i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 5th
Castelia City
Model / Art + Design Student
The hardest thing, I'm too selfless to leave~
183 posts
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TAG WITH @hailee
Hailee Jacobs
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 3:53:41 GMT
Hailee Jacobs Avatar

It didn't take long for their captain, , to arrive and for Hailee to feel slightly more at ease with the group reunited safe and sound again. Whether she wanted to admit it or not, the Slateport squad here were the people she spent most of her time with. They were like family to her at this point, especially when she felt so estranged from her real blood relatives(except , of course). She'd been extremely worried for them when they had become separated so to say she was relieved to see them no worse for wear now would be an understatement.[break][break]

Valerie was truly on her A-game here. She was putting forth a stellar performance and Hailee couldn't be more proud of her. Her strike strong and her aim was true as she tore through rockets and megalopolans alike as they tried to interfere with those protecting the PRIMAL POINT. After her strike Valerie reverted back to her regular form before returning to Hailee's side. [break][break]

Hailee reached for her and embraced her. "You did so well!" she encouraged Valerie as she felt her snuggle against her. But their joy was short lived as Dialga's Roar Of Time rocked Littleroot to it's core. Hailee flinched closing her eyes shut for a moment before opening them to see what went on. To her surprise those around her, being Tam, Orion, Caleb, and Noah had their pokémon's form devolved. "W-what?!" Hailee questioned as she looked around in alarm. Valerie was fine but the rest...[break][break]

She didn't have much time to ponder on what exactly was going on before a giant beam of light shot forth from the PRIMAL POINT piercing through the sky, hurtling towards the meteor. It was blinding, even from this distance that Hailee had to shield her eyes. That was until an explosion rocked Littleroot's foundation so much that it caused Hailee to fall to her knees. Chaos broke out around them at breakneck speeds as Dialga, clearly infuriated, roared once more as it struggled against it's chains. [break][break]

"We'll die..." that was the only thought on Hailee's mind as she watched the lord of time struggle against it's bonds. They would die and all be caught up as collateral at this point. Hailee felt sick but what could she do? Both Orion and Caleb seemed to believe breaking the chains Dialga was thrashing against would be the best move, but what if they were wrong? What would happen when the enraged Titan was no longer contained? Would his fury not extend to all those gathered here? [break][break]

Noah also seemed to be wondering what their plan of action should be as he turned to ask their Captain. But wouldn't that be too much pressure for one person? It was certainly a lot of pressure on her. Tam was human just like the rest of them, Captain or not. Hailee bit her lip so hard the taste of iron filled her mouth letting her know she'd broke skin in her panic. Either way something had to be done. Hailee's piercing glare landed on the one that put them in this dangerous situation in the first place, rage building within her. "Him." Hailee pointed at Chef Quanto. "Aim at him." [break][break]

Valerie began to gather energy around her as a sphere of pink light began to grow as she prepared a MOONBLAST meant just for the man that was threatening them all. Regardless of what they orders would be they needed to do something before they all got caught up in this madness. If not, it wouldn't matter if they were League or Rocket, they'd all be in big trouble and Hailee quite frankly, didn't want to see things come to that. She had loved ones she wanted to see and protect. [break][break]



🌟 Hailee's Mega Altaria reverts back to it's original form[break]
🌟 Hailee reacts to her team's pokémon devolving around her except for her own.[break]
🌟 Altaria(Valerie) uses MOONBLAST on DRK Triad member, Chef Quanto while Hailee and the rest of her team brace for what's next.[break]
🌟 outfit: ranger uniform


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 4:38:20 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



Nothing quite ever prepared you for having your balls recede back into your scrotum.

"Oh, goddamn it." Spat the prepubescent youth as he stared at his teeny tiny, mostly unblemished hands, brow twitching as his voice cracked halfway through the cuss.

Not a second later, he heard a wheeze followed by a cackle, the sound of crunching grass following as Lele fell to the floor and rolled over the greenery, laughing the whole time.

"Oh, go to hell! Where did ya even come from!?"

Of all the times to become... what was he? 11? 12? He didn't know! All he knew was that he was SHORT!

"... Still taller than tho..." He reassured himself as he patted himself for injuries— but with Lele nearby, such things had long since healed up, his own scales empowered by her presence.

Speaking of whom.

"Are you still laughing?" Snapped the boy at his matron, huffing. "If yer 'ere to help, then do it already! The cook's kidnapping Dialga again!"

The island deity slowly came to a rolling stop at the boy's words, her gaze lazily dragging over to where the Ninja cook and his godly prisoner were, surrounded by Unown and trying to escape.

Humming thoughtfully at the sight, the island deity suddenly launched off the ground without warning, drawing a surprised yelp out of the young trainer as she suddenly popped over besides him and yoinked one of his net balls.

"Oi! Goran's still hurt—! Oh." His protest died halfway out his mouth as the netball was fully covered in a neon pink glow, before the island deity launched it towards the Unown chain with a form-perfect baseball pitch.

It flew straight at a comfortable 300mph/h, attempting to crack the cook across the face before opening up to release the newly fully healed Galvantula unto the field, his eyes filled with life and purpose as he pointed his bum at the giant god and the little symbols attempting to chain it and released a large mass of neon green spider webbing!


- Doug has been temporarily de-aged back to 13. That's a thing that can happen, right?
-Tapu Lele finds this hilarious.
-Tapu Lele does not find ninjas controlling time gods hilarious, however.
-Tapu Lele-has-an-idea.jpg
-Tapu Lele sent Galvantula! It used Spider Web!
Spider Web prevents the target from switching out or fleeing (including via Teleport).

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
4,408 posts
jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 5:31:13 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

[attr="class","textarea"] his allies protect him in their own ways. he's grateful for 's constraints on the strangely formed dialga, and on 's distraction with . it allows jayden and his pokemon to run forward to what he believes is real antagonist.

[break][break] "you made a mistake coming here," he bites out.

[break][break] jayden's serrated blade slices forward alongside the ultrabeast's power, and he manages one close hit before being knocked back by the dialga's diamond hooves.

[break][break] pain spots in his vision as he is thrown back violently onto the dirt. though his head still whirls, he sees a beam blasted by and knows it's his escape. jayden quickly rolls to the side to avoid being smashed to pieces, throwing a silent thank-you towards his fellow admin, before jumping backwards quickly out of the legendary's deadly path.

[break][break] despite their efforts, however, the primal point's beam fires. jayden's head snaps towards the sight of it, just in time to catch what seems like a RAYQUAZA racing through the skies. before he can confirm his belief, however, there is an explosion that resonates that throws him back towards the ground with another grimace.

[break][break] the invisible dome above them shatters violently, revealing the sight of overlapping images like stars in a planetarium. the image strikes jayden with immediate deja vu, thinking of the vision that 's recklessness had shown them back on the boat several weeks ago. the realm shifts and stutters, a sensation that jayden can feel deep in his chest, before stabilizing.

[break][break] but the damage was done.

[break][break] "you're not going anywhere," he says defiantly, before raising his voice. "rockets, stop him!"

[break][break] with his shout, the kartana aiding him runs to slice up the chains with SACRED SWORD once more. his own mimikyu powers up with a GIGA DRAIN in attempt to soak up the power of the unknown so they'll be left unable to string up their legendary beast. after all, with no water, there are no roots. with no sunlight and soil, no life to blossom.

[break][break] his convictions would sail if not by his own hand, then rocket's.

[break][break] they weren't going to let them go anywhere.





— jayden is with , , near the PRIMAL POINT [break]
— KARTANA uses SACRED SWORD on the chains, assisted by MIMIKYU'S GIGA DRAIN [break]
[break][break] UmUsTocp


[attr="class","fas fa-crow"]


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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 5:47:55 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar







A lot of actions happen, explosions, dimensions shifting, 's titties distracting Bryan for a mere second. [break][break]

At the end of the day, the energy source was discovered and Bryan's eyes widened as he witnessed time begin to flow backwards in the space locked off from them. "What the..What the fuck?!" was something like this always sleeping under this forgotten town? He showed just how little he knew. [break][break]

offers Bryan an escape route via the man's celesteela, but bryan shakes his head no. "I'm staying here. I got my own escape route planned." he counters before he watches celesteela raise it's arm to fire a seed blast and crystals suddenly raining down from the sky. Were these from the meteor? Shit! [break][break]

"Babe!" he shouts as Priam was still in disguise as he calls out to him warning him of the danger by pointing at the sky but sees what him and are planning and overhears they need to use a z-move or a mega evolution. "Audino, it's time! Mega evolve!" [break][break]

He taps the keystone on his earring as his audino began to glow and MEGA EVOLVES [break][break]

"Slam that crystal!" he orders as Audino chirps and unleashes a dazzling gleam upon the PRIMAL CRYSTAL and against the tera crystals falling near them. He rushes next to Priam intent on defending him from anyone who attacks him. He stares at , not trusting him to keep the peace for long. [break][break]




notes about this post

.Reunites with and and at the force field. [break]
.Overhears 's plan with the primal crystal and watches priam use a z-move. [break]
.Follows up with mega evolving audino and has it use dazzling gleam on the crystal and also on the falling crystals around them.[break]


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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 7:04:32 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Felix clicked his tongue against the back of his teeth as the pink blade of psychic energy crashed against the ancient god's foot and a dark puff of smoke overtook it's surroundings, engulfing it's immediate area with a cloak of night.

"You okay?"

He was mainly referring to , but with the admin's immediate spring back into action, it was clear there weren't any major injuries from the fall.

Perfect. Great.

Now it was their turn to strike back.

Looking back up, his eyes narrowed down at the dark trid's member and his supposed ally. It was looking more and more like the "allied" unknowns served more as a noose around the ladder's neck, enforcing its cooperation, than a true partner.

How the mighty have fallen, Felix thought behind a grimace. And yet, as pleasurable as it was to watch such a powerful creature be brought down to it's knees,  he knew walking away wasn't an option. They couldn't ignore this.

He clicked his tongue again.

With a single gesture, he sent forth his Gallade again, this time geared for the offensive rather than the defensive. Armed with his sharpened blades, the swordsman took aim at the unknowns with a series of NIGHT SLASH.


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the one-eyed wolf
april 1st
montenevera, paldea
ANVIL mercenary
late nights
and love bites
6'6" height
6'6" height
you got me dancing in the dark, hit the lights with a blackout
250 posts
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TAG WITH @cade
Cade Atreides
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 8:04:49 GMT
Cade Atreides Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]i turn to stone [break] when you are gone
[attr="class","cadehead-text"]Their allied GUZZLORD is tossed aside by the might of the giant reptile (GROUDON). Cade spares the scene a momentarily glance before returning his attention to infiltrating the PRIMAL POINT with his MEGA SABLEYE. Unfortunately, that same girl from before ( ) steps in to interrupt them.[break][break]


Any response to the attack, however, is halted by the sudden roar from ORIGIN FORME DIALGA. Cade and his Sableye take cover behind its giant gem, watching as others undergo wild transformations. Not much time is given before the legendary Pokémon prepares another reality-shifting attack, however. Thankfully, it is brought to an immediate stop by others.[break][break]

Snapping out of it, Cade is determined to resume his objective before the PRIMAL POINT fires. His attention shoots towards its target, and he watches as the meteoroid is teleported elsewhere, wondering which land was doomed to become a CRATER instead. It is only when he realizes a strange energy RICHOCETING back towards them that he, again, snaps out of it.[break][break]


His MEGA SABLEYE wraps him up in its arms in an attempt to shield him and itself with its LARGE GEM. Regardless, the two are cast aside damaged, and the giant gem manages to crack before chipping away. The two stagger back up just in time to see the blonde chef forming a portal and chaining up the legendary beast.[break][break]

"Ugh... I'm not getting paid enough for this..."

The half-masked blonde states, pausing to pull out a cigarette and light it. He watches as others attempt to help and free the beast (DIALGA), though takes notice of the girl ( ) from before, too. At the sight of her injured state, he sighs.[break][break]

Despite his own cuts, bruises, and burns, the mercenary unclips a small first-aid baggie from his belt and tosses it towards her. "I said no hard feelings, right? Take it or leave it, I just don't want to see you die in front of me. This is all just a chore to me anyway." He remarks.[break][break]

Turning his attention back to the object of her LUCARIO's attack, however, he ultimately decides to continue. "Since we're all here... I guess we should all chip in. It'd be nice to be owed a favor from a god." His Sableye grins, pointing its chipped gem in the direction of the UNOWN swarming DIALGA.[break][break]




📝 TLDR[break][break]

💎 tosses a FIRST-AID KIT![break]
[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 27, 2022 14:09:31 GMT
Deleted Avatar
Viole looked in shock as horror dawned on him at what he saw.

This... Was this under his hometown this whole time? Ruins of a bygone era left to rot. Hidden behind city streets and buildings. Which were now coming to life... The wheel of time was reversing as age-old ruins began to creak and turn, restoring themselves to better days. And at the heart of it all were some ... strange pokemon.

In this strange place that was more than it seemed, the vengeful man realized quickly that maybe this was why Team Rocket suddenly attacked them? And if it was... "Shit!" He had to get out of here! And warn... someone! The League would know what to do... Right?

Quickly grabbing and tossing out a Pokeball, his Golbat fluttered in the air beside him as he held onto it. "Envy, UP!" With that said utilizing a gust of wind it conjured to lift itself better with its extra load, the pair took off for the higher ground.

It was only up to luck if they got out alright.

+ Viole realizes this is all very bad.
+ Thinks this is why Team Rocket is attacking.
+ Uses his Golbat to FLY to the surface.

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may 15
5'10" height
5'10" height
Give some supportance to the bending twigs.
651 posts
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TAG WITH @elijah
elijah gardner
POSTED ON Nov 28, 2022 1:46:04 GMT
elijah gardner Avatar

as the ROAR OF TIME beats across the field, the apothecary sees his allied POIPOLE tossed away. he holds onto his ELDEGOSS tightly, but its light body combined with the sheer force of DIALGA'S attack tosses the man far.[break][break]

he lands with a harsh thud. grass and dirt clumps stain his clothes as he peers at the large SINKHOLE by littleroot theatre.[break][break]

he hears cry out for someone (). though he is unsure of the man's affiliation, there is no use for further loss. it would have been a tragedy should elijah ever come to know that this twenty-year-old was a botany student.[break][break]

he calls upon his GOGOAT in case another ROAR OF TIME flings his ELDEGOSS away like a dandelion seed.[break][break]

the goat creates a GRASSY TERRAIN. leaves and vines grow in limited curls across the crumbling walls of the pit.[break][break]

"just get outta there! climb out- or ride my goat outta there if you can. no use dying here for nothin'."[break][break]

his gogoat is carefully perched nearby, able to navigate the steep walls with its hooves.[break][break]

TL;DR - gogoat called out to help wren.[break][break]

[attr="class","pokesprite pokemon slowking"]*[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-frogadier"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-gogoat"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon eldegoss"][break]
*Galarian Slowking.

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2022 6:17:23 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Battle Vs. Shadow Triad | Pokémon Masters EX


THE RETURN OF THE PRIMAL POINT'S BEAM comes as a surprise to the DRK Triad Chef. The meddling of fate. Anomalies that tear into the expected timeline from blind spots. It is all too much even for the DRK Triad to expect.[break][break]

As Chef Quanto attempts to pull the DIALGA back with him to a dimension or universe unknown, the trainers of Hoenn attempt to fight back. Alongside them, some Megalopolans join the fight, their Ultra Beasts soaring toward swarms of UNOWN.[break][break]

While clings to , their TORNADUS and RIOLU fight in tandem. A METEOR MASH descends with EXTRASENSORY'S psychic power against the UNOWN CHAIN. Nearby, a recovering and her COMFEY cast a flurry of MAGICAL LEAF that weaves in with Councilwoman 's KOMMO-O'S CLANGING SCALES. The resulting attacks scatter UNOWN apart like tossed Lego blocks.[break][break]

A SHINY SALAMENCE is summoned from 's ball. With a mighty roar, it BRUTAL SWINGS the chain, loosening the UNOWN'S hold as they rattle about. 's MILOTIC fires an ICE BEAM that freezes the ropes of UNOWN against the eerie legs of DIALGA, granting 's LUCARIO to land a brutal CLOSE COMBAT that ends with the shattering of ice against fist.[break][break]

is keen enough to understand the grave implications of what has happened. With these opening rifts—although the multiverse's topology has been liberated from its crushed shape—what threats lie beyond these portals? What hidden damages have been incurred by the sudden spring of universal unraveling? Where are the micro-cracks in desperate need of grout? Her small and borrowed NIHILEGO POUNDS its tentacles against the DRK Triad Member's UNOWN-R.[break][break]

The NIHILEGO's ATTACK is enough distraction for 's GALLADE to dart in. A sharp swing of its blades slices across the chain with the dark energy of a critical NIGHT SLASH. Simultaneously, 's borrowed KARTANA is brandished with a startling swiftness. Its SACRED SWORD is adorned by the verdant blooms of a MIMIKYU'S GIGA DRAIN.[break][break]

Representing ranger resilience, bounces back from the explosion. His GOLEM exchanged for a MEGA EVOLVING TYRANITAR, a violent STONE EDGE erupts from underneath the DIALGA. Sharp stones pierce through the chain, forcing UNOWN to scatter while 's CELESTEELA uses one bamboo-green limb as a bridge for . From the sinkhole, 's SMEARGLE casts a MYSTICAL POWER from its paintbrush tail, while SEED BOMBS are pumped out from the CELESTEELA'S FREE ARM. Together, the attacks clash among the debris of crumbling stone.[break][break]

's ABSOL dashes toward the DIALGA. Leaping over flame and toppled plank, it MEGA EVOLVES and swings its head, the crest hardening for a CRITICAL NIGHT SLASH on the chain. As the UNOWN find themselves disconnecting, 's LUCARIO leaps, paws facing each other to conjure a powerful SHADOW BALL. It howls, launching the massive orb of energy toward the chain...


SOME DIRECT THEIR ATTENTION DIRECTLY TO THE DRK TRIAD MEMBER, QUANTO. However, the man uses DIALGA as a shield against the onslaught. Where he lacks the cool arrogance of Father Winter, lacks the conspicuous conviction of Dr. Holo, Quanto possesses enough mulishness to keep himself safer than the others.[break][break]

and his patron calls upon their GALVANTULA. A SPIDER WEB falls upon the DIALGA, strings of the strongest silk attempting to keep the temporal steed from teleporting away with Quanto. 's MEGA SABLEYE attempts to strike the DRK Triad's UNOWN-R. It slows the act of teleportation, allowing others to strike before the resolution.[break][break]

and his SLATEPORT SQUAD attempt to strike the assassin himself. However, the KLEFKI'S STEEL BEAM and 's ATLARIA's MOONBLAST are endured by the DIALGA itself. Explosions of energy rock against the behemoth as watches alongside .[break][break]

The slayer of Ouroboros, , calls upon her DHELMISE. The rattling of chains fills the air as an ANCHOR SHOT fires toward Quanto, who shifts to the side in time for the attack to wrap around DIALGA's LEG. The ANCHOR SHOT's length tightens as it heaves the DIALGA back.[break][break]

An ESPEON from attempts to PSYCHIC Quanto, but it nabs the gargantuan titan of time instead. It pulls the DIALGA back too.[break][break]

's LUCARIO'S SHADOW BALL flies toward the chain. Simultaneously, 's HYDREIGON launches its Z-MOVE: DRACONIAN WRATH. The dragon's three heads open their maws wide. Within each bloodthirsty jaw, beams of energy grow before coalescing into a crackling draconic skull of energy that launches toward the chain.[break][break]

On VIRIZON, charges toward the DIALGA alongside the arcs of these attacks. The sacred swordsman glows with a prepared MEGAHORN. An unlikely allyship, though unplanned, comes in the form of 's MESPRIT. A MYSTICAL POWER reveals itself with its true strength. The lake guardian's PSYCHIC power is channeled into a powerful projectile that swerves in alongside the aforementioned attacks.[break][break]

They crash into the splitting UNOWN CHAIN. Combined energies detonate like a nuclear bomb against the adamantine crystal of the ORIGIN FORME DIALGA.[break][break]

In the aftermath, as trails of smoke leave the area like ghostly scarves, all that is left is an unchained ORIGIN FORME DIALGA. Quanto seems to have departed safely alongside his UNOWN-R.


MEANWHILE, AT THE SINK HOLE OF LITTLEROOT, looks for his beloved friend. Far below, he sees the golden membrane of an impermeable rift. Its glossy pane reveals another world deep below, perhaps, a kingdom from the past resurrected by the temporal manipulation of DIALGA'S ROAR. A GOGOAT greets him for assistance, should he take 's help.[break][break]

@viole's suspicions would prove to be correct. The mechanical kingdom deep below is indeed, Rocket's aim. As he flies out of danger with his GOLBAT, descends safely. UXIE hovers close to him and although the child can not see what is beyond the temporary veil, the UXIE decides to communicate feelings. Words. Its knowledge:

Nearby, catches the burning FUSION OF A MEGA SABLEYE'S GEM & PRIMAL CRYSTAL SHARD. He obscures his party after rescuing , the COFAGRIGUS'S HAZE expanding as an ominous sea. Although attempts to follow , the HAZE interferes with the child's attempt to find him.[break][break]

's publication inspires . His recollection of League academia allows him to commit the daring: another activation of the primal shard.[break][break]

The eager, 1-vs-100 hungry complies. After he crushes a Z-CRYSTAL, his GABITE is empowered with the power of ULTRA HOLE RADIATION. Simultaneously, 's AUDINO MEGA EVOLVES. The dramatic lights of their transformations can be witnessed by through the smoke, but they do not betray what is occurring beneath the HAZE.[break][break]

The AUDINO DAZZLING GLEAMS, but it is the direct strike from Z-MOVE: CONTINENTAL CRUSH that secures the consequence. A BLINDING LIGHT consumes , , and before they disappear.


TEAM ROCKET FINDS ITS TICKET INTO THE MECHANICAL KINGDOM. Although the League will eventually find their way into this space, a realm once hidden and deactivated by the passage of time, the odd primal crystal grants the syndicate a shortcut.[break][break]

, , and find themselves in the middle of a refunctioning kingdom built out of clockwork gears and machinery. They manifest in the middle of a city square. There are no humans here. Just pipes, pulleys and levers; though curiously, despite their old make, comprise what appears to be a technologically advanced kingdom.[break][break]

Around them the heavy stomping of metal can be heard. Occasionally, a music box's song can be heard, its melody appealing to the hearts of those listening. Artificial, pokeball-shaped Pokemon teeter and totter around following the music's rhythm like animatronics on an orchestrated ride.[break][break]

Slowly but surely, the Rockets find themselves surrounded by VOLCANION. These Pokemon seem entirely mechanical, lacking a sentience and glow behind their eyes. They detach the arch on their back to form two pipe-like limbs, ready to expel hot SCALDing water at these intruders...



THE WILDS will include THE MECHANICAL KINGDOM as a possible location in the future.


The ORIGIN FORME DIALGA is freed from all hinderances. However, it is terribly perplexed. With a pained roar, DIALGA raises its front hooves to retaliate against all those here... but gains a shard of lucidity. A grateful gaze passes throughout the town as another ROAR OF TIME is loosed.[break][break]

This time, the attack is more calculated. More soft. It rebuilds buildings and pavements. It REVERTS DEVOLVED POKEMON (SHOULD THEY DESIRE) back to their original iterations in time.[break][break]

As its hooves land on the earth, the ORIGIN FORME DIALGA stands tall and proud, unhindered by its progenitor's wishes. Then, it leaves. The DIALGA disappears into its own rift, finding some corner of Hoenn to recover in...


AS THE DRAGON OF TIME DEPARTS, everyone would be able to notice that the rift underneath Littleroot. Powerful waves of energy raft from this new dimensional hole. It is clear that remaining here in the town is unsafe for now.[break][break]

As Team Rocket and the League depart, news of the region being saved can be heard on the comms. However, one must question what other dangers they have welcomed into this place. Those who stare up into the sky will still see remnants of sparkling rock and fragment scatter across Hoenn.[break][break]

Perhaps, they may discover an unrecoverable TERASTAL CRYSTAL embedded deep into the earth, unable to be chipped or plucked. Who knows what these crystals seep into the earth. What dreams and desires they whisper to the hidden history beneath Hoenn...[break][break]

UXIE AND MESPRIT join and against a backdrop of the multiversal dramas. Though they remain quiet about their involvement in the world's fate for now, they intend to protect them. They will play along with their games, enjoy their company, but they must be respected. The question remains however. What happened to AZELF? What punishment has been enacted against the Bringer of Willpower?[break][break]

Those in the League would now know of another horror. The Megalopolans are back. How many are among them in this secret invasion? Their ULTRA BEASTS retreat from their temporary partners... but perhaps, the wilds of other worlds may house these curious, alien Pokemon.



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • you DO NOT NEED TO ROLL this round.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 4:29:26 GMT

and so, the UNOWN CHAIN breaks, shattering from the combined assault from different parties, though in matias' head, it was definitely virizion's MEGAHORN that did it.[break][break]

skidding to a halt nearby, they watch dialga raise its hooves, and they tense themselves in preparation to counter. but this ROAR OF TIME feels different. controlled. relaxed. it washes over them, flowing with an odd gentleness before, eventually, dialga disappears.[break][break]

"you did it."[break][break]

he heaves a sigh, tired and strained but also relieved. he places his hand atop virizion's head; a sign of gratitude and affection.[break][break]

"good job."[break][break]

- dialga owes him one now pog?[break]
- matias will assist wherever needed before eventually leaving as well!


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-virizion"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 13:22:14 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar



The crystal in Zev's hand glowed, and the world around him filled with brilliant light. Though he couldn't see what was happening, he recognized the familiar tug of teleportation. Even before his vision cleared to confirm his destination, a triumphant grin slashed across his face and a single thought resounded in his head: I was right.[break][break]

For the moment, Zev forgot all about Caleb. His anger dissipated in the surge of victorious adrenaline.[break][break]

When he materialized standing amid the reformed buildings of the strange, clockwork city alongside , , and , Zev immediately took in their surroundings, his blue gaze sharp and scrutinizing. There did not seem to be any humans present, only the red, machine-like Pokémon that stomped around them.[break][break]

Being machine-like did not mean they were oblivious automatons, though. They took notice of the four men, turned away from their unknown tasks, and soon surrounded them. The pipe-like structures on their backs broke apart and pointed at the Rockets.[break][break]

The hairs on the back of Zev's neck stood on end. Survival instinct overrode his curiosity.[break][break]

Miraculously, the primal crystal in his hand started glowing again, filling the air with brilliant light.[break][break]

Zev did what anyone from his world would do. He tossed an empty Poké Ball at the nearest red Pokémon, intending to capture it before he and the others were teleported back to Littleroot.



- Zev is wearing black tactical gear + a mask[break]
- Attempts to capture a Volcanion before he is teleported back home!



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[newclass=".zevh .zevhcredit a"]font-size:10px;[/newclass]
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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 19:26:23 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar

The chain broke. And yet she tensed. This was all too similar. Had they not so readily begun to celebrate the moment Necrozma had seemingly been captured? She was not about to make the same mistake.

When Dialga raised its hooves. She readied herself for the inevitable. She looked toward her Kommo-o, sharing a gentle grateful gaze with it as they both figured that this would be their last moment.

And then Dialga’s powers washed over them. But were they both expected a raging gale of time fury, they were met with a gentle wave washing over them. And as they looked around they saw time revert, Pokémon returning to their original forms, destruction repaired.

Elinor grabbed a Pokéball. With gut-wrenching fear, she summoned the Pokémon inside. Hoping that the same would be occurring to them. The feeling in her gut washed away the moment. She saw, not the Lairon but a fully grown Aggron manifest before her eyes. She threw herself at it. Hugging it.

The Aggron gave her some gentle pats on her back.

For a brief moment, they found peace and tranquility.

But good things rarely last long. The danger was always imminent. Waves of rogue energy began to appear after the Time dragon’s departure. Though Elinor was not one to simply run. She stuck around until it became clear that there was no other path to take, but to leave.

This hesitation to leave allowed her moments to think. Moments to consider what new dangers this time-fuckery had allowed into Hoenn, and perhaps more imminent, the Megalopolans that had been revealed during all of this.

- Elinor fears for her continued existence for a moment.
- Then realizes Dialga is kinda alright after Gron reverts to Aggron form
- She then sticks around to help until no longer necessary.
- While sticking around, she does some thinking and realizes Hoenn has been partaking in a big game of Among-us, without her knowing.



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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 23:54:05 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- diversity win! the guy who just tried to kill locke is gay!
- locke is also gay
- leaves on a disguised latias
- sees getting arrested on Cops®
- finds and and offers them a ride to gtfo of here




Locke vaguely noted the wolfman's call of "Babe!" to the Kantonian in the motorbike helmet-having a few seconds to revel in the universal high of clocking a fellow MLM before his feet suddenly left the "ground" again.






If his brain had short-circuited before it was fully shutting down now as he was scooped into the toned muscular absolutely jacked arms of Pokénger. He silently thanked every god in every pantheon he could think of, even as an Ultra Beast the size of house reached down and lifted them both up and out of the sinkhole. Maybe the end of the world wasn't so bad if it led to this exact situation.


A Togekiss shimmered into existence as the pair resurfaced, giving Locke the kind of disgusted face worn only by a sister hearing too much about their sibling's love life.


Okay. Time to go.


"Um, thank you! Mr. Pokénger! Sir!" Locke awkwardly stammered as they hurried to disentangle themselves from 's arms and onto the disguised Latias' back. "Okay! Goodbye!"


They soared away from the spandex-clad hero, passing overhead a cuffed and unconscious as they circled above the town. The sight quickly sobered Locke, and after scanning the area they last saw the kids, they easily spotted the two Lake Guardians accompanying and , as well as their own Smeargle.


Casso-Casso jumped into their arms before they'd even landed, sobbing tears and snot into the courier's chest as they tried to console the pup before turning to the others. "I don't know what's going on, but we need to leave! Now!"


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 0:55:02 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
It was hard to tell what was going on down there; even if he'd been in sight for one of his Pokemon to see what the Rockets were doing, the Haze would obscure things.

Yet he could hear a few distinct noises: the sound of Mega Evolution, for one, and what sounded like a very strong attack being used.

After that…(relative) silence. He would've expected some chatter afterwards, but it was just quiet. Had the source of that noise disappeared?

The words in his head were clear - clearer than any Telepathy his Pokemon could muster.


With the descriptions his Beheeyem had given him earlier, he could only assume these were related to the mechanical kingdom. But even then, much like Uxie's (and Azelf, and Mesprit's) prophecies, it was hard to understand the true meaning behind them.

Hideo let out a sigh. It was a lot to take in at once. Even if he didn't understand it yet, he could piece it together with time. And cooperation.

But at this point, there didn't seem to be much he could do here. And it'd likely take some time to be floated up out of this hole - plenty of time for people to spot him with Uxie. Not good.

Yet a familiar voice could be heard, approaching him and . “You’re…Locke!” he said aloud, his mouth moving faster than his mind.

In the seconds it took his mind to process what said, Uxie floated by Locke, looking him over through closed eyes.

Locke was one of the few people he trusted to know about Uxie - he'd been a part of their hunt for the Lake Trio. “...yeah, we need a way out. Not much else we can do down here, I think.” Which was true enough; he’d found the power source, and as far as he was aware, there wasn’t much Rocket could do to exploit it. Yet.

So close enough to a success? At the very least, he was coming out of this with more than he started - and no loss of Pokemon - which was more than he could say about the past few major events he’d been in in Hoenn. He’d have to take the win where he could get it.

Hideo hears the Mega Evolution from the Rocket Explorers Gang™, otherwise has no idea what's going on there
Hears the words from Uxie, as usual he doesn't get it
A wild appears!
Hideo accepts Locke's offer of a way to gtfo out of here
He can at least be happy he ended this with more Pokemon than he started

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 1:00:22 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

With its chains broken by an amalgamation of help across the field, Rosmontis tenses for the next incoming attack to end it all. But it never happens, no more lives are vapourised and turned into mere memories wafting in between the spaces of the multiverse. Instead, she watches with bated breath as time is pushed back towards equilibrium, towards what had been and what should continue to be.[break][break]

But even as she watches the town piece itself together, her mind stubbornly resides on one thought.[break][break]

"I have to go find pa."[break][break]

It's worry that sits upon her shaky words, adrenaline pumping through her veins as she tries to keep her knees from buckling underneath her. With still by her side, she stops for a moment to glance at him, to look at the state of the rift and sense the instability of this location. Instincts scream that it's no longer safe but why should she care?[break][break]

I need to see him.[break]
pɐǝp ǝq ʇ,uɐɔ ǝH

As lands, telling them that they need to leave, there are many things that run through her mind. But those are quickly dispelled by the single, screaming fear in her heart.[break][break]

"No. You can leave with Hideo, but I need to find pa." Fear burns bright into anger, dirtied only by specks of relief as she finally confirms that the courier is still alive. "Mesprit."[break][break]

As she turns towards the lake guardian, it's clear that her words are short, sharp and truly overtaken by her heart's directives over any form of logic. There is a moment where the pixie is caught looking between Uxie, Locke and Rosmontis herself, but when she finally looks towards the open rift - The gaping gash torn right into Littleroot - some things are best left at the back of one's mind.[break][break]

Before Mesprit can even lift an arm to do anything, a Luxray breaks free of his pokeball, snarling at the girl as he forcefully headbutts her right in the guts. And that's all it takes for her to begin crumbling, her knees buckling as she slumps over wheezing.[break][break]

"R- rei..."[break][break]

There's barely any strength for her to protest as Reiner scruffs and drags her closer to the group. And the glare that he gives Locke indicates that if he has a way out, they should probably hurry before she recovers.

Tl;dr -[break]
☆ Eris now isn't the time to cowabunga[break]
☆ And this is why Reiner is my final emergency meeting button[break]
☆ Reiner has voted to gtfo with



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing