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Her Pokémon returned to her side after the first vote had been tallied.

And just in time, as a lot of big words were thrown around, reasons that far surpassed her paygrade. But one thing didn’t change, even with the Megalopolan revelation, Littleroot was still further away from Ever Grande City than Mossdeep. And so her choice had been made.

It was not the promise of mysterious energy, nor the dreams of utopian creation that lead her to make her choice. But the vivid images of her family flashed through her memory as she made her choice that swayed her towards the Forgotten town.

And so her Haunter flew towards the Littleroot Grunt. Once more teasing it with a face full of tongue, for surely it was allowed a little bit of fun during this boring meeting, no?

LOCATION: Sootopolis
- Keeps her nose out of the big business
- Votes for LITTLEROOT


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a. z. fell
December 21st
Fortree, Hoenn
we could
have been us
5'8" / 172 cm height
5'8" / 172 cm height
i'm just a demon who goes along with hell as far as she can.
1,436 posts
ana fell DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @cygne
ana fell
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 18:46:43 GMT
ana fell Avatar
The meeting is not bringing anything new to light that Cyg didn’t already know.

She doesn’t like .

The charismatic amongst them (like ) want to use this as an opportunity to gain public trust.

Some people want to ally with Sea!Hoenn which seems asinine, but whatever. Go little rockstar and all that.

suggests rolling over and displaying their stomach for the League which is… both the better and the worse option.

surprises her by vouching for the join sea!Hoenn plan and she looks at him, puzzled and concerned. “That’s… that’s a lot of risk,” she says, “a lot of what-ifs.” And sure, in the moment, she’s more than willing to jump in headfirst and risk it for the biscuit, but in these anxious, pre-planning periods…

…she squeezed Isaac’s hand. Ultimately, whatever they chose, she’d go with him, stupidly, divinely devoted.

Frankly, Sea!Hoenn had nothing to lose from the meteor and everything to gain, on both a small and large scale. They were a pack of wolves that Cyg felt were comfortably distant, for now. She thought they should focus on the emergency at hand and deal with the other shit later, if/when it came around.

at least was very right that they were all running out of time. That, Cyg reflected, should be the focus point for this meteor meeting.

Terse words went back and forth between Bee and ; they were both right, unfortunately. Cyg didn’t feel all too good about the whole coup in the midst of crisis thing, either, but… when would they have a better chance? Wasn’t that the part of her that had looked Theo in the eyes and said not legally when he recruited her? You know, like a dumbshit?

Then Walsh jumps in and shuts a lot of shit down, at first. We can trust the League. Then he goes absolutely batshit and says we’re going to the moon, Alice. Oh, also we’re taking over Littleroot. And attacking a Primal Point.

“What the fresh hell…” Cyg mumbles, eyebrows furrowing. “That’s-- that’s so much.”

And maybe that was the point?

Isaac brings up a good note about stealing a back-up Primal Point instead of an active one, but it’s counterintuitive to Walsh’s plan to disrupt the-- the teleport ritual, for lack of a better word-- long enough for the people on the Meteor to mine it and get out (which was still. Absolutely batshit. What an idea.)

People start voting for what Point to attack and Cyg’s heart sinks because Petalburg is the most popular for a long time, until someone throws out Mt. Pyre and people start leaning that way, instead.

opens his mouth and disagrees with the whole shebang, which. Whatever, he’s got a point, but if anything, that just makes her want to go against what he’s saying.

She exhales, focuses in on . She was the important one. What she said, Cyg would follow.

Theo has to macho man in on Felix and does the whole women want me fish fear me thing again and that Bryan guy spouts off about how Rocket’s assets won’t be good in a cave or some shit, like Avatars are the only important thing here.

’s right,” she says (had she said that already), “we’re, like. We’re trying to be new, right? We’ve been actively purging the old, bloodthirsty Rockets. Why would we just… relapse?”

She listens as Isaac speaks and, like, damn, when did he get so fucking smart? Her grin at seeing the Doublade do its thing is literally large and bright enough to possibly blow the meteor to smithereens. She also didn’t see what the point was for Littleroot except it was important to that one Avatar guy which seemed paltry in comparison to places with an actual tactical advantage.

Elisa steps up and lays down some amazing knowledge and Cyg’s heart sings with-- just. A whole bunch of feelings. May cooler heads prevail, and Elisa’s got the coolest head she knows.

Mars spouts some bullshit about conquering and Cyg’s face falls, a little. Back to that dilemma of does she really want to be a conqueror? And, like, yes, she does. But in the face of global catastrophe? Seems like a cheap shot, doesn’t it?

voices what Cyg’s been thinking for a while: a lot of this seems like a Rocket pissing contest that would be detrimental to their operations as a whole-- i.e, fucking, conquering.

She loves Chu-e Choi, she thinks, in that moment.

It takes every bit of conditioning in her to not heave a sigh of relief when they choose Mt. Pyre instead of Petalburg.

She listens to the captured Megalopolan general, and then to what says after; and despite her general hero worship of Oscar Clayton, she finds she really can’t put stock in the weight of the words from a cannibal space invader from another world.

She squeezes Isaac’s hand again and drops a Pokeball, releasing her GENGAR, who bounces over to stand next to the MOSSDEEP grunt.

tl ; dr
- this post took me seven thousand years to write bc my dog is have a GI attack all over gods creation
- chilling with isaac. reflects on things.
- votes for mossdeep this changes later lol ignore it
- brief edit to add her outfit because she is matching elisaaaaa

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #7b6678; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #7b6678; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #7b6678; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam a] text-transform:uppercase!important;font:800 15px Poppins!important; [/newclass]
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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Oct 1, 2022 23:47:33 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Gavin's golden gaze finds as the other snarls in fury.

Not here, he urges silently, not now.

It's with immense pride that he watches Temp reign in his legendary temper and stare directly at Walsh with a fierce declaration. Though he maintains his straight-backed composure, he offers his partner an approving nod should their eyes meet.

Walsh speaks, and Gavin listens respectfully.

When Pacifidlog is mentioned, however, fury bubbles to the surface. It takes every ounce of restraint not to interrupt, jaw clenched tight as Walsh continues to speak. No. Absolutely not. Temp's people were his people, by union though not by blood. He seethes in silence until at last the floor is open to discussion.

In spite of his anger, when he speaks it is with the same calm, deep cadence as before.

"Pacifidlog would net us little in comparison to Mossdeep, or even Littleroot, if Velmos' intel is correct. It is no foothold to the mainland."

He takes a bracing breath, reminding himself where he is.

"Knowing what we do now of Littleroot, I admit curiosity as to what lies beneath the town... but we know what is of value in Mossdeep. The Space Centre. While our landbound legends and Pokémon may struggle with poor footing in Pacifidlog, Mossdeep boasts plenty of solid ground on which to fight. Either location would be a worthy capture."

He remembers the Tree of Life beneath Littleroot. It had died, hadn't it? Could it still be a source of energy, or was this something else?

He does not vote. Not yet.

"I'll go where I'm needed," he concedes, with a glance at , "but if Underbosses Decker and Beckett are going elsewhere, then I'll assist with the Pyre operation."

Having recalled his SHADOW DHELMISE at the Boss' command, he sends it back out next to the LITTLEROOT grunt. The look he gives in that moment is brief, but meaningful.

To , he says, "Do not discount your worth. Your voice has weight."

It doesn't make him trust Velmos, but Gavin trusts few.

A look of appreciation is spared toward , though he adds no more fuel to the fires of discourse. His voice has been heard by Declan; whether or not the Rocket Boss would heed it was entirely up to him.

⁠— Gavin is so fucking proud of
⁠— Expresses that Pacifidlog has less value in comparison to Littleroot/Mossdeep
⁠— Admits curiosity about Littleroot, says Mossdeep has the Space Center
⁠— Voices intent to join the Mt. Pyre operation
⁠— Shadow Dhelmise puts his vote for LITTLEROOT
⁠— As his sister votes otherwise, Gavin's vote is updated in my second post!
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,211 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 0:15:27 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Hate, fear, a want to kill everyone here.[break][break]

Those feelings course through her in waves, overwhelming and relentless as the adults argue over more matters - Over how many more lives they can destroy, how many more families they might end up tearing apart. Was this what they'd done in their invasion of Kanto? Was this how they'd planned to destroy the region? It flashes in her eyes, brief sparks of hostility, confusion, fear.[break][break]

But most all, death has its sights on .[break][break]

Her heart accelerates, memories swirling as her name sits upon her lips. And blood tastes so salty on her tongue, her teeth buried into her lips as she looks down to her hands. Red - Coursing through her veins and draining away when she digs her fingers into her palms.[break][break]

Draining away like her parents' lives.

Mossdeep, her home. A possible target for invasion. She trembles, she wants to curl up on herself, she's holding tight onto Reiner, she's replaying the scenarios over and over again in her head.[break][break]

We could transform that little country town that the league forgot about into a "utopia"

That shadow standing over pa's body... that glinting barrel pointed right at momma's head.[break][break]

Show them how great things can be under our rule like Kanto.


Her chest heaves with every breath, aches with the whispers of smoke that she'd choked on that night.[break][break]

"You're fucking delusional, Bryan."


tl;dr -[break]
- Okay Eris what insights do you h-[break]
- Oh okay uhm go off then[break][break]
- She basically called Bryan (and many others insane) crazy
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a transfer of power 3

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 1:08:07 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar

His composure is utterly unshakable, for there’s nothing here that would ever be capable of shaking it. In the end, no will convince Mars that he’s wrong about anything, because no opinions matter more to him than his own. The only issue? Someone who Mars believes to be wrong about certain things has absolutely power over this syndicate.
When golden eyes scan the crowd just as dozens of dark ones do, watching their reactions, what he sees does not bode well for Team Rocket.
No matter what his opinions may be, Mars will always do as the one person who is his superior in Team Rocket wills. He believes everyone else should as well. He has been conditioned to respect authority.
Disrespect is not to be tolerated, much less dissidence.
The sight of it taps into a part of him that most people never see.
.” His voice cuts through the crowd, cold and sharp. His gaze is fixed solely on her at that moment, as is that of his Unown-! ”If you’re going to express an opinion, do so respectfully. Do not make us rescind your invitation to this meeting because you’re incapable of behaving. Do better.
It doesn’t matter that she’s a child.
It doesn’t matter that she suffered through horrors in Kanto.
It doesn’t even matter that Mars agrees with her opinion: there is nothing glorious about Kanto.
There are ways and ways to say things, and needs to learn this.
”I too will go where I'm most needed, but my own vote regarding the siege goes to LITTLEROOT.” Mars calmly continues then, as if nothing had just happened. His attention has returned to the crowd. is right in that we don’t have the strength to hold both Sootopolis and Mossdeep without issue at this time, and is right in that if we’re able to hold a smaller town like Littleroot, we can grow produce that will supply Sootopolis during this shortage. Whatever this energy beneath it may be, it’s likely an advantage we could exploit.”
An Unown wanders over the grunt in accordance with his words. However, Mars’ gaze falls on Velmos at that moment.
”That being said, I don’t believe we should trust the Megalopolans. If I'm choosing to do so it's because I value ’s opinion. I still recommend proceeding with caution.”



[break]■ Tells Eris off
[break]■ Says he'll go where Rocket needs him the most
[break]■ Agrees with Elisa about not being able to hold Mossdeep and with Bryan about agriculture potential in Littleroot
[break]■ Says they could exploit the energy in Littleroot to their advantage
[break]■ Choosing LITTLEROOT
[break]■ Says he's only trusting the Megalopolans because he values Oscar's opinion on them. Recommends caution regardless.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 1:47:39 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint covered his mouth to hide a snicker at Walsh's use of podunk. But Walsh sweetened the pot at least. His interest is piqued. He gave a look at to see her reaction. He grinned once more at , undeterred by her terse response. And he laughed at before whispering back, "I'm getting help so no worries." [break][break]

Though this quickly subsided as the meeting moved on and Walsh revealed the captured Megalopolan. His eyes go wide, and his bones seems to ache. A shiver ran down his spine. He'd not had the pleasure to see one of the invaders in person. He just knew they were- well man-eaters. And not in the sexy Daryll Hall and John Oates kind of way, unfortunately. That'd be way cooler. "What's in it for VELMOS?" he asked, smiling at , though his eyes are locked onto the Megalopolan themselves. "What'd we promise you, General?" [break][break]

His eyes whip around as more added to the conversation. "You want to do what-?" he asked in disbelief. "Utopias don't exist, and bolstering a burnt out town is a lot of resources in exchange for- what? An unknown energy source we don't know if we can control? Shouldn't Dr. and Dr. get time to figure out if it's even harmful to humans and pokemon, but not Megalopolans? Or- like- Can we contain it? How long would that take? At the very least, let me take the Primal Handheld Dr. Flint fixed up for me and verify it's not primal energy before you build a whole operation around it." he looked over at the heads of the science department before back at . "Admin can conduct crystalbloom research anywhere in Hoenn. It's not like they're proven to grow better in Littleroot." he glanced at the pair of admins. "Unless...?" [break][break]

"New energy sounds cool, but if we can send a stealth group to attack a primal point then why not the same to retrieve this energy later and focus on a better target? Especially since Little is so 'forgotten' by the League. Besides, wouldn't us occupying Littleroot make the League more interested in whatever we're sitting on? No one's gonna believe it's outta the goodness of our hearts." He glanced over at . "We're criminals, not a charity fund." [break][break]

And then there's the strange outburst. It doesn't sound particularly pro-Rocket to him. Kanto had left its mark on many of the people he knew in the organization, but he hadn't seen something as bad as this before. Mint's eyes darted to look at the girl who'd just cut through the din of conversation and debate. "Gods, - who's side are you on?" As he said this, a pink little bastard scurried his way to hang out near the Mossdeep grunt.

tagged ▸ ooc @a lOTT [break]
- talking to VELMOS [break]
- snickering with isaac [break]
- concerned about littleroot + new energy source [break]
- suggest they use the handheld he and lulu nabbed [break]
- suggests they secretly grab the energy later [break]
- votes for MOSSDEEP




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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 3:53:18 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

In a not so surprising twist of events, volunteers to lead the mission to space. It makes sense with Deoxys as his patron but in Lex’s mind all she sees is risk.

The risk of his life.

“You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me,” she snaps, shooting an icy glare. She turns on her heels, arms crossed across her chest as the boss continues his explanation. Honestly, she doesn’t listen too much. She knows it’s the pressure from Deoxys that contributes to Killian’s decision. Lex doesn’t trust the alien to not leave her fiancé stranded in the space on a meteor being warped to Arceus knows where.

It’s not until they bring out an unexpected guest that Lex turns her attention back to . Her amber gaze crosses between the Megalopolan and the boss as they explain why Littleroot is so enticing. She sees the appeal in unknown energy, but it doesn’t trump the opportunity many fail to see in taking Mossdeep.

“If we ever want Mossdeep, NOW is the time to take it,” Lex speaks up, turning back towards Walsh and the Underbosses, “If we ‘basically’ have Paficidlog,” she is unsure of the politics, but plays off the general consensus, “Then if we take Mossdeep, we will isolate The League Headquarters from the mainland and we will control all of the routes between Hoenn and their precious leaders,” It’s obvious to Lex.

“And when would you rather take a large target like Mossdeep?” her arms lifts to motion towards the West, “When League resources are spread thin and all we might have to deal with is the Council as a defense? Or when they can send the Elite Four, Champion, and gym leaders to counter us?” Lex has no interest in fighting the likes of the Elite Four plus the champion if they make a move against Mossdeep later, “Afterwards, we’ll face the same retaliation whether it is Mossdeep or Littleroot,” The League isn’t going to let them take another city easily, “But at least with Mossdeep, we’ll have the infrastructure and location to make a big dent in League resources,” Lex shrugs her shoulder and lifts her hands, “Just my humble opinion,” she’s not a strategist, but she knows a juicy opportunity when she sees one. With The League cut off from the mainland, Littelroot would be easier to take, especially if the League diverted resources to try and take back Mossdeep.

With that being said, it’s not surprise when the Beast directs her Dusknoir towards Mossdeep as her vote.


+ Lex votes MOSSDEEP

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
541 posts
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 15:45:41 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
He had to admit that Walsh’s plans seemed scattered and sporadic, but he wasn’t a tactician by any means. Global catastrophe be damned, Kepler wanted to go to space. He pointed a measuring look at , wondering how many spots there would be and if he would need to, like, break her kneecaps in order to assure him a spot. Not that he would but he would.

People go back and forth arguing for and against places for a while. Kepler is focused on the idea of going to the meteor. What would they find? What would find them? He gets goosebumps from the excitement.

Then opens his big meathead mouth, talking about why his little backwater ‘ton is the ideal place to invade, and makes some equally as meathead claims as to Kanto Superiority or whatever the fuck he’s on about. chimes in, then, and it makes Kepler snicker.

Someone pipes up and asks Eris what side she’s on and--

Kepler laughed. He straight up laughed, threw his head back and cackled, because, fuck, what the fuck? What were they even-- talking about here? It was a merciless, joyless sound, full of a mockery and intent that he didn’t actually think he was capable of cultivating.

says. do better. Was that-- was that a fucking joke?

And maybe-- maybe-- maybe it was the result of the years spent in the grip of thick-muscled no brained tyrants who looked a lot like Bryan, maybe, as your eyes get fuzzy and your concussion kicks in from where they slammed you against the wall, but Kepler thought Eris was right.

“People are allowed to be bothered by war crimes, dude,”
he snorts, leveling his scornful laughter at . “They don’t say ‘history is written by the victors’ without reason.” God, imagine being so out of touch that you can look at a victimized child and ask them what side they’re on. Frankly, it wouldn’t be so apparent except for all the strides Rocket had been taking to become different from Kanto.

He pressed two fingers to the bridge of his nose, trying to collect himself.

“Far be it from me to comment on the ethics of the situation because that is very distant from my realm of expertise, but we’re not trying to be those kind of victors.” His inner parasite (survive at all costs, survive at the expense of the host) kicked in. “I think we should worry about surviving first and then maybe plans of regional domination later. Just a thought.”

Waving a hand, he directs his Pokemon to move to the Littleroot grunt, because he is, despite himself, intrigued by this newfound energy source. He's not entirely convinced it won't all go tits up in their face, but, when doesn't anything?

>> kepler thinks you're all fucking delusional and eris just gave voice to the truth
>> votes for littleroot
>> wearing

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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,737 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Oct 2, 2022 18:01:11 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







His brow furrows at the response of the crowd to his statements. [break][break]

He clenches his fist at the brat rat known as . But mars quickly steps in to reprimand her. It was probably because he knew that if Bryan spoke his mind he would do much worse than just verbally warn her. [break][break]

"Enough."he says as his voice cuts through the heated discussion. "If one of the higher ups needs to speak to the crowd to be respectful again. I will remind you all what the role of a beast is. It will not be a pleasant experience." he warns them as his own annoyance with them grew by the second. Who the fuck were they to speak so disrespectfully and casually to those who earned their spots? His eyes glared at Eris specifically, annoying brat.[break][break]

His gaze shifts over to . "I believe crystal blooms which are a good conduit for infinity energy would have an easier time growing in an environment that once held a tree of life, an organism holding a lot of infinity energy. Versus a place that was robbed of all that infinity energy by necrozma. It is also extremely hostile to plant life thanks to it's proximity to the salt water ocean." he shrugs as he wasn't the expert on plants, expecting to chime in for him if he was actually right on anything. [break][break]

"I believe the energy source underneath Littleroot COULD be something related to Xerneas. It makes sense it may be infinity energy no?" He asks out-loud as he began to ponder all the info he knew from his previous research on the tree of life. "I wasn't here when it happen, but wasn't the first place a tree of life appeared in littleroot? Specifically the contest hall? I don't think it'd be primal energy as the two wouldn't play nice given and 's stunt in the tree of life attempting to fuse the two." he asks directly. [break][break]

"If the vote goes towards Mossdeep, would I have your permission to investigate it sir? Regardless of what type of energy it is. Energy is energy." he says as the fire of determination to prove himself useful burned in his eyes.[break][break]

"But regardless of that. I think the fact we'd also have potential allies in littleroot makes it even more enticing of an option to take advantage of versus being potentially on our own in mossdeep."


notes about this post

TLDR: Warns the crowd ( ) to be respectful or he'll remove them from the meeting himself. [break]
Tells about what he knows of crystal blooms and infinity energy and littleroot's history.[break]
Asks Walsh that if the vote sways towards Mossdeep if he can go investigate the energy source [break]
Points out that they'd have potential allies in littleroot if they can reach the Alien's allies first.[break]
Bryan votes littleroot pog[break]

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