i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 21:46:12 GMT
shiv Avatar


swarm has appeared!




A SWARM OF AERODACTYL suddenly break out of a Rustboro laboratory affiliated with Devon Corp. These draconic gargoyles take flight, birthed by the marvels of modern science. However, their reintroduction to this era is sudden. It makes them irritable, aggressive— and as they smash into buildings with their powerful maws, it is clear they need to be caught.[break][break]


what will you do?


  • only one character of yours may participate.
  • in order to qualify for the capture, you must ROLL using the ROLL COMMAND. after, INCLUDE A REFERENCE TO RESIN OR AMBER somewhere in your post. you may use an image, gif, use an analogy, figurative language, etc.
  • the highest roll will earn a shiny aerodactyl; the second highest roll will earn a normal aerodactyl, and the lowest roll will net an aerodactyl. the gender of the pokemon can be decided by the recipient.
  • the attempted capture will not consume a pokéball.
  • the aerodactyl have movesets that will be revealed at the end of the event.
  • this is a time-limited event and will end march 20th, 12am pst.

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
can i
call you tonight?
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 21:58:22 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
It was time once again for... 'why do these big groups of pokemon keep doing weird shit?' Today it was Aerodactyl. Which were cool, sure, but also the kinds of creatures that didn't need to be flying around a city. It seemed like they would sooner-rather-than-later just kidnap a child to eat. That's what Chu-e would do if he was one of them.

And while he didn't really particularly care if someone got packed off and made into dinner he was kind of interested in trying to get his grubby paws on one of these guys. He used to have an Aerodactyl himself long ago, before it went crazy. They were strong and reliable fliers. As fun as it was to ride him Drampa around like he was Mary Poppins, one of these guys would certainly be a lot cooler.

So, when one happened to land nearby, he chucked a pokemon and hoped for the best. He wouldn't be very pressed if it missed.


lol u never said what KIND of resin (and when i looked up 'amber gif' i just found porn....)

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june 5th
ex-gym leader
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glitch maverick
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 22:09:09 GMT
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haha holy fucking shit it was a dinosaur motherfucker. glitch was way more concerned about the fact that it was really hard to get a picture of the danger lizards that were flying around right now than the fact that he was probably the perfect size for a snack or whatever. he wanted to get a selfie with one of the shits but of course, that seemed like it was going to be impossible. they didn't really land or whatever they just, flapped their big ass wings and ruined people's day. just like he would do if he had wings. evolution really fucking screwed humans over or whatever.

pissed off he decided the best way he was going to get a really good fucking picture would be to catch one. of course that meant actually trying but he supposed he could sacrifice a little for the sake of instagram. the shit he was willing to do, honestly. with a swift chuck of his pokeball he wondered if he was actually going to hit one of the barenaked ass chickens flying around. if he didn't he wouldn't be mad. he would just harass someone who actually did manage to catch one for a picture.


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Thirty One
November 13
Cinnabar Island
Kantonian Ambassador
Ex-Head Ranger
with Cait Alfric
750 height
750 height
you gotta use what you've learned in order to receive what you've earned
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Sénon Game DOLLARS
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Sénon Game
POSTED ON Mar 13, 2021 22:33:51 GMT
Sénon Game Avatar

"MOM SLOW DOWN!" She was yelling a mile a minute which in and of itself was a redflag.

In the workplace his mother was as cool as an avalugg's back.

Flying to Rustboro as fast as he was he could only just barely make out her warning. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ALL ESCAPED?!" Something about a system malfunction restoring all almost every amber sample they had filed away, leading to an over crowding of their enclosures for the restored pokémon. "WHAT THEY?!"

Now today, an intern opening the wrong door during maintenance hours set all free.

Fossils they were responsible for broke out before they could be turned over to their rightful owners.

In Rustboro nor Cinnabar there had never been an incident this large in scale in all her years of recovering the genetic data from fossils.

The most she could warn him before he ran into the flock of them, was to have to his pokéballs ready.

● tags: pokeswarm
● notes:

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y o y o

may 15
sénon game
596 height
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slithers of wistful window gazes glint in borrowed light
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cait alfric DOLLARS
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cait alfric
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 2:53:59 GMT
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her charizard released a low bellow, resulting in the swarming aerodactyl granting both she and her mistress a wide berth. secured by a leather harness that was worn by the dual-type, cait felt confident enough to raise herself slightly and take in the sight of them all. 

'i've never seen so many,' she thought.

genuinely awed by such a rare spectacle, she couldn't help but ponder over their origins. creatures such as these were considered largely extinct in the wild - and rarely found. so it was likely they had escaped from the captivity of a laboratory, taking flight in great number to reintegrate into the wilds.

'they could tear apart ecosystems if we let them go.'  

i'll try catching one," she said, reaching for her belt.

once an empty capsule was tossed, the image of amber came to mind - of precious pieces of dna encased in the golden liquid that solidified over time. 


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 6:47:17 GMT
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Bea's Outfit
[attr="class","queenbea2"]Bea and her Absol, Artemis had been enjoying a lovely lunch when suddenly Artemis began to act funny. Staring off into the distance and growling, Bea could only assume she saw someone she didn't like. Bea honestly didn't pay it much mind, believing it to be something trivial and instead focused on her walk with Artemis. She couldn't have been more wrong.

Moments later a swarm of Aerodactyl descended upon the area which caused Bea's amber colored eyes widen in disbelief. "Well I'll be damned." she muttered. The swarm seemed agitated and were causing a mess. She figured perhaps she should ignore it, but this could also be an opportunity to do good, and get her name out there.

Looking down at Artemis she smirked. "Wanna get to work?" she asked and without hesitation Artemis went out to do what she could to help stop more destruction of the area and buildings. Meanwhile, Bea reached into her purse and pulled out a pokeball. "Beggars can't be choosers, I suppose." she said softly to herself as a miracle aerodactyl landed near her.



Xtra notes:
c h a n g e - y o u r - l i f e
dandy ♫

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 7:26:08 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Was he dreaming? Why were there wild aerodactyls soaring through rustboro city.. Dakota blinked a few times, then rubbed his eyes with his hands. Opening them once again to see the ancient pokemon were causing a rampage throughout the city. A small chuckle came from his lips, he never imagined that catch an aerodactyl this way, as he had been planning to revive one when he got his hands on an old amber - but this way saved him the hassle of doing so. It was a danger for the pokemon and the city to let them roam freely, it was better to try and attempt to capture them.
Reaching for a vacant poke ball, Dakota took aim as one of the aerodactyl’s flew low enough which was in his range, he swiftly chucked the poke ball at it hoping for the best.
+ @swarm



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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 10:14:58 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Ah, now these were more like the Aerodactyl that plague Alto Marian children’s stories. Their fangs gnash together as they take flight, their demonic screeches filling the air as the swarm ascends into the skies like an ominous storm cloud. Compared to the one at his side, sniffing at flowers and sneezing from the pollen with a startled expression on her face, the wild pack of gargoyles could truly strike fear into some people’s heart. [break][break]

Watching as they stretch their wings, free from their laboratory prison, Angelo feels a snout being bumped against his palm; Luna hopping over towards him, nuzzling against his palm with a gravelly noise he’d learnt was some attempt at a purr. He smiles fondly as he takes a hand to his Aerodactyl’s muzzle. [break][break]

It’s then that one of the wild fossils releases an Ancient Power, it’s energy swirling with glittering amber energy – not unlike its former resin cocoon prison – as it collides into a car somewhere down the street. Pulverising it. Luna flinches under his hand, letting out an alerting squawk as the other Aerodactyl crashes near the wreckage, looking bleary and confused. [break][break]

Guess you’re all more alike than I thought…” Angelo takes out a pokeball, the wild Aerodactyl stumbling like it'd taken one too many tequila shots. “Better keep it a secret that you're all goofballs from the rugrats back home, okay, Lu? I need to see them running scared when they see one of you guys for real.



+ swarm post[break][break]



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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
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Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
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Zac Ramsay
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 11:34:42 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    Zac and Devin had just finished a hearty meal at the Rustboro Hamberger Shack, when they heard a siren. The pair followed the noise out to the roadside, where a pair of amberlances shot past, flashing red and blue warnings. "Two? That can't be a good sign," Zac said, only to be immediately reprimanded for his assumption. Four more of the vehicles sped past, all heading for the coast.
    "Get in!" Devin called, sprinting towards his Lambergini-esque sports car. Zac followed, clambering over the door before his cameraman to unlock it. No time for locks.
    Devin slammed his Zebstricar into reverse. Tires squealed. Zac whooped, and they peeled out onto the road. In pursuit of the action. 
    "In my bag, next to the cambera. Send out Pro!" Devin called. Zac reached into the backseat, red mane whipping in the wind. He found the ball and tossed it into the air. Pro emerged in a burst of heat and bowed wings, making his presence known with a hot-chested roar that Zac felt in his molars. The Charizard let out an angled jet of flame that sent him soaring upwards on his own updraft. 
    "He's gotten bigger since last time!" Zac said, but Devin wasn't listening. His eyes were on the road. Up ahead, the amberlanced were congregated around the docks, near the old ambergris processing plant. 
    The car slid around the corner like a well oiled-eel, slipping between a jamberee of emergency vehicles and coming to a ravishing stop. Zac let out a breath. "Shit Dev, this thing is a beast! Where did you say you got it again?"
    "I didn't," said his cool camberaman, "and if you think this Supercharged V12 Zebstricar is a beast..." Devin pointed up into the sky above the buildings, where swarms of Aerodactyl wheeled like sullen lammbergeiers "then you should get a load of those."


Mentioned 'amber' 9 times

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 16:57:40 GMT
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athena hicks

"Is that ... ?" Athena stared into the sky, astonished by the sight of a group of Pokemon she'd believed to be extinct. Oh, sure, there'd been the whole "we could revive them from DNA trapped in amber" theory, but she hadn't expected anyone to actually put it into practice.

She would have liked to stand and stare, but then she saw how other people were reacting -- no, not everyone; plenty of people were either staring in astonishment or, more sensibly, screaming and running. But a certain group of people were moving towards the rampaging Aerodactyls: Pokemon trainers. And Athena counted herself as a Pokemon trainer now, didn't she? Which meant she should probably expand her team -- and what better opportunity than this.

"All right, Pallas," she said, sending out her partner -- Phobos would have had a better type advantage, but she didn't think he was tough enough to face a full-grown Aerodactyl yet. "Let's see what we can do."


[attr="class","pokedisplay"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon meganium male"]

[attr="class","pokedisplay"][attr="class","pokesprite pokemon sobble"]

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
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how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 17:56:39 GMT
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It figures that her venture away from her usual routes would coincide with some chaotic form of destruction. Not that Rustboro is actually far from, say, Slateport where Skyler conducts most of her business - but it is far enough away that she only visits it once in a while. The twists and turns of seaside streets are unfamiliar to her, and her determined gait soon falters as Captain Dross realizes that she is utterly lost.

The crash of breaking glass along with the screeching of crumpling steel doesn't help her hopeless sense of orientation. 

When curiosity brings her to the center of all the action a small crowd of aspiring trainers and local authorities are already there, trying to catch the prehistoric beasts wrecking havoc among the ultra-modern skyscrapers. The sight brings a lopsided to grin to her mouth; and she is very nearly tempted to join them with her own Aerodactyl.

And then her silver eyes widen in alarm. Skyler throws herself to the side right before an Aerodactyl crashes where she'd been not a moment earlier, its sharp fangs glinting in the sunlight as it bares its teeth at her. Great wings open wide in what must be an attempt at intimidation. Saliva gathers at the edge of its wide mouth; the hungry glint in its eyes not going amiss.

"Here, buddy. Some food!"

The pokeball sails through the air, just in time for the Aerodactyl to clamp its jaws around it.


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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
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priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Mar 14, 2021 19:10:25 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
priam's smiles were wide enough to go from ear to ear when he sees a flock of aerodactyl suddenly come forth out of nowhere for them to be caught. it wasn't always that he gets to see them, and it was why he was quick to take on the easy opportunity for a chance to get one.

he takes out his arcanine on a whim. it wasn't the best choice against a rock-type like aerodactyl, but within a moment's notice, priam can only go with the rule of cool instead of logic and understanding of the situation.

"shoot them down, arcy! fire off your flame bursts!"

the arcanine has no choice but to go with the direction his trainer wanted for regardless of how he knew it would be fruitless in the end. he aims for the flying fossils and then fires off one blast of fireball after the other towards them, each of them exploding as they reach their expiration.

priam takes his hand over his eyes and watches from the ground as a morning fireworks show happen before him. his hand has a pokeball ready, though none of them seem to land low enough for him to throw it.


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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
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Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
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Adam Lycaon
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 7:21:38 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar


What the fuck was going on?!

Adam was in Rustboro looking for hidden watering holes that would make for a good travel piece—as he was itching to review some Hoennian cuisine as a traveling Galarian—but the sight of Aerodactyl outright made him do a double-take.

Like, bloody hell why were those around?! Was there some kind of—never mind that, there was one headed straight for him!

“Hell, no!” he hissed. Plucking a Pokéball at random and chucking it forward—only to realize that it was his bitch queen Hatterene that had emerged.

They were going to be in for a bad time.

Just as the incoming Aerodactyl let out a loud screeching roar, the Hatterene retaliated—not liking the proximity of the noise that had come crashing down upon her.

Cringing as he covered his ears, he wondered if someone had gotten hold of an illegal Old Amber stash or something, because how was it possible to have so many Aerodactyl emerging all at once? Weren’t they like, supposed to be relegated to ancient Pokémon history, or something?!



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June 15th
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Jim Kirk
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 10:21:17 GMT
Jim Kirk Avatar
He'd been kept late today. Normally Jim would already be home, his classes ending at 3. However, one of the other teachers had a family emergency and had to leave. He ended up covering for them, teaching some basic history. This lesson had actually been on ancient pokemon, something he had quite an interest in. He probably spent too long talking about the different fossils found, and definitely far too long on the progenitors of the regeneration technique. Honestly when you think about it, it was amazing they managed to ressurect an extinct pokemon from a piece of amber, and propogate it enough that they could be found throughout the world now.

And it seemed his lesson was somewhat prophetic, as the aforementioned pokemon practically exploded out of the Devoncorp building. A few Aerodactly had taken wing, and, well, Jim wasn't going to miss this chance. He took aim, and with a snap of his wrist, threw a pokeball at the closest one.
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October 19
Slateport City
In bad dreams
6'1" height
6'1" height
Just keep running. It's what you do best, isn't it?
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Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 10:37:32 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar
Amber eyes searched the sky as it hosted a frenzy of Aerodactly flying from out of the Devon building in Rustboro. Visiting someone nearby, it was by some dumb luck he found himself here and now.

I can't believe Hoenn can't get its shit together for a one week, he silently cursed, embittered while rummaging for a spare pokeball. They weren't getting any cheaper these days, and it seemed like he was always in need of more.

Unleashing Magnezone at his side, he'd mount it like a levitating podium, taking to the sky while brandishing the unused pokeball. Thankfully there was something to hold onto as they were forced to bob and weave between darting Aerodactyl.

"Lock On to one and use Zap Cannon."

Although his plan eventually succeeded in felling one of the beasts, the gargoyle menace was ill suited to captivity, and resisted the pokeball Adrian had hurled at it with a willful display as the pokeball thrashed violently after encapsulating the creature. Doubting it could hold the monster for long, he reached for a second pokeball.
