Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 20:52:18 GMT
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The increasingly indignant look on Skyler's face is hilarious to watch, words spoken to provoke aiming true when the captain lets out an indredulous scoff. "You haven't gotten a real victory either, boss." Skyler refuses to accept their disastrous ren-faire attempts as valid. More often than not they'd ended up having to run away.

It didn't matter that in most (read: all) cases it had been Skyler's fault. Hubris, thee name is Captain Skyler Dross.

Silver eyes follow the motion of 's finger, noticing a crowd of people gathering around what seems to be a strongman game. "Oh, I don't know." Skyler seems to consider something briefly. "How much would you like to bet that I could fuck this one up as well?" Kyle's subtle jab is met with an insolent grin before she steps into the crowd, giving the man enough time to send a message. 

A suspiciously spiky haircut catches her attention. Was that...

"Lars!" The exclamation pierces through the nearby chatter, disgruntled festival-goers crying out when the blonde cuts through the crowd with no regard for whoever stands in her path. She's by the Head Ranger's side in no time, grinning madly. A hand slams down onto  's shoulder as a greeting of sorts.

"Where's the rest of your outfit, spiky? I think you forgot the whole top part of it." The way Skyler's gaze leisurely travels up and down the ranger's body could almost be misconstrued for interest - if not for the furrow of her brows. A single digit pokes at the man's abs, finding immediate resistance. "What the hell, Lars." She pokes at her own midsection, frown deepening. 

... Maybe she'd have to increase the intensity of her morning workouts.

A sudden commotion draws her attention away from thoughts of scrumptious abs and well-defined biceps, laughter luring her gaze to the strongman game - not reaching quite that far before snagging on familiar blue eyes.

Awareness spreads through her body, soon followed by a slow, languid smile. Strangely, the captain makes no attempt  to approach  , though her gaze does not deviate from him, running the length of his body in something like lazy perusal.

When it comes back to his eyes, her bottle of tequila is raised in a mocking salute, the clear liquid within glinting under the glare of nearby festival lights as she puts the bottle to her lips.

She could always go to him now - but what would be the fun in that?

The tequila burns a pleasant path down her throat, and Skyler wipes some of it from glistening lips with the back of her hand, the set of her chin clear enough: your turn, you filthy peasant.

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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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glitch maverick
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 21:45:40 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
charm in hand glitch was now bored again. he took it out and carefully clipped it to his bag instead, playing with the small jingling bell on the end of it. he'd be able to find someone new to bother in no time though he was certain. after all there were plenty of people in this place that were finally starting to relax. including someone who looked like a ditzy number that probably had a fat as hell wallet. especially if she was signing autographs or something like that. jingling the bell on his charm a couple more times he 'accidentally' tripped over the hem of his clothes, bumping into while simultaneously reaching for her wallet. what an easy fucking score this would be.

- outfit

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January 12th
Castelia City, Unova
Travel Nurse
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0 height
"Talk to me, I Love that Sound, Out of Words When Your Around"
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Hadley Bowen DOLLARS
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Hadley Bowen
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 23:38:46 GMT
Hadley Bowen Avatar
[googlefont="Playfair Display"][googlefont="Alice"]

Talk to me, I love that sound,
out of words when you're around

The singing of grilled food echoed through her ears, the enticing smell was something she found very difficult to properly ignore, and who was she to deny herself some delicious food? It wasn't everyday she would get the chance to be spoiled by the delicacies of this world, perhaps a kabob? Or maybe something fried and coated in sugar? There were so many options, none of them the most healthy but all of them sounding amazing to her. There was a spring in her step and a soft humming under her breath as she picked a line at random and stood in it, she would pick whatever catches her eye no matter what it was, it was nice to live on the edge sometimes after all! Once at the counter she pays and grasps her prize in hand, a certain beef, potato, and what looks and smells like pepper and a few other vegetables also making a home on it. Amazing! She laughs, nibbling on a piece of the meat as she wanders again, keeping a close eye on her Mareep this time.

Hadley moved away from the crowd slightly, if only to observe and be able to eat without worrying about accidentally bumping the food against someone's beautiful outfit or hair, how horrible would that be! It so happened that her eyes landed on someone also eating something on a stick, tho it was different from hers. Still she couldn't help but feel some weird type of joy in the comraderie of it, that they were almost doing the same type of thing. Hadley takes a shallow breath, the desire to feel close to another creeping up on her once more but she waited, watched to make sure that he was not waiting for someone else, she would hate to impose where she was not really wanted. Her heart races in her ears, chocolate eyes intent and curious, with a desire to simply be there. Did she wait for a minute? Or was it five? Maybe it was honestly only seconds but she is moving again towards him, a smile on her face and a nervous bounce in her step.

It feels like ages since she last talked with someone new, how does one do it again? She steps off to the side, kabob almost forgotten in her hand as she leans down slightly, brown hair framing her face with a friendly and eager look to her eyes. It is as if she is pure and innocent, a young woman but almost childish in her excitement to meet him, though she does not know who he is but that does not matter to her, who someone is has never mattered, it has never crossed her mind to care about things like that. She simply wants to know who he is, to feel connected with him, she craves that feeling of being around others.

"Hello, I certainly hope I'm not interrupting anything...or maybe you were waiting on someone? I could leave if-"

She cuts herself off with a small laugh, she was about to go on a tangent for a second there. Hadley takes a calming moment, smiles again and motions to the other seat with a shy, almost unsure look to her.

"I'm sorry, let me try again, is this seat taken?"

That was so much better, much more smooth and natural. Good job Hadley!

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no preference
november 25
Brighter than tomorrow and yesterday
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TAG WITH @lilith
lilith eirwin
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 17, 2021 23:48:47 GMT
lilith eirwin Avatar





[attr="class","hanalyrics"]festival lights
[attr="class","hanalyrics2"]spirits pass us by

[attr="class","hanatext"]Familiarity floods her senses like a wave of true comfort, the sight of an Alolan Vulpix ever pleasing to the eye as the girl crouches down to gain a better look. And with a little bit of a reassuring nudge from Rubia, Lilith lets go of the Wooloo, gently placing her on the ground as she reaches out to pat the precious vulpine.

"D- does she have a name?" Questions, dull questions but ones that eases her into conversation nonetheless. Providing the Vulpix a small scritch behind the ear, Lilith takes the opportunity to sneak a small touch of her tails, the smallest of smiles tracing her lips at the sheer softness. "I have a Vulpix too... she's called Yule... but I think she's tuckered out for the night..."

While she's on the topic, the introductions don't just stop there. With a soft pat of her Wooloo's head, Lilith knows that she should answer his question but she's caught a little off guard by how he willingly hands her the plushy. "U- uhm... This is Rubia... a- and I'm Lilith..." Regardless, she gracefully accepts it with both hands, taking the chance to hold the Rowlett up to the sky as it basks in the soft glow of passing lanterns. And it's just as soft as she remembers - Though the feathers are no longer actively ruffling at her touch nor does it coo to her, there are memories that she relives when she gazes upon it, treasured things that she remembers leaving behind.

"Are there more?" She finds herself asking a rather open question, nostalgia driving her decisions as she looks to Dakota. "U- uhm... games... and plushies... I mean..." But perhaps, she's not ready for eye contact just yet, her courage failing her as she stumbles over her words. Rubia calls to her with a mild bleat, happily nudging the Vulpix and bouncing in a circle before choosing to point at the many stores up ahead - Of course, one who's been deprived of the chance to attend human festivities would be curious about what things this place had to offer.

"H- have you been to this festival before?" Having calmed down a little, Lilith would be lying if she said she wasn't the slightest bit interested too. "What do people do at festivals anyways...?"
[attr="class","hanatags"]@dakota || surprise? || post #3

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,668 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 0:30:12 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo gave Andy the thumbs-up; he was best-off letting someone else find everything first. And he was certain that he could keep watch over his Phantump in the meanwhile. “Good luck!” Hideo said, “And be careful! Don’t get hit by any fireworks!” A genuine concern.

With Andy off to look, Hideo was once again left alone - save for the three Pokemon with him. If Andy would be looking for stuff for them to do, it was best that they stick around in this spot. They were already doing pretty well here anyways, though now he had the added duty of keeping Andy’s Phantump safe. Hideo could feel it holding on to the back of his hair. Poor guy must’ve been anxious.

Don’t worry, little guy; Pinky here’s a shiny too! He can help keep us safe if anything happens.” He could feel the little Ribombee fly off his head, flying back to their newest companion. Hideo couldn’t really hear them talking (as if he could understand), but in just a short moment, Pinky convinced him to float in front of Hideo, pressing against the boy’s chest.

Hideo wrapped his arms around the little ghost-type, holding him close. “There, now you got me and Pinky keeping you safe!

There was a light squeeze on the shoulder from his Hatterene - her way of telling him to not forget about her. “Vibes here can keep us safe too! Even if she isn’t shiny!” Which just earned an annoyed glare from her.

Stumpy ghost secured, it was just a matter of waiting for Andy to come back. Whenever that happened - he couldn’t hear what was going on in the air over all the music and chattering, completely missing Andy already found his way back to the ground.

Post 6

Hideo accepts his duty and protects 's shiny Phantump.  With hugs.
He's otherwise just vibing to the music, unaware Andy's already back on the ground.
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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 1:01:01 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
tries her best to keep a low profile in perhaps the year's most crowded event.

With the subject involving her in the happenings of Littleroot last year, it is difficult not to attract people's curious eyes and gossiping mouths. The pinkette keeps to herself and her company—other Vantage employees roaming the area to write about this Spirit Festival. On the other hand, she and other security reporters like meander the town for a different agenda.

The news about Team Rocket's resurgence is perhaps the most popular topic that spring from the press conference. Hoenn is still in its festivities, but it's not as if it is not wary of the implication that its boss, Declan Walsh, announces to the public. It is in this manner that the ground is covered with league officers and rangers, more than the usual. And despite she prefers staying in her own abode, like them, she expects something to happen in gatherings like this.

After all, this is Hoenn.

Having arrived on her own, she sends a group message to all her employees that she knows to be in the festival already.

To , , , et. al.:

Here near the stone shrine. Attendance check?

Sent on 07:18 P.M.

Afterwards, her hands find themselves scratching Raijin's mane while the rest of her entourage gathers around Selena. They are extra protective of her today knowing the situation—even Lucifer halts his sass just to attend to his trainer's necessity.

TL;DR: Selena is in the festival ground! She is near the stone shrine.

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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 2:57:02 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

Where the hell is ? Zac thought as he wandered past the busy strength test machine, not seeing the blonde anywhere in the competitive crowd. Maybe that's a bad place to meet anyway. 
    Zac kept walking through the lantern-lit, stall-cramped streets, searching vainly for his friend. He stopped by the stone shrine and pulled out his phone to send another message.  "At ... shrine ... now ... aaaaaand send!"
    He slumped against Boshi and looked around, spotting a familiar pink-haired woman. He wasn't thrilled to see her, but at least she was a familiar face in this sea of confusion. The two still didn't see eye to eye, but the cooking contest had done a lot to assuage their differences. " ! It's been a hot minute, how have you been?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 3:12:38 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Dakota watched quietly as the two interacted with each other. The vulpix was very happy to let Lilith pet her all she wanted, even placing her snowy white paws on top of her knees. Cooing happily at girls gentle and warm touch tail swaying even more as she did so. Dakota blinked at her question. "She does not" he answered with a small pout. Since he was in the scientific field he never gave names much thought thinking it would be easier to just refer to them with the given names. "I haven't given it much thought since I'm bad with names." Chuckling lightly realizing that he was quite the boring guy, an idea came to mind. "If you'd like, let me know if any names come to mind." He smiled when she mentioned owning a vulpix they really were amazing pokemon Dakota was quite fond of his vulpix. "Oh that so? She is quite the opposite, keeps me up all night with all her energy." Vulpix wasn't the sole reason for his crappy sleeping schedule but he figured there was no harm in cracking a small joke.
Looking at Lilith as she introduced herself he smiled. "Pleasure meeting both of you" the way Lilith handled the plushy with such care was intriguing. The way she gazed at it gave an impression that she longed to go back to a certain point in her life or return somewhere. "There are plenty " reassuring her gently with a soft tone of his voice. Glancing back at the festival which still bustled with life, Dakota would be happy to show Lilith around the festival if she so desired. "Yeah I was born in Hoenn so I've come to these festivals a lot. " Dakota could slightly understand why she was so intimidated when he was younger it was scary being in a swarm of people, but he realized a lot later in his life that coming here was special.. a lot more then he liked to admit. It was slightly difficult to answer her next question since there were plenty of things that people did in the end it just came down to preference.
His hand extended towards Lilith, a gentle gesture in which she could turn down or accept. All he wanted was to let her know that he would be there for her in showing her around. "I personally like watching the fireworks.. I know a great viewing spot if you'd like to join me." He grinned innocently a small rosy blush manifesting on his cheeks. Dakota's vulpix would look up at Lilith with large twinkling blue eyes, pleading for her to follow along.



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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 3:25:27 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Selena did her best to keep things civil between her and . Although in her perspective, she is not the one that end things sourly in their first meeting. Likewise, the pinkette isn't exactly happy that the first person she sees is the man among the sea of unfamiliarity.

“Hey Zac.” But this familiar face will probably be the one to save her from unnecessary hostilities and awkward exchanges from other people. “I'm trying to be incognito but seeing how the place is filled with so many people, I'm glad it isn't very difficult to do.”

She returns a faint smile as she her felines and canines begin to disperse, seeing how Selena is now occupied and judging Zac's good intentions.

“How about you? I've heard great things about you. You're a gym leader now, right?”

While exchanging casual pleasantries, her eyes check her phone from time to time. Unbeknownst to her, she and are also waiting for the same person to respond.

TL;DR: Selena is in the festival ground! She is near the stone shrine. Open to additional interaction.

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sab, bean
june 1
hammerlocke, galar
polyamorous bisexual
artist, art collector
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
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TAG WITH @sabine
Sabine Calcifet
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 4:12:15 GMT
Sabine Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




vital spirit festival

is it really a surprise if i'm playing

with your mind?

Sabine was more like the shallow end of a pool containing a sudden and violent drop. The drop might come out of nowhere or it might not come at all, but if you fell into it.. well..[break][break]

Lulu may very well figure that out all on her own.[break][break]

The two stand in front of each other, eyes never wavering. Sabine's smile softens as warm lips are pressed to her fingers, and she instinctively squeezes to reciprocate the affection. [break][break]

"Is that a challenge, my dear?"[break][break]

Her soft edges in the face of Lulu's change in demeanor from stiff and cold to warm and confident sharpens. Lips curve up into a mischievous smirk, into a challenge, into a nose dive into the unknown.[break][break]

It had been a long time since she'd delved so deeply into the personal life of another human being with the intent to stick around, but Lulu was too damn tempting to let slip through her fingers. Especially now that she knew that Lulu held the attention of another - likely more.[break][break]

One thing was for certain, however: Lulu Flint was the property of Sabine Calcifet, and the princess had never been good at sharing.[break][break]


notes: :festive kiss: - post 7/15



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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 6:24:03 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
[attr="class", kheader2"]


it takes a moment for it to set in that the cute blonde guy that was helping him out managed to actually outdo him in this game, the thought of it made his stomach turn and earn a patting from kazimir. not only was his stomach hurting but so was his pride a little bit, why did they have to rig these carnival games like that? yeah that's what he was going to blame it on, rigging of games. he needed some kind of distraction and that's when his eyes manage to catch the sight of one in his peripheral, just the glimpse of her alone was enough to lift up his spirits and put a smile on his face as he thought maybe she could help him get some kind of pick me up.
"ooooooi! storms!" the buff blonde called out as he sauntered over to her and pulled the girl into a half hug as he wrapped an arm around her in an attempt to not try and appear bummed out from his fading sickness and hurt pride. "ya should have told me you were stopping by, you could have seen me ace this mechanical taurous ride they had. oh hey," he waved at , recognizing him as a gym leader he fought in order to earn a badge, "didn't know you were friends with the other gym leaders, always thought you guys just kinda kept it at like, the professional level. or something." then again he never really bothered to ask about that sort of thing when they hung out with one another, was that a bad thing? it never seemed like a bad thing.

[attr="class","notes"]notes: 4/15


template by kay

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,708 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 7:20:10 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar


There were many things that Lulu would figure out over time. For one, like anything that attracted her, this was laden with problems. Lulu was a far worse criminal than anyone directly around her was aware of, and she had managed to stick her tongue in the mouths of two different governments in one week.

Perhaps if that tongue was good enough, she could obtain a royal pardon.

As she looked at the princess, a fire burned behind her smile, and it was too hot to be kind to either of them. Try as Sabine’s beautiful fingers might to grasp at it, it would burn and evade her in the end. Lulu craved a leader, but she had proven time and time again that she was incapable of being led.

Lulu was doomed on this front, as were all who found themselves with a piece of her heart or a chain in their hand.

A challenge? She raised a brow at the sparkling Calcifet and smirked, assuring sharply, “Always.” This was something she would never come up short on.

Her free hand then went up in a waving gesture at the options before them. “Lady’s choice.”

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December 4th
Slateport City
Fortune Teller
Death does not save you from the cruelty of man.
97 posts
part of
TAG WITH @celeste
Celeste Abbiati
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 7:22:33 GMT
Celeste Abbiati Avatar

[attr="class","rolling-thread"][attr="class,"faction"]This was a dumb idea. [break][break]

And yet, she was here anyway. She hated social interaction with large crowds of people, and yet here she was to meet someone. Perhaps the only person she actually enjoyed meeting with, anyways. It was still strange to actually have someone she considered a friend. It wasn't something she had ever really pictured having, but perhaps she should move on from those edgy, depressing thoughts of a young teen and simply move on with the future. The future held better things in store than remaining sorry for herself.[break][break]

Celeste's typical parasol was exchanged for a paper one, fitting in with the general theme of the festivities was important after all. If she was going to do this, she was going to do this properly, despite how silly it might all appear to be. However, the paper parasol was certainly didn't feel comfortable being used as a cane, its simple wooden construction not inspiring confidence. Regretfully, Celeste brought out her actual cane for once in a lifetime. A simple black cane clacked against the floor with every step, supporting her weakened frame despite holding herself up high. [break][break]

Fully expecting her arrival to be a surprise, despite the invitation she was given, Celeste gently pushed her way through the crowds until she found a bench to sit at. Sitting down for a brief moment to give her aching sides a bit of a rest, she didn't hesitate to break out her phone to message . [break][break]

"Hey. I am currently on a bench close to the Pokecenter within town. If you tell me your location, I can join you momentarily."

notes Celeste is here! And will join Skyler and whoever she is with shortly!


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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @silph
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 12:11:31 GMT



"..." [break][break]

As per usual, whether it be good or bad, intentional or unwittingly, Fernando's presence demands attention. People flock to him as the horcrux of a good-time, often outwardly denied by those who both pursue and partake. At this point, he's used to it. The crowd festers around him and he cares not—it's the satisfaction of knowing the answer that cracks the rosy shell of gratification. [break][break]

The only question is what do they bet on? A cursory glance between the each of them reveals that none of them have anything worth ponying up. There's nothing Fernando really desires. So he settles for the next best thing. [break][break]

"If I do better than every previous attempt so far, you each have to give me all the cash you have on-hand. That, and you have to stop by my booth before the night's over." [break][break]

If they have nothing he wants then he'll just deprive them of something they have. Money usually works well enough. But what does he give up then? A man of his stature sheds no tear at the drop of a couple dollars. The paper is nearly meaningless, something he could wipe his own ass with without beating an eye. Anything of substance is handled by plastic or electronically. [break][break]

"If I fail..." [break][break]

excuses himself too early. His timing gains Fernando's attention. too, approaches with , coinciding with their timing, leaving both men fresh on the table. "I'll, uh, make you the new Head Ranger—or Elite Four. Something like that." He shrugs off the offer casually, as if the titles mean nothing. [break][break]

Because they don't. Not when there's not a chance it'll happen. He won't fail. He's sure of that. [break][break]

's attempt to goad him falls flat, much like his previous attempt. Her companion, evident by the way he both hugs and greets her, is also met with a quick glance. He doesn't acknowledge him because he doesn't recognize him. Fernando has yet to meet outside of his Pokkenger persona. [break][break]

"Naturally, I get two tries. One for each spot it could be." His fingers wrap against the mallet's handle as he hoists it at chest level. "But that won't matter since this is a game of strength, right?" [break][break]

Having a shitty early performance should make it that much easier for them to bet against him. After all, how could he come back after barely getting the bell to ding at all? [break][break]

Right? [break][break]




made by gimmick

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
part of
Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 18, 2021 12:12:41 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Perhaps a minute or so was spared to wait for before Andy grew impatient and went looking for his less coincidentally murderous friend. For the briefest of moments he considered using drifblim once more, but he didn't wish to draw the ire of some other confused patron. Not to mention his balloon pokemon was still nursing his dragon-mauled appendage.
''Drifblim...'' It whined. The youth patted the wispy tuft on top of his inflated body. ''I know, Zepp. Remi should be fixing this, but we'll see if one of Hideo's pokemon can do something.'' With a hand pressed against its back, he guided his injured blimp through the crowd back to where he had left the other boy. Hopefully no one else had distracted him from waiting with their presence.
''Yo.'' It hadn't taken him long to navigate the sea of people. Of course he halted immediately at the sight of the pre-teen snuggling his phantump. Hopefully he hadn't gotten any splinters. ''Wow. I see you two have gotten along smashingly.'' He didn't get to revel in the moment for long. ''Drif. Drifblim.'' Desperate for relief, his pokemon nudged him.
''I was getting there Zepp. Geez.'' Though it was hard to be mad at the creature's saddened gaze. ''There was a ... misunderstanding. Someone thought Zeppelin was carrying me away and set their bastard dragons on him. Can any of yours cure the poor lad?'' The drifblim hovered a little closer to the kid. ''Drifblim! Drifblim...'' Andy patted the him again.








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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing