i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 15:52:02 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]While 's words come off as dismissive, the idea that he could be overreacting cools his head enough not to bite back with the venom he's compiled behind his teeth. Instead, Greyson sits back and watches, ruminating on the complex web of emotions that continues to weave itself inside.[break][break]

When the tide inevitably shifts to the proposed con, and Matias's mental state, he lets out a chuff of air that does little to hide his true feelings.[break][break]"." It's a response directed to himself. "She shares a similar background in Kanto's war efforts, and more than equals your experience. I'd remind Groudon's avatar that he is not the only asset the League can mobilize, nor always the best choice."[Break][break] He grinds his teeth behind a mask of flesh at his next statement. "But, she doesn't have your affinity for earth, should we pursue the tunnels, or your illustrious reputation that would no doubt benefit a rouse like suggests."
Underhanded compliments not withstanding, he pushes on. [Break][break]

"Still, I don't believe a con like this would work in the first place. We're relying on a single-point of failure, and from the actions of one man, who regardless of personal feelings, holds the title 'The Volatile.' 's point of alerting them, should this fail, would also mean that we wouldn't have another shot.
His attention turns to , with a lingering glance on and .
"To your point, I agree with these two: we cripple rocket now to prioritize other threats. Still, if we do this, we need to do it hard and fast and give them little time to prepare a defense, and most importantly, a counter-attack. In this, I recommend we utilize the Weather Trio to tie up the main threats while we push for a small team to push their way through Team Rocket's primary holdings. The rest ensure our holdings throughout Hoenn are secure from other threats, regardless of their origin."[break][break]

Leaving that open-ended decision to this lot would only invite more nonsense - he pushes for more from .
"You know Sootopolis better than most here. Where do you think Rocket is held up, aside from their Submarine. I trust could handle that avenue."




responds to Matias, pointing out Evas experience.[break] Disagrees with Callan's plant, agreeing wirh Doug on alertness.[break]Responds to Fernando's question, citing agreement with Illeana and Penelope.[break] Recommends using weather trio as main attractions, and a small team to target rocket base. Others would remain to safeguard other areas.[break]asks freya her thoughts on rocket sootie.


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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,661 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 3:58:04 GMT
ollie morales Avatar

war has never been ollie's strong suit. unlike his sister who had been in the throes of it, ollie had never wielded the weapons of liberation. he was better at running away from it all — from kanto, from hoenn, from kalos, from galar.

[break][break] so he sits back and waits as the others engage in discussions over warplans. while ollie was nowhere near as kind as his sister, even he was remiss to pitch in on a plan that could result in civilians potentially dead. whether they were rocket-aligned or not.

[break][break] across the table, his eyes catches as brings her up.

[break][break] "greyson's right," he says. "sootopolis is your home, and you know it best. do you trust ?"

[break][break] ollie knew better them to air his own reservations, especially much of his feelings were personal. his eyes flicker to and both.

[break][break] "and if he needs supervision, then we can use eva and rayquaza. or skyler and kyogre," he says. "they're big enough names too — ones that would put rocket on edge." after all, kyogre's home had once been sootopolis too, hadn't it?


[attr="class","ooc"] + ollie asks freya if she trusts matias :EYES:

[attr="class","fas fa-heartbeat"]


[attr="class","milkhcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,600 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 9:37:52 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
"setting power spots up or not doesn't matter," kyle responds meekly towards the earlier point has set up. "wild pokemon of gigantic proportions have shown up before. who's to say power spots won't naturally appear eventually?"

and kyle's voice gets drowned in the discussion after he gives his commissioner his answer.

"from what i'm hearing, i need to be against three avatars with their legendaries. neat."

lugia. darkrai. xerneas.

he doesn't say much, but people are pressed with their choices that he can't bring himself to audibly sigh. at the end of the day, these were all just ideas. things will go awry. none of these will go smoothly like they planned.

it starts to become a game of who can theorycraft the best run.

"you guys are low for suggesting to use someone as a scapegoat." and talk about him like he wasn't a person in front of his face, nonetheless. "it's practical, i guess, so i can't say it's bad, but i can offer an alternative if we're going that path."

he raises a hand instead of his voice to take people's attention.

"give me primal energy," he says. "i think i can undo 'collateral damage' if things go south."

kyle has tried it before, as far as he knows.

  • cosmic power stops avatar powers
  • indifferent about power spots
  • kyle says if u guys wanna go the dark route, go dark route
  • suggesting he can just revive dead people if he has a battery


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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 15:37:29 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar


The latest installment in the franchise.

He nodded along to the champion's input, feeling somewhat embarrassed that he hadn't said something to the effect himself.

Matias was taking a lot of shots in these talks, and whether one believed they were deserved or not, they were all supposed to be on the same team here.

Frankly speaking— he wasn't sure why everyone else was getting on the man's case when even Melody wasn't.

"... Not wrong." Doug said, scratching at the back of his head as he turned his gaze over at the man behind him.

wasn't perfect— the mess with proved as much. But Doug knew enough kantonian veterans to know that practicality and pragmatism wasn't rare amongst the survivors.

From his perspective, Matias was a veteran of Kanto. A hero by all accounts— at least, to a younger Doug's eyes. Now, he was also a fellow guild member he had known for about 20 years, give or take.

Honestly, it was hard for him to parse what could be going on behind the scenes between him and so many people. He knew his relationship with had gone through a fall out after the training mishap.

Was everyone simply taking sides...? It seemed childish to him— Eva herself was being much more mature about it, he felt.

He sighed, rubbing his temples. Well, he hadn't liked the plan to begin with, so he supposed this was a good chance to push for it to be shelved.

"I dunno why everyone's singling Matias out—" Nobody told him anything, and relationship drama did not make it into any reports, so— "But I would like to second the champ and ask everyone to stop. Infantilizing one of our longest serving elite 4 right to his face is just asinine. We cannot simultaneously trust a man to be one of our top trainers and also demand for him to have a babysitter."

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the ascendant
November 03
i got new love, new skin to wrap myself in
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TAG WITH @freya
freya morningstar
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 16:39:02 GMT
freya morningstar Avatar

she is reminded, as they turn to scathing tongues and shifting blames, of how much she hates this. all of this talk and no action. this endless running in circles. she quite hates that matias' early eruption at their lack of doing something is resonating with her now. 

i must be losing my mind

to fernando: "our objective is to cripple rocket and show them that they do not own sootopolis. that we will take our cities back."

her mouth is agape at 's suggested plan. and turn at each other and freya's left picking apart the pieces, looking sideways at . remembering the woman half-dead in her arms, lips blue from hypothermia, a heart ripped apart by the man who stands across them.

"like dahlia said - the fact that we're all meeting here should be testament enough to our loyalty." a pause. "that matias' past actions have led to the point where it's likely the public and some of our own don't think it out of the question for him abandoning his post and razing an entire city out of astounding to me."

raises his question and a fire stirs in her belly. but she cannot let smoke pass through her lips. 

"but i want to trust . i want to believe he is here for the right reasons, like the rest of us. i vote we lay to rest these allegations. they're but a symptom of a larger problem - we can revisit the aqua initiative contract. if the contract allows for avatars too much freedom at the expense of hoenn's people, its clauses can be amended."

her jaw tightens. with so many avatars in the room, it's a harsh sentiment to have. but she would rather five tamed dogs on leashes if it meant keeping the feral one in check.

"i urge us to continue discussing the topic at hand." 

with , she returns to the topic at hand: "most likely they're making use of the cave systems in the bluffs. there are a network of tunnels extending from the cave of origin. the morningstar estate itself encompasses almost five percent of those tunnels. we attack them from below and from the sea and flush them out to the surface. attacking from the ground up could give our aerial units time to start evacuating civilians."

her lips are a thin line as she looks to . "and if you can do what you're insinuating, lopez, then i think it important you reserve your energy in case things go south."

objective to cripple rocket
publicly says she wants to trust matias :vomit:
says something dicey re tightening security on avatars
cave systems in sooty
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 16:48:28 GMT



“THEN, WE AGREE,” fernando interjects, “our priority is to buy time rather than assail or accost.

which leads to the plan at hand. one that he has allowed the others to draft, if so he can focus on his own analysis of it. and, to no surprise, it continues to be derailed. the cause? it’s engine, . a vehicle capable of so much power but terrifying to those behind the wheel.

of which, these ideas have been overtly reliant on our presumed success. i do hope dewford has taught us, however unconventional, that such will not always be the case.

he waves his hand.

regarding the personal stakes on this plan, relying on one person, leaves us much too vulnerable. it should be modular, adaptable no matter who helms it.

the tearing sound of paper from his notebook cuts to his alternative.

i disagree that this needs to be fast, connors. rocket will prepare a defense no matter how off-guard we catch them. however, the difficulty we face is that we must defend. as the defender, we must counter and persevere, constantly, with no end in sight. the attacker, no matter how many times they fail, must only win once.

which squashes an all out brawl.

the optimal decision, with little risk to us, would be the announce a disaster ahead of time. akin to what young has proposed, but without making contact. evacuating and moving their resources will take time and keep them on the move. likewise, moving back into sootopolis would take just as much time.

against the concerns of others, sootopolis is more than just a stain on the league’s legacy. it is now a playing piece on the board for team rocket to advance forward. but, like any piece, it risks being captured. a liability unless the other party is willing to sacrifice.

we can damage the city from afar, if needed, to assure we do not sustain damage while busying team rocket.


  • suggest they considering parts of their plan failing
  • the plan should not rely on specific people
  • states defending is too hard; attacking is always easier
  • suggest they announce a disaster, like suggested
  • team rocket will have to evacuate and move back in
  • mortaring sootopolis is safer than boots on the ground

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 21:22:52 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

His lips were still drawn into a thin line. How much fire would he be under later, he wasn’t so sure, however fact of the matter was that he wasn’t going to take what attention had been spared his way lying down, at least.

Turning towards , he decided to tackle this in the best way he could.

“More on the former, less the latter. As I said—I’ve been banished from Shoal Cave. Several times, even. Brute force didn’t work, negotiation didn’t work. Honestly I am at my wits’ end on how to get them to come out of hiding.”

Although he had a suspicion about what had caused them to hide… and an even uglier realization as to what could bring them back out of hiding once more.

Over to , he let the thin line on his lips curl into the faintest trace of a smile.

“Well, if you’re not too busy, then you’re free to come down with me to Shoal Cave after this. If you’re alright with the cold, that is. And they… well, I’ll get into those nitpicky details later.”

The moment mentioned… that instance, he cast a furtive glance over at , wondering if the other still had the chunk of rock with him.

“For reference, it looks like this,” and with those words he pulled out the strangely-colored object before setting it on the table in front of him.

“That pink light did something funny to my Metagross. Literally blew him up several times bigger—much bigger than normal Mega Evolution can. However, it’s only happened once, during that time—and never again since then.”

He had to bite down the minute sigh he was holding back.

“This thing doesn’t work in those… those distortions; me and Razz tried it, so I have no further idea how to make better heads or tails it. Maybe someone here can take a crack at it?”

• addresses Greyson’s concern, but doesn’t go into uber-specifics unless requested
• secretly thanking Melody’s offer of help
• cringes again when the Ruins ‘exploration’ is brought up, produces his paperweight strange fragment for everyone to look at
• explains how on that one freaky time he’d witnessed Dynamaxing, not that he knows what it’s called
• also elaborates a little on what scraps of attempts to charge the space rock up, maybe someone else has an idea how it’s done?

@tags up there as mentioned

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the good commissioner
lilycove city
league commissioner
5'9" height
5'9" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
628 posts
dahlia goode DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dahlia
dahlia goode
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2023 23:34:58 GMT
dahlia goode Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]AN AQUA ASSEMBLY PT. 4



AREA ZERO: Remix ► Pokémon Scarlet & Violet


THE COMMISSIONER RESPONDS WHEN SHE IS ABLE, WHEN IT IS TIME. Attentiveness and patience must be exercised. When the region is at stake, the universe at risk, there is no time for breaks. No time for ignorance or lethargy. Whether or not the people seated around this able like who they sit beside, it is indisputable fact that every single one here has a hand in the fate of Hoenn's people. Differences are normal; tuning out, however, may spell dangerous consequences of bonds and misunderstanding.[break][break]

After all, such mortal actions are noted—not by just by , but by the multitude of powers unseen as they always have been.[break][break]

"we can certainly request gym leader 's assistance with increasing security in granite cave. further inspection of the area must be done regardless, because there's a possibility of the terastal caverns connecting with preexisting cave systems."[break][break]

ABOUT POWER SPOTS & THE PERILS OF DYNAMAXING, the Commissioner lends a sympathetic face. It is absolutely dangerous. A double-edged sword; however, as Head Ranger muses, it may be possible that SOOTOPOLIS is already a POWER SPOT, for Rocket already has the relevant intelligence in their hands.[break][break]

"a power spot can be made portable," Dahlia says to and . "but having a concentrated amount of dynamax energy on a single ship can be dangerous. it'd be like ferrying a nuclear bomb. setting up power spots to surround sootopolis for a mortar-like offense may prove to be be a plan, but i can see the advantages of keeping power spots away from the mainland." She adds: "it will be important to note that a pokemon can only remain dynamaxed within a certain radius of the power spot."[break][break]

THE COMMISSIONER TURNS TO HEAD RANGER . Briefly, she closes her eyes and shakes her head. She draws in a long breath before a hand lowers below the table to caress something—but finds that her STOUTLAND is not there.[break][break]

"head ranger lars, i understand why you may have wanted to keep the condition of your bond with articuno a secret. it can't be an easy ordeal, especially when many may view it as a sign of weakness or a slight to one's pride." Dahlia exhales, the breath sweeping low. "but when you hide such vulnerabilities, you risk the safety of the league and hoenn at large. remember, the aqua initiative was created in part to aid avatars with situations such as this. none of us proclaim full understanding over the true nature of this phenomena, but we can tackle such challenges together."[break][break]

Dahlia finally hardens her gaze at . "we are here to help you. we are not your enemies. however, if you deem those outside of the rangers as untrustworthy, you are actively impeding your own work as head ranger. do not forget that."[break][break]

IN REGARDS TO SOOTOPOLIS, The Commissioner speaks:[break][break]

"if we play this smart, then hopefully we won't need to risk using champion 's sacred powers. hopefully, no one will be hurt. i am not comfortable using elite four matias as a scapegoat or singular distraction as elite four greyson warned, having a single point of failure is a massive risk."[break][break]

"as councilwoman stated, a full frontal offense is dangerous. but a tactical approach elite four callan delineated in the form of some announced disaster as councilman has suggested, may be the best action we take."[break][break]

"though doug is worried team rocket may not fall for the bait, i can bet that some of the populace will heed the warning. after all," She looks at , , . "we have the means to create a controlled 'disaster' of some kind. head ranger kingsman and councilwoman morningstar, your familiarity with sootopolis will prove pivotal in this operation."[break][break]

"team rocket already faces limitations to their resources." She recalls the delivery of supplies: resources checked and retrieved by Underboss and . "even if we do not seize back control of sootopolis, we can make a case that an embassy," She faces Councilwoman , "or some kind of mutually beneficial deal can be made for sootopolis' people. as head scientist reyes said, there may be information related to sea hoenn still present within the crater city."[break][break]

LASTLY, The Commissioner reflects on the artifact Head Ranger sets on the table and the artefact referenced by . She frowns.[break][break]

"if artifacts of this nature have already been found, then what councilman silph had feared may already be true. that the dynamaxing phenomena already naturally occurs in our hoenn. that power spots may already exist."[break][break]

She looks to Head Scientist , for there is much science to be done. But everyone is oblivious to the works of ruin operating behind the scenes: what has been carried by bowl and blade.[break][break]

"it is settled then. we will begin development of an operation against team rocket's sootopolis. to reclaim it in some part."



CURRENTLY, this event will have the following rules:[break][break]
  • there is no posting order; however, be conscientious to some degree of other players' response time. however, preserving momentum should take priority.
  • remember, in-character actions (or lack of actions) will have natural narrative consequences.
  • you can only bring 3 POKEMON.
  • 1 pokemon out at a time.
  • 1 move per pokemon.
  • too long; don't read (tl;dr) notes are required.
  • bold/highlight Pokémon moves/abilities in posts.
  • until stated otherwise, you may post multiple times within a single "round".

Please remember, these rules are tentative and subject to change.


There will be no specified deadline before the next "moderator post". However, try to post within three or so days.

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 1:02:05 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]curiosity sparks cinders into a full-blown fire. the faint light of the artifact places on the meeting table paints her in shades of pink.

"would you mind allowing me to look into both of these artifacts further? the glow is odd... similar to the core from the deep sea in color, actually, in a way. i'd like to look at the energy signatures on both."

her eyes meet 's, then, and understanding blooms in spaces between.

there is much to do - discoveries to be made to further their pieces on the board. her hands flex idly at the thought.

"if power spots might already exist naturally in hoenn, i recommend employing expeditions into areas that have been known to hold high energy levels - places like littleroot, lilycove, meteor falls, mauville, and the primal point locations to name a few. detection devices or, perhaps, the artifacts and have could alert us to existing dynamax energy within the earth."

uncovering these spots could prove an advantage, maybe, but she worries of the consequences. unearthing things that lay hidden always breeds disaster in one way or another.

her hands fold and land softly in her lap, of no use in this scenario.

"for the sootopolis operation, the labs will help however they can for supportive measures or for additional bodies. i can set up triage efforts for the wounded and evacuation measures for fleeing civilians as well."

faintly, a humming thought worms its way through and out of her throat. her eyes shift to find , to lay an additional source of information at her feet as an offering.

" might also be of use here - he has schematics of rocket's submarine still handy... he could offer more, perhaps."

aqua assembly.

tl;dr |

- asks to investigate skyler's artefact & lars's space rock further
- recommends expeditions to previous places of energetical interest to locate potential power spots: littleroot, lilycove, meteor falls, mauville, all primal point locations?
- offers assistance for sootopolis operation
- suggests cian's knowledge of the rocket sub could be of use as well

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2023 19:22:28 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
[attr="class","angelomain"]“I didn’t hear a no.” He muses quietly to , that slither of blue he casts her from the corner of his eye brimming with suggestions unneeded to be conveyed into words.

Her idea of a portable, artificial power spot could be a card to play later in the war if they found themselves on the skin of their teeth - a precarious trump card.

(But when did they ever shy away from the reckless?)

’s input has the pilot leaning into his chair, a forearm propped against the backrest as he digests the intelligence she has to offer.

There’s no shortage of uninhabited islands in the eastern sea if we want to keep them away from civilian homes. If the radius is generous enough, we can look into pinning down a location where the power spots can cover the cities without needing to set it up in the middle of ’em.

Who was to say that they’d even find any natural power spots in time or, in the case that they did, that they were even in advantageous positions?

On that subject, Angelo next turns his attention to . “I’d add the desert to your list. Doubt there’s much left to find in the Regirock temple now it’s a pile of rubble, but dynamax did happen there. Could still be something hangin’ about.

And just as she offers information to Freya, he in turn holds out some to the head professor. If there’s any hesitance in Angelo’s gut, it doesn’t outwardly show. Revealing this long guarded secret could benefit him now in many a ways.

And speaking of the temple, Illeana… If you’re going to be looking into dynamax, I have something from there too that might be of interest. I can show you later.

It had been some time since Chip had visitors.

 suggesting using uninhabited islands around previously mentioned cities for power spots. gives another location for illeana and offering her to check out the perma-dynamax roggenrola he received from the regirock raid.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 6:22:35 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
[attr="class","char-words"]'s input on 's lie-by-omission is enough for Greyson to settle that grudge. He pushes to other matters.
"Councilman Silph it sounds as if you're advocating that we lay siege to Sootopolis." The very notion itself has Greyson sitting up straighter. His hands move unbidden alongside his words, elbows square on the table.
"The cost in damages, as well as the political and moral nightmare of shelling your own citizens — I can't possibly think of a way to spin this so as to not lose the trust of the people, much less keep our jobs. "
Rocket themselves would use this no-doubt to fester more negativity and distrust, if not more. He pushes onto an earlier point, though he gives it a spin that perhaps would appeal to some of the more personal emotions of this cabal.
"Disaster simulation aside — could we not rely on emotional manipulation ourselves? You don't join a terrorist organization without your fair-share of an ego. "[break][break] He turns to regard others in turn as he attempts to read their expression. [break][break]", , and have, at a minimum, a prior relationship in some way or another with . I myself have fought alongside , Xerneas's avatar () with , and another of their high-ranking operatives (.) Would it not make taking back the city easier if its greatest defenders were occupied elsewhere?"




o Does not remotely agree with shelling a city filled with their people.[break] o Calls out Rocket and their mental illnesses.[break]o Proposes the idea of using personal connections between AQUA members and known Rocket operatives to manipulate them into League-made honeypots.


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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 8:22:15 GMT



so they make him out to be a scapegoat never to even approach the realms of being a martyr. the idiocy of the suggestion is never addressed, at least not by him, and for that he has the likes of , , , and to thank.[break][break]

he shows his gratitude—what little of it he has remaining—with a nod to each one of them.[break][break]

is addressed next.[break][break]

"our biggest obstacle is damage control, not rocket. their high-ranking operatives always prove to be more nuisances than threats. the others are right. we need to give the civilians enough time to evacuate."[break][break]

he looks at and briefly.[break][break]

"if we were to create a controlled disaster, the rest of our forces can sneak into the city using the underwater tunnels. rocket utilized them for their invasion, so let's use them for our liberation."[break][break]

a fact matias only knows because he had been there himself. he had seen rocket forces mobilizing, as had alluded to, but he had done nothing.[break][break]

liberation. if you could even call it that. he wonders if the city is even worth saving to begin with. perhaps it would be easier if their controlled disaster loses control.[break][break]

- ty team matias sympathizers[break]
- disagrees with greyson and says that rocket won't be their biggest issue[break]
- agrees with evacuating the civilians first before creating weather chaos to aid their liberation[break]


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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2023 9:23:41 GMT



“THEN YOU LACK IMAGINATION,” he dots with pungent certainty.

in a region polluted with PRIMAL ENERGY, distortions, an foreign phenomenon, would it be so out of the question for one of hoenn’s titans to return to the CAVE OF ORIGIN to discharge excess energy?

an angle not too far off their previously discussed point.

foregoing that, sootopolis is no stranger to disaster; team rocket has already unleashed NECROZMA onto the world. we are lucky it decided to decimate GALAR instead of our own region after we failed to fall it.

he clicks his tongue.

privy to team rocket making an active attempt to recreate the scenario, we are proactively attack the site after providing the city with advance notice.

a tilt of his head opens up his viewpoint for question.

unless you think the civilians would stay even after that. i would expect them to do their best to relocate as we would expect lava ridge prior to mount chimney’s explosion.


  • suggest there are plenty of premises for their attack
  • option one: KYOGRE / GROUDON / RAYQUAZA are migrating to CAVE OF ORIGIN to discharge energy
  • option two: they are preventing team rocket from recreating DAWN OF THE DARKEST DAY
  • asks why civilians would still be there after announcing an attack ahead of time

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 3:03:58 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]at 's suggestion, she adds the desert to her list of locations to investigate. the place is circled three times before her pen stills and falls.

and to his proposed meeting, she flashes a warm smile.

"yeah, just let me know when you're free and we'll set up a meeting."

from there, , , and all make valid points. back and forth, her eyes shift between each as their arguments volley across the table. , in particular, highlights a concern she cannot seem to find a solution for. she leaves it alone, if only to sit on the concept a little longer.

and , however, cause her to pause. she considers, humming softly, before latching onto the concept of disaster and spinning it in a new direction.

"if we proceed with the controlled disaster, i believe it should be and kyogre who return to the cave of origin."

her eyes hone in on the captain, that familiar gleam of violence returning. it's sharpened, yet not quite calling for blood. there's a subtle hunger to it, one born more of curiosity than starvation.

"as pointed out - should public opinion of the league falter after the assault on sootopolis, we can still use the controlled disaster to our advantage regardless. with that in mind, i'd like to accompany skyler to the cave of origin and look for information surrounding sea hoenn's connection to sootopolis. if we can find information during the attack, it will better equip us for the future with less time wasted."

killing two birds with one stone, perhaps...

aqua assembly.

tl;dr |

- agrees to meet with angelo after aqua hehe hi chip
- suggests skyler & kyogre being the ones to go to the cave of origin
- also suggests tagging along to use the distraction as a means of looking for sea hoenn information while remaining league forces enter sootopolis

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[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Aug 27, 2023 7:06:42 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar



Razz is quiet through out most of the ordeal as everyone gives their two cents. Larges parts of him uncomfortable at the very idea of forcing a natural disaster on his home. Having to wonder if the idea would even work without turning citizens, that were still waiting for the league, against them. "While there are citizens who are with Rocket there are just as much who are just buying their time and hate that they're there, I've been there since the take over as well, obviously in disguise," he feels he needs to clarify as a just in case. "So bringing on some natural disaster on them might not go over well," he puts in his thoughts on the matter whether or not it would go over well. [break][break]

"However if that ends up being the case I was helping run escape routes for citizens when Rocket first raged war on the city to take it over. and the rangers are specifically trained for such natural disasters, given time I'm sure , , and I could train a good group of rangers for the evacuation while this is done to try and weaken Rocket."


+ @ aqua
[break]+ Sygna Suit


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