i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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august 9th
i'll wreck this if i have to; tell me, what good would that do?
1,144 posts
Orion Lykos DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @orion
Orion Lykos
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 10:06:47 GMT
Orion Lykos Avatar

The face of a friend-turned-enemy sees Orion's blood run cold then hot again, memories of their last conversation fresh in a scrambling mind. His muscles tense, the Ranger half-expecting to turn on him.[break][break]

Instead, Caleb stands at his side and joins in his reckless attack.[break][break]

He fails to return the grin through the myriad of emotions that fight to contort his expression, but a barely-there hint of a smile shines through the chaos before he returns his attention to the battlefield.[break][break]

"Together, then."[break][break]

And even together, they are not alone.[break][break]

He nods to when she joins them, returns ' distant smile, and wonders idly if will finally fire him after he'd made his lust for violence against Rocket clear. That would hurt... but he'd accept such a price to bring down the organization that had maimed him.[break][break]

That morose thought is shattered by the ROAR OF TIME.[break][break]


Raw, genuine fear splits his tone, but the Illumina owl does not fall. She shrinks, her starry black wings bleached white - a Dartrix once more. Looking dazed and confused, she flies back toward Orion with a soft hoot of distress.[break][break]

Expression tight with worry, Orion recalls her and sends out his Absol in her stead.[break][break]

"Break those chains, bud."[break][break]

Pulling the pin from his keystone, the stone around Altair's neck reacts. The MEGA-EVOLVED Absol's horn glows with dark energy as it leaps toward the captive Dialga to NIGHT SLASH the binding red chains. It's ability, SUPER LUCK, would hopefully lend power to the move...[break][break]




Orion regroups with Slateport Squad; Decidueye is recalled when it devolves[break]
Absol is sent out, MEGA EVOLVING to rush for Dialga and target the chains with its NIGHT SLASH. Absol's non-ME ability is SUPER LUCK; we pray for the crit[break]

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 17:57:47 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

Up above, the mission succeeded, something in the back of Kaida's mind took note. She would be relieved, if in that moment the power didn't surge down and strike the Primal Point. Once again, she was too close to something, and threw herself in front of her Comfey. Something slammed into her flank. Her feet left the ground. Indunn squealed.

Blackness met her only briefly, wrenching upwards with a fury only she could still have. The burning bile in her throat only boiled more as she watched Diagla be restricted by the man and his Unknown.

"Let. It. Go!" Something hot was dribbling down her chin, and she only wished she could spit it like some venomous serpent. Besides her, only scratched from being blown back with her, Indunn leapt up and wrapped around her neck for support. The Unknown was a chain, they would have to break it. A whirling Magical Leaf blinked into existence, hanging in the air like decoration for one moment, and leaping forward like brittle fangs the next. They would not miss their targets.


TLDR: Kaida is blown away by the explosion but gets back up and has Indunn use Magical Leaf to cut the Unknown constricting Diagla! 3 Salac used!

Ormr, Ekans, Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!

Munin, Krookodile, Female, Anger Point. Power Trip, Crunch, Earthquake, Outrage, Double Team, Bulk Up.

Idunn, Comfey, Male, Flower Veil. Flower Shield, Leech Seed, Magical Leaf, Aromatherapy, Floral Healing, Growth.

Draugr, Dragapult, Female, Cursed Body. Hex, Phantom Force, Dragon Dance, Infestation, Dragon Tail, Dragon Darts.

Locke, Ariados, Female, Sniper. Spider Web, Cross Poison, Megahorn, Shadow Sneak, Psychic, Focus Energy.

Edder Araquanid, Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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March 18
Ecruteak City
Rustboro Captain
Single; Not Looking
5'4" height
5'4" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,894 posts
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TAG WITH @shalinnariya
Shalin Nariya
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2022 19:09:38 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
While Shalin's aim was not true, Kiara's was; she and had struck the Timelord with a meaningful blow. So it was true: Arceus' Most Sacred Creation were powerful, but they did not have unbeatable defenses. She felt bad not being able to truly battle alongside her Pyroar, like she had in her quest to gather the Medallions of Eight. The girl had to stay hidden, though; without a divine bond of her own, and her one source of PRIMAL ENERGY out of commission after the brutal battle with , she had to remain in a more passive role. It hurt her inside.

The pain inside her magnified further as Dialga's ROAR OF TIME continued. After being struck by the FLAMETHROWER, it wound back the clock for Kiara, transforming her into a Litleo, and a newborn one at that. The fire-type was almost immediately engulfed and trapped by the saddle she wore as a Pyroar, lacking the strength to move from underneath it. Shalin was far too distant to perceive exactly what had happened; one moment Kiara was attacking, the next there was only riding gear where she once stood.

"KIARA!!" Shalin shouted. To her, the lioness and one of her closest friends had been unborn by the unbridled powers of the Timelord in its most powerful form. Power that rivaled the Original One Himself. She abandoned her post atop the church building overlooking the now-ruined Littleroot Theater, slid off the roof, and dashed toward her fire-type friend. As she was about to come to her Pokémon's rescue, she was, just as was, met with a diamond blow from Dialga's hoof.

The BLUE VEST Shalin wore, the one she had procured from the Mirage Palace, had saved her life, able to deflect enough of the blow to keep her alive and conscious. She was in deep trouble. "Kiara, no!" Through sheer force of will, she struggled to her feet, trying to resist the ROAR OF TIME in an effort to discover her Litleo was, in fact, still alive. She reached for the saddle the baby Litleo was pinned under in an attempt to move it, and would recall her Pokémon the moment she saw her.

Provided she was able to free and withdraw the fire-type, she would come to her senses and realize Dialga was not the problem; it was Chef Quanto and the Unown controlling the Timelord. She sent out her final healthy Pokémon, her Milotic, Levy. While he was immobile on land, that didn't make his attacks any less powerful. His mouth foaming with mist, he attempted to freeze the Psychic-type in its tracks with an ICE BEAM.

{WC: 444}

Ammunition: 5 ↑ 4


- Shalin hears Kiara's cry, and a split second later, all she can see is her saddle.
- Shalin abandons her post and charges toward Kiara's saddle, is knocked back by Dialga's hoof, and takes a heavy blow, only surviving because of the BLUE VEST she acquired from the Mirage Palace.
- Shalin's priority is freeing her Litleo (or discovering she's been unborn), then sending out her Milotic and pointing an ICE BEAM at the Unown.
- Using 1 Salac (Source: Splashfest)

NAME           SPECIES         STATUS
Shalin         Human           ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Flit           Yanmega         KO
Queen Zing     Beedrill        KO

Starr          Espeon**        Fair
Kiara          Pyroar          Critical
Levy           Milotic         Good
Treble         Kommo-o         KO

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 17:45:50 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
With one opening of its big fat mouth Dialga managed to rewind time enough for Freya to devolve into her smaller, first form. There was a blink of temporal light and the Riolu hovered there for a moment, comically confused, before falling on her rump in the grass.

But if Dialga or Tonto or whatever the fuck this asshat's name was thought that would do anything to slow her down they had another thing coming.

The fight continues. Dialga pours out waves of energy that cause time to ripple and break. Memo grips Alex's wrist harder, with more purpose, determined to not lose him, this time, or, at the very least, die holding onto him.

The Primal Point fires into the sky with a deafening noise. They could do little more than watch it go up and hope for the best. It hit the meteoroid and broke it into a trillion pieces, save for one glimmering chunk.

Then came Rayquaza with the steel fucking chair.

Memo realized he should be amazed by the beauty and the miraculousness of it all but honestly he was just tired of living through fucking historical world events.

It looked like Independence Day when the alien's shields go down and the earthlings can start shooting the ship- the dome lights up a rainbow of refracted colors and shatters. Memo yelps and throws an arm around Alex to pull him down and sheild him from any debris with his own body.

Freya, meanwhile, might be smaller but she's certainly no less fearless. She sees Dialga crying and writhing in pain. Her aura-reading instincts kick in and she changed course from attacking the time god to targeting the Unown trussing it up like a Christmas goose, attacking in a righteous fury-powered meteor mash.



memo watches everthing happen holding onto alex
freya (riolu) uses meteor mash on the unown holding dialga

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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 18:23:10 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar


Caleb’s eyes widened when he noticed, for the briefest moment, ’s hint of a smile. Relief washed through him, and he felt himself let out a breath he had not realized he’d been holding. He forgives me.[break][break]
Well, it was probably more complicated than that. The more accurate truth was that Orion did not hate Caleb more than he appreciated Caleb’s presence by his side in this tenuous moment.[break][break]
And for Caleb, that was enough. That was more than he deserved.[break][break]
And so they attacked Rocket together, side-by-side, allies instead of the enemies Orion feared they would be. The thrill of battle thrummed through Caleb’s bruised and battered body, and for once, he relished in the knowledge that he was fighting on the right side, the side that wanted to protect Hoenn and its people. When and joined them, Caleb grinned fiercely at his other friends. He also noticed ’s presence, though Caleb did not really have the time to fully take in who, exactly, Tam had apprehended - some Rocket, beaten to an inch of his life by the looks of it. Nice work, he thought, impressed.[break][break]
Damn, it felt good to be part of a team again. A team that cared about one another, who wanted to actually do something about the shit world they lived in. Not even the apocalypse could stop them. Thoughts of melted away for now, as Caleb threw all of his energy and focus into fighting with his squad.[break][break]
When the ROAR OF TIME washed over them, Caleb was momentarily shocked to see Zero transform into a newborn version of himself, small and helpless. He scooped him up quickly so as to ensure his safety, then returned him to his Pokeball. At least he hadn’t been injured or killed. Caleb was already down one Pokemon, and Zero had been a loyal companion of his for many years, it would have been a horrible blow to lose him.[break][break]
In another blinding flash of light, the Primal Point seemed to fire despite the chaos around it. Caleb watched as a beam of pure, powerful energy raced skywards, colliding with the oncoming meteor. An explosion rocked Littleroot, more intense than any normal earthquake, and Caleb fell to one knee by his friends. Had the League been successful then? He tried to see through the haze, pinpoint exactly what had happened...a bright green creature, dragon-shaped, flew through the clouds towards something crystalline still hurtling towards Hoenn...[break][break]
Dialga roared, enraged. Caleb’s gaze snapped back to the battleground before him. There was no time to worry about whether the League’s plan had succeeded. Dialga is angry, Caleb realized, watching the massive legendary creature ahead of them thrash violently, trying to escape the chains that were holding it in place. Caleb didn’t blame the creature: it obviously wanted to be free. A Pokemon of such immense power, a master of time itself, did not belong in a cage.[break][break]
It will kill us all in its rage, we need to help it escape, Caleb's mind raced. Decided, he released Comet from his Pokeball. "Break the chains!" he commanded, as Orion ordered the same of his Absol. The Lucario leapt forward, streaking like his namesake towards Dialga. He unleashed a flurry of blows as he used a CLOSE COMBAT on the chains.[break][break]
Hopefully the combined might of everyone attempting to free Dialga would be enough...

Lucario uses CLOSE COMBAT!


+ Caleb is wearing basic military-grade tactical gear over his Ranger uniform (Example)[break]
+ In addition to his Pokeballs, Caleb carries the knife made by on his hip[break]
+ Caleb feels immense relief when he notices ’s small, subtle smile, glad to be fighting side-by-side with a friend[break]
+ When , , and join them, Caleb is grateful that he found the Slateport Rangers and was given the chance to become one of them. He fights by their side with renewed vigor and belief in their cause, and in his own redemption.[break]
+ Caleb returns the baby Zero to his Pokeball and releases his Lucario, Comet[break]
+ Caleb directs Comet to attack the chains imprisoning Dialga.[break]
+ Comet uses CLOSE COMBAT on the chains. SPECIAL EFFECT: The target’s Defense and Special Defense are both lowered by 1.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 18:47:11 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The cries of battle circle around them. Creams kicks and slams her heels into pokemon.

But her attention is brought to the roar of the time guardian.

Chu-e babbles incoherently in 's ear. The secrets to his fudge cookies, where birthday presents are hidden, silly stories about his cats. Just odd things that show he is clearly not in his right state of mind.

Creams glances at her Trainer with something like pity. But she nods at Tam's Tyranitar and continues her work of trying to back the other pokemon and Trainer up.

- Chu-e still mostly out of it so this is a little phoned in
- His lopunny is still trying to back up 's pokemon

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 19:52:52 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”

Maybe it was because he had the power of a ‘deity’ on his side (albeit it was just a ‘smaller’ version of the one he was familiar with) the attack he threw out was enough to prevent the humanoid cloud-rider from… shrinking?

Just like what happened to the Lucario that had bolted forward, shrunken down back into its younger form.

With all the noise going on around them, it was a miracle he was still able to actually hear himself thinking over this shit.

He could feel a light pressure on his arm, before he looked down to see that—thank fuck—

It was too dangerous to switch now, however—there was nothing else in his party strong enough other than the djinni that he could use in the face of such wrath.

A few moments later, a force of Extrasensory energy came flying from the djinni’s palms, aimed toward the ‘chains’ holding the roaring… being… down.

“I’m tempted to go after his fucking ass,” he growled a few moments later, unsure if the other would catch his words.

“But a lot of people are doing that already.”

He could only hope and wish that and were alright, at the very least.

Good thing, though, was that the boyfriends were staying together!


• Alex/Nikolai.exe is fucking pissed at the chef. What an asshat!
• thank fuck the djinni didn’t shrink
• Tornadus used Extrasensory on the chains holding Dialga down
• actually contemplated going after Chef Quanto but it’s so risky, so messy

this is exclusively

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 25, 2022 20:55:35 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

As the theater is saved and lifted out of the sinkhole it just leaves more room for everyone to fall into the ground as the ground beneath them gives way. Lucky for them it seems like there was something to break their fall, the remains of what looked like a city under the city to be exact. Quick inspection made it seem like it was some sort of industrial ruin by the looks of things but even their age at a glance made it seem like they had been under the earth for way longer than that. Tourism had to close up as the sound of the rampaging dialga above them echoed all around and the world began to shift.

Cities were being rebuilt and Pokemon being formed into the familiar shape of Volcanion, a Pokemon Kaz hadn't seen show up around Hoenn ever since the man made tower incident from back then. In the distance as they slammed into a dimensional wall that kept them from this new world Kaz could see the heart shaped contraption pulsate with energy. Just staring at it made his legs begin to shake and quiver as his mind went into over drive putting two and two together. The words of that Volcanion, the Soul-Heart, that had to be what it was referring too!

The weight of suddenly pressing against him knocked his train of thought off the rails however and he couldn't help but hold the man with one arm as he looked to the sky and everyone around him, spotting as he remembered the man had said something to him about helping out. "yeah well you're gonna owe me a favor in a second! Celsteela!" Calling up to the Ultra Beast it took one look into the hole with a smile on its face before lowering one of its large arms into it, bumping into the invisible wall as the Pokkenger got to his feet, carrying bridal style onto the large arm. "Everyone get on! Elevator's going uuuuuuuuuuuup!"

While it waited for more people to climb on to lift up its arm the roar of time let out by the Dialga triggered a reflex from the Ultra Beast as it raised up its other arm and fired off a few rounds of Seed Bombs towards the chained up temporal beast to stave off an attack, unbeknownst to it it was probably helping save the poor creature.


-kaz recognizes volcanion and possibly the energy source???
-kaz holds onto random citizen ()
-has celesteela use one arm to make a ladder/bridge out of the hole
-celesteela uses other arm to seed bomb the dialga to free it

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august 12th
ex-ranger captain
oh, honey
like the summer sunshine
6'5'' height
6'5'' height
1,117 posts
boruta maher DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @boruta
boruta maher
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 2:59:26 GMT
boruta maher Avatar
the primal point fired, and bo held his breath a moment as it shot up into the air, towards meteno. what happened next was a succession of things that jerked around the emotions, and left him dreading the beam that fired back towards them.

a moment later, his ears were ringing. he was on the ground, trying to regain his senses, feeling like he’d been hit by a truck.

bo watched from afar as charged towards dialga, the avatar perched atop virizion’s back. did silph have a death wish, or were they about to see some crazy avatar powers at work? hopefully the latter. hopefully, it would be enough.

golem, who had been tossed back by the explosion at the primal point machine, was returned and switched out for tyranitar. as the ranger captain pushed to his feet, he suppressed a stone on his belt. the tyranitar mega evolved.

”help them! STONE EDGE!”

from the ground near dialga, sharp rocks jutted upward to stab at the unown imprisoning the dialga.

  • is knocked back by explosion
  • switches out golem for tyranitar
  • tyranitar mega evolves
  • mega evolved tyranitar uses stone edge on unown chaining dialga
  • used 1x salac
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February 14th
Icirrus City, Unova
Does it matter?
Slateport Ranger Capt.
Ranger Captain
166 height
166 height
Don't know, don't care.
518 posts
Tam Fawley DOLLARS
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Tam Fawley
POSTED ON Nov 26, 2022 21:13:56 GMT
Tam Fawley Avatar

Remember how Tam had thought all this to be way above his pay grade?
Well, soon enough that sentiment finds itself enhanced, reinforced, and goddamn doubled. All it takes is Lily devolving back into a Pupitar after having dealt with a bunch of pesky Megalopolans who probably were looking forward to eating them as lunch.
”...What the fuck?”
See, Tam had had his orders: take part of the Slateport ranger squad to Littleroot, protect the town from Team Rocket’s attack, and make sure they don’t get to the primal point. All that was well and good, and he had done as the League had asked even when things got way crazier than what was originally anticipated.
Tam’s apathy only goes so far, though.
They’re out here trying to save the world, but at that moment, when seeing his Tyranitar get hurt, when seeing the same thing happen to the pokémon of his squad around him… The world is not what matters. His attention is not on Dialga anymore, not on Team Rocket, not on the Megalopolans, and not even on the whispers of a likely-still-unconscious . His attention is on the man who had commanded the legend to attack them all.
Lily is called back to her pokéball for her own sake, much to her dismay. In her place, he releases a seemingly harmless Klefki. The same Klefki that had been the only surviving egg after his battle against , and also the same one that had aided them in apprehending .
”See that guy over there?” Despite it all, it’s with his characteristic calm and composure that Tam nods towards Chef Quanto. ”Get as close as you can and use Steel Beam.”
He knows the danger that comes with it, the implications, but there is still no hesitation. He simply watches as his pokémon (and by consequence also Chu-e's Lopunny) moves in for an attack, only one thought remaining prevalent in his mind: to get , , , and out of here safely.
In order to do that, first they must deal with this.



[break]▷ Annoyed that his Tyranitar got de-evolved bc THAT'S HIS BUDDY
[break]▷ This is personal now, so Quanto must be dealt with
[break]▷ Calls out his KLEFKI and orders it to get as close to Quanto as possible before using STEEL BEAM on him
[break]▷ Just wants to get the squad out of here safely tbh ;-;


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october 12
petalburg city, hoenn
botanist / petalburg capt.
ranger captain
you sigh look away, i can see it clear as day. close your eyes so afraid, hide behind that baby face
239 posts
wren rourke DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wren
wren rourke
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 0:08:45 GMT
wren rourke Avatar

Awkwardly, he manages to better hoist himself over Basil’s back as he steadily climbs out and away from the sliding earth. Wren’s own name rings in his ears. There was no way…he couldn’t have heard it. He tells himself again and again as he continues to retreat. Until a cold, sinking realization settles itself in the pit of his stomach.

What is he thinking?

Dread washes through him at the thought that it could very well be that he did hear his name called, in the exact, familiar voice he would know anywhere. And what would happen next, if he continues to ignore that cry? What sort of friend would he be? Did it matter if it was out here, on an opposing side? No, Wren decides it swiftly, and tugs on his gogoat’s ruff to wheel him back around toward the sinkhole that’s become of the Littleroot Theatre once again.

No, what matters is that he doesn’t turn away from Levy, or whoever it was that yelled for him. Not when he’s needed; he doesn’t want to live with the regret that he could have done something.

He spots that same, owl-masked figure on the further edge of the falling debris. The one that gave him the weird, gut feeling. “Levy?” he yells back in his direction, urging Basil to pick up the pace. But something knocks in the masked figure, an explosion of detritus and dirt, compounding altogether. It blows the mask away, and he’s falling further down inside.

“Levy!” That time his call sounds more like a wail, and as he reaches the edge where his best friend was standing moments before, Wren can’t see anything at all. No sign of the other boy, nothing left behind. Only the deep dark of the hole going who knew how far down.

But he’s not about to just abandon him now. Steering the nimble gogoat, they edge their way back down out of the hole they’ve just escaped, and Wren continues to call his friend’s name, looking for any sign of him through the gloom. His stomach twists itself into dozens of knots. What if he can’t find him? What if he’s—

He can’t finish the thought.

The earth gives again, and the bottom seems to open up beneath them, though Basil continues to attempt navigating along the edges of the hole without tumbling down. Wren ignores the nauseating pain in his foot everytime his ankle nudges something it shouldn’t, but his focus is soon lost as a whole world seems to open up further below. At least, that’s what it feels like. Everything beneath twists and breaks down and rebuilds, and he doesn’t know what any of this means, but it’s also a little impossible to look away. At least until he remembers why he’s down there again.

Wren commits the sight to hazy memory, and then resumes his hunt for . He’ll make sense of what he’s just seen later.


tldr; wren second guesses the choice to ignore hearing his name, turns around and sees falling into the sinkhole near a small explosion. goes after him, but can’t see him from the edge so goes back down even though he just escaped (never said he was smart…) doesn’t know that grabbed levy, and has cloaked them with HAZE. Keeps looking, but is temporarily distracted by the underground ruins and dimensional rift. sos?

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 0:43:29 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
roar of time is all too familiar to him. it's both the move that made him revisit his worst days he's had on hoenn, and the one that gave him the hope to accomplish the best achievement he's ever had.

like everyone else, he wants to harness its power. unlike everyone, he's bound by conditioned loyalty to rocket's goal.

priam allows himself one glance at the ever changing landscape. he feels the hair raise by their ends-- a similar feeling to when he was last here to blow up the tree of life that grew underneath a contest stage. it's only for a moment, but he takes in everything: the shifting layouts, the steampunk architecture beneath, and siblings of the pokemon that visited him that fateful day.

it hurts priam to not take the time to savor the moment, but the deed must be done.

is met with silence. as much as he prefers to be amicable, there's simply just no time to talk outside of business right now. the benefit of the doubt rings in his head again despite the other's kill intent. if he truly wants a truce, he better prove it by not messing up rocket's operations.

it was that gets an actual response from him. he opens his mouth to protest, having been familiar with 's studies. primal crystals all lead to sea hoenn but with the fluctuating time-space they were at, there's no guarantee where it would land. instead of a tirade, priam exhibits blind faith to fate.

"hell fuckin' yeah, i do!" it's a resource he's always been too stingy to use, but circumstances force his hand. "gabby!"

a hand grabs a z-crystal from his pocket, brings it up, and crushes it in his fist. the dragon-type starts to gather loose earth and rocks, including his own stealth rocks, to form one big boulder.

gabite uses continental crush

priam remains restless even after the move was on its route to crash into the rift. he's not sure what's the right thing to do anymore. to deal with dialga, to look for the third member of the lake trio, to check up on and . everything is superseded with procuring the energy source, whatever that means. it's against his personal interests, but following 's lead remains to be the only thing that rings in his head.

contact between the z-move and the crystal was necessary. the last move belongs to someone else. for a person who proclaims to like being in the spotlight too much, priam can't help but be the supporting cast yet again.

"throw the shard at it!"

  • uses a z-crystal
  • gabite uses z-move continental crush to activate the primal shard


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Andy, Seraphim
July 15th
Hammerlocke, Galar
19 height
19 height
"I also know that blood smells like. Call it a gift."
49 posts
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TAG WITH @andraste
Andraste Breathnach
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 2:10:16 GMT
Andraste Breathnach Avatar
The only thing that Andraste could do was remind herself to breathe. The sudden shifting of the world around them; the buildings, the environment... And some of their Pokemon. It was enough to make anyone dizzy. Had Andraste not had all of the military training under her belt, she might have become a wilted flower, unsure of what to do next.

Gael reverting to a previous form... That was the most troubling part, and instead of leaving the Metang out there, she recalled it back to it's Pokeball. One, two, breathe. One, two, breathe. Focus. It was a good thing that Thomas was keeping an eye on her, and she noted his quick thinking with his Hydreigon. She took the chance and climbed up behind him on the Pokemon's back, running through what Pokemon she had left that could do any sort of damage...

Releasing Ena from her ball, the Espeon settled in close to Andraste on the dragons back. Thomas himself was priming an attack with his gun, and the woman did the same. She primed her rifle, pointed it at Quanto, and fired a single shot with a skilled hand. At the same time, she ordered Ena: "Use Psychic on the man."

Without skipping a beat, the Espeon lobbed the Psychic attack at Quanto as well...

- rough visual of her outfit
- Gets on Thomas' Hydreigon with him
- Returns Metang and replaces with Espeon
- Shoots at Quanto
- Espeon uses Psychic on Quanto


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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 2:16:20 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

The ROAR OF TIME echoes in the background like white noise. Her eyes remain focused on her enemy. The others seemed to have Quanto and his legendary beast under control.

The explosion is magnificent. The MIND BLOWN shatters some of the avatar’s precious pillars and Lex can’t help but wonder if a Blacephalon is what she has needed all along. There is certainly an alluring effect of power that was becoming more apparent to the Beast the strong her got.

Despite the blast, still seems to rise. Her amber eyes narrow in contempt. He was like a cockroach, impossible to get rid of.

The PRIMAL POINT fires, a beam so bright, it’s momentarily blinding. Lex hisses and covers her eyes while flinching away. Energy cracks through the air and once her eyes adjust she follows the trajectory of the beam towards the heavens. She hadn’t even thought to look up the whole time. Just before he beam strikes, she managed to catch a glimpse of the imposing meteoroid in all its glory. Her mind quickly flashes to , and a silent prayer to whatever gods may be listening begs that he made it off the rock in time.

There’s no time to comprehend what is happening until it does. The glow of the beam flashes back towards them and behind wide eyes Lex panics for a moment. The machine is struck by the energy and the explosion is even more impressive than the Blacephalon. The pulse of energy knocks Lex back onto her ass and forces the wind out of her lungs. She gasps to replace it as she tries to scramble to her feet to make sense of the situation.

A barrage of attacks fire towards the Unown that strangle the legendary beast at the command of Chef Quanto. If Lex has learned anything, actions don’t go without consequences, and Quanto wasn’t going to get away so easily.

Lex leaves the Blacephaon behind, unclipping the final pokeball on her belt to release a DHELMISE. The ghostly anchor’s massive form sways ominously in the still air, “Him,” Lex points towards the Drk Triad assassin. Walsh and the Megalopolans would likely want a conversation with him. May as well try to bring him in.

A deep groan echoes across through the battlefield as if a old machine had finally been turned on. The pokemon large eye focuses on the white-haired man. The soundof metal scrapping against metal hums through the air as a set of spectral steel chains shoot out towards Quanto, attempting to wrap him up and drag him back towards the Rockets.

+ Lex tries to nab Quanto by having Dhelmise use ANCHOR SHOT


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September 23rd
Castelia City
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
182 posts
Noah Camus DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noahcamus
Noah Camus
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 3:05:40 GMT
Noah Camus Avatar

What on earth was happening right now? Both his and 's Tyranitar devolved back to their Pupitar version, this was one of the most not optimal things that could have happened right now, but also something that Noah had never expected to see in his life time, especially in the middle of combat, like right now. They didn't really have time to question the legality of such things, mostly because there was no laws in

When every brain cell within his head tried to wrap around what was actually happening and failed completely, Noah had the genius idea of simply mimicking what his superiors were doing, in this case he would copy Tam. Taking the Pupitar out of the field back to it's pokeball. He had to keep trying despite that being the one pokemon he was sure to be battle ready. His next best option would his Gyarados that could also mega evolve but after seeing what just happened it felt like a massive risk to do so. [break][break]

Taking another pokeball from his belt, Noah would let the Gyarados loose, hoping to Arceus that it would not turn into a Magikarp when it was most needed, that would suck but such was life. Other than that he had to stay ready for any movement from their enemies once again, this time he would not want to make a bad move like before. Looking towards the Slateport Captain once again for answers. "What do we do here, Tam? Move forward or stand our ground!?" It felt bad to attack first when he didn't know what exactly caused his pokemon to de-evolve. [break][break]

The boy's simple mind only stuck on three simple ideas and concepts. Protect , survive and keep on fighting, the only question there was how long those things were going to help him keep on going forward.[break][break]





  • Pupitar returns to pokeball.
  • Gyarados is freed from it's pokeball.
  • Readies himself for the enemies next move.
  • Awaits orders from
  • Questions how far he can go on like this.
  • Outfit: Ranger Uniform.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing