i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 17:04:24 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"theater breached!" he calls from their secured radio network, alerting . "-oh!" it doesn't get followed up though, as there's much more to do on the surface.

priam emerges from the hole after it has been covered up. his guzzlord appears, its large mouth swallowing all the dirt and earth and excess debris that blocked the way out.

"time to one versus a hundo!" he yells as he pops out of the hole with his guzzlord.

the ultra beast decides to belch the contents of its stomach, raining down dirt and stomach acid onto the people storming the theater. in particular, it goes to the direction of .

priam watches its trajectory, inavertedly locking eyes with the former councilman.

  • informs rocket theater is breached
  • digs out with guzzlord
  • locks eyes with


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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 17:12:36 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Kaida's perch shuddered as Team Rocket, Groudon, and the menagerie of attacks rocked her world, falling from the tree. Just as suddenly, the world stopped, a cold feeling running through her body before blood started pumping in her veins once more and she fell.

Munin stumbled away from the Bulldoze, holding herself up on one of the Percipice Blades as she spat out teeth jostled loose from the impact. They'd grow back, they always did. More importantly, the enemy was coming. and the ghostly horse charged for them, and with Kaida on the ground, the croc would not leave her. Her muscles rippled with a Bulk Up as she prepared for impact once more.

TLDR: Kaida accepts 's challenge!

Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Munin, Krookodile, Female, Anger Point. Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Idunn, Comfey, Male, Flower Veil. Flower Shield, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Aromatherapy, Floral Healing, Growth.

Draugr, Dragapult, Female, Cursed Body. Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Locke, Ariados, Female, Sniper. Spider Web, Cross Poison, Megahorn, Shadow Sneak, Psychic, Focus Energy.

Edder Araquanid, Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 17:14:11 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

Orion has every intent to follow Captain behind the Theatre. Not only does he want to ensure the captain has back-up, but there's too many people around for his liking and he's starting to feel penned in.[break][break]

Time stops. Literally.[break][break]

Figuratively, as well, a horrendous belch echoing in his direction and drawing his attention. Green eyes go wide as he takes in the visage of what he knows from reports to be Guzzlord. He's seen many an Ultra Beast in the flesh, but not this one.[break][break]

Fortunately, he has just the partner to deal with it.[break][break]


He doesn't get the chance to direct the Silvally. The moment Perseus sets mismatched paws on the battlefield, the Beast Killer turns toward the Guzzlord and bolts for it. Orion glances up, locking eyes with .[break][break]

It's on.




Locks eyes with


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 17:35:34 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Just as he began to run, Hideo heard glass shattering on the building he was just hiding behind, followed by the distinctive sound of flames. Whether 's molotov was meant to hit him or just the building didn't matter; there was no way that wasn't thrown other than for pure destruction. Rocket truly was just here to cause harm.

Hideo ran on, burying his instinct to stay and help put the fire out. He was far from the only one who was headed there, but thankfully, none seemed to recognize him (yet). He was supposed to meet at some point, but he had to rely on his Beheeyem to spot her, and his Beheeyem was focused mostly on making sure he didn't run into something.

Hideo slowed down for a moment, giving a chance for 's Earthquake to die down before he advanced further. That small break was unfortunately interrupted by the many sounds of Pokemon being let out, and the chaos of combat erupting everywhere around him.

It was too much to pass through quickly, so Hideo put his focus on trying to find Eris. His Beheeyem searched among the crowd, trying to find her - yet hid small green eyes met with someone else entirely, someone Hideo had met before.

Ji-Hoon Ki. Eris's dad.

Or as Hideo had been told by the latter, .

The man was already in his own battles, but the moment Hideo was made aware of his presence, the boy approached, his Pokemon close to him.

- Hideo avoids the molotovs that throws at the building
- Stops near theater due to battles now occuring
- Beheeyem looks around for , locks eyes with instead
- Hideo approaches Chu-E

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 18:41:20 GMT
Deleted Avatar

He's walked these streets many times before. Back when things were simple and peaceful. Where laughter filled the air and the breeze caressed you with its gentleness.
But now all that was left was screams. The sky was choked with smoke, and that once soft breeze was a scorching gale. This wasn't his home anymore...
This was hell.
He was staring wide-eyed at the burning remains of his home. The one where Viole felt safe and welcomed. Something inside him broke. Despair, fear, anger, rage.

Fury coursed through his heart, mind, and very soul. He could barely tear himself away from the gruesome scene. Hoping to whatever god was out there that his parents were okay. A part of him wanted to believe that everything would turn out fine. But it was quickly enshrouded by the madness of his pain and anger.
It's okay.
It's okay.
A roar of time ripped through the sky as the world stood still for but a moment and everyone stumbled to their feet. Nothing moved not even the fire or debris. And then, before one could blink. In the space between seconds - it stopped. And everything returned to normal.
Hell had returned.
Before he could even process it, he found himself running down the ember-soaked streets - past places he used to know and love. Past phantom faces of people from yesteryear. As terror and wrath gripped his mind he wasn't even aware of where he was going. Or what he was going to do. As his eyes locked with a somewhat distant figure, whom he found himself running closer, and closer to.
"Greed. Shadow Ball."
He spoke, almost like a deathly whisper but sounded like a shout in his own mind. The Gengar releases an orb of darkness and attempted to launch it as intended at hitting the invader. He didn't care who he was or what his purpose was. He just wanted him out. He wanted Team Rocket, gone.
To burn them to the very ashes they reduced his home to.
Let none escape.


+ Viole comes across his burned home and missing parents.[break]
+ Locks eyes with at a slight distance.[break]
+ In a rage attacks Levy with his Gengar's (Greed's) Shadow Ball.[break]
+ Ready to throw down!



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 18:46:10 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar




A chilling roar, and a pause in time. Hoenn continued to be fucking weird.

Nonetheless, the young Captain didn't have the luxury of time to panic at the possible new threat. He had to seize the initiative before rocket took over.
jayden cross Avatar
"is everyone okay?"
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar
“Destroy them,”
"Do not falter! Deal with what's in front of you first!" Boomed Captain Sullivan, his voice rising over the cacophony, his orders carrying to nearby league staff. "Close the encirclement! Entrap the Rockets!"

As the leaguers and rockets inevitably broke off into smaller scale, personal skirmishes, coming in and out from each other's battlefields, switching in and tagging out with opponents and allies alike, the young Captain kept his eyes focused on the two before him.

Bulwark I

Two masked strangers, one a man, the other a woman.

The weight of gravity intensified upon them as he narrowed his eyes, Omega's eyes focused on the two rockets and their pokemon as Doug tipped his cap at them.

"Don't suppose you know what that was either." He said as his arm rose in the air, eyes glowing underneath the shade of his cap. "No, doesn't matter— I'm taking you in. Resist as much as ya like."

His arm fell down like a guillotine.

"Expanding Force."

Expanding Force inflicts damage. It normally targets a single Pokémon.

If Psychic Terrain is in effect and the user is grounded upon its execution, this move gets a 1.5× power increase (in addition to the usual 1.3× bonus from terrain) and it becomes a move that targets both opponents.

-Locks eyes with and .

Bulwark II

The young captain pressed a digit to the earpiece on his side as the 2 rockets retreated.

"Captain Sullivan 'ere; Sector xx. Two rockets, retreating from the primal point. I want units on each; take 'em down!" He ordered over the comms, before approaching his Galarian Weezing's unconscious form.

He laid a hand atop the fainted Andrew's rotund body, limbs aglow with a neon magenta light that overflowed into the Weezing's body. Faster than any healing move known to the average trainer, the pokemon's wounds began to heal, bruises, burns and lacerations from the explosion disappearing as the pink scales sunk beneath the surface of its 'skin'.

A moment later, he returned the Weezing to its pokeball for a brief break, just as his Orbeetle lowered itself besides him, locking gazes with him.

A rocket was slipping too close to the No Rocket Zone. Time to intercept.

"Yer up, Goran." He muttered lowly— his Orbeetle's eyes glowing shortly.

Without a moment to rest, The Captain marched towards the next rocket.

This wasn't Sootopolis pt.2. He would see to that.

Underneath the primal machinery, 6 glowing eyes opened— the spider's web was set.

-Locking eyes with & .

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
129 posts
Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @levy
Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 19:30:38 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

Several things happened all at once, far too quickly for him to respond to. To piece it all together felt like far too much effort than he was capable of through the thrum of his headache, the blur in his vision before rubbing it from his eyes. Dust filled the air from the shaking earth, some of it seemed to linger in the air as time stilled. It was a moment of temporary helplessness, sleep paralysis yet only moments before he'd been awake. It was no a dream. Then he was thrown on to the ground, hit something hard.
"What the..." Drawing himself up again, Levy shook the dirt from his hair and pulled his hood back up. The owl mask he'd been carrying with him was nestled in the dirt and he scooped it up, putting it on. To think, he could be home studying for exams like a normal idiot his age, but he'd instead decided to do this. The security offered to him by the other three rockets was gone, everyone was already in the midst of their personal wars. Why am I here? It wasn't the first time he thought of it, of how much he'd prefer to be elsewhere, hanging out with doing mundane things.
The stink of smoke was heavy in the air, the world was preparing to burn and they were all in the middle of it. Fucking poetic, wasn't it? He glanced down at his phone, the message symbol blinking. A message from Wren, but before he could read it, his attention was drawn back to a figure running towards him. There was something distinctly familiar in the fury — in the anguish on the other man's face. It was almost something he could relate to but, in this case, he was the monster responsible. Even if only by extenuating circumstances. It didn't matter.
You did this. That expression said and he could only think: Yes, I did. What of it? Sometimes, it was easier to be the thing he hated most.
The dark orb raced towards him and he rolled, barely averting it. He could feel the edges of that energy pull and rip at the frayed hem of his cloak. Salandit scuttled up beside him then, clearly also thrown by the shaking ground before. "Ember." Immediately, the lizard spat a ball of flame back at his attacker. More of a warning shot than anything.
"Really want to do this?" So be it.
- locks eyes with @viole [break]
- wearing mask and hood[break]
- dodges gengar's shadow ball, salandit uses ember[break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 19:50:22 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
"Steelix, Jump!" Aaron yelled out to be heard from the myriad of other battles and interruptions being made. Luckily, his large iron snake flopped so it could get into the air. Glaring at the trainer's Minior, he took one step forward towards his Steelix when time seemed to have stopped. Once he was able to move again, he looked around. Yep, someone brought a Groudon here...and lit the fucking place on fire again! What the hell! Gritting his teeth, he decided to try to find the shit that burrowed underground. "Steelix, Dig. Let's find that punk." With a nod, and letting his little trainer hop on, it started to dig, with Aaron safely tucked in a nook of its metallic body.

It barged into the basement two minutes later. After a once over, and recalling Steelix, and looking at the people who stormed the theater, and vaguely wondering how much Miss Hoth was going to complain and be the Karen that everyone hated, he looked for a second hole. It took about seven minutes to find the hole, crawl out of it, and find the punk! "There you are you bitch! Fight me!"


Aaron glares at , but moves on.
Uses Dig to pursue . Recalls Steelix.
Doesn't find him right away, goes back up through the hole that Priam made for himself.
Finds , and locks eyes.

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 23:01:44 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


All of a sudden, time stood still.[break][break]
In that moment of suspension, when Caleb's breath slowed to an eternity's pace, and nothing, not even a single leaf on any of the trees around them, seemed to move, for the briefest of moments, Caleb wasn't in Littleroot anymore - he was back in Lavender, running through the gentle mist that used to permeate the town, laughing at some self-created childhood joke. Zev was there too, somewhere - but quieter. Zev was always quieter. And then something snapped, and a sharp twanging sound rang harshly in Caleb's ears. The laughter of his childhood self became distorted, like the rewinding of a video, and Littleroot came back into focus.[break][break]
Chaos erruppted.[break][break]
Caleb had fallen to one knee during the...attack? Explosion? Whatever that had been. He shook his head to clear it, and stood again. Lyra's RAIN DANCE was still falling gently around his body, and his hair and clothing had become dampened. Uncertain what had created the bizarre circumstances they had all just experienced, Caleb turned back towards the Lapras and yelled, "Lyra, to me!" He didn't like the idea of them being separated anymore, even with a line of sight.[break][break]
Caleb picked up his pace, following around the back of the Littleroot Theater once the Captain had given his orders. There was someone already back there, however, stepping ominously out of a familiar-looking Cofagrigus. As Tam began to engage the man - clearly Rocket, as he had a mask on - Caleb's heart suddenly skipped a beat.[break][break]
He knew that mask. He'd know that mask anywhere. And the body that wore it? He'd know that build anywhere too. It was very much like his own, only an inch shorter. Dark hair. All black gear.[break][break]
It was .[break][break]
Caleb stared directly at his brother, locking eyes with him. Tam began to initiate a fight, but Caleb was frozen in place.[break][break]
"Zev," he whispered, voice hoarse, blood cold. "What the hell are you doing here?"

RAIN DANCE is active


+ Caleb is wearing basic military-grade tactical gear over his Ranger uniform (Example)[break]
+ In addition to his Pokeballs, Caleb carries the knife made by on his hip[break]
+ Caleb calls his Lapras to his side, uncertain what exactly caused the piercing ROAR OF TIME.[break]
+ Caleb continues advancing towards the theater, following closely behind [break]
+ CALEB LOCKS EYES WITH [break][break]
SPECIAL EFFECT: When a Lapras with the Hydration ability uses Rain Dance, that Lapras will have any status conditions cured at the end of each turn as long as the Rain Dance is active.

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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
POSTED ON Oct 29, 2022 23:35:03 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
his eyes skimmed the damage of their combined assault before dropping down into the fray. just as he was reaching for a pokéball, the roar emanated. time paused, and he found himself frozen. what the fuck? really? right now? before he could ask any greater questions, however, he was thrown off balance. there was a loud bang that hurt deep in his head and his stomach, the flashing of the barrier, and then they were back to war. a typical day in hoenn.

his aerodactyl took to the air again, startled by the immense force, just as his eyes locked with . the man was unfamiliar with his mask, but obviously rocket-aligned. maybe it was better they were mostly in disguise. that way, he wouldn’t know if he was trying to kill an old friend.

in lieu of their recognizability, bo thought about his father, until every face was his. dragging and down to hell with him had been bad. trying to end the world lived in was utterly damning. maybe, somewhere, hopefully, he would really be behind the mask, and bo would cut him down like a dry old oak in the way of his horizon.

rage built like a fire, and with a snarl darker than anything he’d let the league see, he went to battle, too lost to notice had her sights on the same foe.
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 10:33:45 GMT

from afar, matias watches the immediate aftermath of groudon's presence. PRECIPICE BLADES impale what it may but the true purpose of it is to split up the incoming forces. to be a constant threat to disrupt momentum and crush spirits.[break][break]

he is soon pulled away by the ROAR OF TIME; a prelude of what awaits them. but his attention quickly returns when he sees a flash of black and blue heading towards him.[break][break]


the only thing that stops lucario is the WALL OF EARTH that erupts from the ground. it tanks the blow, keeping matias safe which allows him to crack open another pokeball.[break][break]

"COME OUT."[break][break]

consider his surprise when he locks eyes with ; an old friend and ally who matias thought to be dead.[break][break]


- DROUGHT active.[break]
- locking eyes with .


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Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 21:40:08 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia was surprised to see here; as far as she knew, the girl was an adventurer, not an Officer or even a Ranger. But when she said "conscripted," Julia understood. It left a bad taste sitting heavy on her tongue, but she didn't have the time to dwell on that now, not when the battle had already begun.

[break][break]"Choice," Julia said, unusually serious and succinct. "When I heard about the planned attack, I knew I had to help. Good luck to you, too. Call me if you need any help." Shalin was strong and capable, but she was still a civilian. She shouldn't have to bear any of the burdens of war.

[break][break](Neither should Julia, honestly. Nobody should. But those were more thoughts that would have to be shut away until later.)

[break][break]'s response was not at all what Julia had expected. "Eh?" She tilted her body to get a better look at the man's face. His eyes did not reflect Littleroot. Instead, it reflected something in a past unknown to Julia. To her, it was an empty pool. To him, it must have been an entirely different world. She knew that look. She'd worn it plenty of times in the early days of her recovery. She didn't know what this man had been through—heck, she didn't even know his name—but if he was calling this horrific scene "nostalgic," it must have been terrible.

[break][break]Unfortunately, letting yourself get stuck in the past didn't do one any favors, especially in a dire situation like this. "Sir?" she asked, trying to get his attention. She wasn't sure if it was that or something else that finally snapped him out of it, but she was glad for it, nonetheless.

[break][break]Suddenly, there was a mighty roar that instinctively made Julia flinch. The light of an artificial sun burned down on the battlefield, illuminating a massive red Pokémon that Julia had only heard legends of before: Groudon. spoke over the comms then. Was he the one commanding the very Pokémon said to have created the ground they now stood on? Whoa.

[break][break]But this was no time to gawk, not with a Rocket () charging toward the Primal Point on an eerie spectral mount. Others (, , and ) appeared soon after, one of them setting a nearby house ablaze with a Molotov. Julia gasped in disgusted horror. She should have expected Rocket to try to hurt civilians like this, but she hadn't been prepared to see it firsthand. It was okay, though, right? The citizens had evacuated, so the house was empty, right?

[break][break]Before she could check, a piercing shriek cut through her ears, and everything stopped.

[break][break]What... What was this? Julia couldn't move. Just a moment ago, her heart had been racing. Now, it felt like it had gone still. Everything had gone still. It was an unnervingly familiar feeling of powerlessness and helplessness, only amplified up to levels Julia could have never imagined.

[break][break]And then, in that same fleeting moment, there was a bang. With a yelp, Julia was knocked onto her back, almost like she'd been shoved. Above, the dome that had been trapping them for all these months flickered. Julia finally remembered to breathe.

[break][break]What the hell had that been?!

[break][break]Spot was swiftly at her side, helping her to her feet. "I'm okay," she said automatically.

John Sullivan Avatar
"Do not falter! Deal with what's in front of you first! Close the encirclement! Entrap the Rockets!"

[break][break]Captain Sullivan's commanding voice boomed over the comms. "On it!" she shouted, glad for something concrete to do. She ran up the east side of the encirclement and ended up behind Groudon, where she skidded to a stop at the sight of and his Dragapault about to attack the Land Titan.

[break][break]"Hey!" Julia shouted. "Spot, get 'em!"

[break][break]Maybe Groudon could have handled itself. But given that it was going to be a huge target—literally and metaphorically—Julia figured having some of the pressure taken off of it would help.





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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,740 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 21:41:02 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

The Lucario was able to successfully pick out the Auras of enemies in their radius. Cobalt would point them out to his master, and their friend.

"Excellent.", Thomas remarked.

Before they could begin their attack, a familiar roar fills the area. Thomas recognized it as none other than Dialgia, who he, and others, had encountered at the end of their journey through Hoenn's then recent history. The fact that Thomas was aware that time was frozen for a moment alarmed him. Despite this, he'd maintain his poise as time resumed.

Thomas would recall his Lucario, in order to bring out Kalameet. On the back of his Hydreigon, he would begin to fly towards a group of Rockets, in order to burn them to a crisp with his Hydreigon.

That was when someone appeared, Thomas locking eyes with them. That person would happen to be .

notes: -Cobalt begins to point out the Rockets he detected
-Time stands still
-Thomas recognizes the cry of Dialgia
-Thomas is alarmed at the perceived pause in time
-Thomas swaps out Lucario for Hydreigon
-Thomas flies in to attack some grunts
-Thomas locks eyes with in the process

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Oct 30, 2022 23:10:29 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
One second he was offering someone help and the next the world seemed like it was being ripped apart around him. Whatever Littleroot had thrown at him before, this was certainly worse. Sibella managed to snag him up as she rebounded from her attack on and it was just barely in the nick of time as the ground began to rend and lurch beneath him.

It was a test of Sibella’s athleticism as the bat was forced to maneuver around pillars of stone that were forced into the air. Memo pressed himself close to her back, seconds away from closing his eyes and waiting for it to be over. But he trusted his Pokemon-- he did-- and she managed to pull them through it okay.

In the mass confusion and the sheer magnitude of the changing battlefield he lost track of which, while alarming, was not something he could afford to focus on right now. Especially since--

--there was a strange feeling, like static electricity, but everywhere, everything, all at once. Sibella’s wings flexed once, then she plummeted the few feet to the ground, landing on her chest and sending Memo spilling overboard as the two of them tumbled a short distance, ending up in one pile of limbs and wings.

Memo huffed, the leathery flap of Sibella’s wing membrane rising and falling with his breath. His tailbone was bruised and he probably had dirt on his face and in his hair, but he was okay-- and Sibella was, too, by the way she popped up quickly and chirped. Their genial moment was short-lived as through the flying grit and distant sounds of battle a figure cut the haze. She was dressed in an amalgam of lime motorcycle suit and a cosplay of Snake Eyes from G.I Joe.

He found himself walking towards her as Sibella took to wing.

“You know, that’s exactly the kind of cliche shit I’d expect you boring punks to wear,” he said, brushing dirt off his shoulder.

so i guess i kind of wasted my first turn? oh well. anyway this is the person memo was always supposed to be: talking mad shit and getting his ass kicked.
locks eyes with (love you boo)

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 2:41:36 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
This post is a semi-wip what I will edit for clarity and more detail as I finish battles! Rn it's my lineup for who Chu-e is locking eyes with!

First for him is

Then it will be @alexie

Then (battling now)

Finally and in a 2v1
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing