i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 20:03:37 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

It was the morning of the fight for… for everything, really. Their entire existence as a whole.

With that thing looming in the sky, he couldn’t help but wonder if ‘Meteorfall’ would really happen.

The original plan between them was that they would be staying behind at Fortree, however there was a change of plans—and what with majority of the Fortree Family™ heading to battle (obviously this meant that , out of everyone would be like, their rep while everyone else was out at Littleroot when shit went down back home) he had to make a few…adjustments.

With his ‘contingency plans’ in place (really, it was mostly Ethan and Claire, erstwhile receptionists of the Sanctuary) there was nothing else to it.

“This may be it,” he remembered telling quietly, reaching for something in his pocket and palming it, before taking the other man’s hand and dropping the ‘something’ in it.

“Stay safe, okay?”

See, this was why it was a good idea to always have someone up in the air while most of the infantry was on the ground!

The first crackling voice over the comms he didn’t pay much attention to (Dahlia’s), but the second (’s) he did—before looking over to where he knew was hiding and was down on the ground, silently invoking the protection of the djinni from home to watch over them all.

“Frog,” he began quietly, the sounds of battle receding to a dull thud as he centered in on the moment, “…doesn’t this seem fucking familiar?”

Of course, he was talking about the current ‘riding arrangements’, only the last time this happened he was the one seated behind the other man and literally hid his face in the other’s shoulder because they were fucking flying over water that time and he did NOT want to dive however—

A familiar voice cut through his little quiet reverie and he saw a flash of green—

“Be careful!” he hollered in ’s direction before shaking his head again and feeling his boyfriend’s familiar weight resting on his back.

“If you need to split off from me to go help someone out, I’m not going to stop you, but for the love of the djinni please be careful, he hissed as he squeezed the other man’s hand, a reassuring stability in the unfurling chaos around them.

A flicker of movement caught his eye, and someone had the actual balls to charge right for the primal point installation—they were currently too far away to rush over, but he knew Kaida was approximately in that location and would leave that to her to handle.

He returned his attention to the ‘bottleneck’ entrance that led into the small town.

One touch to his Salamence’s neck, and the draconid roared, before quickly summoning up a Protective screen, covering the two of them in mid-air.

“Just in case.”


plans are made
• Alex is up in the air, and yes the boyfriends are riding on Gabriel the Salamence’s back
• sees Shalin from the corner of his eye—he really will never get used to her riding a Beedrill for a mount
• tells the bf that if he has to go and help someone he’s free to do so but for the ever-loving-fuck to be careful
• Salamence used Protect! (Protect covers him and Memo [and whatever Pokémon Memo has out])
• Alex currently holding steady at his position keeping an eye on the ‘entrance’ to the town from mid-air

@tags up as mentioned
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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 20:22:28 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar
Orion's nerves thrum like live wires, alight with energy.

Team Rocket.

Titanium fingers flex into a fist at his side as he listens to the Commissioner's instructions over comms. It's only Tam's stern warning against recklessness that keeps him from dashing headlong into the fray. His lips purse.

He knows it's primarily directed at him; not without reason.

"I'll try not to get shot," he drawls.

But he does keep pace with his Captain rather than dashing off into danger. A pokeball is tossed over the Theatre when they draw closer, an ILLUMINA DECIDUEYE with dark wings patterned like stars taking shape above the building. The constellation spread across their span vanishes when she lands to nock an arrow, the glow of its tip visible even in the midday sun.

Her SPIRIT SHACKLE is aimed toward the main entrance.

Orion raises his voice. "Try to enter that theatre unannounced and she will take that shot!"


Starting off with Slateport Squad (, , )
Orion advances toward the LITTLEROOT THEATRE with (aiming for C-11)
ILLUMINA DECIDUEYE is sent out onto the Theatre's roof. She 'holds' a SPIRIT SHACKLE with the intent (via Orion's call) to shoot anyone that attempts to enter unannounced.
Orion will not discriminate between Rocket or League with this; the arrow can always miss if you don't want to engage! Absolutely up to discuss stuff OOC.
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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 20:33:57 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
“It won’t be it,” he counters, reaching forward to smooth ’s scarf over a questionably dark mark on the line of his throat. Went a little high on that one, oops.

His smile is light and love and excitement and fear and nerves and everything.

“Stay safe. I love you."


Alex’s charm is a comforting weight around his neck. Keeping him grounded.

’s voice in his ear is forceful and somehow dispassionate at the same time. Sharp as the hairline beneath her ponytail.

Gabe’s wings spread out and catch the air, pulling them into as close to a hover as the huge dragon could get.

’s voice is a searing bravado that follows. Fire after ice. Memo squeezes his eyes shut against the faint crackle of static from the zeal and volume of her.

He doesn’t have fond memories of Littleroot and has even less fond memories of the last large-scale mission he took part in. But he’s here, nonetheless. There’s a nauseating sense of deja vu as he feels the way Sibella’s wings thrum against the heated air. That’s one difference, he figures. He has a full, useful team. He feels... slightly more prepared.

When he opened his eyes again they were filled with resolution, steel. They should be back home, protecting Fortree, but instead, they had to be here. It was making him angry.

Directly in front of them, on the ground, and stood near the Primal Point, defending it from Rocket interference. Rocket didn’t seem to be focusing on it overly much, at the moment.

Which made him nervous.

"Don't say that," he cautioned his boyfriend, "this is going to go much better. It has to."

Sibella was flying in loops around them, offering another ring of protection, always in motion-- the first rule to avoid being a moving target.

They were approached by a green-haired girl who seemed to know Alex; as they talked, he couldn’t stop himself from curling his fingers subconsciously over Alex’s far hip, a protective grasp that had absolutely no purpose except making his own hyperstimulated brain feel better.

Once ’d left, Memo leaned out to look over the battlefield.

Almost immediately, he noticed a small figure playing Frogger with incoming fire. He certainly didn’t look like he was having a good time; he wasn’t running away screaming which, Memo figured, was what most civilians would do when actively charging into a firefight-- but he wasn’t having fun, either.

“I’ll be back,”
he says, with a reassuring squeeze of Alex’s hand. He slid back to swing his leg over Gabe’s back and free-fall for a second before Sibella swooped in and caught him, making a quick beeline down towards .

“Need a lift?” he asked as Sibella touched down in front of Locke, just in time to see the massive black horse come barreling towards and the Primal Point.

His first priority would always be helping civilians over starting fights. But he couldn’t just stand here and do nothing. He swung off his bat, stood near Locke, and pointed her forward.

Focus blast!”


On god yall, why do I do this to myself
Starts on Alex’s Salamence in the neighborhood of F12 heading west (down the alphabet).
Memo dismounts and hops on his Noivern to fly down to in J-12. He’s looking in the direction of the Primal Point so he sees and her Spectrier barreling down towards it.
Dismounts Sibella and orders her forward with a Focus Blast aimed at (specifically Lex and not the horse). The idea is she’ll go forward a little bit, shoot at the horse, and swing back around to catch them.
The idea is.

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 21:14:38 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

She had to guard the Primal Point, otherwise everyone would die. That was the task Kaida set upon herself, eyes wide in focus even as her coms crackled in her ears. Vividly, she felt the leaves in the trees brush against her cheeks, and trembled in irritation at the contact, even among the raging battle. With and here too, it wasn't like she was alone, but she couldn't join the League battle. Not yet, before she could make sure everyone lived.

and were here to, and some civilians who got trapped. Didn't matter. The town belched black smoke and horrible screams that echoed in her head, which she desperately tried to empty. Didn't matter. This was too important.

As a black horse Pokemon erupted from the forests, she was glad she stayed hidden in her perch among the trees. Rocket attack. That meant her Pokemon could do what they did best. Hunt.

"Munin. Drag it down."

Her quite hiss received a rumble from the Pokeball, and Kaida's teeth showed in a vicious smile. Munin didn't get a chance to take down large prey like this often. She was happy for the Krookodile.

The flung Pokeball cracked against the ground, and in an instant, the gator emerged from seemingly nowhere, jaws already flashing. She made no move to avoid the Bulldoze, her fury rising to an Anger Point as she lunged for the horse with a Crunch.

TLDR: Kaida is hiding at her location, thinking about the situation and the people present, but is defending the Primal Point. She sends out Munin the Krookodile to Crunch 's Spectier, and makes no attempt to avoid the attack, as the Krookodile relies on her Anger Point to boost herself.


Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Munin, Krookodile, Female, Anger Point. Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Idunn, Comfey, Male, Flower Veil. Flower Shield, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Aromatherapy, Floral Healing, Growth.

Draugr, Dragapult, Female, Cursed Body. Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Locke, Ariados, Female, Sniper. Spider Web, Cross Poison, Megahorn, Shadow Sneak, Psychic, Focus Energy.

Edder Araquanid, Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 21:41:16 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


When they'd first entered Littleroot, it had been eerily quiet. The town looked as it always did: peaceful, pleasant, unimportant. It was, normally, a completely ordinary place, one that Caleb himself rarely had reason to visit. The fact that there was some source of mystery energy somewhere beneath the ground - or whatever the rumors were, exactly - seemed extremely hard to believe.[break][break]
But the League was here anyway, investigating and...defending.[break][break]
Because, though they were still hidden to Caleb's eyes, he knew Rocket was here too.[break][break]
When gave his orders, Caleb made a decision: he would do his best here today. Protect the innocent citizens, defend the town, keep Rocket from breaking ground and making any sort of discovery before they could. Science was not his strong suit, but he knew how to fight.[break][break]
And, most importantly, he knew how to fight like them.[break][break]
"Roger that, Captain," he replied to Tam, flashing the man a wry grin laced with a determined anticipation. "I'll head to the theater."[break][break]
With a quick flick of his wrist, he released Lyra, his Lapras, into the pond directly behind them. She would be able to float there and keep watch over them; the theater was directly ahead, easy enough for her to reach if she needed to be closer. She gazed at her trainer with intelligent dark eyes, and Caleb nodded at her, an unspoken command. She was his oldest Pokemon friend and companion; she had known him, and his brother , since they were children.[break][break]
He turned away and began walking steadily - confidently - towards Littleroot Theater. He did not wait to see how and the others chose to act. He vaguely thought he heard Orion's voice, but it was fading away even as he moved forward. Something that felt stronger even than Tam's orders seemed to be pulling him towards the small, quaint building like a magnet. Perhaps there was strange energy here after all.[break][break]
As he walked away, rain began to fall gently down around him, a thick mist rolling in around his ankles, semi-shielding him from view. He smiled, and it wasn't anything like the smile he had just shown to Tam. No, this was something different: something older.[break][break]
As the RAIN DANCE began, Caleb stopped being a Sharpe, and became a Harcourt again.[break][break]

Lapras uses RAIN DANCE


+ Caleb is wearing basic military-grade tactical gear over his Ranger uniform (Example)[break]
+ In addition to his Pokeballs, Caleb carries the knife made by on his hip[break]
+ Caleb acknowledges 's orders[break]
+ Caleb is heading directly for the Littleroot Theater (D11); he leaves his Lapras, Lyra, in the water right behind him (F13) - she should have line of sight re: his path[break]
+ Lyra calls on the rain to protect & shield her trainer (as well as give him a more intimidating presence)[break]
+ SPECIAL EFFECT: When a Lapras with the Hydration ability uses Rain Dance, that Lapras will have any status conditions cured at the end of each turn as long as the Rain Dance is active.

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
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TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 22:24:55 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar

As Hailee listened to the words of the commissioner and councilwoman Hailee found herself becoming more and more uncharacteristically silent. A frown was ever present on her features as she listened to the instructions from her superiors. But even all her listening couldn't distract her from the storm of anxiety that was washing over her. [break][break]

The last time she was in a position like this Hailee left the excursion with broken ribs, a concussion, and in a coma. This was no Mt. Pyre but the threat that loomed overhead was all the same. No, perhaps that wasn't right. It was worse. As if today didn't have enough struggles of it's own.[break][break]

Today was D-day for the meteor to arrive. If the League was successful they would live to see another day, but for some reason it seemed Rocket was hellbent on sending them all to their doom. That's why they were here after all. It shouldn't have to be like this, all this stress. Hailee just wanted her and her loved ones to survive to see another day. But on top of the anxieties that a fucking meteor crashing into the face of Hoenn provided they had to thwart Rocket's attempts to sabotage their only plan of survival?! [break][break]

Hailee reached for her phone and quickly tapped out a message to her sister while she still could. She didn't want anything left unsaid should something go wrong here. After all, like councilwoman Elinor had said over coms, this was war. They could very well die here trying to protect this place from Rocket. [break][break]

Hey Fae, I'm sure you know about what's going on today. I know you might find it a major pain but try to stay indoors today. It's safer there anyway. I promise I'll drop by to visit soon. I just need to wrap up some things with work first. I think today I'll need some of your hot chocolate so have a pot ready for me when I come over. I love you.

Her frown deepened as she stared back at the message she sent her sister. She'd know she was stressed. After all when they were kids, anytime she was overwhelmed and having a hard time Fae would make her hot chocolate to help calm her down. The fact that Hailee requested it would alert her sister for sure. And if not that the fact that the ending of the message was ominous would do the trick. Hailee could only pray Fae would listen to her words and stay safe today. She wanted family to come back to, that is if she could make it back in one piece.[break][break]

Glancing over at Noah, Hailee felt her stomach twist. She hadn't expected him to be here either. She knew he wanted to be with his family most during this time too. It wasn't to say she didn't appreciate him being here. She was sure his presence here is what kept her sane but she couldn't help but worry for him too. What if something happened to him?[break][break]

She'd have to protect him, clearly. There was no other option. Hailee's fists tightened at her side as she nodded at her captain's orders. Hailee tossed out Lilli's pokeball and was about to order her to execute RAIN DANCE before pausing to see her fellow Slateport ranger, Caleb do so already. She smiled and just motioned for her politoed go back as she pulled out another pokeball. Quickly summoning Fawkes to her side she nodded at him to use DETECT to sus out any enemies in the area instead.[break][break]



🌟 Hailee sends a message to her sister before following the rest of her team(Slateport Rangers) to the Littleroot Theater (D-11)[break]
🌟 Fawkes used Detect to find any enemies in the area.[break]
🌟 outfit: ranger uniform


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october 12
petalburg city, hoenn
botanist / petalburg capt.
ranger captain
you sigh look away, i can see it clear as day. close your eyes so afraid, hide behind that baby face
239 posts
wren rourke DOLLARS
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wren rourke
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 23:22:27 GMT
wren rourke Avatar

It was right about then that Wren wished he was out at Mt. Pyre with . Not that he was about to go against his marching orders to help out at Littleroot, but…he might feel a little less unsure of himself if he was feeding off the boundless energy of his station captain. But this wasn’t the time for him to falter. So rather than let his anxieties eat him up, he shoots off a quick message to Ollie– a good luck followed by a litany of emojis that he only maybe might understand as meant to be a hype up.

His thumbs hovered over the screen in deliberation then, a small frown as he considered his options (the pause also an opportunity to listen to the directives coming over the comms radio.) He hadn’t told that he was going to be in the thick of the conflict today, and guilt bubbled up in his stomach for doing so. But he didn’t want him to worry, either. So it was better that he didn’t, right? Still, he didn’t want to leave it at that so he quickly tapped out another text and sent it along to his best friend before shutting off and pocketing his phone.

Hey. I’ve got some downtime soon, so let’s hang out asap, ‘kay?

Not exactly what he wanted to say, but it was something, at least. A small pulse radiated from nearby, and Wren took it to be a defensive measure likely from a nearby group. He stooped down next to his eevee as he watched a group of rangers come into view–faces he recognized in passing from the last meeting held, but didn’t personally know.

“Juno, be ready to assist any offensive maneuvers with helping hand. And be careful, okay?” Leave it to the eevee to surge ahead way out of her weight class. She was gung-ho like that, and obviously, he appreciated that in his selected partner because it tended to match and even outpace his own enthusiasm. But at the same time, Wren wasn’t too keen on losing her and was ready to swap her out at a moment's notice. Even if she would likely protest the idea of being relegated to his backpack. Or worse, her infrequently used pokeball if she was particularly obstinate.

Pushing himself back up, Wren wandered toward the group of voices he heard, as well as saw the safeguard emanate from–meeting them halfway as they drew closer to the theater. A decidueye rose up from the gaggle and flew overhead to land on the building’s roof and he watched it take preemptive aim with wide eyes. Definitely smart to avoid the theater, but his hand did lift in greeting, “Mind if I stick with you for the time being? Only one who made it over from Evergrande, sooo yeah!” Geez, even in the middle of conflict he could be awkward.

tldr; currently hovering awkwardly by himself around littleroot theatre + sends messages to and + gravitates toward ’s group after the safeguard, and the appearance of ’s decidueye. + prepared with juno to lend an initial helping hand where needed

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 0:36:55 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

From her high vantage point at the centre of the village, Elisabeth glanced down at the silhouettes of the encroaching hoard of League. "So much for a stealth operation," she said to wryly.

Not that this was an entirely unwanted outcome. Their job was to divert from the Primal Point and METENO; the more of the League that attracted their attention here, the better.

"Seems like the others are focusing on the theater. So let's divert the trainers on this side of the field from reaching the energy source."

Her TOXAPEX hissed at the shadows below them, bristling with disdain as TOXIC SPIKES were scattered forth to deny their opponents' advance across enemy lines.

Toxic Spikes lays a trap of poisonous spikes around the foe, which poison Pokémon switching in to the opposing field. If used more than once, incoming Pokémon will be badly poisoned.

"You can call me Viper for this mission," she said, glancing over her shoulder at the other admin. "What shall I call you?"


  • Talked to , going by VIPER (ilu Cap).
  • Toxapex used TOXIC SPIKES. >:3
  • Masked and shamelessly cosplaying Viper, babes.

✿ Littleroot Raid ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 3:10:49 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

like , elijah makes use of his steed. though less dignified than a spectrier, his more modest mount—a gogoat chewing some last minute littleroot grass—bleats its own determined warcry.[break][break]

he cranes over to ; a man he has never met before within rocket's ranks. but there is little doubt in his mind that he is a part of the syndicate. he offers small-talk. a rare offering:[break][break]

"you ready for this? nervous?" elijah spits out a chewed stalk from his teeth.[break][break]

the clopping of spectrier hooves drums against his ears.[break][break]

"off we go."[break][break]

he departs toward the PRIMAL POINT too.


TL;DR - elijah talks to ; follows toward on gogoat[break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon slowking"]*[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-tangrowth"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gothitelle"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-frogadier"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gogoat"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon eldegoss"][break]
*Galarian Slowking.

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 10:41:24 GMT

the clearing of the clouds above should be telling of the DROUGHT that is about to form. his grip around the pokeball tightens as he feels heat radiating from the capsule.[break][break]

fuck it.[break][break]

the voices of , , and over the league comms are quickly drowned out by the piercing ROAR that emerges from the pokeball.[break][break]


DROUGHT pours even before groudon hits the ground. the moment it does, PRECIPICE BLADES erupt in a wide area around it, looking to attack and stop any and all threats, visible or otherwise.[break][break]

the same ARTIFICIAL SUN that once hung over mount chimney now finds itself atop littleroot.[break][break]

finally, still hidden, he speaks into the comms.[break][break]

"matias silph. i'll do what i can to stop them from getting to the primal point."[break][break]


- see UPDATED MAP here.[break]
- DROUGHT active.[break]
- calling out GROUDON around L-7.[break]
- groudon using PRECIPICE BLADES to attack those nearby and also disrupt terrain (difficult terrain pog?)[break]
- i believe this directly affects: , , , , , , , . feel free to play around with how/if this affects you![break]
- matias HIDDEN around K-9.[break]
- matias tells LEAGUE COMMS that he'll hold the primal point.


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-groudon"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote b, .pizzabox blockquote i"]color:var(--accent) [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(; background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 13:02:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Under the green mask Kazimir, no Pokkenger couldn't help but smile underneath as he heard 's words. The rallying cry managed to make the fire inside of him flash with a bit more life as he stood atop the theater people were surrounding once the first few fireworks of this conflict started flying. As he prepared himself to hop down he noticed the commotion caused by , or more specifically his Steelix, as it tried to attack the ground surrounding it.

"Sneaky little thugs huh?" From his perch a small star was released as he pointed in the direction of the Steelix, "Let's shake shake." The minior took no hesitation to float down to where its trainer pointed at before suddenly falling rapidly towards the ground where when it finally struck a crater was made by the impact followed by an EARTHQUAKE that shook the ground and possibly anything hiding underneath it.



-Kazimir sits at D10!
-Sends out Minior to attack space D8 with EARTHQUAKE!
-Possible affected targets include ! (and Steelix!), , and !

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger b] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger i] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 21:44:58 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
"Taking a quick piss." Chu-e calls casually over the comms.

A lie. Chu-e had to step away for air. Even in his odd state of mind, the idea of true war had made the tremors start up. He leans against a tree and catches his breath, leaned over and ill. He hopes that doesn't see him with his pants up.

A few gasps for breath and his chest feels like it's shaking. Baring teeth he tries to sink into his old self.

Just one more. Just one more battle then he can rest. It'll be over.

Chu-e channels Choi the Beast, the man who slaughtered in Kanto. Face blank, crystal curls in sharp spikes under his eyes and over his cheeks. Not a disguise. A warning. Chu-e would not be kind today.

A pokeball is flung from his hand as he charges towards the Theatre. A Galarian Weezing trails smoke as it follows.

The Decidueye catches his eye, hearing the tail end of 's yell. Black crystal drips from his finger tips, arcing towards the bird with the intent of distracting her. A low whistle is given.

All so Cani, the Weezing, can fire off a Sludge Bomb at the waiting Slateport Rangers.

- does an @ everyone to let Rocket know he is pissing
- has a ptsd episode
- fuck it, we ball
- not hiding who he is or his crystals
- charges at the Theatre to be a Distraction
- tries to distract the Decidueye with his crystals
- weezing used Sludge Bomb on Orion and whoever else is around him


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 22:44:31 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo stood behind the building, clutching his phone close to him as he tried his best to breathe in and out. He'd never gotten involved in League vs Rocket business before - heck, he'd never even had any encounters with Rocket. And now here he was, readying himself to stop them. Even if they hadn't caused him any trouble personally, he couldn't let them attack Littleroot to try and get at some power source.

had asked him to help, and he'd give it.

He wasn’t dressed in his usual striped sweater; he had a blue hoodie over the sweater, his hood up. Not the most thorough disguise, but it’d hopefully at least delay anyone trying to recognize him. He didn't know exactly who else was going to be here from the League, but he knew quite a few that might get distracted if they knew he was here.

Except maybe Eris; she’d spotted him through it back in Sootopolis. She'd probably see through it again immediately, but he hoped for that.

The sounds of battle soon rang out, and Hideo took that as his queue to move out. "We're really doing this," he muttered, "You see her yet, Elga?"

He received a definite "no" from his Beheeyem's Telepathy, right as he felt his phone buzz - a message from Eris. It was read out loud and clear into his lone earbud; to head over to the theater. "Guess we're headed to the other side of town," he sighed, before typing out a response, each letter spoken into his earpiece as he tapped his phone.

Ok. Will meet you there. Be careful.

As if on cue, Hideo could hear a battle breaking out over in the direction of the primal point. There was a brief thought to help them out - until the sounds increased in intensity. And then things got very hot, almost like that time back in Mt. Chimney. And try.

And he recognized that roar. Even if he didn't know was the one who brought it out, he knew he was hearing Groudon.

It was enough to dash away any desire to get involved in that direction, whether or not it was on the League's side. "Ain't sticking around for that," he said, stuffing his phone in his pocket and taking his Beheeyem's hand, rushing out of his cover and towards the Theater - though he'd try his best not to draw too much attention to himself.

Not just from random people he might encounter, but also from the Decidueye had watching for any intruders.


- Hideo starts behind the building at J10
- Hideo is wearing a solid blue hoodie (reference), hood up
- Receives text from about where energy source is
- Groudon is on the opposite side - Hideo remembers the Desolate Raid raid
- Between heading towards the energy source, and getting a repeat of nearly being burned alive, Hideo chooses to get cultured and heads towards Littleroot Theater

-- His current goal is to meet up with on the way there

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played by


October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 1:20:05 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
It was time.

Concealed behind a mask of iron, Felix peered through it's three thin slits, surveying the surrounding area from their position near the middle of the field. A town once consumed by only the thrills of minor gossip was now engulfed in the flame of chaos, as both league and rocket alike scatted across its grassy terrain, utilizing both its natural and man-made resources to their selfish disposal.

Felix and his small gang were no different.

"Gallagher here," he spoke into the mic, "our team is in position and ready to engage. "

The notification was more for Beast  and than anyone else. Just so he knew they were moving as planned.

"I'll be heading East with Briarwood, Fiorelli, and Cross. If you need assistance, speak out."

The static faded into a hum as his finger slipped from the mic, turning it off. He'd still be able to hear coms in the meantime, but for now, the conversation amongst rocket's three admins would have to remain private.

Pulling the purple hood of his cloak further over his head, his fingers softly traced the outline of his concealed pistols and knives, all of which were tucked in different nooks and crannies across the chest piece of gray armor he wore. Felix turned to look at Elisabeth. "Omen." No particular meaning came tethered to the name. For as long as Felix's career had lasted, most of his jobs were conducted under his own name, or none at all. But that was a tradition that became difficult to upkeep when involved with such a public organization.

It was then Felix noticed the flurry of dirt kick up from the ground as one of their own BULLDOZED her way through the forest and town, heading straight toward the well-guarded Primal point. A plan they'd agreed on earlier that day.

He flicked on his mic again.


Hidden eyes turned toward , expectantly waiting for him to fulfill his part of their initial plan and move them toward the barreling rocket before the league's infinitary could suffocate her.

"Keep yourself together. You can't fall apart now."

Just as those words left his mouth, a giant of molten lava erupted from the ground, not more than a few yards away from where they stood.  If given his own agency, the admin would've immediately flipped a switch and gone down barreling toward the avatar, with the intention of curtailing him and his efforts here and now. But where would that leave Rocket's efforts?

Mic off.

"We have to go. Now." Voice heavy with urgency, the admin looked toward the other, expecting him to push forward with their already half-ruined plan by utilizing PHANTOM FORCE to send them across the map, back toward where stood. Black tar scaled up their legs as Felix reached toward their side, plucking bottles from the group of Molotovs he'd originally brought to the mission, lighting them up, one by one, and chucking them toward the nearest building to them (J10). By the time the phantom force fully swallowed them whole, 4 whole bottles were already thrown.

From there, Felix would slam a balled-up fist to his tactical belt, sending out an AMOONGUS from the cracked shell of a Poke ball. The Pokémon gave a shout and immediately held up its fungi hands, creating a PROTECTive shield around them.

, , , , and their Pokémon.

He gave his partners a proactive glance, ensuring none had any major injuries already. Out of the group, his eyes lingered on the longest-- if there was anyone he'd make sure to protect, it'd be her.

"Hold our ground."

- show up, dressed up in armor, a hood, and mask
- spoke to all rockets
- has knives n guns oo!
- throws some mollies  at the nearest house  J10
-  Jayden tps next to lex at primal point (APPROVIAL FROM MILKY)
- takes out amoongus and uses PROTECT


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Andy, Seraphim
July 15th
Hammerlocke, Galar
19 height
19 height
"I also know that blood smells like. Call it a gift."
49 posts
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TAG WITH @andraste
Andraste Breathnach
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 14:19:20 GMT
Andraste Breathnach Avatar
This felt a little too good. To be standing here. The Seraphim was crouched beside the Phantom, one hand settled on the rocky ground at her feet. Dressed in a black bodysuit with armored padding beneath, the Seraphim wore a metal shoulder plate, a mask over the lower part of her face, and a dark metal blind mask over her eyes. The mask, with meshing to allow her to continue to see, was beautiful and trailed down the back of her head. Her gloves, custom made by a local company, were of the zappy kind. They were charged with electricity and she was rather excited to use them. To top it all off, there was a gun on each hip, along with numerous knives.

The outside party initially watched the beginning of the battling unfold. Seraphim's Metagross stood upon the rocks, its gaze roaming back and forth without stopping.

"I wasn't planning on showing mercy," Seraphim replied, the voice changer in her mask shifting her voice to something that was not her own. Reaching over, she placed a hand on the leg of her Metagross, nodding at her Pokemon to give the order.

The Metagross used iron defense, beginning to bulk itself up for what was to come...


- rough visual of her outfit
- metagross used iron defense
- biding her time for the moment!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing