i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 5:34:32 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] as the king's voice echoes above them, ollie can only think of the fairytales that papa told him and when they were kids. a pure white knight who descended down from the sky, only to be slain by a mysterious force. none of it seemed real — then again, none of the events of today seemed real either.

[break][break] before he can properly register what is happening, he follows and the others towards MOTOSTOKE. with a lurch of his stomach, ollie blinks and looks around him — even if this memory was the same as the reality they were used to in hoenn, ollie would not have recognized it. he had never been to galar, after all.

[break][break] even if he had, though, he would know that there was one thing that would remain grotesque and out of place. the poison hands that threatened the city's populace, appearing from the earth like manifestations in the sludge.

[break][break] penny seems to have the same idea as him, because the councilwoman is quickly directing him. "you got it, pen." with a nod, ollie releases his wyrdeer. energy gathers between his antlers before a PSYCHIC blast joins mr. rime's to push the hands back lest they get to close.

[break][break] the ranger captain joins penny in her trek to each of the citizen's doors, using his charm and good nature to coerce them out of their homes and help with the league's efforts.

[break][break] even if it was just one, it would be more one more person they had not had before aiding them in their crisis.




• MOTOSTOKE (w/ ) [break]
SECONDARY ACTION: aiding councilwoman in inspiring the peasantry [break]



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January 3
131 height
131 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
299 posts
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:06:46 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Vanilla appeared in Hammerlocke besides her sibling and gasped at the state the once beautiful city had become. Decayed, worn down and barely anything looking as good as it had when she left. Towers and walls had been reduced to mishapen rubble as the ground was litterested in the erosion of stone and structure around then. It was enough to drive the girl to worry more about the whereabouts of her siblings as she let out a soft whine, naturally stepping a little closer to her brother for comfort. "It's all so wrong...Everyone's broken. It's like somebody just came in with a bulldozer." She looked over and finally noticed Biscotti's arm popped out of his socket. Once again, she was driven to anxiety about whether or not this was life threatening. But Elise had come by as well to thankfully pop it back into place.

"Eh-Elise, thank you." Vanilla said, lettng out a sigh of relief. She eyed Biscotti and then would turn to the other woman with a smile. "This is my older brother, Biscotti. He's, um...He has a certain condition that makes him not feel any pain. So I have to make sure he doesn't hurt himself sometimes." There was a little venom in her words, but the boy knew exactly how much his little sister loved him to constantly baby him. Her reward for this was being babied back, as the two were locked in an everlasting feud of who needed more supervision. But after the meeting, they'd have to get to work on things quickly around Hammerlock. There were poisonous globules all around, with some even containing hands. Others appeared to be getting them under control, as she threw out her Altaria. "I'll check out the place from above. Biscotti, be careful. You too, Elise." She hopped aboard the Altaria as it would spread its large wings and take off into the air above. The flying types hover above as the hands grasped down to slam it back down to the ground. "Moonblast, Cauli!" The Altaria swooped below, blasting the poison goop down while doing her best to hang on.

Of course, she was terrified. Everything was happening so fast and here she was, a dumb teen, throwing herself in the middle of danger. But for her country, she would do it a thousand times over. Vanilla would survive and find her family somewhere in this rubble. She continued to fly around, blasting any poison globules on the ground that she could find. It wasn't until that a familiar shape caught her eye that she pointed to a familiar dark haired man. "Quick, go lower." The Altaria obligued as it lowered itself to see near the western part of Hammerlock as she smiled at the man who had saved her some time ago. "HEY THOMAS!" she called out from above, offering a wave. "BE CAREFUL DOWN THERE! THESE HANDS ARE EVERYWHERE!" Once that was done, she'd keep to the sidelines and have Altaria fly around the skies above Hammerlocke, keeping an eye out for anything that could pose a threat.

| |

- Appears back home in Hammerlock, but unable to run to the bakery
- Introduces Biscotti to Elise
- Calls out ALTARIA and rides it, flying into the air
- (Secondary) Aids Elise by clearing out the poison hands attacking people nearby
- Spots Thomas Benoit and yells out for him to say hi/be safe.

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:06:59 GMT



ACCLIMATION COMES WITH EXPERIENCE. no matter how foreign the setting, some rules remain constant. or, perhaps, we look for reassurance in familiarity. regardless, high ground is the obvious priority. against the dark canopy of foliage and fungi, the illuminated staircase is a fair attraction.

it reminds him of FORTREE, in some aspects, and pressures the path and undertake. a brief encounter with the POISON HANDS is handled by the latter—a clear justification of why values him so highly. that, in many ways, is what allows fernando to release him so easily when the elite four asks for more hands.

left alone, with , he ponders the reaction of his LEGENDARY MARK and the GLOWING CRYSTAL. a short conversation unravels that both do not know enough, but acknowledging the unknown is acknowledgement nonetheless.

the rest of his time is keeping watch from the OBSERVATORY. his GYARADOS roams the skies, ushering in a RAIN DANCE to help wash away poison and refresh the local fauna. most of his attention is laid out on where resources lie, surveying the land as if it was hoenn itself, so that he may better reallocate them as the city needs.

fortunately, most find something to keep themselves busy. clear comms means there is little need for him to be more than their watchful eye. the type of lull that allows him to review CALYREX's words and commit them to paper.

- approaches the OBSERVATORY with and
- they encounter a POISON HAND which defeats
- tells that needs him
- and discuss the LEGENDARY MARK and CRYSTAL
- records CALYREX's words on viable media



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castelia city, unova
gym trainer
10 height
10 height
hello world, i'm your wild girl
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TAG WITH @athena
athena oswald
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:17:05 GMT
athena oswald Avatar

Nothing this guy says makes any fucking sense.[break][break]

They're able to string together bits and pieces but for the most part, Athena is lost. It's her own fault— she really hadn't been paying much attention. But that doesn't mean she won't roll her eyes in exasperation when the speeches are finally over and they're all finally split up and transported.[break][break]

The whole experience is dizzying and disorienting and frankly, she hates it. But Thena has never been anything if not resiliant. She brushes off the discomfort and pushes on ahead, hoisting her Drilbur onto her lap as she releases her Stoutland once again to travel around the ruined city.[break][break]

Her oversized canine is able to dodge the pools of sludge that litter the streets with relative ease. However, the grasping hands that emerge from them are another matter entirely. "Shit!" Athena hisses as one of them grabs her Stoutland's back leg and starts to pull them down, but a well-timed earthquake from her Drilbur has it buried underground before they can be dragged to their doom.[break][break]

"This place fucking sucks," they bemoan into their comms, for and anyone else in proximity to hear. "Anyone else dealing with these creepy fucking hands? We're fightin' 'em off okay, but— oh, shit shit, shit!"[break][break]

Their line bursts into radio static. For a while, it stays that way.[break][break]

Athena loves a fight, but these grasping hands don't put up much of one. So instead, she seeks higher ground to get away and get her bearings. Her search brings her to a large stone staircase, but climbing it doesn't lead to any respite. Instead, the gym trainer is faced with walls of tapestries coated in the same poison they'd just been trying to avoid.[break][break]

"Just my luck," she grumbles. Whatever is depicted upon the tapestries is completely obscured by the poison. Maybe it's nothing— but a room like this feels significant, somehow.[break][break]

"Hey, uh...checking in again," she says into her comms. "Found some kinda...y'know, the old fashioned wall blanket things? Dunno. Might be important though. Gonna clear 'em up and see what happens."[break][break]

Her Totodile's hydro pump attempts to spray most of the goo away from the chamber walls and tapestries, but what lies beneath it all remains to be seen.[break][break]




in hammerlocke. primary action is clear poison sludge from the vault, but is also attacking the poison hands.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @priam
priam conrad
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:23:03 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
"aw, look at him go!" he swoons over his guzzlord as it disposes of toxic waste washed away from the plants by the rain to its mouth. "keep it up, buddy! we still have lots of places to clean up after!"

the final boss wasn't coming. at the end of the day, it just becomes a clean up simulator. as ironic as things are, the events were just too clean that priam didn't recieve the signal to play hero.

he sits atop the observatory with , playing assistant once again for a different person. while there was no need for him to stay, he subconsciously feels compelled to, if only by a natural tendency to stick with those he provides assistance to.

while he's not sure if his shouts from below can reach all the way at the bottom, where his guzzlord is, the cheering pays off. they will work their way outwards from the observatory, and soon, patches of poison will be no more.

  • priam is in his sygna suit
  • stays with fern at the observatory
  • guzzlord eats poison after gyarados washes them off with rain dance


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Adel or Della
February 21
Ballonlea City
18 height
18 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @adelaide
Adelaide Whiteley
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:35:38 GMT
Adelaide Whiteley Avatar

[attr="class","header"]The Huntress Is On The Prowl...


Adel was shocked that by her body had gotten controlled by the king. It was a rather old feeling as her answered to an extended but at the same time. She was afraid for the sword pokemon. There was no point in worrying about the pokemon right if they wouldn't be able to do anything if they could make it out. [break][break] It wasn't before long she end up in hammerlocke it seemed there was going to be for the moment in time. She wondered what might happened now. There was a lot of things to done. The girl leaped off her luxray. "Lyn, returned for now I know you that look in you eye but now is not the time."[break][break] Lyn only snorted as Adel sent how her ralts once again. She need a little less fearful than before. "I know you not in the right mind but if we don't do anything other will suffer. Using psychic on any of remained boulders let's try to build some kind of defense." If any of the poison hand came to close to him then ralts would quickly turn to attack them.

[attr="class","oocnotes"] + Arrives in hammerlocke a bit lost in her thoughts [break][break] Swaps luxray for her ralts who feeling a bit better [break][break]
Using psychic on debris to build defense (Main)[break][break] should any poison hands come near then they will dealt with (Second)[break][break]vaL1gGfY[break][break]



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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:53:10 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar
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After taking mental notes of everything that was said Razz braces himself for the teleportation. After a moment of recovery and the sudden chill of CIRCHESTER he guess he should count his blessing that his patron was a fire type as despite the cold he was able to keep himself warm with his own hands. The head Ranger taking a moment to take in the scenery as well as their situation. He does give a wave to both and though he is still debating on how best to help as he tries to put all the information from before behind him. They had a task and this place was in danger. [break][break]

Salem seems to say something as he points from Razz and to the citizens before pointing to the Head Ranger Band he wore on his arm. Right Rangers had protocol, and protecting the people was one of them. Razz does decide to call upon Reshiram, trying to use the white dragon's presence to help gather attention from the citizens around. "Greeting Citizens of Circhester, I am the Head Ranger and I want to assure you all that we are here to help," he informs the crowd before he does gesture to his patron, "Not only do you have capable people here but you can rest assured that even legends have chosen to help..." Razz would go on slightly to try an uplift the spirits of the citizens while those within the League give him an update. [break][break]

When tugs at his jacket to inform him of what she wanted to do he gives a nod, "Right and if you can see if your uhh little buddy can't help with some of the citizens if possible, I've always found a panicked civilian to be more of a problem to themselves more than anything else," he would say to her in a more hushed tone as to not be overheard. [break][break]

Though with both AQUA memebers, and , on the case of defense and the Rangers taking up with helping with the purification Razz ponders how best to help. Before he figures his best place would be at fighting what he saw to be the main poison problem, especially when it seemed like only 2 of their own went to the POWER SPOT. Razz has Reshiram fly them both there, the white dragon keeping in the air as Razz explains that if they could focus on that hopefully 's and 's cleaning would have more of an effect as Reshiram blast a DRAGON PLUSE to aide the others. [break][break]

For now Razz choosing to keep his distance from the others there as most of them were unknowns with the exception of . The head Ranger keeping an eye on just who they choose to interact with given their current stance. [break][break]


[break]+ Sygna Suit
[break]+ In CIRCHESTER
[break]+ Razz summons Reshiram and talks to the crowd, letting them know who he is and that they're there to help. Hoping Reshiram would help inspire knowing that legends were on their side to help.
[break]+ After talking with the civilians Razz heads to the POWER SHOT and uses DRAGON PULSE to try to help unclog.



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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 6:56:53 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
The crown prince pays rapt attention to the responses made by CALYREX. Though his eyes narrow with distrust when is bestowed its crystal. Given the man's higher standing in the League, and Remiel's debt to it, there is little he can say or do. Nevertheless, it is certainly something he commits to memory before everyone sets off in different directions.

✦ ✦ ✦

Remiel, upon ZEKROM's shoulder, spawns above the ruins of CALCIFET PALACE near the heart of HAMMERLOCKE. All the flowers in the royal garden have withered. All of its banners are either torn, burnt, or robbed of their colour. The royal is only given a moment to absorb the daunting scene, however, before they're attacked by nightmarish POISON HANDS that reach out to them from all around.

But Zekrom is prepared. Its turbine whirs as it nimbly dodges their attempted snatching in flight. Then it summons a powerful PSYCHIC energy once it's cleared the closest attempts. The onslaught that follows forces its avatar to grip on tightly to its scales as the ominous hands are slammed against the towers of Calcifet Palace, driven into the decayed beds of roses below, or simply torn apart.

✦ ✦ ✦

PEASANTS poke their heads out of their windows and look up when ZEKROM's mighty roar fills the noble streets of Hammerlocke. Some even rush out to greet the dragon and their crown prince with hopeful glee. might have failed them when he was most needed, leaving a great deal of them to harbor bitter resentment for the man even still, but his appearance here atop the righteous BLACK YIN certainly helped INSPIRE most nonetheless.

And, though Remiel certainly takes notice of their medieval clothing, he speaks to them as if he is speaking to his own people out there... in the real world.

"My countrymen! I know things seem bleak. To most of you, it might seem as if the 'end' has already come and gone. But I am here to remind you that it has not! The spirit of our great nation lives on within each and every one of you! As long as we keep that spirit alive, GALAR will NOT say goodbye!" He exclaims, drawing his blade and raising it triumphantly into the sky before a BOLT STRIKES it.

With nowhere else to go, the lighting crackles and resides within the sword for a moment before Remiel spots the CLOGGED POWER SPOT nearby. With a sharp jab in its direction, he sends that powerful LIGHTNING BOLT shooting towards it in an attempt to help unclog it. Afterward, he sharply turns his attention back to his subjects.

"Now please— I ask of every able-bodied man and woman to assist us in reclaiming our beloved Hammerlocke!"




🍒 using X5 SALAC BERRY
🧥 is wearing a black ensemble with reinforced padding and a knightly sword

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 10:09:38 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar


Calyrex was babbling.
A lot.
By the time it graces Katherine with an answer, she is not only exhausted from having heard the answers to everyone else's questions, but she's also bored. The false king tells her nothing she didn't know already.
Simple humans couldn't kill a god. Thankfully, she was neither simple nor human.
Regardless, they are eventually whisked into the beams. A pang of disappointment creeps into her heart upon emerging in Motostoke, a city of smoke and blight.
Throughout the day, the Malevolent finds solace in the dance of danger, where treacherous hands emerge from venom pools. Each impending threat is met with a SHADOW FORCE, spiriting her away from harm's reach. Her Mimikyu tends to them with a MIMICKED PSYCHIC, swatting each hand away back into its pool.
Each gaudy attempt at inspiring the hearts of the peasantry, adorned with the grandiose exhibition of a higher power or hollow reassurances of a better tomorrow, invariably evokes a profound feeling of disgust within her.
Katherine instinctively seeks refuge near the city's outskirts, maintaining a cautious distance from the Galarians. She's not here to comfort them. Her purpose lies in hastening the conclusion of this trial, ensuring a swift return to home.
Amidst her efforts to fortify the city's gateways and seal its escape routes, the councilwoman steals fleeting moments to venture into the distortion world—or rather, she tries to.
Could she even do that here?


- in motostoke[break]
- tps away from hands and allows mimikyu to mimic psychic to swat them away[break]
- helps barricade n fortify the city's gateways and escape routes[break]
- attempts to slip into the distortion world a few times, if only to see if it's possible in this memory/dimension/<whatever they are in>


[attr="class","bottom"]@ RUSTED SWORD [break]


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[nospaces][newclass="credit"]FREE TO USE! coded by mad, partial credit to milky for text styling <3[/newclass]
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January 23
Cake Decorator
I might not feel pain, but I can still bleed.
316 posts
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TAG WITH @biscotti
Biscotti Kingsley
POSTED ON Jun 1, 2023 12:16:49 GMT
Biscotti Kingsley Avatar

[attr="class","bisc"]Big bro didn’t appreciate the name calling. He would have crossed his arms, but it was hard with one swinging like wind chimes. The revelation that she didn’t have comms didn’t go over too well either. But it was the biscuit-head thing he chose to comment on. “If you think biscuits look like this--” He gestured to himself and his hair. “You deserved to be thrown out of the kitchen.”

Then, his sister got distracted when the bunny-deer thing appeared. Calyrex, right.. Though a fan of comics and mythology, he kind of glossed over the whole High King thing. The dogs were way cooler. Unfortunately, his sister wasn’t mollified for long. The second he got close enough to hug her, she started imitating Mom. “Look, it’s been days since I’ve gotten hurt.” The brunette mumbled beneath his breath. “It could have been way worse.” This reminded him to pull the earbuds out of his ears. You’re still in one piece.” Mom would have yelled a lot more if her baby girl got hurt.

Nilla, I’m just trying to lighten the mood. I’m plenty serious.” He was stressed. Everybody here was stressed. Some idiots were still trying to punch each other. So, even if he failed, you couldn’t blame him for trying to break the tension. Before the conversation could continue, he felt himself pushed through the portal by a burst of psychic power. As he flew through the portal, he pivoted to watch the king fall to his knees.

Still trying to get his bearings, Scotti barely noticed as the princess popped things back into place. This was a blessing in disguise. One look at that gorgeous, familiar face would turn him into a stuttering mess. He stared at the sea of peasantry before him. This place was familiar but not. Fixated on the strangers before them—some kind of cosplay group?--he thanked her. “It’s no biggie.”Biscotti murmured. “I can’t feel it anyway.” He flexed his restored limb.

His sister explained his condition. It made him blush. Why’d she have to air his dirty laundry like that!? “Wait—!?” By the time he was done pitying himself, his sister had vanished in a flurry of Altaria feathers. Then, just like that, he was alone.

But he forgot about all that when Elise spoke. Honey eyes fixated on her, his own heart buoyed by her words. But, when the crowd ended, he realized he had jack all idea about what to do. Then, he saw a chimney up the streak. A full stomach always makes me feel better. These guys probs haven't had a good meal in ages. Scotti wasn’t exactly a Champion league battler, and he doubted his mini-golf skills would be an asset. But he could make a killer cupcake. And, with all the crap going on, he figured no one had stopped for lunch.

Grateful to find the bakery abandoned—trying his best not to think about why—Scotti went to work making some classic vanilla cupcakes. Though the ingredients were totally rustic, he was proud of the result. They were fluffy and moist. The frosting was a bit gritty, but it was probably better than the brick bread he found earlier. Hoping to keep the oven warm, he left his Dachsbun snoozing under the stove.

Seemingly exhausted, the Runerigus exchanged herself for a Poliwhirl.

“Have a cupcake! They're pretty good for being from a hellscape!” Biscotti grinned as he shoved a dessert at a random masked guy. Probably Rocket. But that didn’t stop him. That mask was dope. As his dessert supply dwindled, the brunette became increasingly aware of the wrongness in the air. This realization was punctuated with a yelp as a spiked hand grasped at his ankles.

He saw a family peeking around the door jam. Zekrom’s roar above—gods, these gods were cool—made him straighten. C’mon Scotti. You got this.

With confidence he didn’t quite feel—buoyed by the hard work now laying frosting-side down on the streets—he tossed out his Poliwhirl. He gave the family a thumbs up as it used Mud Shot on the water. If successful, he’d go after another hand.

If not, well, he’d just have to get up and try again.


  • Has his arms restored
  • Makes and hands out cupcakes to the peasanty (Inspiring them?)
  • Talks with and
  • Leaves his Dachsbun at the bakery to make some bread
  • Sees a scared family and tries to show off by attacking one of the hands with a Mudshot from his Poliwhirl



[newclass=.bisc b] color: #DF4F52; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.bisc i] color: #D7262B; font-size: 10.5px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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September 17th
Castelia City, Unova
Volta Vice-President
In this and every life
I choose us every time
1m62 / 5'3 height
1m62 / 5'3 height
Through my rise and fall, you've been my only friend
150 posts
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TAG WITH @aura
Brynnhildr Erling
POSTED ON Jun 2, 2023 1:10:56 GMT
Brynnhildr Erling Avatar
When she arrives through the portal, the first thing she notices is the utter darkness befalling it. The stray mushrooms that remain dotting the once fairy-like city. Yet for some reason they only add to the gloom reigning; poison drips of once-luminiscent mushrooms, of gates, muddle streets and gardens like there's no stopping it. The sludge thick enough to dim the lights.

She worries for its people, who shy away and merely dare peek from the safety of their houses to the strangers arriving in their city. A daring few watch from a distance, their appearance in stark contrast with the more modern environment. Almost... medieval?

She's so taken by Ballonea's fate that hasn't even noticed how she's been holding unto Gwyar's hand; not until he squeezes it and grants her an encouraging smile. One she returns before they break away.

How strange, the cold it leaves.

But when he asks for some to accompany him, she follows, watching with glee how the man does what he does best; flash his most charming, knightly smile and beckon the wary to trust. And although it took some trying, the peasants did in fact do just that, but more than a kind smile is all she brings into the fray, and when and continue onward, she stays back, wandering off the streets.

There's a few houses tucked away among the sludge, and while she had first intended to just introduce herself, the rain that had started trickling down would eventually make her look like a drowned rat rather than an inspiring stranger. The house she picked was one heavily covered in sludge; rather than take to the people she recalls Spica, the Riolu heavily displeased as it is switched out for her odd-coloured Dilbur, Delta.

Together with her Drilbur she starts cleaning the sludge off their property, unaware of how the patch behind her is bubbling ominously, and eerie dark digits start creeping from it. Brynn startles when the door behind her bursts open, a young man -narily out of his teens- shouting a warning at her as he points at the hands, now locked on her.

Brynn freezes, but with the pounding in her heart comes an instinct she's forgotten she had. Rising to her feet she takes a few steps back, arm outstretched as she ushers the young man back inside. "Stay back and hide somewhere safe! I'll... I'll keep them at bay."

Try to.

But she'd never say that out loud. Instead she looks at her Drilbur with a slight panic, the blue-nosed mole frowning as it awaits an order; any order. And that's exactly what it gets; "Delta, go get them! uh,... Scorching Hands!" Ah. Almost right. But it was good enough for the Drilbur to understand, as it channeled a slab of Scorching Sands towards the hands that plagued the city.

A valiant effort for one who had never risen to the occasion to be the hero. But she had to start somewhere if she wanted to find her place.




+ Follows & co, watches him inspire the peasantry [break]
+ Switches Riolu out for Drilbur [break]
+ Starts cleaning the sludge [break]
+ Ballonean peasant helps and alerts her to danger[break]
+ Main Action: Throwing hands with the hands [break]



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 0:49:00 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]GOODBYE GALAR:[break]



🎼 Route 10 (Approaching Wyndon) - Pokémon Sword and Shield


THE PEASANTRY ARE TERRIFIED AT FIRST. These people are indeed, normal people, and yet, the faces seem familiar. Pulled from everyone's collective memory, the visages of the Galarian people are an uncanny amalgamation of faces they've seen.[break][break]

A plucky breaks the ice first. The villagers are disarmed by his charm —but it is 's HEALING that truly lowers their guard. The MEW'S LIFE DEW is marveled at; the peasants have not seen such a Pokemon before.[break][break]

and her ROCK-TYPE POKEMON begin to construct stone walls. Large formations of rock parallel the 's ANCIENT POWER BOULDERS around the POKECENTER. As the safe house is solidified, assists by creating moats where ever appropriate. Such defenses will indeed prove fruitful in the hours to come...[break][break]

SPRAWLING SLUDGE HANDS sprout from pools of poison. They spawn ever so often like stubborn weeds. 's DRILBUR tears through several palms with its claws, while 's GARCHOMP manages to overpower others while a child cheers on. However, 's DELPHOX gathers pools of sludge from the city streets with PSYCHIC. Clearing major pathways, the poison is BURNED—and a putrid smell wafts into the air like a fiendish omen.[break][break]

Others take to the nearby foliage. and tend to the surviving fungi in Ballonlea. As the sludge is washed away, several mushrooms seem changed. Their caps feature odd spirals, and their color is a vibrant magenta. 's LEGENDARY MARK pulses as if resonating with them... for it seems the events of THE BATTLE OF ULTRA DEEP SEA have imprinted on its glyph. As 's GYARADOS washes away the shrooms with RAIN DANCE, 's GUZZLORD devours poison; however, it is quick to stop... for the POISON APPEARS TO BE QUITE HARMFUL TO IT despite its incredible constitution.[break][break]

returns from her foraging. Most of the tangle is corrupted by poisons too. Able to find the rare bit of game, berries, and edible shrooms, the wild child is able to bring back crucial supplies with her LYCANROC. The peasants see this and welcome the new stock, for they seem to be too fearful of venturing outside this secluded territory. However, the most curious find she brings back is another feather: spiky, reddish-orange and very similar to the black quill she had pilfered before.[break][break]

After inspiring the peasants, and get to work on the SMOTHERED POWER SPOT in BALLONLEA STADIUM. The knight's GLASTRIER summons a powerful ICICLE CRASH to freeze the flowing toxin, before 's FLYGON whips its wings. Waves of a BUG BUZZ continue to batter into the frozen poison and the desert song of the dragon's wings begins to crescendo. Finally, the POWER SPOT is unplugged. A surge of poison erupts like a glob of toothpaste, but the two manage to dart out of the way in time.[break][break]

Should the two peer below, they would see that the POWER SPOT descends deep, deep, deep down into the earth. It is pitch black; the two are unsure when the drop ends...


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
cleansing sludge and claw by earth, pool and mind,[break]
walls art hath raised to protect us i'm told.[break]
as speeches forge our hearts so bold[break]
what more shalt beest remembered?[break]


CIRCHESTER'S PEASANTRY GATHER AS OUR HEROES ARRIVE. is quick to address the crowd as he summons his RESHIRAM. Though he attempts to comfort them with promises of aid, the white dragon initially terrifies the Galarians. Several scream and stir at the sight of it.[break][break]

Regardless, the townspeople comply. Whether they have been intimidated or persuaded sincerely is uncertain, but it would relieve to see the people place their trust in their party.[break][break]

Sludge permeates throughout this old city. From these vast patches of poison, hands emerge. Some seemingly have eyes in their crimson-pink palms as they seek out others. 's ESPEON is quick to subdue several hands from grasping other peasants or Pokemon. is able to do the same with his ALAKAZAM, able to work coolly under the pressure of these macabre claws.[break][break]

Before a hand can grasp her, 's SHADOW MIME JR. is summoned in place of her BLISSEY. The clown is able to overpower a surging hand with its PSYCHIC ENERGY—and should it desire, can assist should he be feeling unwell from the exposure.[break][break]

Unfortunately, 's SHADOW MIME JR., 's ESPEON, and 's ALAKAZAM are POISONED as a consequence of their battles. Thankfully, should someone assist them, they can be cured by proper support from a Pokemon's move.

Next, 's UNOWN-M acts as an effective guard for its trainer—and the city. It darts about CIRCHESTER as the man wanders about. HIDDEN POWERS strike at the hands with precise accuracy, causing them to shrivel up and return to the pools. From above, 's PELIPPER attempts to pump THE HERO'S BATH with cleaner water.[break][break]

A layer of sludge sweeps over the bath's edge, but is quick to step out of the way. Even now, he may feel the effects of the poison. PARANOIA AND/OR HALLUCINATIONS may settle in his psyche (up to Banished's discretion); however, 's SHADOW MIME JR. may help him navigate his addled mind.[break][break]

Unlike BALLONLEA'S STONE WALLS, CIRCHESTER is defended by ICE. A SHEER COLD from 's KYOGRE erects an incredible glacial palisade. They're thick, frozen solid walls and will surely slow any threat's attempt to enter the territory. While captain accomplishes this with her patron, sets SENTRY POINTS. As his LATIOS clears the falling ash—it is able to detect an incoming army of shimmering obsidian in the distance.[break][break]

checks the POKEMON CENTER and finds that it is indeed still functional. However, supplies are relatively sparse. Though it will be enough to tide the people over for a little while, it is clear that more must be done to keep this city alive.[break][break]

Some seek to fix the root cause of THE HOT SPRINGS' POLLUTION. The POWER SPOT in CIRCHESTER STADIUM is a putrid blemish on the field. 's NIDOQUEEN is first to act. An EARTH POWER helps dislodge a part of the well's edge, while 's TOGEKISS is swift to capitalize on the loosened lip. A FIRE-TYPE TERA BLAST liquefies the dried toxic, causing the spot to ooze like a dripping wound. Calmly, 's SLOWKING unclogs the rest before controlling the sudden surge with its PSYCHIC powers. From the sludge, a POISON HAND emerges but it is swiftly dealt with by 's ALAKAZAM. As the PSYCHIC attack severs the limb from the sludge, 's ABSOL AND ITS FUTURE SIGHT obliterate the crust clogging the POWER SPOT.[break][break]

A splash of POISON erupts from the newly exposed maw. Should the party peek at what has been exposed, they would find a long drop into darkness... It is an eerie feeling. To stare deep down into this abyss.[break][break]

As a result, THE HERO'S BATH begins to clear and become usable again.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh walls of ice and eyes in the sky,[break]
the eye below strikes the poison palms,[break]
wat'r floweth to act as balms[break]
the poison well now sees the sunne[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered[break]


HAMMERLOCKE'S FORTIFICATIONS have been a testament to Galar's long lasting steadfastness in the face of calamity. However, it is clear that they too, require much repair.[break][break]

's RALTS busily conjures its PSYCHIC powers. Debris is cleared from the streets and repurposed into barricades and gap-fillers. However, defends by scouting ahead. On her ALTARIA, the timid trainer braves the skies. By the end of preparations, she sees a cloud of debris being kicked up by something fast in the WILD AREA...[break][break]

Others attempt to inspire the citizens of Hammerlocke, for many are fearful or distrustful. attempts to provide cupcakes, making use of a damaged bakery that is reminiscent of their family's. [break][break]

provides a speech to the peasantry. Her past history of being a journalist and League official come in full-force despite her defection, but others are still unconvinced.[break][break]

However, when performs a daring stunt on his DRAGONITE to show their capabilities, the audience is further charmed. His performance in the backdrop of this draconic city warms up the crowd to prepare for and his ✨ZEKROM. Though many may initially have been terrified of its appearance, the preliminary work inspiring the peasantry allows the appearance of this dragon and its trainer to enthuse the citizens with new hope.[break][break]

POISON HANDS erupt from the sludge in HAMMERLOCKE. is a relentless force against the graspers with his GARDEVOIR. As PSYCHIC blasts against the hands, 's BEHEEYEM joins too, summoning its own mind-based powers to obliterate the limbs from their spying sprawl.

Unfortunately, 's GARDEVOIR is POISONED as a consequence of its battles. Thankfully, should someone assist them, they can be cured by proper support from a Pokemon's move.

calls upon his SHADOW HISUIAN ARCANINE to deal with the hands too. As it pounces on a writhing mess of fingers with a PSYCHIC FANG, the ground trembles. and his SLITHER WING perform isolated EARTHQUAKES to dispatch the hands and some of the sludge with impressive and awe-inducing precision.[break][break]

The POWER SPOT in HAMMERLOCKE'S CASTLE-STADIUM'S WALL oozes like an infant unable to control its spittle. 's ARMAROUGE pushes its cannon-arms together, pulsing the dried poison with PSYSHOCK to loosen it. TELEPORTS in with his PORYGON to assist. Old, melted stone and shells of dried toxin are peeled away by its PSYCHIC before it circles around the stadium to relay any pertinent developments to its trainer.[break][break]

However, lands the final blow on this vile dam. His HYDREIGON, as if inspired by the medieval locale its in, unleashes a furious DRAGON PULSE. The blockage is finally damaged enough to dislodge, causing a horrible discharge of poison to flood out of it. [break][break]

The chasm that is revealed is not an immediate drop. It is a small tunnel that curves into a steep plummet instead; it is dark and the bottom is not discernible...[break][break]

In the HAMMERLOCKE VAULT, and clear it of sludge and poison hand. The latter's TOTODILE leaps into the air, little feet waddling about as it sprays HYDRO PUMPS against the poison pools. Any hands that lunge out at them are taken care of by the reptile, while 's GARDEVOIR douses the rest of the chamber with LIFE DEW. Eventually, the VAULT IS CLEARED and the tapestries are revealed... but ONE HAS BEEN EATEN AWAY BY THE POISON and can not be discerned:[break][break]


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to repaireth our walls and scout our skies[break]
dragons inspireth nay feareth, nay ire[break]
on full stomachs, our people parry palms[break]
the castle mure well clear'd with nay qualms[break]
the vault reveals tapestries two[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered[break]


MOTOSTOKE, THE CITY OF STEAM AND INDUSTRY launches defensive preparations immediately. and are quick to create barricades.[break][break]

FREEZE-DRY is used by 's ALOLAN NINETALES on several steel barricades to solidify them. Several citizens carry other barricades at key checkpoints under his instruction as does the same, fortifying gateways and escape routes lest anything sneak pass.[break][break]

When attempts to slip into the DISTORTION WORLD, she finds herself able to... but it is not the DISTORTION WORLD. Just an empty space. Over time, it populates with her memory of the world, but for now, it is simply a blank canvas that she can sneak in and out of herself with GIRATINA. In the privacy of this realm, the GIRATINA lets her know that THE POISON REMINDS IT OF ITS SIBLING...[break][break]

's DELPHOX swiftly acts alongside as a townsperson sets a barricade down by a pool of sludge. A hand lunges for it and the Elite Four, but her Pokemon manages to split one apart with its PSYCHIC.[break][break]

Although the party shows nothing but benevolence and charity, the peasantry still remains distrustful in the beginning.[break][break]

Thankfully, is quick to act. She knocks on every door. Offers a kind face and even kinder words. She is accompanied by the princely , who is able to persuade more citizens into joining the creation of barricades and the amassment of supplies.[break][break]

At the STADIUM, unclogs the POWER SPOT. His STEELIX exerts SHEER FORCE to remove stone, poison and turf with a powerful EARTH POWER. Although poison may strike the Steel-type serpent, the Pokemon is able to resist it—but not perfectly, something the former gym leader will take note of. Ooze pours out from the POWER SPOT as the dried lid is carved away.[break][break]

A steep drop can be seen from the well. The bottom can not be seen, for it is submerged in an endless darkness...[break][break]

An entourage of Rockets, , and , move toward the east. In their investigation, they find glowing ores in the carts. They radiate a magenta hue, similar to that of the poison's. Traversal over the bridge is easy enough by flight. Trickier if depending on a Pokemon's pure athleticism, for the drop into the WILD AREA is a dramatic one.[break][break]

The CAVE is lit by various crystals embedded in the walls. Pools of poison must be watched for, lest the party end up like one of the many skeletons of sad miners strewn about the cavern. Having led the charge, would identify the source of the light first: Z-CRYSTALS, some still active with energy... the others, defunct and pure black.[break][break]

Others attempt to stop the MOTOSTOKE TRAIN. Once a symbol of convenience and advance now is a motorcade of poison delivery. It spills toxins where ever it goes, marking the city with glowing sludge. attempts to board the train on SPECTRIER with in tow. The landing is clumsy—but managed, for the rider and steed are learning to work with each other with every stride they take.[break][break]

As sneaks into the train, the poison sludge painting each care macabre, he finds the control room to attempt to brake the vehicle. 's ARIADOS is already in position however. Her calculated move manifests as a powerful silk covering a tunnel.[break][break]

lands too. As she steadies herself by sword, her SMEARGLE works on the engine. A SKETCHED-GLACIATE cools coals dramatically and slows the train down enough to prevent it from crumpling on ARIADOS' STICKY WEB.[break][break]

However, the resulting impact causes several of the cars to buckle and launch off the track. They smash into the streets, threatening to take the rest of the locomotive with , and inside. Thankfully, the web keeps the engine car stuck in place, preventing the fall from occurring at all. Consequently, the IMMINENT THREAT FROM THE POWER SPOT will be UNABLE TO USE THIS TRAIN in its GIGANTAMAX FORM.


From another w'rld, heroes arriveth,[break]
to maketh bulwarks f'r threats uninvit'd[break]
two young nobles greeteth each home[break]
while one young sir unearths the well's tomb[break]
some expl're the caves east to findeth heavenly scales[break]
as the bleeding train is clott'd and did push off its rails[break]
what m're shalt beest remembered[break]


THOSE MANNING THE DEFENSES OF EACH CITY ring warning bells. An attack is imminent. Whether it was , , , or anyone else to break the news, eventually someone would report that they see a GALARIAN ZAPDOS rushing for the front of each city. The bird is incredibly fast, and its clawed feet clash against the BARRICADES MADE.[break][break]

Upon closer inspection, one would be able to see that it is ARMORED BY BLACK METALS. Similarly, it brings an army of POISONED GALARIAN POKEMON who are controlled by the sludge, who continually attempt to breach your city walls.[break][break]

However, that is not all. From the POWER SPOT in each city's stadium. A POISONED POKEMON crawls upward and out in tortured frenzy. Upon hitting the ground, the Pokemon GIGANTAMAXES, expanding to an incredible size... one that almost rivals the size of the ULTRA BEASTS THAT HAD ATTACKED MOSSDEEP ALMOST 4 YEARS AGO...

BALLONLEA TRAINERS get +15 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break]

CIRCHESTER TRAINERS get +10 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break]

HAMMERLOCKE TRAINERS get +15 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break]

MOTOSTOKE TRAINERS get +10 TO THEIR ROLLS thanks to their efforts.[break]


IN THIS ROUND, trainers may attempt to fight back against the threats— or perform other actions should they so desire. By the end of this round, both threats will be felled.[break][break]

Any ROLL BELOW 50 will result in their POKEMON BEING KNOCKED OUT. Please heed the ROLL BONUSES and CITY MAPS above. The ROLL BONUSES were determined by the success of certain actions and their rolls (e.g. a 99 for inspiring the peasantry).



PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • please refrain from using Pokemon nicknames in your TL;DR. use the POKEMON SPECIES NAME.
  • please ROLL THIS ROUND.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.


JUNE 7TH - 11:59PM PST

NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 3:26:49 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"Good work, Sirocco." With the waters of the Hero's Bath now running clear, Rowan returned the Pelipper to their Pokéball. [break][break]

A sense of momentary relief soon gave way to a crippling sensation of dread, setting in without warning and without cause. Amber eyes searched around, unable to shake the feeling that he was being watched. Team Rocket were no doubt among their group, waiting to strike the moment danger passed.[break][break]

"Bastards..." Rowan quickly reached for a Pokéball, sending out his Kingler to defend himself from the perceived impending attack.The paranoia that gripped him was momentarily dissuaded at the appearance of the colossal Gigantamax Kingler that loomed over Circhester Stadium. Insidious poison hands were one thing, but a veritable kaiju was quite another.[break][break]

"Carcinos, let's do this." Shaking his arm, the keystone Rowan wore fell to the bottom of his wrist. The Kingler began it's own transformation, Mega Evolving into a powerful creature of it's own. "Guillotine!" The Kingler charged forward towards it's foe, channeling every ounce of strength into it's massive claw. Lacking the size of it's Gigantamax counterpart, Carcinos aims for one of the Pokémon's spindly legs. It's powerful pincer squeezes with unyielding force, crunching down on the shell and looking to cripple the Gigantamax Kingler.[break][break]


The voice came from behind him, one that he instantly recognized and sent a chill down his spine. It was . Turning around, Rowan's eyes widened at the visage of his brother, a plume of miasma clouding their form.[break][break]

"Gavin, please." Rowan pleaded to the air, gripped by the hallucination that poisoned his mind. "I had to leave, you know that. I can't kill people, I'm not like..."[break][break]

"Like me?" Cillian advanced forward, forcing Rowan to take a step back. "But you are a murderer, Rowan. You killed . You killed our family!" [break][break]

Slipping on the slick stone, Rowan plunged into the waters of the Hero's Bath. Anyone else would have been able to breach the surface and regain their breath, but the hallucinated Gavin stood over him, hands wrapped around his throat, forcing him to stay under.[break][break]

"You betrayed us, Rowan! This is your fault!"[break][break]

Rowan thrashed violently, fighting against his vision, struggling to maintain the breath in his lungs. It would be up to another to save him from this imagined nightmare, before he drowned.[break][break]

xRtdQ6Da + 10


· Returned Pelipper, brought out Kingler.[break]
· Mega Evolved Kingler.[break]
· Mega Kingler used Guillotine on the Gigantamax Kingler's leg.[break]
· Poison sets in, Gavin appears![break]
· Rowan falls into the Hero's Bath, hallucinates Gavin trying to drown him.[break]
· Needs help pls.


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november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:44:44 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
"the fuck is that?" [break][break]
alarm bells sound at the perimeter of the city, drawing his attention southward toward the barricades that had been built up there. in hindsight, he should've expected something like this — had speculated that they'd need to find the big, bad boss of this place, but it seems like it came to them instead.
and then another boss appears. peasants begin to shriek and point in the opposite direction. aaron turns and almost shits himself as he catches a glimpse of a venusaur in the transitory stages of growing really fucking big. it towers over the city, larger than any pokemon he's ever seen before. [break][break]whatever enemies are pounding at the barrier shrink down his priority list. aaron swaps his xatu for his charizard and clambers onto the restless dragon's back. [break][break]
"i'll handle it," he promises the peasants, then looks over at . a hand is outstretched for her to take, a fleeting gesture to pull her up onto his charizard's back. the offer is accompanied by a "you wanna come help me deal with that thing?"
with or without her, his charizard takes off toward the stadium, hungry for a fight. her jaws split and the glow in the back of her throat spills past her teeth as a swirling vortex of fire that tries to work its way around the gigantamax venusaur.
[break]+ location: ballonlea
[break]+ switches out xatu for charizard
[break]+ offers a ride to :lapsmirk:
[break]+ aaron + charizard fly toward venusaur
[break]+ uses fire spin on GIGANTAMAX venusaur

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

tZRJVhIH + 15


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15 (Estimated)
April 5th
Route 119/Fortree
Wandering Wildchild
87 height
87 height
650 posts
part of
TAG WITH @ettie
POSTED ON Jun 4, 2023 4:51:20 GMT
Ettie Avatar
When Ettie had returned with the goods, the wildchild was content to help distribute the food and supplies - her pokemon lingering to both relax, and to help keep watch. Though...

... Whilst she sat near Anne, she looked at the feather she had found out in the woods. An orange one, that looked a bit like the black one she found before. What did it belong to, she wondered? Surely, the two were from the same creature - they looked similarly enough, and Anne even thought they smelled similar.

But, it seemed the others had been hard as work as well - she could see the way that the previously-blocked Power Spot was cleared, she could see the stone walls and moat that had been erected, and she could even see that much of the poison had been cleared away. The other trainers and their packs had done well - the dens would be safe, and those who lived here by extension. Her instincts as a packleader were satisfied.

However, things would not be calm for long. Bells rung out - and with it, came distant rumbles. On two sides, threats rose up - an army led by a great bird, and a venusaur enlarged to titanic sizes. Seeing a number of trainers moving for the massive venusaur, Ettie would make a bark to call the pack together - and ran in the direction of the corrupt galarian zapdos and their army.

Ettie could feel the vibrations, from the barricade shuddering under the armored bird's strike - but the pack doesn't falter as they charge into the fray.

In particular, Aurien ends up being in the lead - the Primarina making a valiant cry, as he attempts to strike at the zapdos with a Play Rough!

But as combat ensued, Ettie couldn't help but note something. The colors of this mysterious bird pokemon, they seemed almost like the colors of the feathers she had gotten, weren't they?
- Ettie is happy to see the hard work everyone's put into helping Ballonlea while she was gone - makes inner wolf happy : D
- Feathers are curious! Ettie recognizes that they look like they're from the same pokemon - Lycanroc thinks they smell similar, too.
- As the bells begin ringing, the pack moves into action against the Galarian Zapdos and its army
- Most importantly, Primarina uses Play Rough against Galarian Zapdos
- Ettie notes the feathers + bird almost seem to match.
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing