i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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November 18
Laverre City, Kalos
Fine Artist
Grunt [ Forger ]
Beauty is power; a smile is its sword.
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TAG WITH @seraphine
Seraphine D’aureville
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 3:41:39 GMT
Seraphine D’aureville Avatar


Optics do matter.[break][break]
Once again, Seraphine could not help but think about the aftermath. Perhaps it was in her nature as an artist to visualize an entire painting and how she intended it to look before she ever put pen to paper, but she agreed with and her emphasis on a two-pronged approach. Strength hardly matters if there is nobody left to rule. Wealth hardly matters if there is nothing left to own. Hoenn must survive this, and the survivors need to trust us.[break][break]
Know when to make the right choice. 's words echoed across the crowd. He sounded like a conqueror, especially combined with the eerie, yet captivating, visage of the Unown floating around him. I am with him, but I am no fighter, she silently lamented. I am best suited for the diplomacy angle.[break][break]
When spoke, Seraphine shifted uncomfortably next to @bishop and . It wasn't so much that Seraphine feared the man, she simply found him utterly distasteful. Despite herself, however, she could see the logic in sending a smaller team to infiltrate while the larger force attacked. Many valid points had been made about where to steal the primal crystal, but Zev was right: it hardly mattered, so long as they sent the right people.[break][break]
"I volunteer to assist with the retrieval of the primal crystal," Seraphine declared, tone confident. "The likelihood of success would be far greater should a small group of diplomatic," she caught Elisabeth's eye, "individuals, able to provide believable distractions, and stealthy individuals, able to quickly and efficiently swipe the crystal, were sent to our location of choice." She paused, and looked down at Rouge. The Smeargle stared back, expression resolute. He would go where she sent him. "As for that location, I actually think a larger city would provide better cover for this specialized thieving team. I see no reason why Petalburg should not suffice." She waved her perfectly-manicured hand dismissively, and Rouge trotted forward to stand by the associated grunt.



+ Seraphine's Outfit[break][break]


+ Seraphine agrees with , , and (ugh)[break]
+ Seraphine offers her services as a charming seductress and socialite to aid a small team of Rocket thieves in retrieving the primal crystal while the majority of Rocket's forces fight elsewhere[break]
+ Seraphine votes for Petalburg as she feels a bigger city allows for more stealth and cover

[newclass=.seratest2]font:14px Calibri;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:16px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".seratest2 .seratest2pkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 10:45:39 GMT

while he disagrees with , theo could not help but wonder: would feel the same if not for ? it's a thought he keeps to himself.[break][break]

theo would've responded to if not for the interjection by his splashfest rival . he also returns her acknowledgment with a nod of his head, appreciating how she shares her thoughts.[break][break]

as shares his thoughts, the ever-present line that divides those within the same faction becomes clearer, and the reality that presents itself is that not everyone will be on the same page moving forward.[break][break]

but the most he, , or anyone could hope for is loyalty.[break][break]

"we aren't and won't be acting blindly."[break][break]

his gaze lingers on for a moment before shifting back to the crowd.[break][break]

"i've never known people to respect their conquerors. i've known them to fear, hate, and envy, but never that. why should they?"[break][break]

a pause.[break][break]

"and more importantly, why should we care?"[break][break]

perhaps it is inexperience that leads to this line of thinking. whatever the reason, theo allows the moment to pass.[break][break]

his nidoking, a relic from a bygone era, stomps over to MOUNT PYRE.[break][break]

- suggests rocket should just be the baddies[break]
- ty miss elisabeth for not dunking theo again[break]
- no respect needed ^_^ just as long as they end up on top[break]
- votes mt. pyre[break]


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-naganadel"]

[newclass=".deadinside"]--accent:#d5d5d5; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".deadinside .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Lloyd Kvar
October 24
Ex-Head Scientist
203 height
203 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @pryde
Raphael Pryde
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 13:10:41 GMT
Raphael Pryde Avatar

[attr="class","header"]TRANSFER OF POWER


might know there is reliability with the nodes, but that isn't the point. The point was that he wanted a chance to sabotage it, fuck this world, let it burn. "I believe in the League's ability when they're trying to protect themselves as well sir, the offer is more to ease the masses," is all he offers because while he believes the plan would work, he knows most of their members have doubts. [break][break]

After his simple suggest he stays silent and listens in on those who either wish to argue their trust in the league's plan, verse them giving both themselves and their pokemon up to one of the locations the league wanted to try their nods on. Of course he is more than willing to help with gathering for a piece of the meteor as the boss has already expressed his intertest about the rock to both him and . And even if the meteor did end up else where they could always have fun with that. [break][break]

Though with the masses seeming to be against attacking the league's plan Pryde does speak up for a note, "Just so you are all aware the Primal Points there, and the energies they'll be giving off once the League tries to enact their plan will already cause the pokemon in the area to cause a ruckus, our own pokemon being added to the mix will should mealy blend in with the masses and no blame should come back on us for some wild pokemon's antics," unless of course their members decided to send pokemon that were high key identifiable to one person. [break][break]

"Not only that its mealy a delay tactic to keep the Meteor in place long enough for us to get samples for the future and further our strength," he adds on before he takes out a pokeball and calls upon his Heatran to try for petalburg as he believes it would cause the most damage there. [break][break]

As for the take over of these other cities he cares not who they take over, as he doesn't concern himself with the opinion of sheep.


[break]+ @ rocket
[break]+ Pryde tries to calm those that worry pokemon attacking means Team Rocket is behind it.
[break]+ Volunteers his Heatran for PETALBURG
[break]+ doesn't care about which city they take over next.



[newclass=.prydeimg]position:relative; --accent:#a63d6a; --bgimg:url(https://imgur.com/eYZvRCf.png);[/newclass]

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 29, 2022 18:57:26 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Stealing a valuable object as a distraction and thinning the League's resources with an attack somewhere made sense to Bishop, as those were tasks he had experience carrying out to some degree back in Lumiose.[break][break]

But mining a meteoroid as it hurtled through space toward them? Fucking insane.[break][break]

It sounded fun.[break][break]

Sadly, Bishop was not the scientific type, nor had he been to space in any capacity. He'd be useless out there, so the other two plans earned his curious attention. As a newcomer to Hoenn, his knowledge of the region's geography was woefully inadequate, so he merely listened as his fellow Rockets debated the merits and drawbacks of various locations. It was only when commanded her Smeargle to join the other Pokémon gathered around the Petalburg grunt that he made up his mind.[break][break]

"Petalburg's as good a place as any, I guess," Bishop muttered to his companions. He released his Obstagoon from a Poké Ball. "Go stand over there with the others, yeah?" he instructed the Blocking Pokémon.[break][break]

Obstagoon nodded and made his way over to join the others representing their masters' votes for the city.


+ other Rockets


+ Open to interactions![break]
+ Bishop's outfit[break]
+ Standing with Seraphine and Rafael[break]
+ Votes for PETALBURG

[newclass=.bishop]font:12px Roboto;letter-spacing:.5px;line-height:15px;[/newclass]
[newclass=".bishop .bishoptext b"]color:var(--accent);font-size:14px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=".bishop .bishoppkmn img"]margin:-10px -7px 0px -7px;[/newclass]
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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 0:13:57 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

It feels odd, taking this all in. As someone who has operated as a singular entity for the bulk of their criminal career, it was interesting to see how readily and easily most offered their opinions. Fern wouldn’t call it wholesome, per se, given the nature of the conversation, but it was a bit heartening to see the level of commitment given to the syndicate by its membership. Even when opinions bounced and clashed off of one another, there was still a goal to work toward.[break][break]

For the most part, though, most of the heftier talk flies right over his head. It’s a little bit of a task to keep up with, even more so when Walsh lays out the supposed plan going forward and establishes a vote. Debate over which primal point is most suitable pingpongs within the shroud of the sandstorm and the most Fern can do is listen, and shoot a double thumbs up when he readily speaks his mind on the matter. Fern isn’t inclined to speak up on the why of their vote, though they believe that splitting the leagues forces and driving proximity between Littleroot and Sootopolis seems smart.[break][break]

Particularly when this city holds numbers and resources. Shouldn’t those be used to rocket’s favor as much as any other justification given for other locations? So Fern nudges Mint lightly with their elbow, whisper-joking sarcastically as they release their dragapult and send her floating toward their choice. “Party on Mt. Pyre, yeah?”


[attr="class","ooc"] + squeaking a post in because I forgot rip[break]
+ remaining exceptionally quiet for a loudmouth, mostly marveling at rocket’s unification against the league despite difference of opinion. Does make talk to tho[break]
+ votes mt. pyre, get spooky~[break]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

[newclass=".fernie"]--accent:#298fa6; position:relative; z-index:1; overflow:hidden; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".fernie .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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caden, dr. maher
september 14th
medicine intern
leave the money on the table.
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TAG WITH @caden
caden maher
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 0:42:23 GMT
caden maher Avatar
[attr="class","postbody"] caden tilts his head as gives his opinion, but he can't help but flicker his eyes over to their father who is surely watching them, even as far away as he probably is.

[break][break] as the conversation picks up, voices from others tilting into higher pitched arguments, caden's gaze can't help but be fixed on his mentor . as head scientist, surely has more than enough sway in the organization. his eyes flicker quickly over to when she speaks up - brow arching as he recognizes her. huh. so she was a rocket too, after all.

[break][break] "i volunteer myself for the mining team," he says, then turns to . "but you bring up a fair point. when are we mining the meteor exactly? i have no doubt that there are security measures in place — " his gaze flicks over to " — but i speak for everyone when i say i have no wish to see an uptick of people in the med clinic with severe burns from being burned alive by it."

[break][break] arceus knew he had enough work as it was.

[break][break] he folds his arms. "and to make another point," he drawls. "do we know where in the atmosphere the meteor currently is? the exosphere? the mesosphere? the farther away it is, the better chance we have at mining it, league distraction or not."

[break][break] with that, caden steps back. his hypno steps forward, sauntering over to the MT. PYRE grunt, same as his twin.


[break] — caden asks where the meteor is in the atmosphere, and when they plan to mine it
[break] — he votes for mt. pyre

[attr="class","fas fa-plus-circle"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 0:59:50 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Ambrose was slowly learning on why he could never find glue or crayons around. He had a lot to say about the idea of going full Rambo and attacking any city, all negative comments though so he'd remain quiet on that regard. He did once again respect the choice that his friends were making, much like he'd love to learn more about the meteor and study it and as metal as 's idea about exploding a cave sounded he'd still not want to take part in it. The idea he could slightly get behind was of a distraction attack but then again what would happen if that failed and they ended up losing? They would be put behind even further and open themselves up for a strike from the League once the meteor was dealt with. [break][break]

He could also get behind , not only because that was the person who recruited him but also because a "war" from the shadows was the most optimal route for them, people's trust towards the League was at an all time low and they should use that to their advantage. The public's opinion was very important in these types of situations, they weren't some rebel group that could simply use guerrilla tactics on a whim. They should be sowing seeds of chaos and disbelief towards the League, advertising themselves as a different option and not mindless villains that are too selfish to notice the needs of the normal folks. Hostile and violent takeovers were a ignorant choice in this dying age.[break][break]

Regardless of all that, Ambrose just didn't want to be sent to the front lines like a little disposable toy soldier, he could see that some of the higher ups had some deep issues with getting violent, so as grunt he didn't want anything to do with that at all. As someone who worked closely to the science wing of Team Rocket that was where he wanted to stay. If he was told to help someone study anything regarding the meteor he'd gladly do it, after all the violence had been resolved that is.[break][break]

Before he could step forward and join his two friends and volunteer himself for the study group he'd feel a pull on his bag of chips, finally the grim reaper had come to take his soul along with his precious Hot Ditto's... Or not. It was just his old partner in crimes, @naomi . Doing what she did best, stealing his food. "I'd be careful with making too much noise with those... We're all being watched" He'd say once again squinting towards the unown that was adamantly watching them, which made the perfect opportunity. "If you two need help with any of the meteoric studies please count me in... Anything as long as I don't have to take part in the conscription to raid some beach somewhere." Shrugging towards both Nomi and Ceri. "And you... Miss Mimi. You owe me 3 pokedollars for those chips!"[break][break]

[attr="class","tag"] + + @naomi



  • Does not pick any of the places.
  • Thinks any form of frontal attacks is a bad idea.
  • Would still like to help with meteor studies.
  • Outfit: Not dressed for the occasion.


[newclass=.ambrose4] --accent: #008c73; [/newclass]
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,641 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 2:38:20 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
Chu-e studies his hot pink nails, clicking his tongue at a chip he spots on his pinkie. Sparklefur licks her lips and opens her mouth one last time to try and chomp 's ass. Sighing loudly and dramatically, Chu-e stands up and flips his hair.

"I think some of you are trying to shoot the hen to spite the fox."

He glances over the crowd, then at the gathered Underbosses and himself. A click of the tongue and and a whistle see the Shadow Delcatty standing and lumbering over to the Mt. Pyre grunt. She eyes them like a tasty snack; which they might be if they're not careful.

"If so many of you want to prove how big your dicks are, then be my guest and show us. But any direct action and attack that reflects the aggression of Kanto is meaningless."

Scenarios whirled behind Chu-e's eyes. He didn't give a shit about the emotional crux of these matters as so many did. Not anymore. It wasn't possible.

"Did you already forget why Kanto worked and Johto failed?"

He smiles and makes sure to hold the eyes of every Kanto veteran there. Especially and .

"We do not have home field advantage. We do not have a solid foothold in this region. We do not have the numbers. Most importantly, we do not have the element of surprise.

There will never be another Kanto and some of you need to get over your cherished war memories."

He gives a small yawn before just sitting back down on the step and looking at his nails again.

- Chu-e isn't having any shit
- votes Mt.Pyre
- Sparklefur WILL eat that grunt if they're not careful lmao
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may 3rd
pacifilog, hoenn
big homo
you are my
church tonight
6'2" height
6'2" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,028 posts
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TAG WITH @temp
Tempest Quinn
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 3:21:33 GMT
Tempest Quinn Avatar
Temp was fine. At first.

Then the whisperings of taking Pacifidlog by force start to take hold. He snarls; teeth flashing and rage burning in his brown eyes. There is no spitting and growling; a beast who was aiming to kill didn't make those sounds.

"Back off from my people." Memories of grannies laughing at dancing kids, of the warm smoke in his father's home, of nights spent staring out at the dark ocean as she reflected the night's stars. Temp squeezes his fists knuckle white at his side and steps forward.

Only the squeeze of the Luvdisc ring on his finger stops him. Grounds him.

Temp wasn't sure what he was going to do, maybe try and knock and 's blocks off, but instead he forces his eyes on .

And forces himself to relax.

He wants to reflect good on his husband. An Underboss married to some... violent idiot. What would people say?

Actually, what would Gavin do right now?

A deep breath, in, then out slow.

He nods to .

"Pacifidlog is basically already in Rocket's hands. Don't ruin mine and Rowan's hard work."

Then his glances from Gavin and stares at .

"And thats not because I'm a soft hearted line-straddler." He says, pointedly calling back to his and Walsh's previous conversation. "I'll bust heads wherever I'm sent."

He let's that promise hang in the air as he calls out a pokemon. Captain, his Smeargle, glances around curiously at all the gathered strangers. Temp jerks his thumb at Gavin's Dhelmise. The pup doesn't hesitate before darting towards it, half hiding in it's shadow. His vote cast.

- was angry, then he calmed down
- says not to waste his and rowan's efforts by aggression in Pacifidlog
- ready to beat ass for Rocket
- votes Mt Pyre cause his hubby did
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,448 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 4:11:01 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
people were using big words and talking big. too many points are being called on in the topic that it's difficult to pinpoint names associated with each ideas.

from the gist of it, everyone wants to be in the meteor, and consensus towards 's suggestion wasn't unanimous. everyone has ideas of their own. it's too idealistic.

for a moment, he tries to forget about the future. it's not like he has one anyways.

"boss, ya can let 'em do their own thing if ya want."

priam releases his pokemon from its ball, the large pokemon landing in granite cave. father winter gave him enough good memories in that priam's sentimental side is willing to get it drenched in blood.

"i can go 1v100, coach!" he calls on . "woof woof grrr bark bark!"

  • he is the chosen one
  • guzzlord @ granite cave poggers


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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 4:21:23 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



Opinions were expressed, conversations had - a vote called. Through it all, Killian listened, astounded by the sheer stupidity of those around him. [break][break]

Interfere with the League, risk the lives of everyone to gain what? Another city? Momentary victory in a war that wouldn't matter when they all lay dead?[break][break]

The underboss's frown turned to a scowl.[break][break]

So few of these people, his allies, spoke with any semblance of sense.[break][break]

"You're all a bunch of morons." Killian declared, pinching the bridge of his nose. He loved a good gamble; hell, Killian ran a casino, but betting his life - no, 's? He'd fold that hand.[break][break]

Even mining the meteor was too much of a risk. Yet Deoxys compelled him to act against logic. A chance to return to the stars? It refused to let the opportunity pass them by.[break][break]

"But I'll lead the operation to mine the meteor." Killian looked to , "If that's acceptable."


notes about this post

Killian tells everyone their stupid[break]
Then proceeds to put himself in charge of mining the meteor.

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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,845 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 4:29:24 GMT
mint frost Avatar




mentions public opinion and Mint's eyes ping pong from person to person before he shrugs and chimes in, "Our image doesn't matter all that much. Swaying the public is easy. With Rocket, you know what you're getting. motherfuckers. With the League, one tiny slip up is way more impactful, and that's easy enough to manipulate online." he said almost too cheerfully. Sad, but when you had an incredible reputation, or bound to laws and regulations like the League, one small mistake can get blown out of proportion fairly easily. You saw it all the time with politicians. [break][break]

He turned to look over at , snickering a little. "Well, it's the end of the world, right? Doesn't hurt to ask. If they say no, then the League denied resources in the middle of a world-ending catastrophe. Easy spin, easy sell. Just let me start a hashtag." That kind of shit caught fire and blazed online. He's quick to turn back to frowning a little at her response before brightening up. Yesss! Meteor time. [break][break]

Pale green eyes moved to as he piped up explaining his choice. There's a bit of a frown as he asked, "Will it really be that big of a deal for a Deer god to fight near water? Especially when you have Shadow Lugia on your side? Feels like you could put it anywhere if it's tag teaming with an ocean legend." he asked, mildly surprised something like terrain really affected a force of nature that badly. He's still not entirely convinced. Even with the sea escape, it'd still be a small and short operation with two cities coming down. His attention shifted back to wondering if there was an easier, and more visual way of weighing the pros and cons of this fight. [break][break]

brings up a point he hadn't considered. Inconsistency. "I guess, Rocket can't be a charity huh?" It's a weird balance to keep, and maybe Theo's words have swayed his friend into trying to pick an approach. Even if it's more aggressive. There's a reason they hid their faces. Some anyway. "PR is going down the toilet anyway when we invade Littleroot or Mossdeep, or wherever we end up dropping. Rocket's taking a hit to the reputation no matter what we do." he said to . Walsh sounded pretty determined to go through with it. So had Bryan. "Beast even suggested moving into Petalburg eventually. Won't that kill whatever diplomatic views the region has on us?" [break][break]

The meeting goes on, with the higher ups doubling down on their opinions. His mind wanders, and he turned his head back to Fern, grinning for a moment as he nudged back. "You know it!" he said with a snicker before looking over at Oscar and trying to get his attention. "Maybe can pay for the liquor and glowsticks. He runs this huge company, you know?" he said back to . [break][break]

He looked over to as the ex Underboss piped up. He wondered what happened in Kanto really, and how much bigger the forces would've been over there. Or how'd they'd gotten big enough to take over a whole region. Something tells him propaganda, and he figures he'd ask , Theo, or Jayden later. [break][break]

And then when piped up Mint's head snaps to him, staring. He'd never seen the guy mildly annoyed much less angry. Hit a nerve, huh? "If Pacifidlog is already as good as ours why haven't they flipped yet? Especially when we're gonna need people for the Meteor Mash. Might as well pull the trigger now." he asked. He wondered what would happen is Walsh suddenly decided to take the ex-gym leader's town instead. Would a fight break out. He kind of looked ready to fight.

tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- oooowooooooo the power of cancel culture oooooooooooh




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saffron city
Hoenn TR Boss
Rocket Boss
6'4" height
6'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
147 posts
declan walsh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @declan
declan walsh
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 9:04:50 GMT
declan walsh Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER 3



THEME SONG: 🎼 Team Rocket Hideout: Johto | Pokémon Masters EX


()[break] "mining a meteor seems like a tiny ass window of time before impact, or uh teleportation? definitely missed that memo... anywho! are there safety measures in place for that sort of shit?""[break][break][break][break]

()[break] "do we know where in the atmosphere the meteor currently is? the exosphere? the mesosphere?"[break][break][break][break][break][break]

()[break] "Unless . . . you have a way to slow down time, I don’t see the point of such a risk. I can see a benefit of mining the meteor after it hits. Minimal risk, the League accomplishes their goal wiping out an enemy, and that leaves less competition for us."[break][break][break][break]

()[break] "Theoretically, a small team of highly skilled operatives can infiltrate even a populated and well-guarded location like Petalburg City, grab the crystal, and leave before being noticed."[break][break][break][break]

()[break] "I volunteer to assist with the retrieval of the primal crystal..."

"head scientist will help spearhead this operation alongside underboss and scientist with the safety provided by the flint's technologies. we hope to rocket ourselves to the furthest point possible, whether that is the mesophere... the thermosphere." he waves his hand around, cycling through the layers.[break][break]

The meteoroid is an attractive prospect to many. , who looks at the Head Scientist with dreamy eyes is one such person.[break][break]

"to circumvent your concerns, beast briarwood, i do like the approach posited by harcourt here. a stealthy infiltration, where members of our kind spring at the opportune time to force the switch by surprise may be what we require for this to occur... mining the meteoroid in sea hoenn could prove to be a worthwhile idea, but chancy still."[break][break]

Others are invested in the meteoroid as well; and express interest in studying its composition should 99943 METENO samples successfully be retrieved.


"Our main objective with the sabotage is to obtain time to mine the meteor, is it not? Littleroot is a secondary concern."[break][break][break][break][break]

"what is the purpose of littleroot, though? if it's to send a message and provide a distraction, then what is the point in wearing a disguise as someone else? since we are already public to the region, it provides a much stronger influence and impact by appearing as we are."[break][break][break]

"What are your thoughts on this? Where does Rocket stand?"[break][break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

"...sow seeds of doubt into [the populace] about the competency of the league and their intentions, I believe we can take control of the narrative and drive them out"[break][break][break][break][break]

"it just doesn't make sense to me to invade some po-dunk town that barely has anything to offer. we're better than that."[break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

"How many people actually trust us, though?"[break][break][break][break][break][break][break][break]

"Are we saying we no longer care about the public perception of Rocket? Or are we saying that the perception we have built up isn't strong enough to maintain going forward?"

"do remember, we took this city by force with the leverage of public perception. we have convinced swathes of the public to our side and continued to do so despite our ruthless takeover.[break][break]

sootopolis is tangible grounds for our ability to do both: subterfuge and seizure.[break][break]

so, i ask you all, how long will we continue sowing these seeds? a season's crop unharvested is nothing but waste and even a successful harvest leaves produce unreaped.[break][break]

our ideology can only go so far. can only persuade so many amounts. in the end, there will always be those who oppose us and they will not go down without a fight. underboss beckett is quite correct about sending a message, but this message's audience is mainly for the league. every crack, every weakness, will be taken advantage of.[break][break]

the league has been criticized for being too passive, too careful, and so will we by our own.[break][break]

and do remember, underboss mar, plenty oppose the league's plan in the first place... whether we move in by disguise or no disguise will matter little in the end.[break][break]

to clarify, littleroot is indeed another veneer of distraction. mining the meteor is of utmost importance... but there is more to that po-dunk town than meets the eye."

He responds to too, "granite cave's key primal point is within the cave itself, but with an open ceiling." Further attempts to bolster confidence are provided by Head Scientist .


"We do not have home field advantage. We do not have a solid foothold in this region. We do not have the numbers. Most importantly, we do not have the element of surprise."

"to equate johto to hoenn is a horrible mistake. we do not have a solid foothold, you say? on which stone do we stand upon? on which stone did commissioner come to parlay with underboss merlino?[break][break]

make no mistake, this is no attempt to relive glory days. hoenn is the most successful rocket has been since kanto.[break][break]

do not forget that."


”tell me if i’m on the right path, darkrai, please. will i fail? will you bar us from your world in the end?”

When attempts to communicate with her nightmarish patron, an eerie silence meets her. But it finally responds, conveying feelings of trust within her.[break][break]

No matter what the consequence, the Pokemon would remain by her side— and by Team Rocket's.


THE DESIGNATED GRUNTS count the Pokemon in their sections. While the syndicate often operates top-down with little democracy, Walsh believes the airing of voices to be important— and illusory. Many have joined this organization to feel as if they were a part of something bigger, it is true.[break][break]

But is everyone else not expendable in the end?[break][break]

Some like do not vote in the end. No matter; there is enough participation for a swift verdict.[break][break]

A grunt is flown down, their hand gripping the leg of a Golbat. He lands by the Boss and whispers into his ear before retreating with a salute. "so it is settled. mt. pyre will be the key primal point location we assail."[break][break]



THE ROCKET BOSS ASKS EVERYONE TO RETURN THEIR POKEMON WITH A CLAP OF HIS HANDS. Afterward, he looks to Beast and . While he appreciates the latter's enthusiasm, he quickly ushers him and the CEO to their duties. After all, the knowing glance or order enough. The two briefly retreat behind the echelon Walsh stands on. A moment passes before the two return, escorting a shackled VELMOS, a Megalopolan general, to the plaza. Walsh introduces him. Explains that he had been in dialogue with Velmos throughout his imprisonment...[break][break]

The two can stand by Velmos and Walsh, should they desire.[break][break]

"i hear the disgruntlement about littleroot, but allow me to provide you with some context." The Boss says.[break][break]

Some like consider the proximity of the chosen front in a strategic manner. Several like , worry about the potential talent and power that may foil their plans preemptively. worries for those disadvantaged by the seas, while others like , just want to party (facetiously, of course).[break][break]

"when we conducted our invasion of your world, we sensed an abundant source of energy far beneath what you call littleroot. we did not opt for it in the end... because we did not know what it was. there is something there." The Megalopolan says. "i hold gratitude to oscar and priam for rescuing me and sir walsh for sparing me for an opportunity to work with you... we have many of us spread throughout hoenn still... and a group in littleroot too." As he speaks, Velmos begins to drool, revealing chipped teeth.[break][break]

Velmos continues to elaborate that JULES COTILLARD (another Megalopolan general) had managed to shift several Megalopolans using his SHINY MACHINE to hide their blue-tinted flesh.[break][break]

But the question must be asked: are the Megalopolans to be trusted? Which Megalopolans will side with Team Rocket— and which will side with the League as Councilman negotiates with GENERAL SMOHKE?[break][break]

The Rocket Boss raises his arms, "but if littleroot is not to your satisfaction, then tell me. what will you select instead?"[break][break]

He lays the overheard options: LITTLEROOT as previously stated, MOSSDEEP CITY, and PACIFIDLOG TOWN. The last is presumed to be already within Rocket's grasp; however, as ponders, if had been undercover as gym leader, how much of his and 's influence has truly seeped in as Rocket's?[break][break]

"should we siege by sea and you are worried of interference from kyogre's avatar, do not worry," The Rocket Boss says, a pompous lift to brow as he glances at , "velmos was kind enough to grant us with a gift. one that has proven his loyalty to us."[break][break]

Velmos opens his mouth and Walsh plucks a sizable shard of the BLUE ORB out from his gums: a remnant carefully tucked into his mouth after his crunching of the artifact in the LILYCOVE WARFRONT.[break][break]

"dross does not hold ultimate control over her patron." The Rocket Boss says.[break][break]

Three grunts are designated as three voting locations once more, representing three possible cities to siege. Walsh instructs everyone to discuss and vote one last time.

The final vote will now commence.[break]



THIS EXCLUSIVE EVENT is designed as a crucial narrative beat before the meteoroid impact event coming this Fall. In order to prepare for the future of the region, Team Rocket will discuss plans for the meteoroid impact event, future operations and more.[break][break]

There is no deadline for the next "moderator post"; you may also post multiple times (THIS HAS NOW BEEN CHANGED TO TWO POSTS MAXIMUM PER CHARACTER FOR SUBSEQUENT ROUNDS). However, please allow others time to post if you feel like the thread is going too quickly. Feel free to respond to others, banter, and more.

There will be small rewards for participating, which will be administered by the end.[break][break]

Lastly, please include a TL;DR in your posts, notes that summarize concisely, your actions.[break][break]

FOR THIS ROUND, if your character is voting, please INCLUDE THE CHOSEN LOCATION IN YOUR TL;DR. Feel free to vote with all of your participating characters. You do not need to vote.[break][break]

Furthermore, depending on the circumstance, should any question be fielded toward Rocket Boss or any of the administration of the syndicate, your character's inquiry may have a chance of not being answered depending on the amount of players and characters participating.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 15:08:45 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
It's a good thing Oscar looked to Walsh when the boss clapped his hands, otherwise he might have missed his silent cue. Oscar jumped as he realized what was next, smiling and chuckling while beginning his climb to Walsh. He would utter multiple polite "Pardon."s and "Excuse me."s to the admins and underbosses he would have to climb past. There would be no pushing, just careful manuvering around them should they not move out of the way.

At the top, Oscar would wait for to join him before walking beyond Walsh. It would be at this point that Oscar would make the mistake of making eye contact with his boss, which he attempted to correct by quickly looking away--but it was too late. Oscar felt his cheeks turning red, and he quickly patted them to spread out the gathering blood. "Shit sake he's just a man." Oscar mumbled to himself as he and Priam reached Velmos.

Excorting Velmos was a welcome distraction, allowing Oscar to recenter himself. Oscar would not touch Velmos to guide him forward, believe it or not the alien general had earned his trust. Both Velmos and Jules had endeared themselves to Oscar over the course of their many meetings; turns out they were pretty cool for a couple of man-eating alien warmongers.

Once they were in place, Oscar would stay standing near Velmos. Maybe he just wanted to display how comfortable he felt around Rocket's former enemy, more likely he enjoyed the view of everyone else up here at the top. Naturally he would keep his eyes forward, not wanting to accidentally lock eyes with Walsh again. He would not be able to hide a second blush.

Those same eyes nearly burst from his skull when Velmos brought up the mystery energy hiding under Littleroot. You could not possibly see it, but money signs had begun dancing across his pupils. Oscar quickly collected himself, stepping forward to briefly speak his mind.

"If I may--I doubt my opinion is valued but I just wanted to say that it would be worthwhile to trust what Velmos has said. He's had every opportunity to noncompliant, but instead he has helped Rocket time and time again. If he says there's something valuable under Littleroot, well I believe it--and I'd rather die before I let the fucking League discover it first!"

Oscar pointed to the grunt holding the Littleroot sign, and his shadow Ariados would once again emerge to cast her master's vote.

--Oscar has trouble being close to Walsh for some reason.
--Velmos is pretty chill actually.
--Oscar votes for Littleroot.
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played by

Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Sept 30, 2022 21:00:30 GMT
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At least seemed to get it: Even if they tried to be diplomatic, Rocket was Public Enemy #1. Nobody in their right mind would trust them. They operated on fear and terror, and it'd be easier for them to stick to that. Ruby knew it'd be easier for herself, at least. 's stance was more nuanced, but Ruby didn't really care if people took Rocket for fools. They could just prove the opposition otherwise by force, much like and said. But it wasn't her call to make, nor did she really want to. For now, she'd nod to show her approval when someone gained it and wait for Walsh's word on all this.

[break][break]She stared at for a few moments after his reply. Shit, he actually had a point. But rather than admit that, she shrugged. "Good luck with that." She wasn't terminally online like some people, so she didn't fully understand the power of the hashtag.

[break][break]When Walsh spoke again, it was with those flowery words that made Ruby's eyebrow twitch (minus his use of the word "po-dunk," which made Ruby's brain hitch). Arceus, parsing this stuff was a pain in the ass. The gist seemed to be that Rocket needed to take every opportunity they could and not shy away. At least he seemed to agree that there would always be people against Rocket, no matter what they did. On the other hand, if they made the League look bad, then where else could people turn?

[break][break]After all, that was one reason Ruby had joined their ranks.

[break][break]"Fuck," she hissed out once the votes were tallied. She recalled Arachne and crossed her arms, scowling. All she could do now was hope she didn't get picked for the Primal Point operation.

[break][break]Her eyes widened when she saw who was brought out. She didn't recognize him personally, but she knew damn well he was a Megalopolan before Walsh even said so. Her gaze narrowed. The Ultra Beast War had killed her father, paralyzed her sister, and shattered her family. Seeing a Megalopolan general with her own eyes made her blood boil.

[break][break]"I don't trust a damn thing he says," Ruby said, mostly to her immediate group. "I don't care how 'compliant' he's been when he's still in chains." And knowing there were even more of these things hiding in Hoenn, specifically Littleroot... "Bastard just wants to go after whatever's in Littleroot and leave us in the dust."

[break][break]Was she making a pretty big assumption there? Probably. But she had every reason to believe that something like that would happen.

[break][break]She was surprised that Walsh put up another vote when people spoke against invading Littleroot, but the options made Ruby hesitate. Littleroot was out of the question when the Megalopolans were involved, but Mossdeep was a strong hell no; that's where Jade lived, and Ruby was not going to subject her sister to Team Rocket's bullshit. That just left Pacifidlog, and even Ruby could see there was no point in that one. Jaw tight, she abstained from the vote for now.




  • thinks diplomacy is a dumb idea when most people already see team rocket as the big bad
  • has a good point, but she ain't saying that out loud
  • thinks about how she joined rocket because the league is useless
  • goddammit, guys, why'd you pick the ghosts?
  • (EDIT) doesn't trust velmos one bit but also doesn't want her home city to be invaded and doesn't see the point of pacifidlog, so she abstains
  • voices her distrust mostly to , , and , but anyone is free to hear/react to her


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