i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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July 2
Dewford Town
5'9 height
5'9 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
826 posts
Noel Parker DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hellboyryan
Noel Parker
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 1:41:16 GMT
Noel Parker Avatar
[attr="class","mango leaguechar"]


The primal roar from overhead caused Noel, to let out a sudden but brief gasp while turning his gaze back towards the cave's entrance. A cry that shook the very cave itself. Bits of rock and dust break off from the walls, an ill omen of things to come.[break][break]

Before Noel can react, he's whisked away along with atop the Entei's back. The ride is bumpy, to say the least, and he can barely hang on as the seawater rises, threatening to swallow them whole should the legendary dog's speed not be enough. Noel was no , but after a moment he's able to grasp at the beast's hair and gain balance. Before they exit, he recalls back his Milotic back into its ball.[break][break]

A painful shout echoes throughout the cave, its contents all too familiar to the ranger. With a look back from where they had left, he views the Dusclops throwing a valiant electric punch to impede the Kyogre from progressing any further. Almost like something out a storybook.[break][break]

But not all stories can have happy endings. Heroic as the ghost-type was, nothing can stop it from being submerged underneath the raging storm brought down by the blue monster.[break][break]

"I'm sorry... I've no idea where this Pokemon is taking us, but we've got to get you out of here. This place is too dangerous-"[break][break]

As if to prove his point, the obsessive Kyogre rushes in, honing quickly in on their location. All manner of Pokemon and trainers fight to deter the whale from its path, including the sheriff, , who stands between the trio and the Kyogre to act as a wall. Yet the sea creature is not so easily demoralized. [break][break]

With a pop, a Shaymin exits from its ball and lands with a fierce expression on top of Noel's shoulder. A Petal Blizzard surrounds the party, protecting them from anything the Kyogre may hurl at their way. Some of the sharpened leaves break off to cut away at the monster's flesh, hopefully enough to hinder and slow it down.[break][break]

Now all that was left was to figure out just where this Johtonian dog was taking them.

Taken by Entei with Mitsuru to wherever it leads them[break][break]
Shaymin appears and uses Petal Blizzard as both a shield and attack against the Kyogre

[attr="class","milkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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june 8
5'11 height
5'11 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
796 posts
ameena abadi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ameena
ameena abadi
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 1:45:08 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar
[attr="class","ambrosia charname"]
[attr="class","amilkycredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


The girl's tantrum only amused Ameena and Gardevoir both. "This is how things were meant to be. Victors, and losers." Yuina's little captain was caught on fire, but before Ameena and Gardevoir could savor it, the two were launched into a time-space distortion. [break][break]

Gardevoir's rage grew ten sizes as they were surrounded with an unfamiliar land. Clearly, they were not where they were previously. Perhaps, they were, and only the year had changed. It was hard to tell with these rifts, and with not one but TWO space-defying gods on the battlefield, Ameena could rule out nothing about the time-space distortion. Iron Treads charged at her, and Gardevoir violently flung them backwards, nearly growling with her feral fury. [break][break]

"We can get back," Ameena said breathlessly, and the two turned to see where the rift lie across the sky above them. Gardevoir clutched Ameena unkindly and flew up, up - [break][break]

The battlefield was the same, barring the sea level that had risen considerably. And that Ameena was in a slightly different position. And, scouring the area, it was clear that was healed. [break][break]

Gardevoir's anger reached a fever pitch. Unfortunately, Yuina's savior was behind a shield now with some other kids, facing Necrozma and a Celesteela, but the girl? She was fair game. Ameena knew the shield would break eventually, so she easily turned focus on Yuina. Gardevoir launched mystical fire at Yuina.

qCEaDk_N [break][break] (Sorry kids, gotta start pregaming ibuprofen for my wrists but here's what I got) [break] [Spent time in the rift created, then got free and launched mystical fire at Yuina. Angry that is healed and Yuina is (mostly) fine.]



[attr="class","icon-rocket2"] LOCATION: H4 -> H5



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July 7
Pacifidlog Town
5'6"//168cm height
5'6"//168cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
115 posts
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TAG WITH @aokihana
Aoki Hana
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 2:14:20 GMT
Aoki Hana Avatar
A brief flash of light, and her doublade clashes against steel instead of 's flesh. Hungry for blood, the screech of metal on metal sounds like a despairing scream, shunting 's robotic paradox into the line of fire from 's solar beam.

It falls summarily.

The woman herself hardly notices.

All her attention is focused on the sheriff, .

The man had bested her twice over. Humiliated her-- spared her, when she should have been cut down. Added to that the way spoke of him, and her blood had been brought to a boil.

A life for a life.

I'll drag you to hell myself and make that fucking cunt pay.

For Hideyoshi!

She rounds on the sheriff in front of her, still on the edge of the boat, looking up at the Boundless. Lost in thought about something, though it was anyone's guess what.

One swift strike, and--

The world seems to upend itself (courtesy 's Palkia), and Hana feels a sudden sense of vertigo. She does her best to swallow it down, though her sword lashes out in the wrong direction, knocking a misplaced chain-shot away. Immediately, eyes lock on the culprit. For some reason the surprise in his eyes pisses her off, though she doesn't have the lucidity to say why.

She turns back to face the sheriff, but in that split second he was lost. Swept out to sea, more than like, lost to the chaos of the sea and battle alike. She turns back to the deputy and narrows her eyes, footing even with the deck of the ship even though it tilts wildly from side to side. Kyogre could cause the sea to thrash and rage all it liked, but til this ship was sunk, she would maintain her footing.

She was still more at home at sea than not, even after all these years.

And so she rounds on the deputy as he readies another shot, readying her blade...

"Dogs... I fucking hate dogs..."

She glowers at the deputy.

A dog, who'd accept a chain around his neck so long as he was fed. He made his living off hunting people like her, a breed alike with Navy, and Hana despised it. Loyalty at all costs, no matter the cause for which they were fighting... and that meant they all had their friends -- their pack -- to aid them.

"Doin' whatever the hands that feed ya say, even killing civilians. Tell me, 'deputy', what part of this is justice? What part of this is upholdin' the law?

In truth, she doesn't care about any of that. But this man does. Should, if he's one of Navy's boys. It would sow doubt, which is all she cared about.

Even so, it wouldn't change the outcome of this fight. There was no chance at diplomacy now. That was surrendered the moment he pulled the trigger the first time. Perhaps ever since he passed through those broken white walls. Or, maybe, the moment he picked up the badge.

's pleas for League and Rocket alike to save the people are long forgotten.

"Worst part is? You ain't even the alpha!"

She attempts to crack a wry grin. In the midst of the storm amid a crack of lightning, she looks nearly a wild animal herself, fanged smile flashing in the dark.

"C'mon then, shoot me!"

As soon as she says the word 'shoot', Montgomery's finger clicks the trigger.

She leaps forward, second blade returned to her hand just in time to raise her into the air, striking down in the shape of an 'X' with an aerial ace centered on the man's neck.

The cloud of spores won't save him. Neither will the chain. Even if he hits her, she could not feel it in this state. Adrenaline pumping, her heartbeat pumping molten blood through her brain, she focuses solely on her objective--

The deputy, soon departed, and the look of anguish and shame in 's eyes as he learned the news.


tl;dr D2. Doublade assists with Shred's KO on Lydia's Iron Valiant. Hana focuses on Navy, but the chain shot and spatial distortion distract her. Still maintains her footing, but since Navy is washed overboard, settles for trying to kill his deputy. Aerial ace, disregarding her personal safety to do so -- she does not care rn!

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December 26
Slateport City
6"1' height
6"1' height
437 posts
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TAG WITH @grigorisokolov
Grigori Sokolov
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 2:15:18 GMT
Grigori Sokolov Avatar
There were many calls to action, ideas on what to do. How to proceed given such dire and chaotic circumstances. In every other timeline, he would’ve listened. Obeyed. Defended the Dyna-Tree, grouped up, helped his fellow Rockets. Behaved like the good little grunt he was.

But… something stirred in his heart. A call to action, but guided by another hand. A sinful desire. Envy clutched his limbs and sent his hands against the Braviary to the side. “Fisher, reporting in! I have a clear, uninterrupted visual on the Kyogre! I repeat, please–

But it didn’t matter. Whether it was the flap of its monstrous wings, the torrential rains that smothered all his senses, or the pandemonium of nearby trainers– something shifted his seat. His grip failed. Soon enough, his legs left the comfort of the saddle straps and open air swallowed him whole.


His arms desperately leapt forward, and outstretched fingers wished they could extend to the straps. But they missed by mere centimeters. Braviary could only watch as its trainer fell from on high and plummeted to the rocky waters below.

This wasn’t how it was supposed to go. He was going to look like the monstrous , capable and strong. Or the hateful , who sought revenge no matter the cost. Instead, he looked like a stupid grunt. Unpolished, untalented. He amounted to nothing, and no one would notice him drown.

Thus, he tried. But the waters swallowed him whole and submerged him in the frigid aquatic world. Waves tried to keep him down, but he fought nature itself. He just had to get something to help. Anything. A Pokémon, a person, a…

A streak of lightning, a blip on the horizon in the corner of his eye. Closer and closer, as close as the sea level that rose. Until–

 - Grigori thinks about following orders from the likes of , but ultimately decides against it
 - Asks for more help but is rudely interrupted by the Kyogre
 - Falls into the waters below
 - But only for a moment until he is saved by...


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June Bug
April 21
Mauville City
5"4' height
5"4' height
Swallow the Heart and Kill the Senses
525 posts
june sleigh DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rysa
june sleigh
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 2:21:08 GMT
june sleigh Avatar
C’mon… c’mon…


Violet dipped below the waves, and a confident hand gripped the person’s collar. June pulled upward, as hard as she could, but they were heavier than bricks. The living bike skidded to a half and only offered a glance backward for help. She kept tugging for a few moments before it was clear she couldn’t do it on her own.

You wanna help, or you gonna let this guy drown?” she yelled. Even beneath her thick shadowed visor, her visible rage penetrated the black glass. 

Violet thrummed, and a limb extended from its temporary frame. A thick, cylindrical organic engine scooped up the wet mass and hauled it up. Up, onto its back. June turned around and smacked their back repeatedly. Dozens of shiny bobbers bounced beneath her blows, a silent symphony that accompianed her rhythm.

C’mon, don’t die on me! I won’t let you,” she said assuredly. To them, it probably sounded like muffled nonsense beneath the overbearing rain. Yet she continued to hit until a stream of water left their lips. A drop in the bucket of Sootopolis, yet the world for the Boundless. “Thank fuck…

Alright, get moving,” she called forward. One down… who knew how many to go. She’d shone up late, and it looked like it wouldn’t matter. But even a single soul or two would have to suffice. Anything to clean her conscious before… before…

A problem to worry about tomorrow, that was for damn sure. Bigger fish to fry. Like that fish that should’ve been fried twenty minutes ago. Yet here it was, in the middle of Sootopolis and a few dozen people on its side. What honorable people the League were. How kind. Took an incredible amount of generosity to gift the civillians a few million liters of water.

“League’s just not as open about it– I bet there’s a line where Sootopolis gets chalked up as a necessary casualty. A lost cause.”

Looked like she was right and wrong– didn’t predict them being so blatant about it. But here it was: an opportunity to get an upper hand. It only cost a few thousand lives. Her and would need to have a long conversation about this. Or not-- a stab of guilt pierced her heart and stayed any negative emotions. She was one to talk.

Here, hold on to me,” June guided the strangers hands around her abdomen as they uprighted themselves and Violet sped off into the distance. Back from where they came, to the upper right corner of Sootopolis. Away from the conflict.

Away from the Rain. “What now?

 -Currently wearing a helmet, unidentifiable by anyone
 - June saves a 'stranger' ( ) who recently fell into the water
 - Pulls him over the back of Miraidon, makes sure they don't choke on lungfuls of seawater
 - Starts driving off, from F3 towards H2 (and lots of conflict)
 - Wonders what the hell to do now


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Caleb Sharpe
October 13
Lavender Town, Kanto
League Ranger
Chasing memories
of sapphire eyes and cruel smiles
6'4" / 193 cm height
6'4" / 193 cm height
Leave the past where it is: behind you.
787 posts
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TAG WITH @caleb
Caleb Harcourt
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 3:08:02 GMT
Caleb Harcourt Avatar

Caleb allows himself about ten seconds to stare dumbfounded at the Tornadus dutifully carrying the gym leader through the air before shaking his head, senses returning. This is a war, after all. There isn't time to wonder how in the world had convinced a legendary Pokemon to be his chauffeur.[break][break]
"I'm good," he confirms, smiling at Lam. Despite the harrowing circumstances, it's a relief to find a friend amongst the chaos. "You and uh, Tornadus? Can take the lead. Lyra and I will follow."[break][break]
The Mega-Lapras trills, nudging Caleb with her nose. He hops up onto her back, holding onto her massive neck for support. She glides through the rising seawater with an almost effortless grace, despite the churning of the waves - made all the more turbulent thanks to the Kyogre's wrath.[break][break]
Then Lam calls out his name again, and Caleb's attention diverts to a cliffside where yet another mythical creature watches with regal scrutiny. Caleb's heart hammers in his chest at the sight, and a thought occurs to him - if a Tornadus and a Virizion are helping Lam, does that mean more of Hoenn's divine protectors would come to the League's aid? Does that mean his own endeavors to find and recruit 's former draconic companions might matter, after all?[break][break]
A blood-curdling, primal howl pulls Caleb from his thoughts, and his eyes snap to the skies - where, to his horror, he witnesses Rayquaza careening towards the ground. Freya, he thinks, with panic.[break][break]
But then the dragon shakes a masked figure - a Rocket - from its scales, and Caleb's heart stops.[break][break]
He knows that mask. He'd ripped it off the man's face during their first, fateful encounter. And beneath? Eyes like bright sapphires, dancing with a cruel mirth.[break][break]
He barely hears Lam's parting words. is about to die.[break][break]
"Go to him," Caleb snaps at Lyra, jumping down from her shell. How his heart aches as timelines converge. The pain he's carried, the suffering he's endured, these scars tether him to this moment - in which, perhaps in ironic tragedy, he does not register screams over League comms, so consumed is he by the decision to save the life of a man who does not love him.[break][break]
The Mega-Lapras hesitates for only a moment, then dives in the direction of Barnaby's trajectory. Caleb breathes in sharply through his nose, sea salt and smoke burning his nostrils, then takes out another Pokeball and releases Zuri. The Zeraora crackles with electricity, a dangerous element to mix with so much water - but that's exactly what Caleb needs.[break][break]
"We need to get to Freya, cover her while she recovers from whatever attacked Rayquaza."[break][break]
They rush east, wading through the flooding city, until - all of a sudden - a massive blast of...something throws Caleb off his feet. His eyes widen as he watches an avalanche of loose rock and rubble rampage towards him, freed from the cliffside by the tremors in the earth. His legs are too weak to stand in time. Once more, he faces an onslaught he cannot weather. The Ranger covers his head with his arms and shuts his eyes tight, readying for agony.[break][break]
Instead, he feels a warm body throw itself on top of him, the energy of a QUICK GUARD surrounding Caleb. When the dust clears, he finds that Zuri has shielded him from harm - but at a terrible cost. Body inert, the Zeraora no longer has the capacity to fight. Caleb returns him to his Pokeball, whispering a silent note of sorrowful thanks. His team seems to be dropping like Cutieflies...[break][break]
To the west, Caleb notices an unnatural darkness envelope the area he had just left - the area where Lam had been headed. Dread fills him, and he realizes with awful certainty, that must have arrived in Sootopolis by now. And sure enough - Necrozma towers above the city, a pillar of destruction Caleb has absolutely no idea how to stop.[break][break]
"Arceus, this is bad."

Caleb heads down from G1 on his Mega-Lapras, with , until they reach the H4 area. Caleb gets distracted by Rayquaza and , and diverts from Lam, heading east towards E4 (final destination for this post)[break]
Sees fall to his (supposed) death, and sends Lyra (Mega-Lapras) to go save him (does not realize is about to do just that)[break]
Caleb is too distracted to comprehend 's suffering rip ;_;[break]
Releases Zuri, but the Zeraora and Caleb are toppled from the cliffside by the surge of INFINITY ENERGY. The Zeraora faints protecting Caleb from an avalanche of rocks and rubble. Upon recovering, Caleb notices darkness enveloping the area he came from (where he left Lam). and Necrozma are here, and that does not bode well...



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 4:11:20 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


ft. everyone I guess

His attack isn't enough to take down the avatar of Xerneas, and Galatine's efforts do not pan out as planned.


His irritation rose by a notch. After his 'results' in Mossdeep, he couldn't afford to be letting enemies go.

He narrowed his eyes at Wolf's back, the sword burning hot in his grasp as he prepared another blast.

However, his attention drifted away from the man as he approached a towering tree.

Almost identical to the one in Evergrande, the towering tree of life loomed over Sootopolis and reminded all that there was not one but two Kings of bountiful harvests in Hoenn.

Humming to himself thoughtfully, Gwyar shared a look with Galatine, before slowly lowering his sword, the light shining on its length dissipating as he sheathed it in a smooth motion.

The thrumming of infinity energy dissipated, the flowing glow around his suspenders disappearing as he powered down his sygna suit.

Let's try something else. He nodded at his Aegislash, before it leaped into the water with him closely after, landing atop her edge before she launched.

The gem embedded into his guantlet gleamed brightly as the sword at his feet shone like a small star.


-Sees Brian survive. insert-tch-here.jpg
-Goes to swing again
-Gathers his bearings and notices the tree.
-...!.jpg, powers down sygna suit
-Jumps unto his Aegislash and begins surfing to move around; silph cup, don't fail me now
-Gwyar and Aegislash are charging their Z-move.

aegislash charges for ONE TURN before firing an unblockable attack that is always super-effective.

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 4:47:52 GMT
fern delaney Avatar
[attr="class","pilots fernie"]

feel your dirty face[break]oh, don’t it leave that filthy taste?




The sky is a maelstrom of furious weather and colliding attacks. The upward jut of earth spikes explode into shrapnel that batters at their Roaring Moon’s belly. Meraxes bellows, arcing upward as SPATIAL RENDS knock them off course.[break][break]

Thrown by gravitational force, Fern hunkers down as the pained dragon arcs away, before turning her bulky form to loop back around. Her tail lashes, teeth bared. But they can weather this, it is fine. At their back, they can feel ’s solid presence, and it will be al—[break][break]

The unexpected force of @illiana rocketing out of a gap in the sky startles them. But it is not Fern who she wrenches free from security on the Roaring Moon’s back. “NO!” is thrown into open air, and they cannot turn in time. There is no chance that they will catch them. Distaste settles on their tongue when it is chien-pao who breaks his fall, but it does not matter in the end. Fern drives Meraxes to the ground—sliding off of her back at an inhuman speed as their feet carry them into the thick of things as the dragon disappears into the safety of her pokeball.[break][break]

While leads the charge, Fern flits through the resulting mayhem—using it as a cover for their quickened pace. Ducking behind bodies that move impossibly slow next to their lightning feet. They sought out that particular thread of pain that had hummed around them before. The glimpse of golden hair and an angry stare. The buzz of crackling static under their skin grows bright and feverishly demanding.[break][break]

fern can apparate or travel from place to place instantaneously using electricity and electrical currents. there does not need to be preexisting electricity for this to be possible, for they can create their own.

Hatred and their love of chaos stokes their heart, even as the DROUGHT chokes the chill of a BLIZZARD they know comes from . Fern continues to move, spinning though the fighting at impossible speed, light as though it were a dance. Pulling the thread to draw to the source.[break][break]

Overhead, Tapu Koko retaliates from where it had been knocked asunder. Full of a self-righteous fury, the guardian knows the risk of enduring another bout of SPATIAL RENDING, but its shield-mask snaps together as it dives towards Mew again—electricity crawling over its shell as it glows brighter with the charge of a lightning rod soaking up all of the energy it can. The rooster-head mask splits apart, its crackling pincers aimed straight for the little pink Mew.[break][break]

z-move, paralysis parry: when tapu koko brings its shield together, it begins to charge mass amounts of electricity so that its pincers can then be used as sharpened, high-voltage prods until it lands an attack.

It is then that Fern finds . Sussing out the pain of her injuries as electricity courses through them. They can sense the link there, the flow of energy between them. Their fingers waggle at her in over saccharine greeting, but they do not have to draw close as they once did. In the prison, to strike a palm against her face. A smile lights upon Fern’s face and their eyes dart for a moment to see striking out at .[break][break]

But the blue of their eyes returns to Anna’s, the upward hitch of their mouth a sharp, cruel thing as they tune into the hum of the air, the charge around them. They can feel the dial in their mind where it connects to her hurt, and they imagine themself reaching for it and twisting the dial up.[break][break]

And up. And up.

⚡ FERN DELANEY is now able to generate electricity that induces pain in his own body and/or others' within a proximity. the pain can be dialed up or dialed down.

+ soooo much is happening rrraAAHHHH!![break]
okay, so: fern is rocked by a volley of attacks - the disruption of earth spikes and back to back spatial rends. Fern kind of loses it when goes flying. Detecting the pain from , they land and recall their roaring moon. Is feeling a tiny bit of ’s blizzard-hate, I fear. But it’s also their own chaos-mongering. Uses their newfound pain manipulation on Anna. Tapu Koko continues to go for mew, attempting to strike back at it with its z-move PARALYSIS PARRY. Is pretty satisfied when they see Jayden STABBIN .


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 6:05:37 GMT
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DAMKINA is desperate to fight tooth and tail to bring down. Fueled by the rage she feels brimming from her master, she charges in as he summons a new contender to the fight: his GYARADOS. An ear-splitting screech fills the air as she leaps, ready to strike the ground below and summon a STONE EDGE.[BREAK][BREAK]

Unfortunately, the Gyarados manages to strike her back with a powerful swing of its DRAGON TAIL before she can do so. The dragon is denied her blood and crashes into a nearby SOOTOPOLIS home like a meteor. When she reemerges from the rain-soaked rubble, and his Gyarados are gone. With her targets dispersed and the flooding of SOOTOPOLIS imminent, she can only limp off and take flight in search of her master.[BREAK][BREAK]



The sight of NECROZMA's pure darkness should have been awe-inspiring. But all it inspired in was rage and trauma. It reminded him all too much of the ABYSS he'd witnessed amidst the very GODS OF CREATION. But and NECROZMA were no gods. They were great evils put in place to be destroyed.[BREAK][BREAK]

And with them? A pretender.[BREAK][BREAK]



It proved to be the only thing capable of drawing the EXACTING's attention away from for the time being. The latter was one of TEAM ROCKET's ultimate weapons, but the former stood beside the DYNA TREE as an embodiment of the organization's poisoned IDEALS. It was an affront to GALAR. An affront to HUMANITY itself.[BREAK][BREAK]

His clenched fist whitens his knuckles as electricity hisses from his body. Standing atop a branch on the DYNA TREE, the exiled prince raises his hand to form a LIGHTNING BOLT as he glares at the CALYREX below. As he stews in this simmering HATRED, however, and her ROARING MOON manage to catch him off guard just enough.[BREAK][BREAK]


Despite attempting to spin around and meet the ROARING MOON with a blast of lightning, he only manages to launch his BOLT upwards after being clawed against the back and cast off the DYNA TREE branch. Flesh and cloth tear as searing pain grips his senses. Leaves and smaller branches whip at his body as he falls, his vision red with anger as the stormy skies above only darken further...[BREAK][BREAK]

He reaches up with one hand as if hoping to grasp the storm itself.



Meanwhile, up above, and his GALARIAN MOLTRES manage to break ZEKROM out of his SHIELDED stasis. The BLACK YIN unleashes a wrathful roar as a whirlwind of electricity emanates from his whirring tail. This glowing plasma shines like a beacon in the skies above the DYNA TREE, eventually forming a complete orb around the dragon as it launches itself forward with a barrage of lightning bolts in its wake, fueled by the insatiable storm that PRIMAL KYOGRE has wrought.[BREAK][BREAK]


  • GARCHOMP is struck by DRAGON TAIL and successfully repelled from before it retreats to the skies
  • Standing atop a DYNA TREE BRANCH, sets his sights on CALYREX and readies a LIGHTNING STILETTO to meet it
  • is caught off guard by , however, and her ROARING MOON manages to DRAGON CLAW him across his back
  • manages to cast his LIGHTNING BOLT upward as he PLUNGES down the DYNA TREE
  • Previously SHIELDED, ZEKROM opts to return offensive fire at GALARIAN MOLTRES with a BOLT STRIKE and a barrage of LIGHTNING aided by PRIMAL KYOGRE'S STORM




[attr="class","remy-lb-bannerbottom"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS ♔



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january 19th
nimbasa city, unova
HBIC special agent
that sly come-hiter stare that strips my conscience bare
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TAG WITH @niola
Niola Winchester
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2024 6:26:22 GMT
Niola Winchester Avatar









Niola leaps for cover, avoiding the worst of the HURRICANE and the ICE BEAM that had come her way. Her DHELMISE, on the other hand, utters a long and haunting groan, like the sound of a ship splitting apart at sea, as the latter attack manages to strike it with a dazzling display. Frost spreads across its rusted metal and seaweed like a bad mold.[break][break]

Ironically, this almost seems to aid its grip on the TEAM ROCKET SUBMARINE. Though Niola was sure these attacks were not at an end. She follows the ELECTRO SHOT commanded by to set her sights upon the aggressors. "Thanks for the support, Ha. Let's give these terrorists what's for!"[break][break]

Just then, however, a DRAGON PULSE blows apart the pillar of concrete that had been taking cover behind, blasting her backward with several scrapes and bruises. As she hurriedly tries to pick herself back up, she calls out to her possessed anchor once more. "Don't let that submarine go!" She urges it, watching a large SURF build on the horizon.[break][break]


And it's dizzying how the DHELMISE spins around in the sky, looping itself around a nearby BELL TOWER for support as it summons a powerful WHIRLPOOL near the submarine. With any luck, it hopes to suck the SURF back in along with its enemies ( & ). Regardless, eventually finds cover again before aiming her GUN and unloading its clip at them.[break][break]



[attr="class","niola-lb-bannerbottom"]BATTLE OF SOOTOPOLIS ♦︎



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October 13
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POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 1:56:57 GMT
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FOR THIS FLASH RAID, heavy moderation will not occur unless required. There may be instances where the thread "freezes" for several characters to interact, etc. Below is a list of summarized actions from the participating characters, including some resolutions of actions.


[attr="class","prompt0"] transfers the damage from 's EARTHQUAKE to himself. His left arm is debilitated as a result. His ZAMAZENTA fires a HYDRO CANNON at , 's GOLEM and successfully.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s CHI-YU lowers the DEFENSES of those around her, allowing her to shatter through the ROCK TOMB & PSYCHIC SHIELDS. She designates as the DECOY, which will attract attacks to her. CHI-YU uses TAUNT on BEHEEYEM OR GOLEM (RPers' choice).

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s UNOWN attempts to strike with a HIDDEN POWER. However, the attack curves toward instead due to 's power. Similarly, one of 's FEATHERS fly toward , while the other flies toward .

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GOLEM is struck by HYDRO CANNON & MAGMA. Despite the DECOY, a BULLDOZE rushes toward and to SLOW them.

[attr="class","prompt0"]CALYREX's GLACIAL LANCE strikes 's DRAGONITE and 's MEGA MAWILE. 's DRAGONITE and the MEGA MAWILE endure the hit, but just barely thanks to the FIRE PUNCH & MEGA EVOLUTION.

[attr="class","prompt0"] continues fighting . As the spatial dimensions warp, takes advantage of the chaos. She is able to strike with a spinning strike before she is tackled by him. Her ARCTOVISH and 10% ZYGARDE clash, the SURF & CRUNCH strike each other and lock up once more. can realize how far her training has taken her, for she is able to hold her own... in spite of 's capabilities and the untimely loss of .

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SHADOW LUGIA must take time to RECOVER and is unable to help . falls into the sea, swimming in the wrong direction due to 's powers. manages to reorient his movements and saves from the water. Harmed, but still standing, 's KABUTOPS uses PROTECT for 's LUGIA.

[attr="class","prompt0"] dives after to kill him. However, 's interference causes him to float up instead. He switches his BASCULEGION out for TAPU KOKO and an ELECTRIC TERRAIN spreads across the area thanks to its ability, ELECTRIC SURGE. The TAPU KOKO prepares by using CHARGE, which will double the damage of its next ELECTRIC-TYPE ATTACK.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Upon witnessing 's fall into the waters, several civilians who are moved by the man's compassion for his home, may rush with their Pokemon for and to assist them. may have to contend with this new complication. If desired, the civilians can be omitted or included and controlled by THORN & YAMS (TAGGER will likely need communication too) in the next round.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s SYGNA SUIT activates with RAGE, empowering the dragon's STRENGTH, BUT LOWERING ITS DEFENSES, allowing the GYARADOS to repel 's GARCHOMP successfully. GRENINJA faints before heads toward THE GREAT DYNA TREE/PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE to assist .

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GALARIAN MOLTRES is struck by the THUNDER and is empowered as it goes BERSERK. The bird expels a FROST BREATH at 's ZEKROM's wings, but the ZEKROM manages to protect itself.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GARCHOMP retreats from . On a DYNA TREE BRANCH, attempts to spear ICE RIDER CALYREX with his LIGHTNING STILETTO; however, he's struck by 's ROARING MOON. The DRAGON CLAW runs across his back. ZEKROM strikes 's GALARIAN MOLTRES with a BOLT STRIKE, aided by the KYOGRE caused thunderstorm.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and her DUSKNOIR are struck by 's DUSKNOIR. She rolls across the SHADOW LUGIA's wingspan and falls. However, her DUSKNOIR manages to catch her. As they navigate the spatial inversions, DUSKNOIR is switched for GARDEVOIR; her SYGNA SUIT activates with GARDEVOIR instead. Due to her CAREFUL nature, the HEAL PULSES soar through spatial inversions, heavy rains and storms and successfully keep RAYQUAZA from falling completely unconscious. Those who see the attack will notice this Olympic-level of accuracy.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s MEGA SALAMENCE carries her to RAYQUAZA. The RAYQUAZA uses DRAGON ASCENT and utilizes the attack's flames alongside a CONCUSSIVE BLAST to successfully tear off the dragon.

[attr="class","prompt0"] catches after his fall from RAYQUAZA. She sends her ROARING MOON toward , and the Paradox Pokemon strikes with a flyby DRAGON CLAW. is also greeted by 's MEGA LAPRAS when it arrives, too late to steal the rescuer's credit from .

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s RAYQUAZA falls from the sky. After it lands into the waters/stone, 's MEGA SALAMENCE uses PROTECT as 's DRACONID BLOOD REACTS WITH RAYQUAZA'S INFINITY ENERGY...

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s DOUBLADE joins 's KORAIDON's SOLAR BEAM by knocking 's IRON VALIANT out. Although she is momentarily distracted by the AVATAR ABILITIES around her, she gives into her bloodlust as she faces 's deputy, . She tries to kill with DOUBLADE's AERIAL ACE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] attempts to chain with his gun. However, 's spatial inversion causes him to miss. He regains his footing and commands his BRELOOM to STUN SPORE . In the process, 's DOUBLADE will land an AERIAL ACE successfully on his BRELOOM and/or him. The STUN SPORE can affect (if desired).

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s interference will allow to successfully reach without interruption.


[attr="class","prompt0"] chains with heavy ORICHALCUM, causing the man to sink into the sea. He engages with with his anti-League rhetoric, while KORAIDON uses AGILITY. They regard 's PALKIA curiously.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is knocked into the water. He continuously subjects himself to dangers as he pursues KYOGRE to help others such as ; however, his ZACIAN is overwhelmed by and KORAIDON.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s ZACIAN uses Z-MOVE: BLADE OF PROMISED VICTORY to provide cover for 's ENTEI's retreat before he is chained.

[attr="class","prompt0"]The ICE RIDER CALYREX witnesses the ZACIAN and its Z-Move before the Elite Four is tossed into the sea by . Swiftly and due to 's disruption of , it successfully hurls a GLACIAL LANCE at and/or the ZACIAN who are sinking the sea. The waters freeze around his sinking body...

[attr="class","prompt0"] heeds Head Ranger 's command. Calmed by TAPU BULU, she returns the TAPU BULU in favor for her MILOTIC as sinks. She manages to find him in the waters and may be able to save him (RPer choice); however, they'll encounter major difficulty as the spatial properties of this area are inverted/ice from GLACIAL LANCE interferes.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s ENTEI attempts to guide and to the east. It uses EXTREME SPEED to avoid incoming attacks, taking a bite out of a DYNA FRUIT in the process to completely recover.

[attr="class","prompt0"] takes ENTEI's assistance while her DUSCLOPS uses THUNDER PUNCH on the incoming KYOGRE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] follows ENTEI. His SHAYMIN emerges, a PETAL BLIZZARD swarming before them to protect against and strike KYOGRE.

[attr="class","prompt0"]On the other side of the GREAT DYNA TREE, is rescued by her CROBAT. Her CROBAT hurls an AIR SLASH at KYOGRE.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is rescued by her KINGDRA after her fall into the sea. The KINGDRA summons a TWISTER around them in order to keep hostiles from approaching.

[attr="class","prompt0"]After informing Rocket of his change in plans, his WAILORD is switched in in mid-air/on a floating platform. The large whale BODY SLAMs into KYOGRE, stunning the whale in its tracks. His maneuver provides a pivotal opening for .

[attr="class","prompt0"] and her Pokemon are inspired by and CHIEN-PAO's HATRED. From her advantageous position, her SHADOW SERPERIOR lands a SHADOW RAVE on KYOGRE's HEAD as 's Z-MOVE critically strikes the Leviathan too. Combined with everyone's attacks, the KYOGRE swerves toward GREAT DYNA TREE.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Thanks to , , , , and , Kyle's ENTEI, and manage to narrowly evade the KYOGRE's dive toward them.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GROUDON uses an empowered PRECIPICE BLADES. It travels, stone jutting out from the sea from Sootopolis stone to strike the KYOGRE for devastating impact...


[attr="class","prompt0"] reaches the GREAT DYNA TREE. His SILVALLY is switched out for his AUDINO. The AUDINO MEGA EVOLVES and it uses HEAL PULSE on the PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE. He calls to Rockets nearby to fall back to the tree to protect it and to kill KYOGRE. Briefly, the PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE seems to recover...

[attr="class","prompt0"] surfs toward the GREAT DYNA TREE with his AEGISLASH. They charge their Z-MOVE...

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GYARADOS attacks with a DRAGON PULSE. is ordered to attack her too despite his initial hesitance.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s DHELMISE stubbornly hangs onto the submarine in spite of the DRAGON PULSE. The DHELMISE uses WHIRLPOOL, but 's SHADOW OSBTAGOON manages to overpower it. The DHELMISE is forced to detach from the submarine. After, fires her gun at and (Noodles and King can decide if it hits them).

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GYARADOS attacks with a DRAGON PULSE. is ordered to attack her too despite his initial hesitance.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Heeding 's call, 's ELECTRIC-TERA ARCHALUDON fires another empowered ELECTRO SHOT at the submarine. The attack will force and away; however, the submarine manages to dive in haste, albeit damaged by and 's efforts.


[attr="class","prompt0"] is thrown into the sea by KYOGRE., but saves him. She hauls him over MIRAIDON's back. On her dragon, she "drives" toward the eastern side of the city to witness the following:

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s EARTH SPIKES explode and batter , , and . He calls upon GROUDON and a HARSH SUNLIGHT scorches the area.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s MEW!PALKIA defends against , and the other Team Rockets nearby.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s GRIMMSNARL is switched in. Der GRIMMSNARL uses SPIRIT BREAK successfully on 's MEW!PALKIA, the brute force enough to lower its offenses.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is severely harmed by and . To retaliate, his ETERNAL FLOETTE uses LIGHT OF RUIN. When used by its originator, LIGHT OF RUIN becomes a devastating attack. It forces 's MEW!PALKIA to SPATIAL REND it, but with lowered offenses, a residual beam from LIGHT OF RUIN manages to strike the MEW!PALKIA.

[attr="class","prompt0"]As the blizzard fades from the HARSH SUNLIGHT, returns to the fight with CHIEN-PAO. He attempts to stab with a ICE SPEAR while CHIEN-PAO uses RUINATION on the man.

[attr="class","prompt0"] is influenced by ENVY and HATRED. As attempts to assassinate the Elite Four, 's DRAGONAIR soars to save him. The DRAGONAIR is struck by the spear and the RUINATION and dies protecting .

[attr="class","prompt0"] and PALKIA emerge behind to defend him. PALKIA uses SPATIAL REND to try and defend 's MEW!PALKIA. The SPATIAL REND manages to clash against a resolute 's GALLADE's SACRED SWORD and 's ALOLAN NINETALES' SPRINGTIDE STORM that are aimed for the hurting MEW.

[attr="class","prompt0"]Angered, 's ✨TAPU KOKO uses Z-MOVE: PARALYSIS PARRY. Joining its shell together, it takes advantage of and 's attacks and strikes MEW!PALKIA with its "high voltage prods" for devastating damage.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s EARTH SPIKES spread around the area and explode, affecting , , and . Their writers can choose to be hit by them or choose to be severely disrupted by them.

[attr="class","prompt0"] summons a SPACE-TIME DISTORTION. Inside of it, and tend with the disorienting crack in space and time. Using her newfound abilities, she heals 's burns by rewinding time.

[attr="class","prompt0"] struggles to free herself from the distortions confines. When she is able, her MEGA EVOLVED GARDEVOIR launches a MYSTICAL FIRE that nearly strikes and/or her Pokemon (Eps' choice).

[attr="class","prompt0"]However, 's DRAGONITE uses Z-MOVE: STARRY SHIELD to protect and CELEBI from the flames. The newly healed attempts to protect those nearby with this shield as well.

[attr="class","prompt0"] sends his MEGA LAPRAS to save as is about to save him. Distracted by 's successful hit on , he and his ZERAORA are struck by the surge of INFINITY ENERGY. ZERAORA faints.

[attr="class","prompt0"] and his TORNADUS break way from . As NECROZMA's Z-MOVE plunges the area in darkness, his TORNADUS attempts to fight back against the suction of the created blackhole. The TAILWIND will allow to save from floating into the air. Eventually, will be able to successfully find the League group comprising of , , and , seeing the stars of the WYRDEER's Z-MOVE SHIELD.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s XURKITREE is knocked out by a ROCK SLIDE. As the Ultra Beast topples down the cliffside, dives to recall it to safety. Desperately, she tries to confess to before her bodies disappears into the water. Boulders plunge into 's last seen location... and the waters grow red.

[attr="class","prompt0"]'s KINGDRA uses HURRICANE to see if they can find . She attempts to reach out to her... and witnesses a grisly sight (consult with Madda).

[attr="class","prompt0"] is completely armored in NECROZMA METALS. He orders to attack , and . He advances toward their position and attacks after confirming 's intel that she is indeed, an Avatar. With CRYSTALLINE TENDRILS he attempts to take her down as NECROZMA uses Z-MOVE: DARKNESS THAT COVERS THE WORLD...

[attr="class","prompt0"]A disguised rides CELESTEELA to attack 's JELLICENT. The GIGA DRAIN manages to faint 's JELLICENT, siphoning it clean of health.

[attr="class","prompt0"] calls upon her SINISTEA and assists by using Z-MOVE: BREAD AND CIRCUSES, making all SOUND-BASED MOVES SUPER EFFECTIVE FOR TWO TURNS.
[attr="class","prompt0"] thanks her allies (, , ). She gathers rocks with her abilities and uses them as platforms in mid-air. She SCREAMS and her MELOETTA uses ALLURING VOICE: both attacks land with SUPER-EFFECTIVE DAMAGE on NECROZMA. However, she will eventually be struck or be forced to stop by a CRYSTALLINE TENDRIL or the BLACK HOLE sucking her in.

[attr="class","prompt0"] relays intel to and that EVER GRANDE CITY is able to protect itself from turbulent, rising sea waters thanks to the false island created by .

[attr="class","prompt0"] relays intel over to the League about 's location. 's SABLEYE uses DISABLE on 's DARKRAI, nullifying future uses of DARK VOID...


THE WORLD IS PLUNGED INTO DARKNESS AS A BLACK HOLE FORMS ABOVE. Briefly, the HARSH SUNLIGHT from and shrinks to more localized areas around themselves as the HEAVY RAINS cease. Debris, stone, fallen bodies and Pokemon begin to float upward...[break][break]

Meanwhile, ROCKET'S SUBMARINE resurfaces on the other side of the city thanks to and 's efforts. Lucky civilians scramble down the cliffside to board the submarine as the waters CONTINUE TO RISE.[break][break]

When interrupts and his DARKRAI, the Boss relays no change in expression. His stoic response is one of unnerving composure.[break][break]

"you are so brave to engage me alone." The Boss says. He points behind her to 's ROARING MOON. "it is unfortunate for you that i am not."[break][break]

When the PRECIPICE BLADES land, empowered by the surging PRIMAL ENERGY in the city, the rampaging KYOGRE finally stops in its tracks right before the GREAT DYNA TREE. Finally, the Leviathan seems placated. The League & AQUA Initiative's "main objective" seems to have been secured. To stop the SEMI-PRIMAL KYOGRE's rampage. To control the KYOGRE's primal fury...[break][break]

As the ICE RIDER CALYREX readies its lance in case the KYOGRE stirs, but prepares for the wrong thing. 's AEGISLASH unleashes its Z-MOVE: EXCALIBUR GALATINE. The unstoppable attack crashes into the GREAT DYNA TREE and gouges its trunk.[break][break]

The Hare King hurls a GLACIAL LANCE at the Mossdeep Gym Leader and his Pokemon as it calls upon the DYNA TREE. Life is extracted from the PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE and should protest, the ICE RIDER CALYREX will state that it is Rocket's will. That Rocket must make sacrifices to protect itself. To win. The PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE begins to grow weaker once again, and several of its ivory branches, some submerged under the seawaters, begin to crack and splinter off.[break][break]

NECROZMA's BLACK HOLE continues to vacuum all toward it. In the chaos, loses hold of the BLUE STALACTITE. Her hands burn, the residual and pure PRIMAL ENERGY an unexpected poison. It floats toward the void—but as it passes by KYOGRE... it acts like a SMELLING SALT. The KYOGRE awakens with a violent flail and chomps onto the stalactite...[break][break]

And the KYOGRE, after a suspenseful pause, undergoes PRIMAL REVERSION. The whale rises into the sky, tail trailing like regal ribbons. Organs glow beneath it translucent membranes. Markings stretch across its massive body as the true PRIMAL KYOGRE manifests, now one with the endless sea.[break][break]

HEAVY RAINS AND LIGHTNING resume and scar the sky. Eventually, 's SPATIAL INVERSION and 's NECROZMA's BLACKHOLE will subside. FEAR FLOODS THE BASIN as the sea rises rapidly. The waters consume the entirety of SOOTOPOLIS in water, save for the teeth-like peaks of the crater's rims and the GREAT DYNA TREE's CROWN.[break][break]

will be able to detect through SATELLITE COZMO that flooding has begun to impact MOSSDEEP, LILYCOVE, PACIFIDLOG & ROUTE 123. As the waters rise, Rocket Boss communicates to him and the rest of Rocket: "contain the kyogre! sootopolis has prepared for this with xerneas' sacrifice. all pokemon exist for the glory of team rocket."[break][break]

Though the ETERNAL FLOETTE's INFINITY ENERGY may be endless, it is still constrained by capacity. It is a small being unable to sustain lengthy, exorbitant generosity. However, 's XERNEAS—against its own will—is a suitable replacement to replete the DYNA TREE. The ETERNAL FLOETTE and ICE RIDER CALYREX, under 's orders, have connected the two trees together in a binding parasitism. The PETRIFIED XERNEAS TREE will feed the GREAT DYNA TREE... even at the cost of its own life.[break][break]

The damage 's AEGISLASH has dealt the GREAT DYNA TREE stalls the operation. And perhaps, it is due to this heavy strike on the tree and the League's previous attacks on its constitution, that has doomed the PETRIFIED XERNEAS. More INFINITY ENERGY must be spent. Whatever chance the PETRIFIED XERNEAS had of surviving the seawaters and DYNA TREE's siphoning has been eliminated by their efforts.[break][break]

As the green barrier against DYNAMAX flickers, the tree must heal before it is supplied enough INFINITY ENERGY to absorb KYOGRE's deluge. The DYNA FRUIT are already shriveling from salt.[break][break]

For now, should they choose to do so, 's NECROZMA and 's GROUDON will be able to still effectively contest the PRIMAL KYOGRE, keeping it from leaving SOOTOPOLIS' BORDERS. After all, GROUDON understands the pain KYOGRE feels. The incredible power. One day, GROUDON will achieve this primal strength again—but for now, it must subdue its worldly sibling.[break][break]

All soon realize that should the Leviathan escape, the region may be plunged into eternal sea. As it rampages in full, it fires an ORIGIN PULSE that splits into several buds of energy that bomb the flooded city.[break][break]

By DRACONID LINEAGE & RAYQUAZA'S POWER, transforms as dragon. Scales cut through her BLEEDING SKIN and her eyes the MEGA STONES bestowed to her by seem to call to her. Her RAYQUAZA eyes her, beckons for her and the stones. Cold, horrid waters slosh up against their scales, as the RAYQUAZA opens its jaw to swallow each stone whole.[break][break]

And with every stone, the RAYQUAZA begins to transform to protect the snow-white city of Sootopolis.



FOR THIS ROUND, you MUST ROLL using the roll command. SALAC BERRIES can be used for REROLLS.[break][break]

For this round and in general, low rolls will not always equal failure. Rolls be used to help shape the narrative and determine how intermingling actions pan out.[break][break]

LOW ROLLS may cause your trainer and/or their Pokemon to be struck by PRIMAL KYOGRE'S ORIGIN PULSE.



ATTACHED BELOW is an updated map of Sootopolis City. The map now features grid lines.[break][break]

(click and drag to a separate tab for full image)




THIS IS A RAID EVENT where characters post every round, attempting actions and/or responding to prompts or scenarios present within provided MODERATOR POSTS. Oftentimes, characters must make use of the ROLL command, which can determine the success of actions and/or create narrative tension.

This event is "DEATH-ENABLED". However, one should not worry too much about Pokemon or characters dying. Depending on player action, these high stakes can potentially be navigated without loss. Regardless, players can collaborate with me if they would like to craft dramatic moments like sacrifices, if it is able to be integrated into the event well.[break][break]

IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED to take advantage of this event to connect with new characters and to step out of your comfort zones. These events often act as a springboard for a variety of plots in its aftermath, with consequences that impact the wider site narrative and/or setting.[break][break]

Considering 's current health, this event will likely be SHORT, HAVE QUICKER TURNAROUNDS & HAVE LESS DETAILED MODERATOR POSTS. It is up to you to develop your stories, your dramatic moments, and more in response to the scenario presented.[break][break]

The plan is to conclude this event by the END OF AUGUST.[break][break]

Do note that this is A ROCKET VS LEAGUE faction-based event.



  • only ONE of your characters can participate.
  • [break]
  • only ONE POKEMON can be out at a time (when applicable).
  • [break]
  • please provide a tl;dr &/or bold moves/abilities/items used with each post.
  • [break]
  • i will not tolerate complaints about not being mentioned, tagged, acknowledged or feeling "useless" in a raid. generally, i attempt to mention all characters and their actions in each post, but depending on the number of participants, this may not be feasible.
  • [break]
  • remember that although i am essentially the DUNGEON MASTER or GAME MASTER of this event, much of this event's enjoyment and storytelling rests upon the players shoulders. collaborate with what i provide in each moderator post and each other for the best result!
  • [break]
  • lastly, be cognizant of participating players and characters. no one is the "main character" of an event, and allowing space for give-and-take between characters and their actions is highly encouraged.
  • [break]
  • more rules may be specified in the actual event thread.
  • [break]





, and have MISSED ONE ROUND.

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,653 posts
part of
TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 3:05:53 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

[attr="class","cp cp-target-o"]


Paxton takes off, and he hears the violent crash of ice against something else as Coniebear manages just in time to get to him and is slammed into the nest he'd just been hiding in, moments ago. The water levels keep rising and if he doesn't want to get soaked or pulled by the undertow, he had to keep moving upwards. "Hurry!" he shouted, urging the kid with the Dragonite () to move it. [break][break]

As he turned his eyes to the sky, he watched the green barrier flicker before turning back to look at Ice Rider Calyrex. As the little deer king contended with other threats in the crater, it seemed mostly fine. Conniebear was struggling to get up, but she manages on her feet in the end. Paxton looks around desperately at the vast battlefield, scaling the cliffsides of the city as quickly as he could without tripping and falling on his face. [break][break]

He catches sight of , the last of his Z MOVE dissipating under the brilliant light of Kyogre and Rayquaza's mega evolutions and Necrozna's terrifying darkness. He blinks, sprinting up a few more feet before turning to look at the tree again and putting a hand to the comms. "Mossdeep, it's Cassidy! Whatever you did, do it again! I'll keep the hare occupied!" He said as he looked at his Mawile, still eagerly tracking the deer king. Still glowing with bright iridescent energy, he gives her a nod. "Give chase, but start making your way towards the tree! It's sure to attack our friends once it figures out what's happening!" he ordered. [break][break]


With that the Mega Mawile turns on him and sprints, using whatever rubble and floating debris, even corpses, to help her keep moving and chasing the hare king. Once she feels in well enough range, Coniebear jumps again aiming a harsh IRON HEAD at directly at the Hare King's glacial steed. [break][break]

Paxton for his part gets ready the last bullet he'll probably be able to shoot. He'd need to move into the basin again, he's sure of it, and by then his equipment will be soaked through. So he arms himself one more time, bracing against sheer rock and dropping to a knee. He's taken worse shots. It takes a few deep breaths to calm the shaking in his hands and the thrumming in his brain as he followed the dual type through the scope. As he sees Connie jump, he waits for the opportune moment to shoot. Calyrex would try to get away but with one sudden BANG!, Paxton would try to intercept his escape.



+ @various | hehehe [break][break]
tl;dr [break][break]
- paxton gets away while conniebear takes the hit [break]
- urges oliver to run [break]
- sees the dynamax?? barrier flicker and turns to check on the tree [break]
- sees gwyar's z move ending and tells him to revv them engines and do it again [break]
- tells connibear to continue antagonizing ice rider calyrex [break]
- conniebear the mawile uses her mega BOOST to chase after it and attmept to smash IRON HEAD into glastrier's ribcage [break]
- paxton aims and shoots a final sniper round at Ice Rider Calyrex to attmept to catch it while his partner attacks [break]
- conniebear the mawile MEGA EVOLVES (2/3) [break]
- paxton will be overtaken by the waters ashe swims closer to the tree ( tries to move to C4) [break]

[attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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played by


December 25th
Rocket Beast
I survived because the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.
882 posts
part of
TAG WITH @shredzeppelin
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 3:53:23 GMT
Shred Avatar
[attr="class","pilots shredtyphon"]

the beginning and the end



sinks. rushes to save him. it's not an unexpected outcome. if there's one thing the sheriff is good at, it's making bonds. he'll survive today, of that you're sure. but tomorrow? you couldn't say...[break][break]

...ah. that's your third win of the day, isn't it? yes, with defeated twice over and forced to scurry away with tail between his legs, this makes for three wins and zero losses. how effortless. how exhilarating! the winged king and his blessings exceed your expectations at every turn. your ego swells and your divinity soars. with every passing second, your new godhood feels less like a boast and more like a fact. grass is green, rain is wet, and shred is above even heaven itself. is there even anyone left in the old world who could even possibly hope to challenge you?[break][break]

yes. one.[break][break]

and as you glance up to your companion, you know. as you follow its gaze, you're already keenly aware of who it's found. as the ouroborous swallows its tail, you once again find yourself where you've been before.[break][break]

palkia, and with her, .[break][break]


in that moment, an uncontrollable anger shatters its prison and overflows from within you. weeks and month of suffering, of failure, of grief, of worthlessness, of pure unrelenting anguish, they all burn deep within your furnace of a heart. your teeth grit and your eyes go wide. your fists clench so tightly that your bones begin to crack. every muscle in your body begins to tremble with sheer hatred. here she is, once again, to cast you in her shadow. your warden. your oppressor. your murderer.[break][break]

but this time, things are different. this time, you're equal. no. not equal. you're better.[break][break]

as your rage bubbles over, everything else fades out. and and and and and all become little more than shadows under the sun. instinctively, your hand reaches into your pocket, and pulls out something small yet sharp.[break][break]

"WINGED KING!" you howl, raising a purple-tinted Z-crystal up to your face. you take a deep breath to clear your throat and calm your shaking fingers. "KILL THAT FUCKING DRAGON!"[break][break]


the crystal shatters between your fangs. as you choke down the shards and splinters and the blood that follows, Z-energy pours from your mouth like dragonfire. violet coalesces around scarlet, and as the prime paradox drinks deep of this foreign power, it finds a new apex to reach. with a roar of newfound power, red and purple mix into a brilliant, violent aura.[break][break]

the winged king ascends high into the air. then, like a meteor descending upon the world, it descends. a DEVASTATING DRAKE crashes toward palkia, though the burning flames of a boundless spirit spread far further than the site of impact, and those unfortunate enough to feel them will find them neither discerning no merciful.[break][break]

but simple dragonslaying isn't enough. there's one other who needs to die, too.[break][break]


at the zenith of the winged king's attack, you leap from his back. all the orichalcum you can muster pools around your arm, turning it into formless, brutal mass of sharp edges and jagged points. and, as you fall towards her, you swing this weapon of your hatred down upon the alchemist as hard as you possibly can.[break][break]

afIqcdBZ / [break][break]
TL;DR - shred, having thoroughly cyberbullied his former friend, goes to muck in with the right-side sooty fight and-- uh oh is that palkia? OH GOD OH FUCK HE'S ATTACKING WITH FOOLISH RECKLESS ABANDON AGAIN! HIS LEGENDARY POKEMON IS USING A Z-MOVE ON ANOTHER LEGENDARY AND HE DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE COLLATERAL DAMAGE!!! RUN TEAMMATES RUN!!!!! (one salac teehee)[break][break]


[attr="class","mcredits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Black Dog, the weakest beast
November 9th
5'3" and 1/2 height
5'3" and 1/2 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
881 posts
part of
TAG WITH @hitoshi
Hitoshi Inoue
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 4:06:57 GMT
Hitoshi Inoue Avatar

Hearing Jayden’s words takes a weight off of the dog’s shoulders, but he has no time. Not now. Not with this battle raging all around him. They are struck once more. His swordplay and Lancelot’s strikes turn fatal blows into bloody messes. Both man and mon will need a trip to the infirmary when all is said and done.[break]
Keep it up!” He shouts, even as joins the battle, even as and clash beneath a dark sky and driving rains. Water sloshes beneath his feet. It’s rising rapidly. They will soon drown, if he isn’t careful. Like a warlord striding the field, he pivots.[break][break]
If anyone’s got a swimmers, get ‘em out.” He commands the assembled soldiers, though he has no power over , , , or anyone else. Rocket’s wakizashi, its shorter blade, simply wishes to see them live to tomorrow, that they may all continue serving under the red R for their own selfish reasons. He has to make it back to Yumi.[break]
comes, and he does not care whether they are friend or foes. He dances around the supermassive god and the woman who commands it, trying to use their foe as a shield against this new creature’s wrath.[break]
They are, all of them, he and his gathered allies, taking damage just as the island takes water. As Lancelot waits for his command, he prays that this will work. If he pushes his Pokemon much more, the old knight risks real injury.[break]
Lancelot. Life Dew.” As water gathers and tries to spread over his fellow Rockets, attempting to heal their injuries, he wonders if it will be enough.


[attr="class","hitoshi-notes"]❖ Recognizing the water levels are rising, Hitoshi suggests anyone who can should get out a water Pokemon. He tries to position himself so that Mew!Palkia will take any collatoral damage from Shred/Koraidon clashing with Illeana's Palkia. Before Gallade's mega evolution ends, Hitoshi orders Gallade to use life dew on the Rockets.
❖ Location: F2


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Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,926 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2024 4:26:43 GMT
Navy Avatar







In the afterglow of the blade, darkness descends, along with heavy rain. The sea rises to swallow man and wolf again. Zacian has done her part. Navy closes his eyes, and resolves to do his.[break][break]
There was a city here once. Perhaps, once the storm subsides, there will be one again. Beneath the waves sit buildings that once housed a burgeoning population. Some part of him feels like he can reach out, grab that metal…[break][break]
navy can manipulate the metal in the area around him.
This will hurt. He knows it will hurt, yet he does it all the same. He screams, and he throws up his arms. With the gesture comes a torrent of metal, rising across the city. Those who would otherwise be caught by the tide are given a place to stand, held there by the Warrior’s will.[break][break]
Genny, we’ve got t-” Something takes him in the stomach. sees what happens before Navy does. The Ice Rider has struck the Warrior a devastating blow. A massive lance of ice protrudes from his gut. Coughing blood across the metal beneath him, he finds it all the more straining to hold the platforms steady.[break]
Arceus, it hurts.” Once again, he would be dead, were it not for the boons born of his sworn oath. Looking up to the wolf, he sees that she is tired, too. Both feel rest and Avalon calling to them. It will come, but not now. Warriors do not rest in battle.[break][break]
Zacian. You n’ Genny handle the rest. I’ll hold these up.” All he can do is give her one more gift, one more taste of strength that allowed her to fight even the Skeleton Gigantic. A black orb rests in his hands, and he throws it. Zacian is crowned in the light of a hundred gleaming worlds. Once more, she rushes to fight Kyogre.[break][break]
Her wild charge towards Kyogre is a mad thing, born of desperate hope, a warrior’s frantic desire to subjugate the primordial Leviathan before the whole region is flooded.



notes about this post

Location: D4. Navy is about to fall into the water but uses his avatar powers to raise metal from sunken buildings to serve as impromptu platforms for people throughout the city. Lands on one, gets struck by Calyrex. Uh oh sisters. He's gonna have to rest after the raid. He tells Genny the rest is up to her, turns Zacian Stellar type. Zacian uses wild charge on Kyogre.

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP