i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Employee at the Stray
189 height
189 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
639 posts
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TAG WITH @kyoukon
Annie Mei
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 21:44:19 GMT
Annie Mei Avatar

The duel of legendaries and legends in the making was a sight too see; it was too bad that Annie wasn’t looking. She had bigger fish to fry, like the fact that half of the shoes she owned were melting before her eyes! A child's panicked yelps were added to cacophony as she kicked the whole thing off. As if the night wasn't bad enough, she was going to have to spend her food money on new trainers!
The night market sucked.

Gemini’s Psychic continued to help shift the bomb, though both it and its trainer couldn’t help but feel... insignificant. Compared to the absolute titan of a Pokemon that slammed the thing skyward, and the energy blasts of half a dozen Pokemon, were they even making a dent?

It didn’t matter, she reminded herself. If the dent pushed them to safety, she was happy to help.

At least the others had established that the bomb wasn’t exploding prematurely from their attacks. “Buzz, you can drop the rocks now. Frankie, think you can force it up with a Tri-Attack?” Neither of them needed to be told twice. Type: Null had quite a ways to go to hit the bomb, but it had already surprised her once that night.

“And Buzz, you u-“ The sound of something large and fierce approaching drew her attention. The girl turned to find waves of rock tearing out of the ground, and threatening to do the same to them. Annie recalled two-thirds of her team without so much as a farewell, opting instead to give the last one a command: “Buzzgetusouttaherenow!”

She’d tried her best to avoid flying on the bug, for reasons that became painfully clear to anybody sparing a glance. Nobody could deny the beast’s speed, but it was too slim to be ridden. As such, they had flown out of the attack’s path, but being held up only by a pair of thin legs was, perhaps unsurprisingly, not very comforting to her. Thankfully, the chaos would mask her prayers to whatever god was watching over her, as she asked it not to let the bug drop her.


TL;DR: Starmie continues using Psychic to lift the bomb. Type: Null attempts to fire a Tri-Attack to help it up. Both are recalled when Annie flies away from the Nihilego's attack on Yanmega.


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jan 28, 2020 21:52:39 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
There is a face beneath this mask, but it isn't me.
TAG @event


bing bang boom
His smartwatch had notified him of an incoming transmission with a distinct SMS tone— one that denoted, at least to him, a Team Rocket Admin calling. Seeing as how there was no one close by to eavesdrop on him, he'd allowed the message to cross through, rather than silence it in the short window of time he had to do so. It was Admin Marie, and she'd ordered them to go after what many others sought to obtain as well. With a swift tap of his finger as he rode Mephisto, he confirmed having received the message and sent a transmission back1. The signal would be shared both to Admin Marie and any other members of the organization here, revealing his position and his loyalty to members of Team Rocket yet to be met.

"I may require support and teleportation extraction once the target has been acquired. Over."

| | |

In the shadowy dimension that his Dragapult used to cross distances in the real world, the dark-haired royal had always felt rather... unsettled. A pervasive sense of surveillance seemed to dominate the dark realm. He'd imagined, on countless occasions, a legion of giant cyclopean eyes emerging out from the fathomless dark as he traveled through it. And it had never happened... at least not until today. The shock of it was immense, of course. Under that wet kitsune mask of his, Remiel had shown more expression on his normally nonchalant face than he had at any point in time within the last year.

But he quickly gathered himself. There wasn't much time now. In what little of it he had left, the royal heir of House Calcifet offered the mythical specter a seemingly simple nod: an unspoken message of understanding, appreciation, and... familiarity? Yes. Perhaps in the sense that the two had a lot in common... or perhaps, even, that their paths had crossed before, long ago, in the bygone halls of forgotten nightmares. If so, Remiel had not remembered the specter nor the nightmares... but he still remembered the way they had made him feel. The man had a scarred soul, a skeleton in his closet... a darkness inside.

Locked on to its target and disciplined by his master, however, Mephisto soon reemerged from the portal and entered them into the flurry of airborne chaos. Remiel instinctively shielded his face with an arm when he saw the acid rain pouring from above, but lowered it when he felt a surge of shadowy power zoom past from all around them. The legendary Darkrai had come to their aid, and created the opportunity for Mephisto to acquire their target.

If his competitors imagined any ounce of hesitation from himself or his draconic specter once the beast ball was successfully acquired, they would go wanting. His command over his two diligently trained pokémon was seamless, happening within fractions of a second to each other. For one, using an enhanced speed that gave him an edge over the desperate attempts of others, Mephisto would endeavor to go practically out of one portal and into another once he'd swallowed the ball3. Unlike the do-gooders at the league, the priority of his master was clear now that their prize had been acquired: escape. Even without his incredible agility, the ability to slip into that shadowy netherworld from which Darkrai had emerged had proven to be utterly efficacious time and time again.

Meanwhile, Remiel's Solrock, still tethered to its master's mind, retained the same goal mind: cover its allies no matter the cost. No matter the cost. The meaning filled its mysterious mind like an infection, carried over from its master's raw tenacity and powerful force of will. It knew what it had to do. Before any enemies could dare cross the distance between themselves and its allies, the Solrock zoomed across the large gap itself like a meteor... then sacrificed itself in a powerful Explosion that shielded Remiel and Dragapult from view like an obtrusive sun4.

The already battered landscape below would fare no worse for it, and the explosion wasn't close enough to set off the New Year's bomb. But anyone who dared approach the (former) location of Remiel and his Dragapult, or the Darkrai that been just behind them, would be prompted to deal with the fiery blowback from the blast. Meanwhile, the fallen Solrock, bought on the black market and not officially registered with the league, was untraceable.

1 Remiel responds to Admin Marie's message with a confirmation; requests extraction via teleport once the target has been acquired.
2 Remiel acknowledges the Pitch-Black Pokémon, Darkrai, with great reverence before exiting the portal.
3 Dragapult uses its enhanced (+4) speed  advantage to open up a shadowy portal and escape with Remiel.
4 At six times (+6) its normal speed, Solrock crosses the considerable distance between ally and enemy and sacrifices itself with Explosion after, hoping to use the blast as cover for its allies and possibly eliminate anyone who dared to pursue.


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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 29, 2020 12:06:59 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar

"Rover, clear a path!" At his behest the monstrously over-sized vileplume discharged a ray of light that would carve a path through the encroaching crystal formations, sparing a fair few of those in its path and allowing Adrian to make a mad dash on his arcanine's back. But he was not fixated on the current beast, but rather the parting gift left by the former. The bomb was still dropping.

Its agile maneuvering brought Adrian closer to the bomb, close enough that he could feel its brilliance burning against his retina. Too close for comfort, but he was in agreement with the other trainers attempting to send it towards the sea. If they failed, Slateport would cease to be, as would they.

"Just a bit more...!" Adrian had mistakenly believed Howitzer would be his salvation for its speed alone, but unbeknownst to him, the charm he'd been keeping with him since the Aurorus Ball was acting as a beacon for Furor. As he raced forward for the beast bomb, Gyarados began lumbering after him, allowing a primordial force to overtake it...

Its eyes burned with an unyielding hatred, its breath a plume of draconic energy that seemed to pour out endlessly from its body, until at last it peaked in its rage. The energies coalescing around its figure brought it skyward, its regal ascension revealing a monstrously warped figure...

...Mega Evolution...!

After rising into the sky, its soared towards its destination at an alarming speed, a torpedo flying towards the beast bomb. It had but one intention:

Plummeting towards the ticking time bomb, it would follow suit as those before it had, seeking to push it further along the path towards the sea. It would not stand idly by and suffer the same trick to be repeated, not when it had the strength to...


tl;dr Vileplume uses Solar Beam!
(Disrupting ground attack; Sunlight+Growth.)

Arcanine uses Extreme Speed!
(Avoiding attack and pursuing the bomb.)

Gyarados uses Bounce!
(Avoiding attack and pursuing the bomb.)

Gyarados Mega Evolved!
(Going beast mode for obvious reasons.)

Mega Gyarados uses Waterfall!
(Blitzing the bomb further in x direction.)
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sea witch
thirty two
september 23
snow point
175 height
175 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @seasoda
Olivia Abbiati
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 0:52:07 GMT
Olivia Abbiati Avatar


[newclass=.tooksprites]opacity:.7;transition:all .4s linear;[/newclass]

many things happened at once, and olivia watched in relief as dahlia was teleported to safety; yet it was the capture of the clown beast that caught everyone's attention. others acted, their concerned aimed after that unique poke ball, while olivia gave a weak high pitched whistle. chione, his mega evolution dissipated, blasted off with an aqua jet towards his mistress. the shark skipped along the surface of the water like a stone skipped on a peaceful summer afternoon. olivia opened her arms for the shark to jump into, giving whimpering grunts as the poison swept through his bloodstream.

suddenly, it was as if someone had misted olivia's throat with anesthetic clouds. she watched in gratitude as the nearby gardevoir released a life dew for all to revel in. her sharper's injuries began to heal, and wanting to preserve her secret weapon, recalled him into his pokeball. olivia's own injuries healed, she approached with a warm smile, though her eyes reflected the gravity of the situation in their icy blue pools. "bless you child, and your pokemon. go to where the commissioner is, with of the elite four. heal her as you have done for me, under orders of the council. understood?" olivia asked-ordered, her voice gruff yet able to speak easily due to the healing dew.

she jumped onto the back of her jellicent, and commanded with a manicured finger, "storm splash." manifesting phantasmal energies and a torrent of water, her jellicent combined ominous wind and water spout to blast at the incoming solrock of - aiming to send it catapulting back towards the dragapult.

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","fa fa-spinner"]

+ olivia whistles!
+ sharpedo aqua jets to olivia and co! (SPD +3 from SPEEDBOOST)
+ olivia & sharpedo are healed from 's life dew!
+ olivia gives orders!
+ jellicent uses OMINIOUS WIND + WATER SPOUT to send 's solrock back towards the dragapult!


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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 1:37:40 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
kyle is prepared for the punishment of his risky play. he braces for the hurt, but nothing comes but the cold air from the ice.

noah's unfezant drops and takes the brunt of the acid rain for them. "you should've--" he stops himself, gritting his teeth. he feels responsible; noah shouldn't be risking his own pokemon for his sake. the clarity not to blame either comes, as he comes running to noah. "i owe you." he gives him a hug, squeezing him, before moving on.

every second counts. he hopes noah understands that he isn't ditching his unfezant. he wastes no moment to pander about. his objective is set, and unlike others, he isn't clueless on what to do.

his legs bring him to a light jog towards , but his manectric cuts past him. he sounds a bark, detecting the scent of the joltik belong to . he charges forward with a quick attack to attempt and snatch it away from dahlia's body with a gentle nip. amid the chaos, the manectric does not detect hostility from the bug-type, but she shares her trainer's intuition at this point.

"teleport -- verdanturf!" it was the safest place he can think of at that moment. cait's gym comes to mind after not seeing her, but he knows he can't leave his cosmog with her alone.

with the command, the cosmog blinks away.

he quickly notices the ground shift. he instinctively whips his head back to noah. "recall your 'mons!" a hand moves to grab his dragalge's pokeball and recall it. he holds two fingers together and whistles to get his manectric's attention, who darts back at him, joltik still on her mouth.

kyle latches on to his manectric's back as it drives by-- a practiced maneuver that helps him out of a pinch more often than not. he directs the electric-type towards and snatches him up with an arm, the other hanging onto the manectric. it lifts off with magnet rise afterwards to dodge the attack.

he turns towards and once he's airborne. "we're going all-in next!" he invites, an excited smile forming on his expression.


  • thanks
  • manectric detects the joltik and plucks it off
  • cosmog teleports away from slateport
  • kyle recalls dragalge
  • manectric does a driveby and takes kyle
  • kyle kidnaps
  • manectric dodges the attack with magnet rise

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 1:38:20 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar


solar beam

hits its mark. Overhead, the bomb soars higher and higher with the aid of several other trainers. Stormy spots in the crowd, just before tragedy befalls her. Like Icarus, it seems she's flown too close to the sun, or in this case, the acid rain.[break][break]

Acid rain splashes against Wadjet's wings, burning holes through her skin. The dragon screams in pain, but her instincts still encourage her to fold her body around Stormy and protect her from the rain, prevent her from being burned. Doublade is trapped against Stormy's shoulderblades, and he fights to break free and aid in protecting his master.[break][break]

It's only until their bodies hit the ground with a horrible thud that Doublade manifests into something new. The twin blades morph together to become a beautiful sword and shield, and it stands tall as Stormy reaches out for it, past the acid-burned skin of Wadjet's wings.[break][break]

"Wadjet? Wadjet, oh my god."[break][break]

The rain has ended but it hadn't stopped fast enough. There's a weak and mournful hiss escaping her beloved dragon's throat as she lays. Her muscles are tight as she fights the acid eating into her scales. It's excruciating.[break][break]



hadn't saved her from this danger.[break][break]

Stormy is on her knees beside her dragon, at a loss for what do to. Blissey isn't with her and Aegislash isn't capable of curing acid burns. Type: Null is still hellbent on tearing the throat out of an impossible enemy and hasn't returned.[break][break]

And then the sweat-streaked and bruised and battered woman looks up to see a young face in the crowd, the face of a girl who absolutely shouldn't be apart of this horror, enduring this danger and fear. And yet here she is, fighting the same battle Stormy is. [break][break]

It seemed her Hatterene had suffered a similar injury to her own Charizard and she could see something sparkling.[break][break]

Stormy's hand reaches out for the Gardevoir's

life dew

as it spreads around the small area of the marketplace. Wadjet had managed to drop them close by, perhaps she had known they might be able to help them.[break][break]

Or maybe Stormy was just really damn lucky.[break][break]

She presses the

life dew

against Wadjet's more severe burns, and the tears smattering the woman's face are of anger and frustration and worry. She isn't afraid anymore, she's just really really angry.[break][break]

"We're gonna be okay, babygirl. Stay with me, okay? Don't give up on me. We've got this, we've always got this. It's you and me, Wadjet, it's always you and me."[break][break]


kings shield

activates, and the Pokemon plants itself firmly between Stormy and Wadjet, and the enemy. He will protect them no matter the cost.[break][break]

Type: Null feels the ground shift beneath its feet as the Nihilego prepares its next assault. Like a shifting beast, the ground cracks and juts sharply,

stone edge

pieces of earth threatening to pierce anything in its path. In response,


, and the force of its grating voice is harsh enough to rattle the earth. It launches itself across the ground, bouncing off of the earth and using it to propel itself further. [break][break]

It follows up with a

razor wind

to cut through the obstacles and come after the Nihilego with a vengeance.[break][break]

Meanwhile, Stormy takes notice of the earth roiling underneath her, and the fact that everyone around her is beginning to take to the sky. They're in danger on the ground and she begins to grow hot with unease. [break][break]

"Wadjet, you have to get up. Come on, baby. Come on."[break][break]

She pulls and pushes at the dragon, and, with a heave, the Charizard gets back on her feet. The

life dew

had hopefully stitched together her wings enough for her to fly, and Stormy wipes away her tears and the blood on her face to stand strong.[break][break]

"It's you and me."[break][break]

And then they attempt to fly into the air, to avoid the rocks that threaten to take them down for good. It's Aegislash's

shadow sneak

that helps them. The ghost Pokemon uses it's own shadow to snag the shadow of his companions, pulling them like a rubber band up into the air. It might hurt them a little bit, but it's better than being skewered like a couple of pickles. Or something.[break][break]


- stormy and wadjet plummet out of her mega-evolved form as a result of the acid rain[break]
- doublade evolves into aegislash (learns kings shield replacing wide guard)[break]
- type: null is still hell-bent on killing the nihilego. it takes advantage of the earthquake to launch himself further up. it uses



razor wind

to help it attack[break]
- stormy takes advantage of her close proximity to to use her

life dew

to help wadjet recover slightly[break]
- thanks to aegislash and ruby's help, stormy manages to get wadjet in the air. [break]
- aegislash intends to use

kings shield

to protect stormy and wadjet from further harm.[break]
- aegislash also attempts to help rubberband-snap wadjet and stormy higher into the air using

shadow sneak




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February 12
Dark Avenger
Bodyguard of Dahlia
Forever alone
On the road again
399 height
399 height
OwO what's this
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TAG WITH @balder
Balder Schwartz
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 2:16:09 GMT
Balder Schwartz Avatar

re-arrange you


"Ah fuck, here we go again..." Were the only words that emerged from the man's mouth when he saw a creature of darkness emerge and assist someone in acquiring the mysterious pokeball containing the clown. Now why did he say those words? Even the man himself couldn't say, it's like his subconscious said it for him. The man observed the battle for the beast ball before noticing the attacks from Fernando and the others had pushed the bomb back, buying them a few moments.[break][break]

The acid rain was slowly starting to diminish, yet Balder couldn't help but notice that his shirt was now full of holes because of it... The man tugged on his shirt, ripping it off his body. No use keeping it now that it was filled with as much holes as some suisse cheese anyway. Now topless, his hair and fists still shining bright with a golden ray, the man turned to see what was happening with the commissioner.[break][break]

... And just in time too. As the man turned his head, he noticed that Dahlia wasn't in the creature's body anymore... But that the creature was now trying to attack everyone. But mainly his direction. The avatar looked behind him to see the target of such an assault, only to notice the portal that Solgaleo had opened earlier was now expanding, and causing the creature to go berserk.[break][break]

A devious smile drew itself on Balder's face. "Leo, protect that Portal with Wide Guard. I'll go get our new friend and send him home!" Balder started stretching really quickly before going off on a sprint, not giving time to the solar lion to be vocal about his opposition to such plan. Nonetheless, the legendary pokemon sent a message telepathically to his chosen one, requesting him to stay safe.[break][break]

As Balder jumped in the air to avoid a spike emerging from the ground, he showed a thumbs up to Solgaleo to confirm he received the message. The lion sighed and setted up Wide Guard before himself and the portal, hoping to block the incoming spikes and avoid a burial. As for Balder, the man deftly jumped around the numerous spikes emerging on his path, making sure to not take any heavy hits (Even though his body is as hard as steel). Surely no one could've imagined him being able to move this well on such a field?[break][break]

Getting close to Nihilego, the man used one of the biggest spike as a step to jump in the hair, high over the rampaging creature. As he reached the highest point of his jump, the alolan gym leader began to do front flips, extending his right leg as he grows closer to the monster to deliver an Axe Kick. Assuming the attack worked and did some damage, Balder would then proceed to try and grab it, hopefully to drag it by force into the wormhole.



[attr="class","niknikpkmn3"]LEO, THE SOLGALEO
[attr="class","niknikpkmn4"]FULL METAL BODY
Rips his shirt off.[break]
Sees the bomb get pushed back and the ball get grabbed[break]
Turnes to see Nihilego attacking the portal[break]
Solgaleo uses Wide Guard to protect the portal[break]
Balder uses Super Saiyan Axe Kick on Nihilego, chains with Grapple
0000 WORDS FOR @event @nicole [break]

[attr="class","niknik3"]IT'S TIME TO D-D-D-D-D-D-DDDDDDD-DUEL!








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Dragon Princess
Blackthorn City
Lucas Lane
You rock my world
150 height
150 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
396 posts
Noelle Lane DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @noelle
Noelle Lane
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 2:56:28 GMT
Noelle Lane Avatar
The barrage of jutting stone that headed their way was, concerning. Needing to rest to restore its energy, her gyarados couldn't attack to help in the onslaught against neither the bomb nor the corrupted commissioner. Instead, the water serpent merely ducks its head, grunting with effort and lagged movement to return to its hovering position in the sky after grabbing Noelle and her blissey to avoid the spiral of encroaching rock. Amidst the terror, the pinkette spotted the collapsed form of , burdened by his crippled body.

while she slid a glance over to in slight hesitance, torn between who to offer her assistance to. however, she realized that the dragon master could save himself. lucas, however, could not. "Lucas!" She called out to him in concern. "Save him," a psychic is used to airlift the professor and his severely hurt machoke, placing them onto the gyarados' lengthy back. unfortunately, his wheelchair was left behind to be torn asunder by the rocky barrage. he was rich though, he could afford a new one.

brows furrowing in concern over her fellow nurse, blissey began to use heal pulse on the machoke, in an attempt to ease its pain some.

's grin and excited words, noelle offered him a shaky smile and nod. "let's uh...do this!" she has no idea what she was doing.

- uses gyarados to fly over the stones
- blissey uses psychic to try and save lucas lane
- blissey attempts to try and heal machoke

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Luke / Boomer
Twenty Nine
October 21
Lacunosa Town
Head Scientist
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Lucas Lane DOLLARS
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Lucas Lane
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 3:17:58 GMT
Lucas Lane Avatar

character iconThe wheelchair's arm wrests machoke clung to for support crumple within its fists while the sound of its wails reverberate in the scientist's head. The acid melts the humanoid's skin and fills the air with a gut wrenching wrenching smell to which not even a garbador could compare.

When the ground tremors beneath his feet Lucas Lane's heart rate reaches a new high. Before he can even consider his options he feels his body become weightless pulled skywards. It was like a scene from a alien movie. Except instead of aliens abducting him it was a homeless women that let his garden plants die.

-airlifted out by noelle w/ psychic
-machoke joins him for the ride
-returns aegislash


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The Nightingale
Twenty four
November 11
Defiance in her flesh, her blood, her bones; written on her soul
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Isra Nightingale
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 3:43:10 GMT
Isra Nightingale Avatar

It is a momentary falter, her pokemon returns to her empty handed, lost in the disastrous scramble for the ball that Isra tracks with well trained eyes, following it until it is devoured beneath the watchful eye of a dark god she has no love for. The bats wings take a beating from the rain in the space between and the pokemon's hissing screams sound off in her ears and demand attention. The gardevoir's returns offers solace if only temporary.

Isra hisses a command under her breath and the Psychic type cloaks the flyer's wings with psychic energy, offering a makeshift patch until they can find ground to land on. The sharp whistle denotes the completion of the illusion and the zoroark makes them disappear into nothing as they round a cluster of debris, the bat scoops her up off the ground with her talons and they never emerge from the other side. Pushing to the brink of capabilities is nothing new to her pokemon, this is no different.

The second ping on her phone requires her attention as she turns back from the current scene no longer interested in participating in the current disaster. Eyes scan over the screen as her pokemon maneuver through the disaster.

They will touch down on the surface of a nearby building, damaged by the rampant blasts from earlier somewhere between the concentrated events of chaos. Isra pings back a location while her bat roosts by her side, nursing her damaged and worn out wings. The gardevoir will tend to her while she can with pulses of healing energy to stave off the wounds but the Zoroark stands behind her waiting.

'Rendezvous, under the illusion.'

Her message is short, seeing no point in wasting words beyond the promised cover of an illusion. Should the offer be taken she will signal to her zoroark who to cover and how, and when to drop the illusion for them as well.

Isra does not intend to stay long.

>>Noivern: Agility x2
>>Zoroark: Agility x1
>>Lmao she has shit raid luck
>>Zoroark makes them disappear with illusion because she's kinda done
>>Gardevoir uses psychic to patch bat wings so they can pick up zoroark and touch down at a nearby building.
>>Isra pings back a location and a short 'Rendezvous, under the illusion*.' message, offering a covered extraction
>>Noivern is roosting + gardevoir is using heal pulse
>>Zoroark is waiting for her to signal who to drop the illusion for, otherwise it should look like there is nothing there to onlookers

*Illusion should make it look like any ally that passes by continues and rounds the building, rather than landing


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she / her
november 23
good q
lorekeeper / elite four
elite four
185 height
185 height
my own blood pains me, the salt as much as the vein
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TAG WITH @perse
persephone amavi
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 3:52:39 GMT
persephone amavi Avatar

Reuniclus has done enough. Its screens and protective barriers were, Persephone hopes, of some use, but she needs more firepower and doesn't want to split her focus between three Pokemon, all awaiting commands. Reuniclus shimmers for a moment, huge eyes fixated on her with something like concern, as the Pokemon is returned to its capsule and another equally shapeless and bulbous form takes its place on the field. [break][break]

Almost immediately, as if on cue, the earth begins to shudder and tremble. Persephone can feel the vibrations, in the soles of her feet, and once again latches on to the Drifblim as the duo are raised into the air. As the earth breaks, they join the Claydol. [break][break]

The earth may break underfoot, but that doesn't interrupt the Claydol's natural levitation, allowing it to carefully line up and prepare a HYPER BEAM at the remaining beast. [break][break]

These pieces on the playing field are dispersing, and Persephone's attention is drawn back to the bomb that had been on the lighthouse. She calls for a TAILWIND to stall its descent. Gusts will ripple from below it, as though emanating from the earth itself. [break][break]

She holds her breath and waits. [break][break][break]

» swaps reuniclus out for claydol[break]
» grabs on to drifblim to soar over the earth-based attack[break]
» claydol's LEVITATE helps it avoid the earthen attack[break]
» claydol uses HYPER BEAM on nihilego[break]
» drifblim uses TAILWIND like underneath the bomb pushing upwards so that it's airborne for longer, yes ik this is a stretch[break][break]


There are still things unseen: the lonely sea, the sky

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the volatile
August 15th
groudon avatar
tonight the winds of change are blowing wild and free
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TAG WITH @bailey
Bailey Cooper
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 4:05:41 GMT
Bailey Cooper Avatar





Beneath the ground, Bailey was unaware of the situation unfolding.[break][break]

She could, however, feel the shift of the earth. It came as a low rumble that radiated up from the tunnel that Krookodile had dug. As she placed her hand to his arm to maintain balance, her first thought was of the bomb. Had it exploded?[break][break]

No, that wasn't quite right... because the rumble felt as if it had come from underneath her, then upward.[break][break]

Like a ground-type move. Like a pokemon was gathering resources beneath the ground and pulling upward.[break][break]

The move dig was a two-part attack. First came the retreat, then came the attack. Krookodile flexed his claws, and before Bailey could think to stop him, watched as her shadow pokemon lunged upward to the ceiling of the make-shift tunnel.[break][break]

“Wait! Dumbass! That might be one of our own—” but protests were lost on the ears of a pokemon that had spent far too much time not fighting.[break][break]

Because shadow pokemon were not always inclined to listen to their trainers.[break][break]

He lunged, bursting up from the ground in a similar manner to the stone edge, and would happily drive his clenched fist into the closest pokemon.[break][break]

Just by sheer luck, it was aimed for a foe that he had battled before. The jellyfish.[break][break]


tldr: krookodile used the second part of dig to punch the jellyfish.



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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 6:01:30 GMT
marie jules Avatar

The Joltik had it’s commands and would follow them with haste.

Once the commissioner was properly vulnerable, it moved with lightning speed to her location, it’s maw nipping into her skin releasing its poison as it innocently nibbled on exposed skin- as Joltiks would.

It was unfortunate for a certain someone to arrive before the pokemon had furthered with its job, the electric type being picked up by one of much larger size than itself.

After a moment of struggling the Joltik released a discharge to properly free itself- this attack obviously meant to do little to damage the Manectric- and once it had felt earth beneath its feet, the pokemon scurried off in a blur of yellow.

Its arrival was met with its own discharge, the pokemon returned to its proper ball along with the other pokemon that Marie had strewn about. Marie trusted that the Joltik’s presence meant its success and with the response of a rocket within their midst meant it was time to jet.

Her eyes shot about only to land on a , Marie snapping to the mans direction and sending the escourt Gardevoir to extract him as quickly as possible, despite the dangers that had been aimed his way.

Marie in the meantime continued to move- this time away from the trouble- doing her fucking best to avoid the god damn shifting spikes that began to jut from the ground and move in on that weird ass lion things wormhole. She needed to get outta dodge because from the looks of it, that bomb was just one of their many problems at the moment.

- Joltik noms epicly on that half-dead bitch

- Joltik gets picked up by Manectric mid nom and does a zappy wappy to escape

- Marie returns all her friends and then sends the escort Gardevoir to get Remiel tf outta here

- Maire tries to just run from the situation considering her job here is done lol


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 7:07:55 GMT
[attr="class","spiral"]Once the bomb is airborne, the others seem to give it the attention it deserves. Like a newfound pathogen, panic becomes the true pandemic and the hyperbole of their end is within sight. Fernando edges against pursuing it further considering how many have now put themselves directly in his line of fire and instead turns to the other spectacle: the wormhole that becomes ground zero for the terraforming of the Night Market.

Having never laid eyes on a Nihilego before, Fernando lacks the bestiary knowledge that Team Rocket has over the Pokemon's techniques. The upheaval of rock and earth alike point toward a bellowing quake and Fernando latches onto his Salamence, promptly kicking his Pokemon's side to pressure it into taking off. He expects an EARTHQUAKE and misreads the Pokemon's attack, which means little considering that it ends up using something that's arguably worse than his initial fear. A few mighty flaps allows the Pokemon to ascend out of reach and Fernando finds safety in a mild altitude, PROTECTED at the expense of using his Salamence and its barrier as a meat shield.

Tapu Fini and Aegislash remain grounded, second thoughts and much too big to fit all three of them aboard his dragon. Fernando returns his Aegislash, seeing no further use for it now that the Pokemon can no longer defend him, and trusts the Tapu Fini to care for itself. The Alolan protector does just that, shimmering with a translucent green PROTECT as the earth conforms around it due to the Nihilego's attack.

An EXPLOSION goes off somewhere in the chaos and Fernando keeps an eye out for it, unable to discern its source and what had triggered it. Several Rocket members escape and they too go unnoticed due to the chaos and their promptness.

Off the coast of Slateport the waves continue to beat against the beach. The Island Pokemon finds no issue with borrowing mother NATURE'S MADNESS and summoning the salty water to beckon under its SURF. A large wave crests on approach, spiraling upwards and toward the bomb like an uprooted pillar, ejecting against the bomb in another force to propel it against the influence of gravity.

"Pick it up," Fernando commands, referring to his Tapu Fini as the 'it'. His Salamence is ready to take off and swoops in a little lower to grab the Tapu Fini by its stubby arms. The claw shape of the Salamence makes the task hard but the Tapu's large round frame helps slide in without the need for delicate, opposing digits.

Fernando's caught between two sights and unsure which one requires his attention. His moment of hesitation prevents him from acting but grants him a window of thought as to which objective may prove more important for him to pursue.

— realizes that attention is turning to the bomb
— tapu fini uses PROTECT on itself
— fernando returns aegislash and mounts his salamence as the ground changes
— caught off guard by 's solrock's EXPLOSION in the distance
— tapu fini borrows nearby ocean water to spit out a SURF toward the bomb to hoist it farther up and cushion it with an opposite force
— salamence scoops tapu fini up and start to back away in preparation for the worst and also to pick up speed to interfere with either the nihilego or bomb depending on which requires more attention


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the machampion
July 17
gym leader
gym leader
kyle lopez
5'7" height
5'7" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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noah faber DOLLARS
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noah faber
POSTED ON Jan 30, 2020 7:34:32 GMT
noah faber Avatar

noah watches his unfezant drop. weighed down by the viscous soup the creature had expunged from its growths, he sees his friend fidget and writhe. its beak almost seems to unhinge as it pleas for help.

with no healer in sight, he draws his pokemon back into their ball. noah breath comes out as a nervous gradient, but he's quick to recover. as rushes to him and takes him in his arms, stability returns.

"yeah, you do! another date!" noah calls out to him as he leaves. the recurring jest fades, but the squeeze seems to linger still. for just a little while.

his eyes search for in the brightened sky. the SUNNY DAY makes it difficult to discern much, save for the ball of death swirling ahead like a dying star. yet, he worries. he can't hear the familiar beating of a charizard's wings.

noah calls his crabominable to him. however, the crustacean stops. its fists press against the ground and senses something amiss. tremors. an earthly wave. as kyle's voice returns, noah immediately recalls his pokemon before he's hoisted up.

as they ascend, noah feels the rush of adrenaline and the dread of vertigo stream down his limbs. "okay, we're even now." noah squeezes kyle back before he strokes the manectric's side. "thanks, tana."

as they rush for what seems to be the finale, noah realizes the new year is about to arrive.


- recalls unfezant and crabominable
- looks for stormy; is worried about her
- picked up by kyle atop his magnet rise manectric

ny raid

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