i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 7:03:06 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Pain wrangled around Felix's entire body, squeezing each limb until it cried for mercy. While the superficical wounds had healed, dried blood still clung to his clothes and skin, reminding him of the battles he'd experienced and lived through, all during this fateful encounter.

His hand hovered above the scortch mark that carved into his shoulder, up to the edge of his chin -- the reminder twitched at the sight of the events unfolding before them.

"I see," He muttered, mainly to , who'd offer her insights on the blonde before him. Another man empowered by a god. Where had they seen this before?

Unlike the others, who sought power from legends or beasts beyond the boundaries of space, Felix kept himself resigned to himself and his own capabilities. Flicking his wrist, he sent forth his ace one final time, directing the Gallade to send a series of PSYCHIC blades toward the god of time.

- he goes wow
- gallade uses psychic 
- no ultra beast or legendary was used 

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december 25
ballonlea, galar
wyndon ceo
we'll never get free, lamb to the slaughter
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jayden cross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @jayden
jayden cross
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 7:36:56 GMT
jayden cross Avatar

recovering from the battles born from bloodshed and conflict, jayden emerges near the primal crystal point alongside those he had come along with. violet eyes fall upon and as his dragapult swoops in out of a shadowed portal and near the other two rocket admins. he and the rocket beast faced substantial wounds after the fight with , so it was a relief to see some friendly faces — even if it wasn't in the most ideal of circumstance.

[break][break] with the help of others, they're able to recoup and heal — jayden's wounds are more fatigue than anything. however, a REVIVE brings life back into his golduck, ala, who is still bitter at the sudden knock-out. jayden knows that the water-type will have words for him. but that will be later.

[break][break] now —

[break][break] the voice of their boss crackles through the speakerset, but it's cut off as an energy pulses near the PRIMAL CRYSTAL. his gaze widens a fraction as the space splits open to reveal —

[break][break] "i recognize him too," he says, standing next to .

[break][break] jayden frowns. what was the chef from that tea house doing here?

[break][break] before an other judgements can be made, however, something deep and otherworldy shakes the rest of the earth. he looks around expecting the GROUNDON from before to emerge, but instead he finds himself face-to-face with an unlikely creature as the sky fractures further.

[break][break] he winces in pain as the shattering sound splits through the air, not unlike the ROAR OF TIME that had cracked the earth before. hands on his ears, he looks to his comrades to see if they are okay, just as he hears bite under her breath.

[break][break] "don't back down," he says — not just to , but also to any rocket who can listen through the comms or even see him. "ROCKETS, ATTACK! CEASE HIM!"

[break][break] it's an empty promise - even when jayden knows that there most of the others are probably tired from their own battles, if not more. but there is something deep and unwavering in jayden's heart. had sent them here. had believed in this fight.

[break][break] and so jayden would too.

[break][break] just in the nick (wilde) of time, reinforcements arrive. they fill in jayden's empty promises, and provide adequate back-up for those who need it. as strange beasts fill the spaces next to them, the rocket admin finds himself aligned with UB-04 BLADE.

[break][break] to the mysterious ultra beast, jayden nods. "let's go." his mimikyu by his side supports the ultrabeast as MIMIC YOU is activated.

mimikyu casts its true form over an area, trapping anyone within range. victims will be ROOTED in place for THREE POSTS.

[break] darkness pulses in the space before the primal point, as shadows sweep out of the earth and aim to clutch onto anyone in it's vicinity, ROOTING them in place to set the stage for their assault.

[break][break] as the ultra beast charges towards the primal point, slashing with SACRED SWORD to the supposed "chef". the serrated dagger given to him by is gripped jayden's palm as he sprints forward. if he is the commander of the operation, then there is only one option in jayden's mind.

[break][break] he must go down. no matter the cost.




— jayden is with , , near the PRIMAL POINT [break]
— mimikyu uses Z-MOVE MIMIC YOU to try and root CHEF QUANTO in place [break]
— KARTANA uses SACRED SWORD on chef squanto, and jayden joins him with a dagger [break]
[break][break] DT7M43jb


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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 7:01:26 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Battle Vs. Shadow Triad | Pokémon Masters EX


THOUGH SOME HAVE SEARCHED FOR THE ENERGY SOURCE BENEATH LITTLEROOT, many would not have realized that it would have been impossible to find. Until now.[break][break]

As ORIGIN FORME DIALGA breaks through the temporal membrane to alight upon Hoenn soil, the dimensions loosen.[break][break]

Beneath LITTLEROOT THEATER, the earth has already been weakened by this warfront's trainers. Made soft and tilled by battle. However, the soil sinks further, as if a sheet of a dimensional barricade is slipping out deep below.[break][break]

As REINFORCEMENTS arrive, several trainers focus their attention to this sinkhole. Others attempt to create their own underground passages. sets STEALTH ROCKS around his hole with GABITE. STAKATAKA dig into the earth nearby as attempts to put a stop to the science assistant.[break][break]

Luckily for Priam, the trainer's STEELIX is blocked by 's command of BLACEPHALON & INFERNAPE. As the steel serpent attempts to pursue, a CONFUSE RAY forces it to dig into JAGGED ROCKS. Another domesticated BLACEPHALON from 's assistance exposes the STEELIX by blasting apart earth.[break][break]

As the ground sinks further, 's CELESTEELA attempts to keep the theater from falling apart. Empowered by TAPU BULU's PRESENCE, branches and vines grow around the building's foundations when the CELESTEELA uses STEEL ROLLER. It is a miraculous sight. Perhaps, inspired by his old fugger friend, the TAPU BULU's BLESSING allows him and his CELESTEELA to salvage a large portion of the theater AWAY FROM THE SINKHOLE.[break][break]

Before a large tree falls into the hole, CELESTEELA pulls away with assistance from 's AUDINO.[break][break]

The ORIGIN FORME DIALGA's ROAR OF TIME rumbles throughout the town and the hole near the theater grows larger. As nurses his injuries by the blue glow of his VAPOREON'S AQUA RING, a ROCKET GRUNT nears, ready to finish the job. However, @viole's Z-MOVE: NEVER-ENDING NIGHTMARE blasts the opportunist away, granting a prone and his GOGOAT time to ROLLOUT an escape path away from the sinking earth.[break][break]

However, although could make his safe departure, he hears the strained voice of calling his name. Sore from striking the building's exposed foundation, begins to sink with the rest of the earth rapidly.[break][break]

BEHIND THE THEATER, manages to avoid falling into the sinkhole. His BEHEEYEM lifts him away from crumbling earth as he reunites with a disguised . The young girl's LUXRAY continually lashes out THUNDER WAVE after THUNDER WAVE toward any incoming MEGALOPOLAN TRAINERS.[break][break]

As the curious MARKS on their bodies glow vividly, they would hear and his SMEARGLE approach them before the earth gives way. The DELIBIRD DELIVERIES COURIER falls. Sinks deeper into the ground—but he would be able to see them basking in suspicious light...[break][break]

More of the earth is exposed, and as those in the sinkhole fall or dig deeper, they would find rusted, old curios. Old metal pipes, clockwork gears, and pokeball-like casings. Their designs do not seem to match any style seen before, but perhaps, the closest analog would be Kalosian.


THE DRK TRIAD MEMBER, CHEF QUANTO, COMMANDS DIALGA to strike once more. However, many strive to defy them.[break][break]

The ORIGIN FORME DIALGA is constrained by NIHILEGO tentacles thanks to 's order. As the dragon roars in frustration, 's LUCARIO strikes swiftly with an EXTREME SPEED.Simultaneously, 's AGGRON blitzkriegs toward the dragon, spinning like a highspeed drill before ramming the diamond-behemoth with Z-MOVE: CORKSCREW CRASH.[break][break]

Above, 's HEALED SALAMENCE MEGA EVOLVES. As the dragon surges with newfound power, it fires DRACO METEOR into the air. Draconic energy splits into several comets that batter the DIALGA with spectacular explosions. The aforementioned attacks clash dangerously close to the PRIMAL POINT...[break][break]

Frustrated, QUANTO is quick to issue another command. The DIALGA ROARS: 's SALEMENCE, 's AGGRON and 's LUCARIO DEVOLVE into their PREVIOUS EVOLUTIONARY STAGES. 's temporary Ultra Beast partner shrinks in size instead...


Despite 's TORNADUS FEATHER, the roar manages to reach his boyfriend and his Pokemon. Still, the winds and a DIAMOND-ENCRUSTED HURRICANE defend his TORNADUS from being shrunk to a more immature state.[break][break]

The ROAR OF TIME continues to pulse. 's COMFEY manages to weave through several waves of time-bending energy. It lands a potent LEECH SEED siphoning health.[break][break]

With each roar, the landscape of LITTLEROOT changes. Slightly, the buildings shift shape. Foliage shrivels and regrows in contained cycles of life.[break][break]

's METAGROSS moves in swiftly with its spiked fists. As a METEOR MASH lands on the temporal beast, and strike together. The former Elite Four's LUCARIO fires a DIAMOND-EMPOWERED AURA SPHERE slams against the DIALGA. It allows time for 's PYROAR to strike. As a FLAMETHROWER blasts across the dragon, she looses an arrow.[break][break]

The ORIGIN FORME DIALGA attacks again. 's PYROAR devolves into its smaller form. 's METAGROSS devolves too, metamorphosing into a METANG. Luckily, 's Pokemon is spared.[break][break]

's MIMIKYU's Z-MOVE: MIMIC YOU casts its malevolent form, stretching it out toward QUANTO. As it ensnares the DRK Triad member, the PRIMAL POINT shakes.[break][break]

's ARROW misses narrowly- but distracts the man long enough for to swing in with his dagger and KARTANA. Blood sprays from cuts to his body, as the DIALGA knocks them back with its diamond hooves. It is a decisive blow. One that strikes CHEF QUANTO WITH FEAR.[break][break]

Before it can stomp on and his KARTANA, a desperate PSYCHIC is fired onto the DIALGA'S FOOT. The explosion of energies from 's GALLADE's ATTACK grants and his reinforcement time to retreat.


OTHERS SET THEIR SIGHTS ON THE PRIMAL POINT. While QUANTO & DIALGA retaliate against trainers and their Pokemon, Megalopolan, Rocket grunts and League personnel launched and de-aged into helpless forms, the meteoroid dominates the view of the sky.[break][break]

Closer to the theater, THE SLATEPORT RANGER SQUAD prevents a key platoon of MEGALOPOLANS from interfering with the PRIMAL POINT. Under 's guidance, they act swiftly. 's MEGA ALTARIA scatters MEGALOPOLANS with a DIAMOND-EMBELLISHED FAIRY-TYPE FURY ATTACK. After its strike, the dragon reverts back to its normal form, but manages to protect her and her Pokemon with his MEGA EVOLVED TYRANITAR. An EARTHQUAKE erupts beneath approaching Rocket grunts, split earth crowned with pink gems.[break][break]

While seizing , his TYRANITAR MEGA EVOLVES. A STONE EDGE swings into a group of Rockets, diamonds adorning each spike. 's LOPUNNY kicks away a STAKATAKA CUBE before it hears the DIALGA CRY once more.[break][break]

joins . His HISUIAN ZORUA is released onto the battlefield. It fires a DIAMOND-BRIGHT NIGHT DAZE, striking a group of ROCKET-SYMPATHIZING MEGALOPOLANS. Their NAGANADEL, known for their precise accuracy, miss their TOXIC PROJECTILES around him and the former Councilman, granting a DECIDUEYE space to strike them down with a flash of a BULU-EMPOWERED LEAF BLADE.[break][break]

However, a ROAR OF TIME reaches them. 's DECIDUEYE, 's TYRANITAR, and 's TYRANITAR IN THE MIDST OF DEFENDING are struck, DEVOLVING DOWN ONE EVOLUTIONARY STAGE. 's HISUIAN ZORUA is struck too—but rather than devolving, it shrinks down to the size and strength of a newborn...


VALIANTLY DEFENDS THE PRIMAL POINT. Tall, intimidating pillars of stone are erected all around the machine by his GROUDON. The land titan wrestles with 's GUZZLORD before tossing it to the side in a dramatic clash of kaiju-like stakes.[break][break]

Fiercely, prevents from capitalizing on the fallen GUZZLORD. As 's ELDEGOSS crushes portions of the PRECIPICE BLADE wall, 's temporary partner, BLACEPHALON, throws a MIND BLOWN that detonates near him with ear-splitting flame and spectacle.[break][break]

and his MEGA SABLEYE attempt to sneak towards the PRIMAL POINT at the same time. As the Ghost-type punches a hole in the PRECIPICE BLADE wall, 's DODRIO rushes in. Its sharp talons LUNGE with a flourish of VINES. They strike the SABLEYE as a path is made.[break][break]

"i've had enough! you can't stop the passage of time! what makes you think you can stop us?!"[break][break]

Unbeknownst to him, he is unaware of the anomaly on 99943 METENO. The ORIGIN FORME DIALGA roars once again. Although , and manage to resist, is not so lucky. Her DODRIO DEVOLVES INTO A DODUO, causing it to scramble in surprise at the loss of its third head.[break][break]

The roar reaches too. As the METEOROID nears, the countdown whittled down to seconds, the AQUA Initiative member calls upon the powers of the TAPUS. His TAPU LELE joins with TAPU BULU AND KOKO and as the powers of nature coalesce into a glowing TITAN, CHEF QUANTO orders another ROAR OF TIME.[break][break]

The DIALGA charges an intense sphere of energy before the ADAMANTIUM CRYSTAL on its chest. Compared to previous roars, this one seems to be the largest. The most threatening. The world around everyone shifts, the passage of time quivering in disorienting sensory waves.[break][break]

However, 's GOLEM smashes into the DIALGA'S JAW. A Z-MOVE: MONOLITHIC PUNCH collides with the force of a thousand boulders and the shimmering of a thousand gems. It grants 's TAPU LELE enough time to have its guardian-shaped energy land its fist onto the PRIMAL POINT, through the upper hole left by 's GROUDON.[break][break]

THE PRIMAL POINT'S BEAM fires toward the meteoroid. Everyone, de-aged or aged by battle, would be able to see the beam's direct trajectory. How it zooms with the League's conviction through the skies. When it makes contact, the meteoroid disappears in a pulse of blinding light. Those who continue to watch would see that the warping was imperfect; a massive chunk of CRYSTALLINE MAKE remains before it is smashed apart by a RAYQUAZA.[break][break]

During the chaos, the PRIMAL POINT'S BEAM ricochets back to the peak. Glimmering and charged with an unknown energy, it smashes into the machine, creating an EXPLOSION that blows the PRECIPICE BLADES and everyone near it some distance. The resulting explosion also strikes 's MEGA SABLEYE'S GEM. The gem chunk chips and soars toward the SINKING EARTH BY LITTLEROOT THEATER and is caught by 's STEALTH ROCKS. Like a magnet, the rest of the energy follows the gem. There, it explodes near .[break][break]

The INVISIBLE DOME is visible briefly as it SHATTERS LIKE GLASS. The plane shifts violently in Hoenn, overlapping layers of alternate universes, dimensions and timelines shifting and displacing Pokemon onto the land.[break][break]

As the realm stabilizes, CHEF QUANTO comes to with his battered ORIGIN FORME DIALGA. He grabs his sore shoulder, his sliced torso. Angrily, he calls upon his UNOWN-R and the others that come to his aid.[break][break]

"truss dialga up. we're getting the fuck outta here."[break][break]

Slowly, a rift is created behind the DRK Triad assassin.[break][break]

The UNOWN circle around the ORIGIN FORME DIALGA before constricting like ropes. They strangle the creature's neck, force its long four legs to seize and buckle. Crying out in pain, the tied creature fires another ROAR OF TIME.


THE ROAR OF TIME RUSHES THROUGHOUT THE TOWN. Several grunts, officers and Megalopolans are struck, their bodies erased from the timeline. The pulsing wave rushes straight for and , and as and his invisible LATIAS witness the imminent temporal strike, the glow on their bodies ENGULFS THEIR FORMS.[break][break]

As the wave passes, the two children would find themselves protected by two floating sprites. MESPRIT and UXIE stand before them, their combined MYSTICAL POWER granting them sanctuary.[break][break]

UXIE HAS JOINED [break][break]


, , @viole, , , , , , , and would see the true consequence of the ROAR OF TIME. It strikes the charged, fractured gem from 's MEGA SABLEYE and explodes. As planes untangle, universes unraveling from their knots and webs, the sinkhole gives way.[break][break]

Deep underneath the ground, those mentioned would be able to see what appears to be a ruined underground kingdom. Old structures lay strewn across old caves and sediment before being struck by the last remnants of the ROAR OF TIME and PRIMAL POINT'S ENERGY. Suddenly, the kingdom begins to shift, as if evolving over time. Ruins rebuild themselves. Towers recreate their grand heights. Old pipes begin to reform into odd, mechanical Pokemon. Those who have seen one before would recognize them as VOLCANION.[break][break]

As those sinking fall, they strike a solidifying DIMENSIONAL RIFT. It is like see-through glass under their hands and feet; however, in the distance, they would be able to see a tall structure in the distance, surrounded by cog wheels and metal intricacies—similar to that of the most ornate musical box—housing a curious, heart-shaped like structure. Staring too close at it hits you with a pang of adrenaline: this must be the energy source.[break][break]

For now, remaining here by the rift is dangerous. It is also impenetrable at the moment. Furthermore, dangerous hunks of TERASTALLIZED CRYSTAL seem to be landing throughout the region, forcing many to seek shelter. However, catches 's MEGA SABLEYE'S CHIPPED GEM. It burns in his hand with significance, having fused with a portion of the PRIMAL CRYSTAL...






PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • you MUST ROLL this round.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Here is an UPDATED MAP. However, be aware that these are approximate, visual representations of where everyone is. Furthermore, some may be inside the Littleroot Theater itself.[break][break]

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 7:34:48 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas watches as Dialgia's roars regress time around him. Buildings and foliage regress to an earlier state. Pokemon regress to previous stages, or to more 'immature' states. That would include his partner's Metagross. Oddly, Cobalt is spared this effect, still remaining a Lucario.

Ultimately, both factions uniting against the Drk Triad proved to be fruitful. , , and the others would manage to activate the Primal Point, despite the attempted interference by Quanto and his Dialgia. The invisible dome that confined everyone to the Region, to their impending demise, shattered.

As Quanto attempted to retreat, Thomas swapped his Lucario out for his Hydreigon. He would give Andraste a chance to ride with him to the skies.

"You will not evade punishment!", the masked man bellowed out.

The Hydreigon wastes no time in attacking the Unown. Tapping into the bond with his master, Kalameet would charge up with energy, before releasing it through all three of his mouths, firing three smaller, dark beams at a singular point, before unleashing them at the Unown as a singular, Hydreigon head-shaped blast.

This was his Draconian Wrath, and today, the Drk Triad would feel it in full.

As the Hydreigon was dealing with the Unown, Thomas would pull out his own gun. He would take aim at the Assassin, before opening fire, attempting to gun him down.

"Your many innocent victims, they crave retribution! They demand your blood!", the Phantom called out to Quanto, the voice modulator making him sound borderline-demonic.


notes: -Thomas watches as Andraste's Metagross devolves
-Thomas swaps Lucario for Hydreigon
-Hydreigon used Z-Move: Draconian Wrath on the Unown, and attempts to free Dialgia
-Thomas attempts to shoot Quanto
-7(!) Salacs Used

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May 10
Rustboro City
Verdanturf Ranger Captain
Single and Ready to Mingle
170 CM height
170 CM height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,636 posts
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TAG WITH @elinor
Elinor Anderson
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 8:05:25 GMT
Elinor Anderson Avatar


Elinor glared toward the beast of time. As it seemed largely unaffected by her attack. But others joined in, creating a veritable cacophony of attacks. Together it seemed they had some effect on the beast that stood before them.

For a moment Elinor thought, perhaps this would be enough.

But then the villainous DRK triad chef showed them the difference between them and the godly Dialga. A ROAR OF TIME washed over them. For a moment she thought herself done for. Her gut told her that this was the end.

But either by sheer luck or clever positioning from Aggron, she found herself unaffected. Though she could only watch in horror as Aggron de-aged. Spikes pulled into itself, body bending down on all fours as he became a Lairon. But though he may have become younger once more. It didn’t quell his fighting spirit.

“Gron, return!” She commanded, the red beam of a Pokéball retrieved the now Lairon. Even she was not foolish and blind enough to think Lairon held the same power as before. It could not Mega evolve. Devoid of that option she summoned her next ace Pokémon. One that she had kept out of the battles of Littleroot until now.

The Lime-green and Pink scaled Kommo-o Roared as it emerged. Announcing to Quanto and his unknown lackeys that their reign of terror ended here. Time would no longer be their plaything. For it took less than a moment to see that Dialga was here against its will, or at least so the Kommo-o would’ve claimed if anyone but Pokémon could understand it.

Though Elinor did not understand the words Kommo-o spoke, she understood the meaning well enough. And though it pained her to admit. Watching the Unown wrap like chains around the Dialga, offered her some insight into the relationship between the Time Dragon and the Angry Chef.

“Kaleo, Clanging Scales on the Unown!” Elinor pointed at the Unown trying to chain down Dialga. She would’ve preferred another Z-move. But she had not the energy to summon another.

The Kommo-o’s arms crossed at the chest, and scales began to rattle, slowly at first but the intensity picked up quickly. Elinor stepped back, hands against her ears to offer what mild protection they would against the sound. A dark purple aura seeped toward the Kommo-o’s jaw as pressure built until it was finally released as a powerful wave of energy alongside a roar that would destroy ear drums if offered no protection.


- Elinor Recalls Aggron and summons Kommo-o
- Kommo-o uses CLANGING SCALES aimed at the Unown trying to chain DIALGA



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1321 height
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i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 13:01:55 GMT

threats come in the form of , , and , all with the clear intent of breaking through the barrier of PRECIPICE BLADES to reach the primal point.[break][break]

strength in numbers prevails, leaving matias with no choice but to deal with the MIND BLOWN; a move he has seen before from 's blacephalon during the darkest day incident.[break][break]


a WALL OF EARTH enacts in time to shield him from the full blast of it. still, the wall splatters under the pressure of MIND BLOWN, and the force of it carries all the way to matias. he's lifted only to be sent crashing into the blunt wall of one of the PRECIPICE BLADES.[break][break]

burning, bleeding, but definitely not out.[break][break]

and then he's sent flying again from the EXPLOSION.[break][break]

matias doesn't know where he is when he wakes. he feels the hot soil beneath him, hears the sounds of battle, but when the dust settles and his vision clears, all he can do is breathe.[break][break]

groudon vanishes back into its pokeball.[break][break]

"this seems like your thing, so."[break][break]

he stands, holding his hand out to the side only to latch onto the blunt side of virizion's horn when the sword of justice runs by. he swings, carried up onto her back by the momentum. the two of them charge straight for dialga.[break][break]

MEGAHORN looks to free the titan.[break][break]


- ragdolls back and forth between MIND BLOWN and EXPLOSION.[break]
- recalls GROUDON; DROUGHT fades.[break]
- VIRIZION picks matias up; both charge straight at DIALGA.[break]
- VIRIZION using MEGAHORN to try and free DIALGA.


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-virizion"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
446 posts
Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @pokejun1
Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 14:56:27 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Steelix got hit with Confuse Ray. And it was just the beginning of Aaron's troubles. Instead of avoiding the Stealth Rocks like he wanted, his iron snake ran right into them, the only saving grace was that Steelix was a defensive powerhouse. Even the explosion of psychic energy didn't phase it. Patting it to tell it to stop moving, Steelix held still. "You did good, just got bad circumstances. You'll have your chance soon though, I promise you that." Returning the giant metal 'mon back in its pokeball, Aaron was about to release another. After all, there was more than one way to pursue the digging Gabite and Rocket. Then all hell broke loose.

Well, more like time. Different dimensions, portals, etc. flew around the Theater from the shattered gems and Roar of Times. Aaron's survival instincts did kick in a little bit. He knew the area was too dangerous now, more so with an unknown Pokemon nearby. Still, he released his trusty Trevenant. Time for action. "Phantom Force, and bring me with you. We're following that Rocket Grunt, one way or another. But this time, we're not going to fight him...yet." The tree picked up his trainer and disappeared into shadows. Reappearing deeper in the same hole that 's Gabite made, the duo slid to follow him. Catching up, Aaron would give a proposal. "The place is wierd and warped. Until we get out of this zone, truce? Then we can continue our earlier fight."


Calms down Steelix and returns him.
Witnesses stuff, needs to gtfo.
Releases Trevenant, uses Phantom Force to pursue
Proposes Truce with Priam till they get out of this zone.

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
3,187 posts
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 19:16:12 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar
mega energy swathes them. her nails dig into lyune's scales, the feverish heat of battle drags a battle cry from both of their throats. and then, in an instant, several things happen that change her. 

her monstrous behemoth disappears and suddenly they are falling. the panicked shelgon cries up at her, paws scrabbling out as instinct tells him to fly. instinct has her ripping out his ball and returning him - you cannot panic, freya. you cannot worry about that right now.

another ball in her hands, but her thumb stays. shock twists through her as she struggles to fathom what she's seeing: a green serpent commanding the skies, saving them from oblivion. the howling wind makes her eyes water and she is still falling and she is grateful and she is so, so empty.

on the wings of another, she narrowly avoids a swift death on the ground. atarka's rust-colored wings catch the air like sails; copper scales glitter in the firelight and destruction surrounding them.

they wheel around as dialga is forced to its knees. she grits her teeth. a green-horned deer races to the dragon's aid and freya cackles, tucking her knees and finding what purchase she can on the saddleless salamence. she streaks overhead, casting a shadow over .

black-tinged waves of pink radiate off atarka's paws as she rushes the unown surrounding dialga and goes in for a brutal swing

9 / 15 arrows used total
baby lyune :sob:
releases shiny salamence
salamence uses brutal swing on the unown

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 23:18:54 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar

Countless universes unraveled as the dome shattered overhead, offering glimpses of a multiverse that Elisabeth had always privately dreaded existing. Words that had once said to her, warning that the dead didn't stay dead, settled like a chill down her spine as she watched the cinematic spectacle play out.

Trepidation seeped into her even as the realm stabilized. What strange influence had entered their world now? What universes had bled into their own, and what phantoms had entered with them?

Then the ROAR OF TIME drew Elisabeth's attention to Dialga once more, and one very irate Chef Quanto.

"...They can't control it," Elisabeth breathed out, stunned as the ORIGIN FORME DIALGA was constrained once more -- not by the tentacles of her NIHILEGO, but rather, the binds of UNOWN.

Well, well. What were the implications there?

Would Dialga turn against the DRK Triad, if given the opportunity? Were its captors its enemy, making the god their brief, unexpected ally?

It was a chance Elisabeth was willing to take.

A diminished Ultra Beast was still an Ultra Beast. The shrunken Nihilego turned to try and POUND away with a barrage of tentacles at the UNOWN that sought to bind DIALGA in place.

NIHILEGO used POUND on the UNOWN-R binding DIALGA!


  • Next to and .
  • Oh fuck the multiverse has bled into ours and that is not great.
  • Shrunken NIHILEGO used POUND with its tentacles on the UNOWN-R binding DIAGLA.
  • Masked and shamelessly cosplaying Viper, babes.

✿ Littleroot Raid ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 0:18:17 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo's grip on his Beheeyem's hand tightened the moment he felt the ground give way. Fortunately for him, his Beheeyem had already enveloped him with Psychic energy, guiding him over the hole and towards the back of the theater. "Close one," the boy mumbled, taking a moment to regain his footing.

It wasn't hard to reunite with at that point - he just had to follow the sounds of Reiner firing attacks.

Yet his Beheeyem notified him of another familiar person approaching them - . But before the boy could say anything, he heard the ground give way in Locke's direction, and it was only getting closer to them. "Shit," Hideo mumbled, turning towards Eris. "Hang on to us! Elga can keep us from falling!" He reached out to Eris, to give her a chance to grab on to his glowing hand.

As he did, an attack fired towards them. His Beheeyem gave him a quick warning, and Hideo could feel his Beheeyem float ahead, to get between the two children and the attack. "Elga! Don't-"

Hideo was unaware of the increasing glow on his wrist, and that it was spreading over his body. Yet he did recognize that feeling of something wrapping along his wrist, and he heard a strange energy in front of him deflect an attack.

The second his Beheeyem told him there was a familiar Pokemon in contact with him, Hideo knew what it was.


"Uxie?..." A small wave of relief washed through him; he'd been stuck trying to find out where to find Uxie, why they had marked him - and now here they were, right in front of him.

But he couldn't bask in it for long: the ground gave way, though his descent was a smooth one, courtesy of his Pokemon. Yet he had to wonder if his Beheeyem was giving him an accurate explanation of things: an entire city down here? And it was rapidly rebuilding? A strange glowing object? A new Pokemon appearing?

It was obvious this was the place Rocket was looking for. But now that they were here…

"What do we do now?" Hideo asked, both of his Pokemon and of Eris. "This has got to be what they were looking for…"

Which meant there were probably a lot of Rocket down there.

The panic hit Hideo's face before it hit the rest of his body, the boy scrambling to take out a spare Pokeball and tapping it against the Uxie. It had been beat into his head that he had to keep his connection to Uxie under wraps, and the Pokemon itself being with him would be a dead giveaway.

It didn't feel like Uxie struggled against it. They really intended to stick around this time, didn’t they?

Yet the moment after he did, he felt the Pokeball open up again - Uxie came back out. A bit of annoyance ran through Hideo, but Uxie probably appeared for more than just blocking that one attack. He would have to recall his Beheeyem instead - he didn't doubt Uxie could keep him informed of what was happening. And protected. He'd just have to keep Uxie hidden as best he could.

Yet his question still remained: what do they do now?


Hideo reunites with , offers to help keep her from falling
Hideo notices 's approach and fall
Uxie appears (along with Mesprit) and blocks the Roar of Time
Uxie joined the party! With music included
Hideo descends down into the hole thanks to Beheeyem's Psychic (can do same for Eris)
Hideo is very confused about what his Beheeyem tells him is happening
Hideo realizes he should hide Uxie asap, puts Uxie in Pokeball. However, Uxie immediately comes back out
Hideo recalls his Beheeyem instead
Hideo asks Eris what to do now

Salac x3

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 5:23:54 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

Truth be told, even as she grabs hold of his hand, she's shaking. There's no faking smiles or correcting her posture to make it seem like she has things under control - When it comes to , she can't hide her fear from him no matter how hard she tries. But as she sees his wrist glowing, she knows that whatever happens, she won't be alone in this.[break][break]

Or at least, she prays she won't.[break][break]

For a moment, she glimpses hope, familiarity - The silhouette of a certain approaching filling her with a fuzzy warmth in her chest. But warmth quickly turns to a searing panic as she watches him fall through the cracks.[break][break]


Her screams feel so feeble against the cries of a god, an outstretched hand barely doing anything in her attempt to catch him. It doesn't help that Reiner tugs on her arm, keeping her from trying to follow the falling courier into the sinking pit.[break][break]

Is he okay? Is he dead? Her mind races as she watches the time of those around her begin to dilate in so many ways, gripping Hideo's hand tighter as she chokes back a sob. The primal point is being fired, everything is meant to be changing for the better - The meteorite is supposedly destroyed by something large way beyond the stratosphere... But what about Dialga? What about the threat or problems that will remain as those on the meteorite return?[break][break]

Will they even survive the Roar of Time swallowing this town whole? As bodies disappear before her very eyes, as existences are wiped without leaving a single trace, the reminder that a person's time is finite is hammered into her head. Her first instincts are to recall Reiner despite his yowls of protest, one final hug mixed with a quiet sob as she feels his warmth slipping away. Death comes swift for everything, and as it rapidly approaches her, she can only close her eyes.[break][break]

The air goes still, the rush of energy never seeming to hit them. And it takes quite a bit of courage for her to open her eyes once more, her eyes stinging just a little at how brightly her mark shines. And with a few more blinks, she finally sees that familiar tiny figure floating before her.[break][break]



Uxie is here too, working together to form some mystical barrier that separates them from unexplainable dangers. Beneath her feet, the sinkhole grows into a strange pit of rusted machinations and lesser understood ruins. And somewhere in that reforming mess, she sees a creature from 's sketches, faint recognition flickering through her mind even whilst her attention twists from one problem to the next.[break][break]

That heart-shaped object in the distance... A heart it had been looking for? It has to be the energy source. It pulsates with such power that shouldn't be handled by humans at all, no matter where their hearts lie. As her hands press against the barrier that encapsulates this rift, she only has a moment to look at those present before Hideo asks her about what they should do.[break][break]

"We need to get out of here. We need to get Dialga on our side." There's no time for her to explain as she summons Teostra to her side, pulling Hideo on as the Salamence carries them out of the rift and towards their biggest goal. And as they move close enough to see the legendary, she makes Teostra land and alights, recalling it as she looks to Mesprit.[break][break]

"You're... here to help, right?" Her voice trembles with uncertainty.[break][break]

“Brrri?” Its eyes are filled with a multitude of emotions that she can't seem to begin unravelling.[break][break]

"Please Mesprit... I need your help. I have to protect my family."[break][break]


Twin tails flick around with such delight, the little lake guardian spinning in circles mid-air whilst clapping its hands together. Then it stops, its tails gently reaching around her arm and squeezing it tight - Just like it had done on that fateful day.[break][break]

"Alright then. Uxie... I uh... don't know if you can understand me but if anything happens to me, could you focus on protecting Hideo?" She takes a deep breath as she gingerly places her other hand over Mesprit's tails. "And Mesprit... do you think you can do what you did for us back then?"[break][break]

It takes a moment for the words to sink in but when they do, she swears she sees the biggest smile on Mesprit's face. Twisting away with a loud cheer, it looks to Dialga and cocks its head. And finally, it raises its hands as a wave of Mystical Power rushes towards Dialga and the Unown.


Tl;dr -[break]
☆ OH GOD FELL[break]
☆ OH GOD Mesprit is here...?[break]
☆ Recognises Volcanion from the stories told her[break]
☆ Getting out of the rift and focusing on Dialga[break]
☆ Recalled all other pokemon, Mesprit uses MYSTICAL POWER on Dialga and the Unown[break]



template by punki

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March 31
forger's assistant
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
129 posts
Levy Alinsky DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @levy
Levy Alinsky
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 18:13:54 GMT
Levy Alinsky Avatar

Panic began to build up — palpable and animal-like. It would hardly be the first time in his life, if anything it only reminded him of times he’d thought he’d outgrown a long time ago. Times where his life had been dominated by fear, unrelenting and intrinsic anxiety. It had become second-nature, instinct molded around the reality that the world was cruel and he was helpless. Somehow, he was in that place again.
Digging fingers tried to pry him up as the shifting earth pushed him harder into the foundation of the theater. An unstoppable force against an immovable object. It was the last place he wanted to be in this town, when it was all falling asunder. Maybe he deserved it. This was how it was always meant to be, vanishing under the earth and forgotten. Fucking fitting, wasn’t it?
Yet there was relief also, even as he was fighting for his life, Wren was safe. He saw him ride his gogoat to safety. That was really all that actually mattered, right? He was tired, but it was alright, right? Sure. Totally. Even if he still had things to do in life and a lot more to say to his best friend that he hadn’t realized before this awful experience.
Yet just as he was realizing that no, he wasn’t quite okay with dying yet. The air seemed to compartmentalize. Everything fell silent like a stifled breath. Friction built in the atmosphere and then an explosion knocked the foundation apart, throwing him to the side. His vision blacked out for a moment, under the sensation of falling and it was only when he felt himself hit something solid that he opened his eyes again.
A whole world had opened up beneath him and he felt his stomach lurch at the drop, but he wasn’t falling anymore. Instead, in the distance, stood a metal monstrosity that made him buzz with energy all the while his body ached still with the aftershock of the explosion. You need to get up. He wanted to, but he couldn’t. Something about this place felt unstable. He needed to get out of there, yet he could feel himself grow dizzy. Light sparked in his vision as he crawled before dropping again.


- wearing mask and hood, idk if he’s still wearing it after explosion[break]
- gets pinned by sinkhole, then something explodes besides him knocking him unconscious for a moment[break]
- falls onto dimensional rift and sees the energy source[break]
- Can someone pls save this idiot? Thanks? T-T[break]


[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 4:55:26 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- caught by
- gets spooked by and thanks him for helping
- watches and get blasted, and catches a glimpse of Mesprit and Uxie before falling
- throws Smeargle out of the hole as they fall
- Smeargle Sketches and uses Mystical Power against Dialga and the Unown
- Locke recognizes Volcanion and the "Heart" from 's description
- Latias is following down but its one Pokemon only sorry bud
- booba protect me,,,,




Locke dug his feet into the ground ahead of him to try to slow his descent, but the flowing earth was picking up speed too rapidly now, and he was unable to stop as the sand scraped painfully against the wound on his back.


Suddenly, the courier was hoisted back by an arm built like a tree trunk, tugging him into the warm boobas of a stranger behind him. He craned his neck back to face his muscular savior and-like something out of a comic book-was met with the glittering, green visor of actual superhero Pokénger.


His brain fried under the fantasy come to life, before deciding that he was kind of alright with dying like this.


"You looking to get your ass beat again?"


The momentary acceptance of his own mortality was gone as quickly as it came, as Locke defensively raised his arms with a small "Eep!, assuming that 's threat had been aimed at him.


But the wolfman had not, apparently, come to finish him off-but instead had come to save the others around the theater? Or, at least, the other Rockets around the theater, and everyone else by reluctant extension.


"Th-Thank you!" he called after the Rocket, because it was still the polite thing to do.


Shocked back into reality, Locke braced a hand against Pokénger and lifted himself above the other man's-really big, stop, focus-shoulder. He managed to catch sight of and again just as the Roar of Time was rushing towards them.




He reached out helplessly for them, catching the briefest glimpse of two familiar floating figures before the legendary's attack reached the theater.


While the combined efforts of both factions were enough to keep them from being crushed beneath the weight of an entire building, it was not enough to prevent the sinkhole's inevitable collapse, or those within it from plummeting down after it.


In the seconds between his stomach dropping and the rest of his body following, Locke managed to seize Casso-Casso by the scruff and toss him to the very edge of the crater-before the Smeargle disappeared from view, replaced by endless dirt and stone.


Casso-Casso landed roughly, immediately scrambling back to try and catch another glimpse of his trainer, only to have his attention drawn again to the ancient legendary behind him. Normally he would relish the chance to seize the spotlight, but now that he was alone his body was locked with stage fright.


Well, when in doubt, best follow the lead, right?


Shakily, the he raised his tail and Sketched the Mesprit's Mystical Power, launching the ray of legendary energy towards Dialga and the Unown in place of the Lake Trio's third member.


Locke, meanwhile, had found that the dirt and stone was-in fact-not so endless after all.


The earth below opened not into rocks and debris but a cavernous medieval city like that of a fairytale. Gears and cogwheels spun dizzyingly below them as mechanical Pokémon sprang to life. Pokémon similar-Locke noted in the part their mind not dedicated to screaming at the moment-to the Volcanion described to them by .


Which meant that heart at the center was…


Their own chest seized under the combination of adrenaline, Latias' panic as she raced towards them unseen, and now whatever power this "Heart" was exerting. Nauseated, they turned away from the mysterious object and into the comforting abs of , bracing for impact.


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 13:14:14 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar



The sounds of battle reverberated around Zev as the ground gave way, causing him to fall with the collapsing earth. A jolt of panic shot through him; he quickly switched out his Infernape for his Cofagrigus.[break][break]

"Quick!" Zev shouted, urgency in his tone. The spectral Pokémon saw what was happening and swooped down to grab her master, slowing his descent.[break][break]

Suddenly, a powerful noise filled the air: the primal point firing. Zev twisted in Cofagrigus' grip, prompting the Coffin Pokémon to turn them around. They gazed skyward just in time to watch the explosions in the sky as first the meteoroid, then its strange, crystalline core were destroyed. The sound of shattering glass followed as the dome around Hoenn vanished.[break][break]

A bright glow filled the sky. When it faded, two small Pokémon Zev didn't recognize flew out of sight. Then something up on the ground exploded, spraying more dirt and dust down into the sinkhole. Zev shielded his face with his arms until the dust settled, then looked up again.[break][break]

Something hurtled toward him. Something small and gleaming.[break][break]

Instinctively, he reached out a hand and caught it. When he uncurled his fingers, a crystal sat in the palm of his hand, thrumming with untapped power.[break][break]


Weeks ago, after the summit in Sootopolis, Zev had read into primal energy and the crystals intended to teleport the meteoroid. He'd found a publication written by about the properties of primal energy and its unique capabilities. A visual reference from the paper showing various primal crystals resurfaced in his memory as he beheld the shard in his hand.[break][break]

It looked awfully similar to those crystals in Dr. Morales' research paper.[break][break]

Noise from below drew Zev's attention away from this sudden revelation. He looked down, and Cofagrigus turned them around so they could brace for impact. But much to their surprise, the fall was not as far as they expected. The enormous amount of loose soil falling with them thudded against what seemed like an invisible barrier.[break][break]

And far below it, transforming before Zev's eyes, ancient ruins rebuilt themselves into some kind of medieval city. For a moment, he could only watch, transfixed, as the world beneath them sprang to life.[break][break]

Then Zev caught sight of and not far away from each other. "Set me down there," Zev commanded his Cofagrigus, gesturing in their direction. "And hide us from sight with HAZE."[break][break]

She obeyed, summoning a cold, misty fog to blanket the immediate area and obscure the three Rockets. Then she carefully lowered her master onto the barrier before releasing her grip. The hitman walked over to the collapsed form of Levy first and grabbed him by his hood to hoist him upright. Dragging Levy with him, Zev made his way to Priam's side. Zev peered again at the strange, mystical city under their feet, fascinated. A tall building in the distance drew his gaze.[break][break]

Within that towering structure was a heart-shaped construct glowing with light. At first, he wasn't sure what it was, but a second revelation dawned on him the longer he stared at it.[break][break]

The energy source.[break][break]

Adrenaline surged through Zev. He looked at Priam, his eyes wide, his expression dead serious. "That's it," he murmured. How he knew, he could not begin to explain. It was simply a gut feeling, unyielding and indisputable.[break][break]

The crystal burned hot against the palm of Zev's hand. He glanced around to ensure no one could see them through Cofagrigus' haze, then surreptitiously showed the shard to Priam.[break][break]

"I think this is part of the crystal at the primal point." He paused, letting the weight of his words sink in. Another excerpt from Dr. Morales' publication stood out, vivid, in his mind's eye.[break][break]

"Teleportation between dimensions with Primal Energy is delicate in nature. Depending on the cut and refinement of a primal shard, a specific dimensional resonance can be created when struck by z-moves or mega-evolution."

Zev curled his fingers around the shard, protective, possessive. "It reacts to Z-moves and mega evolution, but my Pokémon are all tapped out. Got anything?"[break][break]




- Zev is wearing black tactical gear + a mask[break]
- Cofagrigus slows Zev's descent to the impenetrable barrier[break]
- Zev catches the Mega Sableye crystal infused with primal energy[break]
- Remembers 's publication on primal energy[break]
- Cofagrigus uses HAZE to hide Zev/Priam/Levy from sight[break]
- Zev meets up with Priam, bringing Levy with him[break]
- Suggests activating the crystal he has caught to get to the energy source beyond the rift



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played by

Alicia Jewel

July 5
Fortree City
Elite Ranger
135 height
135 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
612 posts
Julia Davis DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @julia
Julia Davis
POSTED ON Nov 23, 2022 18:38:37 GMT
Julia Davis Avatar

Julia winced as several attacks clashed dangerously close to the Primal Point, then gasped when Dialga's roar devolved three Pokémon to their previous stages. It roared again and again, seemingly sending Littleroot through time as buildings shifted in shape and plants shriveled and regrew in continuous cycles. More Pokémon devolved, including 's Kiara.

Chef Quanto said:
"i've had enough! you can't stop the passage of time! what makes you think you can stop us?!"

[break]"That doesn't mean we're giving up!" Julia shouted back. "Time marches forward, but so do we!"

[break][break]In this case, though, time was marching backward. The Dialga roared again.

[break][break]"Chester, watch out!" she called.

[break][break]There wasn't much Chester could do, though. Although he was able to strike 's Sableye and hopefully prevent it from going through the opening the other Rockets had created in the Precipice Blades, he shrunk down into a Doduo a moment later. Both heads squawked and looked at each other in confusion.

[break][break]Dialga began to charge an intense spear of energy in front of the gem in his chest. It looked like it was winding up for its largest attack yet. Time itself seemed to shiver; for a moment, Julia felt smaller, like she was a child caught in the middle of this war. Even when she confirmed that she was still her same height, that feeling sat heavy at the bottom of her heart.

[break][break]She grabbed Chester's Poké Ball to protect him from the oncoming attack, but a Monolithic Punch smashed into Dialga's jaw, disrupting the roar. With that opening, Tapu Lele's guardian-shaped energy was able to strike the Primal Point, allowing it to fire. Julia smiled with relieved awe as she watched the beam shoot toward the meteoroid. Despite the setbacks and hardships, they'd done it. Their conviction, their will, was shooting for the sky. It hit the meteoroid, which vanished in a pulse of light so bright that Julia had to avert her gaze.

[break][break]High above, she thought she heard the sound of something shattering. When she squinted upward again, she saw the Primal Point's beam ricocheting back toward its source. She didn't even have a moment to be shocked before the Point exploded, sending her and Chester flying back with screams. Pain blossomed over her body when she hit the ground, and her ears rang, drowning out any other sound around her. Her vision blurred as she was forced to stare at the sky while her body processed what had just happened. Vaguely, she saw the dome shatter and the dimensions flicker and shift, but she barely understood what any of it meant.

[break][break]Chester's weak caw was what finally brought her back to reality. The now-Doduo had landed near her, battered and bruised from being closer to the explosion. Only one set of his eyes was half-open. Julia reached a trembling arm out to him, breathing heavily just from this exertion. Her hand rested on his conscious head and slowly, softly petted it.

[break][break]"You did great," she whispered. With her other hand, she reached for his Poké Ball and pressed the button to recall him. He deserved to rest after that. Julia wished she could rest in a Poké Ball right about now, too.

[break][break]She winced again when Dialga let out another Roar of Time and gasped when she saw several people, League, Rocket, and Megalopolan alike, vanish as if erased from the timeline. She started to sit up, but a wave of pain shot through her, making her groan and clutch her head halfway up. A few deep breaths returned focus to her vision, and she saw Quanto's Unown strangling Dialga's neck. A rift was opening behind the Triad assassin, as well.

[break][break]Julia's heart sank at the implications of what she saw. Dialga had caused a lot of damage, including to Julia's own Pokémon, but now she just wanted to help it. It seemed to be on Quanto's side against its will, and now this horrible man was repaying the favor by dragging it out by the neck. Righteous adrenaline coursed through Julia, helping her push through the pain. She had to do something. She had to stop him.

[break][break]She tossed out Spot's Poké Ball. "Shadow Ball those Unown!"

[break][break]Once he'd materialized, Spot immediately put his paws together to charge up the attack, then fired it at the Unown encircling Dialga. He glanced back at his trainer, then did a double-take on seeing her battered form still half-lying on the ground. He ran over to her side.

[break][break]"I'll be okay," Julia said, smiling weakly. "Make sure—ngh—he doesn't... get away."

[break][break]But Spot's attention was focused on his precious trainer. Even if she ordered him to keep fighting that strange man and his even stranger Pokémon, his first priority was protecting Julia.





  • julia tells quanto they're not giving up
  • chester devolves into doduo
  • julia and chester get caught in the primal point explosion; chester is on the verge of fainting, so julia recalls him
  • sends out spot the lucario, who uses shadow ball on the unown
  • spot runs to julia's side to protect his injured trainer


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing