i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 5:21:58 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
Kaname glanced around the table, eyes settling on his fellow Head Scientist who subsequently indicated he needed to get his head out of his ass and do better. This made Kaname swallow hard, realizing that he had been acting a fool. He nodded at his compatriot as if to say he understood and would do better.[break][break]

The appearance of was somewhat startling to the newest head scientist, not expecting the Rocket Boss to emerge from an inky mass of darkness. Kaname inclined his head toward his superior, listening attentively as he spoke.[break][break]

Kanto? Kanto wanted to hear from them? How interesting. Something must be afoot, then.[break][break]

It was who began, talking of the League and of Matias Silph. Kaname nodded along, listening to the Admin. While he did agree that the League and their wild dog were a problem, there were yet still other pressing issues to discuss. made a good point too, the agents of Arceus— the Dark Triad posed a great threat to ALL of Hoenn, thus to the plans the criminal syndicate had for the region. It was Underboss who Kaname agreed the most with, these were both worthy threats to be concerned with.[break][break]

As the others weighed in, offering opinions and insight, Kaname folded his hands neatly on the table and leaned forward, listening intently to the conversation going on around him and waiting for the right moment to interject.[break][break]

When Underboss finished, Kaname took the opportunity and began to speak.[break][break]

“Firstly, I would like to begin by saying I do not think anyone is outwardly wrong for what they have said thus far, I just have concerns.” He paused, sitting back in his chair and adjusting his glasses. “However, I think this needs to be said… It’s hubris to think any of us are truly capable of completely controlling these gods and monsters who bestow their patronage upon us.” He said, glancing between and . “Who are we, to them? We are pieces on their board and we haven’t the slightest clue as to the game they're playing. At best, we can align our interests with theirs and hope that they return the favor. But we should NEVER expect to be the one moving the pieces.”[break][break]

He paused momentarily to clear his throat.[break][break]

“With that said, I concur that both the Dark Triad and the League are perhaps our greatest threats. I am not sure if you’re aware but during my brief stint as an undercover agent within the League, I saw many things… including that the League is in possession of the legendary Pokémon, Mew. They have more resources and more allies than we do.” Kaname takes a moment to gesture at . “If what has been said is true, I think pursuing a relationship with this Maldacena is not a bad idea and could aid us on all fronts, perhaps including a way to track or predict the movements of the Dark Triad, which would make combating them infinitely easier. Essentially, I'm advocating that we don't throw all our eggs in one singular basket but focus on how to handle both.”



+ TL;DR: Kaname speaks up and thinks everyone has said good things, HOWEVER no one here is a god (looking at you ) and thinks everyone should recognize that. Also thinks the League might have us outgunned in terms of resources and allies. Making allies with Maldacena might not be a bad idea. Basically don't throw all the eggs into one basket.[break]

+ Outfit [break]



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 9:00:33 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor listened silently, and when walked in everyone to some degree seemed to straighten out a little. He did little to disguise the distaste in his eyes when he looked over at . Amor didn't particularly like her when she was a blonde, and he liked her even less with her new 'mean girl' make over. Then the prompt started, and he was thankful as it interrupted the words that he had been about to espouse to the Underboss. Everyone gave acceptable answers at least from his purview, but there was one that he felt they were missing.

"While the League's Avatars, and such are threats, I think we are missing the bigger picture...The League has made enemies for us....Since you know they sent a whole meteor to another universe...." He pointed out the glaring enemy that no one seemed to be thinking of. "We know the DRK Triad can traverse to another universes what's stopping them from going there, and recruiting those people....? Because I doubt those people are going to care who is responsible or not....They are going to see everyone who resides in this region as a target." He finished pointedly, eyes sweeping across the table.

"The League is a nuisance, but the enemies they make, also become our enemies....For all their power they severely lack people skills...." It was a wonder that they were able to function at all, though his answer was also somewhat pointed towards the raven haired woman at the end though he didn't acknowledge her. That is when spoke up, and he gave a nod to her about traversing to other realms. "I built a machine for that....It is unoperational because I don't have a proper power source for it, but perhaps between the two of us we can figure something out....?" It was the machine he had been working on with , and before they went away.

"I actually know quite a bit about how the League travels, well at least one instance of it should you care to know...." It was an invitation but she was free to decline of course.

He grimaced as he listened to Elisabeth break down the list of traitors that all happened prior to his joining of the organization, and begrudgingly he would agree with her.

"Putting all of our eggs into one basket does seem like a doomed cause. Whether due to ties they may have, or the mental acumen they my possess." At that last part he made eye contact with head on, letting her know that part was just for her.

I may add more I'm on lunch sorry!
"...." flat tone no emotion blah blah
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 11:24:39 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

It's hubris to think any of us are truly capable of completely controlling these gods and monsters who bestow their patronage upon us.[break][break]
Nomi's gaze found 's, and the first thing she felt upon hearing his words was a pang of sorrow. Had not expressed similar sentiments to all of them, once? The former Admin was absent from their table now, and Nomi had not seen him recently. The last time they'd spoken, an attempt had been made by Nomi to soften the blow of 's...situation. It was the guilt she felt for not being able to align herself more closely with Elisabeth prior to her pact with the ruinous beast that inspired protectiveness in Nomi now, for all of their Avatars.[break][break]
Perhaps there was something to be said about Elisabeth's own warning, ironically: the volatility of human loyalty. But it was Kaname's reminder that rattled her.[break][break]
A memory surfaced: the air thick with incense, an unnerving degree of certainty, the rolling of dice.[break][break]
Tell me, Ms. Sato, what is it that you're so afraid of that you seek holy guidance?[break][break]
"You are right to warn us, Kaname," Nomi said, finally. "But we cannot learn the rules of their game unless we get close to them, and by forming bonds with some of us, the Gods are - knowingly or unknowingly - giving us an opportunity to study their natures. I would be disinclined to ignore that, despite the risks."[break][break]
Crimson eyes found then, and it was not lost on Nomi that by calling upon them, she would be testing 's resolve.[break][break]
"Perhaps our newest Avatar would be willing to weigh in on their learnings."

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


How dare Kaname make Nomi feel apprehensive! (jk, it's a good thing)[break]
Misses <3[break]
Ruminates on her experience in this thread, feels unsettled about religion vs science. The Gods are just Pokémon...right?[break]
Explains she would rather continue to support Avatars because of the opportunity it affords Rocket in studying the Gods; otherwise, how would they ever learn the rules of the game?[break]
Calls upon to share more about their recent Avatarship (sorry not sorry Kaname...)



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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 13:57:20 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar

Animosity radiates from a silent Cillian as discussion briefly swings toward . He has held resentment toward the man long before he'd become Elite Four or Avatar of Groudon. A deep, personal GRUDGE has only strengthened with time.[break][break]

He keeps any thoughts to himself as his watchful gaze drifts between his colleagues, listening to their opinions in turn.[break][break]

He nods to , then .[break][break]

"Precisely my meaning, Beast Harcourt. Admin Bee. There will be no region to rule if we ignore the Triad's goals."[break][break]

On the subject of Necrozma, the underboss sours further.[break][break]

"This is far from a traditional partnership." He feels Lugia's PRESSURE as he speaks, a reminder of his own bond. "We don't even know where it is, let alone our Beast's control over it. I don't disagree that we should try to hunt it down," with an acknowledgment to , "but we must be careful to measure our expectations. And, as Underboss Fiorelli states, it is unwise to place all our resources on something we do not yet understand."[break][break]

asks after the RKS, and Cillian's frown deepens to a scowl.[break][break]

"The RKS is steeped in Triad influence. The white-haired woman. The Pokegear. Arceus itself. If not their doing, then it could be the doing of a powerful ally in the conflicts to come. Perhaps it was Maldacena themselves."[break][break]

He quiets as he looks to , as eager as Nomi to hear the Admin's input.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II



Affirms that he meant that ignoring the Triad would mean no Hoenn, thus no Rocket.[break]
Points out that Necrozma's relationship with Zev isn't traditional, and they should be careful to measure expectations while tracking it down.[break]
Affrims his own belief that the RKS Simulation, if not created by the Triad, is heavily influenced by them.


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
2,858 posts
mint frost DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @mint
mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 15:45:31 GMT
mint frost Avatar




The second appears, Mint would rise once more in a sign of respect and greeting before taking his seat once more. He idly wondered the extend of Darkrai's powers and their Underboss. He hadn't had the pleasure like others to see the man in action before he'd taken his position. [break][break]

He brings up Kanto and discussion ignites. Mint mulls it over while his coworkers discuss. He's remiss to echo sentiments across the table. It's unnecessary. However, "I disagree, Head Scientist . The League is quite capable of persuading others and creating loyalty. How else do you explain our more higher priority defectors? We need to stop underestimating them just because of our personal GRUDGES." Despite this he smiles at as if to assure her he didn't blame her and Wo-Chien for all this. [break][break]

"Head Scientist and Underboss are also correct, over reliance on Avatars could cripple us should anything happen to them, whether it is an end of their patronage or another defection. And please, save me the protests of loyalty. I'm not accusing or suspecting anyone in this room to be a traitor." Mint said, trying to get through his thoughts before interruption. "And I greatly respect every member here who has managed to impress a God enough to receive a fragment of their power." he looks to this time, the person he really care the most about offending. Aside from Walsh. [break][break]

"But, it's a risk, like anything else we're discussing, and this meeting is essentially Risk Management. We're here to analyze that. Much like how SPECTRA was created to mitigate and kill Avatars, we're talking contingency plans." he continued. "Maldacena, if we can locate him and play to his interests, could be an invaluable ally knowing more about the DRK Triad than any other source we've seen yet. But if we account for some truth to the RVL routes there's also the question of Father Winter and Father Winter's twin. I think winning them over as well could be a possibility, if you're willing to gamble with them." he added, avoiding 's eyes for the time being. "Creating a list of resources we're willing to lose may be something to look into if we want to parley with him- Them." [break][break]

"In any case, I feel our most imminent threats should be focused on, with spare resources allocated to other threats. Like 70/30. Right now, that threat is the Ruinous Beasts, and their intentions. Wo-Chien not withstanding, Chien-Pao and Ting-lu are still at large. As are the legendary dogs trying to stop them. I have a hunch Hoenn's next cataclysm will be because of them, and while exhausting, we can't ignore our most pressing threats. Locating them, capturing or killing them before the League can weaponize them. That should be our biggest priority. We need to survive if we want to be around to fight off the DRK Triad." [break][break]

"Still, even I'm curious about the experience of an avatar." He concluded, after scribbling a couple of things down and looking over at and then over at his patron and .

tagged ▸ ooc @ various
- disagrees with amor about league's ability to win people over a la rat farm [break]
- agrees with elisabeth and kaname of volatility of loyalty in avatars + risk [break]
- agrees to focus on recruiting maldacena BUT ALSO FATHER IWNTER??? MAYBE??? :pwease: [break]
- nomi please don't fucking look at him if you break girl code he will be so upset [break]
- votes that whatever the fuck the ruinous beasts were doing was fucking weird and we should gank them before they gank us [break]
- asks for a 70/30 division of resources if possible, 70 for beasts, 30 for maldacena and avatars [break]
- concedes to fern uwu pwease don't be angy at him [break]

| drip [break]




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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 21:42:49 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar


“Can’t believe I’m about to say this, but I agree with . As much as the League seems to be minor in comparison, clearly they’ve had enough sway over our own people. We’ve lost far too many rockets. Defectors and traitors or not, there is a reason for it. As far as I’m concerned, that's a weakness.” It felt like an uncomfortable topic they skirted around, but how many of their upper ranks had dropped like flies in the past couple of months. There was a rot at the core. Of course, it didn’t take a goddamn genius. The league had certain benefits and securities, eventually anyone in their right mind would consider those benefits.
It also didn’t escape her that trusting someone like with that much power was unsettling. As much respect as she had for him, her respect was negligible and usually assigned by a degree of danger. “Avatars have come and gone, pointlessly so. Doesn’t matter how powerful they are if the person in charge isn’t reliable.” Was she suggesting they go at eachother’s throats? No, but that power required added security. Unlike Mint, she would happily suggest otherwise. Everyone in that room was breed of person capable of doing just about anything, clearly. “Personally, I don’t share the same respect. Let's not pretend to understand any of these so-called gods reasonings.” Not to slight , though it could certainly be seen as that.
“And don’t get me started on SPECTRA, it seems more like a shit show.”

- Actually agrees with mint??? wow[break]
- Does not believe that avatars can solve anything if there is no promise of loyalty with recent examples[break]
- Talks a lot of trash cause she has no patience[break]


[attr="class","bottom"]@ my rocket peoples [break]

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2023 21:43:05 GMT
fern delaney Avatar



[attr="class","text"]At the behest of , Fern does reluctantly settle down. With the underboss separating him from , they pay little attention to the hushed conversation that follows with . And when finally arrives, it is of course, all formality.[break][break]

A grate of irritation strikes when mentions the threat that poses. A flicker of phantom pain against the side of their head. But they keep quiet, mind still fixed on the original question as debate unfurls among the rest.[break][break]

It is only when draws them into the matter that they opt to speak.[break][break]

They sit up a bit straighter, fingers lacing together to rest on the tabletop again as tapu koko drifts back from its curious flitting above the cave to hover over their shoulder. A long sigh draws from their lungs. (An air of reluctance, perhaps?) “I’m inclined to agree with and in the case that we should not place all of our eggs in one basket when it comes to matters like legendaries and patronage.”[break][break]

Their hand lifts, palm up for the island deity. Thin tendrils of electricity erupt between their hand and the pincer that it extends out–a tenuous connection at best. “We have not been connected for long, and it is a fickle creature. Therefore would it have been in my best interest to deny it because I am uncertain of it? Perhaps.” Fern glances up at it as it snatches itself away. “Tapu Koko is mercurial, and easily offended. Prior to accepting its offer, I had no interest in accepting any patronage. It persuaded me with its persistence, and in turn I persuaded it with curiosity. It was a choice that required a risk, and one that has demanded continual patience and reflection.”[break][break]

“So, the point that Dr. Sato makes is a fair one, and not one to discredit. As well as the camp I fall into. I would not know whether the decision made was a worthwhile one, had I never made the attempt.” They shoot an encouraging glance. Though we should be wary of banking too much on one element of strength, I do believe that casting off the purpose of these patrons’ selections would be a greater insult. Fickle and arrogant though it might be, Tapu Koko has not truly failed me yet. It still could. But the proper research delegated to it is necessary, as with others, in order to understand the purpose and intent they serve in aiding us.”[break][break]

Fern shifts to look at Kaname again, though this time they do at least remain professional, and earnest. “You mentioned mew and other resources in the League’s possession, but have we looked into our own stores to see the status of former connections? Do we know what has become of Zapdos’ tether to us since ’s departure? Could it not operate in a similar capacity as mew as a resource, for example?”[break][break]

Sitting back in their seat, Fern shrugs loosely, “Though an observance of our greatest threat is naturally something that should linger at the forefront of our minds without much question, I do have to wonder—“ They pause, glance moving to and then away again, “Why are we prostrating ourselves to Kanto in regards to what threatens us? Should it not already be cause for concern among us, without outside opinion? The way the initial question was posed, it sounds as though they are weighing whether the matter of aiding us or not is important on the scale of their affairs.”




- settles into a position of observation as debate breaks out.[break]
- feels there are fair points on multiple sides, but it’s not what presses on his mind the most.[break]
- asserts agreement with both (ugh) BUT he agrees with more (uwu) [break]
- blee blah blah blah tapu koko feels [break]
- inquires on the status of zapdos??[break]
- presses on what they really want to know, and questions kanto’s motives in domineering hoenn matters hehe

[attr="class","credit"]MADE BY GUNSMILE

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 11:44:37 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

Amor listened to rebuke his claims of the League, and Amor just chuckled a bit, the first bit of genuine emotion he had shown thus far, but a smile settled on his lips.

"To my knowledge....Weren't all the defectors people with 'intimate' ties to the League....I could be wrong, but at least a few stand out to me....Unless the League is actively coordinating seducing our higher ups....I don't think that counts for people skills Mr. Frost. Though that could just be a difference of opinion...." The thought was a very amusing one, if that was the Leagues actual plan then kudos to them. He would have to send , and a bottle of wine with a note saying "Well Played" on it. Though he doubted that was what was actually happening.

"Perhaps to prevent more defectors....We should thoroughly investigate those that had ties to them....Myself included...." Amor wasn't going to not hold himself accountable after all. "Or open up a brothel at least...." The last part was a joke obviously, and he hoped the rest of the room got it.

There was a twinge of annoyance as brought up how many more resources the League had than them, and it wasn't that it was said, it was that Amor had brought this up at a meeting that had held, and they didn't take him seriously then when he said it. It was difficult to suppress that annoyance, but nonetheless at least someone held the same opinion as he did, and he let the annoyance mostly die in the back of his mind.

His eyes rested on as the man spoke about the former beast , Amor quirked a brow as his bold assessment of himself.

"You haven't tried to eat anyone yet...." Amor corrected him, and his eyes flashed between him, and a few times. It was like watching a fire sprout up next to a nuclear waste plant, mentally he sighed a little. "It is bold to assume things won't change...." Afterward he fell silent, and listened to speak at the mention of , and his Zapdos, Amor frowned again. Troubles came in three's, but he knew nothing just like the rest of them.

"I wouldn't consider Zapdos a resource until it actually shows up to help us, or we can locate it...." Amor stated flatly. There was no point in dealing with unknowns especially when they had no clue where it was. "We could attempt to locate it, but I don't know how well that will work....If we are to aggressive we might destroy the good will built up with it." There was a time, and place for a hammer.

"As for why Kanto probably cares, I could see a scenario where they simply use as a battering ram against this regions branch of the League to wear them down, and then they come in, and finish the fight....Plant a flag on the ashes, and sack another region...." Was it the most pleasant thought? No, but it was the most ruthlessly effective one, especially since after had visited there had been riots. "Or maybe they are upset that they got attacked...." He shrugged at .

This is a continuation of my last post so if it seems a tad jumbled I apologize!
I wanted to reply to a few more things, so I did it here!
Amor states Zev hasn't eaten anyone yet!
Amor states that the defectors were banging, Leaguers (Whether this is true or not, it's just his view atm)
Amor states that Zapdos shouldn't be considered since it is not currently in their possession!
Amor states his thoughts to about why Kanto might care!
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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 17:21:47 GMT
[attr="class","beckmain"]what says has merit, that much is true, but he cannot help but feel as though the admin's views are skewed due to their relationship with . he keeps this to himself, however.

he responds to but addresses his words to everyone.

"a branch is only as strong as the trunk it's connected to, and whether we like it or not, hoenn is but one of rocket's many branches. we are an extension of kanto, and so our affairs are theirs."

but not all of theirs are ours, he thinks.

he circles back to a point he thought of when spoke.

"make no mistake, head scientist. they aren't gods, they are pokemon, and so we will use them the same way we would any other."

pokemon are tools. that much hasn't changed.

"we've already aligned ourselves with the megalopolans. exploring the same with maldacena could prove equally fruitful for us if not more."

- no fighting we are FAMILY!!!
- agreege with partnering with maldacena
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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
1,597 posts
Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @nomi
Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 17:23:29 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar

Nomi listened attentively to , expression appreciative. When spoke, however, she immediately turned to glare at him intently. She did not, in fact, get his "joke", instead focusing on his comments about Zapdos. She sighed. Had he really not read her reports yet?[break][break]
"Zapdos is currently roosting in the New Mauville power plant, feeding off the electricity there," she answered sharply. "Cillian, myself, and Temp visited it recently. The report was made available to all Rocket higher ups, but perhaps the work you've been putting into your machine has been something of a distraction."[break][break]
She could appreciate dedication to innovation, but if he was looking for a power source...well. Zapdos was a viable option. If they put in the necessary work, of course.[break][break]
"The bird is still friendly with us. It seemed to recognize us as Rockets who knew its former ally. Right now, it appears to be...recharging. Regrouping. I don't think it is ready to leave its lair. With enough care and patience, we may be able to convince it to help us again, perhaps even bond with someone else as it seemed to be considering doing with Oscar."[break][break]
She gave Amor a pointed look, then fell silent, curious what - and more of her other colleagues - might say in response to Fern's questions about Kanto.[break][break]
Unfortunately, when spoke, Nomi was not entirely sure she agreed with him. So instead, she responded to his other point.[break][break]
"Maldacena isn't entirely trustworthy," she replied, thinking of 's opinion. "But I agree it is an avenue worth pursuing."[break][break]
She let the matter of legendary Pokémon drop. Gods or not, she still intended to pursue their trust.

[attr="class","tag"]DISSEMINATE II


Sorry , Nomi wasn't a fan of your joke...[break]
Explains to everyone where Zapdos is and what it's doing. Advises that patience and care are necessary if they want to convince the legendary bird to fight for them again, maybe even make one of their own an Avatar.[break]
Doesn't love everything said, but does agree, at least, that pursuing an alliance with Maldacena might end up helping them



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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 18:08:42 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
[attr="class","minimal elisa"]

Everything centered around control.[break][break]

Control of Pokemon. Control of the narrative at the table. Control of Hoenn, which the League idly flaunted in front of them.[break][break]

Then the laughable belief that they controlled the gods themselves.[break][break]

's hand would feel the way she tensed as Underboss spoke this falsehood so confidently, as if fighting back silent laughter. How recently had she learned the truth of her Divinely-cursed circumstances from ? "He does not control me any longer, and neither do you."[break][break]

Imagine commanding the Necrozma that had laid waste to the Tree of Life. What a joke.[break][break]

She could no more command Wo-chien nor Tapu Fini than she could . Pacts with the devil had binding contracts; there was a limit to your leash, always.[break][break]

Arrogance truly made men blind, but better to let that belief remain among the others gathered. Better not to invite suspicions of how much control she held over Wo-chien, or the other Avatar whose abilities she'd kept hidden from all present save for Admin Bee and Admin .[break][break]

So rather than share her true thoughts, she smiled at Underboss Beckett with an agreeableness she did not feel.[break][break]

"Gods can be killed, remember," she said in a voice sweet with its own self-satisfaction. "Celebi died to Wo-chien's Ruination without so much as a whimper of resistance."[break][break]

Then her eyes searched for and 's across the table, daring them to refute what she said next:[break][break]

"And as I understand it, we've already killed Tapu Fini, too? That bodes well for our offensive capabilities, assuming we haven't left any loose ends."[break][break]

But they had. No one had ever told her what those loose ends precisely were; perhaps they never would.[break][break]


  • Lol @ people thinking they can boss around their patrons as Avatar.
  • Pretends to not find that impossible and instead mentions how she killed Celebi as a reminder gods are not all-powerful.
  • Then stirs the pot with mention of how Rocket killed Tapu Fini, when she definitely knows Tapu Fini is alive and well cuz she's its Avatar and shit.
  • and know this is bullshit but she believes they will keep their mouths shut. Baiting people to explain how Rocket got sloppy.



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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 19:35:42 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

A quirk of the brow was directed to as she seemed to be horribly misinformed.

"Miss Sato if you took the time to socialize a bit more, you'd realize I was just appointed not more than a week ago. Mr. can attest to that since he is the one who did it." Did he really trade in one group of incompetents for another? "But I suppose I can't fault you for ignorance...." Giving her a sharp look of his own, he turned his attention back to the rest, and he remembered the experience with Malcadena, and gave a thoughtful tap of his cheek.

"The real question is, do we have a way to contact him? As much as I didn't like the game he played when we went to that Datascape, he didn't lie to us, and gave us far more information than we were entitled to....Or was that in another report?" He asked with a charming smile on his lips that hid razor teeth behind it. "Could we perhaps leverage the RKS System to make a facsimile of that world....? Or is that impossible?" The question was to the creators of the RKS System they would know if it was possible or not.

With no concrete way to parley with Maldacena that would be the first hurtle they had to overcome.

Amor snarks back at Nomi, FISTICUFFS LETS GO! (jk jk!)
Amor asks if they can use the RKS System to go back to the datascape or a version of it to talk to Maldacena! This is also directed to !
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Admin Bee
He / Him
April 12
Lumiose City, Kalos
Broadcast Journalist
if you're lonely
come be lonely with me
6'0" / 183 cm height
6'0" / 183 cm height
i fell for your magic. i tasted your skin. and though this is tragic, at least i found the end.
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TAG WITH @barnaby
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 20:01:25 GMT

When a lull in the conversation presented itself, Barnaby would first direct his attention to and her hesitance concerning Maldacena.[break][break]

"No one can be trusted entirely. Our decisions should be based on measured risks and what can be gained from them."[break][break]

Something Nomi should know well, considering her interest in the UNOWN. [break][break]

"Head Scientist Flint was... skeptical to trust the Unown as well. Do you not share her concerns?" The two scientists had worked together closely, even interrogated Dr. Holo side by side. Yet there was an UNOWN in this very room with them, possibly spying for the DRK Triad, despite 's distrust.[break][break]

"Regardless, they are powerful creatures. Could there be a way to contact Maldacena using the Unown?" Barnaby was unaware of the extent of the UNOWNs' abilities, but perhaps it was possible. A new avenue of research for their science team.[break][break]

Next, Barnaby directed his attention to , though he talked to the table at large.[break][break]

"The Ruinous Beasts are not the only Legendary Pokémon at risk of falling under League authority. Though Zapdos seems inclined toward Rocket, Moltres is still at large. And we all know who it pledged its patronage to before its rebirth." had been a major threat to ROCKET's control over Hoenn.[break][break]

"If the RKS Simulation is to be believed, however, the Farhan within it mentioned Moltres' cousin aligning with us, though it was difficult to discern the timeline of the scenario."[break][break]

Lastly, a knowing glance was spared toward . Barnaby did not feel inclined to refute her lies about TAPU FINI. He'd keep that information to himself, for now.

outfit check[break]
• asks nomi if she agrees w/ lulu about the unown[break]
• wonders if we can use the unown to contact maldacena[break]
• just like the ruinous beasts, moltres is still out there for the league to take, so we should be concerned about it[break]
• barnaby doesn't refute elisa's lie about tapu fini being dead


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 21:46:11 GMT
mint frost Avatar




Mint runs the list of defectors they care about, the big hitters and not just the typical grunts that come and go all the time. "What do you mean by intimate ties? had his romance with Councilwoman but he was also from a prominent Rocket family."

"Aside from them, all our prominent defectors don't really have those ties. Not according to our intel. Rocket has also heavily investigated these traitors. Like interrogating ." He said, already pulling up the notes himself and skimming as he spoke. "I think you're focusing too much on this bias of incompetence after your defeat against ." He said, looking back up at the newest scientist. "As stated before, we should try to keep our GRUDGES from influencing our decisions too much." [break][break]

Mint smiles before glancing over at the and before adding, "Interesting the science corps seems to have left one of their own in the dark. Maybe you should all consider having a meeting sync after this so you're all on the same page. Especially after such a recent promotion. A little prep doesn't seem that big of an ask." [break][break]

"I'm more concerned about the RUINATION that these beasts' presence implied in 's RVL. We don't know if them being together or being all alive will cause it. And that sounds far more cataclysmic than the presence of a few wild legendary." He said looking back at . [break][break]

"Still, I don't disagree with keeping up efforts to allying ourselves with Zapdos or Moltres. Perhaps having them would convince Articuno to leave ." He added, grinning at the thought. "During POSTDORM Admin and I encountered Head Ranger and Ex Councilwoman where we engaged them. I took on Lars, Admin Cross Elinor. I needed blood samples from the avatar but before I could acquire them, Articuno appeared to stop my assault and then disappeared after. It was not present until theblast aecond."

tagged ▸ ooc @ various
- asks amor for who hes talking about. [Break]
- says science corps needs to get it together [break]
- specifies hes worried about the RUINATION to barnaby [break]
- says mayne we can get all 3 birds if we play our cards right.

| drip [break]




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October 4th
Celadon City
Rocket Scientist
76 height
76 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @kaname
Kaname Fujihara
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2023 23:14:25 GMT
Kaname Fujihara Avatar
Kaname adjusted his glasses before leveling a sharp look at . “You’ll just have to forgive Head Scientist Sato for not knowing. You see, she’s busy doing the utmost for the science division and furthering Team Rocket’s goals with her scientific advancements. I’m sure you understand that pointless fraternizing would be beneath her when there's an important breakthrough or discovery to be made; especially since you’ve just joined us and understand the importance of our various projects.”[break][break]

He offered a sickly sweet smile before glancing over at . He knew she didn’t need him to fight her battles for her, but this was his way of apologizing for earlier. A show of loyalty for the woman who helped him get here.[break][break]

“Now then, on to your question… Getting to Maldacena by using the RKS system is not a possibility, for all intents and purposes it seems to be self-contained. So using it as a doorway is not an option.” Kaname leaned forward ever so slightly. “Now to the issue of Zapdos, if it is recharging and regrouping perhaps we could find a way to speed up the process and thus endear it to us further. left behind a machine that extracts infinity energy from Pokémon… perhaps we could use that to empower and persuade Zapdos?”[break][break]

(TL;DR Kaname gets snippy with Amor on behalf of Nomi. Answers the question about the RKS and posits a suggestion about Zapdos.)
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing