i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 18:25:59 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she sits on dragonback, waiting for the penultimate moment. her gaze slides over the town; lyune's claws curl against the rocky crag they are perched upon. movement below and the tell-tale sounds of fighting disinterest her. to the west, energy crackles as rangers and officers alike hold the line near littleroot theatre. 

lyune hisses softly, wings shifting, and his head tilts. she follows his gaze to the clouds. he leaps as the red behemoth emerges from the sky, its master shortly behind.

her bow is strung, the metal cool in her sweat-licked hands. she grasps lyune's reins with one hand, leaning forward and out of the wind. 

she does not alight, but hovers near a familiar face protecting the primal point. 

"we'll provide cover in the air!" she calls down to as lyune circles.

moves to m-11
: spurred to action at your arrival
currently hovering on lyune

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September 23rd
Castelia City
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
182 posts
Noah Camus DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noahcamus
Noah Camus
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 22:35:42 GMT
Noah Camus Avatar

The fact that Noah had been stationed there really showed him how nightmarish the League could be. Despite all the bad and awful things they had spewed about Rocket and their machinations. They really had taken people out of their towns and cities like they had been conscripted into the army, families left without sons and daughters, father and mothers to fight in a war that had nothing to do with them. There was a difference between protecting something so the meteor could be maybe stopped but throwing them in front of Rocket was cruel when things were about to end. [break][break]

One could say that the only reasons he'd be there was for and . He felt disgusted about the idea that he didn't want to be there, he didn't want to sacrifice himself for people that he didn't know, people who were likely not even going to be in the front lines with them. His issues did not lie within the normal and simple citizens of Hoenn, his anger and frustrations were towards the top brass, the government who hid behind their tables, inside their ivory towers and high horses. [break][break]

The only thing he'd reply towards the orders that was given to his group was a simple "Understood." Unlike some of the members from his group he didn't exactly have anything to help them or anything that could be used to help them, most of his pokemon were purely trained for straight combat, the simplest way of dealing with things. He wouldn't use any pokemon yet, in his mind a Tyranitar or a Gyarados would only slow them down due to the area they were in or even give away their positioning. He'd move forward along with the Slateport squad.[break][break]







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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 23:12:32 GMT
Deleted Avatar
The tension was thick in the air, so thick that Leilani felt like she was suffocating. Her chest felt heavy with each breathe was her anxiety weighed down on her like a brick. She was scared; it shined like a diamond in the glistening sun swimming her brown pools. She was doing her best to swallow her fear as she tried to press her body as tight as she could against a large leafy tree, hoping the thick trunk could hide her frame. Her hair was pulled into a tight bun as she wore her ranger uniform in a short suit set with her identifying band wrapped around her left arm. A small backpack was clinging to her backside, holding little gear to keep her light and agile. This was her first real mission; first mission that could possibly cost her life or the life of her pokemon. Everything in her body except a tiny sliver told her to run – that this was a mistake; she should not be here. It wasn’t like their little “pep talk” on the radio gave her much hope that they would make it out of this alive. She wanted to help save the environment from Team Rocket’s destructive ways, but this was a little bit much wasn’t it? Her mind buzzed to her mother, who had fled Fortree to the safety of Leilani’s apartment in Lilycove. She was doing this for her – and every other citizen of Fortree. Even if she wasn’t apart of the mission to the meteorite, she would do her part her in Littleroot to halt Team Rocket’s progression.

She felt warmth rest on top of her hand and wrap gently around her palm. Leilani turned her head to glance to her right at the Honey who gripped her hand softly in reassurance. A burst of relief washed out her doubt and fear out. Despite having been put into the midst of other rangers – she could see them within close distance to her, she had felt alone until now. As she gazed into the Vespiquen fierce ruby hues, she knew now she would always have her pokemon at her side.

Leilani gave Honey a reassuring nod and a big grin. Today, she would show that she could hold her own. “Let’s do this, Honey.” She smiled, squeezing the Vesipquen hand back, being sure to mind her sharp claws before the two parted. “Honey, use Sweet Scent.” She instructed her pokemon in a soft hushed whispered. The Vespiquen obeyed, buzzing to the top of the tree to releasing a delicious scent form her body in order to at least give them the advantage against any approaching members of team rockets that would surely break through the ranks at some point to seize the theater.



-Leilani is located at I-13 with Honey the Vespiquen hiding behind a thick tree.

-Leilani hesitates to advance and decided to take a defensive method first.

-Honey uses Sweet Scent


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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 3:36:00 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

littleroot had not been the optimal choice, but jayden was nothing if not a pawn in rocket's schemes. he knew his place and once had declared it, there had been no turning back.

[break][break] he and were the two kingpins of rocket's warfront. offense and defense, pillars that would stand tall no matter what the league would throw their way.

[break][break] "cross here. remember what underboss beckett said," his voice crackles through the speakerset. "let us stop playing the martyr and embrace ourselves for who we truly are. hold nothing back.

[break][break] we are team rocket, and we'll let nothing stand in our way."

[break][break] "yoru." it's not his choice of a codename, but it's one his fellow admin gave to him. where he got the name from jayden has no clue, but he is not the kind of man to question it.

[break][break] his shiny gengar manifests besides him as he turns to both and . "we should —"

[break][break] before he can speak, however, bright hot heat from a sudden DROUGHT catches his attention. behind the coverage of his mask, his eyes widen. the earth rumbles with terrifying force, and jayden knows not to wait before it hits them.

[break][break] "hold on tight," he directs them, pulling both and near. "CUTTING THROUGH!" a PHANTOM FORCE portal is summoned by the ghost-type. the earth cracks under their feet just in time as the attack attempts to swallow the three of them whole.

[break][break] his gut drops as it always does when he is sucked up in the attack and his eyes are bleary as they appear near . 'was that groudon?'

[break][break] the legendary's PRESIPICE BLADES split the earth as they roar towards them, threatening to end their battle before it's even begun. even as felix attempts a PROTECT to cover them, part of jayden knows it to be useless.

[break][break] but be reckless, or die trying.

[break][break] this wasn't kanto. this was hoenn.





— jayden is with elisabeth and felix before attempting to teleport all three of them with his gengar's PHANTOM FORCE to lex.
[break][break]— he's like Holy Shit at groudon () attacking them, hopefully they don't die oopsie hehe

EFFECTS: , , ,

[break][break] SryHgVBf


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 3:39:59 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



Julia Davis Avatar
"How are things looking here?"

"... Nostalgic."

Julia's words had just barely registered.

The shouting on the comms sounded distant. Muffled, as if his body had been submerged. Words of encouragement, of disbelief, of anger; they all became a collective murmur, lost to the young Captain as everything unfolded before him.

It all burned.

The dull, ugly sky, painted the color of dirt and blood by the incessant burning smoke.

The cindered skeletons of houses forming the macabre horizon line.

The rumbling of splintering earth and clapping thunder always in the distance, and at the same time, too close for comfort, for rest.

The charred bodies that littered the routes and roads; each and every one seeming to belong to someone he had known his whole life—


Omega hovered besides him, a blank faced look upon her face as she brought him down from his... moment.

"Right..." He said, smiling bitterly.

She offered him neither the comfort nor the sympathy her father would have. She simply regarded him silently, assessing him after the moment of weakness.

He met her gaze, and after a moment, she looked away, and he turned his attention to the enemy. Doug moved to stand in front of the primal machine, directly between the rockets and their goal, his Orbeetle hovering behind him.

"... Right. Let 'em come." Muttered Doug as his dog tags came alive, crackling with primal energy that enveloped and entrapped Omega into a black, growing egg.

As she had said, the enemy came, and it came in droves.

Two riders came first, both seen from a mile away as they sped towards the primal point— towards them. and moved to intercept them.

The skies became a sheet of yellow. A piercing roar shook the earth. and Groudon had taken to the stage, bringing a grinding halt to the enemy's bold advance as the Colonel's words rang through the comms, followed shortly by the dragon rider's own.

". I'll do what I can to stop them from getting to the primal point."

freya morningstar Avatar
"We'll provide cover in the air!"

"Confirmed. All units! Assist Colonel Silph." Replied Doug simply, his orders carrying to nearby league staff. "Repel back Rocket! Omega!"

The dark egg above him shattered. Psychic power washed across the field, seemingly spilling forth from the reborn Orbeetle.

doug can call upon a special PSYCHIC TERRAIN from himself at any time, without using a pokemon.

"Crush them."



As , and suddenly popped into place, protective pokemon in hand— gravity turned on them and their allies, the very air seemingly coming down upon them like a waterfall, cracking and splintering the soil underneath as it attempted to flatten them all into paste.


-oh hi .
-Vietnamn flashbacks.jpg
-oh hi rockets.
-mega evolves Orbeetle
-oh bye rockets.
-Uses avatar Psychic terrain. Orbeetle uses G-Max Gravitas on the whole Rocket party, since they're all close together for protect, presumably.
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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
and love bites
6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
250 posts
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 4:37:26 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar

"Only a little," The man in the HALF MASK says in response to 's question. "But the pay is good if we get this done well. So I'm as ready as I'll ever be." The mercenary adds, summoning a croaking DRAGAPULT mount with a toss of his moon ball. He reaches up to pat its neck.

Noting an air of experience from the man, Cade initially chooses to follow him and the sound of spectral hooves leading towards the PRIMAL POINT. He swiftly mounts his own phantom before doing so, but only goes so far before a loud ROAR fills the air. It is certainly enough to draw the Paldean's attention and, thankfully, catch sight of the PRECIPICE BLADES heading towards them.

Their target, GROUDON, stands in the stark white heat of an ARTIFICAL SUN above. They take note of the direction it is facing. There is no time for any communication or question. Instead, Cade prompts his phantom dragon to sink them into a shadowy portal (PHANTOM FORCE) in a bid to avoid the giant lizard's attack altogether.

Not too long from now, however, they'll reappear behind it and attempt to strike it behind the head. Only afterward will the half-masked mercenary take a swift moment to reassess their surroundings. He didn't recognize this Pokémon, and he certainly wasn't as intimidated by it as others might be.

Nevertheless, it was quite big. And, sometimes, taking down 'big' required some backup.



💎 is wearing his hair in a bun with a heat-resistant HALF MASK covering the right side of his face
💎 mounts his DRAGAPULT
💎 follows up behind and her SPECTRIER'S BULLDOZE with
DRAGAPULT disappears with PHANTOM FORCE to try and avoid PRECIPICE BLADES; attempts to reappear and attack GROUDON from behind ( )
° COORDINATES: might depend on where groudon is facing; maybe J-7?


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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
1,478 posts
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 5:16:18 GMT
the edge brought on by the eve of battle, was a welcoming one. he remembered a time when this waiting would've had his stomach in cramps, knee moving with an excited, nervous energy. now? his eyes fall over the soon-to-be battlefield, and he feels only... apathy.
to his left, his lucario stands, still and unspeaking. above, the sun bakes, it's oppressive heat coming out of no where (DROUGHT), but king simply wipes a layer of sweat from his brow, eyes narrowing.
"anythin'?" a shake of the head meets his question, though he hadn't expected much otherwise. too many bodies; too many auras. he'd find eventually.
"keep sear-" king's voice is cut off as his lucario's iron-grip wraps itself around the loose clothing of his shirt, moving him out of the way of a PRECIPICE BLADE as it rips apart the earth around it. lucario's ability to DETECT threats like these were typically invaluable, and he's thankful for it here.
silhouetted by the trees, the lumbering from of the earth titan is visible. a grin splits the turncoats lips, contemplating. his own reason for being here was in direct conflict with fighting a legendary creature. it was difficult to suppress. but, probably wouldn't be very happy if he got himself killed fighting a neutered god.
king grumbles to himself, stuffing his hands into his pockets as if trying to physically place a barrier between his hands, and the battlefield.
"keep lookin'. let 'em kill 'emselves if they want fer now."
after all, he was here for one reason.

[attr="class","notes"][break]> nearly skewered by PRECIPICE BLADE, but it's DETECTED by his lucario.[break]
> not really hiding, but not actively making himself a target. searching for no-necked using @lucario's aura senses.


[newclass=".king"] --accent:#74abb6; [/newclass]

[newclass=".king"]margin:0 auto;width:470px;line-height:15px;margin-top:-20px;margin-bottom:50px; font-size:12px;letter-spacing:0.5px;[/newclass]
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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 6:28:46 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
he’d been dreading this day for a multitude of reasons. it was hard not to feel like some kind of imposter. though he did his best to focus, he couldn’t help but wonder if his little brother was thousands of miles high in the sky, careening towards their mutual death.

the rustboro captain’s voice came in over comms: ”this is captain maher, heading to the primal point.”

his aerodactyl sailed through the air. as gave her small speech, his eyes found her steelix down below.

”hoenn needs you alive, councilwoman. be careful out there.”

they jetted on by overhead. heat of flames and destruction radiated hot from below, but he felt strangely numb as he scanned for an opening. soon, he noted the explosion of attacks as team rocket launched its first assault on the primal point.


boulders circled them in the air as the aerodactyl swooped lower towards the grouped rockets, hurling them to roll between the obstacles of ’s groudon’s precipice blades, perhaps made all the more dangerous by 's g-max gravitas.

  • headed towards primal point on aerodactyl
  • speaks to on comms
  • uses rock slide on rockets grouped near primal point (maybe strengthened by doug's z-move?
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October 13
808 height
808 height
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 5:24:10 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Battle! (Hoenn Elite Four: Sidney) | Pokémon Masters EX


AS BATTLE IS WAGED over the once idyllic town of Littleroot, the dreadful shape of the meteoroid looms in the far heavens. Like pyre smoke, the plume of pursuing spacecraft leave scars against 99943 METENO's growing skull.[break][break]

Some guard the main entrance to LITTLEROOT like COUNCILWOMAN . Clad proudly in her Ranger uniform, she inspires those around her as the cries of battle ring through the air. Nearby, GYM LEADER rides on SALAMENCE. He navigates the air smoothly to scout the area while his lover, dismounts his NOIVERN toward ROCKET BEAST and attacks with a FOCUS BLAST, slowing her advance. Similarly, 's KROOKODILE rushes toward her SPECTRIER too, attempting to CRUNCH; however, it is EMPOWERED upon being struck thanks to ANGER POINT.[break][break]

Still, she arrives first. A BULLDOZE enough to run past grunts and officers.[break][break]

However, others charge alongside her in the blitzkrieg toward the PRIMAL POINT.[break][break]

ADMIN manifests with , ADMIN and their Pokemon from an expanse of spectral energies. TOXIC SPIKES scatter from ADMIN 's TOXAPEX and a FLAME begins to burn near the nearest house, clearing areas and providing intel for the whereabouts of their enemies.[break][break]

The Admin's AMOONGUS springs forth, shifting its mushroom cap hands to forge a PROTECT as and his GOGOAT skid to a stop nearby.[break][break]

Nearby, @leilanilaurent conceals herself with VESPIQUEN. A SWEET SCENT wafts toward enemies by the PRIMAL POINT, while hovers above on SALAMENCE too, keeping ELITE FOUR in her sights.[break][break]

Much to the shock of TEAM ROCKET, summons his GROUDON: a secret now gilded by sunlight. Suddenly, the battlefield is scorched with DROUGHT. A PRECIPICE BLADES forces sharp blades of earth in the area of the PRIMAL POINT, splitting trainers and their Pokemon apart, if not tossing grunts away.[break][break]

Fighting-type specialist is almost impaled by the sudden javelin of stone. However, his LUCARIO manages to help them avoid it; he searches for the Elite Four— but he is easily found. evades the PRECIPICE BLADES barely; he and his DRAGAPULT phasing in and out to reappear behind GROUDON.[break][break]

THIS CLOSE TO THE PRIMAL POINT, seizes the opportunity to get the upperhand. He MEGA EVOLVES HIS ORBEETLE and as it metamorphoses into an intimidating saucer, it conjures a powerful G-MAX GRAVITAS. Thanks to @leilanilaurent's SWEET SCENT, the LOWERED EVASION allows for the subsequent assault to be performed with relative ease.[break][break]

The initial damage would be mitigated by some degree, but would still be able to bypass any PROTECTION. Beneath the Rockets near the Primal Point, the earth shifts lower, creating a slight crater as RANGER CAPTAIN and his AERODACTYL attack with a ROCK SLIDE. Brutal rocks are caught within the INCREASED GRAVITY plummeting with a deadly speed toward the invaders.[break][break]

's DETECT would allow her to find Rockets among the unearthed blades of stone; while and his partner, would be able to do the same. However, some bodies can be detected within Littleroot's buildings as well. Perhaps, these are the citizens too stubborn to evacuate...


OTHER TEAMS ENGAGE THE THEATER. A disguised is attempts to reunite with in the chaos. Around them, the bodies of unconscious Pokemon and injured trainers guide their journey to the theater. With every turn, a new threat arises. Team Rocket. An unpredictable beam of energy, a flare of flame, or bone crushing pillar of water. Thankfully, is able to provide them with the necessary cover to succeed. A SUPERSONIC from her YANMEGA allows for their union.[break][break]

RANGER CAPTAIN communicates to his Slateport Ranger squad as his BLISSEY SAFEGUARDS. , , , and are wreathed in the protective veil as they advance toward the building. Rourke's EEVEE grants a HELPING HAND to 's BLAZIKEN as it DETECTS. As and follow obediently, a DETECT manages to discover nearby Rockets, reaffirming that the theater is a destination of interest...[break][break]

In particular, it detects one . Relinquishing any confidentiality, THE SCOURGE attempts to distract 's DECIDUEYE as a WEEZING SLUDGE BOMBS the platoon of rangers, which @viole would be able to witness with his GENGAR from a safe distance.[break][break]

However, 's LAPRAS would be able to mitigate some of the toxins. Its RAIN DANCE dilutes the poisons; however, the siren may be able to avoid being poisoned as well.[break][break]

Carefully, they plod forth as 's DECIDUEYE, shining with its celestial lights, lands on the theater roof. A SPIRIT SHACKLE is prepared to fire against anyone who may enter... but may have been distracted by 's crystals.[break][break]

With his LATIAS, attempts to advance inside the theater, as the earth rumbles beneath his feet from 's MINIOR'S EARTHQUAKE. would try to fend off the Rockets encroaching upon the theater as well. His STEELIX snakes forth, throwing a ROCK SLIDE toward and his GABITE as they attempt to dig a path into a lower floor of the theater.[break][break]

Thankfully, is not alone. 's COFAGRIGUS conjures a CRAFTY SHIELD around the digging GABITE, ROCKET BEAST 'S AUDINO and 's SALANDIT, offering the slightest sense of solace to the more nervous grunt. The dragon's ability to dig is emboldened by 's AUDINO and as the earth shakes and stones fall, the GABITE manages to bore a path into a basement floor...


A PIERCING SHRIEK emanates from an unknown location, but the primal crystal seems to amplify its volume. Unbeknownst to everyone, the dimensional integrity of this universe falters for a split second and a potent ROAR OF TIME slips through the cracks. Briefly, TIME IS STOPPED in this town.[break][break]

However, everyone maintains their consciousness during the briefest pause: a frightening experience of powerlessness. Of no control. Of uncertainty... and then everything resumes with a harrowing bang. Everyone is knocked around from their feet as the invisible dome briefly illuminates; those in MT. PYRE may have noticed the dome shimmer too if it were not for the fog...[break][break]



THE MERIT POINT PHASE has begun. During this phase, you must post in this thread ONCE, determining who your trainer LOCKS EYES WITH for your first and initial battle. This can be multiple trainers or one. Please BOLD/TAG THE NAMES OF THE TRAINERS YOU ARE FACING IN YOUR TL;DR.[break][break]

If you can not find a partner, please let know, and he may either find you a partner or create a separate, modded thread for you and/or a group of unpartnered characters.[break][break]

After you can create a SPIN-OFF THREAD WITH A THREAD TITLE TAG (MP) in the LITTLEROOT TOWN BOARD.[break][break]

More rules are contained within the LITTLEROOT MP FUND THREAD linked below:



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • you DO NOT NEED TO ROLL this round.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Here is an UPDATED MAP. However, be aware that these are approximate, visual representations of where everyone is. Furthermore, some may be inside the Littleroot Theater itself.[break][break]

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,892 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 6:13:34 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar

Shalin's Avian Arrow went flying in 's direction as Flit came bobbing back to her. The arrow was headed right at the side of the foe's head, when all of a sudden, time stopped for a brief moment. The Yanmega and Shalin's projectile crossed each other closely, the giant insect's sir disturbance blowing her shot off course and sailing wide. She thought she had simply missed.

There was a lot of chaos going on to the east of her, near the Primal Point. There were a lot of terrifying Pokémon over there, including the Titan of the Land controlled by . She had a Pokémon that could take full advantage of the blazing heat its DESOLATE LAND provided. "Great job, Flit! Return!" Shalin withdrew the Yanmega and sent out Kiara, her Pyroar. The lioness stood near the roof's edge as she mounted up. "Movement's all you, okay? When I fire, go!"

Shalin left Kiara's reins at the end of the saddle, able to hold her bow steady while the fire-type remained still. She took careful aim before letting another wind-covered Avian Arrow fly toward Felix. "Go!" the explorer cried, squeezing her mount's sides. The big feline made a dramatic leap from the roof, sprinting toward their foe in an effort to maul him.

- Dialga's ROAR OF TIME, combined with her Yanmega's air disturbance, causes her arrow to sail wide.
- Shalin sees chaos by the Primal Point but realizes she has a job to do.
- Shalin switches from her Yanmega to her Pyroar, mounts up, then fires an arrow toward once more.
- After taking her shot, her Pyroar dramaticlly leaps off the roof and dashes toward , trying to maul him.

Ammunition: 8 ↑ 10

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Shalin        Human          ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit          Yanmega        Good
Queen Zing    Beedrill       Good
Starr         Espeon**       Good
Kiara         Pyroar         Good
Levy          Milotic        Good
Treble        Kommo-o        Good

{WC: 216}
{PC: 2}
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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 6:14:43 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

apparently GROUDON wasn't the only thing that they had to worry about. jayden's gaze flashes upwards just as throws up a barrier in an attempt to protect them from the incoming barrage of not just the precipice blades, but also a sudden GRAVITAS. the image of an aerodactyl soaring overhead, with at it's mantel, right before a ROCK SLIDE careens their way.

[break][break] his gengar is immediately swapped for his mimikyu, who's PAIN SPLIT revebrates between him and everyone in the nearby vicinity. though the pain is minimized, it still rocks jayden off his feet.

[break][break] when the ROAR OF TIME reverberates through his ribcage, it feels almost as if his skin is being pulled apart at the seams.

[break][break] the admin slams into the grass beside his fellow rocket, just as the scent of burning ash fill the air. he grunts. "is everyone okay?" he shouts to them, as he forces himself to his feet. his ankle aches and he wonders if it's sprained, but there's no time to question it.

[break][break] because when he turns, his eyes lock with that of .

[break][break] roman's father.





— gengar swapped to mimikyu for IC flavor!! who uses PAIN SPLIT to mitigate the damage [break]
— makes EYE CONTACT with [break]
— later will go over to for 1v1 battle >:3 (continuity sake)


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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
part of
TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 6:43:25 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

’s words hit her. Not in a way that caused sadness, but in a way that brought her joy. Perhaps she put more meaning in those words than what they were worth.

And then her attention turned to her right as things were heating up. Battles on-going. She heard the powerful reverberating roar of Groudon as it entered the battlefield. She peered in the direction of the Primal Crystal and saw not only Groudon but Doug’s Orbeetle too.

Glad to see them going at it with such fervor. Elinor smirked

She was on guard duty here. Nobody would pass the entrance. So, she would certainly like to think. But then a sensation hit her alongside an unknown roar. Time stood still. A known feeling of powerlessness washed over her. Though the cause is different the sensation is all the same. Whatever it was it certainly shouldn’t be handed to Team Rocket.

Time Resumed and speaking of Team Rocket. It seemed her prey thought it wise to present itself to her. Her eyes locked with .

A quick two-pronged battle began. One in the air, the other on the ground. Elinor's Braviary vs Jayden's Dragapult. Inteleon vs Psyduck. Unfortunately, neither of Elinor's Pokémon was able to secure a victory, though a minor philosophical debate happened, before Elinor had to do a tactical retreat.

After her run in with Jayden, she tries to get some healing done on Braviary. Alas, one has other ideas.... To Be continued.

- Appreciates Boruta's words
- Feels the Roar of Time
- First Encounter: with (Jayden wins)
- Second Encounter: with



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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 15:56:36 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar


The relative peace and quiet in the rural town of Littleroot shattered with what felt like a thousand different actions happening at once. Boulders fell around Zev and his associates. The earth split open at the bidding of a fallen star. The summoning of Groudon, visible even at this distance from their vantage point, bathed the town in fire and heat.[break][break]

Zev turned toward his Cofagrigus and reached for her opening halves when, impossibly, time stopped. Above them all, the pale sky flashed with a preternatural glow.[break][break]

Then time was theirs again. Zev slammed himself into the body of his Cofagrigus, her doors thudding shut. In total blackness, he heard the destruction of the landscape around them while she remained aloft, untouched.[break][break]

When the sounds of the ground quaking seemed to cease, Zev knocked on the inside of Cofagrigus' doors. One of them opened ajar, letting him peek outside. The earthquake had passed and rocks were no longer falling, though he could distinctly hear the sounds of battle both near and far.[break][break]

Pushing the doors open, Zev stepped down from the sarcophagus. His blue gaze swept over the carnage immediately before him, looking for , , and . But before he could find them, movement from behind the theater caught his attention. A blonde man in a Ranger uniform, one Zev knew very well from his regular visits to the bar.[break][break]


They locked eyes, blue to blue.[break][break]

They're here, was Zev's triumphant thought as he grinned beneath his mask.




- Zev is wearing black tactical gear + a mask[break]
- Avoids harm by going inside his Cofagrigus, then comes back out[break]

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
part of
Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 16:55:42 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

Lex isn’t stupid, she knew she wouldn’t come out of this unscathed. A charging Spectreir is hardly something to blink an eye at. It invites both defensive and offensives moves as she threatens to crush one of their most treasured appliances here in the city: its Primal Point. The device is not the subject of their attack, but it sure act as a hell of a distraction while and the others storm the theater.

The FOCUS BLAST strikes and does cause her mount to falter. The Spectrier stumbles for a moment, finding footing against the ground before continuing its charge. The equine’s nares flares in pursuit, strength flooding its limbs. War. It’s namesake. It ignites the primal desire for battle.

The Dark-type’s CRUNCH doesn’t stop them from reaching their target, but it does drawn both the attention of the rider and the steed. Her Rocket brothers and sisters join her at the point. She’s no longer surrounded by League, but amongst her people. They face a daunting task, uncertainty made more clear by the PRECIPICE BLADES that erupt from the ground below. The League has found favor with the Land Titan? Interesting.

The weight of GRAVITAS sends a ROCK SLIDE hurdling towards them, “PROTECT!” she calls out, the ghost obeys, a shimmering light arcing over the small group of Rockets as the stones barrel against it. The barrier shudders against the strength of the attack and the building gravity. When it’s over, they are surprisingly alive.

A ROAR OF TIME seems to stop the world where it is. It’s a familiar feeling, one she’s experienced before. For a moment, the Beast can’t shake it, and neither can the others. Just as quickly as it stopped, time resumed.

A quick survey of the land pinpoint their enemies. They are surrounded, but not for long, “Destroy them,” she growls, locking eyes with . A sharp pressure from her heels spurs the Spectreier forward, she slides off just before they reach the Krookodile and its trainer. The battle for Littleroot has begun.

A critical strike from the Spectreir's hooves stuns the Krookodile and is able to escape with their life. a GRIM NEIGH echoes across the battlefield in victory. Lex doesn't let people run so easily. Her brows furrow in frustration, and after she catches her balance she is quick to stalk off after Kaida and her Krookodile. The wounded Spectreir follows. As she nears the PRIMAL POINT, her progress is halted by the webbed barrier protecting the machine. Within it, meets her gaze. The Beast's lips curl into a grin. Challenge accepted.

Their fight with the Captain does to go as planned. But that matters little, their intention is not the Primal Point. That is a drop of water in the bucket. If the League needed to use this Point instead of Mt. Pyre, they probably shouldn't destroy it anyway. At the end fo the day, Lex didn't want to get squished like a bug by a meteor. She flees from the Primal Point, but not out of fear or defeat. She's on the hunt for another fight. Her blood boils with the adrenaline of war and the pokeballs at her hip vibrate with anticipation. She locks eyes with , advancing on with a wicked grin.

Lex doesn't take the interruption kindly, and she set her sights on bigger fish. The Beast leaves the ranger behind to advance on the legendary. There, stands in her way. The blood of an Elite Four would taste sweeter on the tongue than the other Leaguers she's battled. One more, not for the glory of Rocket, but to satisfy her own taste blood . . . And hers. The Ultra ball hums in anticipation at her side. She's hungry.

Somehow, the Beast survives, but she's certainly found herself a little rough for ware. She reappears up on the hill, a bit further from fighting for a chance to recover. The Shadow Gardevoir settles beside her as she leans against and slides down the trunk of a tree. Each deep breath is excruciating, sharp pain that shoots up her left side and settles in her shoulder. She can feel the bruises forming tight against her skin. Broken ribs, no doubt, "Fuck," she coughs, resting her head against the trunk, thankful for the brief reprise. She knows it won't last long. Her amber gaze fixes on the theater. What happens next?

+ Lex challenges to a battle! - Complete (360 MP)
+ challenges Lex to battle! - Accepted (in progress)
+ Lex challenges to a battle! - Complete (400 MP)
+ challenges Lex to a battle! - Complete! (460 MP)

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February 14th
Icirrus City, Unova
Does it matter?
Slateport Ranger Capt.
Ranger Captain
166 height
166 height
Don't know, don't care.
518 posts
Tam Fawley DOLLARS
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Tam Fawley
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 16:57:44 GMT
Tam Fawley Avatar

It’s quickly that things become chaotic, but is that not what they had expected from the very beginning? There’s people all around, and it becomes unclear who are their allies and who are their enemies. Especially after a SLUGE BOMB falls upon them. Good thing he had had Blissey SAFEGUARD them all.
”Try to keep Rocket out of the theatre.” Tam tells , , , , and even , who receives a nod in acknowledgement when explaining he’s one of Ever Grande’s rangers. ”I’ll go check the back.”
With that said, it’s his Togekiss that’s released then, Tam giving his squad one final look before heading towards the back entrance to the building.
It’s there that he witnesses stepping out of his Cofagrigus.
”Ugh, fucking edgelords.” Tam sighs, already feeling like he needs another cigarette.
Yet, their EYES LOCK, blue on blue, and it’s at that moment that he signals for the Jubilee Pokémon that flies overhead.



[break]+ Tells the squad to keep Rocket out of the building
[break]+ Goes behind the theatre


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing